Five lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Auron vs Kuja "Let's... get this party started," Kuja said, a mischievous glint in his gender-non-specific eye. "So be it," Auron said calmly. He hefted his Masamune. He didn't expect Kuja to break into a dance routine, though. Indeed, even the cagy veteran Legendary Guardian was taken aback by Kuja's mad dance moves and foot-tappingly annoying beat. Finally, an exhausted Kuja raised his arms in triumph. "RPG Playoffs!" he cried. "Love it live!" Auron had by then at last gotten in range. He was unmoved by the performance, except perhaps in his stomach, which was churning. "Don't you love it live?" Kuja asked sadly. He prepared an Ultima to end the misery of one who couldn't appreciate his wonderfulness. "Haven't you heard?" Auron asked, whacking his foe most satisfactorily. "I'm dead." AURON: 182 KUJA: 110 Auron don't deserve Godlike. Kuja sorta does. Still, he should crush Auron anyday. Auron wears an awesome red trenchcoat, ala Gilder, the epitome of cool. (Give him a match!) Kuja wears a thong. Auron's cool factor kills Kuja at 50 paces. I've got to say, unlike most battles of magicians against physical attackers, Kuja has a much better chance of winning than Auron. Let's face it: though he has breaking techniques and high physical strength, Auron's very vulnerable to magic, and cannot go fast enough to get out of the way. However, Kuja flies in his trance form, which he can maintain for a very long amount of time, so blasting Auron with ultima from above will be very easy for this genome-ish spellcaster. If you can destroy a whole world with your own magic alone, not much can stop you. Auron: Coolest character in FFX. Kuja:Most feminine male ever to appear in a FF game. Auron:Wields the Masamune. Kuja:I think he wears a thong. Warrior/Samurai > Feminine Mage. ANONYMOUS Samurai > Crossdresser ANONYMOUS Kuja enters the arena. He is in his ultimate form, ready to do some serious damage. Auron rushes forward, as soon as the battle starts. "MAGIC BREAK!" Kuja is left without any offense. That, and Kuja was distracted by the huge sums of money being bet on if he was male, female, transgender, or changed between male and female under certain conditions. Winner-Auron Auron's Masamune gives him First Strike. Auron's speed and Kuja's Trance then gives the sorcerer the second strike, and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, and probably the sixth and seventh as well. Unless Auron can inflict more than 6 times the damage of Trance Kuja, then this match goes to the effeminate warrior. Ghaleon vs Luca Blight Magic Emperor Ghaleon calmly strutted inside the arena, already muttering the beginning of his Rock N' Roll spell to crush Luca Blight's fiery rage. Yet, as the bell rang for the match, all was silent, with no sign of Luca Blight. " seems that this Blight fellow did not wish for this to be his last day. Ah, well, a pity," muttered Ghaleon. All of a sudden, a voice could be heard echoing throughout the arena...a quiet, yet insane sounding voice.. "Little pig, little pig, won't you come out" was the voice being uttered. Ghaleon whirled around to face the voice, but each time it moved. "Where are you, Blight?! Show yourself, fool!" bellowed Ghaleon. "Oh, FINE then! I'll just have to huff..." Ghaleon drew his sword and stood at the ready. "And puff..." Ghaleon then chanted the end of Rock N' Roll, needing only to release the spell to flood the arena with bouncing boulders...until he was swept off his feet by a blazing dragon. "And BLOW YOUR HOUSE DOWN!" Luca Blight stood over the fallen Magic Emperor after descending from his sword-created monster, holding a sword to his throat. "Looks like the little piggy came out to PLAY!!!" screeched Luca as he then finished the job. GHALEON: 136 LUCA BLIGHT: 143 Ghaleon crushes Luca. It's very simple to explain why. You see, Luca DIES halfway through the game he's in. Oh, sure, he was menacing to the heroes then, but the heroes get stronger later. If the heroes in Suikoden 2 fought Luca at end-game levels, he would hardly pose a challenge, indeed, Luca would perish perhaps against a single hero character, should they be a strong character. By contrast, Ghaleon is a final boss, a boss that takes a full party at end game levels to be defeated. Luca SEEMS strong, but Ghaleon IS strong. Any Questions? Since both of these characters remind me so much of Dark Lords, I'll simply compare them from that perspective. Now, Luca Blight most definitely reminds me of Shabranigo. Both of them crave destruction and shrug off most deadly attacks as if they were nothing. On the other hand, Ghaleon reminds me of Gaav, the demon dragon king. Now, that not saying he exactly the same, but there are similarities. Sadly to say, no matter how powerful Gaav is, he is no Shabranigo. ANONYMOUS Sorry, but I can't vote for Ghaleon.....It took me sooo many tries to kill Luca it wasn't even funny!!!! He killed two teams of 6 Stars of Destiny, each chock full of the strongest warriors I had. And he killed everyone on my last team except the Hero, who will remain anonymous. Magic and sword alike deal little damage to Luca and he has the Beast Rune behind his unholy strength. Ghaleon has no chance. Luca charges ahead, and starts slashing, but to no avail. Ghaleon laughs, makes some witty comment, and calls Luca an idiot. Luca gets angry, calls Ghaleon a pig, and impales him. Ghaleon, watching as the crazed war monger Luca Blight prepared his sword with a look of maniacal glee, stepped forward, adjusting his purple robes slighly. "If you have a brain in your head," he stated dully, "you would give up this silly notion that you can defeat me and walk away." Luca harrumphed, and charged, flying back seconds later as he quite literally bounced off his sparking magical barrier. "While I may be wasting my breath--" 'and I most likely am', he thought to himself, "--I feel that I should give you one last chance. Give up now." Again, his words fell on deaf ears, and the tall fighter raced head on, and--much to Ghaleon's surprise--broke through his barrier, slamming into him with a force of one of those freight trains Sephiroth kept speaking of. Shocked into speechlessness--or did he just have the wind knocked out of him?--he landed on the ground hard, skidding to a stop around the edges of the dusty arena. He rose to his feet, easily blocking the spell that was hurled forth, wiping the small line of blood that had welled up from the scrap on his cheek. He frowned deeply, his red eyes dancing dangerously in the bright lights. "Fine," he growled, baring his fanged teeth, "have it your way." One Fate Storm later, Magic Emperor Ghaleon secured his way to victory, and shortly thereafter made arrangements to torture Blight relentlessly once he was revived. No one injured Ghaleon's face and lived unscathed. ANONYMOUS Luca Blight vs Ghaleon is probably the closest call I've seen yet in my occasional visits'll probably be a kickass match if it happened. However, I give the edge to Luca, largely because he could practically take everything Ghaleon's got before he goes down. *spoilers for Suikoden 2* It took a whole army battle where you had to injure him (his unit, rather) THREE times, he manages to escape out of a whole trap and PRACTICALLY HITS ALL OF YOUR REMAINING WAR UNITS WHILE DOING SO...and then he does a raid in the SAME NIGHT. He is then pummelled by a bunch of heroes, fights against THREE different parties of SIX people, and still has the ability to run away...and when you catch up to him, he get's hit by dozens more of arrows, before fighting the Hero of Suikoden 2 and even when you defeat him, he gets up, smiles, laughs maniacally, leaves some dying words, and THEN only falls over and dies. What did it take to bring down Ghaleon? One battle (albeit a fairly hard one). Overall though, Ghaleon has the magic and HP and decent speed, whereas Luca has the strength, speed (he attacks THREE TIMES in a round), good selection of moves (although he IS lacking an instant kill move, unlike Ghaleon) and the most ridiculously high defence/magic defence I've seen in a video game (save the hardest of the hardest of Enix's/Tri-Ace's games...ahem) where he cuts your damage down to less than half of what's it's supposed to deal!!! Close call though, as Ghaleon is extremely powerful in his own right, but I say Luca wins this. Luca Blight's longevity may be the stuff of legends, but his offensive power is most certianly not, and Ghaleon is no flash in the pan himself. Both of these fighters have sky-high HP that needs to be whittled down, and doublecast Hell Wave does the job much better than a flame slash. ANONYMOUS Luca and Ghaleon, one a former Godlike Champion, the other deserving of it. Both incredibly powerful. Ghaleon's magic is simply unmatched. Luca can take more punishment than anyone. Who else can stand against 3 groups of six, getting filled with arrows, AND a duel before falling? But, the match progresses like this: Luca immediately charges at Magic Emperor in a bloodlust. Magic Emperorcounterattacks with his sword, but is obviously outmatched. Magic Emperor casts some devestating magic, but Luca continues to charge, pushing Magic Emperor towards the edge of the ring. Finally, the Magic Emporer is defeated. Luca goes into an absolute frenzy, chopping the armor into pieces. However, the pieces fade away. Ghaleon laughs from the other side of the arena. "Don't you know that was just my illusion?" Luca stares in horror. Not only at the hands of "Hero" but now by Ghaleon, his only flaw failed him again: Rushing Blindly into a trap. "Hellwave." Ghaleon said simply. The judges could find nothing left of Luca, but some ashes that were suddenly outside of the ring. They called it a double loss-death, and a ring out. Winner-Ghaleon Ever tried using regular physical attacks against Ghaleon? He dodges most of them, and those that get through do virtually no damage. Fortunately for Alex and Kyle, who had to do the bulk of the damage to the Magic Emperor, they had special technique magic to get around this strength. Unfortunately for Luca, he does not. Frog vs Agrias Agrias readied herself for what was sure to be an epic duel. "I salute you, Sir Glen," she said, raising her sword. "'Tis the same from where I standeth, milady," Frog declared. "An honor to face you, particularly in the first round," Agrias said. "I could ask for no better foe." "Verily, e'en now I hadst thought much the same." Frog gripped his decidedly non-katanesque Masamune. "'Tis time, is it not." "Indee-" Agrias began. But both were cut off by the manical laughter of Malak. "Foolish frog," he cried, "see the power of my Hell Skill!" The two knights erupted in laughter. Malak's power seemed to them an oxymoron... Until every last one of the attacks struck home, sending them both to their knees. "I hate those damned frogs," Malak snarled. "Hatehatehatehate -" And thus, Malak, Agrias AND Frog were all vaporized by Kefka, just for the heck of it. After careful review, the judges ruled that Frog had been struck first by Malak's Hell Skill, and the interference call went in his favor. FROG: 150 AGRIAS: 141 At the sound of "Go" from the Star Dragon Sword, both Agrias and Frog charged each other. The steel of the two swords collided , and Agrias slowly pushed Frog to the edge of the arena with the following strikes. Frog's guard slipped, and Agrias quickly landed a blow on Frog, throwing him to the edge of the arena. Agrias hit Frog several more times, then backed off slowly, looking for signs of consciousness in the Creature. Slowly, Frog got up on his hands. Frog was about to heal and begin the match anew, but stopped upon hearing a question posed to him by Agrias. "Do you know what happens when a frog gets hit by lightning?" All Frog could croak out was "No..." "The same thing as everything else," Answered Agrias. Frog couldn't even tell Agrias how pathetic that line was before Agrias blasted Frog out of the arena with a lightning stab. Although Agrias' variety in her holy-based sword attacks is awesome, I think Frog's Masamuna would break her sword clean in half. Frog's healing magic is useless is this case, for Agrias can do twice as much damage using zero MP as Frog can heal using a costly, yet weak, Cure2. Both characters will have to rely on raw damaging abilities throughout the fight, and since they're about equal in strength. Status changes won't matter on Frog, since if I remember correctly, armor that nullifies all negative statuses is easy to get. So the battle balances on these two questions: 1.Will Orlandu let Agrias borrow the Excalibur or Ragnarok? 2.Will Frog be able to Draw Out powers from the Masamune? The sacred ritual of flipping a quarter determines that Agrias should win. Cure 2 means that Frog can keep going against straight damage-dealers for as long as it takes to finish the job. Crush Punch means that, sooner or later, Frog bites it whether he heals or not. Everyone is familiar with the old cliche of the princess kissing the frog. The bizarre situation seems to arise inexplicably every POSSIBLE time a humanoid frog and princess are to be found. The good news for Frog is that this guarantees he will be blessed with a kiss from Princess Ovelia, who would certainly attend any match featuring her bodyguard. The bad news for Frog is that Agrias cares about the Princess' protection from smooth-talking knights above all else, and will no doubt Holy Explosion him into oblivion before he has even recovered from the young royal's affections. Um... don't Agrias and the rest of the FF Tactics crew regularly crush frogs under their heel? Arc Ricolne vs Lucian Lucian slowly whittles down Arc's life, and the Lad does likewise to Lucian. Inevitably, Lucy achieves enough to go for the Finishing Strike. "Valkyrie! Grant me power!" Arc mumbles something under his breath. The Round Rip Saber lands with tremendous force, but to no effect. Quickly, Arc finishes off the surprised Einherjar. Sure, he could have just cast Invincible at the start, but where's the fun in that? ARC: 147 LUCIAN: 82 Yes, Arc has variety. Lucian has Shining Bolt... I don't see how anyone from Arc the Lad II can lose any battle, as they can reach Lv.999, and that's Godlike right there. Lucian is strong. Lucian is agile. Lucian can fill a combo gauge by himself, making him one of the few VP fighters who can use a PWS attack in single combat. Sadly, none of that matters when his opponent sports Invincible and the MP to use it at will. "This match is too uneven, in order to make it more fair the commitee has decided to even it out in a game of... punchbuggy?" The announcers voice echoes across the arena. The car was to be a police cruiser. The camera would be in the front Lucian and Arc are about to enter the car. "SHOTGUN!!" Lucian calls before Arcs' mouth even starts to move. As the car comes back Lucian discreetly gives the Technician an envelope with a check. The check was for the installation of soundproof in a certain police cruiser. If someone looked harder they could find another check and a note saying:Lucian and Arc will be decided in the game of punchbuggy, in the police cruiser that is sitting outside the door to the arena. Signed, Arngrim. And if one looked harder they could see Lucian emptying his DME points in Arngrim's name. There is one more point of note: The most recent item on the DME store is checks for a lot of money. Yang Fabool vs Zell Dincht Yang smiled as his match with Zell was about to begin. While his pitiful attack power, lacking defence, and non-existant variety had somehow been enough to secure him a Middle championship (perhaps thanks to his seeming inability to die?), he knew he had no chance against Zell, who, while no heavy-hitter himself under normal circumstances, had a clear edge thanks to his Limit skills. No chance, that was, in straight combat. Fortunately, Yang had swapped tips with Gremio before the match, and knew what he had to do to win. It was sure to work; after all, Squall had assured him that Zell was at LEAST as slow-witted as Quina. "Though unfortunately, he is much louder," the SeeD had confided morosely. The starting bell rang. "All right! I'm going to win this one!" cried Zell. Yang smiled. "But Zell, wouldn't you rather eat that nice juicy hot dog sitting on the table just outside the ring?" The old martial artist gestured. He remembered Gremio's words. A powerful idiot is still an idiot. "Huh?" said Zell. "No way!" And before Yang knew what was happening, the energetic (or loud, if you prefer) SeeD was battering away at him. It was over quite quickly; Zell seemed even more driven than usual. In the stands, the nameless Library Girl smiled to herself. It was a good thing she had promised Zell TWO hot dogs should he win... YANG: 110 ZELL: 184 Since Junctions are strictly forbidden in the arena, Zell and Yang are fairly evenly matched. At the beginning of the battle. As attrition wears down the fighters, Zell can eventually count on his Limit, which could almost certainly have taken down Yang at the BEGINNING of the fight. Although Yang will have some support from his legendary ability to live through shipwrecks and collapsing towers, neither will help win My Final Heaven sends him flying from the ring. Yang cracked his knuckles and he stared across as Zell. "Do not worry young one. I will keep this lesson breif". Zell, was had been busy jigging around, whooping and hollering, stopped and turned to look at Yang. "Old man! I'm gonna bust you up so bad they won't even RECOGNISE you!...Then I'm gonna go and get me a hot dog!" Yang's eye widened. " dog? We are about to start a major battle, and yet you think dogs?" Zell grinned. "Hey, what can I say? I'm hungry!" Yang slapped his face, then immedietly dropped into a combat stance. "Enough talk. The time has come. ACHOO!" Yang then dashed forward, as did Zell, adn the two martial artists began to trade blows. Yang wisely refrained from charging his power or attemping to kick, knowing that the damage Zell could (would) do to him while attemping either could prove deadly. Then, Zell fell to one knee. "I am sorry youngster, but..." Yang stopped as he saw a glimmer in Zell's eye. Zell them jumped to his feet. Before Yang could react, Zell had begun to hit him with a combo of advanced moves. Suddenly, Zell bunmched down as if he was charging. Then, he dashed forward at incredile speed. The auidence was shocked...Where had Zell gone? Their questions were answered as just a few seconds later, Zell reappeared, striking Yang a massive was his "Final Heaven"... ANONYMOUS Yang can survive a lot. He can survive big explosions and hordes of enemies. He could probably even survive the end of the world like Sabin can. Zell can't possibly match that. Unoriginal The match, of you could call it that, had lasted a mere 15 seconds. Zell, being a young, over-confident, brash, inexperienced idiot told Yang that he could have the first shot, "to even things up". Yang, annoyed by the youth's impertinence, took him up on the offer and tapped Zell on the chest ever so lightly. Yang removed the CatClaw as Zell collapsed and picked him up, walked over to the side of the arena, and casualy tossed him out. I can't think of a way to say it that's witty, pointed or even well-written. So I'll just say it. Zell has Duel. All Yang can do is punch. This is not a tough choice. Of course, Yang beat Chisato, who should have killed him six times before he could blink, so he'll proabably win this too. Zell stood at the center of the arena, munching on a hot dog as he waited for the Karate Master from Fabul to show up. "I'm HUNGRY! Where is this black-belt loser so I can get this over with?!" yelled Zell as he then practiced punches and kicks in the ring. Suddenly, he began to feel quite queasy, and his nose began to run, as if he had...a cold? "What the hell? Why am I getting a cold, now of all times?!" bellowed Zell. All of a sudden, a tissue was held in front of his face, it's menthol-soaked goodness staring him right back in the face. "Wow! What a time for a tissue!" Zell then reached for the tissue...and was knocked flat out-cold by a lightning fast roundhouse kick. Yang stood over the fallen young adult for a few moments, then calmly jogged out of the arena, holding Zell's hot dog in one hand and the tissue in the other. "ACHOOOOOOOO!" was the last word heard by the Karate Master before he left the Arena. Yang is surely going to win this battle, for he's an excellent fightere, as you can see in Final Fantasy IV. He survives MomBombs, several attacks on his Castle, and blasts that were meant to destroy dwarves! He has an awesome Kick move that destroys a group of enemies, and his claws are quite a fearsome weapon! Go Yang! Zell has no chance against him. The more experience, the better. Well, that's my opinion. The only real effect Zell's limit breaks will have on the match is that Yang will get more than enough free hits in while he's charging up and posturing. And it's not like Zell will have a chance to use them anyway. Sleep, poison, confusion - pick two and Yang will deliver them with every attack, sealing Zell's fate with the first blow. Yang rushes forward with a menacing "Achoo!" Unfortunately for the King of Fabul, Zell's too far away to hear clearly, and the sound that comes to the SeeD's ears is "chickenwuss". One activated-by-fury Aura-induced Duel later, the King is dead. Long live the SeeD! Nanaki vs Mojo (with apologies to everyone - cue up the Wizard of Oz music) Mojo: I could be a mighty fighter A Middle for all time, or A Heavy, I'm no liar. But this match just wasn't fair Could someone please put out my hair? Red XIII set me on fire. I have powers with my Cursing But for now I'm stuck with nursing My wounds, like Hannibal. I tried to attack from behind Only to have to finally find That I'm bloody flammable. Oh, you Could say "Boo hoo, You're bitter from your loss." That's true, I'm just a little bit cross. Did he have to use, the barbecue sauce? So I tell you I'm a winner, I deserved a nice free dinner. Don't worry, I'm not a cannibal. But instead of jumping for joy I've become this creature's chew toy Just because I'm flammable. NANAKI: 253 MOJO: 32 Mojo, meet Nanaki. Nanaki, meet a great chew toy for those cubs you're amazingly someday going to have. Red XIII has the advantage of having Stardust Ray as a mere Level 2 break. Of course, I doubt his limit meter will rise uo at all...... Mojo-I am Mojo, treble at my almighty power! Nanaki-I thought you were a monkey... (Red XIII then throughs out his complicated bananna trap) RedXIII-This could be harder then I thought, what exactly are you? Mojo-A scarecrow/sockpuppet why? Red XIII-Good thing I have my fira materia then. Mojo-Ha, I guess you believe in that myth about hay burning then, I would have thought you were smarter then that.... Red XIII then casts fira, followed by burning, screaming, and then death. Red XIII did win, but what he didnt expect was that without mojo, thousands of giant crows would attack the Arena, killing all in their paths including him. Mojo considered himself lucky; like his opponent, he was hamstrung by regulations preventing him from using any magic other than a few innate techniques. And since his were more readily available than Red XIII's Limit skills, Mojo was looking forward to his first victory. When they met in the Arena, Red seemed disturbingly confident. It wasn't until the fight started and he saw a green ball affixed to Nanaki's Limited Moon that Mojo remembered that his opponent entered his game with Fire magic. And that straw burns very easily.... Mojo is made of straw. Straw is highly flamable. Red XIII starts off with a fire Materia. Mojo, or Lucky Dan as his japanese name translates to, could quite frankly obliterate his opponent. Of course, this is coming from someone who thinks just because he is possibly the coolest character from any game ever, he should be in godlike. I really don't understand how Mojo made middle. His stats, with one major exception, are pretty poor and he only has three one-shot abilities. His only real trump is in one of the highest evasion rates in any RPG ever but that's still not enough to lift him out of light. Pretty much any limit break will seal the match, either with an unavoidable magic attack that will blow him to bits or a stat-raiser for Red that will jack his abilities up far beyond anything Mojo can handle. By the way, straw is a flammable material isn't it? And doesn't Red have a little flame on the end of his tail? Just food for thought... heh heh heh... Nanaki comes equipped with a Fire materia. Straw burns easily. You do the math. Dan vs Alfred Schroedinger Dan entered the arena to the cry of the fans, ready to pummel his opponent. Alfred entered the arena with a box. "What's in the box?" asked Dan, warily watching his opponent. "Nothing." replied Alfred quickly. "Let me see, or I'll pound you!" said Dan menacingly. Shrugging, Alfred passed the cardboard box to the warrior. Dan opened it with glee... ... and found a large, violent, and very hungry mountain lion. One that was gunning for him. In a panic, Dan ran out of the arena. "Come on, that has to be interference!" yelled Maria Balthasar. "I'm afraid not." murmured Citan. "And why not?" "Haven't you ever heard of Schroedinger's Cat?" said Citan. DAN: 115 ALFRED: 121 In an actual match, Dan would have pounded Alfred into paste. But prior to the match, Dan, being the juvenile delinquent he is, assaulted the nerdy Alfred for lunch money. Unfortunately for Dan, Alfred was three yards away from his sister, Todd and Shady at the time. Unfortunately for the crowd, Dan didn't get to participate in the match, or the remainder of the Light season he could've owned. Alfred throws sticks of dynamite, but Dan throws ether that looked like Grahf's guided shot. Dan wins. ANONYMOUS Okay, what the hell? This is so overkill it's not even funny. While Alfred is weak by himself, Dan is weaker, failing to take down a low level Fei, while Alfred can take down a low level Virginia, and possibly a low level Gallows. ANONYMOUS Dan should be Middle or maybe low Heavy. I've lost to him tons of times in the tournament and his ether kicks Fei's a$$. And, Fei is Godlike, right? Korcha vs Maya Maya's gentle nature won't matter, as the sheer horror of Korcha's undergarments will drive any fighter to destroy him. KORCHA: 69 MAYA: 139 Maya would *never* hurt a non-villain. Korcha would never hit such a sweet, wonderful, lovely young lady. Oh, wait, Korcha's idea of an ideal wife was *Kid*, for God's sakes. He most likely wouldn't bat an eyelash at taking her down. Maya should not be Light in terms of power, and should not be in the RPGP except maybe as a commentator (ala Apple; Maison). Excellence in Teaming! "Don't worry," Sasarai said serenely, tying the tongues of his teammates. "We have divine protection." Alex nodded, blowing a kiss to his particular divinity, who waved demurely from the stands. Seymour, however, shifted nervously. "Now might be a good time to mention that my religion was a hoax." "Really?" Elena frowned. "Mine, too." Sasarai was slightly concerned. After all, he was said to suffer from existential angst. Indeed, of all the 'Rollers, only Alex was fully confident. This boded well for the 500 Club... Except that Alex's Black Dragon Grief finished off the entire party-member comprised 500 Club in a single shot. "Conversions are welcome," he told his teammates before departing the locker room. HOLY ROLLERS: 139 500 CLUB: 136 Alucard Shield + Shield Rod = 4 Dead Holy Rollers. Alucard and Anastasia can rape the rest of the six. Hoewver, there's on the same team, and the only have four others to rape. ANONYMOUS The 500 Club was a large party of equally old and equally formidable fighters. The Holy Rollers were a large congregation of mages, and very religious. As the battle begain, Seymore summoned Anima and Sasarai, well, um he begain chanting his spells. Alex was the only strong physical attacker on the team really, so he charged at blinding speed before being Impulsed into oblivion by Anastasia. Alucard shouted in his cheesy deep voice: "It's time someone threw the "Book" at you." And with that he hurled a large heavy Bible at Elena, knocking her cold, as well as completing an ironic finish the Rollers were just asking for. Sasarai's Quivering Earth and Seymore's Anima put a serious world of hurt on Melvin and Frog, however, Alucard Duplicated his meal tickets and tossed thousands at rapid speed. Everyone feasted as Sasarai and Seymore stared mouths gaping at the 500 Club. Seriously, who eats in the middle of a battle? But it was happening and the 500 Club was soon back at full health and mp/ force. What was left of the Holy Rollers could only say: "Oh Jesus..." I love Alucard, but it is Alex that makes the difference. While Alucard is attacking Seymour, Alex uses the Red Dragon's power. This stops the attacking long enough for Seymour to summon Anima. Now, as if this weren't bad enough, Alex can RECAST the Red Dragon spell again. Once Pain hits, it's all over. Alucard and Ana alone could decimate the Holy Rollers. You actually think that Alucard would lose by himself against the holy rollers? WHAT!?! He has a team too? Goddamn, he could take all 7 of them. anyone sane can tell the 500 club have this in the bag they've got the son of dracula who can change form, on allowing him not to be hit alex:SWORDDANCE!!! alucard:...heh...mist and then frog offers his minor but helpful healing and then they have anastasia's almost godlike powers! they got this one packed Between Alex and Seymour, the Holy Rollers have their match in the bag. Heck, Alex alone could have given most of the 500 club a run for thier money. ANONYMOUS Dragonmaster Alex can summon four Dragons that can destroy a city under the protection of the four strongest mages in the land in under a minute. Seymour can summon a powerful being to do the same. Oh, did I forgot to mention, that Dragonmaster Alex is also absolutely awesome Phyiscally? Winner-The Holy Rollers You put Alucard AND Anastasia together up against anyone, and expect them to lose? Yeah, right. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.