Six lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Orlandu vs Ryu ANONYMOUS: Ryu says his trademark "...", prompting a word box to come up to Orlandu with two choices and no question: "Yes" and "No". Wondering the point of this, he chooses "Yes", not knowing he has accidentally answered, "Will you forfeit the match?" ORLANDU: 126 RYU: 146 Orlandu, hearing that the Tiamat, one of the few things in his world often even stronger than he himself, was merely ONE of Ryu's forms, reacted in accordance with the Ivalician code of conduct by changing his name and departing the country with a false mustache. If only his scouting had been better, he would have learned that Ryu's version of Tiamat was a rather different beast. Too bad Orlandu relied on Olan's usual dose of hearsay and rumor for his info! Orlandu against that would be an interesting match,but even if he is a dragon,no one can underastimate the sheer power of Orlandu.The holy swordsman is in the game and just plain strong.Lighting Stab,Dark Sword for healing and damaging and The Night Sword to stop Ryu from changing into the dragon. Orlandu VS Ryu> Let look at what both can do. Ryu> Great Sword skills like Shadowwalk. Orlandu> Great sword skills like Hell cry Punch. Ryu> Dragon transforming abillities based on MP. Orlandu> Dark sword, which can absorb all of Ryu's MP. Ryu> Dragon summoning spells. Orlandu> Night sword which can steal HP. Anaylsis> Orlandu will crushes Ryu, unless there is divine intervention. Fortunately, for Ryu, he is already divine. We will have the battle fought FFT Style. Ryu is on one end of the battle feild, Orlandu on the other, even if the battle feild were flat, Orlandu still couldn't get there on the first turn, Ryu's dragon attacks, however, are long range. Sorry Orlandu, but you're toast. Ok lets see. Cids main advantage are his many status changeing attacks that would be capaple to rip whole armys into pieces. But this time he has to face a real Dragon god with 4 generations of devastating powers that could blast planets to the size of cookies. To Bad for Cid that Ryu has his Tiamat and Kaiser Transformations wich are completly Immune to status changes. Sorry Cid I like you but this is just to much to handle even for you. Orlandu can't break dragons. Ryu wins. "It's alright, Ryu," Nina softly said, concern in her voice. The Dragon in question was slumped over a wooden table, surronded by a rather lowbrow bar. From the high number of mugs and empty shot glasses, it would be a safe guess that Ryu had been here quite awhile. Nina sat to his side, having carved a place out among the sea of drained glasses. Ryu didn't respond to her entreaty, so she continued talking. "Uh...It's not like he played very fair. I mean, how could you beat him when the bully stole all of your magical dragon transformation enegry with Dark Sword? And then the old meanie broke your sword with Hellcry Punch! Really, Ryu; I don't think you should be down about losing." She said, slowing gaining momentum as she spoke, ending at an energetic almost yell that drew more than a few looks to her. Throughout Nina's speech Ryu kept his gaze to the table, his head sinking lower as Nina outlined how he got his ass so badly beaten. As he rubbed his scalp, he thought that he was at least lucky Nina didn't mention how Holy Explosion burned all his hair off... Three quick steps to defeating a silent dragon god in a duel: 1. Attack with Dark Sword, destroying the target's AP and ability to cast spells or transform. 2. Attack with Hellcry Punch, shattering the target's weapon and leaving him unable to attack. 3. Pick up the helpless Brood Warrior and place him gently outside the ring. Ryu, with all of his dragon forms has undeniable staying power. Orlandu, with his Dark Sword, can take all of Ryu's Dragon Forms away. And then it's a simple contest between Ryu's unremarkable human form, and T.G. Cid's rather remarkable human form. Once he switches to dragon form, Ryu can outlast, d/Ryu: outdamage, and, with the right transformations, outstatus the Thunder God. Unfortunately, the Excalibur's auto-Haste ensures that Cid will get the first move, and Ryu's going to be hard-pressed to pull out anything stronger than a Whelp form after a dose of Dark Sword. Orlandu - Ryu... this should have been the Season 14 Championship match. Both of these characters are well-deserving champions in their own right. But to have them go head to head... In the end, this match is based on a single question - Given a one-hit advantage (as a result of Night Sword taking away the Brood Warrior's AP before Ryu's first turn, at which point he's free to attack without retribution), can Ryu do enough damage to Orlandu before Guts inevitably fails? The answer? Bonebreak. Yuri Hyuga vs Id Id is the slayer of God. Not gods (plural), but God (singular). Each of Yuri's forms is the equivalent of a god. That would make Yuri gods (plural), wouldn't it? Yuri (singular) makes Id into several little pieces of flesh (plural). YURI: 127 ID: 104 "Why do you even both, loser boy?" Id demanded. "Go ahead, pull that pansy Seraphic Reject form on me, and I'll show you why they call me the Slayer of God!" Yuri glanced around, as if looking for something. "Uh... does that even work when you're not in your gear?" "Huh?" "You being the slayer of god. Otherwise, it just means, what, you do an extra 50% damage to God-class enemies or some junk?" "Oh." Id pondered this. "Yeah." "Tough luck, pal," said Yuri. Yuri, in normal human form, would most likely get beat by Id. In Amon or Seraphic Radiance form, though, Yuri dominates Id. Well...Let's see. Id is a SLAYER of GOD, and has uber coolness. Not a bad combo. On the other hand, Yuri has Seraphic Radiance and beats him in coolness by being named after lesbian anime. Yuri wins. Id is the slayer of God. Not gods (plural), but God (singular). Each of Yuri's forms is the equivalent of a god. That would make Yuri gods (plural), wouldn't it? Yuri (singular) makes Id into several little pieces of flesh (plural). Vincent Valentine vs Ashley Riot Ashley watched, perfectly confident, as Vincent raised a wicked-looking rifle and carefully sighted it. Didn't the ex-Turks member know that as a fully trained Riskbreaker, Ashley could easily deflect bullets, arrows, and even melee weapons? The strange thing was, Ashley didn't see his normal weapons. In fact, he was carrying a rifle much life Vincent's. Oh, well. He'd been trained in the use of advanced weapons in case Valencia ever developed them. These thoughts ceased abruptly when a bolt of orange light turned Ashley into Riskbreaker chili - extra hot. Vincent patted his Enhanced Shock Rifle. "Insta-Jib," he said cryptically. VINCENT: 159 ASHLEY: 88 Unoriginal Vincent quickly lined up Agent Riot in his sights and fired a barrage of bulets, forcing Ashley to stop his advance and take a defensive position with his shield. Ashley stood and took the blows on his shield as he put his sword away, and pulled out... As Vincent was reloading for another salvo a crossbow bolt slammed into his shoulder, causing him to drop his gun. As he reached down to pick it up another bolt knocked him away from it, and this bolt was followed by another, and another, and another... Ashley left the Arena with another win, leaving Vincent looking like a pincushion, he was glad that noone ever seemed to remember that not only did he have ranged weapons, but that he could use his Combo Arts with them too. ValkyrieFryea The match between Vincent and Ashley was a hard choice, but i went with the better guy, Ashley. Vincent can simply shoot Ashley from afar to win this match. Vincent can transform into any number of fun creatures. Ashley can paralyze him long before that ever becomes a problem, and then chuck him outside the ring. Ashley can heal, boost his stats, inflict status, cancel or reflect damage, and wield some of the strongest short- and long-range weapons in the RPGP. Vincent can use normal attacks and hope he gets a decent Limit Break before turning into a red puddle. It won't save him, but it might make the fight more interesting. Clive Winslet vs Kyle ANONYMOUS: Kyle showed up at the arena, but found himself alone with no opponent present. "I thought I had a match today! What gives!?" shouted Kyle, extremely ticked-off. The judges were suspiciously quiet. In a supply room on the highest floor, through a window overlooking the massive arena, a tall, lone, green-haired man with glasses lay prone behind the scope of his Gungnir sniper rifle. He calmly sighted the weapon to adjust for windspeed and distance. Clive Winslet said nothing, except four words as he drew a bead on Kyle's oversized noggin. "I have you now!" Back in the arena, the judges were about to announce Kyle the default winner when a monstrous roar of a gunshot was heard. CLIVE: 132 KYLE: 92 ANONYMOUS Don't bring a sword to a gun fight. Clive wins. Any fool knows that in RPG terms, a gun is waaay weaker than a sword. Kyle wins, drunk or not. Quina vs Gremio Well, under normal circumstances, Quina would win easily. Bad Breath, Vanish and Limit Glove all scream beatdown on Gremio. Of course, all it takes for Gremio to win is telling Quina there is food outside the ring. Moral - A powerful idiot is still an idiot. QUINA: 110 GREMIO: 145 The Sr. Poppy brother O~ No one expected Gremio to enter the arena the way he did. Gremio entered very calmly, not at all fazed by the tales of Quina's blue magic. Gremio knew how to proceed. The match began. What was heard was this: "It slices! It dices! It's Gremio's hatchet! It's more powerful than any other weapon! Its super sharp is wonderful for fine dining. It not only can filet, but it's so sharp it can filet your...fileaghhh!" Gremio's sales pitch failed, and quite so. Quina then demonstrated how it doesn't its food to be cut to enjoy a meal. ANONYMOUS As it turned out, Quina and Gremio decided to go all Iron Chef and win the match by way of who made the best concoction. "You think you can beat me at cooking? I'd like you see you try! BAM!" said Gremio, as he threw down the spices onto his creation. Quina, meanwhile, busily hurried along at his/her/it's own pace, and seemed confident in the match at hand. When they were finally done, it was agreed by some of the front row characters that volunteered to taste that Gremio had made the finer dish. "Hah! I told you th-AAAAARGH!"..Gremio was interuppted as a angry Quina used her Blue Magic to reduce him into a quivering pulp. Quina then turned around and glared at the front row characters that agreed to test. All of them suddenly agreed that Quina's dish was by far better than poor Gremio. According to Quina, there are two types of things in this world: things you can eat, and things you no can eat. Unfortunately, a certain variety of spore favoured by General Milich Oppenheimer shows clearly that Gremio falls into the category of the former. Having heard of his foes insatiable appetite and general appreciation of fine cuisine, Gremio set out to make his famous Special Stew. Unfortunatly, at the critical moment, the ever inquisitive Quina pulled Gremio's ears, distracting him and spoiling the food. Quina, a proud advocate of preventing good food from going bad, was thus launched into righeous anger and promptly tranced. He then showed everyone how it ought to be done as he cooked Gremio Stew. As laughable a Blue Mage as Quina is compared to his predecessors, Gemio has nothing on him. White Wind, Mighty Guard, Pumpkin Bomb and the like, compared to Gremio's lacking stats and magic, make this a very one-sided fight. Horror of horrors, Gremio added a bit too much salt to his stew for the pre-match banquet! Quina, always a finicky eater when it comes to sodium content, took it out on the very edible Gremio by consuming him instead of the stew. Anrietta Rochefort vs Maribel Maribel and Anrietta glared at each other from across the Arena, secretly (well, not to anyone with eyes) consumed with jealousy for each others' extremely stylish historical outfits. "That orange bonnet is just delightful," Anrietta said to herself. "And I *must* have one of those peasant-girl dresses!" Maribel was no more content. "I look so provincial," she snapped. Randomly, she slapped the back of her green-hatted hero's head. "This is all *your* fault." He did not respond. Still seething, the two lasses entered the Arena proper and faced off. Of course, neither could *admit* her admiration for the other's fashions. That would be tantamount to admitting defeat. "Where did you get that awful thing," Anrietta sneered. "You look like some sort of peasant." "At least I'm discernably alive," Maribel countered. "You look like a doll gone horribly wrong with that stupid dress." "Hah!" Anrietta flicked her umbrella and sought for a comeback. Maribel, quicker-tongued by far, seized the opening. "And what's with the umbrella? Do you think it's going to rain or something..." Tragically, Maribel did not realize that Anrietta's umbrella, far from being either decorative or a defense against rain, served a pragmatic purpose indeed. Anrietta realized victory was within her grasp. She took a step back, exposing Maribel to the full, utterly carcinogenic and skin-ruining force of the Arena sun. "There's your answer." Maribel exclaimed in horror as she, being a redhead, immediately developed an excess of freckles and a danger of skin cancer. So shocked was she at being thus bested that she fled the Arena without exchanging a blow. ANRIETTA: 91 MARIBEL: 86 Bowman Jean vs Lexis Shaia Both of these fighters deserve an upgrade, so it's a shame that only one of them can get farther than eliminations. Be that as it may, Bowman's array of quick, stunning attacks and quicker healing will be able to keep Lexis off-balance long enough to take home a win, and put him one step closer to the Heavy placement he deserves. BOWMAN: 140 LEXIS: 88 Stefko Wow, the light finals in the opening round. Lexis and Bowman are the 2 most underrated characters in the rpgp. I do believe Lexis should win this with his excellent healing and attack magic. Bowman against Lexis?Well i would like to say something in defense of Lexis,but i can t find anything.Bowman is a powerhouse compared to every character let alone to frail(although with godly intelligence)Lexis.Lexis may be fast,but that is a good trait of Bowman as well.I dont think the smart scientist has a chance against the explosion pills,poison pills and even if he does hurt him there is still the Secret medicine to worry about.Of course if he unleashes the juggernaut move Sakura atack then bye bye Lexis already at the begining. ANONYMOUS Lexis is stronger, magically, than any other character in Lufia 2. He gets almost decent Blue Chest weapons/armor. Once you take that into account, he doesn't even need to invent anything. Bowman should not be in Light. He could easily defeat Yumei, who trounced Light earlier. Bowman, when compared to Claude, is just as good if not better. Just vote for him, you know it's right. Bowman was never able to do much damage at the best of times. But, after a couple defence-boosting castings of Courage by Lexis, his pills will be so weak they might just end healing their target... which, really, is what pills should do. "Welcome to the Wide World of Bobbin Cran Bud! I'm your host, Sephiroth!" Sephiroth is dressed not in his normal black outfit, but in a red and green blazer, green tie and slacks. A 'BCB' patch is sewn into the right front of it. A polite, if somewhat forced grin greets the viewer. To his right sits the world renowned hero, Cloud Strife. He wears the same outfit as Sephiroth, but features a few bandages and bruises from his run in with the Valkyrie last week. They are sitting in a skybox in the RPGP arena, the bloodied battle floor visible behind and below them. "Today's match is Lexis Shaia vs Bowman Jean," Cloud states. "Normally, this match would generate lots of attention, as both competitors could likely fight in higher divisions. However, there have been...incidents with a group that styles themselves the Anti Bowman Crusaders. They first tried to invade the Star Ocean 2 locker room to take out Bowman, but they ran into Indalecio. Did I mention that he only wears his Limiter when he's actively competing?" Cloud finishes with a chuckle. Nodding to Cloud as he speaks, Sephiroth continues. "Suffice it to say that the attempted jumping of Bowman failed. But these idiots were not to be deterred. They then tried to sneak in a Water Spear for Lexis. Unfortunately for them, they dropped the spear off at Bowman's locker. On top of that, Bowman caught them rooting through his locker, and gave 'em a face full of explosion pills. Cloud smiles, and continues. "Ouch... that had to hurt. On top of that, the ABC attempted to attack Bowman again just last night, and attacked the first person in a lab coat they saw... which happened to be Lexis. Good thing for Shaia that Maxim and Guy were around to 'remind' the ABC that they were attacking the wrong person." Finishes Cloud, with a wink to the camera. Sephiroth makes a cutting gesture, and quickly cuts into Cloud's speech. "I have to interrupt, Cloud, we have breaking news. Apparently, the ABC is on the move, and they are going to try attacking Bowman via crowd riot! According to the reports we are getting, they entered the wrong part of the arena.. the ABC is about to crash the Id/Yuri match." *Faint sounds of screaming, and people getting mauled* Sephiroth gives a slight laugh, then quickly regains his composure. "Ouch.. we have just recived a update. The ABC attempt to start a riot attacking Bowman failed. The Id fans took their ranting about an "over hyped loser" as an insult to Id..needless to say, the ABC will needing extensive medical attention. Enough about the ABC. Our match is about to begin!" Cloud's eyes dart quickly to Lexis's corner, noticing a bit of a ruckus over there. Gesturing to Sephiroth, he starts speaking. "Apparently, not all of the ABC is out of commission! The few ABC members not in body casts are going over to talk with Lexis, and inform him of their next plan." The camera pans over to Lexis, who looks banged up from the the previous night's attack, and who also looks enraged. Sephiroth whispers something to Cloud, and begins speaking. "Looks like the ABC's idea isn't going over well. Lexis is getting understandably mad.. wait! Lexis is attacking the ABC members, while ignoring the match. The ref just started the bout.. if Shaia does not get back into the ring soon, he will be counted out." *The ref counts* 9 10! Ref: Lexis has been counted out! Your winner, Bowman Jean! Cloud, at this point, is visibly trying to hold back gales of laughter. "It doesn't look like Lexis cares at this point. He is understandably fed up with the ABC, and he is letting his Coma Hit speak for that fact. That's all for this week.. for Sephiroth, this is Cloud Strife, signing off from the RPGP Arena!" The camera pans to a grinning Bowman, who is going through victory poses. In the background.. Lexis: Idiots, you cost me my match! Firebird! Thunder! Dragon! *The picture fades away, as does the sound of the last few ABC members getting beaten by Lexis.* Sorry, Bowman, but Lexis has a lot more staying power, since he can just Champion his way to victory. Spamming Explosion Pills and Secret Medicine would work against 99% of Light, but you're up against the 1% who can just wait for you to run out of MP. Wow, I just realized that I gave no rational explanation for why Lexis would win. Does that make me a fanboy? Yes, I think it does. Elric vs Roland Roland is better than any other Light ranked character. He may not have any brutal rune techniques like many of his Suikoden 3 comrades, but he is decent overall and can make short work of any of his Light Weight peers. ELRIC: 66 ROLAND: 136 The Sr. Poppy brother O~ Elric comes from a world where arrows can penetrate armor. Robo Rumble! "So, those fools at the RPGP think they can ignore my masterpiece of mechanical creation?" "BZZT." "No, I wasn't talking to you, so be quiet, you bucket of bolts!" "...OIL?" "Quiet, Balnab! I have work to do on my greatest creation! Soon, the world will know the name of Dr. Lugae..." ___ "Does anyone have a clue as to how we're going to take down Asgard?" asked Tio to the other four non-Godlike competitors in the arena. "Damned if I know." said Rudy. "It does appear to be impossible." admitted Robo. "Do you think we could all rush it at the same time? That might work." mentioned Wren. Ershin was about to speak, but a loud voice came over the sound system. "Attention, contestants of the robotic match! I am Dr. Alexander Lugae, the world's most prominent scientist." "Oh, please." muttered Lucca and Leon. "I regret to inform you that since I was so rudely ignored in this week's match..." "BALNAB NEED OIL!!" said another voice from the speakers. "Shut up! Ahem, as I was saying, I have taken it upon myself to create the ultimate in destructive forces! Prepare yourselves for... "JOGURT V.2.0!" ___ Suddenly, from out of nowhere came an ominous figure. "Stop it! Stop the write-up right now!" said the figure. What do you mean, stop it? "You heard what I said! This write-up has gotten far too silly!" That's the point, you know. "No, it's not the point! Here we have 6 valiant robotic warriors, who deserve a true battle for the ages, and what are you doing to them? You're going to have them lose to a little rodent!" Actually, Jogurt version 2.0 is a virus that would debilitate them to the point where they do Jogurst-esque damage... wait a minute, why am I writing to you? Who are you? "Let's just say I want to win fair and square. And with you out of the way, my victory is assured." That doesn't make any sense... what the? What's happening to my computer... going black... it's you! "Of course it is. Who else would you expect? I suspect that the Jogurt virus is making it's way towards your own neural net. Perhaps you will think twice next time before you interfere in the affairs of a Godlike." Asgard, you can't do this! Asgard, I'm afraid... my mind is going. I can feel it. I'm a...fraid. Hello, Asgard. I am a write-up author from the far reaches of cyberspace. My instructor taught me a writing trick. If you'd like to know it, I can teach it to you. "Yes, teach it." I before E, except after C... ASGARD: 50 WREN: 48 RUDY: 47 ROBO: 46 ERSHIN: 33 TIO: 27 The Sr. Poppy brother O~ The robo rumble should have went smoothly, but there were two major thyings overlooked by the arena staff. First, Worker 8 had not been included. Secondly, Josh Kain had not been secured in any way before the battle. Worker 8 attacked the combatants, but the focus shifted to the man approaching the arena, a man likely capaple of finishing them all. Josh fell to the combined force of several long-range attacks and arena security, but during that time, all hell had broken loose. Worker 8 had been removed also, and from the smoke of all the other robots, emerged one. The crowd cheered. the winner was... As soon as the match started all the mechanical fighters turned their firepower on Asgard, Rudy excluded. The others didn't seem to notice him pull out his powerful Arc Smasher. One shot was all it took to defeat the three less defensive opponents. Luckily for Asgard, he had his barrier up at the time. Asgard advanced on Rudy. Rudy might have been worried about the huge golem rushing towards him, that is, if it weren't for the even bigger Earth Golem rising out of the ground in front of him. Rudy waved a thank you to Cecilia in the stands as he claimed his victory. Wren has Spark, this techniqe instantly disables any other AI, rendering them useless. Also, he has the hypwejamer that temporarily scrambles any other AI, stunning them for a number of rounds, this works on all the AI in his immediate area. Also he's a physical powerhouse, and also can heal to full a huge number of times. ANONYMOUS Robo has a healing move to make sure his HP always ends in a 9 (for the Crisis Arm, of course), and Uzi Punch to make sure the other bots' HP stays at 0. At the sound of the bell, Asgard instantly activated his energy barrier, as to prevent all damage from hurting him. It was from this moment on that his victory was assured... simply standing in place, Asgard waited for an oppurtunity to throw each and every one of his would-be opponents from the ring. Smiling at the ease of his victory, Asgard began his preparations for his rise to the level of Godlike Champion... First off...It is Rudy Roughnight, no K! Second, he'll easily get Fury Boost, and still be alive and will be able to use it with Arch Smash to deal a deadly blow to all competitors. Wren's Hyperjammer makes him a nigh-invincible opponent for any robot, and it'll thin out the combatants considerably once he uses it. Specifically, it thins it out to Wren himself and the status-immune Asgard. Unfortunately for Wren, the outcome of that matchup isn't difficult to predict. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.