Two lucky and/or talented Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Arc and Kukuru Ryu and Nina This battle might as well be called Arc and Kukuru vs Ryu the Dragon God. Though...if you're combining all the Ryu's and the Nina's then thats different. Then Nina's quite formiddable. But still, out of all the couples Arc and Kukuru are the most potent together. Apart, they'd be of the Heavy calibur, but together I have no doubt their combined power is well into Godlike. The bottom line with this fight, and why I think Arc and Kukuru will eventually come out on top, is their power is designed to work together. Although powerful in their own right alone, it doubles when together because of the nature of their abilities from the Ark. Ryu is basically getting a slight push from Nina, but he's the brunt of the team. Right down to it, Arc and Kukuru will eventually survive their way on top. After all, through all of Ryu's offense, he tends to exhaust his power all at once, and Arc and Kukuru have more than enough defensive power to survive the onslaught. When he's warded out Ryu is nothing more than a skillful sword fighter. For Seriyan glory! *cue Poco's orchestra* Arc and Kukuru: 156 Ryu and Nina: 109 Oh, and as much as I HATE Ryu and Nina at this point, they are far more powerful than Arc and Kukuru. Arc and Kukuru have the advantage in balance, and neither of them are a weak link. They work together perfectly, and their respective skills complement each other perfectly. Yes, Ryu's dragons are powerful, but they can't do much to an invincible Arc. Nina is also so pathetically weak, she is almost more of a detriment to Ryu than a help. Her magic is weaker than Arc's or Kukuru's, and her spell selection, while much larger, is of much less variety ( and very redundant ). As long as the "Tinkerbell Effect" doesn't come into play, then Arc and Kukuru have this one won. ANONYMOUS It's the battle of the overpowered characters! They all have powers equilivant to 1rg (rpg god), and they all have 16.8cf (cool factor). When it comes to long range attacks, they all have around 67pr (projectile range). They're balance and healing are both at 0.0b (balance), and they all have about 346ps (preportional strength). One thing I left out though, is that Arc and Kukuru have STYLE. Arc's attacks and Kukuru spells can only get them so far. Nina will probably fall quickly, but Ryu should be able to use her death as the distraction necessary to knock out Kukuru. The really question is, can Ryu last long enough finish Arc off? I say yes. Not to mention the fact that breath attack can break through anything, even Invincibility. I know Ryu and Nina are fighting tough opponents, but in my opinion Ruy can take the damage of all 3 of them, he has 6 dragon transformations which can take heavy damage, and if that fails (which I think they won´t)he relies on medium attack power and strong dragon invocations, as far as Nina goes, she might not have as much endurance but she packs quite a magical punch, plus she can be of healing support to Ryu, I guess Arc and Kukuru are in for quite a challenge. Of Weapons and Wisemen Ten shocked Wise Men surveyed their five impressive opponents. "Weapons? What are they doing here?" asked an annoyed Cyril. "The probably want to be... BURNED UP! Ahahahaha... ow!" cackled Decus before being slapped by Vesper. "Quiet, fool. Even you must know these are no ordinary monsters." "THEY ARE INDEED FORMIDABLE," chimed Shigeo. "Well, they're in our way," said Marsilio. "But how should we attack them?" "Simple," replied Cyril. "The rest of you go and fight them, while I teleport away. Better yet, you should go out there two or three at a time, at most. Give them a chance." "How about NO?" came Ruprecht's reply. "Oh, I know what you're thinking," Cyril said smoothly. "That plan failed against Claude and Rena. But hey, second time's the charm, as they say..." "No it's not," interjected Nicolus. "... So get out there!" "Somebody remind me how he became our second-in-command?" said Berle. "You're all cowards! Now move it, or I'll..." "I am completely surrounded by idiots," came a quiet voice from the back. Cyril froze. Indalecio, looking impatient, pulled out a handful of colourful books. "Lucky for the rest of you, before moving to take over the RPGP, I personally conquered the entire industry of RPG strategy guide making. With these trophies from that campaign, I have total knowledge of our opponents. Now, if you want to live, you'll do as I say-" "The leprechaun is telling me to BURN THINGS!" cried Decus. "Of course he is. Anyway, here's the plan..." *** As the weapons watched, suddenly one of the ten Wise Men separated from the rest and charged them head-on. "Go ahead, try to attack!" came the call. "Let's see a bunch of overrated 'super' bosses defeat-" Whoever it was, he didn't have time to finish as he was suddenly hit with five explosive assaults, leaving a smoking crater. One down, nine to go... or not, as the Wise Man jumped out of the gaping hole in the ground. "Pathetic! Was that supposed to hurt?" Five more attacks left another, larger hole. "Tsk, tsk," called the Wise Man. "Is that all?" *** >From the Wise Man camp, Indalecio laughed. "There are some opponents who can't be baited. For everything else, there's Meta-Guar*** Angered, Ruby Weapon stepped forward, and prepared to hit the pesky Berle with Whirlpool. Only to suddenly convulse, and topple over. The other weapons turned in shock, to see Vesper, taking advantage of Ruby's lack of good status defence. "Who else wants a Mind Blast?" called Vesper, as the weapons turned towards him. "Brilliant strategy!" called Ruprecht. "Wasn't it, though," gloated Vesper, shortly before the remaining four weapons fired upon him as they had Berle. "That wasn't supposed to happen..." muttered Berle as a third smoking crater appeared, this one with no Invincible Wise Man to crawl out of. "That's it!" came a scream. "BURNING TIME!" Decus charged towards the monsters. "COME ON, LET US BACK HIM UP," said Shigeo, as he, Marsilio, Ruprecht, Nicolus, and Jibril joined the charge. "Idiots," said Indalecio. He flew off and prepared to add some of his own heraldry to the Wise Men's offensive. *** The ensuing melee was a bloody one. Decus started launching fire spells galore at Diamond Weapon and anybody else who happened to be nearby, with support from the Ruprecht threesome. Marsilio and Shigeo, meanwhile, hacked away at Ultima Weapon, while Berle attempted to distract Emerald and Omega. Indalecio, meanwhile, launched Star Flare after Star Flare at the opposition. "INFRINGEMENT! INFRINGEMENT!" came Shigeo's cries, as he made Ultima Weapon feel pain between dodging Ultima Beams and Shadow Flares with his mad dodging skillz. "BURN to death! Uweeheeheehee!" said Decus as he cast Explode. "Hey, weapon weapon weapon!" came Berle's chants. *** "Excellent," smiled Cyril from afar. They were all distracted. This was a perfect chance to kill them all off and seize control of the RPGP himself. Soon, everybody would know that Cyril was the strongest being in all the worlds. He continued to charge a particularly powerful Winds of Destruction. *** "Spicule!" said Decus, as yet another fire spell hit Diamond. The weapon staggered, and started to fall over. Ultima, meanwhile, unconcerned, launched a Shadow Flare at Shigeo, which the latter quickly evaded by jumping back. "Look out!" came Marsilio's cry. "AW NUTS," was all Shigeo could say as he was crushed by the falling Diamond. "They got Shigeo? Ultima Weapon, prepare to die!" Ruprecht, Jibril, and Nicolus charged. "Nobody can beat the three of us as a team!" To which Ultima, slightly annoyed, simply cast Flare Star. An aroma of cooked sage filled the air, and it wasn't the kind of sage one generally uses in a culinary setting. *** Both sides had been weakened enough. "It is time," said Cyril. "Weapons and fellow Wise Men alike! Receive the Winds of Destru-" He was interrupted by a tap on the solider. "I... It's you! I thought you were busy assisting the others! And... hey... love that new 'floating-angel-above-your-head' look! I must say, it does suit you..." Cyril would no doubt have rambled on for longer, if his body hadn't been torn in two by a Divine Wave at that point. *** "Spicule!" Another brutal fire-elemental attack hit the remaining three weapons. Ultima, starting to feel the effects of countless attacks from Shigeo and Decus, came crashing to the ground. Marsilio and Berle were waiting. Within seconds, the two swordsmen of the Wise Men had the Final Fantasy weapon with the longest resume in pieces. "Two to go," said Berle. "We've got them on the run now!" said Marsilio. "We sure do," agreed Berle. Then he froze. "Meta-Guard!" Marsilio stared at his companion. "I'm afraid to turn around..." The Terra Break fired by Omega Weapon didn't just break the damage cap, but Marsilio as well. Berle's shield shuddered, but held. "I will BURN you ALL!" screamed an enraged Decus, as he prepared to fire off another Spicule in vengeance. "Hey, it's HOT!" Omega must have agreed, although the Megido Flame he cast was likely too hot for even Decus. A horrible scream filled the air. "This is bad. Very bad," said Berle. "You're actually losing?" came the voice of Indalecio as he arrived on the scene. "Pathetic. Time to end this." And with that, he started casting what seemed like an endless stream of Explode and Southern Cross spells, with an occasional Divine Comedy mixed in for spice. With a series of Meta-Cancellation attacks from Berle as support, Omega fell apart. Emerald, having not sustained quite as much punishment, was still functional, though only barely. "These beasts do have formidable endurance, don't that?" said Indalecio to the only remaining Wise Man. "They've almost run even me... ME, master of heraldry, out of magic." Emerald suddenly surged forward. "I think he heard you..." was all Berle could say before Emerald opened its eyes and fired its MP-destroying beams at Indalecio. Overcome by shock, Indalecio flew backwards to land immobilised on the ground. "Indalecio? Damn," said Berle. "If it weren't for my incredibly cheap invincibility, we'd be in trouble. Looks like I have to finish this one by myself..." He recast Meta-Guard for the umpteenth time, and advanced to defeat the final weapon. *** Indalecio, suffering from a worse headache than he ever had in all his years of drunken revelry at Evil Super-Villainy College, staggered to his feet. Immediately, he heard the deafening sound of propellers overhead. He looked up. The Highwind! What was it doing here? *** Berle was wondering exactly the same thing. He stared up at the worlds-famous airship, as it descended to a height just slightly higher than Emerald, immediately above the Wise Man. As Berle looked up, a human leaned over the side of the ship. It was none other than Cloud Strife, legendary villa-owner and SOLDIER reject. "You!" called Berle. "You summoned the weapons here!" "Of course I did," retorted Cloud. "I couldn't let you guys take over the RPGP! You'd push deserving warriors such as myself out of the Godlike division!" It was a damn good thing for Berle that he had his invincibility, or Emerald Weapon would no doubt have fried him while he was doubled over laughing. "Shut up!" said Cloud. "You're worse than those cretins who trashed my villa! Anyway, I didn't come here to talk." "Then what are you hear for, loser?" "To give you this gift, of course." He called back to his ship. "Cid! Release the goods!" A hatch in the bottom of the Highwind opened, and a barrage of coloured stones tumbled out, burying Berle. "What the hell is this?" asked the Wise Man, surfacing from the colourful mountain. "Why would you drop materia on me?" he asked as he picked a handful of the powerful pebbles. The resulting energy explosions from the Aire Tam Storm used by Emerald was almost strong enough to destroy Berle's shield. Not that it really mattered, since the inside of said shield got splattered with Berle-bits, anyway. *** "How?" called Indalecio. "How could a pathetic freak like you ruin all my plans? What kind of stupid motive could you have which would give you the courage to challenge me, the strongest being in the universe? Loyalty to the RPGP? A sense of justice?" "No," said Cloud, still standing on the deck of the Highwind. "Revenge. For your little time-share plan." Indalecio's eyes boggled. "That's right. Do you have any idea how much it costs to repair a villa after it’s been used as a sparring ground for 16 Godlikes? Or still worse, how much the medical bills and plastic surgery fees I had to pay after Luca Blight and Orlandu rudely and painfully kicked me out of my OWN BLOODY HOUSE added up to? That's not something I could take lying down, Indy." "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" screamed the Wise Man. "Fortunately for me, I was able to convince the weapons that your group is a threat to the planet. Now, Emerald buddy, just fire off an Emerald Beam at that fellow and be done with it, OK?" "Trying to kill off a major villain in a cutscene? How green are you, boy?" was all Indalecio said before teleporting away to Fienal. "Fiddlesticks," said Cloud. He called back inside the ship. "We're done here! Let's mosey!" "I really, really wish you wouldn't say that," muttered Cid as the Highwind turned to leave. *** Alone in his tower at Fienal, Indalecio paced furiously. The nerve of that punk! Did he really think he could stop the inevitable rise to power of the great Indalecio? It wasn't as if the leader of the Wise Men didn't have many more plans in his bid to gain control of the RPGP. And some of those plans could be altered to include the extremely painful death of one Cloud Strife. Weapons: 161 Wisemen: 132 The WEAPON's don't have any Anti-Matter. They can't even BEGIN to damage the Wisemen without this stuff. The Wisemen get a flawless victory, and proceed to kill all members of the RPGP until Claude and Rene get some Phoniex Down or something... The battle was going as a standstill. Marsilio and Shigeo had fallen in their defeat of Emerald Weapon. Diamond was long motes of carbon, and Cyril was finishing up with Ruby, with Berle aiding him. Alone, in the centre, stood Indalecio and Omega. Indalecio was panting. He and the Weapon had traded blows, and their blasts had caused mutual damage. However, Omega was above Indy for life left. And the other Wise Men knew that they had no chance if Indalecio failed. As Ruby smashed into the arena floor, he red-haired leader drew himself up, and began his last hope of winning. He cast Time of Truth, and Filia emerged, boosting his stats. Instantly, she was thrown out of the Arena, not being a Wise Man. This made all eyes goggle in the stands, as Indalecio was not just unlimited now, but had also boosted his stats. On the sidelines, she was cheering. 'Come on, Daddy! Show those Weapons the power of our body!'. THAT comment caused more strange looks. Now, Omega was flailing at the air. His troubles to keep up with Indalecio before paled with now. Indalecio was darting all around the mammoth being, attacking and slipping around and under blasts like an ephemeral blur. Soon, it was over, and Indalecio smiled. He really didn't want to have to delete Filia to gain his potential, and now he didn't have to. I almost voted for the Weapons thanks to the incredible power of FF5 version Omega. Almost. There is nothing that can stand against all ten Wise Men together. Look the wise men killed weapons HAHAHA Yogurt is so funny he killed the wise men later. Come on people. They are the Weapons. Think about this. You go through two or three Wise Men at a time, but you fight Weapons one at a time. That says something. That, the a good majority of the Wise Men probably drown before they vanquish Emerald, leaving the other Weapons to pick apart Indalecio and the other fools. Uhh...exactly HOW many Hit Points did Emerald Weapon have, again? Something like a MILLION? (And, for the Wise Men's sake, I hope they have Underwater Materia. >grins<) And, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Ruby Weapon have an attack that would INSTANTLY kill one of your team? Maybe I'm just a FFVII fangirl here, but I say that they'll hand ice skates in Hell before the Wise Men can win this fight. But, that's just me. ANONYMOUS "Men, spread out and attack!' Indalecio ordered calmly, staring athe the huge hulking Wepaons. Norman adventurers, even the mighty Ryu, would feel feel in the presence of just ONE weaopon, let alone all five. However, the Ten Wise Men were no ordinary adventurers...far from it! However, as powerful as the weapons are, they cannot stand up to the combined might of the Ten Wise Men, who, togther, are probabaly the most lethal force of bosses in all of RPGdom. The 5 weapons surround the office waiting for the Wise Men to come. When they get there the wise men form a circle around the weapons and prepare to chant. Finally they cast a spell called "All hell Breaks loose!" Hundreds of thousands of swords fly through the air. The sages bust out their notes, do a bit of math in their heads, and figure out that the sords should deal about 300,000 damagae to each, killing Diamond, Emerald, and Omega weapon. As the dust clears the wise men prepare to fight Ruby and Emerald outnumbering them ten to one. This would still be a tough fight except all of the weapons still stand. Diamond is immune to physical damage and of course swords are physical. I think he has more life than 300,000 anyways as the 50k you do to him is nothing before he leaves. Omega and Ultima have their combined stats from all the FF's. This also means Ultima gets Atma weapons powers from Final Fantasy 6(3us). The Wise Men see that their super attack has failed to even dent the weapons Wisely leave the RPG world waiting for the weapons to finally die off. Weapons all the way, Ruby can just suck as many wise men as he wants into the ground and destroy everyone with an ultima. Or Emerald can use his Aire Tam...Or Diamond can just beat the tar out of them...any way you slice it, nothing is a match for FIVE weapons. "Meta-Guard!" Berle yelled as he charged into the fray. The Weapons, following their instincts exactly, focused fire on the now invincible Wise Man. "Now! Destroy them!" yelled Indalecio to the rest of his comrades. The Wisemen focused their power upon the Weapon closest to them, which happened to be Emerald. Divine Comedy mixed with Wind of Destruction, Spicule, Mind Blast, and the other hideously powerful attacks of the Wisemen proved to be too much for Emerald. The mighty Weapon disintegrated before the onslaught. The remaining Weapons, realizing a greater threat than Berle was upon them, focused upon the other nine Wisemen. However, the Wisemen were prepared for this, and instead pulled back out of the immediate reach of the Weapons, forcing them to give chase. "Shigeo, Decus? Activate Operation Headache!" ordered Cyril. "WILL DO!!!" Shigeo responded. Shigeo and Decus charged straight at the Weapons. The Weapons were somewhat startled, but regained their composure quickly enough to promptly stomp on both of the Wisemen, flattening them. The Weapons, however, were not prepared for the consequences of that action. Having been destroyed, Decus started into his two minute long death cry. And though he was also destroyed, Shigeo's voice still worked after death, and he was still screaming in an awful voice that we can only hope we never have to hear. Ultima and Omega, having been in Final Fantasy 10 and having had to deal with the awful whiny voice of Tidus and Rikku, were extremely pained by the inane screamings of the two defeated Wisemen. In fact, the screamings were so awful that Omega and Ultima, after several seconds of writhing in pain, blew up. This left only Ruby and Diamond Weapon left, though these were also the two most powerful of the Weapons as well. "Now," Indalecio began, "Let us destroy these fools." The remaining Wisemen struck out immediately. While Indalecio, Cyril, Vesper, Jibril and Nicolus worked on the physical immune Diamond, Marsilio, Ruprecht and Berle kept Ruby occupied. Divine Comedy, Daemon's Gate, Mind Blast, Noah, and Explode finally took down the mighty Diamond, but Diamond took Jibril and Nicolus with him, and greatly wounded Vesper. On the other end, things weren't going as well. Ruby, seeing as he was fighting three people, sucked Marsilio and Ruprecht into the ground. And though he couldn't touch the invincible Berle, Berle couldn't touch him either. The now four Wisemen fell back to make their final plans to take down the raging Weapon. "So, you have on last trick up your sleeve, do you Indalecio?" questioned Vesper. "Yes, I do, but we need more time before it can be put into effect" responded Indalecio. "Why don't you go keep him busy, Vesper?" remarked Cyril. "Er...okay" responded Vesper. Vesper then proceeded out towards Ruby, who promptly smashed the weakened Wiseman. Ruby then released Marsilio and Ruprecht from their underground prison, only to crush them as well. "Hm...Yes, this will do" mused Indalecio. "Come again?" asked Cyril. "Let's go" commanded the good doctor. The remaining three Wisemen then proceeded out towards Ruby, who promptly took Cyril and Berle under the gorund. Leaving only Indalecio able to fight. "Oh, you think you've won, haven't you?" Indalecio question the Weapon, "But, really, you've been playing into my trap all along." Just then, a motorcycle came down the hallway behind Indalecio leading to the arena offices. The cycle stopped, and the driver took off his helmet, revealing spiky blonde hair. "I got your message on my cell phone, Dr. Lantis, and I came as fast as I could" Cloud said. "So you really know who sent those invitations out inviting all those people to my villa?" "Why of course I do" responded Indalecio. "He's standing right in front of us. You brought the stuff, right?" "Yeah, I got it" Cloud said as he tossed an extra Mime Materia towards Indalecio. And Ruby, though a Weapon, began to show signs of fear. "After you" said Indalecio. "Booya!" yelled Cloud as he Double-Summoned Knights of the Round at Ruby Weapon, which was then follwed by Indalecio Miming Cloud's actions for the next several minutes. "Thanks alot Dr. Lantis" Cloud said as they stood over the destroyed body of Ruby. "No problem, my good friend" Indalecio responded as he began walking into the main Arena Offices. "" Cyril spoke from under the battered corpse of Ruby. "I don't think he's coming back" Berle sounded in response. "Oh well, at least one of us will get into the playoffs." "Yeah, I gotta' admit, he set this all up pretty well. The fake invites to to Cloud's villa, the Couples League...he thought it all up pretty well" Cyril groaned. "You know, I just remembered: we can teleport out of here. I can't believe I forgot about it until now" Berle said. "Oh yeah" Cyril responded, as he and Berle proceeded to teleport back to their base of operations and begin the process of piecing the other Wisemen back together in preparation for their debut in the RPGP. The only even remote threat to the Weapons is Indalecio, the others will go down quite quickly. When outnumbered five to one by his almost-equals in strength, not even Indalecio stands a chance. Well, Emerald could take them all out with his MP attack... so I'm saying weapons. God's Ten Wise Men are nothing without their precious magic. To defeat Ruby Weapon I had to have cloud at Level 99 with the other two characthers dead and Master Materia...To defeat the Wise Men I needed only two words: "Mirror Slice" Indy can take Emerald, Ruby, and Omega all by himself. His ludicrously high HP alligned with his insane speed and World-ending spells makes him the Ultimate Warrior. After that, the other 11 Wise Men can take Ultimate and Diamond pretty easily. Can anyone stop the Wise Men? Here's the new math for you: (Indy's Time of Truth + Faster Time) x (Cyril's Wind of Destruction + Invincibility) x (Other Wisemen = No Elemental Gaurd)^ + Berle's Cheese Whizzing = Total Destruction This is a joke, right??? The Omega weapon alone could probably win this match, Terra Break makes Squall's lion heart look like a little toy. The weapons slaughter all the wisemens. Hey again! Wowwww. . . what a line up, the all powerful Weapons against the knowledge of the Wisemen?! It's almost too much to handle! Well, may the most powerful win! Wow. I must say, this is one of the coolest matches I've seen yet. Both the Wise Men and the Weapons are very powerful enemies, but in the end, it all comes down to endurance. The Weapons' defensive capabilities greatly overpower those of the wise men, but the Wise Mens' attacks are more powerful. Indalecio himself can damage most of the weapons enough to bring them down, and with great supporting attacks like Wind of Destruction and Cruelly Rushes, the Wise Men have it in the bag. Also don't forget about Meta-Guard, which will make Berle invincible. against the normal weapons of final fantasy vii the wise men would be unstoppable, but not even they could stop both ultima and omega weapons. What about the big blue WEAPON that got blown away by the Junon Cannon? Everybody forgets that one! Immediately Ruby sends all but Vesper into the sands. Vesper: Well ain that about a bitc--- *Vesper is destroyed by being stepped on* I've beat all the weapons...but am only nine of the Wisemen... For argument's sake, I'm going to assume Indalecio's limiter is OFF. Therefore, he is so much faster and more powerful than any of the other wise men it's really a question of whether he can take on all 5 WEAPONs at once. I think he can. Easily. So what if he gets hit? Doesn't phase him one bit. He's got close to their HP as well. ohhhh.....Weapons vs. Wisemen? finally a match for the wisemen that is actually WORTH fighting..... Of course all those weapons are damn strong in their own rights, with their diverse and powerful techniques, but when it comes to that, there is NO group that comes even close to God's Ten Wise Men...with Indalecio being nearly omnipotent, and the rest of the team being nearly perfectly balanced with physical and magical techniques i doubt there is ANY group of people that can take them down....of course i wouldn't mind seeing a team of RPG hero all-stars pitted against them...perhaps the only way this team could ever be defeated...even then, maybe not?... WEAPONS > Wisemen. If u beat all the weapons in final fantasy 7 then go ahead and choose the wisemen but everyone knows that the end boss fight was easier then some of the weapons. Weapons will clearly come out on top. Shout out to Blake!! ANONYMOUS Ruby and Emerald are hard enough as it is. Together? forget it. Indalecio saw the massive towers of metal and earth rise from the ground to protect the Planet they came from. The Weapons, brutally begain their assault. None had seen all of the Weapons in one place before, and for a moment they stood still in a perfect line against the horizon. The Wisemen all stared in awe, all but perhaps Cyril (Lucifer) and Indalecio. Then suddenly the Weapons attacked, ALL AT ONCE. Diamond cast Diamond Flash, the pinnacle of its lethality, obviously not messing around. Ultima Weapon used Ultima Beam, Ruby dug its claws into the ground, shaking the earth, and Omega cast its spells, like Megido Flame, I think. (Argh! I haven't ever gotten around to fighting him!) Emerald was the only one which paused. The Wiseman had only a split second to react, but that was all they needed. Ruprecht created a diversion with cones of energy from his Longinus-like spear, knowing that weak attacks such as that would not even scratch the Weapons. But he knew if Indalecio could cast his spells uninterupted they might stand a chance. Berle begain his physical attacks on the Weapons, but, not known for his intelligence, attacked Diamond, which calmly returned his tickling with a blast from its batteries of energy cannons. (What it used to destroy Shinra HQ and take Rufus's life.) Marsillo begain Cruelly Rushes (What a wierd name for an attack!) and struck out at Ruby, being joined by Shigeo, who USED INFRINGEMENT. UNFORTUNATELY THE WEAPONS ARE ALL PRETTY MUCH IMMUNE to status effects. Marsillo was in a split second sucked into the ground by the swirling sands of Ruby. Shigeo simply RAN AWAY, since that is what he does best. Nicolus and Jibril were both soon dispached by a crushing stomp from the flying Ultima and Omega Weapons. Indalecio watched his subordinates gettign toyed with. A day before they were the strongest sorcerers in the universe. Now they were nothing but meat for the Weapons to play with. Cyril was a little less disturbed. "At last those bumbling fools were taken care of!" he thought to himself. "Now there is little stoping me from destroying Indalecio and his last loyal servants and taking the side of whoever controls those Weapons! I could always double cross him later." The last of the Wisemen made their stand. Cyril and Indalcio released immense ammounts of energy in the form of WInd of Destruction and Southern Cross. This, combined with a Mind Blast from Vesper and a Spicule from Decus, caused even the mighty Weapons to falter for a moment. The Wisemen struck again and again, knowing that one mistake would cost them more than the battle. Ruby Weapon froze and fell, its reminants washed away by a Noah spell. The Winds of Destruction found Diamond Weapon and struck it down where it was standing. The Mind Blast hit Ultima and caused it to fall from the sky. And Spicule, well, it didn't even scratch Emerald. Indalecio was saving Divine Comedy as his trump card, but it looked as if he would have to use it now. The waves of blue energy wrecked havoc on Ultima and Omega Weapon. In a rage, Omega struck out with its great sword and left Decus in two pieces. Cyril could barely contain his enthusiasm. Ultima stopped and fell into pieces, its red eyes fading away. As a last ditch effort to stop the Wisemen, Ultima and Omega combined their attacks once again and this time ! struck down Vesper. The two were out of the fight. The remaning Wisemen felt a great deal of relief.........then Emerald Weapon released its Emerald Beam. Somewhere far away, Sephiroth who could have taken care of all of them himself, is laughing his head off. -Infinity Dragon- Indalecio looked at the Weapons that had burst out from the ground. Recalling from all the information he had gathered from his research RPGs (In order to determine the best way to force his way into the RPGP) he recalled the large weapon, Omega was the most powerful. He signalled all 9 other Wisemen to gang up on Omega first while he started his Earthquake spell. The Weapons were not about to let their own leader get beaten senseless by the 9 Wisemen surrounding him and moved in to attack...but were hit by Indy's Earthquake just as they started to move in. Shrugging it off, they began to attack, and were again hit by another Earthquake. They were finally nearing Omega and were about to unleash their attacks on the Wisemen, when another Earthquake hit. Meanwhile, Omega was unable to get a single attack off as well. Although the Earthquakes were healing him, he was taking far more damage from the 9 other Wise Men ganging up on him, and everytime he tried to attack, it was cancelled by getting hit by at least four of the Wisemen per hit. Shrugging off his opponents for just a second, Omega was able to Terra Break the his annoyance, none of the Wiseman fell...another Earthquake shook the Arena. Indalecio looked at the Weapons. His spells were coming off fast, but they didn't seem to do all that much harm to the Weapons. They were slowing the weapons down effectivly though, none of the other Weapons had even come close to helping their leader. Suddenly, Indy saw Omega jump in the air and unleash a series of energy attacks at the Wisemen scattered below him. The damage was substancial he saw, but even the weakest of the Wisemen were able to survive it; barely. Indalecio decided to join in the fray. Emerald was getting annoyed with the constant castings of Indalecio's spells, and decided to try and end that threat. He fired an Emerald Laser at the Wiseman's apparant leader...and watched the white robed man quickly float to the side to avoid it. Ultima, unaffected by the Earthquake attacks, had joined Omega against the Wisemen surrounding the powerful Weapon. Despite the name, Ultima was hardly ultimate. Light Pillar had no effect on the Wisemen, and the Weapon's other attacks didn't seem to hurt the Wisemen at all. It decided to concentrate on one target, and picked the white robed man who had just entered the melee. Indalecio saw the large, flying weapon, come at him and promptly blasted it with Divine Wave. The effect was amazing. The large size of the weapon prevented the Wave from pushing him away, but the number of hits inflicted on such a large mass skyrocketed. He quickly finished off the weakest of the Weapons with a few more Divine Waves. Emerald, Ruby, and Diamond weapon finally were able to act without getting interrupted, and made no delay as they rushed to their leader's aid. Diamond began trying to crush the Wisemen underfoot, while Emerald was busy firing off his different lasers at the Wisemen. Ruby had another strategy, his Whirl Sand. Although it was random in nature, removing a Wise Man from combat would be a great help. Shigeo, Berle, Cyril, Indalecio and most of all he other Wisemen all survived the first Whirl Sand. Marsillo, did not. He was promptly sucked into a vortex of sand and removed from the combat. At that moment, Omega weapon crumpled up and fell, finally defeated by the long assault. It was now 3 against 9. Good odds, Indalecio though to himself as he ordered the remaining Wisemen to attack Ruby. He did not want to be sucked away, and he began casting another spell. Ruby laughed to itself as the Wisemen threw themselves upon the Weapon. The damage they inflicted was puny as long as it kept his tentacles in the air. Whirl Sand, combined with Emerald and Diamond's constant attacks were going to win the match. Or so it thought. Cyril, now able to cast Winds of Destruction without healing Omega in the process began to cast his spell. Indalecio's Earthquake rocked the area yet again. Ruby was getting worried, the damage it's tentacles had taken from Earthquakes was beginning to add up. Cyril finished casting Winds of Destruction. Ruby screamed as it's precious tentacles were destroyed. His defense dropped like a rock and the Wisemen renewed their assault. Not before three more of them were overcome with the damage from Diamond and Emerald: Shigeo, Nicolus, and Jibril had all died, and there were still 3 powerful weapons left. Indalecio ordered Cyril, Berle, Decus, Vesper, and Ruprecht to continue assaulting Ruby, he was going to take out Diamond. Indalecio's spells quickly flattened Diamond, but not before Emerald had come charging in hitting the Wisemen Leader with a few powerful attacks. Indalecio was now cut off from his teammates by the second most powerful weapon. His Divine Wave was working well, but everytime he did so, Emerald attacked him back. The attrition continued until Indalecio, fed up with getting beaten around by a mere Weapon, cast Time of Truth, followed up by Angel Feather. He quickly flew around Emerald and began assaulting Ruby. Ruby had removed Ruprecht, Decus, and Vesper all from the match with Whirl Sand, leaving Berle, Cyril, and Indy to take out the last Weapons. Ruby was finally defeated with a string of Divine Waves and Wind of Destruction attacks. Emerald was now facing 3 opponents, all of who were battered and worn out. Indy flew back to safety and began casting more spells. Cyril did the same. Berle tried to hold Emerald off, but as soon as his Meta Guard wore off, the Wiseman was overcome. Emerald targetted Cyril next. Cyril fell just as quickly. Indy was not about to give up, he continued casting spells as fast as he could while running circles around the much slower weapon. Emerald could not hit the fleeting Indalecio, and the damage he took from constant spells was beginning to add up. Despite his massive endurance, Emerald felt his strength giving away. Indalecio, sensing his opponents weakness, flew in and finished the weapon off with a flurry of Divine Waves. Indalecio had now achieved his goal, the RPGP Championship was now legally his for the taking (After he illegally entered his name n the Registry). And since his teamates were now in the RPGP now, they were treated to be healed at the RPGP clinic. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.