
Author Topic: Season 43 Nom pools  (Read 9403 times)


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Re: Season 43 Nom pools
« Reply #50 on: May 11, 2008, 01:18:06 AM »

Kyogre (PKMN) - Yay water~
Choko (AtLC) - Akura form hype~?
Lugia (PKMN) - Every pool should have a birdie~
Velna (LoL2) - Trainwreck is GO!
Luther Lansfeld (SO3) - LAZER BEAMS~
Chaz Ashley (PS4) - Champ~


Neifirst (PS2) - Crazy catgirl~
Ayame (S3) - Lowest Heavy. Yay~
Saturos (GS) - Looks punky~
Nicholai Conrad (SH2) - Heresy is fun~
Grahf (XG) - Everyone loves Grahf~


Poco (AtLC) - Tallychu antihype~
Shion Uzuki (XSs) - OK hype~
Zynk (ShF2) - Sounds like zinc~
Kimahri Ronso (FFX) - Ciato fanservice~
Tear Grants (TotA) - REAL Ciato fanservice~
Rassius Luine (ToE) - I need something to be stabbed for~


Gremio (S1) - Suikoscrubs are awesome~
Edward Damcyan (FF4) - Badass~
Ruprecht (SO2) - Sexy~
Balbaroy (ShF1) - Sword of Darkness hype?
Chongara (AtLC) - More sexy~
Sneff (CC) - More, more~
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Season 43 Nom pools
« Reply #51 on: May 11, 2008, 01:47:03 AM »
Godlike: Cyril (SO2) Luther Lansfeld (SO3) Geneveive (VP) Loki (VP) Luis Virgil (XS) Velna (LoL2)

1. Longest absence in the division. Sucks, but the point stands.
2. Pool of Tri-Ace bosses, apparently.
3. Quadracaster hype.
4. Ditto.
5. Stupid Sephiroth. *grumble grumble*
6. Godlike pool needed more estrogen.

Heavy: Ayla (CT) Angelo (DQ8) Jean (LEBC) Neifirst (PS2) Sarah (S3) Veronica Vera (SH2)

1. Three first-round losses, the most recent being season twenty-five? You can't tell me that's right.
2. Celebrating my newfound ability to vote on DQ8.
3. Dancing Queen~ (Oh god, hate Abba so much).
4. Phanboy power compels me.
5. One match twenty seasons ago? Overdue for another shot.
6. All the SH2 bosses had one appearance when the game was ranked and then vanished. This will not do!

Middle: Brad Evans (WA2) Tear Grants (TotA) Jeane (Suikos) Nikea (S5) Hahn Mahlay (PS4) Argilla (DDS)

1. BRAD: Get a fucking win already, will you?
2. No matches.
3. Go forth, Jeane, and burn scrubby Middles, for great sexiness!
4. Please don't draw a frickin' status whore this time.
5. For the Snows.
6. No matches.

Light: Melody Vilente (WA3) Viktor (Suikos) Rahal (S5) Taloon (DW4) Rinoa Heartilly (FF8) Balbaroy (ShF1)

1. Must...see...Light champ...Melody...
2. Way overdue for another match.
3. No matches. And the S5 dragon knights are spectacularly bad, so this comes with humor value as well.
4. Because Light is good for two things: Melody titles, and hilarious failure (note: these two things may overlap).
5. Because I do so love watching you all suffer.
6. No matches. Crap, and I wouldn't mind a bit if he got booted, but "no matches" is enough in Light.

Lazy, so why not. >_>


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Re: Season 43 Nom pools
« Reply #52 on: May 11, 2008, 02:01:55 AM »
I'm mostly jacking TAl's list. Why his? Why not?

Raquel (WA4) - Her flashing blade shall pierce the darkness!
Orlandu (FFT) - Is broken.
Sierra (S2) - For the El Cids?
Cecilia (WA) - Random fanboyism.
TimeLord(Saga) - I like TimeLord.
Ghaleon(Lunars) - Feels almost due, so why not?


Hect (G3) - Violin to the face?
Arnaud (WA4) - For the Tides.
Momo (BoF3) - Peach Engine hype~
Garnet (FF9) - For the Dhyers.
Aseulls (Saga) - She's due.
Jerin (L1) - She's due.


Beowulf (FFT) - Status whore deluxe.
Sania (AtLC) - Everything's better with princesses.
Eileen (S1) - More random fanboyism.
Yulie (WA4) - For great SAPPHIRE RING HYPE.
Tengaar (Suikos) - For the Snows.

Edward (FF4) - Lute to the face?
Melody (WA3) - Sure why not.
Emma (WA ACF) - Skillset of awesome!
Mariel (WA ACF) - Flower to the face?
Koichi (S3) - Doggies.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Season 43 Nom pools
« Reply #53 on: May 11, 2008, 02:09:27 AM »
Godlike: Jecht (FFX), Dark Force (PSes), Avalon (LoL2), Luther (SO3), Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)
1: Vaguely due.
2: Slightly more due.
3: Due.
4: Should get in more than once.
5: Need a PC in here somewhere.

Heavy: Strago (FFVI), Rapp (Grandia), Melbu Frahma (LoD), Poo (EB), Borgan (Lunar 2)
1: UOM with options.
2: Dethsword!
3: Because it'd be funny.
4: Random.
5: BtS bait!

Middle: Vahn (LoL), Hahn Mahlay (PS4), Yulie (WA4), Vormav (FFT), Huxley Hobbes (VH)
1: Due.
2: Fun mage-type, due, rhymes with Vahn.
3: Sure.
4: Due.
5: Supreme, Healing.

Light: Gogo (FF6), Blank (FFIX), Anri (Shining Force), Lucied (WAs), Rafa (FFT)
1: Sure.
2: Cinna and Marcus got in the past year, why not him?
3: Physically tanky mage hype.
4: Due.
5: Her Lion War form will surely dominate Light!
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Season 43 Nom pools
« Reply #54 on: May 11, 2008, 06:59:22 AM »
Godlike- Sephiroth(FF7), Ghaleon(Lunars)-Time to Die, Melfice(Grandia 2), Loki(VP), Albedo(XS), Odd Eye(SF2)

Heavy- Cloud Strife(FF7)-nobody likes him but me....oh well, Janus Cascade(WA3)-Rainbow Negative Hype, Justin(Grandia), Rei(BoF3), Jack Van Burace(WA)-been too long, Id(XG)-He is just the man

Middle- Vahn(LoL), Max(SF)-too bad it wasn't the newer version, Beowulf(FFT), Dekar(Lufia2), Ashton Anchors(SO2), Fred Maximillian(S3)

Light- Jet Enduro(WA3), Hix(Suikos), Rufus Shinra(FF7), Gremio(Suiko1)
I think......I think I want to be forgiven. Mhhm. More than anything.


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Re: Season 43 Nom pools
« Reply #55 on: May 11, 2008, 08:26:22 AM »
Godlike: Empyrea, Ness, Nate, T.G Cid, Zog, Rubicant
Heavy: Nina4, Hector, Poo, Rydia, Fogel, Maya Amano
Middle: Vaynard, Robo, Lich, White Wizard, Jessica, Rouge
Light: Gogen, Cid (FF4), Milich, Chisato, Roger Huxley, Hix

This is a pretty decent pool.
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Re: Season 43 Nom pools
« Reply #56 on: May 11, 2008, 08:43:31 AM »
Oops! Noms were a few hours ago; forgot to close this. Rather embarrassing.

Thanks for everyone who contributed pools! And don't forget to return when for season 44 noms in 5 weeks' time.

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