At least seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Luc vs Lenneth Valkyrie ANONYMOUS: Luc stepped into the arena wearing his trademark mask. The arena instantly filled up with a gust of wind, forcing the spectators to hold onto their hats and various personal belongings. Lenneth was not at the least impressed with this casual display of power, but she was surprised she would be fighting someone so short. "Is he just a child?" Lenneth thought out loud. "How dare you. I am the bearer of a true rune, I've lived probably longer than you." Luc snarled. The round begain and fueled by his rage, Luc unleashed his Pale Palace spell. Lenneth, with nowhere to hide or run to under the barrage, was forced to ride out the attack. In an attempt to come back, she opened up with her physical attacks in an attempt to capitalize on Luc's weak defense. Lenneth wasn't counting on Luc having such an unfairly large dodge proficiancy, and not a single slash hit home. Lenneth was wide open for what KOed her: A Funeral Wind spell. The lesson is that attacking Luc without being able to deal status effects first is the biggest mistake a hero/ heroine can make. LUC: 173 LENNETH: 128 Lenneth lunged forward and, with remarkable speed and ... Missed Luc by a good yard. Luc frowned. "Try that again," he demanded petulantly. And so, she did. This time, her blow connected, and the True Rune Bearer was... Knocked back a step, a light wound on his chest. "How in Hikusaak's ignoble name did you ever make it to the second round?" the cocky mage asked. He took the time to glance at the Season Tree. "Oh." Dissapointed to not have a *Godlike* match in the second round, Luc blew Lenneth away and prepared to study his next possible opponents. He was pleased to note that neither of them would possibly remind him of his time in Middle. Lenneth uses a bow. Luc is all "Wahahaha my wind blows your arrows away hahahahaha I will win!" Then Lenneth is all "...K, I have swords to, you know." Luc:"Oh" Lenneth:"Yea" After a painful flurry of slashes and a Nibelung Valesti, we learned that wind has little effect of swords. Leneth couldnt een approach Luc in her battle.. couldnt breath, couldnt see, couldnt move.. when one masters the very element we exist in, not much can be done.. a few Shreddings later, Luc emerges victorious.. Luc wins this hands down,in any system you want.In VP system mages are well,the powerhouses of the game,and since Luc is a powerhouse in all the Suikodens he would blast Lenneth to oblivion with some of his awesome wind magic.If in Suiko system, Luc is not only an extremelly powerfull mage,he is also an extremelly fast mage at that.Sorry Lenneth, but you lose this one. Lenneth is a cute goddess. Luc is a crazy mage with crazy powers and a True Wind Rune. Luc wins. Ryu vs Yuri Hyuga This match is the prime example of power vs. power for PCs. Ryu is the supreme master of draconic damage dealing, backing it up in human form with powerful healing. Yuri is much the same, with his healing force of the Amon transformation, and the sheer ass-kickingness of the Seraphic Radiance. This match is close, and when that happens, the outcome is decided on by the previous results of the season. And one thing stands out: Whether in Godlike or Light, fishermen can’t get a break in Season 20. Ryu fishes, so he’ll be sleeping with them. RYU: 128 YURI: 134 There aren't many seasons when it's actually possible that this *isn't* the Championship, but this is one of them. Whoever wins this titanic struggle, it's going to make the rest of Godlike sweat. But... Ryu already knows his way around Arenas (in the RPGP and BoF3), while Yuri is a rookie. Maybe next time, big Y. Yuri and Ryu stepped into the arena. As the Star Dragon Sword proclaimed that the match had started, Yuri, being as fast as he is, transformed into the Seraphic Radience with a small grunt. Ryu nodded and began to transform, but was stopped by the in-ring referre. "Yuri still has his turn." "......." Ryu replied. "Because, his programming allows him to do so." "......." "I'm sorry, Ryu, but life ISN'T fair. All right, continue!" Before the ref could leap out of the way, both Ryu and the ref were promptly obliterated by "For the Children." Ryu entered the arena quiet as usual. But also grateful, for he had his usual group of fans who seems to forget obvious facts to thank for his previous victory over Orlandu. Ryu, as many people know, can not upkeep his transformations without the equivalent of MP. And Orlandu, as many people know, can extinguish every last drop of an opponent's MP(or equivalent thereof) with the Dark Sword technique. It's a miracle he had made it through the past match. But that's behind him now. Now he's up against a fellow transformer. Yuri stood in the arena already waiting for him. "It's about time you got here, I was getting a little worried that you might not show up. I wouldn't blame you though..." "..." was Ryu's usual response. "Hmmm... speechless at my remarkable abilities, eh? I'm not surprised." Ryu's response of "..." signaled the start of the match. Yuri and Ryu immediately started the battle with a transformation. When the light cleared, Ryu had assumed the form of the powerful Myrmidon form. Which he personally thought was his best. He thought Kaiser was overrated. Yuri however, had chosen Czernobog. Ryu was puzzled. He had heard of Yuri's powerful Seraphic Radiance and Amon transformations. Why isn't he using them? No use puzzling about it, he supposed. It should work for him anyway. Now he can make use of Aura against the dark-typed Czernobog. However, Yuri came out with a spirit pollution attack while Ryu was thinking, stealing all of Ryu's AP and reverting him back to human form.... Or so they had thought. Ryu had remained in his dragon form. "What?! You're supposed to be a human again! That's not fair!" Surprised himself, Ryu was taken aback, but knew enough to take advantage of the situation. He regained his composure. "..." Was all Ryu said before launching a slur of Auras and other powerful attacks that drilled the less powerful Czernobog-Yuri into the dust. Yuri woke up later surrounded by Alice and Zhuzen who were nursing him back to health. "Wh-what happened? Why didn't he change back?" "We saw this before at his match with Orlandu" said Zhuzhen. Auron vs Luca Blight Luca and Auron step onto the battlefield slowly. Auron seems to possess no expression as he tilts the Masamune abit idly. Luca, on the other hand, snickers to himself. "Hey, big man. You've got a good smell. Like death. Eheheh." Auron's only retort through his high collar is "I can't allow you to continue sending so many to their graves. Come. Taste the blade of the fallen." Getting into his crouching stance, he prepares to deliver an all-out attack, the only thing that would hurt such a demonic warrior. Clenching his blade tightly in both hands, Luca exudes an ear-splitting cackle, as waves of dust spreads around him from the Beast Rune's power. Auron's own power: withdrawn and silent, but lethal. Now they would clash. A slight demonic grin adorns Luca's face, and then begins Auron's charge. In the blink of an eye, a shockwave sends dirt and debris flying on all sides, both blades locked in a supernaturally ferocious battle. Leaping back, Auron follows up with several very quick yet frightening slashes, including a Zombie break that landed clean on the side of Luca's face. Feeling the effect of the undead power surge into him, his body rumbles with a raging inferno, and he issues a scream that would make any fallen cower in fear...any but Auron. With a massive leap into the air, the Masamune is brought overhead, waves of power running through it. And in a monumental falling slash... Luca receives the full force. A huge gash is now implanted in his white wolf platemail, and his face bleeds freely. However...he knows that is all Auron has to offer. And what follows is a series of burning slashes that otherwise rends into pieces. The fallen warrior may now be at peace in the farplane. Luca, disappointed by the lack of blood on his blade, shrugs the victory off, and walks toward the sun to spread his jealous darkness to the world. AURON: 146 LUCA: 158 Luca and Auron step onto the battlefield slowly. Auron seems to possess no expression as he tilts the Masamune abit idly. Luca, on the other hand, snickers to himself. "Hey, big man. You've got a good smell. Like death. Eheheh." Auron's only retort through his high collar is "I can't allow you to continue sending so many to their graves. Come. Taste the blade of the fallen." Getting into his crouching stance, he prepares to deliver an all-out attack, the only thing that would hurt such a demonic warrior. Clenching his blade tightly in both hands, Luca exudes an ear-splitting cackle, as waves of dust spreads around him from the Beast Rune's power. Auron's own power: withdrawn and silent, but lethal. Now they would clash. A slight demonic grin adorns Luca's face, and then begins Auron's charge. In the blink of an eye, a shockwave sends dirt and debris flying on all sides, both blades locked in a supernaturally ferocious battle. Leaping back, Auron follows up with several very quick yet frightening slashes, including a Zombie break that landed clean on the side of Luca's face. Feeling the effect of the undead power surge into him, his body rumbles with a raging inferno, and he issues a scream that would make any fallen cower in fear...any but Auron. With a massive leap into the air, the Masamune is brought overhead, waves of power running through it. And in a monumental falling slash... Luca receives the full force. A huge gash is now implanted in his white wolf platemail, and his face bleeds freely. However...he knows that is all Auron has to offer. And what follows is a series of burning slashes that otherwise rends into pieces. The fallen warrior may now be at peace in the farplane. Luca, disappointed by the lack of blood on his blade, shrugs the victory off, and walks toward the sun to spread his jealous darkness to the world. Luca attacks three times each turn. Auron attacks about once for every three average turns. Auron may have an advantage in strength, but when he is being pummeled continuously, he is not going to last long enough for that advantage to make a difference, especially considering how much it takes to beat Luca. Luca is just cooler. Sorry Auron. ANONYMOUS Blight has killed thousands of promising soldiers through his war alone. He mercilessly knocked out 3 parties of six Stars of Destiny, and at least 3 in each team was as capable as Auron. Like Victor, Flik, Luc, (Who is in godlike, and well deserving.) and the list goes on and on, not even including the Hero, who is the strongest (party wise) out of all the Suikoden heroes. Luca Blight is a menace and a crazy force of nature. What was his response to hearing he was going to fight Auron? Luca: *Spits on the ground* "PIG!" ANONYMOUS Whoever said that Luca Blight could not take on Ghaleon based on the fact that Luca is a mid-game boss is actually quite wrong. True, the Suikoden heroes would get stronger throughout the game, but Luca would also get stronger as the game progressed because he too is also fighting (and slaughtering). That said, Luca and Auron is a good match. Although Auron's calm demeaner might save him in other battles, Luca is relentless and with the Beast Rune, this match goes to Luca. Poor Auron. the mental break he used was enough to send Luca further over the edge.. many audience members passed out in fright, and none would forget the manical laughter that ensued as Auron was despatched in grizzly fashion, his raining sword blows not even enough to make the insane ex-royal from highland flinch.. While it may be true that Auron has an attack power advantage, that's hardly worth considering when his opponent can dish out 5 or 6 brutal, flaming attacks by the time he's got that one. Not to mention, Auron alone killing a man who takes 18 elite fighters, the bright shield rune, and countless arrows to beat? Impossible. *The crowd is cheering for both of these titans to clash as the peacefull Auron and the deranged prince Blight enter the arena.They stand one across another,Auron with his powerfull Masamune and Lucca with his large knight two hand sword.They measure each other,the battle repeats...both stronger then the last time.As the gong rings they immediatelly slash at each other* *Auron wields his Masamune with extreme skill and brings it across the chest of Lucca,already sure of his victory with his powerfull slash.He forgot one thing...Lucca is the emperor of endurance,and the strike of Auron although powerfull does no great damage leaving Auron now open.With a wild shriek Lucca releases his attack going towards the head of Auron to decapitate him.In the last moment Auron moves his head away and survives with just a graze.Both of the contestants jump back to their inital posts* Auron:Hmph...very well Lucca:Haahaha...Old man,your fighting days are long over! Auron:*Doesnt reply and runs at Lucca,raising his powered up blade and pushing it down at Lucca with just two words:Armor Break *Of course Lucca is at an disadvantage now as he looks at his powerfull armor split apart to nothingness,and yells with hatred as he runs at Auron.Unfortunatelly,a nice little thingy called an overdrive powers up with Auron as he holds his sword as a baseball bat.He just says*Shooting star! And Lucca is no more in the arena... Victor:Auron On one side, we have a character capable of reducing his opponent’s attacks to pitiful levels. On the other, we have a character that absorbs damage like a paper towel does grape juice. So this match will consist of several turns of trading blows that seem to do nothing until one of them gets tired of all this and leaves. Who leaves? Who cares! Odin vs Grahf "Stop! Stop this instant!" Grahf shouted, shaking his armored fist at the press box. "The whole 'Slayer of God' thing was already covered when Id fought Yuri. It doesn't work. I demand to have my other abilities highlighted, not a lame Vagrant Story style damage increase." Odin, standing behind Grahf, said, "What abilities are those?" Grahf turned around and laughed nervously. "A gravity-typed Super Guided Shot? Many of Fei's deathblows? And, uh, well... I can paint..." At this point, Grahf realized that he was in serious trouble. He pondered it for a moment, then called his gear. "You'll be disqualified," Odin pointed out. "True," Grahf said, as Alpha Weltal prepared to squish the Aesir lord. "But I'll also get to live up to my title." Odin blasted the gear with Gungnir's holy power, vaporizing it in an instant, and its rider besides "Silly Contact," he chuckled, "planet-destroying attacks are for large targets." ODIN: 165 GRAHF: 133 Okay, Gungnir can destroy the Earth. I assume it is also a Holy-based weapon.(Wielded by a God) Now, Grahf is Dark-based. Holy-based weapons do double damage to Dark-based enemies. Double of Earth-destroying power=Odin's victory. Odin has to actually hit with his spear often enough to do damage... and even then, death didn't exactly stop Grahf the first time around, did it? Odin quickly entered the arena, and watched as Grahf did the same. "You might be a a slayer of gods, but none of those you hvae killed EVER had a weapon like mine! Prepare for your defeat!" Odin rumbled. However...nothing happened. Odin once again...did nothing. Suddenly, Grahf burst out laughing. "You fool of an NPC! You have no battle form, you weren't even a boss in your game! You have nothing you can even FIGHT with? Weapon? Bah!" Odin gulped. "But...but I won last week..." Suddenly his eyes went wide with shock, as Grafh held up a small device. "Anti-fanboy 3000. Hammer and myself had a small talk before the match, and he "agreed" to "lend" it to me. Now..." Grafh slowly walked towards the helpless NPC. "Down to business..." Odin, strictly speaking, has no HP, and therefore by laws common to virtually every RPG ever made, loses the fight before it even begins. Unlike Grahf, Odin is destined to lose. There is no escaping it - Odin will die on the battlefield at Ragnarok. While this may grant him immunity in smaller matches, the RPGP medical staff have performed miracles of resurrection before, and will do so in the future. As a whole, the persona of Odin in RPGs has been pitifully weak, losing to the likes of Caignazzo and Seifer. Of course, that’s not this Odin. Unfortunately, he’s just as weak as his FF brethren in one respect - he’d throw the match without a second thought in order to protect his beloved Freya. Since Odin can’t quite notice that Freya is perfectly capable of defending herself from the likes of Grahf, he’ll concede defeat. Ashton Anchors vs Ryudo Sword met sword in a bitter struggle. Almost from the start, Ashton had pressed his attack, hoping to take a quick victory before his luck could take a turn for the worse. But Ryudo was a well versed swordsman in his own right, and equally up to the task. One of Ashton’s strikes went off the mark, sticking his sword deep into the arena floor. Ryudo used the advantage to kick away the warrior and thrust forward... too late! Ashton had already rolled out of the way and stumbled onto his feet. The two eyed each other warily, one in a tight smirk that contrasted the other’s frown. Ryudo sheathed his sword and beckoned for Ashton to advance. This match was going to be determined the OLD, old fashioned way. “Rock... paper... scissors!” Ashton’s rock beats Ryudo’s scissors. ASHTON: 136 RYUDO: 115 Ryudo and Ashton fight fiercely, trying to gain an advantage over the other. Finally, Ryudo tries to end the match in one quick move. "Sky Dragon Slash!" His move barely phases Ashton. "I'll teach you a REAL dragon move!" Ashton exclaims. "Dragon Breath!" Cornered, Ryudo gets knocked out from the twin cold/hot combo from Gyoro and Ururun. Ashton has Tri-Ace. Pretty much a 9999 attack, which stops time while being used, and can hit you anywhere on the field. I think he wins, folks. Flury of Poison Pills can beat anything that doesn't fly. While Melufa might not be legendary unlike the Granasaber it has one advantage over the fabled blade, a much mightier wallop. Between Melufa, his defense boosting exclusive accessories, and much greater mobility Ashton will emerge from this match with "a good workout" and a victory. the truth stands: Ashton > j00. Ashton IMO would win this.Although Ryudo has the power to cancel an attack with his skills,nothing can defeat the power of Ashtons normal attack which is fast to extreme proportions.It would be a fun battle but after a few blows with the Melufa twin swords Ryudo would fall.Probably the inital strike would be Leaf slash to get to Ryudo instantly and then pummel him with sword slashes and ending it with a Hurricane Slash or Swords dance Ryudo convinces Millenia to wear just a barrel to front row. Ashton and every male around her follows her from the Arena, and Ryudo wins. Vincent Valentine vs Clive Winslet ANONYMOUS: Being a new contender, Clive doesn't have a popularity advantage like Vincent. But in state of mind, skill, and sheer power, he is in an entirely different class. VINCENT: 139 CLIVE: 153 Vencent Valantine has 255, yes, 255% accuracy... 100% is all it takes to never miss. Sniper Rifle > Shotgun in every FPS. Clive > Vincent Frog vs Arc Arc has basically everything Frog has, and he has it more and better. Not to mention that he also has a faithful and attractive gal waiting for him, while Frog is, let's just say... not romantically involved at this time. Frog, driven into a rage by the lack of female amphibians in the RPGP, charges toward Arc with bloodlust in his large eyes. But the heroic Lad is ready for him, deflecting his attacks with Invincible and then bringing his blade down on the disoriented Frog. FROG: 123 ARC: 161 Frog would win this because of experience.The knight of the Guardia is extremelly balanced with his offense and defense,and not even the skills of Arc could turn the tide.In fact,perhaps it would be better to finish this battle earlier with Leap slashes and Water magics then to power up the Frog squash as the biggest disadvantage of Frog in this battle is that to use the Squash with good results he must be wounded,quite much..and is surely not advisable with an opponent like this I have to give credit to Frog - he won a tough fight against Agrias, and this one isn’t any easier. Arc’s Invincible is devastating to many Heavies, but Glenn can afford to heal and wait him out. Eventually, though, one of their MP totals is going to run out, and though Invincible is going to cost a lot, Frog’s healing will be gone first. Emeralda vs Geddoe ANONYMOUS: As great as Emerelda is, she is no match for Geddoe. Emerelda is a spech-challenged nanomachine colony who attacks by turning her hair into a mallet. Geddoe is a 112 year old mercenary captain, and bearer of the True Lighting Rune, not to mention the fact that he can take down Yuber. EMERALDA: 139 GEDDOE: 166 Emeralda: You're not Kim. Geddoe: So? (Lightning flashes, thunder rumbles and the combatants are lost to sight. When the dust clears, only Emeralda is standing.) Emeralda: Only Kim is Kim. Given that either could kill the other in a single blow, Emeralda's speed, and Geddoe's experience, the True Lightning Bearer will almost certainly opt for the short cast times of Soaring Bolt Given Emeralda's high ether defense, she'll certainly live to deliver Dark Beast Given Geddoe's slightly lacking defense, he will almost certainly fall to the overpowered Deathblow. Peco vs Judecca I voted for Peco because he’s more deadly. After all, if he loses, he’ll summon all his vegetable pals to attack the voters. Could you imagine a world where the lettuce heads eat our heads? Where the potato’s eyes watch you warily while the killer tomatoes attack? I shall defend our safety by appeasing our onion god! PECO: 216 JUDECCA: 84 Weak boss against god of onionkind? Need we even ask? The entire Odessa organization will be in tears over this embarassing loss, and no doubt once Peco secures his inevitable upgrade, Little Vins will go all out to show that neither an -Onion- nor the Dead can stand in the way of his Pure Ideals. For now, though, Peco will have no trouble making plant food of Judecca. Peco would win this because of his godly defense.Even Douglas and Miriam attacks could not cause any serious damage to the Arm user.In fact the battle would probably rest on the status changes of both attackers.If Paralysis works for Judecca he could turn the big onion in little slices.But then again if Peco poisons him then there could be more then a likely chance that the Onion will triumph Gremio vs Anrietta Rochefort Before the match, Gremio, Sebastian and Maison were having a butlers' convention. Toward the end of it, they went around the room introducing their respective charges. Needless to say, Miss Rochefort was so smitten with Masters Fatima and McDohl that she forgot all about that silly old match, and Gremio waltzed on by for another win. GREMIO: 156 ANRIETTA: 139 Gremio is no match for Anrietta's button nose!! Zell Dincht vs Nanaki With Yang behind him, Zell can turn to face his second melee-attuned earlier FF opponent in as many matches. Unfortunately, Nanaki has a few more tricks up his sleeve (or fur) than Yang. Nanaki has among the highest evade rates in FF7 to begin with, and when you add in the 50% bonus from his Lunatic High limit, there's no way that chickenwuss will even land a punch. Especially when said Limit also puts Nanaki in Haste... ZELL: 144 NANAKI: 168 Nanaki is smart. Nanaki is funny. Nanaki has a major Special Distinction. Zell, on the other hand, has none of these things... but he does have Duel, one of only a handful of finishers in the same league as Renzokuken. Bye, Nanaki. chicken wuss > everything Let's compare shall we... FF7 - Stats increase by leveling. FF8 - Same, but much less than 7 because of the Junction system. Advantage - FF7 FF7 - Has Armor to raise defense. FF8 - Requires Junctioning to raise defense. Advantage - FF7 FF7 - Limit bar must go up to use limit breaks. FF8 - Must be in critical condition before being able to use limits. Advantage - FF7(Because if dealt enough damage a FF8 character can skip over their critical condition and as such can't use their limit break while a FF7 character has no such problem.) As a result the winner of this match is the best PC in FF7, Nanaki. ANONYMOUS Zell was always in my party in FF8. Anyone who knows how to do his Limit Break knows that he could have Nanaki for breakfast (and most Heavies, too). Zell's usually hungry, too, so he just might do it! Zell walked into the arena, and when he saw Red, he immediately tried to eat him (he is a red, or hot, dog like thing)! Unfortunately, Nanaki was much more able to eat Zell. Zell was flying around the arena on his hoverboard, keeping the crowd entertained with his fancy tricks. In fact, Zell was so engrossed in his tricks ("Hey, that cute girl over there looks really impressed!") that he didn't notice Nanaki (Better known as Red XIII) enter the arena at first. When he did, the young martial artist was so surprised that he fell off his hoverboard, and onto the ground. The normally gruff Nanaki took one look at the sight...and laughed. Afterall, he might be old by humans standards, but by HIS standards he wa still quite a thing...anyway, red was so busy laughing that Zell got angry. "Hey!" he yelled. "Stop LAUGHING AT ME!" Unfortunely for red, Zell had gotten so angry (and hurt himself that badly in the fall) that he was able to use his limits right a way. Poor red didn't see it coming. The two FF Middle characters are pretty equal. Red can’t afford to use Fire this time, since he needs every ounce of power from the Limited Moon. On the other hand, Zell has to buy enough time for Duel to come into play. It won’t. Thinking ahead, Red set his Limit to Level 2, so after a few minutes of fighting, Stardust Ray took the shine off of Zell’s hot-dogging martial arts. Worker 8 vs Liete #include #include "Worker8.h" //Worker 8's functions int Liete; //Liete's HP int main() { cout << "Scanning Liete's HP\n"; cin >> Liete; do{ Crush(Liete); //Work skills 'Crush' }while (Liete > 0); // Repeat if Liete's HP is greater than 0 cout << "Objective complete. Target eliminated."; } WORKER 8: 221 LIETE: 52 Worker 8 has innocent status, doesn't he? That means magic does NO damage to him, right? Small female spellcasters aren't capable of taking large laser blasts and living, are they? ANONYMOUS The Robot with Innocents against the Mystic watcher of time. To bad for Liete allthe time in world wouldn't be enough for her magic to get through Worker 8's innocents. Worker 8 wins. ANONYMOUS Remember RPG fighting rule nummber 2 ? (jes I mean that rule after that sowrds in Gunfights thing) Warriors whos armor could stand an massive Asteroide without a scratch are nearly killed by a simple little Bolt Spell. So never ever bring an Iron Armor into a Magic Fight. (not to mention the countless other ways Liete could Blast Worker into Oblivion befor he gets a chance to lift his arm) Worker 8 looked over at the Bot pack, getting ready for it's match after the middle matches were complete, and sighed...well, as close as a robot COULD come to a sigh. Despite the fact that he was getting close to taking home a middle championship...he couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't been asked to join the Bot Pack...while this was happeening. Liete was exhausting herself trying to cast spells, which Worker 8 hadn't even noticed. Finally, she tried to use a physical attack against Worker 8...the counter attack the robot delivered after Liete's weak attack struck him knokced her out cold. ANONYMOUS hmm..worker 8 vs would be a close match save for one fact: with his faith of 0, worker 8 is totally immune to all magic. Sorry Liete. Why not just come out and say 'Liete can't win' in the writeup?? -votes for Liete anyway- Cute elf chicks > noseless robots, too. I’ll put this bluntly - anyone who votes against Worker 8 in this match is an idiot. Liete’s offensive magic, the lifeblood of her attack, is completely hampered by the fact that her opponent’s immune to magic. Add to that the fact that Worker 8 could simply attack physically and not bother with the Work skills, in order to conserve health. Liete’s healing may prolong the battle, but the end result is the same - Worker 8 wins. Alma Beoulve vs Momo RPG conventions dictate that capes (such as, say, Alma's Feather Mantle) impart their users inexplicably high evasion. Why? I don't know. What I do know is that a highly evasive opponent is something Momo does NOT need, given her already wretched hit rate... ALMA: 159 MOMO: 147 Of course Alma is going to dig it in with a quick Barrier, and Momo is going to start shooting with her rockets. I'd wager that the moment Alma revives the first time, she'll sit down on one of the rockets that missed her the first time around. As always, Alma faces an opponent who can physically out-damage her, and will have to rely on Ultima and her potent defences to carry the win. But when her opponent has good healing, and enough common sense to charge the female Beoulve in order to get a better shot, her chances are pretty grim. Momo unseats the Champ. Bowman Jean vs Roland ANONYMOUS: Roland isn't very strong. Bowman should at least be in Heavy, this is no contest at all. Roland cannot do damage fast enough before Bowman heals himself repeatedly with Secret Medicine. Enough said. BOWMAN: 172 ROLAND: 134 Bowman will obviously be disgusted at his new picture, and poison pills Roland into next week. Bowman walked into the stadium with utmost confidence, this, he was sure, was his time to show everyone how good he really was. Everyone kept on crying about how Precis was better than him, that would change today! And then Roland entered, calmly and casually, as always. Bowman immediatley started to throw Explosion Pills at his opponent, but the smoke didn't even clear as three arrows went through the fog, striking Bowman right on, and ending his hopes to prove himself. *Sorry Bowman, but really, Roland outclasses you in EVERYTHING! I usually root for the underdog, but when the opponent clearly outmatches you in usefulness, you've got to go. The only way he's gonna win is if someone cheats on the polls, and lets face it, Bowman doesn't even have a fan base, so see ya next season!* *Bowman looks at his opponent carefully as Roland prepares his arrows.Bowman just waits for the right chance,the right moment to strike,knowing that if he lets Roland lead there is no hope to defeat him.Speed and everything.Roland puts the arrow to his bow and tightens it on the string.Just before he lets the arrow go Bowman lets out a wild yell*Pillory!! *The martial artist dissapears in his own shadow in the ground leaving the arrow that was let off the bow strike into nothingness.Roland looks around wondering where the hell Bowman is.And then with a swish of wind Bowman appears above Roland and jumps on his head and hits him.Roland still recovers from the strike as Bowman knows there is no time off,no time to waste and yells*Poison pills!*a number of times making Roland almost go down to his knees,almost unconscius already.And since Bowman is edgy since he doesnt get the chances he deserves he decides to be extremelly nasty as he looks at the already defeated Roland and yells*Sakura attack!*And after the battle the medics scraped what is left of Roland in the big bloody heap* Roland makes like Legolas and fills Bowman full of arrows before he can even move. Cool elf dudes (also) > chemist dorks Alfred Schroedinger vs Maya I don’t think even the nicest person will let another person beat up on them, especially when they happen to throw dynamite. As soon as Maya starts fighting back, the projected lifespan of Alfred drops considerably. ALFRED: 98 MAYA: 152 There's just no way Maya is going to hurt a little kid. On the other hand, Alfred will be so depressed that it isn't this nice, sweet Maya who's his big sister, that he won't be able to fight, either. Needless to say, (LoL) Maya will take pity on him and try to comfort him. After several hours, the *other* (WA3) Maya appears, leaps into the arena and grabs Alfred by the arm. But before she can do anything, the *other* other (Septerra Core) Maya also appears, resulting in an excellent future bonus match. *hinthint* One way or another, the interference call seems more likely to go to Alfred, but this is a toss up. Rikku vs Joker Joker casts his spells. Rikku uses Al Bhed potons. Joker runs out. Rikku gets mix. RIKKU: 162 JOKER: 144 Excellence in Teaming III This is probably the most even way this team match could have ended up. Alucard and Anastasia would have made quick work of either the vamps or the bots, and bringing a group of the undead against anything holy would be a short and easily chosen match. So here we have four of the most powerful disciples of religion, battling against four mechanical beings. This is the latest in the long battle between religion and science, and as such, the match inevitably turns to the scientists who created our animatronic automatons and the gods themselves. Please note that there are considerably more gods in the RPGP than there are scientists. HOLY ROLLERS: 166 BOT PACK: 138 Against the power of the divine (particularly as manifested by Sasarai and Alex ), all the science in the world comes to naught. Let's see... Asgard wipes everyone out with at attack that doesn't really do any damage or count as a deathblow, but still kills everyone (not entirely unlike Kuja's Ultima), Werner shows up and shoots Asgard, and The Holy Rollers get disqualified for interference. Alex uses his White Dragon spell to hold the line while Seymour summons Anima. Anima, now the center of attention, is quickly attacked by all of the Robo team. In the meantime, Alex uses the Red Dragon spell while Sasarai casts to his little hearts content. Anima falls, and the Robo team is injured, but not shorted out. That is, until Seymour, now able to quadra-cast, casts Thundaga four times to four different robots. While normally insulated, have exposed wires which finishes the match. ANONYMOUS Flesh versus robotic parts? Tell me, when was the last time a human hand broke an operational chainsaw? It's just that simple. Metal > Flesh Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.