Eight lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Odd Eye vs Shadow Veryslightlymad@hotmail.com: Shadow prepared a tack star and eyed his foe. Lord Odd Eye certainly cut an impessive figure, but the ninja was hardly worried. He had trained for many long years to not be rattled by a powerful enemy, though having a pair of sightless eyes boring right into his own tested the limits of his confidence. Shadow pulled his arm back, and was intent on releasing his deadly star, when the Greater Devil Lord flew toward him at an amazing speed. Shadow tried to evade, but took a punishing sword stroke to his flank. The pain was unbelievable, and had he not practiced to avoid it, as all other feelings, he'd have been as blind as his enemy. Shadow tried to get his stars out again, as they were more powerful than even his Striker. He was amazed that Odd Eye ran around to his other side, and attacked again. Shadow gritted his teeth, and heard the impact. However, he did not feel it. Interceptor had taken the blow for him. He would have been thankful, but Odd Eye reversed his swipe, and caught him anyhow. Incredible fortitude went out the window, and Shadow dropped the stars. The Greater Devil was STRONG. Shadow began to grow worried about his companion. He looked over at the poor animal. It was bleeding; Odd Eye had wounded him severely. Shadow generally prescribed to the idea of having all dead emotions, but nobody would hurt his dog and live. The ninja snarled, and cut a deep gash across Odd Eye's chest with his Striker. The Greater Devil Lord grunted, but Shadow only heard a loud humming noise before a supernova went off in his brain. He dimly recalled something about Odd Eye's weapon being called a "Counter Sword" before he everything went dark. Odd Eye: 156 Shadow: 103 angelicus85@hotmail.com Shadow is fantastic. Shadow is powerful, fast, cunning, and ruthless. But he is not a Godlike. chipstick85@aol.com Shadow walks into the nearby adult store, grabs a handful of items, and walks out. The manager tries to stop him, but interceptor loyally tears the mans leg off. ****************************** Minutes before the match begins Shadow comes into the arena and blows up his newly acquired dolls. ***** Odd Eye walks into the arena and is confused as crap as to why there seems to be dozens of opponents in the arena. Before he can figure it out Shadow uses a water edge to sweep all of the dolls at Odd Eye at once. Odd Eye blasts a few, but has no chance at hitting his real opponent. Shadow procedes with the cutting off of the head. babbwa@vcu.edu Odd Eye vs. Shadow... there's a reason that Shadow's got those stars.... Throw: Ragnarok, or Throw: Lumina... heh... GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Odd Eye uses his classic Odd Eye Beam. Shadow calls out Interceptor to take the hit. Interceptor is obliterated and a few moments later, so is Shadow. End of match. rurounikenshi@gmx.net OddEye Beam will simply slice Shadow in half. naildagreat@hotmail.com Normally, I completely mark out for shadow, but there is absolutely NO WAY he can stand against Odd Eye. Odd Eye can negate Shadow's throwing advantage, by even outranging that with his Odd eye Beam. Shadow's stealth is negated by Odd Eye's senses. He cannot match Odd Eye blow for blow in close, and striker's random rate of instant death wouldn't make much sense if he caused a greater devil to die, right? WolFPak957@aol.com I like Shadow. I like Shadow a whole damn lot....but does he really deserve a rank in GODLIKE?! I don't think he was THAT good, even though I do like him. Oh well. Go Shadow. neoelfboy@hotmail.com The reasons why Shadow is capable of winning against strong opponents in the RPGP: 1. He's fast. 2. He has the ability to randomly counterattack, thanks to Interceptor. 3. His weapons add random status effects when used to attack. 4. His invisibility. The reasons why Shadow is incapable of winning against Odd Eye: 1. Odd Eye is faster. 2. Odd Eye counterattacks more often. 3. Odd Eye adds random status with his attack more often. 4. Odd Eye has no knowledge of invisbility. Faced with perhaps the only the only opponent who completely negates his advantages, Shadow will no doubt exercise his only remaining option: drop a smoke bomb and flee the arena, leaving the Devil leader the victor by default. Shale0@msn.com Let's get one thing out of the way...Odd Eye's good, but the Odd Eye Beam, while certainly useful, is not more powerful than Tack Star. Shadow has a distinct advantage in damage per turn here. This could give Odd Eye a run for his money, even with his ability to put his opponent to sleep and his high attack power, defense, and speed. However, Odd Eye gets a double turn. That's two actions to Shadow's one, no matter how fast the ninja is. Welcome back to Heavy, Clyde. DragoonJay@excite.com There are two schools of thought on invisibility in the RPGP. One of these believes that it grants complete physical immunity rather than mere invisibility, a trait better referred to as “ethereal”. If that’s the case, then all Shadow has to do is attack normally and he’ll have the win. The other school is of the opinion that if the opponent knows where to hit, then the invisible figure has no defence for it. In that case, Odd Eye will crush the ninja like he’s a little bug. I happen to belong to the second school. Hrist Valkyrie vs Yunalesca thissucks@onewebsite.com: The eldest Valkyrie fights the eternal uphill battle against the original summoner. She strikes quickly and repeately, cracking away at Yunalesca's obscenely high HP, with literally hundreds of arrows flying out of her Razor Shaft. Yunalesca obviously amused, swipes viciously at the dark valkyrie, knocking her to the ground. Hrist gets up and readies the Razor Shaft for a finishing blow, only to be easily dispatched by the summoner. Of course, Hrist's Angel Curio activated, revived her and she finished off Yuna's ancestor with a Nibelung Vilesti... Hrist: 137 Yunalesca: 114 GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Hrist, being a 6th level God, is way more than Yunalesca can handle. Chaos vs Wren DragoonJay@excite.com: Chaos’ programming consists mainly of “rush forward and let myself be mauled”. Why should it be any different here? Chaos: 94 Wren: 152 Sac@sachw.cjb.net Wren, the hulking Orakian build Android, walked slowly into the arena. The crowd didn't seem to pay attention to him as he entered the arena, some thinking he was a damaged version of his more advanced and powerful Palman built counterpart from Phantasy Star 4, while many other had never even heard of him or Phantasy Star at all. Hefting the legendary Nei Shot, Wren looked over at his oppoent. Chaos was an odd looking Android. unlike Wren himself, he did not look at all humaoid. As soon as Choas saw Wren, it shrieked and charged at him. While this surprised Wren, he was still able to act quickly. Lifting the Nei Shot, Wren let loose witha blast. It smashed into Chaos, but the strange robot continued to charge. He reached Wren beforre the slow android could unleash a second blast from the Nei Shot, but his attacks seemed to have little effect. His face still blank, Wren wasted no time in finsihing Chaos off. crystalgatedh@hotmail.com Lets take a look at Wren's options. He can use a melee tech in which Foi is strongest with a power equal to fire 0.25. He can cast Deban that if successful will entirely prevent Chaos from attacking. He can also cast Ner to increase his own speed in hope to outmaneuver Chaos. Or he can just continously fire and fire his Nei Shot. Chaos is probably the weakest SF boss and tend to break very quickly while Wren has the secound highest HP in PSIII and does solid defense ignoring damage with his Nei Shot. Chaos is gonna get Neigunned down, hopefully all the way to middle. Billy Lee Black vs Shu DragoonJay@excite.com: Billy waited with caution. Shu was in the arena, he was sure of it. But the ninja are supremely skilled at concealing themselves. “He could be anywhere...” Billy mused aloud. “Under a tile, hidden in the shadows, above me...” Billy leapt forward in time to avoid Shu’s opening “Super Not-Real Ninja Aerial Gun Attack!” Drawing his pistol, Billy fired behind him as he dodged to the left to avoid Shu’s next attack. Shu chased him, relying on his superior speed to close the gap. Suddenly, Billy turned and raised his gun. Shu followed suit, leaving them in the infamous Mexican Standoff. Shu chuckled. “You won’t win this way. I have the speed advantage.” Billy fired. “It’s only an advantage if you fire first.” Billy Lee Black: 138 Shu: 107 babbwa@vcu.edu (Cue 'Stomp' By George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic.) George Clinton: Failure to Stomp may be hazardous to your booty!!! Shu: What the -- ?! (Billy's Gear procedes to 'dance to the music,' so to speak.) NinjaFire2@aol.com A ninja with a gun just isn't going to beat a -gunman- with a gun. Shu is a wonderful little RPGP novelty, but that's about it. Shale0@msn.com Billy has Shu trumped in every area but defense. His damage - especially from the higher-level Deathblows like Dear Friend - is both higher and more reliable, Goddess Call is a better spell than Speed Up, and he has Goddess Eyes (with a Holy Pendant) to rememdy his defense problems. And that's before factoring in cheap, powerful healing that will let Billy take as long as he needs to finishing Shu off. Not a good week for ninjas, is it? Chisato Madison vs Nikki neoelfboy@hotmail.com: The referee looked at his watch. "Five minutes, Nikki, and you win by default." "Excellent!" came Nikki's reply. He wondered if this Chisato girl was going to show up. "Excuse me, Mr. Nikki?" Nikki turned around, to see a young pointy-eared red-head holding a camera and a microphone. "Would it be possible for me to get a few quick words with you?" "An interview? I can dig that!" came Nikki's reply. "Great! Now then, Nikki, tell us what it's like being the star of a successful rock group." "It's like, totally triumphant. Everyone appreciates our supremely bodacious talent. In fact, radio stations all over El Nido refuse to play our music because its rockin' notes would be so distracting!" "... Sure. But how about your other job, as a member of Serge's overly-large band of heroes who fought against the Time Devourer? Didn't that conflict with your concert schedule?" "No way! Serge was like, totally cool about my special status in our most excellent posse. In fact, he insisted I not fight in any important battles, so I could jam for my awesome fans!" "Oh really? I'd always heard it was because your combat ability was poor all-around." "Hey, who said that about me? That's most non-triumphant slander!" "Well, isn't it true that your 9-year old sister is a superior fighter to you in every way?" "Well, yeah, Marcy's one bad little dudette, you know? She's so tough, she hits harder with those fists of hers than I do with my awesome electric guitar. How excellent is that!" "..." "Two minutes," came the voice of the ref. "Anyway," resumed the young reporter. "How about the rumours. Are they true? You know what I'm talking about." "Aw shucks, you got me! I'm releasing my sweet sixteenth album this fall! Don't tell anybody, but it's gonna have even more radical tunes than any before!" "No," said the reporter impatiently. "The other rumour. Is it true that you're really a blue innate?" "Well, yeah. It fits my mood. I like, get moody and stuff. It's the cliche, see." "You know," came the young woman's thoughtful reply, as she put down her microphone and camera. "Blue innates are weak to fire." "Yeah, and, so?" "Flame Thrower!" came Chisato's cry. "Bogus..." was all Nikki could say before he was reduced to little more than charcoal. Chisato: 185 Nikki: 84 babbwa@vcu.edu I feel dirty voting in the Chisato vs. Nikki fight. I loathe both characters. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Chisato:10,000 volts! Nikki:uh, what? Chisato:*SHOCK YOU* Nikki:*Guitar shorts out, explodes, shrapnel enters skull, dies* Chisato:YaY! Shale0@msn.com A reporter vs. a punk rocker. Talk about a thrilling matchup. Okay, sarcasm off. They're both forgettable fighters in their home games, but Chisato gets a huge bonus when she can afford to waste MP on Tear Gas. If Nikki doesn't take her down quick, he's dead. And he can't take her down quick. Rude vs Kelvena Shale0@msn.com: It seemed like the match would go on forever. Kelvena healed all the damage Rude's punches could deal, but never made a move to hurt him in turn. After three hours, Rude was getting desperate. Finally, he thought of something. Crazy, yes, but it would be better than this exercise in futility. The next time he charged Kelvena, Rude was a blur of motion. She tried to fight, but, with no offensive techniques outside of her Marinebasher Gear, she couldn't stop Rude from picking her up and carrying her out of the arena for a ring-out. Rude: 146 Kelvena: 125 AshburnerX@yahoo.com -Before the fight, in Kelvena's Locker Room- When she heard that she would be fighting Rude under "special" conditions, Kelvena didn't know what to think. However, she was honor bound as a member of the Elements to accept the challenge under any circumstances. Ready to rumble, Kelvena set out from her locker room for the ring... -Meanwhile, on Rude's Side...- Rude was applying the finishing touches to his special preparations... with a slight smile, he realized he was the perfect man for this Job. Glad to have been able to bribe the officials, Rude sets out for the easiest win of his life. -Fight time, in the Ring- When she arrived at the Arena, Kelvena knew something was up. The Arena didn't look different at all. However, all would be mad clear as soon a Rude made a gesture to the Judge's Box. Oddly enough, the ceiling of the arena began to slide back... and sunlight filled the Arena. "Big Deal... so there's more light in here now." chuckled Kelvena. She couldn't see the point of such a change. Shaking his head solemnly, Rude silently lowered his head. Suddenly, a blinding light struck Kelvena square in the face. "What is this? Is this some sort of new weapon?!?!" Kelvena shouted in a panic. "No... Just three layers of Turtle Wax." replied Rude with a smirk, before he pummeled Kelvena into submission. babbwa@vcu.edu Okay, if Rude actually took the fight seriously then Kelvena would be in trouble. But he'd probably underestimate her and spend too much time oogling her. nemoincognito@hotmail.com Rude Vs. Kelvena Rude attacks. Kelvina heals. Rude attacks. Kelvina heals. Rude attacks. Kelvina heals. *Several hours later* Rude attacks. Kelvina heals. Rude attacks. Kelvina runs out of ether. Rude attacks. Kelvina is KO'd. Moral of the story - no amount of healing power can lift you out of light if you have diddly-squat to back it up with. And don't underestimate Rude's attack power either. Futch vs Llewelyn GrandmastaBrick@aol.com: Ahh, Llewelyn. He may be 16. He may not be able to swim. He may be the worst character in Valkyrie Profile(Except for Badrach). He may be an archer(Generally, the worst class in RPG's). But when you look beyond that, you look at the people he fights/fights with. For Pete's sake, he fights alongside GODS! I mean, no normal person could hope to be nearly as powerful as a Norse God. That is why he will dominate the Light Division. In the name of all the Gods! Futch: 104 Llewelyn: 116 Taloon vs Gobi mrduran@acsu.buffalo.edu: Taloon and Gobi stared each other down from across the arena. Gobi took one look at his opponent and laughed. Sure he wasn't that strong out of water, but how could this fat fool ever even fight, much less win a fight? Confidently, Gobi taunted his opponent: "Hey fatty, what the heck are you doing in the arena?! If you're looking for the concession stand, it's over there!" That comment sent Taloon over the edge. "I'm big boned!!" he bellowed as he raced towards Gobi... and then tripped right before he reached him. Gobi was about to laugh; but when he heard the classic Dragon Warrior critical hit sound effect and saw a gaping hole in his stomach, his look changed to one of horror before he collapsed on the floor of the arena. A bit dazed, Taloon picked himself off of the arena's floor, and then headed over to the concession stand to celebrate his victory. Taloon: 139 Gobi: 76 DragoonJay@excite.com Let’s take a look at the comparison between Gobi and Taloon, shall we? Battle prowess: Gobi held his own against little fishes, but even Nina has a theoretically higher damage rate per round than the Manillo. Taloon held his own with a legendary hero, not to mention trained warriors. That’s not even bothering with the fact that he’s the luckiest character in a game where luck was actually a factor, and cleared a thirty level dungeon once on his own. Can Gobi say that? Advantage: Taloon. Mercantile prowess: Taloon fought to build his own shop, earning the money himself. We also see that he’s been a very successful apprentice before. Gobi, on the other hand, lost his merchant license before Ryu and his band came to save the day. Advantage: Taloon. Bottom line: Taloon isn’t the greatest warrior to ever come out of the RPGP, but he’s leagues ahead of Gobi. I See Dead People... Fighting! angelicus85@hotmail.com: One word people. Meteo. It cannot kill him this time, he's already dead! Tellah: 58 Galuf: 52 Alys: 45 Nei: 43 Lavitz: 37 Aeris: 28 motorcitymadkat@hotmail.com ahem, Kitty girls rule! rubicantv@aol.com Tellah would gladly sacrifice himself...AGAIN...to win that match with a quick casting of Meteo. Die...AGAIN, DEAD PEOPLE! babbwa@vcu.edu The Bonus match is a tough one, because there are a lot of fan favorites... Aeris might just win it because somehow it feels wrong to kill her off again. But, of all the contestants Galuf is the most powerful and well-balanced, having mastered a versatile range of jobs, giving his skills and abilities that the others would only be able to match if they ganged up on him at the very start of the match. Dragoon and Samurai are excellent combat classes, Dancers can screw with enemies, and Chemists are a close second to White Mages in terms of healing ability. gorgy@adelphia.net I never expected to see Aeris and Galuf in the same fight. Certainly, the strongest of the FF5 characters, who went toe to toe with godlike exdeath himself, will easily wipe the floor with the rest of these fools, even if they all gang up on him! GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Galuf shows up as a dragoon for the battle. Right before the chaotic battle ensues, he jumps. He stays up there for quite a while, so long that Aeris, Tellah, and Lavitz have been defeated. With Nei and Alys left...wait, scratch Alys, that's who Galuf jumped on. Now it's Nei vs. a fresh Galuf. Galuf explains to Nei that he died fighting a guy that lives in a black hole, and likes to destroy galaxies. Nei acknowledges that she has no chance, and forfeits the match. NinjaFire2@aol.com Lavitz wins, by process of elimination. Aeris dies first, either by an actual attempt on her life or a stray attack; it doesn't really matter, considering how pitifully weak she is. Nei, being extremely fast, will likely go to kill Alys immediately, who is her biggest threat due to a similar fighting style. Of course, this leaves open to be vaporized by a quick spell from Tellah. Galuf, full of experience, will want to do away with the spellcaster quickly. A long, pitched battle between seasoned old adventurers ensue, though Galuf will only win because Tellah tends to run out of MP very, very quickly. After that, a quick surprise spear to the chest will grant Lavitz the win. Simple, but brutally effective. Vilmizer@hotmail.com Lavitz WOO! Although Tellah was the only character in RPG history to have enough balls to call someone a spoony bard. kain@sailorvenus.org Aeris will win easy, since her level 4 limit makes her invincible. XLockeX888X@aol.com No matter how many times you make the graphics more flashy, games of the genre are always the same, and the word "Meteo" will always demand a certain respect, even if Tellah can't use it. The other spells such as Cure3, Lit-3, and Virus are plenty for coping with the rest of the deaduns. DragoonJay@excite.com If the dead people were songs, Galuf’s would probably be “Pennies from Heaven”. GP Toss is enough to overcome three of the competitors at the very start, and the fact that it’s long distance is enough to give him an insurmountable advantage. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.