Author Topic: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II  (Read 7145 times)


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Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« on: May 02, 2008, 02:53:23 AM »
Ciato let me have this, who apparently took it from CK, get the jist.  Anyway, we might as well pick up where we left off in the old topic!

Anyway, rate characters as you like them based on...well, whatever!  This is about personal thoughts about characters and such, you know the drill.  Think they're an average character, but want to give them bonus points for nice looking shoes? Feel free!  This is a lot more open regarding criteria and such, so yeah.  As such, some Bosses/NPCs may even appear in this.
Please rate out of x/10, where higher = better character.  You can do decimals, but please restrict them to x.5s, as going beyond that gets wonky for counting things (also is a bit eyebrow you REALLY need to be THAT specific?) 

Keep in mind, there's a difference between Abstain (or simply leaving it blank), and DNR.  in the latter's case, if there's half the DNR's as there are rankings, the character gets removed...though to be frank, can't see DNRs really fitting into something like this barring REALLY bizarre circumstances.

I'll also be grabbing the Best and Worst Ranking of each game as we get to them, and the average ranking of the game as a whole.

And by this I mean actually tally up TotA Rankings!

Tales of the Abyss:

Luke fon Fabre: 7.88
Tear Grants: 7.38
Guy Cecil: 6.98
Jade Curtiss: 8.05
Anise Tatlin: 3.65
Princess Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear: 5.83
Fon Master Ion: 5.73
Emperor Peony: 6.34

Asch: 4.03
Van Grants: 5.45
Legretta: 3.94
Sync: 1.65
Largo: 2.75
Dist: 7.61
Arietta: 3.18
Grand Maestro Mohs: 3.65

Game Best Rating: Jade w/ 8.05
Game Worst Rating: Sync w/ 1.65
Average Rating: 5.27

So the first game I choose...cause I hate all of you and want about half of you to this!

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:

Elincia Riddel Crimea:




Black Knight:

NOTE: I request you rate characters based SOLELY off their appearance in that game, if the game has a sequel.  The otherway around, granted (giving character credit for their earlier appearances) is alright, since that's just saying that the sequel is building off what the thing before it has. 
As such, no giving someone like Ike or Elincia bonus points or penalties for their worth in Radiant Dawn.  This goes for any other games with a sequel.

NOTE 2: Oh, and write ins are allowed as well, so long as they are reasonable.  By reasonable I mean, say, writing in Juan for Suikoden 3 if he was left off, cause you wanted too, while unreasonable would be someone like Rad from Final Fantasy Tactics <_<.

NOTE 3: Yes, I'm aware I was a bit lenient on how much plot was required here, but figure its better to rank too much than too little.  Some characters were specifically requested for one reason or another.
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2008, 07:29:35 AM »
Ike: 7/10. For all that I found him increasingly dull towards the end, and occasionally falling into cliches, he does have some nice moments, particularly during the Begnion arc. The bluntness is neat, makes him a bit different from a typical FE lord.
Mist: 4/10. Exists, is a stereotypical little sister.
Titania: 6/10. Has a scene or two, generally has a sense of grace about her. Also needed for the Soren contrast. In her own right, isn't too special.
Soren: 8/10. "He'll be easy to control: everything for him begins and ends with money." "Soren, he can hear you..." "I don't think he minds." Soren's a pragmatic, sarcastic little bastard who actually gets justifications for his flaws. That's cool.
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 5/10. Shrug.
Volke: 7.5/10. Has some hilarious scenes in there: his Ike invo conversation, Bastian supports, etc. Funny guy and a worthwhile serious role.

Boyd: 4.5/10. Don't care.
Oscar: 5.5/10. Decent older brother figure.
Rolf: 4/10. Whatever.
Rhys: 4/10. Mmm hmm.
Gatrie: 5/10. Mildly amusing.
Shinon: 3/10. Dick. Gets some decent scenes to save him from a horrid score.

Reyson: 4/10. waaaah hate humans. okay they're cool now, you rule tibarn~
Tibarn: 5/10. He is the king! Had he been in his original body you would never have defeated him! And he's, uh, noble.
Naesala: 8/10. Badass. Walks a thin line with his traitor-but-not shtick but pulls it off because he has charisma.
Ranulf: 6/10. Pretty funny guy.
Ena: 7.5/10. Fan. I like her scene in Chapter 21 a lot, it's the reason I avatarred her. Pretty convincing way to collect loyalty.
Nasir: 3/10. MYSTARY.

Lethe: 3/10. Hiss humans suck.
Mordecai: 5/10. Generic nice guy.
Kieran: 7/10. Awesome, over-the-top mockery of the knight type.
Jill: 5/10. Laguz aren't evil? You don't say~. Has some nice scenes in Talrega but it's not really her.
Marcia: 7/10. Quirky and hilarious, so gets the same score as Kieran.
Haar: 6/10. Sleeps a lot. Decent otherwise. Yay.

Ashnard: 1/10. Mmm, babies taste good.
Black Knight: 3/10. Also vaguely sucks. Way better in FE10, clearly he steals Ike's personality during their duel.
Petrine: 4/10. Mediocre, but bonus points for the token totally unsympathetic asshole general being the token female.
Oliver: 6.5/10. The jokes are probably funnier than he is. Still, he's amusing. CAN THE WORLD LIVE WITHOUT HIS BEAUTY?
Sanaki: 5/10. No strong opinion today.
Greil: 3/10. Don't like the mysteriously badass father figure type much.
Sigrun: 5/10. She's really hot.

Yeah, I was lazy with much of the commentary. What of it?

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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2008, 05:05:01 PM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:

Ike: 7/10 Decent enough
Mist: 5/10 Macguffin in the form of a little girl
Titania: 5/10 lol FE characters
Soren: 8/10 Pretty neat
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 5/10 Generic Princess Character
Volke: 6/10 Whatevs

Boyd: 5/10 lol FE characters
Oscar: 5/10 lol FE characters
Rolf: 5/10 lol FE characters
Rhys: 5/10 lol FE characters
Gatrie: 5/10 lol FE characters
Shinon: 5/10 lol FE characters

Reyson: 5/10 lol FE characters
Tibarn: 5/10 lol FE characters
Naesala: 5/10 lol OK fanservice
Ranulf: 5/10 lol FE characters
Ena: 5/10 lol FE Honorable Villains
Nasir: 5/10 lol FE characters

Lethe: 5/10 lol Catgirl
Mordecai: 5/10 lol FE characters
Kieran: 6/10 semi-amusing a couple times
Jill: 5/10 lol FE characters
Marcia: 5/10 lol FE characters
Haar: 7/10 Yes.

Ashnard: 5/10 Genericy McGeneric Villain
Black Knight: 5/10 Genericy McGeneric Villain mkII
Petrine: 5/10 Genericy McGeneric Vamp
Oliver: 5/10 Who?
Sanaki: 5/10 Are? 
Greil: 5/10 Genericy McGeneric Obi-Wan
Sigrun: 5/10 You?
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2008, 09:39:36 PM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:

Ike: 6/10 Blah blah blunt, smash, lead army to victory. Points for bouncing well off of others.
Mist: 5/10 Is Ike's sister. No other reason for existence. Point for feeding Volke >_>
Titania: 6/10 Wishes this wasn't Fire Emblem.
Soren: 8/10 Emo little brother of Jade Curtiss or something.
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 5/10 Is a princess.
Volke: 7/10 Pretty cool guy?

Boyd: 5/10 Rawr smash.
Oscar: 5/10 Big brother hi.
Rolf: 4/10 Bratty kid yo.
Rhys: 5/10 Frail healer, how do you do.
Gatrie: 5/10 Fail balances amusing points.
Shinon: 3/10 Bastard.

Reyson: 4/10 Painful, but at least he can sing.
Tibarn: 7/10 Tough guy, probably just pirates for the fun of it.
Naesala: 8/10 Doesn't belong in FE.
Ranulf: 6/10 Funny guy. Not there enough.
Ena: 5/10 Blah blah honorable villain.
Nasir: 4/10 Rawr mysterious.

Lethe: 5/10 Catgirl. Hates stuff.
Mordecai: 6/10 Tiger guy. Likes stuff. Feeds Illyana.
Kieran: 6/10 Mildly amusing head wounds.
Jill: 7/10 Being associated with Haar helps. Decent in general.
Marcia: 6/10 Food. Uh, that's all I got.
Haar: 7/10 Knows what he wants from life.

Ashnard: 4/10 Pretty much rawr evil whatever. Beats BK for being scarier, now that I think about it >_>
Black Knight: 3/10 Mysterious evil whatever.
Petrine: 4/10 Bitch.
Oliver: 8/10 The only one who appreciates true beauty.
Sanaki: 6/10 Clever for her age and stuff.
Greil: 5/10 Big Daddy.
Sigrun: 5/10 Pegasus something.


Mia: 7/10 Shounen Jump reject. Swordmasters are cool.
Illyana: 7/10 Support convos and such. Probably a cannibal, explains her not complaining mid-battle.
Stefan: 6/10 Swordmaster, style points.
Devdan: 7/10 Evil mastermind/Ultimate malevolent force.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 05:31:40 AM by Ultradude »
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2008, 07:22:09 PM »
Ike: 10/10 Its Ike
Mist: 10/10 I love mist
Titania: 8/10
Soren: 10/10 Hot and awesome
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 7/10
Volke: 1/10 thats for stealing my monies. That and "show my true self while adding a mask" is lame

Boyd: 7/10
Oscar: 7/10
Rolf: 7/10
Rhys: 3/10
Gatrie: 5/10
Shinon: 1/10 Die in a fire

Reyson: 8/10 Sexy
Tibarn: 8/10 also sexy
Naesala: 1/10 annoying as heck
Ranulf: 7/10 beaten by peasents
Ena: 5/10
Nasir: 5/10

Lethe: 7/10 Furry
Mordecai: 6/10
Kieran: 3/10
Jill: 7/10
Marcia: 7/10
Haar: 5/10

Ashnard: 4/10
Black Knight: 5/10
Petrine: 7/10
Oliver: 1/10 scary
Sanaki: 5/10
Greil: 3/10
Sigrun: abstain, dont remember her in FE9 at all

Add in vote: Ilyana: 10/10 Eats Mia's foot!


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2008, 11:54:48 PM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:

Ike: 7/10.  Typical likable FE main +1, pretty much.
Mist: 5/10.  Is there, largely inoffensively so.
Titania: 6/10.  Sure.
Soren: 6/10.  Amusing dickery balanced with slight wangst... yeah, works.
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 6/10.  I dunno, I just like her.  But can't justify it, so.
Volke: -/10.  Don't remember him in any meaningful way, no rating.

Boyd: 5/10.  There.
Oscar: 5/10.  Same.
Rolf: 4/10.  Typical kid stuff.  Meh.
Rhys: 4/10.  Yawn.
Gatrie: -/10.  Whatevs.
Shinon: 3/10.  Ugh.

Reyson: 6/10.  He made me laugh a few times.
Tibarn: 6/10.  Same.
Naesala: 8/10.  He had like my favorite conversation in the whole game, if you sent him at Ashnard.  Good stuff.
Ranulf: 6/10.  Does his thing, works.
Ena: 6/10.  Works.
Nasir: -/10.  Meh.

Lethe: 3/10.  Bloody racist.
Mordecai: 4/10.  Boring.
Kieran: -/10.
Jill: 5/10.
Marcia: 6/10.
Haar: 7/10.  What >.>

Ashnard: 6/10.  Eh, he did the evil emperor thing well enough, not a great archetype but execution keeps him decent.
Black Knight: 4/10. MYSTARY
Petrine: 4/10.  meh.
Oliver: 4/10... I guess?  He really only had the one set of scenes so didn't stick to memory at all.
Sanaki: -/10.  Definitely no memory.
Greil: 4/10.  Totally needed more screentime.
Sigrun: She did anything?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 12:22:23 AM by Cmdr_King »
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 03:17:38 AM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:

Ike: 5/10 - Cliched to hell and back and just kind of annoying about it at times.  He does have some good moments and I actually liked the conversation with Elincia in the ending.  Probably gave him another point for that.
Mist: 6/10 - Had some good lines, but that's about it.
Titania: 5/10 - She exists?
Soren: 6/10 - Kind of a jerk, but he seems to know what's going on at least.
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 5/10 - I tried to like her, I really did.  But she didn't do anything.  To quote Ultradude, "Is a princess."

Boyd: 6/10 - Mocks Rolf.  That's about all he does though.
Oscar: 6/10 - Likable due to scenes with Rolf/Boyd.  That's about it though.
Rhys: 5/10 - Exists?
Gatrie: 7/10 - Support convo hype goes here.
Shinon: 0/10 - Fucking die you fucking loser.

Reyson: 5/10 - Fails at first, cool at the end.  180 of DOOM drops him down from above average to average.
Tibarn: 6/10 - Eh, likable enough I guess?
Naesala: 6/10 - Starts off failure, ends up pretty cool?
Ranulf: 6/10 - Likable enough, I guess.
Ena: 5.5/10 - I guess.
Nasir: 3/10 - MYSTARY, as NEB put it.  Also, fail.

Lethe: 1/10 - lol racism
Mordecai: 5/10 - Eh.
Kieran: 5/10 - Who?
Jill: 7/10 - Someone who doesn't stop being racist overnight?  What the hell, she doesn't belong in FE9.
Marcia: 7.5/10 - Scenes with Makalov for the fucking win.  Just overall pretty cool.
Haar: 6.5/10 - Amusing.

Ashnard: 0/10 - Is Ashnard Blight.
Black Knight: 3/10 - SHOW ME YOUR POWER
Petrine: 1/10 - Failure.
Oliver: 4/10 - Boo.
Sanaki: 6/10 - Started out a major bitch but got slightly better.  Kind of liked her in the end?  I guess.
Greil: 5/10 - I actually had to think about who this was.  That's pretty epic since he's mentioned in like every chapter.
Sigrun: 6/10 - Had a cool conversation with Ike somewhere.  Also, is pretty.

Ilyana: 6/10 - Is freaking weird.  But cool.
Astrid: 4/10 - *Astrid finishes soloing half a map.*  HAY GUYS TEACH ME TO BE ABLE TO HOLD MY OWN.  what
Mia: 5.5/10 - Likable, I guess.


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2008, 10:12:29 AM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:

Ike: 7.5 - plays well with others, pretty believable character.
Mist: 4 - cute. That's about it. Has a decent scene with Ike/Boyd.
Titania: 7 - felt like a real person, her supports were pretty moving.
Soren: 8 - despite the wangst, had some of the funnier lines.
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 7 - Pretty generic, but I enjoyed her awkwardness when she started picking up 'mercenary speak'.
Volke: Don't remember him at all, don't use thieves so I never got his supports.

Boyd: 6 - I like the brothers, especially when they were training for their 'secret attack'.
Oscar: 6 same.
Rolf: 5 same, but fails for liking Shinon.
Rhys: 3 - completely not there, but had a few cool supports with Titania.
Gatrie: 5 - Funny I guess.
Shinon: 0/10 - Die in a fire and never reproduce.

Reyson: 5 - Not great, but I guess I liked him.
Tibarn: 6 - Memorable enough.
Naesala: 9.5 - Only character worth hyping.
Ranulf: 6.5 - Needed more scenes.
Ena: 7 - Overall good, but not very memorable.
Nasir: 4 - Meh.

Lethe: 7 - I enjoyed her supports.
Mordecai: 6 - Illyana supports hype.
Kieran: 7 - Funny.
Jill: 6 - Believable, also, cute.
Marcia: 7 - Funny.
Haar: 6 - Works well with Jill.

Ashnard: 1 - Gah, he's horrible.
Black Knight: 5 - Just Generic.
Petrine: 5 - Generic.
Oliver: Who?
Sanaki: 7 - Actually, I liked her.
Greil: 5 - Bleh.
Sigrun: Who?

Mia: 6 - Was enjoyable beyond the norm.
Illyana: 7 - Funny and weird, at least she stood out a little.
Largo: 10 - Awesome, deserves his own game.



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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2008, 05:57:26 PM »
Ike: 7.5/10.  Well done FE Lord, which is a bit of a back handed compliment, but generally liked him.
Mist: 4/10. Was there.
Titania: 6/10. Worked for an older veteran figure, I guess.
Soren: 8/10. Had some decent lines, believable pessimism, holds to rationality over idealistic, etc.
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 5/10.  Shows some development, but not a lot, which puts her ahead of Mist!
Volke: 6/10. Likable guy, felt like he needed more though.

Boyd: 5/10. Decent early game stuff, but then stops existing.
Oscar: 5/10. Foil for Boyd early game, worked for that, but cease to exist.
Rolf: 3/10. Exists less than Mist!
Rhys: 3/10. Ditto!
Gatrie: 4/10. Had some funny lines, but otherwise, meh.
Shinon: 2/10. Jackass and an annoying one.

Reyson: 4.5/10. Total Dick; he lightens up over time, but still a dick.  Half a point for his Ike supports.
Tibarn: 6/10. Alright, but nothing special.
Naesala: 8/10. Awesome. Hard to tell what's up with him, and the end of the game shows he's really not such a bad guy, just has odd ways of showing it.  Also, an awesome Boss Convo with Ashnard.
Ranulf: 6/10. Funny guy, but not much else.
Ena: 6/10. Worked for what she was.
Nasir: 6/10. Betrayal felt reasonable given the circumstances, otherwise was a decent knowledge-able character, and showed he had regrets for what he did, etc.  Granted, requires actually beating the Black Knight to see the full plot (even if you can deduce a good deal of it.)

Lethe: 3/10. Cute Racist, sure, but she's still one and annoying about it.
Mordecai: 5/10. Nice strong silent type...except he kind of ceases to exist.
Kieran: 6/10. Hilarious when he actually got scenes.
Jill: 7/10. I like her, shut up.
Marcia: 7/10. Some sort of weird combination of a Valley Girl and a Someone With a Brain.  I dno't know how this worked, but it gave us some good verbal beat downs with Makalov.
Haar: 7/10. Funny guy who had some decent serious stuff.

Ashnard: 3/10. Luca Blight, except felt he was actually more believable for a number of reasons.  Still a lame archtype.
Black Knight: 3/10. Pretty much just your typical overpowered figure of the enemy whose rivals with Ike! Pretty damn lame in this game.  If this was FE10, his ranking would be a light higher granted!
Petrine: 7/10. Despicable Bitch in all ways, and clearly intended to be that, so she generally succeeded at her role.
Oliver: 6/10. I wanna give him higher, but I can't ;_;
Sanaki: 4/10. Child Empress OMG! stuff, spoiled etc.  She gets a point for a good scene in Serenes Forest, I felt (probably alone on that!)
Greil: 4/10. Didn't really mind him for what he was, but dying early in the game...yeah...
Sigrun: 3/10. See Mist, less screen time.

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2008, 06:34:48 PM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:

Ike: 9/10. Is generally solid. Doesn't let stuff get him down, focuses on what needs to be done and not on how difficult it will be to accomplish.
Mist: 4/10. Kinda annoying little sister.
Titania: 7/10. Excellent mentor type.
Soren: 8/10. See Meep, really.
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 2/10. Elincia annoyed me less on the replay. I might actually like her in FE10, from what I hear., she just irritates me in FE9.
Volke: 6/10. Has some good lines, and I like the concept of the assassin Insurance Policy, so to speak, being used in a way aside from "kill the bad guy"

Boyd: 7/10. Makes a good freind for Ike, playes off the other Mercs well.
Oscar: 7/10. See Boyd
Rolf: 4/10. Had some good supports but was generally anoying.
Rhys: 5/10. Exists.
Gatrie: 3/10. ...teehee? No. Not coming from a guy who's supposed to be bigger then ME. No.
Shinon: 1/10. +3 Jackass of Sniping.

Reyson: 7/10. Worked.
Tibarn: 8/10. Worked well as the Savage King type, generally impressive.
Naesala: 8/10. Smarmy little bastard, and an actually likable example of that type. +1 points just for the Boss Convo with Ashnard, as well.
Ranulf: 7/10. Was likable.
Ena: 6/10. Kinda there, but gains a point for her Big Reveal scene.
Nasir: 5/10. Has good and bad points, evens out to a 5, sure.

Lethe: 5/10. See Nasir. I like her Ike supports, though.
Mordecai: 7/10. Soft spot for Gentle Giant types.
Kieran: 6/10. So over the top it's hilarious. Has nothing else though.
Jill: 7/10. Did the changing sides thing well.
Marcia: 5/10. Was there.
Haar: 6/10. Funny, was there.

Ashnard: 6/10. Babies, rar he eats them. Saved by being honestly intimidating, which is rare in such villians. 
Black Knight: 2/10. superpowerful mysterious guy! Laaaaame.
Petrine: 5/10. Like her king, she also enjoys the occasional roast baby. But she was obviously supposed to be one of those people you love to hate, and...didn't do too badly on it. So she'll even out.
Oliver: 5/10. Creepy fat guy.
Sanaki: 5/10. Has a few good scenes, but is a bit, I have a bit of trouble buying the Child Manipulator thing.
Greil: 3/10. Standard Sacrifical Lamb character to the plot, really.
Sigrun: 5/10. there. She's hot though.
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2008, 06:48:50 PM »
Huh, this looks neat.

Ike: 7/10
Mist: 5/10
Titania: 8/10
Soren: 8/10
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 5/10
Volke: 8/10

Boyd: 7/10
Oscar: 7/10
Rolf: 2/10 (ohh man, Rolf...)
Rhys: 10/10
Gatrie: 8/10
Shinon: 3/10 (he's so much better in RD)

Reyson: 9/10
Tibarn: 7/10
Naesala: 7/10
Ranulf: 9/10
Ena: 4/10
Nasir: 7/10

Lethe: 7/10
Mordecai: 7/10
Kieran: 10/10
Jill: 9/10
Marcia: 6/10
Haar: 10/10

Ashnard: 5/10
Black Knight: 6/10
Petrine: 6/10
Oliver: 9/10 (beastial pedophile? That's a first)
Sanaki: 5/10
Greil: 5/10
Sigrun: 6/10
« Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 06:52:14 PM by ThePiggyman »
Quote from: DjinnAndTonic
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if you believe in being a GOOD PERSON

If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2008, 05:30:27 AM »
((Edited a few things, generally upwards))
"Turning into bats? Laughable!" says sparkly telepathic Volvo-driving vampire who spent century in high school.

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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2008, 04:06:50 AM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:

Ike: 7/10
Mist: 4/10
Titania: 5/10
Soren: 9/10 ^_^
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 3/10
Volke:  5/10

Boyd: 6/10
Oscar: 4/10
Rolf: 5/10. Is kawaii~
Rhys: 3/10
Gatrie: 3/10
Shinon: 0/10 sdklfjsdlfsdfsd

Reyson: 3/10
Tibarn: 7/10
Naesala: 7/10
Ranulf: 3/10
Ena: 6/10
Nasir: 1/10

Lethe: 1/10
Mordecai: 1/10
Kieran: 7/10
Jill: 4/10
Marcia: 8/10
Haar: 7/10

Ashnard: 2/10
Black Knight: 2/10
Sanaki: 2/10
Greil: 2/10
Sigrun: 2/10. Uh~
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2008, 03:01:41 AM »
Ike: 7/10.  Eh, ok enough.  Decent in most regards.
Mist: 8.5/10.  Shits a horse out of her ass on promotion.  That's sexy.
Titania: 6/10.  Enough
Soren: 8/10.  Massive dick.  In the good way.
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 6/10.  Generic princess.
Volke: 6/10.  Eh, neat enough, though generic assassin.

Boyd: 6/10.  Eh.  In general, FE9/10 has much better characters than the rest of the series, though only a few stand out a lot.
Rolf: 5/10.  Still owns his brother.
Rhys: 4/10.  Fairly boring.
Gatrie: 5/10.  Likes the vag.
Shinon: 5/10.  Not as nice a dick as Soren.

Reyson: 7/10.  Manly woman bird thing.
Tibarn: 7/10.  Decent enough.
Naesala: 1000/10.  If you gave him anything less than a 10, you are a commie bastard. 
Ranulf: 9/10.  Overall great.
Ena: 7.5/10.  Pink dragon.
Nasir: 7.5/10.  White dragon sailor. 

Lethe: 7/10. Racism is fun.
Mordecai: 6.5/10.  Dumber.
Kieran: 9/10.  Is awesomeness incarnate.
Jill: 8/10.  Sexy hair.
Marcia: 8/10.  Kicks her brother's ass.
Haar: 7/10.  Sadly lacks a rune.

Ashnard: 5/10.  Babies do taste good.  Owns Luca Blight. 
Black Knight: 2/10.  Is black and has a sword, but suffers no flesh wounds.
Petrine: 4/10.  General with boobs.
Oliver: 6/10.  Is ugly, but likes pretty things.
Sanaki: 7/10.  Little girl.
Greil: 6/10.  Tore his arm.
Sigrun: 5/10.  For some reason is a pegasus captain person thing.

Would do more,
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2008, 05:40:25 AM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Ike: 7.25
Mist: 5.38
Titania: 6.25
Soren: 7.92
Elincia Riddel Crimea: 5.08
Volke: 5.55

Boyd: 5.79
Oscar: 5.21
Rolf: 4.25
Rhys: 4.50
Gatrie: 5.00
Shinon: 2.17

Reyson: 5.63
Tibarn: 6.50
Naesala: 7.13
Ranulf: 6.38
Ena: 5.88
Nasir: 4.59

Lethe: 4.50
Mordecai: 5.29
Kieran: 6.55
Jill: 6.42
Marcia: 6.63
Haar: 6.79

Ashnard: 3.50
Black Knight: 3.58
Petrine: 4.50
Oliver: 5.59
Sanaki: 5.18
Greil: 4.17
Sigrun: 4.67

Highest Rated Character: Soren w/ 7.92
Lowest Rated Character: Shinon w/ 2.17
Average Rating: 5.41


Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland:
Hilda Valentine:
Frank Goldfinger:
Ricardo Gomez:

Edna Capone:

Al Capone:
Lenny Curtis:
Roger Bacon:
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2008, 05:46:25 AM »
Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 2/10. Awful. Found him to be boring in the extreme, his interaction with Shania and the party in general was flat out uninteresting.
Shania: 1/10. Boobs. What personality?
Natan: 3/10. Didn't annoy me. Still pretty much is there.
Hilda Valentine: 4/10. Tolerable.
Frank Goldfinger: 0/10. Is Frank. Shut the fuck up Frank. No really.
Mao: 2/10. Hated the concept. Boring on top of the stupid gimmick.
Ricardo Gomez: 5/10. Gets the points for style.

Killer:  9/10. Was awesome. The entire dynamic was great, and he made a character with one line turn out to be pretty damn good. The Villians having the relationship that matures and develops is a nice twist. He could have very easily been awful (Imagine his final speech given by someone like Kevin or Seifer) but he wasn't.
Lady: 8/10. Also great in a completely unexpected way. Emoted well (..Somehow) in her scenes with Killer, and her reaction in the final area was just great.
Gilbert: 8/10. Creepy little fuck. The only truly hatable (Okay the PC cast is hatable, just not in that way) character in the game. Slimy in the extreme. Watching him twist Killer and Lady around was entertaining.
Edna Capone: 4/10. Mostly there.

Al Capone: 3/10. Not as cool as he could have been. I donno, something was lacking here.
Lenny Curtis: Pass.
Roger Bacon: 1/10. Hated Bacon in all three games. Shut up and drop dead.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2008, 10:59:10 AM »
Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 5/10 Nice enough dude? Just some kid really but not mean or anything. Never really offended me but never really impressed me either.
Shania: 4/10 - Would give her lower but I'm not sure if I care enough to add her to my ranks of hate along with Rinoa and Miranda.
Natan: 5/10 See Johnny, except for the kid part. Like Natan's stereotype.
Hilda Valentine: 8/10 Not too keen on Slim but hey she spiced things up and Curvy was adorable. Combined they make for an entertaining package. Valentine factor.
Frank Goldfinger: 7.5/10 I love Frank. He was always making me smile *does the flying squirrel*  I liked his va and the way he'd come out with "Oh my god!" or "Boy!", etc. Would rank him higher but that would be fangirling <_<
Mao: 7.5 Amusing sarcastic humour. Loved her scenes with Frank. Felt like a better animal character than Blanca in personality at least.
Ricardo Gomez: 8.5 Ric is great.

Killer: 9/10
Lady: 9/10
Whilst Frank and Mao made me laugh these guys made me cry. Some really sensitive and emotional story pulling from the villians' side.
Gilbert: 6/10 Meh.
Edna Capone: 4.5/10 More Edna please.

Al Capone: 4.5/10 More Capone please.
Lenny Curtis: 5/10 - Lenny!
Roger Bacon:  5/10 Not my favourite Roger incarnation. Still UoM hype!
« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 11:43:18 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2008, 11:18:17 AM »
Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 1/10. You're a real trooper, kid. Now die.
Shania: 1/10. Has boobs and nothing else.
Natan: 1.5/10. Gets a half point for not contributing.
Hilda Valentine: 5.5/10. Gimmick annoyed me, but would have probably been better with more screentime/being the actual main.
Frank Goldfinger: 0.0000001/10 (0/10). Fuck off, die, etc. etc. You drove me absolutely goddamn mad.
Mao: 4/10. Needed to hate on Frank more.
Ricardo Gomez: 3/10. All three points are for his guitar case.

Killer: 8/10. Kinda cool.
Lady: 8.5/10. Silent antagonist! Except she kills you all and drowns the world in Malice. Win.
Gilbert: 2.5/10. ehehehehe die.
Edna Capone: 4/10. Cliched but would have been an interesting part of the plot otherwise.

Al Capone: 4/10. See Edna.
Lenny Curtis: 3/10. A whatever character in a bad game.
Roger Bacon: 3/10. See Lenny. I liked him in 1, didn't care in 2 and this.


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2008, 10:05:55 PM »
Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 5/10 Don't feel much one way or the other
Shania: 1/10 Worthless fanservice and nothing else
Natan: 3/10 "I am Natan. That is the extent of my character development."
Hilda Valentine: 3/10 No.
Frank Goldfinger: 1/10 I thought one of the weapon scenes was kinda funny. Everything else about him is just a stupid rehash of Joachim.
Mao: 7/10 Works.
Ricardo Gomez: 7/10 Likable enough

Killer: 8/10
Lady: 6/10
Gilbert: 7/10
Edna Capone: 5/10

Al Capone: 5/10
Lenny Curtis: 4/10 Sounds like he has peanut butter on the roof of his mouth
Roger Bacon: 8/10 Roger Bacon owns
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2008, 10:13:04 PM »
Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 5/10. He was kinda there. Not a bad kid character, but not a great one either.
Shania: 4/10. She has some potential with the crazy amount of drive and the whole malice-eating-her plot but it's not really expanded upon. Don't really get the hate though.
Natan: 3/10. Exists.
Hilda Valentine: 6/10. Moderately amusing.
Frank Goldfinger: 1.5/10. Pretty lame.
Mao: 6/10. See Hilda.
Ricardo Gomez: 4/10. Uh huh.

Killer: 7.5/10. He's neat.
Lady: 7.5/10. It's been said.
Gilbert: 8/10. On balance, I actually like him best of the villains. He pretty much twists Lady and Killer around to his own desires while barely clinging to his own life on multiple occasions. Endings is really disappointing though.
Edna Capone: 5/10. She's okay.

Al Capone: 5/10. Points just for being Al Capone? Maybe.
Lenny Curtis: 7/10. Sends you on math sidequests.
Roger Bacon: 6/10. Not his best game. He's still Roger Bacon though.

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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #20 on: May 25, 2008, 10:51:58 PM »
Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 2. Characters had personalities upon he met them. Then he hogged all the reaction lines.
Shania: 4. Basically agree with Elfboy here. Feel like when people say boobs, it's almost in an ew way in this case.
Natan: 3. Whatever.
Hilda Valentine: 6. Decent for SH 3.
Frank Goldfinger: 2. Clearly I liked him more than most!
Mao: 6. Decent for SH 3.
Ricardo Gomez: 6. Decent for 3.

Killer: 8
Lady: 8
Gilbert: 6.5.
Edna Capone: 4. Is there.

Al Capone: 4
Lenny Curtis: 7.
Roger Bacon: 7.
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2008, 03:09:21 AM »
Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 5/10. Inoffensive. Works for what he is.
Shania: 3/10. She's pretty much just a bitch. 
Natan: 3/10. He...just exists, despite how it seems that he's actively trying not to.
Hilda Valentine: 5/10. Amusing at times.
Frank Goldfinger: 0/10. So much hate.
Mao: 6/10. Drunken boxing giant cat is funny. Being a crime boss and movie star on top of that is even moreso.
Ricardo Gomez: 6/10. Innoffensive, extra point for style.

Killer: 7/10. Pretty cool, so far. He's seven kinds of screwed up, and makes no apologies for it.
Lady: 7/10. Silent antagonist is interesting.
Gilbert: 7/10. Effective at being a slimeball.
Edna Capone: 5/10. Exists.

Al Capone: 5/10. Exists.
Lenny Curtis: 6/10. Amusing, does supporting role well.
Roger Bacon: 3/10. Big dissapointment after his other roles.
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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2008, 03:19:59 AM »

Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:

Johnny Garland: 2.5/10. Boring~
Shania: 4/10. Vengeance is...something~?
Natan: 0.5/10. Half a point for name being a palindrome.
Hilda Valentine: 6.5/10. Needed to exist more~
Frank Goldfinger: 0.5/10. I can see them wanting another Joachim, he was cool. The problem with redoing this arises when A) You use the exact same joke except make it less funny, and B) You reuse the SAME MUSIC. That being said, the legendary sword bit actually works better with Frank's version, so 0.5 works~
Mao: 5.5/10. Exists for own arc and sidequest, and then doesn't exist. Cool enough for above average score though~
Ricardo Gomez: 6.5/10. Flamethrower guitar is both more style and development then the rest of the cast, except maybe Hilda~

Killer: 9/10. Serial murderers are awesome~
Lady: 8/10. Silent antagonist can actually work, especially when your first scene involves killing a bunch of people~
Gilbert: 8.5/10. Slimy, interesting, drives the earlygame~
Edna Capone: 3/10. Boring~

Al Capone: 4.5/10. See above, but is Al Capone so that is worth more.
Lenny Curtis: 7/10. Lenny~
Roger Bacon: 5/10. Same amount of screentime as SH1, less amusing.
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2008, 06:46:26 PM »
Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 4/10. Generic and boring and completely uninspiring!
Shania: 3/10. Just your standard bitch, and she makes no real improvement from there.
Natan: 3/10. I'M A BIG INDIAN! Yeah, no.
Hilda Valentine: 7/10. Best character in the PC Cast.  Kind of amusing at times, running gags that were kind of funny, and generally worked as a follow up to Joachim...
Frank Goldfinger: 2/10. MEANWHILE, he did not.  Joachim was over the top to the point where it was funny.  Frank was over the top to the point where it was stupid.
Mao: 5.5/10.  You'd think a Mafia Headboss who was a Drunken Cat who aspires to be a big time actor would be amusing...and it should be!  The problem is they do NOTHING WITH IT.
Ricardo Gomez: 5/10. Apathy.  Show's more character than Johnny or something.

Killer: 7/10.  Good for what he was.
Lady: 7/10.  See above.
Gilbert: 8/10.  Better at what he was than the above too, being generally creepy and such.
Edna Capone: 4/10. Meh.

Al Capone: 4/10. There + 1 point for being Al Capone.
Lenny Curtis: 6/10.  Sadly, Lenny doesn't have much going for him here when he was generally fun dimwitted Henchman in SHC...but he gets points for MATH SIDE QUESTS YES!
Roger Bacon: 5/10. Roger Bacon's worst appearance? Yes, but that just gives him an average score into an awesome one or something <_<?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Character Rankings Reborn...Mark II
« Reply #24 on: June 28, 2008, 03:55:56 AM »

Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World:
Johnny Garland: 4/10.
Shania: 4/10.
Natan: 3/10.
Hilda Valentine: 7/10.
Frank Goldfinger: 2/10.
Mao: 3/10.
Ricardo Gomez: 4/10.

Killer: 7/10.
Lady: 7/10.
Gilbert: 5/10.
Edna Capone: 4/10.

Al Capone: 3/10.  Barely existed.
Lenny Curtis: 5/10.  Is still Lenny.
Roger Bacon: 6/10.  ;_;
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.