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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2008, 09:53:52 PM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind: I will give Corridors of Time this, it's a substantially more emotive and complete piece than Shevat, which rips it off. Close fight, but Over the Wind is just a bit catchier to me.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II: Solid remix of the title theme. Meanwhile, looks like SRW's inability to do non-battle music extends outside OG1.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone: o_O NOT what I expected from the ToL track title. Not sure what I make of it, but an easy vote over a mediocre piece of Sonic music. Needs to be Scrap Brain.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World: ;_; As much as I find CC music overrated, I am very glad that the few exceptions (Prisoners, Scar, and this) got in. However, Fated Confrontation is just outstanding

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle: Sinistral's decent but only that. I'll take non-SNES synth over it, though.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer: Ah, now here's a right good Touhou track.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel: Combines energy and melody much better, and since that's what both of them are trying to do, this is easy.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence: I guess. Chase is pretty boring outside the bit near the end. Existence... decent enough.

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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2008, 10:10:43 PM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2008, 11:25:54 PM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind - ...damn.  I agree with NEB - both emotively good for what they are.  Ouch.  Tough fight here.  But...I'll go with Over the Wind.  Damnit, why must some fail get through and then matches like this happen...
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II - Can you tell I'm not a hyge fan of S2 music?  I like the piano here in Reminiscence a lot.  Very soft and soothing.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone - Eh...both decent enough, Sonic hasn't had any love yet.  Plus, it's more memorable >_>  I thought Bird Chirps was another song entirely!
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World - Best game in the series has the best music.  Fits.  Love the Duel music.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle - Sinistral is catchier and funner.  Hard Fight brings back MASSIVE SLOWDOWN MEMORIES VS. ODETTE!!!!
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer - FABULOUS instrumentation beast Knight Blazer easily.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel - Glowing Cloud happens to be one of my less liked battle themes.  Blank Easel is pretty damn nice. 
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence - Existence wouldn't load >_>  I found it anyway!  Luca's music is better than him, at least. 
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2008, 11:33:16 PM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind: Why didn't people nom any of the WA4 tracks I really like. Well, this one's good, and an effective scene-setter in-game, but Time Circuits is far better at that. One of my favorite pieces of videogame music despite showing its age; the bittersweet feeling is just perfect for the realization on reaching Zeal that everyone you meet there is about to die.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II: As usual, Suikoden music fails to make an impression.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone: Pleasant enough. Moreso than Genesis music, at least.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World: Eh. S4's only standout track is the evil tree battle theme, in my opinion.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle: Odin Sphere's best battle track, I think. Sinistral Battle is good, but...SNES synth.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer: Don't like the WA5 track at all and it does a disservice to all things named "Blazer." (What?) Where does that even play in the game?
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel: Generic Sakuraba music versus generic Wild Arms, whatever.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence: Assassin fanboy, plus most Suikoden music being fairly unmemorable to me (the bongo rhythm here is pretty groovy, though!).


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2008, 12:10:01 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind - Yay Corridors of Time. Over the Wind is objectively better, but...I just have to hand it to CoT.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II - Battle of slp inducing.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone - Ooh, nice ToL track. Vs...generic sonic music. Easy.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World - Ack. Dream better fits my mood today, but this was a tough fight.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle - Not really impressed by OS music in general.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer - I'm not in much of a touhou music mood today. Weird. And I really like the WA5 theme here.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel - Hmm, yeah, see the Elf. Same game, better at it.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence - This is a pretty neat theme. Not a huge fan of Luca's for all that it isn't bad.
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2008, 01:48:51 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2008, 01:58:08 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind - Rrrgh. Very difficult decision here. Why must good tracks lose in the first round...
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II - ...while crappy tracks like these go up against each other just to see which one sucks less? Lady Luck is so cruel sometimes.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone - What's the version of this ToL song called that's exactly the same thing but without the vocals?  That one would win.  The vocals of this track always annoyed me for some reason.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer - Better than the WA2 track of the same name.  Yeah, I said it.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel - Someone please make the whistling stop
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2008, 02:58:48 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind  Both are really good. I'll give it to the one who seems like the underdog.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle This is another good battle This is another hard choice. Odin Sphere's has excellent quality, but that annoying part in the middle where it repeats for way longer than it should have. I'll give it to OS because the song fits just perfectly when you first hear it when fighting Odette. 
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2008, 03:35:58 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind-Yep, I think I'm pretty solidly in the "WA music is generally overrated at best" catagory. I remember over the wind, just didn't like it at all. CoT is solid.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II- Same thing, BGM II's just a bit better.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone- I hate J-pop for the most part but the vocals are most excellent here. Meanwhile Sonic music.. well, it's Genesis music.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World- Ugh. CC song's okay.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle- Not too close.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer- Pass.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2008, 05:18:03 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2008, 06:06:06 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind - Pver the wind is passable but nothing special.  The Zeal music is solid.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II - I wonder how Reminiscence is used in-game.  Sounds neat, though; good piano work.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone - Chemical Plant Zone is the best song from Sonic 2, as I recall.  And The Bird chirps is an outright middle of the road song from the ToL soundtrack (I agree that the instrumental version, of which I think one exists, would be better).  That just goes to show how ToL is a stupidly awesome soundtrack even given suspicion of J-Pop, I suppose.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World - Not seeing the Fated Confrontation hype.  It has about 10 seconds of interestingness right before it loops, but that's not enough against one of the better pieces from a fine soundtrack.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle - Not close.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer - Uh, I dislike both.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel - Excellent vs. blah.  I like the opening of Blank Easel, at least.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence - Slaughter.  Suiko II's soundtrack is overrated but this is the best piece on it hands down.


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2008, 06:35:40 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind - Failoff~
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II - Less sleep inducing then Sleep-inducing BGM II.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone - Meh~
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World - Disturbingly easy. Fail S4.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle - Catchy~
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer - This is the least close match in the whole first round. Phantom Ensemble SMASH a not great WA5 thing.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel - Coinflip for two decent yet not outstanding tracks.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence - Existence is slightly better~
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 01:50:19 AM by Nitori »
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2008, 09:40:48 PM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind: Weird. I tend to consider Corridors of Time a favorite but this time I zoned out and went into "wait, is something playing?" mode. Then Over the Wind captivated me with its energy. Vote get.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II: Meh.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone: Hum. Weird. Pleasant.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World: Not seeing the appeal of the hyped S4 tracks.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle: Simple, though even the winner leaves something to be desired.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer: Eh. Both tracks are better than I recalled which means I'm not shooting myself.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel: Sakurababot vs one of my favorite WA tracks.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence: Chase is a bore. Existence is okay for GGXX, which just means it's very good. >_>
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2008, 05:47:01 AM »
Corridors of Time- Niu has to complain, people are still using that third grader level mistrans that is time Circuit? Fan translation really has gone hopeless.
Heart-softening BGM II
The bird chirps, I sing- This is overkill
Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World
A Hard Fight and then Hope- If the Sinstral track is the SSH, it could have gone the other way.
Phantom Ensemble
Glowing Cloud


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2008, 06:10:11 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind - Oddly enough I don't really like whatever the Zeal music should be called.  Over the Wind is okay.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II - Both of these fail.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone - Easy.  Why Chemical Plant?
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World - Eh.  Hard to compare, like the CC one better.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle - More apathy.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer - Not the biggest Phantom Ensemble fan, but it beats this easily.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel - Again these two sound very much alike.  The WA one does it much better.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence - Just better.  Eh, last two pools are kinda boring.


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2008, 07:27:37 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind- Man, Corridors of Time got nothin' on Shevat.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone- Let's Sing~
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World- <3 this song.  ;_; at having to vote against Fated Confrontation so soon.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer- Pretty close, weirdly.  But I like Knight Blazer, and while this neuters it a bit it at least has actual length!
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel- Similar, plays to my biases much better.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence- I guess.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 07:57:28 AM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2008, 02:10:05 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II - love that S2 sappy stuff.  Very Zelda-esque in a good way.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone - never liked that particular StH music.  Shame, though.  It's a cool level.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World *crush*

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle - If this were Lufia 2's Boss Battle, this would be a contest.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer - tough.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel - sure, why not?
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence
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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2008, 07:46:24 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind
Just generally more energy.

Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II
Much like the FF6 pieces, I think I prefer the faster versions of this (opening to Suiko 2 would have been perfect).  That said, even this cleanly wins.

Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone
An odd little piece, and better than any piece of Sonic music I've heard, let alone a mediocre piece like this one.

Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World
Seems pretty clear cut and easy.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle

Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer
Knight Blazer manages to continue with the good music.  Who knew?

Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel
I like the pseudo organ music.

Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence
Ugh...  so much good Suiko 2 music to choose from, and we get...  this.  Ah well, it's not Holy Orders, but it's still an easy win.


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2008, 11:35:12 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind - Meh versus lame CT music. I KNOW that there's some good CT music, why was none of it here?
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II - No contest.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone - Uhh... Bird is... different, I guess. Chemical's arguably not that bad but I don't really like the overall vibe of it.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World - More relaxing.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle - A Hard Fight And Then Some is all over the place, but at least it isn't as boring as Sinistral.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer - Both pretty good. Think Knight is more to my taste at the moment.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel - Urgh... Glowing Cloud FEELS like it has a good tune behind it, but it's barely audible behind the garbling in front. Consequently Blank Easel gets a win despite being lame.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence - Not. Difficult.


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2008, 01:37:50 AM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind - Not one of the good tracks from CT.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II - Sure?  Both of these are boring.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone - Yeah.  Chemical Plant Zone is catchy at least.
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World - I do likes the Chrono Cross music.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle - Less boring.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer - Lunasa > Knight Blazer.  Violin to the face~
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel - Slaughter.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence - Isn't GG music.  gg


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2008, 07:22:23 PM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind: First off, Cid's insane.  You DON'T know everyone's going to die, and the song plays after the Apocalypse anyway, so that mood aspect just fundamentally fails.  THAT said, Over the Wind I genuinely like, Corridors of Time is yawn inducing.
Super Robot Wars EX - Reminiscence v Suikoden II - Heart-softening BGM II: SRW should stick to battle themes.
Tales of Legendia- The bird chirps, I sing v Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ~ Chemical Plant Zone: Nice Background music beats the hell out of one of the blander Sonic Songs (which is a pretty big insult, all things considered.)
Suikoden IV - Fated Confrontation v Chrono Cross- Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World: Good fight, but I like this more.

Odin Sphere: A Hard Fight and then Hope v Lufia 2 - Sinistral Battle: OS Music does nothing for me, this song is no exception.
Perfect Cherry Blossom - Phantom Ensemble v Wild Arms 5 – Battle: Knight Blazer: The song wasn't that special in WA2, its not really improved all that much with better instruments in WA5.  Phantom Ensemble is pretty good meanwhile.
Baten Kaitos – Glowing Cloud v Wild Arms XF - Blank Easel: Whatever.
Suikoden 2- The Chase (Luca Blight's battle theme) v Guilty Gear XX: Existence: Familiarity for the Tie Break!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2008, 05:45:19 PM »
Chrono Trigger - Time Circuits/Corridors of Time/Chrono Corridor v Wild ARMs 4 - Over the Wind: First off, Cid's insane.  You DON'T know everyone's going to die, and the song plays after the Apocalypse anyway, so that mood aspect just fundamentally fails.

Wrongo. It plays for the "overworld" map of the island of Zeal when you first get there and, I believe, some of the city areas (the central castle has different music, which may be messing with your memory). And, at the very least, you know Zeal is going to collapse because there are pieces of it scattered all over the future timelines, and RPG designers simply wouldn't send you to a place like that if something interestingly catastrophic wasn't about to happen to it. On account of this, I made the assumption on first arriving there that the party would be involved in its destruction. This lent an aura of inevitability to the whole plot arc, and thus it left quite an impact on me.


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Re: Music Tournament of Doom Preliminaries Pool 16
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2008, 06:37:20 AM »
CT- x v Over the Wind- xi
EX- vi v Heartsoft- xiiii
Bird- xvii v Chemical- iii
Fated- iii v Dream- xvii

Hard Fight- x v Sinistral- xi
Phantom- xi v Knight- viii
Cloud- vi v Easel- xv
Chase- viii v Existence- xii

Nothin' to see here, 'cept for how long it took me~  Thanks for voting.

CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.