At least seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Luc vs Yuri Hyuga ANONYMOUS: "Time and time again an inferior opponent is set before me. " stated the annoyed Luc. After beating Lenneth without so much as breaking a sweat, the pint sized mage was beggining to wonder whether any of the "Godlike" contestants could even stand up to him. Yuri saw this overconfidence as a disadvantage. He immediately transformed to his Seraphic like form and attempted to put the hurt on Luc. Unfortunately, magic and physical attacks alike seemed to not even slow him down. Luc didn't even stop chanting, and the next turn, Yuri was hit by The Shredding. His time as the Seraph up, Yuri went in for a desperate physical assault. Apparently he wasn't there to see Valkyrie fight, because again: There is almost no way to kill Luc by physical attacks alone. He dodges constantly. Luc said "You're rather persistant, but this fight is mine." A Shining Wind later, Yuri was torn and battered by air moving at supersonic speeds. LUC: 163 YURI: 124 After the sub-standard Lenneth and decent Claude, the already confident Luc expected another feeble 'Godlike' to fall before his mystical might... Right up until the moment Yuri laughed off a True Wind Rune spell like it was a slight breeze. "Oh, bother," Luc managed, immediately before he was Seraphically irradiated. Luc, knowing full well how powerful Yuri is, prepares to use the most powerful of his True Wind Rune spells. All that occurs is a slight breeze as by this time he has been decimated by the Seraphic Radiance and For the Children. So what if Luc managed to beat a low level goddess? Yuri is THE slayer of god. Luc and Yuri enter the arena. Luc has been watching Yuri this season, and is fully braced to face Amon or Seraphic Radiance. Much to his suprise, Yuri fuses into a...bird? "Wind Element, your spells will barely affect me." Luc pondered how the match would play out, and left the arena. Luc might've had a chance at winning, except for one thing: Leknaat grounded him for not cleaning up his room, and thus he cannot leave her tower, much less enter the arena. This is very tough because Yuri can be a master of the wind as well.But he may have all the wind mastery or any other magic mastery he wants.Better mages have succumbed to the all powerfull all fast Luc the magician.True Wind Rune show your power!!! True handymen that work at the arena show your cleaning skills Yuris blown off body! Anonymous To quote a write-up from the past ( specifically, the Citan - Lezard Championship match ), "Mages always lose to fighters". Therefore: Yuri > Luc. ANONYMOUS Shadow Hearts rules. I dare anyone to think otherwise. These two both rock in attitude and fight skill, but Yuri has a hotter girlfriend. Yuri just kicks ass. Luca Blight vs Odin Odin, knowing a good candidate to join his Einherjar when he sees one, knew at once that Luca would have to be made to join his organisation. Of course, as the All-Father, such a lowly task was well beyond him, and so he sent Lenneth and her entire team to go and "collect" the Highland Prince for him. Unfortunatly, the judges saw all of this in a rather different light and gave the match to Luca on the grounds of interference. Odin, however, merely considered the loss a good trade for his latest acquisition. LUCA: 179 ODIN: 121 Odin raised Gungnir and gathered his power into it. He was fully prepared to unleash all his primeval might upon this foul plate-mailed fiend who defamed the good Nordic name of berserking. Unfortunately, Luca, with a little help from Leon Silverburg, had been checking up on Odin's weaknesses, and found something rather interesting... A few moments later, Odin lay in the center of the arena, chomped quite in half by a dying Silver Wolf, courtesy of the Beast Rune. "I told you he was destined to be slain by Fenris," Leon said. Luca, who was annoyed that he hadn't gotten to kill anything, expressed his gratitude to the strategist in a somewhat unconventional manner. Odin got killed by Loki. Loki got utterly owned by Lenneth Valkyrie. Lenneth Valkyrie somehow fell to Luc. Luca is stronger than his similarly-named fellow Suikodite. Luca wins, Q.E.D. ANONYMOUS The fact that either a mid-game boss, or a non-boss NPC will make the godlike finals hurts my head. Luca wins, though, because of Odin's one main problem. Luca, unlike Odin, actually has a form to attack with! Hmmm, let's see. True Beast Rune vs. Gungnir. Hmmmmmmmm... Two god like beings waging war upon one another, both strong in there own right. I like to say Odin has this in the bag, but my gut tells me the Luca is just a bit too much for Odin. And sometimes you just have to go with your gut. While Luca could take hordes of arrows and swords and keep on fighting, Odin's spear would more than likely vaporize him. No matter how much punishment Luca can take, he CAN die. Unfortunately for him, his opponent has a bit of an advantage in that category... ANONYMOUS Odin was convinced that even a True Rune with the power to make Gods shudder was not enough to beat him. So he let loose with everything he had. Luca was engulfed in a firestorm of power, and could not even be seen. But lo and behold, when the smoke cleared, that persistant little devil was still standing! "What! How could you survive that! You're only a mere mortal!" Odin whined. "Pig! Pigpigpigpigpig! That hurt! Now I'm going to..." And Luca huffed and he puffed and he ripped the little pig to pieces. (Odin shouldn't even have been there, because the Slayer of God is way out of his league, so he got what's coming to him this time.) "Highness, we have returned." Culgan spoke as he and Seed knelt on the floor of his quarters. "And?" "Your opponent... We spied on his power..." Seed paused in midspeech. "...and we've found something interesting. I take it you recall the Muse sacrifices?" Luca cackled and nodded. "Well, it turns out that the Aesir Odin has the same amount of battle experience and power as those villagers: zilch." Luca laughed. The competition was about to begin, and he almost ran down the hall in joyful glee. The thought of killing a defenseless fool had truly brightened his day. Meanwhile, in the room, Culgan turned to Seed. "Did you make the bet with Shu?" "Of course." Needless to say, that in about two minutes after the match begun, Shu owed Culgan and Seed a large amount of potch for auto-betting against Luca. Luca won. That was undisputed, but how we won so easily against someone who had breezed through opponents was a mystery. Until Leon Silverburg pointed to a chart he drew up. Power Ratios: Luca Blight **************** Mid-Game Jowy ********* Highland Soldier ***** Unicorn Brigade Youth *** Ryube Villager * Odin * In case someone was still confused, the strategist had also painted "ODIN DOES NOT HAVE A BATTLE FORM AND THUS HAS STATISTICS OF ZERO!" in three foot tall letters underneath it. Luca Blight defeated Auron...Auron would defeat Odin Equals-Luca would defeat Odin,and have a jolly good time carving his initials in the norse god Anonymous I really don't feel like writing something for Odin vs Luca. Luca at least actually fought. Odin just hid behind his godesses. We can gauge Luca's power well: he's got the Beast Rune, which makes him a complete beast in battle. Odin...has a spear...a legendary spear, yes, but we don't know how strong it is. For all we know, the spear could be a -5/-5 Spear of Worthlessnes, an artifact only powerful in name and legend. We never see it used. Since we all know the best spear-wielding PC in Valkyrie Profile was Lawfer, there's no way Odin can be better than him; at best he's equal. So, this is basically a battle of Lawfer and Luca. And Lawfer would have trouble piercing Luca's massive defense, even with his deadly powerful Justice Stream. So, Odin must lose this battle. The rule of this is not to put NPCs vs PCs, because you can't gauge something on plot power. Freaking Luca Blight kills people. Odin Destroys planets. You do the Math. This comment is a filler for the unlikely event that Odin actually wins. I know that most of the usual gang won't be voting for him, and neither am I. But in the unlikely event that Odin wins, a comment will be needed. And this is it. Ashton Anchors vs Clive Winslet Unoriginal: Clive raised his rifle and prepared to fire at Ashton, only to find that Ashton had dissapeared, leaving only a few leaves to mark where he once stood. Clive had only a moment to ponder the whereabouts of Ashton when he felt two sword points digging into his back. Realizing that a ranged advantage is useless against a melee attacker capable of teleporting, he quickly surrendered. ASHTON: 155 CLIVE: 126 Clive began to sight his gun... Ashton raised his swords... ... (meanwhile, MoogleEmpMog glances at the updated ratings) ... And both, along with a good number of Godlikes watching from the stands, were pounded into paste by Kazan. With the entire Heavy division wiped out, Kazan takes a swig of his Saki. "Ahhhh... you made me thirsty!" Would somebody please, *please* explain to me how the *hell* Kazan, freakin' *Kazan*, is not GODLIKE?! Power, speed, toughness, cool factor, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? He never even USED his sword (unlike our present reigning champ) and he's STILL better than everybody else. It's been said before and I'm going to say it again... don't bring a sword to a gunfight. Clive takes down Ashton with three shots (One for each head) and then gets ready for the finals... Right from the beginning of the match, Clive tries to pick off Ashton from afar. Much to his dismay, Ashton disappears into a cloud of leafs and dirt. "What the..." Was all Clive could get out before having two swords stuck into his spinal cord. ANONYMOUS ARGH, Ashton is hilarious, Clive is cool....Ashton fights close, Clive fights far away. I can't decide who to vote for!!! They are both my favorite characters. Oh well I'll vote for Clive this time. Besides, after hearing the Gungnir fire once, Ashton will be hiding behind a barrel. Nope. No way Ashton can resist the barrels. Specifically, the barrel of the Gungnir. Ashton: I like swords! I like dragons! I like barrels! Clive: I like the sight on the barrel of my gun. *blam* Ashton and Clive fought viciously. Ashton quickly did his opening Leaf Slash attack, throwing Clive’s aim off guard for a second. However, as Ashton came out of his stealth mode, and contemplated on his next move, Clive fired at Ashton. The bullet hit its mark, right in the center of Ashton’s chest. Thrown off by the impact, and the immense pain that followed, Ashton regained himself and prepared to do the move that might end this match-Sword Dance. Knowing the imminent doom he faced, Clive pointed behind Ashton. “Hey, look over there! It’s a monkey throwing barrels!” Ashton’s eyes literally turned to hearts as he turned and ran toward where the barrels supposedly were. Before he could realize that he had been fooled, he had left a long enough window for Clive’s second bullet to hit. Ashton was in shambles. Despite being slow, Clive had a ton of power packed into that gun. As Clive reloaded, Ashton began another Leaf Slash, then stopped, as he felt something come over him. The bullet wounds in his body began to seal themselves up. Both warriors looked around in confusion. Due to a scheduling blunder by one of the RPGP scheduling drones, the Healer’s match and this match had been scheduled for the same time. Before it could be stopped, both matches commenced. Ashton grinned, thinking, `Maybe my luck is turning around!` Before he could run over and Sword Dance Clive to death, the Star Dragon Sword materialized on the field. “Disqualification!” “What?!” Ashton yelled, outraged. “Outside interference.” “But… But I didn…” “The rules are the rules.” Ashton fell to the ground, and curled up into the fetal position. “Of all the luck…” he muttered. Ashton's bad luck is his downfall. Especially since he's given Clive THREE targets to get headshots on. Ashton and Clive start off at opposite ends of the arena. Knowing that distance is Clive's advantage, Ashton does all he can to close the space between them. Clive takes his time lining up the shot. He opens with Gatling, and hits Ashton several times. Ashton recovers after a moment, and finds that he is still reasonably healthy. He quickly advances closer and closer. He sees the time its taking Clive to reload and aim, and figures he should easily be able to bring the sniper into a wicked melee now, and handidly win the match. "Looks like my luck has changed!" he exclaims as he lunges to attack. BANG!!!!!!!!!!! Clive lays into his already injured opponent with a devastating and some would say "lucky", critical attack. "Luck?" Clive ponders as he stands over his fallen opponent, "Luck is a myth, it is only a matter of having the intelligence to judge probability, and the skill to act upon it." Arc Ricolne vs Geddoe -:-SDS note: Due to the surprising lack of a comment for the victor in this week's contest, Mr. Cranbud has decided to provide one.-:- Arc drew his sword and pointed it at his opponent. The mercenary didn't look all that impressive, but Arc knew better than to underestimate any foe who had come so far. "Before we begin, sir, have you anything to say?" Arc asked. Geddoe also drew his blade. He lowered its end to meet with Arc's. "Actually," he began... And raised his right hand. Arc was treated to 1.21 gigawatts of True Lightning, courtesy of the touching swords. "... no," Geddoe finished. ARC: 117 GEDDOE: 150 Normally, I'd vote for Geddoe. But, Arc is about the only Heavy character (aside from Elc) who can survive a rampaging Kazan. Not beat him, but survive. Until his MP runs out. So, Arc wins. ANONYMOUS Geddoe's spells have a charge time. Invincible doesn't. The end. Peco vs Gremio Peco has the power of every onion Gremio has ever used for one of his stews behind him. Gremio doesn't have a chance. PECO: 177 GREMIO: 108 You shall never try to challenge a vegetable, Amen. Hail to the Onion God. ANONYMOUS Am I the only one who noticed that Gremio had a lower strength stat than Krin? Peco wins just like Quina, Anrietta, and everyone else Gremio beat should have. Hmmm, how did Gremio die again...? Ah yes, poison. That plus fire breath, should be more then enough to finish him off. Its a good thing that the healing round is this week, because Gremio and the fans will need it after Peco unleashes his all powerful deadly attacks that will surely kill Gremio and injure everyone in the arena...... Afterwards Yogurt may dance...he he he...Yogurt is funny. gremio came into the Arena, his hatchet strapped to his back, pushing along a pushcart bearing a culdron of his famous stew! the final ingredient. Chopped Onion! I was going to make a smart comment about onion stew, but you know what? I can't. Peco's just way too strong for Gremio to even think about pulling this one off. Oh, well. Gremio has inexplicably made it to the semi-finals, defeating opponents far more powerful than him. What will happen when Gremio faces an opponent even stronger than his previous opponents? Gremio inexplicably goes super-sayajin and blows away the entire arena, that's what happens. Peco goes to meet Gremio before the match, being the friendly plant he is, just to wish Gremio good luck. Gremio is, of course, preparing a meal for master McDohl, and accidentally uses the young onion in one of his tasty treats. Gremio is stunned when Peco doesn't show up for the match at all, and he wins by default. Sadly for Peco, the previous night, Milich had given Gremio a recipe for French Onion Soup... If Gremio tries to fight Peco, he gets beaten to a pulp by a regenerating foe. If he takes the comedic route and tries to cook his onion opponent...well, ever wonder what would happen if your food could bite back? Wonder no more. It's not pretty. Even a cullinary neophyte like myself knows that a good stew requires properly a properly diced onion. As such, Gremio will not only be well versed in the methods of slicing and dicing this particular foe, but he'll also have a fabulous victory stew to boot. Gremio beat Anrietta?!!! Peco needs to make a vengeance soup of Gremio. Nanaki vs Worker 8 Nanaki gave his robotic opponent a feral smile as the match began. He let Worker 8 hit him once, then immediately used his easily-charged Lunatic High limit. "Robot, I think you're out of luck," said the strange red beast. "You have nothing but physical attacks, and with my Limit-powered evade, you'll never hit me now." "Negative," said Worker 8. "What do you mean?" asked Nanaki, suddenly concerned. "He means," said Ramza quietly from the stands, "that his Work attacks ignore evade and defence." "Oh," said Nanaki. "Then I'd have to say my chances of winning have been crushed." "Affirmative," said Worker 8, as the Crush attack ended Nanaki's Middle run. NANAKI: 144 WORKER 8: 164 ANONYMOUS The Good: Nanaki can actually do some damage to Worker 8 The Bad: Worker 8 has defense up. And counter. And can do more damage than Nanaki could ever hope to The Winner: Worker 8 There is only one problem to the whole "Worker 8 being unaffected by magic" theory. That is assuming that all magic is based off Faith. The magic in FF7 is based off science which is something Worker 8 should know very well... Nanaki will demonstrate the flaw in the above theory as he proceeds to the Middle Rank Championship. ANONYMOUS Yes that's right kids, Worker 8.2 has the new scratch resistant model! Nanaki has a few neat limit breaks--Too bad Worker 8's counterattack does more damage than Nanaki could ever hope to do. ANONYMOUS Red Vs. Worker 8...sounds like something out of Russia. In any case, Red has the obvious reference, but the Working Class will always triumph! Displose of this Capitalist Elite! With that fancy Fur coat of his... The question here isn't whether Nanaki can win, but whether he can survive the loss without splattering all over the arena; his fire magic is no good here, and he's certainly not going to overpower a robot with Crush and Defense UP, Limited Moon or no. His best bet? Give himself up to the Arena dogcatcher. Discretion is the better part of valor and all that. As good as Nanaki's limits are, he's not going to get enough to turn the tide. Meanwhile, Worker 8 will be dominating in close with a comparable physical attack paired with a counter, and higher defence. I'm afraid that in a match like this, Worker 8 doesnt have the overwhelming power he needs to beat down an opponent with as much speed advantage as Nanaki. Especially since, whether hit by Work Skills or regular attacks, Nanaki could count on some sort of Limit. Red XIII has powerful attacks and Limits that can up his battle prowess. If he were to get set up properly, he could easily take out Worker 8, even given the high defense of his opponent. Sadly for Nanaki, though, Worker 8 has Compress, and Red has no instant death protection. Better luck next time, Red. Alma Beoulve vs Bowman Jean The match didn't even go a minute before Alma collapsed. She should've known better than to ask Bowman for some pills to get rid of a splitting headache... ALMA: 138 BOWMAN: 152 Bowman knows that he'll never be popular with the ladies again by attacking a mild-mannered girl, so he's not likely to even try, not that it would help him if he did. Oh well. Maybe he'll meet a cute nurse after an Ultima puts him in the Arena's emergency ward. I think the fans of the RPGP have figured it out by now--Bowman should be in Heavy. Not even Alma's supermagicalbarrierofdoom could withstand his mindless flurry of poison pills. He is simply too powerful for light. I'll go with the match profile here, which says that Alma can cast Ultima. Combined with MBarrier, this would make her a powerhouse in both an offensive and defensive sense, meaning that Bowman Jean is in serious trouble. Alma:MBarrier! Bowman:Hahaha!!No elements then! Bowman:Poison pills,poison pills,poison pills,Burst Fist,Burst Fist,Sakura Attack,Sakura Attack. *Alma is no more in the zone of the living i am afraid* Secret Medicine is a better healer than MBarrier. Explosion Pills might not hurt as much as Ultima, butit comes a hell of a lot faster. And Bowman's MP run every bit as deep as Alma's. Sorry, Ms.'re not breaking Claude's record this time around. Bowman excels at taking out slow targets with low defence given that his entire strategy is to spam low damage attacks. Unfortunatly, rapid low damage attacks are next to useless against someone with Alma's exceptional defence. It becomes even more worthless when they not only have the sensibility and the speed to simply step out of the way too. This match, then, will be Alma in a walk, literally. Fanboyism Logic 101 OMGOMGOMG Bowman r0x0rz!!1! He is zapp|ng with Aw3s0m3n3ss!!1!!111! We must conclude therefore that Bowman is Rock Electric. Ground is doubly super effective against Rock Electric types. Therefore Diglett>Bowman. Alma can equip Earth Clothes negating Diglett's offence. Therefore Alma>Diglett. Therefore, by the well ordering theorem of the RPGP Contenders, Alma>Bowman. QED. Maya vs Rikku ANONYMOUS: This could be a very interesting match, with Healing Ward, Chocobo Wings (haste), Stamina Tonics (doubling her already high HP) and Curtains (Protect, Shell, Reflect) playing a major role in keeping Rikku alive while Maya tries her best to kill her opponent before her Overdrive pops up... Unfortunately, Dark Matter does 12,500 damage, and that's as much as Auron (a Godlike) could ever hope to do... And it has nothing to do with her Overdrive or her HP being low. Battle starts, Rikku throws a Dark Matter, Maya falls down unconscious. Rikku goes back to wondering what the hell she's doing on Light... MAYA: 105 RIKKU: 161 Based on the same, ahem, 'logic' that puts Kazan in Heavy, then Maya would be beaten handily by Rikku, which looks like what will happen (is Rikku the new Marle or something?). Based on logic, sans quotation marks, Maya is better than Rikku in every category except speed and health - fighting categories, personality categories, looks categories, it doesn't matter what you want. Oh, yeah, a *lot* better. Hence, Maya wins. -begin reality check- Legend of Legaia 2 was apparently played by about 10 people, and most people who didn't play it have a very negative opinion of it and no qualms even about rating people from it. Hence, Rikku 'wins.' ANONYMOUS Since Maya does more on the second round than Rikku could do on the, um, whatever round it takes to get her Overdrive, and that's more than any Light can survive, speed isn't much of a factor here. Heck, she probably does more on the FIRST round. And I don't remember Maya being all that slow, either, since she gets the first turn once in a while when it's her, Lang and Kazan. 2 cute girls, and they're both not Light, so... -flip a coin- Maya > Rikku Healing Match! The healers each took their own seperate paths to the match. Alice went around healing while constrained in a straightjacket, in order to avoid any undue effects from the loss of her sanity. Kukuru sadly got distracted by her efforts to help Arc train for his match, and her healing was limited to him alone. Yuna started off well, but when confronted with an army of fanboys with visions of her new look in their heads, she undid all the healing points she had done with a single Aeon. "Ecchi!" Elena, meanwhile, went all around the arena, healing to her heart's content. She didn't care about who she was healing, just as long as she could do some good in the world. Finally, Rena healed one person, made him take her place in the match, then went off and took a nap. When the final HP results came up, it was found that the mystery competitor was the winner, and by default his patron Rena took the title. The only thing the fans were wondering was why it hadn't occurred to anyone else to enlist Banon's help... RENA: 99 YUNA: 77 ALICE: 52 ELENA: 28 KUKURU: 23 Considering the fact that Yuna can cast spells such as Curaga and Full-Life for the low cost of 1 MP, she should be able to outlast her opponents and heal more people over time. Other healers might take the early lead with their group healing spells, but they will soon run out of magic. The other healers could try to prevent her comeback by using whatever offensive skills they have, but Yuna still has her Aeons and would be ready to use her Grand Summon Overdrive thanks to the Healer overdrive mode and the Triple Overdrive feature on her weapon. ANONYMOUS when you want somebody who can restore the most hitpoints to the most people in the most number of ways for the greatest amount of time? Its gotta be Kukuru. Step 1 : Kukuru, Alice, Elena, and Rena begin using their best healing spells as quickly as they can... Step 2 : Yuna summons Bahamut. Step 3 : Bahamut procedes to eat the other 4 healers. Step 4 : Yuna heals to her hearts content. Um... Alice's Ark can be cast on her first turn and heals everyone in her party to full health. I think she's got this match in the bag... Where's Bannon? Oh well, Rena can heal NEARLY forever, I guess that'll do. My "no vote" on the Healers' match is not stating that I can't decide or am ineligible to's just that the match will NEVER END. ANONYMOUS I say Yuna becauseshe appears to be the only healer with the ability to properly Maintain And Care for Machines,(as in Worker 8),Her ultimate weapon reduces cost to 1, she has a Minor cure for free, she's probably also the only one able to keep Luca off her (amen for Stop), and if worst comes to worst and she DOES run out of MP, she COULD summon up an aeon and use it's MP for healing spells...and Walls..Don't ask ME why, It's just a habt. Oo Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.