Six lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Beatrix vs Velhart Velhart and Beatrix traded blows for some time. Though a bit quicker, the Alexandrian general was slowly being worn down by her stronger foe. She took a halting step back. Velhart wiped a line of blood from his chest. "Not bad. Do you surrender?" Beatrix cast Cura, and her wounds, unlike the dozens of small cuts on Velhart, closed up in an instant. She smiled. "I'm only getting started." Velhart frowned. "No," he said, breaking out an Omega Buster that sent Beatrix flying clean from the arena, "you're not." Beatrix: 121 Velhart: 125 Beatrix and Velhart stared each other down across the arena. Neither combatant was a force to be taken lightly, for sure; Beatrix was after all a legendary General of Alexandria, and Velhart was arguably the greatest swordsman in his world. Beatrix realized that it would be best to try to win this match quickly, and prepared for her devastating Shock technique. However, Velhart, not one to go into a fight ill-prepared, had his opponent well scouted; by the time he was hit with Shock, he had already inacted his Musou III barrier. "Damn!" Beatrix shouted as Shock harmlessly dissipated in front of her opponent. "My physical abilities are useless against him!" "Now it is time to show you who the greatest swordsman is." Velhart proclaimed in a deadly serious tone. "Omega Burst!!" Velhart swung his sword in a wild circular pattern; Beatrix managed to dodge the brunt of the assault, but was nevertheless wounded. She knew it was time to break out the magic. Chanting an incantation softly, energy gathered around her as the sky above the arena brightened; before Velhart could react, he was engulfed in the brilliant yet deadly aura of Holy. Breathing a sigh of relief, Beatrix sat down and prepared a Cura spell for her wounds. However, stunned disbelief cut short her healing attempt as she noticed a very battered, yet very alive and fierce Velhart emerge from the destruction left by Holy. "You.. you're... still standing?!" Beatrix stammered in disbelief. Rage danced in Velhart's eyes as he lifted his sword. Then, in a voice that sent chills down the entire audience of the arena Velhart shouted "Omega Buster!" Beatrix realized that if Velhart hit her with his Omega Buster in his current condition that she was done for. With only a brief second to think, Beatrix charged up a Climhazzard. Standing her ground as Velhart charged, Beatrix unleashed the move right as Velhart raised his sword to bring it down upon her. With Velhart's blade less than an inch from her face, Beatrix slowly backed away, then sheathed her sword, as Velhart collapsed to the arena's floor, motionless. "You fought very well, Velhart." Beatrix commented quietly under her breath. "But it was not your day to win." As she departed the arena, Beatrix turned for a moment at the entrance to the battle area, casting a full life spell upon Velhart; then turned away, knowing that this was only the first step on the road to becoming Godlike champion. Um... how did these two get in Godlike in the first place? Velhart at least has the distinction of being the strongest playable in his game, but Beatrix in a higher rank than Zidane or STEINER? She has like 99 MP and a dippy sword... Oh well. Beatrix uses Shock. Velhart uses Final Buster. End of match. This week, Beatrix faces off against a fellow with an eerie resemblance to Sephiroth. Unlike the significantly better-known "Perfect Soldier", Velhart trades finesse for raw attacking strength. This would do well against a master of the magical arts, but unfortunately, Beatrix can match him blade to blade, and has healing skills to boot. The battle between these two powerful fighters starts out with a small pause, before they charge at each other. From the stands, Steiner watches Beatrix block an outrageous blow with the Save the Queen and cheers. Steiner, "That a way Beatrix." Zidane calmly turn to Steiner and says, "Rusty, I wouldn't get so excited just yet." Steiner, "Grrr, you meddle some thief, it bad enough your a King... etc, etc, etc." Sabin, close enough to here Steiner, turns to Cyan and says, "Hey, he acts just like you." Cyan, "What?! I'll have you know... etc, etc, etc. Meanwhile, Beatrix has delivered a kick into Velhart groin causing him to double back in pain long enough for her to use Shock, reducing his HP to 1. Barely hanging on, he counter with an incredibly strong buster attack; only to hit Sabin who was thrown into the ring by Cyan. Velhart, in pure shock, tries weakly to complain to the referee to no avail. The last thing he remembers as the Save the Queen strikes him down, is Steiner saying, "Ha, take that monkey boy." Sorry Velhart oh buddy, but Beatrix has Seiken. That alone is a force to reckon with along with her skill and power. Surt vs Sephiroth “That fellow does not look like me.” said Sephiroth, pointing at Velhart before beginning his preparation for the match. The One-Winged Angel was relaxed, focussed on the task at hand. Oblivious to the roar of the crowd around him, he took his place in the arena and waited. At the other end, the enormous Surt attempted to bait the Perfect SOLDIER. “So, the pretend god wishes to face a true one. Have your sorrows been sufficiently drowned since you last fought? Perhaps I should make it easier by refusing to heal.” “You talk too much.” said Sephiroth, rushing forward with the Masamune. The next two minutes were a blur of action as Sephiroth slowly whittled down the Vanir’s health while just barely managing to dodge Surt’s strikes. Once or twice Surt penetrated Sephiroth’s defences with blinding speed, but the SOLDIER held firm. At last, the two battered warriors faced off in one final showdown for the match. “I am Surt, leader of the Vanir, and arch-enemy of the all-mighty Aesir. I have fought off for greater warriors than... erk!” Surt looked down to see the Masamune imbedded in his chest. “Like I said, you talk too much.” said Sephiroth, as Surt slumped to the ground. Surt: 117 Sephiroth: 159 Sephiroth has a few things going for him in this fight. 1. He is completely immune to Firaga magic, thus making him immune to fire magic. 2. He has an Omni Slash attack similair to Cloud's, only his has much more reach and power. It also doesn't need to be charged like a Limit Break. 3. He has the all powerful Sin Harvest/Heartless Angel attack (It's name is in dispute online.) This would instantly kill Surt unless he has the Second Chance ability, which he doesn't. Sephiroth has finally gained the power to win a Godlike Title. In fact, there are very few that would even be able to stop him, as you'd ether need an auto-resurection ability or an invincability move. I forsee Sephiroth taking this tournment this year... and doing it without breaking a sweat. Okay, let's size up Surt and Sephiroth: Surt: -Has taken on Lenneth+her enherjar, Odin, and most likely numerous other powerful gods. -While only being 3rd in power among the Gods(Loki being 2nd, Lenneth as the Lord of Creation 1st) -Can generally kill your party in one hit, making Auto-Item/Guts a must. Sephiroth: -Got killed by fellow Godlike, Cloud Strife. -Is 4th in power in his game, behind Cloud, Ruby, and Emerald WEAPONS. -Can generally nearly kill your party in one shot(Supernova). -Is a lot smaller than Surt. Either way, Surt beats up gods for fun. He wins. Now THIS is a Godlike match! Both of these two deserve a title one of these days. Without his Kingdom Hearts abilities, Seph is in trouble against Surt. Even with them, he's at a severe disadvantage in terms of size and power. Besides, Surt looks even more bad@$$ than Seph, which is saying a lot. Supernova wipes out the Solar System. Ragnarok wiped out the Nine worlds. Surt needed for lesser Deities to take him down, Sephiroth lost to three mortals Too bad Surt is almost certainly doomed to Lose to by Fanboy voting. The battle of easily trounced Gods, eh? Sephiroth seems to have alot going for him here. If push comes to shove, he can pull out his Kingdom Hearts skills. Sephiroth and Surt begin the battle and although Sephy is much faster his Masamune simply cannot do enough damage to the much more powerful Surt. Giants bellow in the audience as their leader sends crushing blows into the ground knockin Sephiroth off balance enough for him to finally connect. Finally Surt unleashes a massive fireball that should fry the barely conscious Soldier... Instead Sephiroth lunges at Surt seemingly rejuvinated and with one quick sqipe of his Masamune Surt becomes headless. As he leaves the arena Sephiroth tosses his Elemental/Fire materia at Surt. Ashley Riot vs Reid Hershel “I won’t lose this one.” said Reid confidently as he waited in his room. In just a few short minutes, he was to begin his drive towards the Heavy championship. Nothing was going to stand in his way. There was a knock at the door. “Who is it?” asked Reid. “Room service.” “I didn’t order room service,” Reid thought to himself. He opened the door cautiously. “Yes?” “I have a thirty-eight course meal for a Mr. Reid Hershel.” replied the man at the door. “But I didn’t order...” “A complementary thirty-eight course meal.” “Did you say complementary?” asked Reid. “Yes sir.” was the reply. Shrugging, he accepted the banquet. “Why waste free food?” Reid was digging into the 7th course by the time the match was scheduled to begin, the 23rd by the time the match was forfeited, and the 34th before he realized what had happened. The way to a man’s heart may be through his stomach, but the brain’s in another direction. Ashley Riot: 171 Reid Hershel: 65 Reid stared in shock and horror as Ashley, veritably *dripping* cool factor, entered the Arena clad in a Matrix-like coat, his arsenal of melee weapons and crossbows visible beneath. Realizing that he was toast, Reid called to the stands, "Keele, Farah, I need some reinforcements!" "I am the reinforcements," said Ashley. Reid just up and died then and there, before Ashley even had to attack. Vahn vs Haschel Haschel... the weakest Dragoon after Shana, mysteriously present in Heavy even though it would take ten of him to beat Rose, Kongol, Albert or Dart. Vahn... one third of a team that can chain together seriously massive arts, unleash awesome spells from round one, and do as much or more damage than Haschel with each of a dozen attacks. Vahn could take Haschel out if Haschel STARTED the battle in Dragoon mode. Vahn: 123 Haschel: 78 Vahn may be younger and a bit less experienced, but you can't deny the kid's arts and power to summon monsters to do magic for him. Fujin vs Baron Pratau In a room off to the side of the Arena, Baron Pratau and the rest of the White Dragon knights were gathered, preparing for the battle his battle against Fuujin. "...And on top of that, If she misses with Meteor, than that's it! She won't be able to use it against you in the fight again." Pike finished off, having just returned from spying on The disiplinary comittee. Pratau nodded, hefting his powerful dark element Catasro bow. "Thank you Pike. It is time for my match, so I must go." The other white dragons all wished the baron luck, and stepped aside to allow him to move out to the arena. As he walked into the center of the arena, he noticed that Fuujin was already waiting for him. "VICTOR" she said, pointig to herself. (Overconfident. She'll probabaly try to end this match early) the Baron thought, studing the younng woman. As he had thought, Fuujin first action was to cast meteor, a powerful spell that, if he remained with it's range of effect, would suraly have spelt defeat for Pratau. Instead, it simply caused a small puff of smoke to waft up from the ground, as Pratau didn't stay where Fuujin aimed her spell, moving berhind her instead. "TRICKERY!" Fuujin yelled, as the Baron let loose a dark element powered arrow. "No my dear. It's called strategy. You should try it some time" Fuujin gasped as the arrow bit into her felsh, but she quickly reared back her weapon, unleahing the powerful Sai skill. She knew that while Sai skill wouldn't kill Pratau, it would be enough to weaken him severely, with his lack of healing. However, once again, Fuujin watched in dismay as Pratau moved out of the range of her attack, once again hitting her. it wasn't long before Fuujin was forced to retreat, and Baraon Pratau advanced into the next stage of the season. Fujin: 93 Baron Pratau: 101 Zhuzhen Liu vs Keele Ziebel Zhuzhen and Keele might have been an even-up magic duel... had not Zhuzhen convinced Meredy to convince Keele to give her all the Craymels for 'safekeeping.' Zhuzhen Liu: 132 Keele Zeibel: 83 Palom vs Ruby A match between a small child and a little cat-like thing may seem to be rather underwhelming, even for Light. But when we take a closer look at the contestants, we see a great power behind them. Ruby can transform into an obscenely powerful large dragon, with enough strength to singlehandedly vaporize half of the Light Division. If she was to chance, this match would be over quickly. Palom has weak defence, mediocre HP, and a physical attack comparable with Aeris. Oh yeah, he has this little spell called Meteo, too. Flaming balls of downward hurtling rock - scratch that, guaranteed flaming balls of downward hurtling rock overcome an inconsistent red dragon any day. Palom: 141 Ruby: 135 "Never underestimate the power of your enemy," Palom rmembers from one of Tellah's teachings. "No matter who it it, fight with your all, lest you fail..." Of course, Palom disregarded this advice and was critically injured by a quick burst of flame from Althena's red dragon. Palom doesn't get enough respect. A few heavy spells here and there, and Ruby will be fried before she knows what hit her. I've explained enough times why Ruby is Godlike so I shouldn't need to post my rant on the subject again. SHOULDN'T, mind. Palom enters the arena to find, instead of the oft-billed flying cat with a bitchy attitude, a red dragon of such prodigious size it could have crushed Mysidia's town hall under it's immense bulk. With a bitchy attitude. "Crud" was his sole thought before Ruby leaned down and swallowed him with a single gulp. "Ick" remarked Ruby at his taste, "what a dirty little boy. When was the last time this kid had a bath?" Palom could probably take Ruby out even if she DID go red dragon. Palom for Light Champion! Shana vs Leena Leena can cast a variety of protective spells, restore her elements, and cause a bit of decent damage with her culinary weapons. Sheena can't do any of these things, and will last perhaps five minutes, maybe more if she goes into a futile Dragoon transformation, only to waste valuable time healing herself before getting beat up again. Shana: 94 Leena: 133 the shmo In general terms of skill, Shana is awful. Leena is poor. Shana in Dragoon form is mediocre. mediocre skill can defeat poor skill. Although Shana and Leena look evenly match, they aren't as Leena can hit much harder with her frying pan then Shana can hit with her bow. This doesn't even mention the fact that Leena can attack multiple times. In any case, Shana is as good as dead. Leena doesn't want to end this season by being denied within striking distance of a title. Shana, accomodating as usual, gives Leena her wish by ending her season now with the Silver-White Dragon. Shana seems very dead weightish in this fight. Shana can sure heal, but Leena has both physical and magical power to boast. Shana attacks. Gains an unnoticable amount of SP. Leena attacks. Does an unnoticable amount of damage. Repeat. Repeat. Leena eventually has enough power to cast a spell. Shana finally deals enough to transform into a dragoon for one round. Leena casts spell. Shana heals damage. Repeat cycle several more times. Shana is out of MP, while Leena got lucky on all her Maiden hand draws. Leena eventually wears down Shana. ANONYMOUS Three words: White Silver Dragon. Whatever offence Shana may lack in human form, the strongest spell in Legend of Dragoon makes up for it, and then some. Leena's frying pan skillz just can't compare. Wanzer Challenge! Sad to say, but Id as at a disadvantage as far as raw piloting skills are concerned, as his own mech, Id-Weltall, doesn't even require for him to manipulate any controls. It's been proven on many occasions that, like many Omni gears, Id-Weltall merely responds to and magnifies Id's own innate anima and infinite ether potential. Sad truth, Lukav would school Id in this challenge.. However, following his crushing defeat, Id would more than likely simply blow Lukav and both machines sky high and demand the judges call it a draw, so it's all good ;) Id Wong in Lenghe-1: 110 Lukav Minaev in Shunwang-1: 156 The match arrived, and Id felt very confident, having forced Fei to train constantly in the Wanzer. Id triumphantly took the first step after his Lenghe-1 started up... and promptly fell flat on his face. The startling realization came to him, as the Shunwang's rifle lowered to Id's cockpit. It didn't matter how much Fei trained, because Fei and Id are two completely seperate people in the RPGP. Lukav Minaev surveys his opponent, the barely-in control Id, as the battle begins. Id has been grinning ever since arriving, and despite his nearly emotionless state Lukav has been ill at ease. He has no doubt he has more experience piloting a Wanzer than his opponent, but realizes that because Id is so taken by his emotions during a fight that he would not be smiling unless he had a very, very good reason. It is also with growing unease that Lukav notes the Lenghe-1 has been painted a dark shade of red. The match starts with Lukav firing off some shots from Long Range, hoping to prevent his opponent from closing the distance. To his surprise, Id takes the first few shots without making a move. Id's smile widens, "Perhaps you should try that again." Lukav can see that though they weren't crippling shots, his attack did do damage. Deciding his opponent is obviously insane, Lukav targets and lets loose with another burst. "Come now. I've had ships dropped on me before, and you expect me to feel THAT?" A little frustrated, Lukav closes to finish off the damaged Lenghe. A point blank shot to the torso leaves Id's wanzer smoking, but still functional. "Feel that?!" Lukav shouts as he fires. "Well, I think I've had enough of this. You're getting boring." Id's heavily damaged mech assumes a combat pose with such quickness that Lukav can't shift to defend. "This isn't the Weltall, but that doesn't mean I can't use my deathblows." Reeling, Lukav's mind shoots back to what he's studied of Id: In one battle in particular, he waiting three turns to build his attack up before unleashing devestating close-combat moves. To his horror, Lukav realizes that by failing to finish off Id with his last shot AND closing with the Lenghe has set him up for this attack. Gritting his teeth, Lukav hopes that his Shunwang will survive the attack. Unfortunately for Lukav, no amount of hope can win this for him. With a Kishin Sword Attack, Id dismantles his opponent. As the dust settles, Id yawns. "I wish that battleships were allowed as weapons. That would make this all much more interesting." I pity poor Lukav. Not because he'll have any trouble winning against berserker Id, who'll likely take out any part first while Lukav will merely offer up an arm while taking out Id's body first. But rather because I doubt the resulting explosion will hurt Id that much, and Id has never been known to be a good loser... "This is lame," Id muttered as he tried in vain to get his wanzer to move. He wondered what the weird-looking stick things and buttons were that surrounded him - his own gear had nothing of the sort. Lukav lined up a perfect shot, all the while thinking how much he was going to enjoy proving that gear pilots couldn't control a wanzer to save their lives. But, strangely, he was feeling... a bit... drowsy... After several hours, Id finally got his Lenghe-1 moving, walked up to Lukav's machine, and crushed the cockpit unopposed. In the stands, Hyuga Ricdeau and Hong Fei-Liu exchanged high fives. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.