Flying through the air with the greatest of ease, the daring young pilot Yuki has overwhelmed everyone who dared to challenge the flights of fancy and love that the Grandia hero has been imagining since the day he was born! Flying free has done wonders for his DL career, enabling him to grab several major victories against some respectable opponents. Even his current opponent, Lani, the Light-turned-Middle more-inept-assassin-than-Flonne will easily fall prey to Yuki's tricks. Pretty tough on average to anything sent his way, Yuki can take whatever Lani throws at him and come back for more. Of course, with a single use of Flash, Yuki won't have to take anything else sent his way - he can easily dodge all of her easily evaded attacks, Water, her axe swings, even her fire and ice magic, with little difficulty. A constant stream of Flash-enhanced sword strikes will keep Lani on the defensive, and considering how frail the young girl is, a single Dragon Slash might end the fight faster than it even began. Speed, strength and the power of love can triumph over anything - when Yuki flies in the sky it's not like he's dreaming - with all worries behind him, he's bound to come out on top!