Seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Luc vs Claude Kenni The Sr. Poppy brother o~: Claude began his match with head splitter. Luc walked away from where Claude was about to land and began preparing for the ensign's landing. As soon as Claude landed, Luc blasted Claude out of the arena. The moral: head splitter can close distances between Claude and his opponent, but if his opponent can walk, Claude can't hit them with head splitter. LUC: 149 CLAUDE: 119 Claude's only chance is to using Head Splitter get next to Luc, which puts him in the air. Air=Wind. Luc=THE MAN when it comes to wind. Luc's got about 80 points. Claude has a a weapon made out of ANTI-MATTER.(Sacred Tear) Now think about this for a second. ANTI-MATTER. That stuff annihilates whatever it touches. What's that, you say? Eternal Sphere? Oh yea, that's STRONGER THAN A SWORD MADE OF ANTI-MATTER, PLUS SHOOTS STARS. What's that? Claude for Godlike Champ? Yea... Claude had to face off against the most powerful mage in the rpgp, Indalecio, and he came out on top, even against spells like earthquake,divine wave,noah,divine comdey and the like....Luc's true wind rune is gonna be a light summer breeze for claude to slash through :) GO Luc-kun!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^ I love you!!!!!!!!! ^-^ Crimson Luc and the True Wind Rune will triumph over all! great but could had got Luc a better oppoent than these lot on the list! I mean he has the power of a god on his right hand! so imagine what his left will be like!? ('slightly' biased) luc! Lord Scimitar Claude jumps up. Luc laughs, preparing a wind spell that'll blow him out of the arena. Much to his surprise, Meteors begin to shoot down at him. Needless to say he was crushed. Luc, godlike? Put him in Light, like he belongs, or maybe middle. Lenneth Valkyrie vs Cloud Strife Squall opened up the door to his apartment with a flourish. "Honey, I'm home." A voice from the couch grumbled. "It wasn't funny the first seventeen times, Leonheart. It still isn't." "Sorry, Cloud. I stopped by your home on the way back to pick up your mail. It looks like they're finally finishing up with the draining." "Finally!" Cloud said, jumping up. "It'll be nice to get back there. Not that I haven't enjoyed hanging out here..." "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." said Squall. He ruffled through Strife's mail. "The usual, from the looks of it. Solicitations for money, a certain Ms. Gainsborough who's probably still on your case for choosing Tifa for your Couples League partner, death threats... oh yeah, and you got this, you lucky twerp." he said, handing Cloud an official RPGP summons. "So I have a match this week..." mused the spiky-haired warrior, opening the envelope. As his eyes went down the list, he began to visibly shake. "What's the matter? They put you up against Fou-Lu or something?" asked Squall. "No, no, it's not my match that's the problem. I fight Lenneth." "You mean the Valkyrie that schooled Id a while back? Should be a nice match." "Just look at who's in the other Godlike match." "Luc?" said Squall. "Wasn't he a Middle?" "Not him, Squall. The other one." "Ah, I see... so Mr. Strife is worried about Ensign Kenni thrashing his sorry butt three ways from Sunday... again." "You know they did this on purpose." "Of course." said Squall. "Twice before I've fought him, and both times he humiliated me!" "Well, that might be a bit harsh... wait a minute, no it's not." "I just want to get away from him for a while." "You could throw the match. That would keep you safe." "I can't just throw the match." said Cloud. "It's not like you haven't done it before... or are you really going to tell me that you let a little boy school you?" "All right, all right, but why would I throw a match here?" "You've heard the boos from the stands. You know the fans don't want you in Godlike. Just throw the match, and come back later. Maybe then you could cement your stature with the fans." explained Squall. "You know, I think I'll do just that!" "Good, good." Subtly, Squall pocketed the only piece of mail that wasn't for Cloud... a large, large check from a Mr. C. Kenni. LENNETH: 144 CLOUD: 125 Lenneth gripped her Levantine in hand and gazed out at Cloud. "That hair..." she gasped, "it's, it's not possible!" Indeed, the battle maiden was so stunned by the sight of Cloud's 'doo that she was momentarily unable to strike. Fortunately for her, Cloud's response, a rather puny Thundaga, was only enough to scratch her armor. Thus began a pathetic exchange of sub-Godlike blows in a desperate attempt by both to build up to either Nibelungen Valesti or Omnislash. After about an hour of this, Sephiroth and Hyuga, observing from the VIP booth, became so enraged at the thought that they were in the same rank as these two that they simultaneously dropped down and impaled the two contestants. "You know," Sephiroth mused, looking down at the body of Lenneth, "I actually think Donald and Goofy were an *improvement*." Hyuga nodded sadly. A moment before Cloud rose and, ignoring the Mumyo Sword in his chest, attacked! Both true Godlikes sighed at the bespiked one's plot ressurection... and tossed him most ungraciously from the arena. ANONYMOUS Clouds got skills with the sword, Lenneth owns with the bow, Cloud can OmniSlash, Lenneth can Nibelung Vilesti, Cloud has the Buster Sword, Lenneth has the Demon Sword 'Levantine'... In the end Lenneth wins because she has cooler hair... The Sr. Poppy brother o~ Cloud was confident that he would defeat Lenneth. Even with her glance reviver and its puny 10% chance of instant HP drain, he could hit her from farther away with his huge sword. He was fairly surprised, then, that Lenneth entered with a bow. Cloud shrugged off the momentary confusion this had brought, and lifted his sword up to charge. Cloud realised that was a foolish move, as Lenneth fired off a massive barrage of arrows at the bottom of Cloud's sword. The force of the arrows knocked Cloud's sword back, and despite the strength he always uses to hold his sword up, inertia and gravity overpowered him. As Cloud's back hit the floor with a thunderous smack, Lenneth equipped the Glance Reviver. Cloud stood up to see Lenneth well in range to strike. Lenneth brutally slashed at Cloud, then backed away to use Nibelung Valesti. Amazingly, nothing happened. Lenneth couldn't build up the combo meter to use her special attack, but Cloud was nearly dead. Cloud saw this weakness as a chance to strike. Cloud Charged for an Omnislash, but, less surprisingly now, nothing happened. Lenneth finished off Cloud after explaining that, for a level 4 limit gauge to fill, 200% of that character's health must be lost. Unfortunately, Lenneth stopped beating on Cloud after the glance reviver sucked away all the health Cloud had left. Lenneth beats Cloud in all categories. She has range advantage with bow, can use her Nibelung Valesti MUCH more than he can use Omnislash, she is a lot stronger, a lot more stable. Also, she's a GOD. Lenneth vs. Claude is going to make me mad... Valkyrie's good, but Cloud is better. He might not be the perfect SOLDIER, but the variety he gets from Materia, in addition to his extremely powerful attacks and limit breaks, give him a slight edge. Cloud walked into the arena, Ultima Weapon in hand and Mystile on arm. Gazing over to the other side of the arena, he saw his opponent. Lenneth was standing there, staring right back at him. The famed Glance Reviver sat in her hand, shining brightly at Cloud. He could almost feel malice coming from the sword of creation, willing him to unravel. Before Cloud could lose himself any further in the gleaming blade, the voice of the Star Dragon Sword cut into his awareness. "And...Fight!" With that, the Valkyrie wasted no time, lunging towards him. Quickly sheathing his sword behind him, he focused and cried out... "Bolt 3!" A gout of lighting slammed into Lenneth's charging form, burning ozone and flashing eletricity taking the attention of the match...Until a second later, when the Valkyrie rushed out of it, seemingly unharmed by the shocking attack. "Well, crap," Cloud said. "She must have protected against my magic," Redrawing Ultima Weapon, he braced himself for her attack, ready to counter. Lenneth let loose with a charging slash that seemed to rend the air in front of Cloud...and completely missed, the green light of the Mystile displacing Cloud two feet backwards. The Valkyrie was badly out of place from that attack. She was unable to attack again and was only able to make a weak parry. Cloud took a counter slash at Lenneth, grazing her side. A trickle of blood quickly ran down her blue armor from the cut. The Valkyrie's face was a mask of fury as the wound's pain set in. She briefly regrouped and took a more direct lunge at Cloud. Once again, the Mystile glowed, moving him a few feet to the left. Another swing of Ultima Weapon in the wake of Lenneth's miss drew out another welling of blood, this one from her left sholder. This time, instead of another attack, the Valkyrie dropped back a few steps. A thin red aura surrounded her as she called out... "It shall be engraved upon your very soul!" Lenneth cried out, her voice echoing up and over the din of the crowd. In a fluid, speedy motion, Lenneth bolted towards him...And her cry of divine assault as well as her blade once again met thin air. Cloud had displaced right behind Lenneth this time. With a laugh, Cloud decapitated Lenneth. He bent down to pick up the Glance Reviver, sparing the dead Goddess a few words. "Poor girl. I think someone who can hit his opponent should wield this blade, not a joke of a Goddess can't even hit a moving target." Bending over, he stuck the Glance Reviver into the butt of where Lennenth's neck connected, much like a kabob. The formerly fearsome light in the blade seemed gone now, blanked along with the life of it's ex owner. It had so much light and shine, but it was extingished by the blood leaking from Lenneth's head. Cloud walked off whisting, happy to have a new blade and head to add to his collection. As Cloud entered the arena, his foe was nowhere to be seen. However, after scanning the arena for a bit, he finally noticed an odd shadow on the ground. Looking up to the source of the shadow he saw, hovering in midair, Lenneth Valkyrie leisurely aiming her longbow at him. Unable to fight back with his regular attack, Cloud dodged as best he could, hoping to eventually get his limit bar full for the match ending Omnislash. Unfortunatly, just as he was about to get it, Valkyrie pulled out Nibelung Vanesti, which the weakened Cloud couldn't hope to survive. ANONYMOUS Prior to the battle, Cloud looked over the assorted of materia attached to his equipment. He decided to use an extra HP Plus. As the materia slid into place, a strange glow suddenly enveloped the swordsman, though he imself was unaware of this..... As the two fighters faced each other off, Lenneth noticed the strange energy swirling chaoticly around her opponent. Not sure as to what it was, she decided to launch her strongest attack from the moment the fight started. If her enemy was going to use his devastating Omni-Slash from the get-go, she would stand little chance. As the signal to the start of the battle sounded, the fight was sealed. Unknowningly to Cloud en Lenneth, that last HP Plus materia had unleashed the terrible power of All Lucky 7, and it now took control. Lenneth barely registered Cloud's movements, as she was hit repeatedly, and consistently for what seemed an eternity. Only when darkness came, did she cease noticing... *********** This actually happened to me in FF7. What happens is, when a character hits the exact number of 7777 hp, All Lucky 7 will activate, doing 7777 damage per hit, for an unknown period of time. (I assume 77 or 777 seconds, but it did over half a million in damage to Emerald Weapon!.) In my case, I put a second HP Plus materia in Cloud's equipment, and suddenly his name started glowing in rainbow colors, and with his HP at 7777. Too bad I leveled or Ruby would have bought it too :) It's funny how much these two have in common. Both are main characters who absolutely dominate their respective cast-members. Both spend most of their game being manipulated. Both have watched inferior party members (Vincent and Lezard) win Championships. Both possess massively powerful multi-hit finishers. Both are in danger of falling out of Godlike. And both of them are excellent swordsmen; two of the best in the Playoffs. It would be hard to pick the better swordsman of the two. Unfortunately for Cloud, even if, with an equally good blade, he could hope to match Lenneth blow for blow, they do not have equally good weapons. Cloud's Ultima Weapon does good damage, but it gets much weaker as he does. Lenneth's Glance Reviver, on the other hand, not only retains its massive damage regardless of its wielder's condition, but also sucks life from its target. Sorry, Cloud, but an HP-dependent weapon coupled with a lack of healing do not a Godlike make. Hope you enjoy being in the same division as the unworthy FF7 champion you so envy. Kain Highwind vs Ashton Anchors Unoriginal: Kain leaped high into the air, intent on skewering his luckless opponent as he had done to so many others. Right as he reached the apex of his jump Kain noticed that Ashton had barely moved from his starting spot, only taking a few steps closer to the edge of the arena. Kain thought this odd, as most of his foes made a futile attempt to attack him while he was in the air, or at the very least try to get out of the way. Ashton watched as Kain began his decent and raised one of his swords up to his forehead and focused. Gyoro:(Think he has any idea what we're gonna do to him?) Ururun:(Heh, nope) Kain was going down at an increadible speed, and just as he was about to impale yet another opponent... LEAF SLASH! ...he missed, landing hard on the arena floor amongst a large cloud of leaves, dangerously close to the edge. So close to the egde that, say, a quick poke in the backside would send Kain tumbling out. Coincidentaly enough, that's exactly what happened. KAIN: 130 ASHTON: 137 The match started out just as would be expected as Kain went straight to work on Ashton using Jump. He had managed to land a couple of decent hits and it looked like it might be over at any moment for the Unluckiest Man in All of Expel. However, for the first time in his life, Lady Luck shined on him and just as Kain started to Jump the legendary Dragoon tripped over his own feet. Seeing an opening Ashton took full advantage and soon all the Arena heard for a good minute was the cry of Ashton unleashing Sword Dance after Sword Dance on the prone Kain. As Ashton walked out of the ring after being declared the winner he could be heard declaring in his most excited voice, "I won!". -Later- Ashton walked out of the stadium after an unbelievable win. "Luck actually went my way. This is cause for celebration. Now to go home to my barrels." Just then a freak lightning storm formed and Ashton was hit two bolts of lightning... His luck was back to normal. Don't worry though. He'll be back in time for his next match. Leaf Slash can strike in mid air. Kain's Jump < Ashton's Leaf Slash Ashton. Powerful Ashton. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. Ashton. ASHTON. As Kain walked into the arena, he thought of the time he and Cecil fought. Ceceil had been a powerful Dark Knight then, but Cecil hadn?t been able to do much to him at all. His oppoent for this match, a fellow called Ashton Anchors, was a swordsman too. Though he fought with two blades, Kain KNEW there would be no difference here. He?d jump and each time the foolish swordsman would miss him while he was in the air. As soon as Ashton saw Kain, he quickly drew his twin blades. ?Let?s Fight!? he declared, running straight for Kain. Kain grinned, and shook his head. ?So prediticable? he thought to himself as he used his spear to push himself up into the air. ?What?? Ashton said in shock as he watched Kain fly higher and higher into the air. Then, just as quickly, the Dragoon Landed, his spear smashing into Ashton. ?ARGGHHH!? Ashton screamed, as pain racked his body. ?HAHA! You fool!? Kain declared. ?This battle is over! You can?t hurt me!? ???? Came Ashton?s response. ?Huh? What did you say?? Kain asked, arching an eyebrow. ?I said?SWORD DANCE!? Before Kain?s shocked eyes, Ashton blade?s seemed to suddnely become a blur, as the Killer Move began to hit him again?and again and again! When the move finished, Kain struggled forward, then fell to one knee. ?N?no?how?how could I lose??? Then he collapsed. ?I won!? Ashton yelled, much to the delight of the crowd, who had been left waiting for Ashton?s next appearing for far too long. As he left the arena though, Ashton saw something that caught his eye. Later that night, when the rest of the Star Ocean 2 cast found him, to congratulate him on his win, they found Ashton still standing in the corridor just outside the Arena enterance. ?Ashton, what are you doing here?? Rena asked him. Ashton?s response? ?Barrel barrel barrel RED BARREL barrel?? Kain can Jump. Ashton can dodge said jump rather easily, with Valiant Boots on. The only other thing Kain can do is jab with his lance. Ashton has two swords. He can also make a massive explosion(Tri-Ace). Kain can't even touch Ashton. ANONYMOUS ...Dragoons>dragons. Ashton has -2- of em' on his back. Kain is THE dragoon, the essense of one. (jump,magically revive, spear-ify, sucks at magic)...-_- Kain = Season 20 Heavy Champion Bah, Ashton won't even be able to hit Kain while Kain is in the air... one jump attack does a lot more damage than a normal attack, and Ashton will only have the chance to attack Kain once or twice before he's back up again. ANONYMOUS Kain uses Jump. Ashton misses with whatever. Kain hits. Ashton hits Kain with whatever. Kain uses Jump. Ashton misses with whatever. Kain hits. Ashton hits Kain with whatever. Repeat as necessary until the inevitable double KO. Kain reflects on this probability before the match starts. Conferring with Cecil, the paladin had some rather unexpected advice. "Don't worry, Rosa's over with Ashton. You have nothing to worry about." Kain was not surprisingly quite confused. In the other prep room, Rosa was talking with Ashton in preparation for the match. "It's not like anyone would /know/," Rosa stated again. Ashton considered Rosa's offer for a second, and decided that the mage wouldn't be lying to her, so he let her cast Haste and Safe and Shell and all that on him. Upon entering the match, Ashton was called out for illegal stat boosts. "But... it was Rosa's idea!" "Perhaps," said the judge, "But illegal help is still illegal help. We would gladly have Rosa forfeit her match, but she isn't fighting. You are. Goodbye." Kain will WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! This I am sure, Ashton has two dragons on his back. Kain has the Dragoon Spear. It deals severe damage to dragons so Ashton is out of luck. Actually Ashton never had any luck, so when he goes to attack Kain will most likely be in the air. It's a pity really, Ashton would have stood a better chance against anyone other than the Captain of the Baron Dragoons. The sun slowly set over the arena as the last match of the day began. Kain and Ashton were both ready, gleaming Dragoon and twin Dragon contrasting the other. Kain's famed Dragoon Spear was in hand, along with is unique Dragoon armor. Ashton held the dread Demon's Sword Levantine, it's black aura hiding his sad face and shining Valiant Mail. In a short moment, this battle would begin...Any second now... "YATTA!" "KAWAII!" Voices rang out from the side of the arena. Ashton and Kain both turned to the source of the voice. A gaggle of teenaged girls were standing, and a tied up Dias was at their feet. A strange gleam was present in each girl's eye... "Get him, girls! In the name of Yaoi, we will capture you!" They cried as one. They dashed at a confused and stunned Ashton, easily tying him up before he could act. Kain, for his part, just stared at the scene with an openmouthed gawk, unable to aid Kain in any way. In another moment, both Ashton joined Dias in a tied up heap and were promptly dragged away. Kain was the winner by default, but a very special group of girls were the real winners that day. Kain and Ashton stare at each-other from across the arena, each drawing thier weapons and preparing for a rather long melee. Both dashed for eachother, and Ashton was quite surprised to find that his spear-weilding foe could jump higher than even what he's seen Claude do with Headsplitter, and readied himself for the incoming blow. As Kain began decending, spear down, he quickly became aware of a large safe-shaped shadow looming above him. A couple minutes later, an unconcious Kain and a rather confused Ashton were seen leaving the arena. For once, Ashton's bad luck worked as a rather unusual weapon. As the battle began, Ashton launched into his trademark opening, Leaf Slash. However, as he came out of hiding to lay into Kain, he found that the dragoon had already leapt into the air where Ashton couldn't reach. Even worse, his luck had run bad enough that Kain had anticipated where he would come out of the Leaf Slash and was already preparing for the landing. Ashton gritted his teeth as the spear pierced him, and then he was astonished as the spear stayed put. Looking at Kain, he saw that Gyoro and Ururun had clamped onto the dragoon, keeping him from being able to retract his spear or from being able to get far enough away for his long range weapon to be effective. However, the close quarters were ideal for Ashton's twin shortswords which then made quick work of the famed dragoon. How did Kain make Heavy? He does around one third the damage Cecil does at endgame, and drops to magic almost as fast as Edge. A well-placed Leaf Slash followed by a Sword Dance should put the FF series' weakest Dragoon out of the picture for at least a few more seasons. As much as I don't want to say this, Kain will win for one reason - the Dragoon in FF IV is just a corruption of the term, Dragon Knight. And Ashton has two dragons on his back. If there's any justice in the world, Ashton will Leaf Slash Kain to the loser's bracket. And I'm voting for Ashton. But really, it's a half-hearted vote. Go Kain! Cyan Garamonde vs Ryudo I could trumpet the virtues of Sky Dragon Slash or compute the charge/damage ratio of Quadra Slice, but it would be pointless. With two characters such as these, there is only one factor that can determine a winner : coolness. Both of them have outstanding quotes. Cyan's have a poetic quality to them (ex: "You licentious howler!"), while Ryudo's are more gruff and worldly. (ex: "Whoa there, Gumshoe!") Both of them have amazingly powerful sword techs. Only one of them, however, has the distinction of having the voice of a Ninja Turtle. Ryudo wins. CYAN: 125 RYUDO: 134 Uh... doesn't Ryudo cancel charging moves? While preparing for the match, Cyan ran time and again into the same conclusion: there was no possible way for him to best Ryudo in a strait fight, owing to his vastly superior speed and Tenseiken Slash's cancel effect. After some deep thought and consultation with the judges, however, he felt ready. As Ryudo entered the arena, he found Cyan asleep in a bed. The judges were already there to explain the situation. "before the match can begin properly, you have to wake him up. you'll have to complete his nightmare in order to do so." Ryudo thought for a minute. "Wait a minute.. the boss at the end of that place.. you have to knock out a party member in order to beat hit him.." "Correct" Ryudo thought for a bit longer, then smiled. "Wait, does this nightmare count as being in the arena?" "Well.. no, it wouldnt" "So, i dont have to do it.. I could just send in another party to finish it for me, right?" "Well.. i suppose so." So it was that Elena, Tio and Millenia made short work of the nightmare. After Cyan awoke, but before he recovered, Ryudo had a Sky Dragon Slash ready for him, and a few Tenseiken Slashes later, he was clearly the victor. The Sr. Poppy brother o~ Cyan began charging for a Quadra Slice. Ryudo hit Cyan with a critical, thereby cancelling Cyan's charging. Cyan decided to use stunner instead. Ryudo hit Cyan with a Tenseiken Slash moments before Cyan finished, thereby cancelling his move. Cyan just hit Ryudo with a dispatch on his next attempt. Ryudo then hit Cyan with a combo attack, nearly equaling the Samurai's damage. With a continued series of dispatch attacks, the advantage began to shift towards Cyan. Ryudo then hit Cyan with a Flying Tenseiken. Ryudo continued his fierce barrage of moves, draining Cyan to a dangerous level of HP. Ryudo had ran out of SP to perform his moves though, and hit Cyan with a combo. Cyan, seeing this as an oppurtunity, charged for an Empowerer, and was hit by a Tenseiken Slash. Ryudo's combo attack had restored just enough SP to perform one last use of the technique. Cyan fell, realising he could never have defeated a fighter with a lightning-quick technique designed to cancel a charging opponent. Perhaps another time... I usually like prefer to write large, detailed battle scenes for matches, but for this one it isn't necessary. There is literally NO WAY Cyan, a character who takes an eternity to charge semi-decent attacks, can defeat Ryudo, a character who makes a living out of CANCELLING charging attack. Two instantenous Tenseiken Slashes with the Granasaber will not only cancel any attempts at a Quadra Slice, but defeat Cyan as well. ANONYMOUS Let's see, Cyan with 128 speed takes roughly two rounds to charge Quadra Slice. Ryudo in that time couldn't possibly hit him for a comparative 9999 damage. Cyan lets off four defense- and evade-ignoring critical hits two rounds after the fight starts. Peco vs Lucia Lucia may be a goddess, but Peco is an onion, on top of that, he is a ninja, a master of the blade, powerful in magic, insanely strong and fast, incredibly witty, and uhhh... has played and won in five superbowls. How can Lucia even hope to beat him. PECO: 125 LUCIA: 123 Peco was prepared for a difficult match, facing off with a true goddess, perhaps the only other actual divinity in Middle (Ershin not counting because Ershin is Ershin, not Ershin). He extended his oniony powers, searching for some sign of the might of the successor of Althena. Little did he expect that what he would find instead was a mediocre mage/healer, and one with the brains of a rather less intelligent onion than Peco, to boot. Three poorly chosen spells later, Lucia was *en route* back to the Blue Star courtesy of Peco's mighty uppercut. Lucia has some powerful spells, but that is all she has. Peco, on the other hand, has the highest Physical Attack power in his game, some alright abilities, AND the ability to regenerate his HP. I'm afraid the little onion dude wins this one. Nice match of complete opposites here - the pure fighter against the pure mage. If I was around when the cast of BoF3 were being ranked I would have voted Peco as a heavy - he has a fairly good attack, regenerates HP and can take absurd amounts of punishment. But that won't save him here. Peco is not exactly the swiftest of foot (leaf, whatever) and Lucia's unlimited MP means she can play keep-away with her sluggish opponent all day, or at least until she's Atomic Burned him down to a small pile of fried onion she can slice into strips and serve to the cast of Lunar 2 on hamburgers. Judecca vs Virginia Maxwell As sweet as Virginia is, her powers are not at all on par with the Wild ARMs 2 heroes that dispatched Judecca. The psychotic gun-man will make short work of his Drifter opponent. JUDECCA: 109 VIRGINIA: 103 Both of them are lame as far as gun users go. Drop 'em to Light. Virginia has a cute outfit, though, which breaks the tie. The Sr. Poppy brother o~ Judecca can paralyze Virgina with an attack from his Douglas. Virgina has no way to stop Judecca. Alma Beoulve vs Porom Porom stood in the arena, facing her opponent. The youngest Beoulve, clad in a strange green robe, was simply giving the Mysidian twin a cheerful smile. How dare she, thought Porom. Even if her brother was a bit of a brat, that did not give Alma the right to beat him senseless... that was Porom's job! As the starting bell rang, Porom growled, and starting charging a Holy spell. She concentrated, putting all her extensive natural talent, all the training she'd received from her village's nameless elder, all the reasons she had to hate Alma into the spell. Alma just watched as Porom finished the incantations. "Holy!" she cried, and unleashed quite possibly the most devastating version of the spell the arena had ever seen. Alma was obscured by the dancing white lights, and Porom smiled as the spell hit its target. As the light dissipated, she waited to see Alma's unconscious body lying on the arena floor. But she saw no such thing. Alma gave another smile. "That was quite a potent healing spell. Thank you for your concern; I really appreciate it." Porom was confused. "How? How are you still standing?" Alma simply held up a fold of her garb. "It's called a Chameleon Robe," she said. "And it absorbs all holy-typed damage." Porom was taken aback. Holy was her only method of offence... how could she win against these sneaky tactics? The answer came to her in a flash... sneaky tactics of her own. And what was more sneaky than status attacks? "Hold!" she cried, quickly aiming the paralysis spell at Alma. "Did you say something?" asked Alma. And idly twirled a ribbon sitting in her hair. As Alma started casting Ultima, Porom uttered some words which would no doubt have appalled even her brother. ALMA: 185 POROM: 79 Porom laughed as she saw Alma prepare to use MBarrier. "Since I have my brother Palom to use Twin, Ultima and MBarrier won't be enough to beat me!" Said Porom, taking a quick look at her writeup. Meanwhile, Palom quickly began charging with his sister to devastate with Twin Magic, while Alma used MBarrier and hoped for the best. "Ha-ha! Even my brother couldn't defeat you, but I will show you what we Mysidians are made of!" Taunted Porom. "Uhh, Porom, I'm the one giving you the magic you need to beat her. Without me, you'd be screwed!" Said Palom, with a irritated look on his face. "Oh yeah, I could beat her without you!" "You really think so? Well fine!" Said Palom, exiting out of his charge stance, and leaving the Arena. Unfortunatly, poor Porom realized her mistake as Ultima after Ultima outlasted her healing and gave Alma another win, as well as smugness in her good sibing relations. If Alma can defeat one twin, she can easily defeat another. ANONYMOUS Porom gets lots of MP, healing spells, and Holy, which may or may not prove useful. However, it all comes down to her luck with Twin. If Palom/Porom get Mini Meteo, then Alma's toast, barrier or no barrier. Why is this match happening? I mean, Porom vs. ALMA? How sick can one get to but such a death sentence of a match up? I mean, look at what Porom's known for: mad white mage skillz. And then Alma: no nose. Let's face it; a single Comet could fry Alma into next week. But that won't be how Porom wins. Porom will win by jumping on top of Alma, and casting Stone on herself. Now then, anything that's strong enough to stop a castle wall is more than heavy enough to crush a noseless unwonder. And because it's all voluntary, Porom is declared the winner, while Alma is scraped off the arena floor. Alma has no attack that does actual damage, but she can't really die. All Alma has to do is hold out until all the other matches are finished, supplying her with enough blood to draw out St. Agora. As the battle began, Porom noted that Alma had wisely chosen to wear a Chameleon Robe, rendering her potent White spell useless. However, she still had her brother to call upon, and so began chanting for Twin. It was then that she realised that Palom wasn't chanting. Looking up into the stands, her irritation suddenly changed to fright as she saw that, just as her brother had decided to help her out, Alma's brother had also come to pitch in this day, and Ramza had made short work of Palom. Porom might have surrendered then and there, except she didn't get a chance as the dual-Ultimas hit a second later. "I'd run away if I were you," warned Porom. "My brother is here, and together we'll twin your child-beating behind back to oblivion!" Suddenly, Palom slumped to the ground, a knife in his back. "What a coincidence!" said Alma. "My brother's here too. He just has... other means of using his skills. Speaking of which..." Alma charged and casted the only Ultima she would need to begin her title defense. "Care to rephrase your threats?" Being quite dead, Porom could not respond. Momo vs Wedge Wedge's only chance is to convince the rabid Star Wars fans in the crowd that he's actually Wedge Antilles... you know, the random X-Wing pilot who actually LIVES through all the Star Wars movies. If Wedge is a good talker, he could pull this off, causing the fans to stampede over Momo for daring to challenge a hero like him. But we've all played the FF games. Do we expect Wedge to talk? No, we expect him to die! MOMO: 137 WEDGE: 127 Even Momo can't miss a suit of Magitech Armor. Well... Er, she can't miss it for very long, anyway. And when Wedge at last falls, he'll horribly tragically accidentally crush Biggs, who had front row seats, just because that's the way things are. Momo casts Ragnarok, Wedge is crushed by a huge meteor.. Whether he brought a magitek suit only means the difference of whether he becomes tomato puree or canned tomato puree.. And even if she opts to not cast ragnarok, Momo DOES have homing missles.. and her accuracy is something that does get better at higher levels, either way momo should be a contender for Middle. ANONYMOUS Magitek armor at max level means you get: (1) three insane skills, (2) an uber healing skill, and (3) insane armor. Momo has no chance unless she can somehow absorb or negate fire, ice, and thunder attacks. Even then, she has to deal somewhere around 5000 damage a round minimum to break through an every-round Heal Force. That being said, and assuming Momo does all those things, Wedge could still chase her about the Arena with those claws that Magitek Armor suits have. Those would hurt. While Momo's regular attack is a chancy affair, her attack magic is not. And Ragnarok is enough to carry the day against Wedge. Inaccurate weapon? I won't deny it, but we're talking three turns to hit Wedge at most and one hit of that cannon thingummy will blow him halfway to Jupiter. Even if Wedge proves surprisingly resiliant Momo can play a second trump card in the form of her healing which will certanly outlast the FF injoke. As for the M-Tek Armour angle - stronger attacks it may have, but is it worth the risk of making himself a bigger target? Wedge comes in with his Magitek Armor and promptly begins to fire wildly. Momo does the same. Guess which one's the bigger target? When the smoke clears, there's only one rocket-launcher-wielding person left. The Armor is a charred hulk. Wedge is the chars within. Perfect Mecha! Lukav needs to stick to Wanzers. If he think that Ramsus is over-emotional, then how can he escape the tactical blunder of accepting Ramsus' terms? Wyvern is more manuverable, more powerful, faster, stronger, and with no immediate weaknesses. He might have been able to take Id out while he was piloting a Wanzer, but Ramsus is in a freaking GEAR here... Lukav might have been able to win if he could stay out of Ramsus' range, but the Wyvern is just so much faster that even if he misses half his attacks he'll still easily deal with the Kehei-0. LUKAV MINAEV in Kehei-0: 60 KAHRAN RAMSUS in Wyvern: 155 ANONYMOUS Ramsus is NOT -Trash.- And he will prove it to Lukav in this fight. Maybe this will end Lukav's "TrashTalking" about Gear pilots. Let's face it-without Miang healing Ramsus 200 life each turn, he has no chance. Wyvern was easy anyway. Ramsus is a wuss. Everything about Lukav and the Kehei-0 is designed for a battle of attrition that would see him victorious. Everything, except for the cooling system. And all the movement required to avoid Ramsus will see the Kehei-0 losing power and plummiting to earth long before the Wyvern is smashed beyond all function. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.