
Author Topic: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11  (Read 4612 times)


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Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« on: May 01, 2008, 05:47:07 AM »
Welcome once again folks to the Music Tournament of Doom!  The first half of round one is winding down, but that still means we have 128 songs to see!  Here are just a few more!  As always, the rules are as follows:
1. Vote for the one you like
2. Have heard both songs!
And thanks to Tonfa, that second part is all too easy!  Just click and load!

Closes one week hence, and don't forget to check the tourney board to make sure you've voted in all the available pools!

Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle)
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 07:46:34 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2008, 06:09:53 AM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror: True Mirror's not bad; reminds me of True Nature of All a little. Shining Spear's a favourite.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle): The P3 track's not bad, certainly, but Warring God is more kickassness in the tradition of Men of War.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Opening Theme: SoA music is largely terrible. Colossus is a respectable mood piece.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood: Black as Sin is spine-tingling. Battling KOS... I liked it more in-game than out, which is unusual for Xenosaga music.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction: Y'know, I think the Japanese language sounds better sung by men. That or the ones used in RPGs just avoid falling into that shitty j-pop trap. Not entirely certain what I feel about White Tiger overall, but VP2 music... yeah, I largely don't care for. Multiplexed Contradiction's even one of my favourite tracks from the game...
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge: Mm, solid entry from PB. Versus one of the better FFT battle pieces. A solid if not amazing fight. Though... mmm, the PB track becomes more playful as time goes on. I approve.
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance: Oh hell yes. Infleunce is amazing; nothing from TotA even compares. I think this is the first time I've voted against a TotA track, which amuses me.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”: Gothic Neclord is a badass remix of an already decent tune. A nice boss theme if colossally wasted in-game. Old Smudged Map is definitely one of the better SH2 tracks to me, but it's still outmatched here.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 05:56:03 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2008, 06:45:53 AM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror- The other one is too... loud for my taste, although it's okay.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle)- Not horrible vs. DDR.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Opening Theme- The blowout of the pool.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood- Unique vs. boring.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction- Not a fan of either.
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge- This song is absolutely terrific; better than stock FFT.
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance- Awful vs. awesome.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”- Close, but at the end of the day I give it to the more soothing track.
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2008, 07:05:46 AM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle)
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Opening Theme
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2008, 12:36:56 PM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror - Guitar version is the better one, but IT STILL KICKS WAY TOO MUCH ASS.  Shining Spear is great, but...can't go against True Mirror.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle) - Fou-Lu (Eastern Battle, whatever) Battle is my least favourite fight track in the game?  Seems that way >_>  Didn't like his music.  Anyway...yeah, BfES is completely badass in all regards.  Amazing remix of the basic Velvet Room theme.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Opening Theme - Demise of the Ritual is good, don't get me wrong - I love the Mediterranean overtones.  Opening Theme is just iconic for me, and just so fitting.  Much higher energy and sexier.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - NEB is pretty much right on this.  I don't like Black as Sin as a piece of music much, but it reaaaaaaally is eerie, which is cool.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction - It's AXEL, THE DARK HERO!!!!!
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge - Playful and great instrumentation.  FFT had music?
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance - Eeewww...this isn't that close >_>  And I love TotA music.  Maybe Finish the Promise would be closer, but...
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map” - Never liked Neclord much.  Smudged Map is an excellent overworld theme.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 04:04:40 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
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[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2008, 01:52:48 PM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror: Hey it's the boss version of Critical Hit!, loud, annoying and I could coin the term "autopilot Naruke" for this. Urgh. True Mirror's rather typical Sakuraba, but...also very good.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle): God of War works better in game. The Battle for Everyone's Souls just kicks ass.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Opening Theme: Yep. OMINOUS CHANTING mood pieces tend to be overused and insanely boring and sure enough I forgot the Colossus track was playing. The SoA track is really weak but this is practically an anti-vote. EDIT: Alright, the frue SoA track is somewhat better than the fake one even. Decent.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood: Nice dramatic piece. Black as Sin goes for weird/creepy and succeeds, but you can do weird/creepy and good listening out-of-context (Crying for the Dark Sky) and the WA3 track fails miserably with the latter part.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction: Multiplexed Contradiction feels like a rather generic epic track. White Tiger is pure 100% cheese, the perfect theme for AXEL THE DARK HERO, and I can't not smile when listening to it.
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge: No contest. Battle on the Bridge is one of the better FFT tracks but the sheer energy of Strange Wind is love. Also, violin~
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance: Slaughterrific.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”: Not that much of a Neclord fan, I can think of a bunch of better vampire related tracks off the top of my head. >_> Old Smudged Map is a fantastic mood piece.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 03:08:43 PM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2008, 02:07:45 PM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror - Wow, these are both generic as heck.  I could swear the BK one is straight out of SO2.  Eh.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle) - Hatbot is cruel.  So, so cruel.  I won't be unhappy whichever of these moves on.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Opening Theme - Easy call.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Ehhhhh.  Could go either way, don't really like the WA track.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction - A decent vocal song?  Wasn't expecting that.
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge - One of the best FFT tracks vs meh.
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance - Not.  Even.  Remotely.  Close.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map” - Reasonably good match.  Harpsichord bias?  PERHAPS!


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2008, 02:57:36 PM »
Wrong theme with SoA Cmdr. Gimme a sec to dig up the right one.
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2008, 03:05:55 PM »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2008, 03:56:47 PM »
Really?  I didn't even listen to that SoA song, since I remember what it sounds like without having to hear it >_> 

Says something it still wins anyway!
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2008, 07:39:03 PM »
Skies of Arcadia- Main theme (Plays in the intro screne once the opening's done)

Gosh, I don't know how I could possibly have thought that you were talking about something besides the title theme.  Silly me.
Sorry, this is your failure aiel.  Punt yourself.

Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror- True Mirror's base version lacks the energy to take this.  Any other version would take it.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle)- Ayup.  BoFIV fails to impress again.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme- See, this one is a personal favorite.  The other one would lose hard.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood- I thought Black as Sin grated in-game, so you can probably imagine my out of game opinion of it.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction- White Tiger only works for me in-context.
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge- I think.  Have to be in just the right mood for PB, and not one of my favorites from it anyways.
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance- Huh.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”- Eh, suits my mood of the moment.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2008, 03:31:40 AM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2008, 08:20:11 PM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror - Whatever. Loudness~
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle) - Not playing BoF4 probably hurts Warring God. Meanwhile, OK hype always wins~
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme - Not close at all~
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Yay creepiness~

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction - Slaughter, slaughter, slaugher~
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge - Yay for dual amounts of awesomeness~
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance - A Place in the Sun does this thing where it kind of sucks.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map” - Smudged Map loses a lot out of game, Gothic Neclord may well gain.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 03:30:34 AM by Nitori »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2008, 08:55:27 PM »
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle)
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood

Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2008, 09:48:12 PM »
Gosh, I don't know how I could possibly have thought that you were talking about something besides the title theme.  Silly me.
Sorry, this is your failure aiel.  Punt yourself.

It plays exactly when I said it does and it's even titled main theme. How more clear do I need to be?

EDIT: Votes.

Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror- I donno. Even less sure on this one than I am on the XS match this pool. Going to abstain on both of those fights.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme- AUGH DIE HATBOT. My favorite SoA track up against the perfect mood piece song. A single song captures the entire story and sorrow of the SotC plot.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle)- Warring god is extremely good, makes me want to play BoF4 again. P3's Nyx theme is one of my top video game tracks, just an awesome remix of the Velvet room theme.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction- White Tiger sounds awful.
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge- I think. Maybe my memory for music's slipping, I don't recall this one at all. Boss theme of some kind?
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance- Not impressed with either track. Can see the SO3 track growing on me though. TotA's music just was not good.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”- Gothic Neclord's.. surprisingly not a theme I like, feels too much like a subpar castlevania ripoff. Though that does fit Neclord. Old Smudged Map sounds pretty great, even if I don't remember when it plays in game.

Rest later.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 10:58:15 PM by superaielman »
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2008, 10:20:04 PM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror - Hmm, closish.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle) - Champ powered.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme - the colossus song didn't really impress. Strikes me as somethign that would be much better as a backdrop then on it's own, though.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Sure.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction - Ehhhhh, why not.
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge - Ooh, another good match. Close one, but gonna hand it to the PB track.
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance - Damn, another close one. Sun is nice, but Influence is better today, I think.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map” - Just better fits my mood today. Another close one though. Respectable pool overall.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2008, 10:34:00 PM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror - Easy~
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle) - God of War is good in its own weird way.  Battle for Everyone's Souls is the best part of P3.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme - ...not one of the better SotC tracks, that's for sure.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Works.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction - Meh.
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge - I like both, so this is a tough choice...
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance - Uh yeah.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map” - I guess.


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2008, 10:49:10 PM »
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge- I think. Maybe my memory for music's slipping, I don't recall this one at all. Boss theme of some kind?

Raphael and Laharl 1 get it, as well as some other fights and a few plot scenes.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2008, 11:42:21 PM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror: Pretty standard Sakuraba battle track, with extra violin. Eh, I've never been a fan of the WA4 track in question, so it's good enough/
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle): Heeey, P3's token good track putting in an appearance? Cool. Anyway, its competition isn't much.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme: Otani crush generic overture.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood: Both are good, but I've always thought the XS track nicely captures the single-minded determination of a machine built to crush all that stands before it.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction: White Tiger's fun, but Contradiction is brilliant. And doesn't have unpleasant Axel associations.
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge: Strange Wind is like Shauna's theme but not as cool. Fun, but not a match for top-tier FFT music.
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance: TotA is badly outclassed here.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”: Just much more my style.


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2008, 07:47:59 AM »
The True Mirror
Battle for Everyone's Souls
Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus
Battling KOS-MOS
White Tiger
Strange Wind
nfluence of Truth's Appearance
Gothic Neclord


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2008, 08:00:49 PM »
Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction- What? White Tiger is horrid out of game. Yikes.
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2008, 03:07:09 AM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror - I like the boss version of True Mirror better, but the regular version is good as well.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle)
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Heh.  Xenosaga music.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction - White Tiger made my ears bleed a little
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2008, 06:15:07 AM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle)
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme: Demise of the Ritual works brilliantly in its situation. Make no mistake about that. That experience is something else.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood: Left more of an impression. Instantly recognizable for a reason.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge: Strange Wind is love. Possibly the single thing from PB I remember best. Well, other than the horror of seeing Sulphur for the first time but thats neither here nor there.
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2008, 11:33:18 AM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror - You know, I think I actually prefer the regular version of Mirror to the guitar version. In any case, I prefer both of them to Spear.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle) - Battle is up and down. Warring is pretty much always down.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme - Neither are anything special.
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Neither of these are overly impressive either.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction - Yet more mehness o_o White Tiger loses here for the vocals more than anything else
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge - This round is not one for especially alluring tracks. At least both of these are half-decent.
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance - Apathy continues apace.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map” - Well at least we end on a couple of reasonably good ones. And I like me some Neclord music.


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2008, 06:12:47 PM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror - BK's music is good, but not good enough in this case.
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle) - interesting.  2 idiosyncratic battle tracks with a lot going for them.
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - WA3's got a lot of good music.  but this ain't a part of it.

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction - Apathy.
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge - best tune ever. really.  I don't understand you people.
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance - Apathy.
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map” - probably not getting much agreement here, but I love that laid back, slightly sinister SH sound.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 11
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2008, 03:51:57 AM »
Wild Arms 4: The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness v Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror
Breath of Fire 4 - A Warring God v Persona 3 - Battle for Everyone's Souls (Nyx Battle)
Shadow of the Colossus: Demise of the Ritual ~ Battle With the Colossus v Skies of Arcadia- Main Theme
Xenosaga ep. 1 - Battling KOS-MOS v Wild ARMs 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood

Disgaea 2 - White Tiger v Valkyrie Profile 2: Multiplexed Contradiction
Phantom Brave - Strange Wind v Final Fantasy Tactics: Battle on the Bridge
Tales of the Abyss - A Place in the Sun v Star Ocean 3 - Influence of Truth's Appearance
Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord v Shadow Hearts Covenant – “Old Smudged Map”