
Author Topic: Season 42, Week 4 - Girls' club in Godlike, boys' club in Heavy? Sexists.  (Read 15030 times)

Luther Lansfeld

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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 This topic needs more peace and love!


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When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

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You called?

Anyways, no one's brought up my challenge towards those who vote against Lani for being Lani. I can see lacking durability respect for her, but not enough for Yuki to win, unless I'm really missing something here that's not quite explained in the G3 stat topic (haven't played it, probably won't). Unless you allow people from games where magic is evadable to dodge magic from games where it isn't, cuz that's fine with me, but casual Lani disrespect won't fly.
"Turning into bats? Laughable!" says sparkly telepathic Volvo-driving vampire who spent century in high school.


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Casual Lani disrespect, much like many other random issues, has been soaring high since time immemorial.

I can't really see how Yuki wins either at a glance, but maybe I'm forgetting some water blocking. (Yuki does have a skill that allows him to dodge all ST attacks[Dodge well? Dodge perfectly? Dodge perfectly when he's not in an attack frame? I think it was the last one or something, weird skill.], IIRC, but I thought Lani's Water was forced MT. That's part of the instinctive lack of respect. <_<)
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Seriously, I don't hate Yuna. I haven't looked at the rules on this site, just assumed they were basically the same from the bobbincranbud days. It just seems way too many people have way too many views on what should be allowed and what is not allowed which affects the voting for many matchups. Maybe, new rules need to be made.....I don't know

The DL would be boring and predictable and shitty if everyone agreed on everything.

I came here about a quarter way into the DL's life, so I wasn't around in the RPGP days, but from what I understand the DL was actually founded by RPGP followers who disagreed with how things were run there and who decided to make their own league with their own rules, or something. Actually, I think RPGP was still alive when the DL was founded.

Yuna doesn't seem like a kneejerk Godlike without Aeons, honestly. Holy's late, and it's easy to miss her evasion/MDef combo as being as effective as it is. Also easy to forget her speed due to the fact that you often are likely to simply have her Summon something if she's in. She is one, for the most part, but that doesn't make it an obvious package. Reminds me of Rika.

In other words, when she's not summoning, Yuna's your archetypical terrible-at-fighting white mage for most of the game. She only becomes a competent face-to-face battler near the end of the main game. But the DL is based off endgame, so...

(Yuki does have a skill that allows him to dodge all ST attacks[Dodge well? Dodge perfectly? Dodge perfectly when he's not in an attack frame? I think it was the last one or something, weird skill.]

1) It's not limited to ST attacks, there are evadeable MT spells in G3, such as Zap and Boom, and Flash works on them.

2) Perfect if he's doing nothing. That means he can't be attacking, can't be staggered by an attack, can't be getting up from being floored by a tech or spell, and can't be charging. All reactions in all Grandia games have that restriction.


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ST/AoE, then, just to be clear.

I still think I see true MT going through it, the AoEs that it hits are pretty small(Ergo, not really that close to what passes for good MT in Grandia 3, let alone true MT.). I'm not really sure about the skill vs magic outside of that, but...

Oh, and:

The DL would be boring and predictable and shitty if everyone agreed on everything.

Quoted for truth.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Good good, show that you cannot argue the fundamental point that took up half my post.

The fact that it took half a post to make a point is probably why I didn't address it. I can't help it if you obfuscate your main points with a rant that would make Meep proud.

You know, the one about extension of dueller power.

Oh that point...the one that's been addressed countlessly. You sure like to beat old horses. Didn't we go over this just a month ago?

If Aeons were 100% drawn from Yuna's power, then she could summon them wherever and whenever she wishes. This isn't the case. When another Summoner has an Aeon out, Yuna cannot summon that Aeon; this indicates that something integral to the summoning is beyond the control of the summoner to create (otherwise Yuna could just recreate it!). When an Aeon is killed during the final battle, Yuna can never summon that Aeon again (otherwise Yuna could just recreate it!). Those are gameplay examples.

From the plot? An Aeon is just a vessel for a singular, unique, "soul" if you will; the prime example being that the Fayth of Anima is Seymour's mother. There's no denying that the Fayth is a singular, unique being, and an Aeon is just a vessel for the Fayth; a pyreflye construct created by the summoner. Sure Yuna's power is required for part of the process, but in the entirety it requires a separate entity, and the resulting Aeon *acts* like separate entity (especially Magus Three and Yojimbo, Aeons Yuna only has very limited control over).

You know, like swordsmenship.
(Last I checked, swords are not unique weapons!)

How are swords not unique? If I own a sword, it is mine and having that sword is my specific advantage. Exerting ownership over the sword is certainly an extension of my power. Not necessarily an extension of my combat power, but rather my power of ownership and all the benefits ownership of that sword entail. If you think ownership rights over property are some flimsy construct with no real power behind it, think again.

And before someone brings it up, yes, storebought items are no exception. Whoever uses the storebought item has ownership control over that particular copy. Much like if an artist makes 100 original copies of a painting and 100 people each buy a copy, each of those 100 people has total control over his particular copy.

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They're not unique in the sense that they can be passed from person to person. As you may remember from last season, there are many examples in the DL of one sword (or rune, etc.) being used by different people at different times, plotwise and gameplaywise, and the vast majority of us allow such things without exception.

The sense they are unique in the same sense that Yuna's aeons are unique. Only with Yuna it's better because Yuna's Valefor is physically different from any other Valefor, a claim you generally can't make with a sword like the Dragon Buster or Star Dragon Sword.

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A bit late but here goes.


Yuna (FFX)  vs. Lady (SH3) - Lady cannot double. Yuna gets a turn the instant her aeon is killed. That means it doesn't matter if anima dies. I'm sure of this. I've never seen a enemy in the main game double Yuna by killing the aeon and then attacking her (I remember one of the arena bosses doing so though, but they are different. Maybe its their high speed, and if so then again, Lady cannot double. She would need 2 to 3 times Yuna's speed to do so).
False Althena (L:EBC) vs. Rika (PS4)


Sir Leopold (DQ8) vs. Largo (TotA) - In my game I summoned call team twice and then hit Leopard once killing him. Leo is lucky I later got to see his power as my friend battled him.
Arc Eda Ricolne (AtLC) vs. Sync (TotA)- However wins loses next round anyway.


Lani (FF9) vs. Yuki (G3)- Yuki would need Lady Garnet to be in the arena to draw Lani's attacks to win (Lani seems to usually attack Garnet first)
Alice Elliot (SH1) vs. Paine (FFX-2)


Shana (LoD) vs. Fu So Ya (FF4)
Zhuzhen Liu (SH1) vs. Dinn (S5)Doesn't Dinn also have draining rings he can equip? If so then Liu cannot kill him as Liu is a pretty poor fighter. Once he runs out of sanity points Dinn can manhandle him with the Titan Rune.

Hyper Inferno

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You can sway Zap and Boom? Huh, didn't know that. Still, don't know if I'd grant Yuki dodging enough times given how he needs to be standing perfectly still and not doing anything to dodge them. And he's definitely not dodging the counters.

As for Yuna, I let her keep her Aeons, but like someone said before, I scale them to the party average for damage. Keeps her from being super broken (and fits more with gameplay), but keeps her really interesting by making her one heck of a tank. That and Anima being powerful all by himself (100% ID tends to do that).

Even though they're FAQtastic, I don't really see that as a reason why to ban the celestial weapons (well, unless you think it makes the cast really uninteresting). There's a lot of cases of this that seem unreasonable to take away quite a bit from characters. Some of the Chocobo Hot&Cold stuff is really hard to get without a FAQ or serious time investment, but taking the Ultima Weapon away from Zidane isn't something I'd do. IIRC, the Lionheart from FFVIII is really hard to get without a FAQ or guide, but that'd drop Squall a lot. Heck, figuring out how to use Falcon's Crest in ToS is near impossible without a FAQ as well.

Post-game argument?

I don't see why they'd be considered post-game since they're all pretty accessible in game and don't require any hard grinding to get (I don't think any do in fact). The argument that getting them means you're overpowered for the final bosses (to me) just means that FFX has a really easy final dungeon sequence.

Taking away the Celestials because they're simply too powerful seems like a bad idea.

And that's how I usually judge things in the DL. The very first thing I do in determining legitimacy for anything is how well it reflects gameplay wise. After that, its uniqueness (just to prevent things like entire casts getting full healing or full status protection against everything), but mainly to keep the cast interesting and different, not to jack characters up or down. Interestingly enough, this view makes me disrespect Tales mages very very very highly, since in the coliseum, they're not getting their more advanced spells cast without being smacked in the face and canceling the spell (even the spell saving abilities they have don't save them usually).


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Lady's doubles that we're referring to aren't the normal kind. They're instant, free turns gotten by consuming her stock gauges (she starts with two). That's how she'd beat Yuna. Kill Anima, instantly get more turns by using stock, and kill Yuna with those turns.

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Yuna (FFX)  vs. Lady (SH3) - Lady cannot double. Yuna gets a turn the instant her aeon is killed. That means it doesn't matter if anima dies. I'm sure of this. I've never seen a enemy in the main game double Yuna by killing the aeon and then attacking her (I remember one of the arena bosses doing so though, but they are different. Maybe its their high speed, and if so then again, Lady cannot double. She would need 2 to 3 times Yuna's speed to do so).

Lady's doubles that we're referring to aren't the normal kind. They're instant, free turns gotten by consuming her stock gauges (she starts with two). That's how she'd beat Yuna. Kill Anima, instantly get more turns by using stock, and kill Yuna with those turns.

Just to elaborate a bit more on Monkey's point, the stock gauges are an innate part of Shadow Hearts 3 - both the party and enemies can use it.  Any character can have up to two full gauges at once, and are used for certain situations.

One gauge consumed:
Double:  Immediately take another action (that was not the same as the previous action, as strange as it is.  Basically means you can't put together two Ether Purges in-game, even if Johnny had the MP for it).  However, if the original target for the second attack dies before the second attack takes place, it is automatically redirected to another enemy
Combo:  Immediately chain your turn to another character on your team, regardless of who would normally go next.  The character that is a part of the chain cannot have been in the chain earlier.

Two gauges consumed:
D-Combo:  Perform both the actions of a Double and a Combo.  The Double takes precedence (both attacks are figured at the same time), and then the turn is given straight to a target on the character's team.

So, the only time that Lady cares about speed is when Anima is summoned.  Once Anima can be taken out, Lady starts a D-Combo, kills Anima, hits Yuna with the other spell, then Yuna basically gets hit with two more spells.  That is enough to finish her off quite nicely.

However, this all depends on interpretation.


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Yuna (FFX)  vs. Lady (SH3) - Lady cannot double. Yuna gets a turn the instant her aeon is killed. That means it doesn't matter if anima dies. I'm sure of this. I've never seen a enemy in the main game double Yuna by killing the aeon and then attacking her (I remember one of the arena bosses doing so though, but they are different. Maybe its their high speed, and if so then again, Lady cannot double. She would need 2 to 3 times Yuna's speed to do so).

That's probably because a normal enemy is normally not that speedy.
We're talking about LADY. The woman who has MALICE UMBRAL acting on the same speed as herself. It's basically free doubles IMO.
I've tested this before, but should an Aeon die during it's horrible lag after an Overdrive and the enemy killed it on it's first of a double turn, they get the second turn to smite Yuna and the party. Tested painfully on Dark Valefor.

And yeah, D-Combo argument solidly kills off Yuna should Lady time it when an Aeon is about to die.
Turn : Lady, Umbral, Aeon(will die from Umbral's hit)
Lady attacks. Umbral D-combos(First hit kills off Aeon)(And trust me, she does this often enough IN-GAME.)
Turn : Umbral(kills Aeon), Umbral, Lady, Yuna
I...don't really see Yuna surviving on below average HP against LADY.


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What's probably going on is Yuna inheriting the dead Aeon's CT.


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I believe I am the one who started the Yuna debate, so sorry hahah. L believe Lady can doubleturn after an aeon is dead. Turn 1 kill aeon, Yuna comes onto screen.....turn 2-kill yuna. I like it better in the bobbincranbud days, there were more people and it had more things going for it.  I liked the rules, a lot of certain characters that did good on the bobbincranbud have done horrible in the dl like dekar and cloud for examples......I'm just using Cloud as an example ;-) Maxim stands out too. Yuna was like middle or heavy class, nowhere near the power she has on this site. A lot of things have changed, not that I care.....just glad that you good people carried the site over for us fans instead of letting it thank ya
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Oh, how are Yuna's aeons and Ryu's transformations the same. Ryu is a dragon, so when he transforms...its him that transforms. He is not summoning another creature to do battle. Yuna's aeons are a separate entity altogether. So its not even remotely close, unless you are trying to say that her aeons are an extension of her dueling power. The only thing that Ryu has is his dragon transformations because thats what he is....where on the other hand Yuna has much more than just her aeons.
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Lady's doubles that we're referring to aren't the normal kind. They're instant, free turns gotten by consuming her stock gauges (she starts with two). That's how she'd beat Yuna. Kill Anima, instantly get more turns by using stock, and kill Yuna with those turns.

Maybe you are right in that, however there is a certain issue even with that. In FFX when the aeon is killed the Turn order seems to reset itself. So even though the boss might have 5 turns after the aeon, when it dies and Yuna comes on, the boss doesn't have five turns to attack with after Yuna (You mostly see this after an aeon overdrive).
So in a way someone could argue that because of that Lady's instant turns are negated and Yuna being faster gets the first turn.

However all this is assuming Yuna brings out Anima first. If she gets out the Magus sisters then its a whole different story.
Yeah what they do is random however their damage is excellent (Better then Anima at times), and they are durable at that (Well the little one isn't but she isn't the one thats dangerous).
If Lady wastes her stocks on them then she'll just get horribly crushed by anima next turn.

Oh, how are Yuna's aeons and Ryu's transformations the same. Ryu is a dragon, so when he transforms...its him that transforms. He is not summoning another creature to do battle. Yuna's aeons are a separate entity altogether. So its not even remotely close, unless you are trying to say that her aeons are an extension of her dueling power. The only thing that Ryu has is his dragon transformations because thats what he is....where on the other hand Yuna has much more than just her aeons.

Ryu gets power from other dragons (Not all but some). They are seperate enities, in fact Ryu is just as overpowered as Yuna Pc wise so why would someone bring him up is beyond me.
Ruling out Yuna's aeons means we have to rule out Guv's call team among other peoples summons. Hell why not just take out Sir Leopard, Zera, Chaos and all the other fighters who have outside help. I mean Yuna isn't allowed power granted to her by the fayth. So why should the rest of the fighters be allowed outside help from a "seperate entity" as you put it.


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Why would Guv be allowed to have call team. I've never allowed that, and people that do use summons use it for one attack. They use it as an attack move, they dont use it to fight the battles for them which is what Yuna exactly does with her aeons. I just finished my Shining Force Stat page if anyone wants to go check it out. I wish it would get ranked, even if its in the unranked category.
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Why would Guv be allowed to have call team. I've never allowed that, and people that do use summons use it for one attack. They use it as an attack move, they dont use it to fight the battles for them which is what Yuna exactly does with her aeons. I just finished my Shining Force Stat page if anyone wants to go check it out. I wish it would get ranked, even if its in the unranked category.

What? Her summons are "serparate entitys" as much as Garnets. They are both the same thing, the only differance is that Yuna's stay on the field. However by your logic summoners shouldn't be allowed summons at all considering all the summons are their own being.
So yeah, lets just completly ban a rare and intersting class just because Yuna can win matchs in godlike with her summons. If you haven't noticed, Yuna still has six losses to her name.


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I could care less. I do allow her damn aeons, just not the optional ones because they are part of her. She is ther only summoner whos summons stay on the field, so she is different than the rest.
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I could care less. I do allow her damn aeons, just not the optional ones because they are part of her. She is ther only summoner whos summons stay on the field, so she is different than the rest.

First you say they shouldn't be allowed and now some can be allowed? You said yourself that the reason she shouldn't be allowed summons is because they are seperate beings. However other summons are alright to you because they don't stay on the field, even though they are still within the bounds of your arguement for Yuna not having her's.

I think this is just a case of you hating Yuna. Otherwise you wouldn't be using such double standards.

demi-fiend dante

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Lady's doubles that we're referring to aren't the normal kind. They're instant, free turns gotten by consuming her stock gauges (she starts with two). That's how she'd beat Yuna. Kill Anima, instantly get more turns by using stock, and kill Yuna with those turns.

Maybe you are right in that, however there is a certain issue even with that. In FFX when the aeon is killed the Turn order seems to reset itself. So even though the boss might have 5 turns after the aeon, when it dies and Yuna comes on, the boss doesn't have five turns to attack with after Yuna (You mostly see this after an aeon overdrive).
So in a way someone could argue that because of that Lady's instant turns are negated and Yuna being faster gets the first turn.

First, the boss would not get five turns because the Aeon's speed =/= Yuna's speed and Yuna doesn't inherit the Aeon's recharge time.  Secondly, killing Aeons doesn't have any special effect.  After attacking the attacker's CT gauge is reset.  If there are multiple enemies or the Aeon is killed by a counter attack, their CT gauge will be completely unaffected, allowing them to act before Yuna even if they are much slower than her.

Lady doesn't have to worry about this because she basically multiacts.  Her CT gauge wouldn't reset until the end of her combo.  Of course, Lady is probably faster than Yuna after she kills an Aeon thanks to the Quick Hit-like property SH3 bosses have.

Ryu gets power from other dragons (Not all but some). They are seperate enities, in fact Ryu is just as overpowered as Yuna Pc wise so why would someone bring him up is beyond me.
Ruling out Yuna's aeons means we have to rule out Guv's call team among other peoples summons. Hell why not just take out Sir Leopard, Zera, Chaos and all the other fighters who have outside help. I mean Yuna isn't allowed power granted to her by the fayth. So why should the rest of the fighters be allowed outside help from a "seperate entity" as you put it.

Many people don't allow Call Team, definitely more than those who don't allow Aeons.  It's the same with similar duellers.  If Levant, Marona, or one of the SMT main was ranked, I don't think most people would allow them their summons.


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If you go all the way back to when this argument even started, never once did I not allow her aeons. I've always allowed her the storyline aeons because they are apart of her and are unique to her. Then Infinity brought up a good poitn about how a duel is between 2 people. Her aeons are separate entities because Yuna is not the one controlling them on the as the player are, just like you control Yuna. Shes not controlling them say like as in pokemon where the trainer gives them the commands. Yuna does not do that, which makes them separate entities because the aeons fight on their own and make their own choices. So infinity made a point in saying it wouldn't be a fair duel because its not between 2 people anymore. A proper duel would be Yuna using her abilities as the mage class she is, which she kicks ass with anyway due to her celestial weapon and her sick speed/evasion and all the other great things she can do. Aeons are just icing on the cake. While the other summoners, summon their creatures as an attack move. They don't stay to fight on the field and they will always do the same attack, while on the other hand Yuna's aeons fight on their own and do what they want.
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If you go all the way back to when this argument even started, never once did I not allow her aeons. I've always allowed her the storyline aeons because they are apart of her and are unique to her

Strange. They are serparte beings also are they not? Your whole arguement has been based on that hasn't it?

Shes not controlling them say like as in pokemon where the trainer gives them the commands. Yuna does not do that, which makes them separate entities because the aeons fight on their own and make their own choices


She gives commands to the summons as shown through the magus sisters summon. Its exactly the same as pokemon with the other aeons (But Yojimbo).
She is giving orders, the pokemon master is giving orders. Whats the differance? Why do you allow the pokemon master this but not Yuna?

As for the AI thing. That arguement may work against the Magus Sisters and Yojimbo but it doesn't count Anima. Anima also while optional is quite important till mid way through the game.


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The point is its one move, an attack. Say like lightning or fire, you use it once and then its done unless you have the mp to use it again right. With her aeons, they fight on their own and die on their own because they are separate entities right, while the summons casted by other summoners do not die because it is just an attack move plain and simple....what is so hard about that?
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The fact that it took half a post to make a point is probably why I didn't address it. I can't help it if you obfuscate your main points with a rant that would make Meep proud.

The post that you picked apart so relentlessly that you quoted one small sub-paragraph three times up until that kind of argues against you here, y'know.

Also, to obfuscate, one must not be arguing another person's points at the time. It took me a while to get past your points to get to mine. ^_^

If Aeons were 100% drawn from Yuna's power, then she could summon them wherever and whenever she wishes. This isn't the case.

Yeah, swordsmanship has no draw from a sword's power. Not even legendary blades like Dual Blade.

Dhoulmagus' staff has no mental will of it's own.


When an Aeon is killed during the final battle, Yuna can never summon that Aeon again (otherwise Yuna could just recreate it!).

A: The idea there plotwise may be that she's killing off the Fayth(Which, we do indeed see turning to stone shortly thereafter) during that battle. It's a little vague on this, doesn't matter 'cause...

B: Um dead Aeons stay dead. I know, you didn't think you could kill them if you tried, but they're dead. You know. Like on the PC end? So there's a full gameplay explanation there as well, proving that they were staying consistant.

(Why they're able to be dead, plotwise, to start with is an interesting question, but ultimately unanswerable, and the real reason is "So you can't simply resummon them and slaughter everything in existance."-that is, a gameplay one.)

From the plot? An Aeon is just a vessel for a singular, unique, "soul" if you will; the prime example being that the Fayth of Anima is Seymour's mother. There's no denying that the Fayth is a singular, unique being, and an Aeon is just a vessel for the Fayth; a pyreflye construct created by the summoner. Sure Yuna's power is required for part of the process, but in the entirety it requires a separate entity, and the resulting Aeon *acts* like separate entity (especially Magus Three and Yojimbo, Aeons Yuna only has very limited control over).

So like all those Summons Rydia uses, if you're exactly right.

But, actually, no. The Fayth is a unique, singular soul.

The summon is a power granted by the Fayth. It can only exist with the Fayth still existing, but that seems to be the only direct link. We see the Fayth passing a weird ball of light into Yuna, we see Yuna able to conjure the summoned creature, the summoned creature it's self may or may not have any intelligence of it's own(The game is not especially clear on this. Certainly, they "act on their own" as a gameplay factor...and act very stupid as a gameplay factor as well. Just because they act on their own doesn't mean they have more intelligence than Shadow's dog.), and most importantly their body can never exist in and of it's self. They require a summoner to ever be manifest as a summon.

How are swords not unique? If I own a sword, it is mine and having that sword is my specific advantage. Exerting ownership over the sword is certainly an extension of my power. Not necessarily an extension of my combat power, but rather my power of ownership and all the benefits ownership of that sword entail. If you think ownership rights over property are some flimsy construct with no real power behind it, think again.



Unique, in your terms, means there's only one of something, right? (Sure, it may be a data-copy of another weapon, but anyways.)

But there's only one summon with Yuna's statistics. Ever.

And indeed, Yuna's summons are so much better than most people's(Both gameplay wise and by the simple fact that she completes her pilgramage...more or less.) that it proves she is inordinately better with them. is this not even more unique by your view? Her summons have her own names, which, even if you don't rename them, are different from any others. They "look the same", much like a storebought sword. They have some plot about their own will, but so do True Runes.

Certainly, you can say "but you can't summon two of them to fight each other", but that's all you can say. The game never says why. There are good, logical reasons for this. Maybe it's considered unfair in gameplay. Maybe it's a certain type of Pyreflies. Maybe, maybe, maybe, who knows, the point is you're writing your own plot to explain this.

Also, the most ironic part is, Yuna is the sole wielder, as far as we know of, of Yojimbo, Anima and the Magus Sisters on Spira, at game end, assuming you get them all. Belgemine, the only person we ever see with the Sisters, is sent. Seymour is killed, so there goes Anima. Yojimbo is never seen wielded by anyone but Belgemine as well. So even this point doesn't actually justify banning them all, merely the non-optionals.

(What the hell OK's view has some support? Wait, I forget, did he do it just to be random or because of this?)

This is even above and beyond Elfboy's also-good point, naturally.

With her aeons, they fight on their own and die on their own because they are separate entities right, while the summons casted by other summoners do not die because it is just an attack move plain and simple....what is so hard about that?

Like Ryu's dragon forms, then?

We've established that taking hits for you and having a seperate lifebar isn't enough for this conversation, for...some reason...I'm not really sure why people never just bite the bullet, if they dislike Aeons so much, and just ban everything remotely similar. I mean, if you hate Aeons as a concept so much, why not other transformations...?

Ryu is a dragon, so when he transforms...its him that transforms. He is not summoning another creature to do battle

Ah, but Ryu 4 and 5 basically are. 4's own have seperate lifebars, seperate bodies for the full transformation, seperate movesets, everything, the only change is that his own body is manifesting them. Plotwise they're him turning into dead dragons. Then there's his dragon summoning moves too... 5 is even worse in this regard, but 5 doesn't count much anyways.

(3, I'll admit, maybe I haven't looked over 3 in a while, but IIRC Genes are crystallized Chrysm(Remains of other dragons) and granting him power directly, barring the dragon forms he gets other ways(Oh, there's Shadow, Fusion and Kaiser in there, I forgot those.). So he's borrowing the power of dead dragons to change into them.)

Oh, as to the commanding thing? Yuna's standing out there with the Aeon the entire time. Just because she's not constantly yelling GO, IXION!, doesn't mean she's not commanding them.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter