Seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Fei Fong Wong vs Melfice Melfice started the match with a quick retreat, a move that stunned Fei. This was just so there was more room for a goring charge. Unfortunately, that also meant that there was more room to dodge said charge. By the time Melfice had stopped, he had gone through the arena, the surrounding parking lot, and a ten foot titanium wall. Fei shook his head in disbelief, and calmly walked out with a ring-out victory. Fei: 163 Melfice: 98 Fei: hey look its your brother! Melfice: Hu? where? *Fei punches the back of Melfice's head and makes it explode in an artistic fasion* Fei versus Melfice? Oh man, did you guys need the mountains surrounding the battlefield? Because there going to be history in a minute. Maybe less. Fei will win, but it might not be a legal victory, seeing that ol' Mel is about psychotic, he might end up taking out part of the stadium, worse yet, he might hurt Elly... Fei: Melfice: HAHAHAHAHA! Fei: rrrrrRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Melfice: HAHAHAHA-huh? Id: Buddy, you just pushed the wrong button... Melfice: (Charges up with the Horns of Valmar) Bring it on, pasty face! You're going down! Id: Heh.... The following battle is completely beyond any writer's humble ability to describe, let alone imagine to anyone else's satisfaction. At some point though, either Fei will be disqualified under the clause of not fighting his own match, Melfice will tick him off enough, and Id will decide that he does not need this stinking planet, and that it is all going up in smoke. Winner: Fei? Melfice is fast. Melfice is insanely fast. Melfice can cross the battlefield nearly as fast as a teleporting character. Fei, for all his advantages, is not equipped to deal with a swordman that fast. By the time he takes his attack position after his intro stance, Melfice will have already buried his blade in Fei's chest. Grandmasta Melfice has a sword. Fei has fists. I beleive that swords can cause MUCH more pain than fists. As much as I like Fei, Melfice has a sword. This concept has been tried already. Fei Fong Wong is a physical embodiment of the Contact. Melfice is not. Any questions? fei only needs one thing to beat melfice: Yamekei!!!1 Fei vs. Melfice: Fei: I don't want to fight! Melfice: DIE!! *Attacks Fei* Fei: *Goes into a Id-like rage. Fei grabs Melfice's horn and beats him with it.* Melfice: *Fries himself on accident* Fei wins. In straight on combat, Melfice might take Fei out. It's a close fight, but despite my affinity for Fei, taking on a man with a sword with your fists = death. Fei charges in to do his deadly Koho attack only to be hit with a Rock Nail Slash. The weakened Fei casts his cure spell(I forget the name) only to be refreshed to be hit with Magica Dimensional Sword. I'm sorry Fei but I had to vote for the character that was just as crazy as me. Sadly for Melfice, Fei's arrary of DeathBlows and Chi based attacks are enough to get past his psychotic defense...and rip that damn horn off his head. Alucard Tepes vs Vlad Tepes Dracula Dracula is disqualified for bringing his castle to the battle. He tries to explain to the judges that it was necessary for Alucard to spend ten hours or more running around in his massive fortress to power up to Dracs level for a proper duel, but his complaints fall on deaf ears. Alucard: 182 Dracula: 79 If there's one thing about epic father-son battles, it's that the son always wins. As powerful as Dracula is, it's proven that he can't stand up to the rediculously unbalancing abilities Alucard can use. Alucard's got the cheese, and the red wine to boot. Grandmasta Alucard has beaten Dracula TWICE. The last time he did, it was a cakewalk. Be it by Crissaegrim, Alucard Shield+Shield Rod, duplicator+Power of Sire, Alucard easily takes this one. Considering Alucard had no problem killing Dracula before, he'll do it again. This is one of the toughest battles I've ever had to vote for, but in the end I've forced myself back the Prnce of Vampires. Why? First, Alucard has too many overpowered toys to play with. Second, RPGP can only use two of Dracula's forms, one of which is totally pathetic. If Dracula uses his Symphony of the Night form it'll be the same thing all over again - Alucard hacking away with the Crissaegrim while Dracula swipes slowly for 4hp damage a pop. Dracula's only chance is to use his new Circle of the Moon transformation. Alucard Vs. CotM Dracula would be an awesome match that I'd give almost anything to see, but I think the overpowered soul steal will still scrape Alucard through it. Alucard will whip (no pun intended) Dracula's butt. Alucard is too versatile. So what if Dracula can change forms, they all are still vulnerable to physical attacks. Alucard can use Crissaegrim or the Alucard Sword to beat his father. While Alucard definitely seems to have a bit more in terms of pure physical fighting prowess, Dracula can match this with his greater versatility. In the end, it comes to who has more cunning and experience, and I'm willing to bet that the age-old master of illusion, Drac, will take out Alucard in the end. Alucard uses the Shield Rod and Alucard Shield; the sheer overkill knocks out Drac. Alucard defeats Dracula easily with his special cloak, sword, shield, etc. BUT, if you don't just take my word for it, look at it this way! (Alucard) *Whips out Shield Rod and his final shield. Quickly drains all HP from Vlad.* (Dracula) NOOOOOO!!! Goodbye, my son~!~! Alucard vs. Dracula- Hey, haven't I seen this one before? Yeah, Crissaegrim. Game over for Drac, come back in 100 years. A Father against son match how interesting. Well Alucard would win because Alucard has beaten his father before so why shouldn't he beat him twice? Alucard may be cool, and might have some skills, but Dracula is lord and master of vampires. This guy has CENTURIES of experience and why does he keep losing? Shadow vs Hiro When the match began, Hiro found himself alone. "Hmmm... guess he won't show up." The crowd quickly hushed, however, as a shadow began to grow. "What the..." Hiro's exclamation was cut off by the Striker, making it's mark on his throat. Zophar smiled. "Best nickel I ever spent." Shadow: 175 Hiro: 100 Triple-Sword against shurikens...I'm betting on Hiro. I mean, Shadow can kill Kefka by himself, but look at the competition. Hiro goes up against Star Dragon, Zophar, Leo, etc., and STILL wins. Every time Hiro hits Shadow, Inceptor takes the damage and counters. Hiro can't touch Shadow. Yeah, people are going to vote for shadow for the reason hes the standard "kill of your Emotions RPG charater throw pointy stars black ninja dude" that everyone seems to like. But Hiro has three advantages: Inate magical ablities that shadow doesn't have, the triple slash technique, and a personality to boot! Shadow may have interceptor, but Hiro has Ruby (ok bad reason) Shadow goes invisible and slashes Hiro's stomach. As he spins, staggering in pain, he gets punctured by a stab into the side of his ribcage. Bleeding profusely, Hiro falls to his knees, head lolling back in pain... Shadow ends this display and stuffs his Striker down on Hiro's exposed throat. Removing the weapon, Shadow fades back into view, and walks off, unmoved by the carnage. Hiro looked across the arena, pondering on how he could go about the match, before he could think, a shuriken was flying directly towards him, and hit him square on the chest. "My turn" Hiro shouted out in pain. The power of the Red dragon proved far more effective. Grandmasta Shadow throws an Atma Weapon. Hiro dies. Shadow is victorious. Funny, as soon as I typed that, Shadow's theme randomly played on my playlist. Omen? I think so! Shadow is da' man,Just throw 1 shruiken and *polp*, he wins. Shadow may only have his throw technique and Interceptor, but that is all he needs. His fighting ability is far superior to that of Hiro. All Hiro has to back him up is Triple Slash and some weak dragon spells. Hiro walks in the arena to find no opponent. "Hmpf, what a wimp." Hiro says as he walks out of the arena. Shadow just chills in the corner and laughs. Oh, but wait, Shaodw does not wanna win this one be ring out. Right before Hiro gets out of the ring Shadow lets a few shurikens go. As much as I like Hiro, Shadow is too fast with his ninja darts. One tack star will end it. Yikes. This is the match of the week, no doubt about it. I'll say Hiro for this one. Neither can heal, but Hiro's speed means he should be able to get in Triple Sword before taking too much damage from Shadow's shurikens. Oh, and about the Interceptor thing - if Shadow can call Interceptor then Hiro should be able to call Ruby. Interceptor is cool and all, but I really wouldn't want to go in the arena with someone whose best friend is really a 500-foot divine dragon. In the event of the above happening Ruby will have to borrow Hiro's sword after the match to pick what's left of Interceptor out of her teeth. Shadow for Godlike! He will beat Hiro without a problem. Besides, Shadow has a range advantage and a VERY pissed off dog to help him out. Theres no way Hiro would last 10 sec. agenst Shadow! Hiro's a good fighter. He has a well-rounded mix of abilities, some great physical attacking, and even a bit of healing prowess. As a matter of fact, he's a GREAT fighter. Too bad all of his talent will be wasted, though, as he gets a Healing Rod, Imp Halberd, Illumina, or any combination of the three thrown straight through his throat. Sorry, Hiro, but Shadow's Throw has your number. Hmph. Shadow will destroy Hiro. He's simply too fast, and besides, he's a ninja. You don't cap with the master son. Hiro would probably win this match, if it weren't for one thing: Inviz Edge. Complete immunity from physical attacks tends to turn battles around... Every time Hiro hits Shadow, Inceptor takes the damage and counters. Hiro can't touch Shadow. Lemon vs Neclord Lemon's...theoretically immortal, and Neclord...isn't. But, anyone who might be buried under the arena can be turned into a zombie and then sicced on Lemon. Too bad for him, beause while he's dealing with those brutes, Neclord can ready his instant-death beam cannon. Goodbye. Lemon: 112 Neclord: 120 Lemon should have this in the bag, because he "borrowed" a friendly sword from Viktor. And being an already mastered swordsman, this should be painful... Grandmasta Lemon is immortal AND uber-powerful. Shining Force people rule. Big weapon + Neclord's head = SPLAT! Lennon: *kills Neclord* I win! Neclord: *walks from behind him* That was just one of my many clones! Lennon: *kills Neclord again* Neclord: *walks from behind him* That was just another of my clones! I can't be killed without the Star Dragon Sword! Lennon: ...I quit lemon is the best there cause shining force RULES Laguna Loire vs Carmilla Camilla, since she comes from a 2D world, has attacks as wide a paper plate. Laguna's not THAT stupid. Laguna: 162 Carmilla: 96 Unless Laguna's Machine gun is +5 against vampires Carmilla will leave him a black chared mess on one of the arena walls. Carmilla has the ultra cheap death beam, while Laguna has a machine gun. Thats like taking a spit wad straw to a Metal Gear and expecting to win. Laguna will be roasted, toasted, burnt to a crisp, hacked into smaller pieces, and be used as an item for sale by the peeps walking around the stadium. "Piece o' Laguna here! Fifty Gil a pop!" Grandmasta Laguna was the ONLY character from FF8 I liked. He has a gun for Bob's sake! Guns tend to DESTROY all other forms of weaponry. Laguna wins. A machine gun would work on a vampire in a frilly pink dress. A machine gun would not work on a giant flying skull ridden by a winged pink vampire monster. Laguna should get his ass back to the mayors office pronto. Laguna will pump Camilla full of mad hot lead. Laguana Loire was the only decent character in 8 besides Seifer, but it will take alot more than a machine gun to take out Carmilla. Sorry Laguana, but you are going down. Jessica De'Alkirk vs Cara Jessica has an excellent attack, fair defence, the ability to heal, and is quick. Cara has to keep changing classes to keep up with Jessica. Plus, who would help Cara if she needed it? Galuf? Jessica has Kyle to help her. I'd like to see Cara or Galuf stop a drunk Kyle. Jessica: 129 Cara: 127 I like Galuf, and was pissed when he died and Cara took over. Jessica's mace will pound Cara into the ground and leave a Cara shaped dent on the arena floor. Granted, she may lack experience. But the utility of the Dances that will allow her to drain Jessica's HP and MP when she isn't doing massive damage with her sword dance easily gives this one to the young Queen of Bal. Grandmasta Final Fantasy V characters are quite strong. Cara could become a Knight with 2-hand, and bash the stuffing out of Jessica. Or she could become a Ninja, and hurl shurikens. Both will yield a victory. As far as I can remember, Cara/Krile was fairly weak, and an incompetent replacement for Galuf. Jessica, on the other hand... Bare + 2 Swords + Pumped up Brave Blade + Raganarok = Dead healer. Jess is jus' too perky. I wouldn't mess with her. Sheena Lepant vs Momo Sheena, his testosterone-producing machines commanding him to pick up anything with feminine qualities and some without, immediately starts to try to flirt with Momo. Unfortunately, Momo's flattered and accepts it, causing Sheena to have a heart attack because his charms actually WORKED. Momo therefore wins by default. Sheena: 108 Momo: 133 Gather 'round, children, for I shall tell you who REALLY killed Luca Blight (in my game) Luca Blight proved to be as fierce as his reputation said, wiping out our first two parties like a light saber gutting a Wampa Ice Creature. And even the might of our hero could not delay him. Only Sheena (TRUE STORY) was left standing. As Luca came at him one last time, to finish the job, Sheena DODGED HIM LIKE THE BADASS HE IS AND SCORED A CRITICAL HIT!!!! IT WAS OVER!!! LUCA BLIGHT WAS DONE!!!! DONE AYE SIR!!!! Now, if Sheena can dodge Luca Blight, who hits OFTEN AND HARD, then Momo will be nomomo. Sheena will kill Momo, simply because Momo will miss him again...and again...and again... Momo can heal. Sheena can't. Momo has a good attack. Sheena doesn't. Momo is useful. Sheena sucks. Kinda obvious, no? When I first saw sheena I thought he was a woman! And even after playing a bit I still thought he was a woman 'cause he's so poncy and he wears star earrings! I only realised he was a man after playing both suikodens! Anyway momo can't lose against the worlds biggest ponce so there! *sheena advances on momo, not armed with any blade.. but a rose.. and many a useless pickup line, Momo.. equiped with an artemis cap, couldnt miss at that range.. * *Sheena trys to hit on momo* *Momo slaps* *Momo kills* Momo raises bazooka. Momo fires bazooka. Momo goes out for pizza. Futch vs Nash Someone had better tell Futch that spears make excellent lightning rods. "Check this out!" Futch: 123 Nash: 124 People always say Nash sucks. Why? Take a look at this: He is ungodly fast. He acts before anyone else can. His ultimate weapon, the Starlight Bow, has a good chance of instantly killing an enemy. And his magic is extremely effective. Even with a lower wisdom than Mia ( 136 - 196 ), his Thunderbolt spell does 215 damage to Ghaleon, while Flame Bomb hits for only 180 ( Both level 50, best equipment, no accessories ). His status spells are useful, giving him the ability to paralyze, silence, confuse, and basically utterly destroy his enemies. I would never go with a party that didn't have Nash in it. Plus he has cool hair! And a good attitude. Futch has a spear. Wow, how amusing... Futch and Nash are both big jerks, but Nash is a bigger jerk. GO NASH! Strong magician against wimpy lancer. Take a guess. Futch versus Nash? Hah! Nash is the guy who fights in a cheese-wedge. Nash is the guy you first find trapped under a rock. How'd he get here? Put him back under the rock. Futch has a dragon, Nash has... a messed up haircut. I'm getting real puzzled at the descriptions of some characters...Nash cannot use all four elements!However,his powerful thunder magic and status-ailment spells can get just about anyone. Nash stepped into the arena confident as ever that his superior magic abilities would defeat normal weapons. However, Futch wasn’t going to lose so easily. Although he wasn’t able to use his dragon for combat, he did have a trick up his sleeve. As soon as the match began, Futch looked up and saw what he was waiting for. Several of his comrade Dragon Knights flying overhead above the arena. The quick rush of dragons in flight sent gust of wind into the arena. “AHHHH! MY HAIR!” Seeing his perfectly combed hair blown into a mess, Nash pulled out his mirror and comb and tried to fix it. This inattention gave Futch a clear opening to launch a critical attack and end the match with just one shot. Nash will comb his fair. Futch will impale him on a spike and parade his sorry carcass around town. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.