Six lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Zio vs Roger Bacon Zio is good (well, bad, anyway), and his Black Wave can probably send Roger/Albert to his long-overdue grave... But against Roger's Messiah form, or even his powered-up Amon, a mere mid-game boss is seriously out of his league. Roger needs to face off against Dark Force itself, not a mere servant. Zio: 118 Roger Bacon: 155 The battle begins. Zio gets his pre-emptive Magic Barrier as always. Zio's hands glow and are thrust down as he casts Nightmare. The face of Dark Force leers over the battlefield. Roger pulls out his barrier-destroying that he made especially for the match. He holds it out and chants. Nothing happens. He repeats the chant. Nothing. "Too bad... you might have made a wonderful servent to me and my god." Zio thrusts his arms foward and the Black Wave washes over Roger. Zio's Dark Force-empowered Black Wave is absolutely deadly for any living being. Also considering his magic barrier can only be broken with the psycho wand, it's bye bye for Roger. Deis vs Cyril ANONYMOUS: Cyril shows up late for the match against Deis, because he spent the night before obsessively studying the most powerful techniques she's used in the BoF series... but is shocked to find a tubby, can-like person standing in the arena before him. Scanning the horizon for any incoming attacks while charging up his attack, he ignores the 'thing' until it taps him on his shoulder. "What?" "Ershin says... DRAW OUT!" Suddenly Cyril loses control and lets the Winds of Destruction come roaring out all at once, ripping the tiny little man apart. Dumbfounded at exactly just what happened, Deis reconstitutes herself and vapes him. (Ershin is, after all, and incarnation of Deis. It might not be a thing she particularly wanted to end up in, but it is her inside that tin can.) Deis: 160 Cyril: 149 Oh no. Cyril. Whatever will Deis do? Oh, she'll use Myollnir. Cyril and Deis stepped onto the arena floor, cheers and jeers alike coming at them from the crowd. They stood at the very centre of the arena, staring down each other. For a full five minutes, they stood like that. The crowd stood with bated breath, awaiting the carnage. "Didn't you tell them?" asked Deis to the Wise Man. "I thought you did." He shrugged, and looked up at the crowd. "Attention, attention. We, as two obviously superior persons to you all, have decided not to fight in your presence. Instead, we will battle once you all quietly leave the arena." Pandemonium ensued. That they could think that they were above all others was disgustingly arrogant beyond most of what the crowd thought. Forty minutes later, after the crowd had exitted the stadium (with more than a little help from Security), with only the referee remaining, Deis and Cyril still didn't move. Instead, they were idly talking. "So, you say that your sister actually tried to act as humanity's savior after unleashing a destructive spawn upon the world. That is really quite funny, if you don't mind me saying so." Cyril laughed at that. "So, why don't we call this stupid thing a draw, and why don't you come over to Wisdon, and we can continue a comparison of Heraldry and Master Skills." The Nedian smiled, and they began to walk out of the arena, hand in hand. And that was that. Except that Deis' tail was dragging behind her, which technically made her the winner, since Cyril had left the arena before her. Neither of them cared, though. Or even noticed. The ref, however, did notice. He was just glad that the entire ordeal was done with, and that someone had finally won. Um, Cyril ownz j00! All your Wind of Destruction are belong to us... Although Deis is QUITE the tough opponent, let me tell you why she has no chance of beating nearly ANY of the Ten Wise Men: --- 1.If you've played SO2, you know that Claude and party needed ANTI-MATTER WEAPONS to just break their protective barriers. 2.Anti-Matters weapons are strong enough to destroy most anything with one blow, except for the Wise Men. 3.Cyril, while being only the 4th strongest character in SO2(Indalecio, Gabrielle Celeste, Iseria Queen all are more powerful) 4.Cyril, sneaky as ever, could pull a stunt that would allow illegal interference from the other Wise Men. 5.Have you ever heard Cyril's theme song? It's called "Incarnation of the Devil". It's Iseria Queen's theme from Valkyrie Profile as well. He has the cool factor down there. 6.Wind of Destruction, Word of Death can demolish anyone in the RPGP that is not Indalecio. --- In closing folks, just vote Cyril against pretty much anyone in the following weeks. Without having the physical attacks necessary to capitalize on the sole weakness of Deis' HP restoring Shed technique, this match becomes one of finite MP vs. infinite healing. Life just doesn't seem fair, does it. Not opening with his most powerful attack, Cyril decides to warp around the field, shocking Deis with the bolts he leaves behind. Growing impatient, Deis casts a flurry of spells, and seemed to knock Cyril out... He then performed Cure All, Daemon's Gate, and to add insult to injury, made some kind of crack about her wardrobe. ... OK, we know Cyril's evil, not original. Between her multiple incarnations, Deis simply owns Cyril. Matter of fact, her BOF2 form alone owns Cyril. She maxes out all stats, so Cyril can at most equal her number of turns/actions. He cannot kill her with one Wind of Destruction, therefore she can Bolt X - Shed - Bolt X - Shed for as long as her AP holds out, and Cyril will fall long before then. Rolf Landale vs Ashley Winchester You shouldn't really bring a sword to a gunfight, but it doesn't matter in Rolf's case. He'll fry Ashley with an unhealthy dosage of Megid before the wily Winchester has a chance to unload his hefty ARMs. Rolf: 153 Ashley: 135 Ashley debated on using Knightblazer and Full Clip the whole week. But, as the bell rang, a blue aura surrounded Ashley. Rolf wasn't sure what to do after that because, all he heard next was a name of a game called Dead or Alive and blacked out at the same time. He realized after he woke up in the infirmary that it was his Instant Death ARM. Max vs Alec Max is definitely a better fighter, but Alec has a bevy of techniques, most importantly a healing spell. This leaves the two heroes pretty much even up in terms of fighting power. What it really comes down to, then, is that Alec can dance. How can Max hope to compete with THAT? Max: 129 Alec: 142 the shmo Alec entered the arena, expecting his wide variety of techniques to easily overpower a "one-trick pony" like Max. Alec faltered, though, at the sight of Max. This Max was nothing like any of the pictures Alec had seen of him. This was not a lowly swordsman, but a hulking warrior, with a set of armor that put Alec's looks to shame. Alec shook of his unease and began blasting Max with his arsenal of spells, to weaken Max. Max, however, withstood the arsenal of magic. Alec began to retreat, but was halted by a sharp pain. Max had used the Chaos Breaker, and despite the fact that the sword's innate freeze level 3 spell is not extremely powerful, it is a handy ranged attack should one not be able to reach their opponent. Alec quickly recovered from the spell by casting cure, however, this granted Max time enough to close the gap. Max stuck Alec, and Alec nearly collapsed. The sheer power of his opponent was overwhelming. Alec quickly retreated, casting cure. Max caught up, but he would be unable to catch Alec quickly enough. Alec thought he was gaining the upper hand, and hurle several spells at Max. Max emerged, having barely survived Alec's barrage due to his high HP, when Alec charged Max for the finish. Alec struck, but Max was quick to counter. Alec fell to the floor, stunned by how powerful his opponent was. Max then proceeded to exert his superior Physical attack on Alec with a downward thrust into poor Alec. The arena crew was most dissatisfied, however, when it was found that the Chaos Breaker had become inexplicably stuck in the arena floor. Max is one, with the Chaos Breaker even THE strongest Shining Force character. He'll just cool down Alec first with a little Freeze lv.3, and then continue to slice him in little pieces. Caina vs Leon Magnus Caina and Leon traded a few blows. Leon was mildly annoyed that Chaltier couldn't smash Randolph the Magic Key aside, but he pressed on, sure that he could overpower any weak little summoner. With one more in the next round no matter what happened, he felt very good. Until he discovered that every time Caina was apparently dead, she popped back up unharmed and was teleported safely away by Randolph. "This is absurd," Leon said. "How did you survive?" "Only Caina can kill Caina," she said with a grin. "And before you ask, I was just faking it after the last big battle with Knightblazer." "Does that make you a perfect human? You were an overemotional nut in the game!" "-cough-Ramsus-cough-" said Caina. Leon was so depressed that he saved Caina the trouble of killing him. Caina: 163 Leon: 94 Eiko vs Theo Double White doesn't mean much here, since any Trance-worthy hit will just end up killing Eiko off. That being said, she still has healing capabilities, which will ultimately yield her the match. Eiko: 156 Theo: 102 Simone Verducci vs Algus Sadalfas Doesn't most of the RPGP laugh at Algus? He really has no skills at all, the only thing he EVER did was take an order from his superior, and kill the Hero's friend's sister. Wow, you did...a whole lot there Algus? Algus is a piece of trash, I'll vote against him almost no matter what. Simone: 123 Algus: 101 Ah yes crappy character vs character we all hate. Algus has this one, simple because Simone is nothing without his life partner, Vincent. Even then, still nothing. While not particularly bright, Algus is considerably more treacherous than his opponent, with underhanded crossbow techniques which inflict nasty side-effects like Blind. A few well-placed bolts should be more than enough to take the curious Simone out of commission. Algus, knowing from his Aristo Monthly that Simone places a great amount of importance on a Rose Brooch given to him by a friend, did the only thing any member of the Ivalicean Noble Class would do. Steal it and then gave it back for a price. In this case, the price was for Simone to take a pleasent stroll through Millich's Rose Garden instead of showing for his RPGP match. Alma Beoulve vs Tengaar Tengaar will manage to kill her opponent with knife attacks very quickly, which of course means nothing thanks to the handy Re-raise effects of Alma's super defensive spellcasting. It basically comes down to whomever gets bored and leaves the arena, since Alma is nigh-impenetrably fortified and Tengaar has nothing to worry about on the defensive end. My best guess is that the ever-patient Alma will stick around just a moment longer than her less peaceful opponent, granting her the win. Alma: 146 Tengaar: 131 Well Alma has a strong protective spirit, which is no good in a one on one anyway. And her attack power? Zilch. Tengaar has this won, not much can stand up to Neclord like that, not much can throw daggers like that either. Alma casts MBarrier. Tengaar, try as she might, can't hurt Alma. Alma bashes away with her little stick. Alma eventually wears Tengaar out. "Hmph," Tengaar sneered as she entered the ring. "So, you don't like fighting but you're still in the RPGP?" "Actually," Alma corrected, "I wanted to fight, but my brothers kept on keeping me away from the battles." Tengaar shrugged at this. Sure she had been expecting a timid opponent, but no decendant of Clift the Crusader would be daunted simply because there would actually be a challenge. Besides, she had checked Alma's last run in the RPGP and knew that she was stuck with healing staffs in both the battles she was in, so she relied on magic instead. "Well, I hope you get a better draw next time, because your magic is useless against this, Canopy Defence!" Alma nodded as she walked forward. Tengaar did nothing, knowing only that Alma couldn't hurt her at the moment, and was making a better target for her throwing knives. Then Alma swung her staff. Tengaar, not expecting the blow to hurt, didn't try to dodge, allowing Alma to not only critical, but also getting knockback, which sent Tengaar off balance. "Wha... But you only have healing staffs?" "Yeah, in both my battles. But I bugged my brother to get me something useful on the way to Orbonne. This Wizard Rod is quite nice, don't you think?" Alma beemed back at a stunned Tengaar as she swung it again for the finishing blow. Tee-hee-hee!!!!!!!! Cute!!!!!!! Go Tengaar-neechan!!!!! ^^ Alma was about the same level as Ramza when she rejoined the party. Give her some MP-boosting armor, and she can use the Reraise included included in Mbarrier to keep herself alive... oh wait no she can't. The battle ends when all the party members are down, even if they have Reraise. Good thing she's going to start this battle with full HP, because she'll need it. Alma easily has higher speed and grace, and charges for an MBarrier, which easily deflects whatever it was that just disintegrated two inches away from her face. As a blow hits Alma, she faints, only to be revived by Reraise, and casts MBarrier again. Alma swings her weapon, but... Hey, isn't that the Healing Staff? With no way out of this battle; Alma's godlike defensive abilities keeping her from losing, but her total lack of offensive abilities keeping her from winning; the audience yawned in the presence of those two words no one at RPGP likes: Total stalemate. Growing restless, brother Ramza in the audience casted Ultima on his sister, and she happily obliged to do the same to Tengaar. (Mechanics: Yes, it is possible to teach Alma Ultima, yes, Alma does have a Healing Staff, yes, she does have evil Speed, reducing MBarrier's charge to worthless little seconds.) Alma has arguably the best stats in FFT: the best magic power, loads of MP, very high speed, and massive physical and magical defence (as stereotype-defying as this may seem). Add in Ultima and MBarrier, and she needs to get out of Light. It's a real pity, since Tengaar, with her Earth Rune and good all-round ability, is likely to good for Light herself - certainly stronger than her clueless boyfriend - but Alma is too much for any Light to handle. (Sir Alex) Alma should be in Heavy, competing for Godlike. She has innate Defense Up and Magic Def Up, has the almighty MBarrier, granting Protect, Shell, Haste and Regen, wears a Barrette, and can cast Ultima in the way of offense. She is quite simply one of the best FFT characters. Tengaar, well, should be in Middle, but can't touch Alma's array of defenses, and I believe Ultima is non-reflectable so the Rune goes out the window. In A.D. 2002, Bonus Match was beginning… Professor Bordam Daravon vs Mistranslated Ship Captain You can't argue with taking off every Zig... The Professor: 124 The Captain: 185 There are few things in this world as compelling as the motivational speech. The clarion call to arms striving to lift us all out of mediocrity and to become something greater than what we ever hoped to be. However, such speeches are also short lived things, dependant on the moment, and the energy of the situation, something which can only be captured with good judgement, and bold action. And if not capitalised on at the proper moment, will fade away into nothingness. Tedium, meanwhile, is forever. As Daravon had aptly proved after wandering off on a tangent of a tangent of a tangent from his introduction. I can some this up in five little words: All your debate belong to us. The captain!cmon, how can you not vote for him? Mistranslated Ship Captain is having the victory!! Every Zig will be going to set up Daravon the bomb!! This's the way!! The exacts details of the Professor/Captain match are unkown; due to the fact the spectators were lulled by Professor Bordam Daravon's ramblings. One can assume the Captain had a similar fate. Mistranslated Ship Captain for president!!! Good Evening Gentlemen, All your base are belong to us. Bordam Daravon has incredible knowledge about every sort of manuever in the game. How are you going to compete with that? He's also fought in the fifty year war, so he has some experience behind him. Daravon opened the package with faith. And inside was... There were the bomb in there! "They set up us the bomb!!" he exclaimed, immediately prior to being incinerated. The Captain nodded to himself, for great satisfaction. He had not even had to take off every zig, and Daravon had no chance to survive make his time. The captian must move zig, but Daravon is having great knowing, may overlord captain's way of moving zig, being as I am saying before, the captain also have great justice. But so will Daravon TOo if he is being form Final fantasy Tactics. "All your base are belong to us" The captaid decided to use his arch-foe's line. "No no no your grammar is all wrong let me..." "I set up us bomb you." "GAHHHH!!" The pure lack of grammar apparently got to the poor professor as he blew up. ANONYMOUS Cats shows up, and with a rousing 'All Your Base are Belong to Us... You Have No Chance to Survive Make Your Time... Ha ha ha.', destroys them both. If you taking all my ship, and all are having for you, Captain saying then this: Move Zig... Captain defeat Daravon and bring Great Justice to RPGP, for bad translation. ..... (I dunno) Daravon striding confidently into the arena-- "I do not like this having of a character walk into a arena confidently and is losing!" Daravon won, since the judges who could understand him agreed with him. metroid composite The match began with Daravon having the floor. "Mimic Daravon," he said, "A Medeator skill. Word skill used to put the enemy to sleep with boring stories." The judges looked confused. What did this have to do with anything? "Now let me show you what the real Daravon can do," Daravon said, sending the Captain into a coma. In Two Weeks Later The Captain was awakening Hospital Room Captain: "What happen ?" Mechanic: "Somebody set up you the sleep." Close-Up of Excited Communications Officer Operator: "We get signal." Captain: "What !" Hospital Room Operator: "Telephone screen turn on." (DARAVON appears) Captain: "It's you !!" Close up of DARAVON DARAVON: "How are you gentlemen !!" DARAVON: "All your bonus match are belong to us." DARAVON: "I am on the way to pick up trophy." Close up of captain & DARAVON Captain: "What you say !!" DARAVON: "You had no chance to wake up make your time." Hospital Room DARAVON: "Ha ha ha ha ...." Close up of Forlorn Captain Operator: "Captain !!" Hospital room (LETTERs on the table) Captain: "Take off every 'LETTER'!!" Shows a mechanic writing a LETTER. Captain: "You know what you doing." Shows a LETTER moving into launch position Captain: "Request 'REMATCH'." LETTERs on monitors, Captain: "For great justice." The hospital randomly explodes. A lone LETTER zooms into view! I'm afraid I have to give this one to Daravon. If it were CATS in place of the Captain, then it would be a whole different story... CATS is the one who declared that all our base were belong to him, and that we had no chance to survive make our time. Heck, even the random operator under the Captain's command has a more famous line than the Captain himself... it was he who reported the now-legendary setting up us the bomb. But the Captain has comparatively little pedigree in memorable lines, and he'll be easily crushed by Bordam Daravon, who has hours of overly long mistranslated tutorials to his credit. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.