Eight lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Odin vs Fou-Lu GrandmastaBrick@aol.com: Odin's spear, Gungnir, could destroy the Earth. Need I say more? ODIN: 149 FOU-LU: 117 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Fou-Lu is a god, and a ruler. Odin is a ruler of gods. And that, as they say, is that. rurounikenshi@gmx.net Fou-Lu is a dragon god. Odin is just a upstart elf-thingie. Now guess who would win. CainofSolaris@aol.com Dragons no likey-wikey big spears? Awww... babbwa@vcu.edu Odin appears for his match, ready to go with Fou Lu... despite repeated comparisons between his opponent and the Midgard serpernt. Favorable comparisons. Beginning the match, he's at a loss as to why Fou-Lu looks so calm... until the emperor turns into a gigantic black dragon and blasts him from orbit. Let's remember folks... when your opponent is more powerful than what is supposedly going to wake up and engulf your kingdom, let's not try to take him in a one-on-one match! Grahf vs Miguel nemoincognito@hotmail.com: Let's see.... hippy fisherman in a floppy cap or psychotic masked mysterio who crushes gears with his bare hands. Gee, I can't decide.... GRAHF: 154 MIGUEL: 107 ksoppy@yahoo.com Miguel easily expected to win easily with his Holy Dragon Sword powers, knowing the evil that lay in Grahf's heart. However, once the match began, one glaring realization was made. Grapf ain't weak to Light. With that in mind, he prepared himself for the brutal series of combos that Grapf was preparing to lay upon him. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Miguel never even attempted to fight Grahf. Though he might have won, a simpler solution presented itself (or rather, was presented by fellow bespectacled swordsman Hyuga at the last convention of that august body). Grahf entered the Arena, his imposing theme music blaring. But something seemed odd. A scent, oddly familiar and enticing, wafted through his mask. It was... yes, it was none other than a traditional Shevite banquet, laid out by Miguel in the middle of the Arena, and prepared by his cooking champion daughter! While the dominant Lacan part of Grahf internally railed against the pseudo-Victorian colonialist exploitative enemy-of-the-working-man heirarchial patriarchal and general non-Commieness of the tasty meal, the spirit of Khan Wong was glad to have some decent food instead of 'that tofu crap,' and promptly took over - which was ruled as outside interference! ANONYMOUS Miguel and Grahf stepped into the arena. Being required to bow before the match, it was suddenly apparent to Miguel how much shorter he was then the imposing Grahf. Miguel trembled and said: "Evil cannot prevail over my Holy Dragon Sword. You are the most obvious Black element creature around!" Grahf:"Doth thou desire the power? YOU AREN'T GETTING IT." Miguel quickly attempted to use Holy Dragon Sword, being the one trick pony that he is. It did some damage to Grahf, but Miguel was shocked that it didn't even seem to stagger him. Why didn't it KO him outright? Few evil enemies could stand up to such an attack. "Why!?" shouted Miguel. "Because I'm not technically evil. That is Id's job. So I don't take any extra damage from Holy attacks." Grahf responded. He then proceeded to fry Miguel with his Mega Guided Shot. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Grahf > Miguel Cooma44@hotmail.com Grahf not only a contract, but has age over Miguel. Nearly invicible in every way, and can create chi blasts big enough to wipe out an large army of Gears bear handed. Miguel has been given powers of time, and may be only kept alive at his death, to be an guardian. His strenghs only are in ligh magic. Lacking any attack power, and was beaten by Serge, and co. Grahf looks at Miguel, seeing him cast a holy spell. Grahf kicks Miguel in the mid section, sending himself into the air, and floats above Miguel. Using this time to create a large chi blast, causing Miguel to be vaporized. Grahf wins =^.^= babbwa@vcu.edu No way that Miguel can exactly beat Grahf here... the Seeker of Power has the advantage in speed, power, experience, and raw willpower. Miguel has quite a few strong attacks and good defense, but there's no comparing that to the over-powered badness of the ruthless Grahf. Shale0@msn.com Grahf is quite strong, but the TurnBlack/HolyDragonSword combo is cheap to the point of pure evil. Throw in UltraNova and Miguel's respectable HP, and Grahf isn't getting out of this alive. Vivi vs Emeralda babbwa@vcu.edu: Emeralda: Where's Kim? Vivi: I'm cute! Emeralda: You're not Kim. ANEMO BOLT~! Emeralda: (standing on top of charred black mage hat) Where's Kim? VIVI: 134 EMERALDA: 148 nemoincognito@hotmail.com Vivi's match profile likens this confrontation to that of the tortoise and the hare. I consider this a bad example. In this case the hare could run to the finish line and back twice before turning her arm into a razor blade and beheading the tortoise to mount on her wall. While I respect master Ornitier as a purveyor of mass destruction whose magic power makes even Godlikes tremble Emeralda's insane post growth spurt stats, speed not being the least of which, will see him off at a moment's notice. Inuyashatachi@aol.com One thing that people tend to forget when they look at Vivi is that unlike most of his contemporaries... Vivi is just as deadly as a physical attacker as he is with his magic. That said Vivi wins this match with relative ease. Shale0@msn.com Vivi has strong magic and weak physical defense. Emerelda has strong physical attacks and high magic defense. Today's lesson: don't bring Flare to a fistfight. ANONYMOUS Emeralda will turn into a buzzsaw and slice right through Vivi before Vivi ever realizes where she is. Geddoe vs Leo Lessthandan1@yahoo.com: Leo came riding into the arena in grand regalia on the Destiny, complete with a trumpet fanfare. He dismounted from the great ship and calmly stood in the center of the arena. Geddoe was nowhere to be seen. "Come out and taste my refreshment, Knave!" Bellowed Leo, as he practiced sword thrusts in the ring. No answer. Geddoe was late as usual. Suddenly, the curtain opened and he strolled into the arena, then stopped on the entrance platform. "Fool! You're late. You need a spanking!" screeched Leo, raising his sword. A slight smirk could be seen on Geddoe's battle-worn face as he calmly raised his right hand and blasted Leo with a well-placed Furious Blow from his True Lightning Rune. The bolt channelled clean through Leo's sword. Geddoe walked up to the ring and stood over the fallen, sputtering Leo. "Heh. Don't you know metal objects attract Lightning?" chuckled Geddoe, as he then grabbed the front of Leo's robe. "Hm...and you might want to think about seeing a dry cleaner for that static problem. Goodbye." Geddoe then dropped the White Knight and left the arena. GEDDOE: 156 LEO: 83 CainofSolaris@aol.com "Discipline feels good!" Leo says. "If you insist," Geddoe answers. Geddoe and his True Lighting Rune is gonna OWN heavy this season. AshburnerX@yahoo.com Leo has some ok abilities and decent stats. Geddoe has some great abilities thanks to his True Lightning Rune and some decent stats. I'm going to have to hand this one to Geddoe... majin rad shadow@aol.com Geddoe is in Heavy! OK, who will go against him in shear power in that category...... no one. He has a True Rune and can dish out massive damage in a small amount of time. He will destroy poor Leo in this match. Leo won't be able to get close to him and if he does, Geddoe is a above average swordsman too. Claude vs Worker 8 Shale0@msn.com: Both combatants have stellar defense. Of course, the little detail that Worker 8 can use physical attacks five times as strong as Claude's should worry the golem a bit... CLAUDE: 72 WORKER 8: 174 Shraifer@hotmail.com Claude looked at the menacing robot across from him for the fifth time and shruged again, while wondering what kind of wiring he'd find when he cracked open the glowing tin can before him. He had watched robot, called Worker 8, enter the ring so slowly before, that he could barely contain his excitement as the match began. Unfortunately, he never got a chance to find out, as a single dispose sent piece of his golem body flying all over the arena. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Worker 8 has this really sweet move, but I doubt anyone knows about it. Have you ever had someone hit him, and Worker 8 counter? Yea, it does like 500 damage. He would own Claude...easily. Isuk Claude Roxors. Liete vs Lilka CainofSolaris@aol.com: Cute elf chicks > big sis wannabes LIETE: 115 LILKA: 109 Shale0@msn.com For all Liete's repritiore, she has nothing that can take Lilka out quickly, and it's the easiest thing in the world for the young Crest Sorceress to run her opponents out of MP with solid healing, even when their reserves go as deep as Liete's. Rikku vs Badrach MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Knowing Badrach, he'll try to mess with Rikku outside the Arena - mug her, kidnap her make lewd comments about her tight shorts, etc. As a result, even though she could beat him in fight, she won't have to, because those Al Bhed stick together. Badrach sleeps with the Water Flans... RIKKU: 189 BADRACH: 73 GrandmastaBrick@aol.com ...It's really sad that Rikku can do less damage than Badrach. But that is the case, so Badrach wins. ValkyrieFyea The hardest decision was between Badrach and Rikku. I have seen both of them in action due to the fact that i played both Valkyrie Profile and Final Fantasy 10...but i voted for Rikku 'cause i know her mixs would beat Badrach anyday given! if she's weak, she'll mix al-bhed potions and an antiote to get to full health. and for attack, i made her learn holy, regen and haste. she'll whoop Badrach's BUTT! plus i'm sure she has a trick up her sleeve. Joker vs Banon CainofSolaris@aol.com: Joker will think this is a joke when he sees all Banon does is heal. JOKER: 156 BANON: 92 GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Banon is Lord. Excellence in Teaming II Unoriginal: One orbital space station "Zelan": 5,938,320,000,000 Meseta Retrofitting Zelan with a pair of solar mirrors: 49,500,000 Meseta Positron cannon unit: 55,000,000 Meseta Replacing damaged Arena ceiling: 1,400,000 Meseta Look on the Crimson Nobs faces as they get blasted by sunlight in an indoor arena at 1 AM: Priceless CRIMSON NOBS: 122 BOT PACK: 135 ANONYMOUS I have to say that Drac alone with his many incarnations could own the robot team, since they have little in the way of strong magic ability and even Asgard, who makes up most of their team, could not hope to win against vampires as cool as Drac, irratating as Neclord, or as cute as Mariabel, at least all at once. Nobles win. dark_nite2000@yahoo.com You can't suck blood from a robot. But you CAN break a vampire's neck. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Brahms is the 3rd best playable character in VP. Dracula is legendary. They should win. Sac@sachw.chb.net The crimson NOBS? I mean, come on,s eriously, they're called the NOBS? NOBS? The vampires will probabaly so embarrased by the name of their team that they'll all run off to castlevania with Dracula and pray a Vampire Slayer whip equipped Belmont (or maybe Buffy) will show up to put them out of their misery. ANONYMOUS Unless they like the taste of oil, vampires have their main strength nullified against non-living creatures. Thanks for informing me that Marivel is an actual RPG character. I thought she was mentioned in Wild Arms 3 because they just felt like putting a story in it that had nothing to do with the quest. babbwa@vcu.edu Nobs: Blar! We're going to suck your blood! Bots: Yarh! Hope you like oil! Winner=Bots. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.