Two lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Hyuga Ricdeau vs Sephiroth The weeks, months, indeed YEARS that Sephiroth had put into working on his game were finally about to pay off. He'd been competing in the RPGP since the very first season - but he wouldn't think about that whole losing to Edgar Figaro in the semi-finals thing, not at all. Damned Air Anchor. Damned Red Jacket. Damned Firaga! Firaga... Figaro... that was weird. Sephiroth shook his head to clear it. Well, Air Anchor was all fine and well. But now HE had the ultimate quotable ability. Thanks be to Square, and even those little Disney worms, for giving him Sin Harvest. He entered the Arena, brimming over with confidence. And there stood his opponent, clad in his traditional green robe and clown pants - they'd always looked like clown pants to Sephiroth, anyway. Didn't he even have his katana? "Hello, 'Dr. Uzuki,'" Sephiroth sneered. He immediately teleported into the air - no reason to give the good doctor a chance to mess with his mind - and began his chant. Soon, so very soon, he was surrounded by a black aura. "Sin Harvest!" When it was done, he looked down at the body of Citan Uzuki and chuckled. "No deceased, please," he said happily. "Indeed," said Hyuga. "Very impressive. I can see why Donald Duck and Goofy tremble at the very sound of your name." Sephiroth whirled around. Hyuga Ricdeau, Guardian Angel of Solaris, stood behind him in his Gebler uniform. "A simple hologram projection," Hyuga said. "No more than an application of limited directive Gate technology... Solaris' finest. And all built with common household goods, I might add." "Oh," said Sephiroth. And then, uncharacteristically, he added, "Bummer." Hyuga pushed his glasses up. "Do not worry about it," he said gently. Hyuga Ricdeau: 114 Sephiroth: 103 The crowd cheered at the entrance of the popular Citan Uzuki, Reigning Champion. The Guardian Angel took a moment to acknowledge his loving fans. "Thank you. I can only hope that I live up to your expectations." At the other end came mere silence. The One Winged Angel had arrived, and was intently watching his foe. No emotion crossed his face, no recognition of the chilly reception he was receiving. All there was was the focus on the battle. It began almost too quickly to be recognized. Seventeen consecutive slashes made their way upon Sephiroth before he could move, as Hyuga made a play to knock out the Perfect SOLDIER as soon as possible. In response, Sephiroth merely chuckled. The blows hailed down upon the silver haired warrior, but not once did he even make an attempt to dodge or counter the attacking force. Noticing this, Citan stopped to query his opponent. "Why don't you attack me? Are you so in shock at your championship that you cannot fathom the situation you're in right now?" Silence. "Very well then, Sephiroth. I wished a valiant battle, but a victory will suffice." The katana that he had once swore to lay down forever thrust down. But his troubled mind caused a split second of hesitation, an error in his flawless technique. An opening for Sephiroth to exploit. In a instant, the Perfect SOLDIER vanished from his place before Citan, reappeared behind him, grabbed his neck, and vanished again. Astute eyes from the audience found the two floating high above the arena, with Sephiroth's grip being the only thing keeping Hyuga from plummeting. "Look down, Ridceau. Look upon your screaming fans and know this. They would be screaming just as much if you were to fall to your death as if you were to win here. The population is a fickle mistress. They seek the good, and cheer it only until they find something they think is better. After that, you're left as nothing more than a has-been and a memory. There are some who are lucky and recover their fame, as you once did. Others are not so fortunate. "For one to succeed, it is necessary to remove all distractions during your battle. You fight for yourself, not the ignorant masses who scream for blood. That is a lesson you shall have to re-learn. When you do, I'll be waiting. And then, Uzuki, I will battle." Sephiroth let go, and Citan plunged downward. For a moment, the Guardian Angel tried to calculate how he could best land to minimize damage. But he deemed it a lost cause when he heard Sephiroth's last words of the battle. "Sin Harvest." Truly a match for the ages. Post Kingdom Hearts, I vote for Sephiroth, and here is why. Hyuga, knowing his opponent and how much stronger he has become, wastes no time in attacking. Sephiroth, having newly learned how to teleport, is out of the way in a flash...and behind Hyuga. However, the Doc is nothing if he isn't intelligent. Anticipating this maneuver, he jumped directly upward, avoiding Sephiroth's attack. While the Masamune may have missed, Sephiroth's fire spell did not. Hyuga, off balance, quickly tries to recover before Sephiroth can bring the Masamune to bear. However, Sephiroth is over on the other side of the arena, chanting. Realizing his peril, Hyuga quickly charges, hoping to disrupt Fallen One before it is cast...and is too late. With one HP left to his name, Hyuga heals, hopeing to avert his defeat. Once again, he fails. All hail Sephiroth! It's good to finally see some old-school vets going at it. Roger Bacon, my foot! Go Sephiroth! Even though Roger's Messiah form could quite possibly destroy both of these combatants at once, I will pick Sephiroth for this match. Why? Because he deserves it. While Hyuga is a great competitor, he's been the champ for WAYYYY too long, and should've lost it awhile ago to Lezard Valeth. Sephiroth, in his 30th match, should claim the title, and reign as champion! Citan = Insane HP, insane speed, curing, haste spell for faster than fast speed, funny-sounding sword Sephiroth = Very slightly above average stats, high luck, famous funny-sounding sword If Sephiroth wins, it must be the luck, or fanboyism, unless of course KH has surmounted FF7 as the game in which Sephiroth should be represented. Besides, as a FF7 character, Sephiroth even lacks limits, against the most powerful XG character, where every move Citan makes is a quasi-limit. ANONYMOUS Aw man! Hyuuga and Sephiroth are two of my favorite characters and it's hard to choose between them.... Ummm... Sephiroth would win. Citan is fast, but he is actually not as fast as Fei or Emeralda. He does however have massive attack power and helpful spells that boost his abilities way beyond normal. He can also heal himself. Sephiroth, on the other hand, is ALWAYS fast, now that he can fly and teleport. His sword can kill nearly anyone in 2 or 3 hits and he has a massive HP advantage. His magic is powerful, his magic defense even more so. To top it all off, he can kill with one hit using Sin Harvest. The Solaris agent has the "hero" plot device power, but Sephiroth is technically stronger. It wasn't easy, but I think Sephiroth would win. ANONYMOUS Hyuga may be able to speed by Sephiroth for the most part, but all Seph needs is one good blow... and he has the HP and stats to last until he gets it. Hyuga may be fast and deadly, but there may be nobody in the entire RPGP who can take punishment like the one-winged angel. Sephiroth is strong and skilled, and likely could land enough blows on his faster opponent to win. Then again, maybe not. So what seals this excellent match? I don't care how fast you are, you can't dodge supernova. “At last!” Sephiroth exclaimed. “I will become Reigning Champion! The curse will be broken!” “You’re making the same mistake… the exact same one you made in Season Nine. You worry too much about winning. You will lose, again!” Citan quipped back, drawing his sword. “That one blip in Season Twelve was a fluke. It will not happen again…” “Not this time…” Sephiroth smirked, drawing the Masamune. “Bring it!” Citan smirked, and moved in to cut open the throat of the “Perfect Soldier”. Sephiroth just stood there, waiting for Citan’s mighty blade to cleave his neck. A split second before the blade connected, Sephiroth disappeared. “Boo.” Sephiroth’s voice coolly flowed from behind Citan. He then thrust his sword at Citan’s back. Unfortunately, Citan was no Aeris. The so-called “Guardian Angel” moved out of the way, spun around, placing his sword at Sephiroth’s neck. However, the Masamune was now pressed tightly to Citan’s neck, as well. Sephiroth smirked at the “Good Doctor”. “Go ahead. Do it.” Sephiroth mocked his opponent, pressing the Masamune slightly into Citan’s neck, causing a small drop of blood to trail down the Guardian Angel’s sweaty neck. Citan, feeling the blood fall down his neck, thrust his sword upwards. Sephiroth, once again, avoided the attack when he teleported. Immediately after appearing again next to Citan, he caught Citan’s sword with the Masamune. With a quick, smooth motion, Sephiroth broke both Citan’s sword and the Masamune. “You just ruined yourself,” Citan gloated, tossing the broken blade aside. “I can still fight.” “So can I.” Sephiroth smirked, raising the half of the Masamune that he was holding onto. “It’s time to die, good doctor.” He teleported away to the other side of the arena. “Sin Harvest!” Sephiroth erupted in a black aura. Citan stood there, overconfidently. Sephiroth rushed at him, cleaving at Citan’s face and torso. Dust rose as Sephiroth continued to cut open Citan’s body. The slicing stopped, and the dust began to settle. The crowd watched in amazement as Sephiroth stood over what appeared to be Citan’s corpse. The shock didn’t last too long, however, as Citan’s body began to move. Seconds later, he staggered up, coughing up blood. “It’s… too bad you didn’t fight me as the One Winged Angel… then you could have beaten me…” “Why… why didn’t it kill you?” Sephiroth’s eyes widened in shock as he took a step backwards. “It’s simple… your sword is cut in half, so your damage is, too…” “No, it… it… it can’t be!” Sephiroth shook with rage, tightening his grip on the broken Masamune. He looked down, closed his eyes, and swiped at the air. “No, I will not……” He opened his eyes, hearing a scream of pain directly in front of him. He looked at the unconscious body of Citan, who, apparently, went to attack the Perfect SOLDIER as he swiped at the air. “I… I… I did it!” Sephiroth yelled to the crowd, raising his sword in triumph. Cheers erupted from the crowd, as Sephiroth was declared the Reigning Champion. That Hyuga is enough strong to face Sephiroth, but I think the Perfect Soldier has a chance against him:Sin Harvest.And, Sephiroth can so use JENOVA´s power: to change the feelings and the remembers...Hyuga can´t do that. (Sorry for my english, but I am spanish, jeje`) It doesn't matter powerful Sephiroth has become with his new Kingdom Hearts abilities (I'll play it soon, honest!), the point is moot since Citan has never been at his level anyway. Supernova, Fallen Angel, Pale Horse, Shadow Flare ect. ect. combined with several hundred thousand HP has and always will be more than enough to outclass the good doctor. All the speed in the world can't help you against an HP-to-1 move. No matter how I have the fight go, the end result is the same: Hyuga attacks Sephiroth with a Deathblow, Sephiroth Teleports just as Hyuga starts to hit him, Sephiroth cast Sin Harvest, Hyuga tries to get to Sephiroth in time to counter, Hyuga fails, Sephiroth wins. Any kind of long range attack on Hyuga's part to interupt Sin Harvest would make this a truely epic match. Without one, Hyuga, despite his speed, just can't both survive AND mount an offense. Sephiroth is sleeping in his custom-made bed, he has not realized he has started a bad habit of talking in his sleep. "Ci... Tan... Uz... Uk... I... Si... N... Har... Ve... St..." Luckily, Citan, being the smart one he usually is, equipped Second Chance as an ability that night, unfortunately, he couldn't sleep after that forgot to stock his room with healing items, he did not appear at the match the following day and Sephiroth won by default. ANONYMOUS Sephrioth is a great swordsman. Hyuga is a great swordsman. Sephrioth has awesome powerful magic and summoning. Hyuga can, er, right... I don't know why Hyuga is ranked so highly. He's fast, so what? He's not nearly Sephrioth's equal. ANONYMOUS Ah, the epic contest of sword and sorcery, ultimate mage against ultimate warrior! Actually, this would be better if it were Citan and Lezard - Hyuga, though indeed a fine warrior, is simply lacking in massively powerful spells. His brains and Arcanes are all very nice, yes, but they can only take him so far. One way or another, there is one thing that still holds true. No, it's not *The Look Of Love*. It's that when a fighter faces off with a mage, all things being equal, the mage *always* wins. It's a staple of sword and sorcery everywhere. When was the last time an evil warlock was actually weaker than his barbarian hero foe? The hero only ever pulls through by luck and teamwork. Even when the positions are reversed, the master wizard always ends up completely owning his companions (Tellah, Gandalf, etc). In ultimate duels, mages will always undo fighters. Just a fact of life. With that in mind, Sephiroth will waste no time before using Supernova, knowing full well that Citan's physical attack couldn't possibly down him fast enough. With his status effects and superior damage capacity, he'll have no difficulty turning Citan into a fit *subject* for medical attention before the 'Good Doctor' ever does more than scratch him. One Man Forced Entry ANONYMOUS: While the other four rush into the Garrison's strongholds, Snake ducks off right outside the rondevous spot with Delita. The other four each manage to fufill the objectives working independently, but as each returns, they are somehow shot by a cigarette smoking cardboard box... Solid Snake: 64 Locke Cole: 44 Elc: 29 Zalbag Beoulve: 26 Ashley Riot: 22 Rolf Landale: 19 This is it, the moment I've been waiting for - the one match that logically, not only cannot occur, but cannot be won by any contestant within the RPGP. Let's look at the reasons why, shall we? 1. Only one contestant can neutralize Zalbag. If this contestant is then defeated, there can be no winner, as no one else can fulfill the requirements of the match. 2. The writeup directly contradicts itself. Snake is supposed to have only a weapon and the clothes on his back, but apparently he has his box as well. This means that Snake is breaking the rules, and is disqualified. 3. Rolf will not attempt this for obvious reasons - he hates Delita with a passion after the Hunt Bonus Match, and with no knowledge of Riot's presence, he has no reason to attempt the match. Since the requirements of Zalbag's victory is the capture of all the agents, and Rolf cannot be caught, Zalbag and Rolf both cannot win. 4. Both Ashley and Elc could win, but the odds are so against them (remember, both fought this season, and Riot as recently as last week), so neither of them are going to be at the top of their game. The end result: No one wins, and the resulting paradox destroys humanity. Have a nice day. I gotta say Solid Snake takes this one. Let's measure him up to his combatants... Badassitude: Snake > Ashley While Ashely is a one man army, so is Snake... and Snake had a better arsenal. Invincibility: Snake > Elc Snake's been through more near death experiences than even Yang or Hammer, and he's still kicking. Besides, Elc has to turn his on. Camoflague: Snake > Locke For some odd reason, the best soldiers in the world don't bother to check cardboard boxes... However, they are smart enough to attack you even if your wearing a disguise (As long as your face is exposed...) Raw Attack Power: Snake > Megid Megid might be a powerful spell, but it's useless when he runs out of MP. Snake, on the other hand, Is capable of carrying enough weapons, Ammo, and equipment to exceed his body weight ten times over. So in other words, this event is REALLY between Snake and Zalbag... and I'd be willing to beat that Snake can take him too. Maybe now we can get Snake into the arena? ANONYMOUS Dude, Locke can kill anything in one hit (79992 damage per Fight command ingame), with enough speed to do it before they can even react, assuming you bother to level him up and give him decent relics. He's also a highly skilled thie... er, treasure hunter, not that he'd need sneaking skills or anything, since he can simply steamroll his way through anything he meets. As much as I hate Snake and disagree with him being in the RPGP, this is his bread and butter... you can't argue with that. Nothing beats the cardboard box. Snake snuck into the compound undiscovered, crawling through a ventilation shaft. Elc fought his way through, but succeeded in defeating the minor enemies that stood in his path. Ashley managed to find a cave, but was killed during a unpredictable earthquake. Rolf also managed to fight his way in. Lastly Locke found a way in, but was greatly delayed because of a half an hour of cloth stealing to sneak in. Snake snuck through the halls, breaking necks when necesarry, eventally he entered a jail. A small onion creature stood locked in a cell. Peco-I can help you, just get me out of here. Snake shot the lock of the cell. Peco-The central computer is to the north of this building. Go there and....unghhhhhhh Snake-Whats wrong.....HE HAD A HEART ATTACK! Locke and Rolf faced off, each shocked to find the truth that they were all sent here with the same mission. Locke-Make one wrong move, and your clothes are mine. Rolf-Megid Arc walked away from the central computer, a pile of enemies left behind, and the computer destroyed. Snake watched him from the distance, sniper rifle ready, but decided to follow him. As arc enter a narrow hallway, he heard a noise from behind. Arc- Huh, what was that. He saw Snake and chased him down a few corridors, but once he didn't see him for about 15 seconds, he forgot it happened altogether. Snake opened the chest and found the plans. All that was left was to destroy the gear. And to kill Raiden. The three doors opened in unison, Snake, Elk, and Rolf all walking into the heart of the base where Delita stood with his Metal Gear. Delita-You fools, this gear has enough missiles to kill you all with one attack, and Snake, your ability to blink and not take damage for a few seconds after you are hit is void in this room. Rolf used Megid and Ark walked forward a step, but the gear was unaffected. Delita-Now you all die.... Snake hid under the box. Rolf-Where'd he go? Elc-Where is he. A second later they were blown into oblivion. Snake then finished off the gear with missiles. Snake if the victor, seeing as he is most familiar with this kind of thing. As for the new action at Bethla: Maybe some could pull it off individually, but they'll blow the others' cover. Then Zalbag just has to seal up the gates, and speed ruin them all to oblivion. Solid Snakes walks in with his gear on totally blowing the living crap out of everything. Finally he comes to Delita and is beaten by another Metal Gear. Delita then destroys Rolf, Ashley, and Elc. Locke boldy steps up and goes for the steal. Naturally he steals his clothes which happens to be his Metal Gear... Locke wins. Well Snake had the best infiltration skillz of all of them since he's been in more games, and has a wider array of weapons. also, his weapoon fof chioce? the on just about everyting that isn't metal. ANONYMOUS The bonus match begins with Elc, Locke, and Ashley all finding cozy spots to scale the outer walls of the garrison and slip over. Rolf slips in with the laundry, and Snake enters through the underground water supply. As Elc, Locke, and Ashley all make similar entrances they run into each other nearly immediately. Ashley, completely outclassed by Locke's versatility and power and unable to overcome Elc's invincibilty, falls first. Elc and Locke hammer each other enough that the guards notice the ruckus, allowing Rolf to slip into the main building undetected. Snake has at this point disabled the computer and stolen the nuclear dragon plans, leaving a wake of broken necks and tranquilized guards. Both Elc and Lock disengage to evade the guards, opening the drawbridge easily after they realize the computer has been deactivated and the main keep is open. Rolf has cornered Zalbag, and is soundly beaten before the Locke arrives. As the fight rages, Elc takes advantage of the situation to get clear hits on both, taking Locke out of the fight and leaving him and Zalbag to fight Mano-El-Mano. Snake has set the bomb, figuring that when it goes it'll take out Zalbag too (thus completing a mission objective with minimal effort), or he'll kill him when he exits the garrison. He then leaves through the front gate, smoking his cigarettes. When the building blows, Elc is the only person left standing, courtesy of his invincibility. As he marvels at the destruction, Delita pulls up with his brand new Metal Gear. Since Snake is not in the middle of the wreckage, he goes after the Fox Hound commando. Ten minutes later Elc is greeted by the destroyed husk of a Metal Gear once he pulls himself from the rubble. He has enough time to mouth a question before the man behind him, who he never saw, breaks his neck. "Weapon?" Snake chuckles. "I brought my stealth camo instead." Note: Snake is far too badass and well-trained for ANY of the others to even TOUCH him. Solid Snake is too skilled to fail in this mission... and even if he is an extra survivor and not the one who completes the mission he will show that no Metal Gear is a match for him and teach Delita a valuable lesson along the way. ANONYMOUS Not even Snake is going to get by Zalbag. Zalbag catches all of them. We all know that the box can't be beaten. So we use the simple equation: Blood Suck + Snake = Happy Zalbag + Mindless Vampire Snake Zalbag moves to the corner of the map and waits there. Snake uses the hidden powers of the cardboard box to obliterate everyone in sight. Then, being mindless, Snake falls, lands on that c4 that he carries around in his back pocket, and, well, dies. One Man Forced Entry: Locke after sneaking into the fortress will defeat Zalbag by stealing his sword, leaving him helpless. Then after steal his clothes, Locke calmly walks out of the place, after destroying Bethla's central computer, as well as steal the Grauswein the Nuclear Dragon. Delita, when he see Zalbag walking out of Bethla Garrison, will ignore locke, thinking Zalbag won, there by letting him get away unscathed. Locke triumphs! ANONYMOUS If any of the Infultrators try to get past Zalbag... They wouldn't have a chance. Zalbag know every Spell, Skill, and Army command. All Zalbag has to do is wait for the Infultrators to get in the same area and blast a mighty flare to wipe them all out... Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.