Nine lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Melfice vs Dias Melfice and Dias would enter from opposet sides of the area, the glares they shot each other would proably be able to KO several members of the light class all by themselves... As Melfice drew his weapon with a light -shrrk- sound and threw of his cloak, he reflected...reflected on his spiral of defeats and how this match would either turn him around or finish him for he slid back into a fighting stance he knew he'd leave a winner or die trying. Dias's stance was calmer, more casual, but his mind was everybit as tensed and sharp as that of his opponent..his hand closed around the grip of his sword... And in one split moment the match began! Melfice lunged foward first, his trust Malken Valborg sword launching a slash that Dias was barely able to parry. The trembling blades would lock with each other untill suddenly Melfices shoulder guard opened up and howled, casting a firey aura upon him. Dias lept back nimbly as Melfices increased strenght swept his guard aside, severing a just a few stands of hair from the expellian swordsmans head. Unfased he readied his sword again, and as Melfice charged in for the kill... "Hawk Scream Blast!" stoped in his tracks by the blow, Melfice was staggered and knocked back by the series of Air Slashes the followed behind it. Melfices shoulder guard roared again, surrounding him in a speed boasting wind sheild. With new swiftness he'd aim to finish this off in one blow Dias likewise readied his weapon, knowing one last strike would be all they needed. A hush swept over the arena... "well..." said Melfice, an arrogant edge still in his tone.. "Your not bad...but can you handle the Wailing Soul Slash?!" Almost befor Dias could react he was knocked into the air by a series of strikes that came from all sides at he sensed the last strike coming, he prepared to play his last card.. "Firebird Shock Wave!" Sword met fire in a fantastic show of metal and light...and when it was over bolth Melfice and Dias landed gracefully on opposet sides.. A second later, Dias collapsed. "This is why you are no good.." Melfice was heard to mutter as he resheathed his weapon. The next round was waiting. Melfice: 139 Dias: 105 Unlike Fei, Dias isn't likely to avoid a first charge by Melfice. Unfortunately, one goring charge is all Melfice needs to win. The difference between Melfice and Dias- Ryudo can beat Melfice. Claude can't beat Dias. Claude would destroy Ryudo in a fight, therefore, Dias beats Melfice. Ace Gamer Let's see... In Star Ocean 2, Dias was only good on the first disc. Then he sucked. In Grandia 2, Melfice was one of the only hard bosses. Dias belongs in Heavy. Dias chose his strikes carefully. He couldn't cancel all three of Melfice's actions at once, so he focused on cancelling his opponent's lethal specials and support magic as best he could, taking the brunt of a few physical attacks in the process. Before too long, both combatants were injured; although Melfice had managed to boost his stats somewhat, it was at the expense of attacks he could have launched at Dias. Then the match turned. Dias lined up an Air Slash, focused his power, and let loose a slice fast enough to cut the air itself. Nothing happened. With Dias under the Move Block effect that accompanies Melfice's slashes, Melfice had all the time he needed to set up the Wailing Soul Slash, and follow it with a Demon Horde Slash/Quake combo. "Give my regards to Ryudo. Perhaps you'll have better luck with the weaklings..." Dekar vs Orgodemir On the floor of the arena... Orgodemir: "I am the Lord of all Demons, the one who defeated God in ancient times!" Dekar: "I have a sword!" Needless to say, the match that followed wasn't a pretty sight. On the bright side, Dekar did have life insurance. On the down side, not exactly being the brightest in all the land, he had named himself the beneficiary. Dekar: 68 Orgodemir: 124 "I am evil incarnate. You cannot hope to defeat me." said Orgodemir with a smirk. "I've heard that before." said Dekar, before rushing headlong into battle. Drawing the Dekar Blade, he gave a quick slash that Orgodemir simply blocked. "Fool!" raged Orgodemir, smashing Dekar to the ground with a single strike. "There's no way the big lug's getting up from that one." said Guy. "I'm not so sure about that." mused Orlandu. "What I'm worried about is what will happen when he does." said Maxim, remembering Dekar's stupid luck factor in preveous matches. True to form, the Knight of Bound began to emerge from the hole he had been crushed into. Upon rising, however, he clutched his head in pain. "Something's wrong with the poor dear! Maybe he has brain damage!" moaned Anastasia. "If that were the case, how would you be able to tell the difference?" retorted Id. Dekar gazed quizzically at Orgodemir, causing the demon to be a tad uncomfortable. Dekar's mind peeked back into a vision of the past... "I sense a great disturbance in the luck force." said Ashton. "Mommy?" asked Dekar. Orgodemir stood in shock. "Mommy!" Dekar rushed forward to give Orgodemir a great big hug. In response, the demon tried to attack, but to no avail. Faced with the prospect of being caught in a monster hug in front of the entire RPGP, Orgodemir ran away. Um...I seriously hope that this is a joke match. Super-Demon-Lord vs Knight? Maybe Maxim, but Dekar CANNOT stand up to Orgodemir. If Dekar wins the universe will probably end up folding in upon itself... The Demon Lord could have finished off Dekar any number of ways in the first round of combat. Explodet, Blazemost, cold breath, MegaMagic...any of them would have sufficed for an instant kill. Which is why it was particularly humiliating that Dekar ended up running straight out of the arena as soon as the match began, pursuing an illusory strength-tester machine. With Orgodemir packing decent speed and two to four turns a round, coupled with Hellflame, Blazemost, and Explodet, the real question here is if you want your Dekar well done, or extra crispy. Sofia vs Lucied Lucied might have had trouble with Sofia, if it weren't for the fact that he IS the Guardian of Desire. Without a moment's hesitation, the mighty guardian asked Anasatasia to schedule a trip to her hairdresser for Sofia... at the exact same moment as the match! Unable to resist a decent heroine haircut, off Sofia went. Sofia: 74 Lucied: 105 Lucied... Guardian of Desire... and companion to the . Very few skills, just a side-fighter to either Boomerang or Anastasia. Still, a good fighter on his own. Sofia, Legendary Zenithian Hero. While not as strong as Lucied, physically, she has a variety of spells, including those of healing nature. And, if she feels lucky, she can use Chance. Really, by sheer variety, Sofia has this in the bag. Sofia has the best defense in DWIV and the second best HP. This should allow her to survive at least two attacks from Lucied which makes it possible to alternate betwean attacking and healing. She can also cast thunder instead of attacking. That will damage Lucied faster, but in a damage/MP ratio, attack+Healall is more economic than Thunder+Healall. Since the outcome on this match depends on what happens first of Sofia running out MP and Lucied running out of HP, attack+Healall will be the better choise. Sofia will get off about 30 attacks before running out of MP and since Lucied have low HP for being a boss, that should be enough. This is also assuming Sofia only can take two blows from Lucied without healing. Lucied has travelled with a much better heroine than this. But any Guardian Lord found in Gob's Hideout deserves to lose. Halley vs Elc If Halley was a telepath, no problem. Invincible wouldn't shield Elc's mind, most likely. But telekinesis? Save the trouble now and run home to mommy, Halley. Halley: 40 Elc: 118 Yang vs Ryo The 6 degrees wherein Yang will win: 1. Yang was in a game with a character called Rosa, as was Link. 2. Link carries a sword almost larger than he is, as does Cloud. 3. A cloud is an environmental item, as is a tree. 4. The Mana Tree is the most famous plant in the RPG world. 5. An enemy in the Seiken Densetsu series (where the Mana Tree comes from) is a hedgehog. 6. Ryo's most powerful weapon in this fight is a hedgehog figurine. Since we can conclude that Yang won't be affected by that figurine, he must therefore win. Yang: 137 Ryo: 114 Ryo shows up to his match expecting to be fighting the legendary master, Yang. Instead, he finds a super-deformed version of his opponent waiting in the arena. "Are you crazy? You'll never be able to defeat me that way." To this, Yang smiles, "The true master uses all his forms, be they SD or manual artwork. Come now, let our fists do the talking." Soon the fight begins, and it becomes obvious to Ryo that while his opponent can strike him effectively using his 16-bit attack moves, his 128-bit attack style only manages to hit him with strikes to the lower body, most of which Yang easily blocks or avoids. Realizing that his opponent has used a form to their advantage, Ryo realizes the trouble he's in. Having allowed Ryo the moment of thought, Yang gives a mighty 'Achoo' and gets him with a flying kick right in between the pockets with his action figures, winning the fight. Ryo's an accomplished martial artist, but Yang can take enough punishment to level a building and come out fighting, and his Poison and Sleep claws will help even the damage totals out. Sheer endurance makes this no contest. Hammer vs Gorudo Here is a question - since Hammer has been integrated into his final form as a vital component rather than a pilot, then does his final form really count as a mecha, or merely a different version of him? Should his 'final' form be allowed, Hammer owns Gorudo without the legendary 'Mad Skillz.' Even if that form isn't allowed, Hammer's ability to appear where ever he is needed at will (Remember the trip through Solaris, where apparently he beat you through all those rooms filled with dangerous obstacles to the next save point? Hammer's ratlike nature obviously gives him Ninja-like transportation) gives him the opportunity to get behind his opponent, where he can finish him off with a super-cheap bullet to the back. And none of Gorudo's tricks would work, because Hammer does indeed have the 'Mad Skillz'. Hammer 0w|\|z j00. Hammer: 154 Gorudo: 123 Hammer came into the RPGP carrying a strange device. Only Cecil recognized it. "Isn't that the magical device the Dark Elf used to weigh us down? What would Hammer want with that..." he said. The answer came when Hammer switched on the device, effectively giving the portly Gorudo the mass of a small planet. As his internal organs ruptured, Gorudo lost consciousness. Once more, Hammer won through no skill of his own. Hammer is totally and utterly useless. You never play against him, and his Mad Skillz job class is a joke. There is absolutely no reason for him to be in Middle. Gorudo may throw his weight around, but he'll use it in this case to throw Hammer back to Light, or more appropriately, Puny. Hammer's got the Mad Skillz AND Fan Support. All Gorudo has is vastly more powerful moves. So the fight ends up like this... Gorudo enters. Hammer enters. Gorudo starts to rush Hammer. Hammer gives all his fans a thumbs up ALA Big Joe. Gorudo is slain by the incoming trash hurled by all of Hammer's Fans (A move they learned from Big Joe's Fans, by the way.) The real winner? All of the people who worship Hammer of course! The MAD SKILLZ has returned to the arena! Hammer for GODLIKE! Gorudo left the arena first, to a ringout, very content however, with the weightloss 4000 formula Hammer had traded him for the match win. They say that Hammer the Supplier can get ANYTHING from his numerous contacts. Well, for this very special match, Hammer has brought in the one thing that will take Gorudo down... Golden Bird Holy Flower Dragon Tooth Glory Punch!!! Gorudo knew that in the past people had gone to the RPGP officials, those uncorruptable paragons of virtue, and bribed them in exchange for a rigged field. And so he arranged for a special battlefield for his battle. And, much to Hammer's shock, he found himself in the XG battle system where he had no gear, no Mad Skillz, and no moves. Leaving a smug Gorudo to easily dispatch him. Elena vs Aeris Aeris stepping into the arena, feeling very nervous. She really didn't like fighting. After finishing with Final Fantasy seven, she justw anted to stelle down with Cloud in a small house in the country with a small garden to tend to. But here she was, facing off in the arena with Elena. Elena, however, was no feeling nervous. Far from it. In fact, she had been looking forward to this match. Ever since she had found out her boss Tseng of the Turks, liked Aeris more than he liked her...Elena had not been happy. But she had the chance to show him! "Aeris!" Elena called out to the young Cetra. "You won't get by my fists! YAY!" without wasting any time Elena lunged forward. Aeris shrieked, and tried to run, but she just wasn't fast enough. Elena's fist pounded into Aeris's mid section, causing Aeris to double over in pain. She lashed out with her staff, but while it hurt, Elnea was too intent on victory to lose now, and she soon KOed Aeris, not allowed her to even use her limits breaks. Unfortuently for Elena, Tseng wasn't quite so happy when the two later met up.... Elena: 188 Aeris: 103 Elena can deal damage. Aeris can't. You figure it out. Aeris entered the arena with a surprising confidence. Although Elena was far from the strongest opponent she'd seen in a fight, one on one Elena had a severe advantage in stamina and power, even in magic since there was no Materia available. Elena showed no mercy, torching Aeris with her flame attack. Aeris was clearly hurting. Abruptly, she stood up, surrounded by a glowing aura. She proceeded to start pummling her opponent with staff blows. Elena, confused, looked to Reno. "Its just her 'Great Gospel'. Dont worry, it'll be gone before you're too hurt." And so it was. Elena resumed her assault, and as she seemed about to win, Aeris again stood up. "How? You can't possibly be able to do that agian!" Elena cried. Aeris smiled. "Actually, due to the recent rule change, I can use 'Great Gospel' as soon as Im near defeat. Anytime you come close to hurting me, I'll be fine". After the stretcher came for Elena, Aeris made sure to thank the judges for ensuring she'd never lose another Light Battle. Forget the magic, and forget the technology. Elena is MAD! And when Elena gets mad, Elena uses her fists to get the point across. So Aeris parries with her staff (Wow, guarding with the Princess Guard, who'd've thought?) and Elena goes tumbling toward a ring out. Aeris stepped into the arena, a quaint smirk upon her face. Flicking her wrist, she looked at the watch imbedded on her golden gauntlet/bracelet jewelery (which she originally wore as a fashion statement, but sadly was never picked up by the public at large), noting with some satisfaction that Elena was now fourty-five minutes late. With a grace few possessed, the Cetra craned her neck around, her bright blue-green eyes falling to a hulking figure swiftly plopping down into his seat. Expectantly, she raised her eyebrows in silent question, holding his gaze. In return, the massive man's full lips curled into a devious smile, nodding curtly. Her smirk blossoming into a full-fledged grin, leaning against the cold stone wall that lined the arena, waiting for the ref to call a disqualification on Elena's behalf. After all, how did Elena honestly expect to get to the arena on time when her companions--and subsequent lifelines whenever she got in over her head--had their morning orange juice spiked with a particularly potent brand of liquor? Convincing Barret to create the moonshine and plant it in their drinks were simple enough; he hated the Turks anyway. She giggled to herself for a moment as the ref's patience finally ran out, disqualifying Elena and delcaring her the winner. "And here everyone thinks I'm this girl next door," she muttered to herself, swishing her hips as she strode away. "Hah, humans. What do they know?" I think Elena would be able to beat Aerith. This girl had Cloud down with just one punch, and I don't know if Aerith would even take the offensive in a battle. Even if Aerith did take the defensive, she'd likely run try of magic sooner or later, while Elena could still deal out those (semi) painful slaps and punches. At best (for entertainment purposes), this would be a catfight. O-o' -Teiru Aeris, in a fight, just can't match Elena, who is much more combat oriented. Also, Elena has the benefit of slightly more powerful magic, which will eventually win the fight. Aeris probably wouldn't even have a chance to use a limit because she'd be killed by any attack that puts her to that point. Ordinarily, Aerith is tough to kill when you're relying on statuses to do the job, since her simplest Limit skill dispatches them easily. Unfortunately, she can't build up a Limit bar while she's Fascinated, and she doesn't have teammates to snap her out of it. Joke match. Elena is a former finalist while Aeris usually struggles to make it out of the first heat. Aeris has nothing that can even begin to drain Elena's boss-level HP. All she can do is heal Elena's attacks which, while nowhere near as powerful as those of Reno or Rude, will still dispatch her in a matter of rounds. In the event that Elena gets bored she can just toss in a confusion spell to cripple Aeris and then leave her to beat herself up. This is over before it even begins. Aeris might have been able to prolong the agony of defeat by using Great Gospel every time she got low on health, or perhaps by breaking out her halfway decent magic power. But as angry as Elena is, she's liable to show as that the Turks DO have Limit Breaks! Riddel vs Mukumuku While Mukumuku isn't exactly a heavy hitter, Riddel hits for even less. A fact that would have proved critical if Riddle didn't have full healing. Better luck next season brave squirrel! Riddel: 141 Mukumuku: 120 As physically weak as both combatants here are, it only takes one advantage to tip the scales. Riddel's healing is enough to do just that. Magic School Duel Magic Guild of Vane vs Flenceburg Academy ANONYMOUS: The Two great magical schools were given a week to prepare for the final showdown. Flenceburg spent this time formulating stragities. Since Villnore's Top general is one of the contestents. [Flenceburg classroom.] "Hmmm... Ghaleon will most defenitly try to eliminate most of you using his "Fate Storm," But, I have a counter..." Gandar unrolled a parchment that depicted the Arena. "Now, it is most likely, They will be positioned here..." He marks off a small circle. "But, we can defend from that by being spread out." He draws several 'x's around in a circular patturn. "...That's all and good old man," Lezard said in his best 'I'm god, bow before me' voice. "But, what about that little mite Nash? His weapons pack some ailments I doubt we'd like." "Ha, that's easier to counter then you think, Lezard." Gandar excalimed as he motioned to Yumei. "Her. Her Stone Torch spell will turn that little runt into a new statue for the Comerative to Celia outside the grounds." "However." Lorenta intrrupted. "The Vane guild also has some other nasty spells of the Stoning style too. I will be distrubting Stone checks later. Since Lenneth can create an unlimited supply they are legal within the RPGP's rules." "Wait. What about the Chaos sheild that Ghaleon has?" Jalenda suddenly asks. "Bah, that sheild is worthless... It is designed to withstand numerous singular hits. Such is the Vane style of Magery..." Mystina then pops in. "It's a rather old fasioned guild. They haven't changed their spell casting ways since they were formed." "Indeed." Gandar agreed. "Anyway, our Academy's spells are multiple striking. As Primatic Missle launces a color spray of twelve beams, they would easly rip through the sheild, Lighting too." "Then there's the CT problem." Yumei muttered downtrodden. "Ah, that..." Lezard chuckled." There's an easy way to lower that." Lorenta places a bag on the table. Inside are several small trinkets, rings and earrings." "Fairy rings and Fairy Earrings. They too are easy to mass produce, thus..." Lorenta smiles. [Meanwhile, In the Vane Guild.] "Listen, I'll take care of them, you just keep me pumped with your status increasing spells, get it?" Ghaleon says sternly, images of sweet, sweet revenge on Lezard for his defeat last season running fresh in his mind. "But, boss... We'd be able to help..." Nash mutters. "Nonsense!" Ghaleon roared at his once apprentice. "Now, now calm down, Ghaleon." Lemia says rather flatly. "He's trying to help." "If he wants to help, he'll follow my game plan." [Arena.] Lezard and the rest of the Flenceburg alumni appear in a flash of his gate spell. Across from them centered in the middle of the ring, like Gandar assumed, were the Vane guild. "Ah... Hello Ghaleon." Lezard hissed in his lest venomous tone. "I hope you don't mind but we must finish our preperations here." The Elf scowled at the necromancer as he noded curtly. "Thank you... Ladies..." Lezard muttered as Yumei, Jelanda, Lorenta and Mystina quickly ran to opposite parts of the arena, leaving Gandar and Lezard alone infront of the Arch Mage. "Now..." Lezard mutters as he raises his right hand some, palm facing down. "I am he who hath entrusted his soul to the eternal vortex of time. Ye know me! And if ye do not, ye shall be made to know me!! It shall be engraved on thy very soul, Lezard Valeth!!" Lezard then raises his hand up past his left shoulder. "If ye shall accept the brand of Hel upon thee, thy sanctions shall in turn be lowered." He then dramaticly thrusts his hand forward. "...I shall grant thee the deliverance of thy soul, and ye shall come now before me!!" Nothing happens... Then a portal opens to Lezards right and elfgt side. Raising out of one was a Burtal Gaze, the serpents atop it's spherical body twitching and writhing. out of the other was a smaller, yet also dangerous Hell Gaze. Lezard smiles wickedly as he mutters: "Well... I'm ready." Then armageddon begins, Gandar using sound tactics, casts the Team spell of "Reflect Sorcery," there by making all spells targeting them be reflected back. The gazes hanging back, casting Fire lances when not reviving the mages if they were overwhelemed. Yumei then quickly incants the power of Stone Torch, securing Nash as the newest lawn orniment. Lorenta then casts Mystic Cross as Mystina summons mighty Shadow Servents, Jelanda then fires off a powerful Fire Strom as the crippled Vane spellcasters fall to earth from the SS. Lezard then casts a Powerful Dark Savior, rending into Ghaleon with the three blades of darkness. That was enough. Breaking the 100 energy required to cast their PWS magicks the Flenceburg mages then assumed a casting order as Mystina started; "You freaks have no reason to exist!" A plethora of Shadowy monsters erupting from the ground, causing the Vane casters and Ghaleon to be buffetted into the air... "Depart now you grotesque thing." Only to then be juggled by an onslaught of Lorenta's Mystic crosses. They were let to fall as Jalenda cried out; "This is Devine punishment!" as they were once again fired into the air by numerous firey explosions. It was then Lezards turn... Smiling darkly a golden mandala of power formed around his body as he begain incanting a Great spell... "If ye trust that thy eternal bonds may be broken, then let my words be as a vengeful blade upon thee!" A Massive spear, constructed of Dark energies spins above the Arena. Ghaleon, the only Vane spellcaster left was struggling to his feet as Lezard called out the last of his spell... "Cosmic Spear!" Then silence reigned over the arena as the dust settled... Lezard looked around as the other Flecneburg mages walked over to him. Then they were enveloped by his arcane spell of Teleportation, He then laughs mightly as he says while fading from view... "They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say, Nice try." When the dust finaly settled, the Vane mages guild was in shambles. As medics and healers rushed to try and revive them. Magic Guild of Vane: 84 Flenceburg Academy: 167 Immense magical power is gathered in the battle of the schools. With Gandar strategizing their attack, Flenceburg urges Lezard to spar with Ghaleon; with Lorenta et al to add support and healing. The energy is building, and it seems the arena itself could be the first to fall. The leaves rustle in the gentle breeze on the streets of Flenceberg. A silvery gust sets forth. . . During the heat of battle, the Magic Guild of Vane never expected a surprise Great Magic attack from Mystina via spirit form. But all's fair in love and war. This would be a good fight...except that Hell Wave hits ALL ENEMIES. Now, a double-cast Hell Wave will rid Flenceburg of everyone but Lezard. As powerful as Lezard is, he cannot Two of the Four Heroes, much less those two and their prodigys. Ghaleon and Lezard would end up using evil intent and kill off the other pathetic people in their teams until afterwards they will be gloating and Lezard will pull a Mystina-like end to Ghaleon to win. Didn't Lezard beat Ghaelon on his way to his championship? Flenceburg versus Vane? A full party of what are technically Gods versus a party of one (almost) God and humans who had to combine their powers to kill *a* God? No contest. =\ This battle pitted not just two schools, but two different philosophies of magic. Vane's weaker, but more consistant style. Or Flencburg's massive one-shot do or die technique, staking far more on a single blow than their companion Lawfer ever did. And so, after taking the opening strikes of Ghaleon and Nash, all six Flencburg mages stepped up and focused all of their power into the Magic Emperor, an assault he easily withstood. What was less easily withstood was the unprecedented six chained PWS attacks that came after, anchored by Lezard's Celestial Star. The Flencburg mages were spent, vulnerable to even a spoony bard. But, having been reduced to bits small enough that the RPGP staff would be spending the next week combing the arena for enough of them for the Full-Life spells to work, the Vane team was in no position to capitalise. Gandar lay out a battle plan for the Flenceburg team. "And that, as they say," he concluded, "is that." "Isn't that what Maechen always says in *Final Fantasy X*," demanded Jelanda. "You sound like a twit when you use his lines instead of your own. If you're that uncreative, do we really want your silly old plan anywa-" Gandar nodded to Yumei, who, for the purposes of keeping things in order, had Stone Torched the Princess. "She's got a point," Lezard said. "Can't you come up with anything better than that?" Yumei cast Stone Torch on him, too, but since Lezard had already prepared Reflect Sorcery, the spell ended up affecting the entire rest of the Flenceburg team instead. "Oh, well," Lezard said. "It was a stupid old plan, anyway." Pausing only to direct a pigeon to the statue of Lorenta, the mad alchemist teleported to the Arena, where the entire Vane team was assembled. With Lenneth. Leaning against Ghaleon and looking *very* happy. Lezard's frazzled brain was unable to survive the experience. Ever see that scene in *Scanners* where that dude's head blew up? It was much like that. "How could you possibly know that was going to happen?" Nash asked Ghaleon, who had already teleported the stolen Homunculus back to Lezard's lab from whence "she" came. Ghaleon laughed. "You didn't really think that Lezard would be able to work with all his old classmates?" "But that business with the Homunculus?" Nash persisted. "You haven't been studying, have you, apprentice?" Ghaleon asked sternly. "Else, you would have known Lezard's... peculiarities." Nash fled before he could be disiplined for his unstudious conflict, resulting in at least *one* Vane casualty. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.