It started to get repetitive around the second invasion and started just plain sucking at Hueco Mondo.
I think it is going to get worse. The entire Heuco Mondo arc dragged this long only for something so trivial. I have this feeling that Kubo is actually running out of ideas, filling up with dumb fights and reusing characters over and over so he can avoid coming up with new fighting skills for those who haven't fight yet, which happen to what the readers really want to see.
Yeah, brilliant, now Ichigo got stuck in Heuco Mondo while Aizen is out to destroy Kakra Town. Now Kubo has the perfect excuse to get rid of the daddies and Vizards without letting them having a single fight. Aizen wnt away, Ulq'll probably stay to keep Ichigo bussy, which would be another Ichigo fight in the already overdone style, then after Ichigo got back to Kakra Town, daddies and Vizards are all dead already. Wonderful, you are so going to do this Kubo, I know you'll.