Fourteen lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Cidolfas Orlandu vs Cloud Strife Cloud strode into the arena, strutting his spiky-haired stuff, casting a quick wink to Tifa. Unfortunately, Aeris was sitting directly next to her, and constreued the gesture to be aimed towards her. As thier arguing grew steadily louder, Thundergod Cid stepped in, a tiny smirk upon his face. The battle began shortly thereafter, Orlandu's attack being met with much resistence from the wielder of the Ultima Weapon. However, it was not quite enough, and Cidolfas pummeled the poor ex-SOLDIER within an inch of his life. As the battered Cloud stood hunched over his dimming sword, his mako eyes flared in anger, and he called forth the fearsome Omnislash... Just in time for the unfortunate Aeris Gainsborough to be tossed into the arena by a very irate Tifa Lockheart, receiving the brunt of the blow. Horrified at what he had done, Cloud dropped his weapon, frozen in place. "Quite a pity," TG Cid lamented, raising his sword for the final blow. Quite a pity, indeed. Orlandu: 200 Cloud: 167 If it weren't for T.G. Cid's autohaste, Cloud would get the first attack and crush the old man in one hit. Unfortunately I think Orlandu's first attack will be a Stasis Sword, which could prevent Cloud from doing any hitting... Cloud will win if he really swings like a madman, I mean, he already is one! If I remember correctly, and I think I do, Cidolfas can simply put an auto-life on himself and get up from Omnislash. Cloud, on the other hand, has no healing ability... What kind of sick joke is this? T.G. Cid vs. Cloud?!?!? Cid breaks Ultima Weapon and then smashes through the wanna be to the next round. Hmmmm... Orlandu and Cloud... Since Cloud is in FFT also, let's look at it this way. He charges for Omnislash, one Hellcry punch later, he's dead and bladeless just for an insult! True, TG Cid wouldn't withstand one of Cloud's powerful Limit Breaks. But as FFT showed us, without his sword, Cloud can't pull off limits leaving only his mediocre attack. All through the elimination rounds, people came up to Cloud, telling him that Cid was going to mop the floor with him. Needless to say, his Limit began to rise. At the start of the fight, Cloud was able to launch a devistating Omnislash, while Cidolfas seemed to stand there. So confident was he of his victory, that Cloud didn't notice until the 7th stroke that his sword was no longer in one piece. After another Cidolfas attack, neither was Cloud. "Night sword!!!" *WYYOUM* Orlandu:Whoohoo! my hp is full! Cloud:Oh yeah?*Does omnislash* *Buch of slashes* Orlandu:Yo cloud,you know omnislash ussually does about 400 dmg in FFT right?And so does my night sword,and it heals me. Cloud:Oh crap. Cloud charges TG Cid. Cid uses Hellcry Punch only to have his mouth drop to the floor when he realizes it didn't break Cloud's sword. Anger starts to build up in Cid as Cloud continues to approach hellbent on reaching him. TG Cid sends a Holy Explosion right down Cloud's path, which sent him stumbling backwards. Cid walked right up to Cloud thinking he was dead, but amazingly Cloud got up and landed a Finishing Touch which sent TG Cid flying out of the Arena. In the world of FFT, even Orlandu's Holy Explosion can do a maximum of 999. Of course, in the world of FFT, Cloud starts out at level one, and the only sword capable of allowing CLoud to use his deadly limit breaks is sealed in a molten volcano! Regardless, Cloud, used to being the underdog ever since taking on Sephy in the Nibelheim reactor, seemed to have the upper hand early on. Orlandu, however, in a display of dazzling ingenuity, suddenly burst into some of the worst curse words in all the worlds. Cloud, confused by the name and dialogue of T.G. Cid, was driven to one of his worlds' famous headaches, where Orlandu easily trounced him with a variety of swordskills, Impressing the crowd with his eye-cacthing graphis and well-worded, although poorly translated phrases. Unless Cloud's sword DOES NOT get broken, and he can pull off omnislash, Orlandu takes this one. While Orlandu's Pulling off his holy explosions and lightning stabs, he finds that cloud's broad(very broad) sword is good for a spankin' Lightning strikes the highest thing it can find. In this case, Cloud's hair. If you took the weapon away from Cloud, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between him and one of those fluffy things in the sky. Orlandu can break Cloud's sword very easily. The battle's completely over very easily. Orlandu's simply got the upper hand in absolutely every department for this fight. Defeating the old but expienced warrior, Cid would be a daunting task for any other fighter, but Cloud can do it. I mean he's been in his own game and in Tactics. Omnislash......nuff said. Cloud: "Say good-bye! OMNISLASH!!" **Cloud rushes up with sword ready to slice Orlnadu into fifty pieces with the ultima weapon** Orlandu:**yawns**"Demolish Weapons with fury! Hellcry Punch!" Orlandu swings excalibur down, having been waiting for cloud to do the omnislash, and right before cloud reaches Orlandu, his sword is broken into many pieces.Cloud punches Orlandu 100 times...for 1 damage each. Orlandu then proceeds to have fun with cloud by destroying his Zeidrich(or whatever he is using), his acessory, and then his skull. The Winner by annihlation: ORLANDU! The current Godlike champ Cidolfas Orlandu may have met his match this week with Cloud's Omnislash, but most likely not. I'm afraid Cid, in his current state of haste, can just move out of Omnislash's way. Cloud will be unable to stop himself, and in the meantime, will be hit by numerous Night Swords, Hellcry Punches, and Holy Explosions. Cloud may be a fan favorite, but that's no defense against a Holy Explosion. Okay, let's review: Orlandu can break armor, break weapons, has access to every single Sword ability in Final Fantasy Tactics, and has a hugely cheap sword which is not only powerful but is equipped with Auto-Haste. Now tell me one more time, how is this match fair? Cloud and Cid are freakin' monsters at dishing out extreme damage. Needless to say, when Cid, already in haste, hits Cloud, he's going to feel the pain. Already achieving a Limit Break, Cloud unloads Omnislash, but Cid blocks every single hit, even the final overhead slash. Each block causes shockwaves to rip apart the ground around them. Cid even counters it, stabbing Excalibur right through the SOLDIER's chest. The audience falls silent, and Cloud looks shocked... sliding off of the blade, groaning in pain. But something happens. Cloud's mako glow filled eyes shine brightly, as he glares, grabbing a hold onto the Excalibur, pulling it out of himself, and flining an astounded TG Cid out of the ring, into a wall. Freya vs Fou-Lu Freya and Fou Lu exchange blast after blast of divine energy, litterally tearing up the arena around them. Both are badly hurt, and even as gods both as starting to feel the effort. Attempting to catch the physically weaker Freya in a fight she can't win, Fou surges forward, energy blade swinging...before Freya teleports away. With a smirk on her face, the goddess prepares to unleash one last blast of energy to finish off the tired Dragon God...then can't help but scream as Fou Lu laughs, and turns into the Tyrant Dragon. They never find all of Freya's pecies. Freya: 115 Fou-Lu: 176 Normally, any VP character is going to be naturally unfairly powerful, but Fou-Lu is no slouch. Like I said between Fei and Melfice, most of the surrounding area vanishes in a massive explosion. Fou-Lu is in his dragon form, and Freya is pounding the stuffing out of him with her charged blasts, Eventually, he is forced out of Dragon form, and continues to fight Freya with his sword. Niether fighter is diverse, and both can hit extremely hard, its just that Freya can hit harder. The contest goes to Freya. Fou-Lu does win in another way. He manages to get her seven digits before she leaves. It won't matter how strong Fou-Lu is, he won't be able to take an ether strike. Freya may be the Goddess of Life but Fou-Lou is the God of Dragons. If Freya's spells didn't take so long to charge I would vote for her, but they do. So Fou-Louould esily beat her in his human form since he is so much quicker than Freya. Not even Fou-Lu can survive Ether Strike. NOTHING outside of Iseria Queen/Gabrielle Celeste can. Freya. . .the Goddess of beauty, love, and fertility. She can make Fou Lu fall in love with her and take all the time she needs to finish him off. Freya is a goddess..and quite a power one at that. Second to only Odin...Even Fou-Lu isn't beating that. I'm willing to bet Fou-Lou will find a way to go to the past-godlike Infini dragon. Then, with Soul Rend (Reduces all oponents to 1 HP, NEVER misses) and Dark Wave. "You are the weakest link. Goodbye." Fou-Lou sneers as he transforms to human again. Come on, Freya took down Valkyrie and her teammates without breaking a sweat, while Fou-Lu was killed by Ryu and company. One or two Ether Strikes, and it's all over. Freya vs. Fou Lu is perhaps the best match this week. While Freya has the edge in raw power, Fou Lu almost matches this power and backs it up with the ability to attack really quickly. The god beats the goddess this time. I pity anyone who goes up against Fou-Lu. He's repeatedly proven his ability to take down immortals such as Peter; Freya's no different. Fou-Lu is a god. Freya is a goddess. Freya is slow with powerful attacks. Fou-Lu is fast with powerful attacks and multiple dragon forms each with their own HP. Hmmmmmmmmmm... ANONYMOUS Freya vs. Fou-Lu...? Um, why? Fou-Lu's gonna get smacked around awfully badly, unless he can deal 90,000+ damage in one shot. Freya doesn't even need her Ether Strike PWS - a Thunder Sword laser can easily deal 40,000+ points of damage. And if she DOES pull Ether Strike off, I doubt Fou-Lu can whitstand 500,000+ damage, God or no God. Kahran Ramsus vs Ryu Didn't we see this match before? You know, where Ramsus almost stands a chance against Ryu, and then Ryu transforms and mauls him in three seconds? ...Oh wait, maybe I'm thinking of Ryu versus *just about ANYBODY.* Ramsus: 126 Ryu: 208 Ramsus and Ryu's match is about the only real battle in Godlike, as Ramsus MIGHT be able to dodge Ryu's breath weapons in his Counter Stance. But I'm betting against him, cause he can't stay in the stance forever. Ramsus has above average stats for a HUMAN. Ryu is by no means human. Not to mention that Mirror Stance only works if he survives the first Kaiser Breath. Ramsus may be the perfect human. Unfortunatly for him, Ryu isn't human. Ryu cannot lose.. none of Ramsuses skills or powers can match up to him in his non natural human form.. if Ryu takes on his true dragon form, then Ramsus may just make the perfect _tasting_ human... Ramsus wins this battle easily he is far superor to Ryu in human form. Even if Ryu gets a chance to turn to Dragon form all Ramsus has to use Mirror Stance(GOD THAT IS SUCH AN AWESOME MOVE)!!!!!! Ramus? Who is that? Oh yeah, him from Xenogears :) Look, this "perfect human" thing is a joke. I never saw Ramus do anything other than get manipulated by Krelian and have his ass kicked by Fei. He has yet to justify his position in the Godlike. And now he's up against a giant dragon warrior with big stats who has taken on things much more powerful than Gears. I have two words on my mind, and they are "mis" and "match". Ryu, having more sportsmanship than Fou-Lou, goes Kaiser instead of Infini. Ramsus uses Counter stance. Kaiser grins and eats Ramsus's sword. Ramsus faints. "The Not-So-Perfect-Human after all, it seems," Ryu muses as he walks away, winning by default. Ryu turns into a dragon, and Ramsus uses Mirror Stance to stall Ryu and to make him lose all of his AP. But even out of dragon form, I think Ryu shouldn't have much of a problem taking him out. Ryu hits Ramsus. Ramsus Counters. It hurts. Ryu goes Myrmidon form. He hits Ramsus. Ramsus can't counter when he is busy trying to extricate himself from a bus in the parking lot of the stadium, after flying through solid concrete barriers. Fei Fong Wong vs Alucard Tepes Ow.... another tough one. This overpowered duet will be pretty interesting to watch. Fei is more physical but Alucard has the edge in magic power. In the end I think Alucard will pull through because he has more versitility and more healing power. Fei: 160 Alucard: 164 This one is almost too close to call, but I have to go with Alucard this time. Fei may be able to attack faster and potentially do more damage, but trying to punch someone whose shield does cheap one-hit kills just isn't conducive to winning a match. Alucard and Fei? Two really, really cheap characters. Alucard deserves Godlike (barely) because of his mist form, which renders him invulnerable to Fei's physical attacks. Sorry Fei, I don't think you should have beaten Melfice, you definetly shouldn't beat Alucard. Fei is a big wuss. Alucard killed his own father. Fei uses fists, Alucard swords. Alucard appears to win on all fronts. Fei has fists. Alucard has legendary swords. Fei can't heal effectively. Alucard has two ways of healing, and both hurt Fei. He wins. You see, it's fights like this that make me think people like Alucard and Link shouldn't be in the RPGP. Fei is a very powerful character, but for just about any move he tries to pull off, Alucard has a way to stop. Alucard wins it by a mile. Fei is Non-elemental, correct? And Alucard is Darkness-based, right. And while there is no magic that Non-elemental is weak aginst, dark is partial to light based attacks. And Fei has a deathblow just like that. I don't care what kind of crap Alucard equips himself with. He can't use any of his trinkets's abilities while Fei is owning him like Bruce Lee to the Claw guy in Enter The Dragon. Fei does not need a sword. He can take down GEARS with his hands. A sword, or a shield rod would break on him. If Alucard does soul steal, then Fei will heal. Building up his AP, he will unleash a combo that will leave the pretty boy pansy pasty face head first into a concession stand. Fei for once doesn't need to rely on his alter ego. Who woulda thought? Golbez vs Link While Golbez is humored by the mere clinks caused by Link's arrows and boomerangs he suddenly does'nt find it funny when a bomb finds its way through the hole in his helmet. Golbez: 137 Link: 210 Link was puzzled. The Master Sword couldn't penetrate Golbez's dark armor because it wasn't evil. None of his previous tactics seemed to work. Finally, in desperation, he turned to the magic of the Dark Time. "Thunder!" One Adventure of Link spell later, Link had another win. Just to add to the Link abilities list: From AoL, he can heal, jump high, shoot fire, attack with thunder, reflect magic, and prevent physical damage. He is Godlike. Link:Naryuu's Love!!!! *Shield covers link* Golbez:Oh c,mon!!!HTF am i supposed to hit you now?!?!?!? Link:You dont.*Attacks with bombs and arrows* Golbez:AHHHHHH!!!IM BLIND!!!DAMN THOSE LIGHT ARROWS!!! Link:haha,now for this*Takes out a Hammer and smacks Golbez out of the arena* Will u people realize that Link is so highly over-rated. He is just a wannabe elf that fights mad flowers and weak ass bosses for a living. He is so average it don't make sense, but so is Golbez. He has some strong magic and a decent dragon type summon that should be able to defeat the loser of Hyrule. Link may have experience in taking down supervillains, but not supervillains that cast meteo. Sigh... Link gets all the easy fights... Silver arrow + Golbez + Dead Golbez. Link's just better. Golbez takes hours to charge Meteo and Link CUTS HIS HEAD OFF~!~!!~! For the exact same reason Alucard can beat Fei, Link can obliterate Golbez. Golbez is a very strong mage, but against Link's versatility, he will find himself being faced with someone with capabilities beyond his own. Link is quick. Link is strong. Link is, perhaps above all, versatile. Unfortunately, Link is also dead, since Meteo will have him splattered against the wall quicker than the Hero of Hyrule can blink. Golbez will destroy Link like the worm he is. Link has his sword, but Golbez can survive Meteo. Like a stupid sword is going to kill him. Golbez's biggest offense is the Meteor spell, and since it takes so damn long to cast, Link will be able to bust out his invincibility spell with plenty of time to spare. And being the Man Clad in the Dark, I'm thinking Golbez won't like Link's light elemental arrows much. Golbez is the first real challenge Link has faced, but Mirror Shield should clinch the match up for him again. Plus, he still has the as-yet untapped power of Majora's Mask, which people seem to forget about. Nobody, NOBODY, touches Omnilink. I love Golbez. He is one of the greatest villains ever. If Link were in Godlike where he belonged, Golbez would be heavy champ. But Link isn'. So Golbez won't be. ANONYMOUS Link has far more experience - not to mention more weapons than a Quake character - than Goldbez could ever hope for. Meteo is indeed powerful, but Link can easily get a couple Light Arrows into the evil half-Lunarian in time it takes to cast it - and if it does go off, that's what Nayrou's Love is for. Vivi Ornitier vs Edgar Roni Figaro Unfortunately for Vivi, Edgar uses his Chainsaw first. Lets just say scientists are getting to see what exactly are in those clothes. Vivi: 164 Edgar: 179 Edgar seemed to intimidate Vivi early. Unfortunately, due to Vivi's feminine sounding name, his black mage clothing obscuring him from sight, and high voice, Edgar confused him for a for a female, only to be decimated by Flare while setting his Noise Blaster to play Isaac Hayes. Edgar pulls out te noiseblaster and blows off vivi's hat. due to the impossibility of this event edgar is charged for cheating and vivi wins by default Edgar quickly hits Vivi with Raganrok, leaving him with 1 HP. It also hits with Flare, which hits Vivi's Reflect X2 (He forgot to turn it off) and fries Edgar. He's heard saying, "Just 1 HP... 1 HP! Stupid Ragnarok... I need a doctor..." Edgar would never hurt a little kid! Edgar attempts to use one of his old tools on Vivi, but is cut short by Flare. End of story. Vivi had everything he needed: Ultima, a new outlook thanks to "Yes I Can!" by Sammy Davis Jr. (whoever that was, Vivi pondered), and edgar had only brought one tool with him. Unfortunately, that tool was the Noiseblaster, cued up to blast "Man with the Machine Gun". By the time Vivi had stopped dancing, he had also stopped moving. Edgar put away his spear, and the win. Vivi casts Ultima. Edgar becomes atoms. Edgar's got tools to blind and poison his foes, but how about silence? Nope. One Flare spell is probably all it will take. Edgar had a chainsaw. Vivi had a stick and tripped a lot. Who do YOU think will win? Vivi has more than his usual share of confidence this round, expecting a foppish "King of Figaro". Won't he be surprised (and scared out of his wits) to find himself facing a Jason-masked, chainsaw-wielding fighter? Hmmm... Ok, here's how the match will logically work. Vivi looks all big and bad with the black magic, when suddenly he hears a loud, discordant note. Suddenly, he feels the driving need to throw a firaga in his face. See, this is what I don't get, people will vote for Link against opponants he shouldn't beat, but Edgar can lose to the same character, and Edgar's tools are actually USEFULL in an actual fight. Low Physical Defence + Chainsaw = Another Edgar Win Arngrim vs Leo Arngrim deserves to be in Godlike. His regular attacks are enough to take down almost anyone and his Final Blast attack rivals Omnislash and Lionheart. Anyway, I don't think Leo has much of a chance this time and Arngrim. Arngrim: 166 Leo: 105 Arngrim and Leo is another good, solid matchup. I'm for Arngrim by the thinnest of margins - he's less dependant on other factors (read Mystere) Four words: Finishing Strike! Final Blast! Final Blast. 'Nuff said. Flash Blade was strong, but Final Blast was even stronger, AND it didn't even cost any MP! And when you look at the size of Arngrim's sword and compare it to Leo's... well, it makes you wonder why anyone would vote for the latter. Arngrim vs. Leo, is like taking SSJ Majin Vegeta against Majin Buu. Leo is tough, like Vegeta, but he cannot compete against Arngrim, who can auto heal after every round, and hit you with the effect of a Battleship landing on someone's face, kinda like Buu. Sorry Leo, but you may be able to beat Millenia, but Arngrim marks the end of your championships hopes. Shadow vs Neclord Shadow takes a page from his clients' book and asks to see Locke privately the day before the match. The day of the match, Viktor awakens to find the Star Dragon Sword missing! He literally tears up his apartment searching for it, and calling out, but no answer. And, so, Viktor reluctantly goes to watch the matches, which, had just gotten to Shadow and Neclord's match. Shadow, in a surprising move, immediately throws a gagged Star Dragon Sword at Neclord, and Shadow gains an easy win. Shadow: 217 Neclord: 109 Shadow's instant kill weapons won't work on Neclord. Neclord can use powerful attacks and has high HP. Neclord should win this one. Shadow throws a Tack Star, game, set and match. No one in the arena even saw the two fighters until Neclord stood before the prone Shadow. "See what happens to those who seek to challenge me..." proclaimed Neclord... ...just as Shadow jumped up, a Fire Skean in hand. "But how..." "Simple." Shadow said, as he threw the deadly weapon. "I simply took a page from your book. "I played dead." Neclord: You can't kill me without the Star Dragon Sword you puny mortal! Shadow: *Throws a stone* Neclord: >_< Ow! Shadow: *Throws the Star Dragon Sword* Neclord: What the- *dead* *Shadow throws shruikens* Neclord:Ow,quit it! *Continues to throw* Oh Yeah, Neclord will feel the pain all right. All Shad ow has to do is throw a pheonix down on him. He could also go invisible and just shis neck, either way they both work Shadow hurls a fire edge. Since the undead are highly succeptible to fire, Neclord is very much in pain. All shadow needs to do is take a nap while interceptor mauls the heck out of neclord. Shadow throws a wooden practice star soaked in Holy Water and smelling of garlic. It hits Neclord in the heart. Much like Hiro before him, Neclord will fall, simply because Shadow can Throw some seriously powerful weaponry. Neclord has a cool theme song, but that is about it. He won't be able to see or harm Shadow. Besides, Interceptor will circumvent the annoying insta-kill effect of the Striker, and maul Neclord severely. As if he didn't look ugly enough, after wards, he's got his nose hanging by a thread, and about a billion Tack Stars sticking out his rear, after the Ninja and his Dog is through with his arse. Nadia "Marle" Guardia vs Feena Feena starts out the match with her knife, which immediately is knocked out of her hands by a percision bow shot. Feena simply smirks and takes out her whip, hitting Marle without so much as a warning. Unfortunatly, during her attack Feena failed to notice the two huge blocks of ice heading towards her from the rafters. When she finally manages to pull herself from under the slabs, Marle has already healed herself and is raining arrows upon her opponent. Marle: 182 Feena: 127 Marle is from an ancient royal family. Feena is from a ancient race with the power to completely heal, deal ungodly amounts of damage, and if all else fails, STOP TIME. And she can fly, too. Strength: Feena's whips have slightly more attack power (only slightly though). Winner: Feena Offensive Magic: Marle's offensive potential stops with Ice 2. Feena's goes up much higher than that. Winner: Feena Defensive Magic: Marle has Cure 2. Feena has Tree of Life and various other healing magics, as well as the MP to use them. Winner: Feena. Speed: Feena can stop time, so Haste is effectively obsolete. Winner: Feena. Versitility: 8 spells against, what, 30 or so? Winner: Feena. I therefore colclude that Marle will win on fanboy voting, but I will shine as a beacon of fair judgement and vote Feena. Fortunately Feena has Time Gate so not even a bow and arrow wielding princess can dodge that. Plus a few BurnFlares will take down Marle due to her being Ice elemental and Feena not being elemental at all. Feena is Icarian. Marle is a princess...And was not worth having her by the end of Chrono Trigger. Feena will win. Time Gate + End of the World = Dead brat. Feena is faster than Marle. Feena is stronger, both physically and magically, than Marle. Feena has better healing abilities than Marle. Feena has MUCH more weapon/spell variety than Marle. Feena has End of the World, Tree of Life, and Time Gate. Marle has... Ice 2. Feena is sexier than Marle! If a single person votes for Marle, then obviously, they need to play some game other than Squaresoft games. I can't think of one, not a single way that Marle can beat Feena. And if you've played Grandia, you couldn't help but agree. Marle, I can't tell you how many times you have screwed over my party in CT. That said, I hope to Zurgh that Feena completely and utterly blasts your perky, annoying ass off the face of creation, and makes off with Crono. Amen. Marle's defense is simply too low to stand up to Feena, in a battle of either physical OR magic attacks. Nina Wyndia vs Rosa Harvey Taking all over her BoF incarnations into account, Nina has a huge selection of both attack AND healing magic. Unfortunately her physical stats are always pathetic. On the other hand, Rosa the Ultimate White Wizard (tm) has high HP, high magic defense, powerful arrows that never miss if she Aims, and a deadly Holy spell. Nina: 154 Rosa: 172 Nina, having 4 forms, probably ought to be in Heavy. Her stat-boosting spells from BOF 1 and 4 will probably win the day, as she isn't vulnerable to Holy. If there's anything Tactical RPG's have taught me, it's that flying characters are always weak to archers. Nina's attack magic means crap against a wall. and her non-existant healing magic will have just as mch effect against white/holy. Holy is cheap and powerful. And Rosa can heal. 'Nuff said. Nina has very powerful attack magic. Rosa has very powerful attack magic, plus curative abilities. Guess who wins? Rosa and Nina take thier time charging up thier best spells, since they are so godawfully slow in that department. Unfortunately, Holy is...well... Holy. Next. Gades vs Locke Cole Gades comes into the ring and waits 6 hours. Finally, he gives up and goes home. Locke rises from the small human-shaped foxhole he dug, brushes the dust off his back, and claims the match. Gades: 117 Locke: 206 Gades may be strong, but with his agility and range, Locke's Wing Edge will easily take the sinistral out before he can even get in range. As cool as Locke is, Gades took on Dekar, Maxim, Guy, Selan. Locke cannot do that. Gades wins. Locke throws a boomerang around gades' head. Gades spins around as it twirls aounnd his head and collapses from dizziness. Locke hits Gades. Gades pops. "I guess he was full of hot air," Locke sniggers. Wa ha ha, Locke vs. Gades is just unfair. Locke's speed won't aid him against the even faster Gades, and his pathetic physical attacks won't do crap, either. Heh, the arena's going to be quite messy after Feena and Gades are done this week. Locke's long battle history brings with it a collection of purloined weaponry that grows ever larger. Locke reaches deep in to his bag of tricks... He pulls out a Crissaegrim, "borrowed" from Alucard beforehand. The incredible, constantly attacking sword makes short work of Gades. No matter how many times Gades tried to strike with his sword, Locke dodged with ease. Finally, the Sinistral decided to use his potent magic. (A decision taken mostly since Locke had just stolen the blade.) "Ha ha! The little thief thinks he can wield a big sword!" said Gades as Locke hoisted the Gades Blade. "Hey! Call me a treasure hunter!" Locke screamed. "Make me." Soon, it was Gades doing the screaing as his pulmonary system was ripped out of his chest. I don't understand. I just don't understand. Locke is fast, sure, and he can steal stuff...but Gades has the edge in the sense that he's actually a relatively competent attacker. Ouch. Locke, you're a good man. I respect you. But you are about to go through rest of your life with the nickname 'Omelette Face' after Gades is through with you. C'mon, from Rico to Locke? That ain't right. Laguna Loire vs Jessica De'Alkirk Normally I would vote for Jessica, but I mean for Godsakes Laguana has a machine gun. I'd not want to mess with him. Laguna: 205 Jessica: 121 Machine gun versus Mace? Machine gun please. How the hell did Laguna beat Camilla?! Just in case you need it laid out simply for you, Laguna has:- - Average physical stats. - NO magic. - ONE special attack. Face it, this guy is not middle material. Oh, and for those of you who say he has a gun - what does that matter? In the RPG world guns are only as powerful as the user. Shinra guards have shot me for 7 hp damage, which isn't enough to kill a baby. Without junctioning to aid his strength Laguna may as well be shooting pieces of wet cardboard. Laguna just stays away and peppers Jessica with bullets. When she opens her mouth to sing and heal, a bullet goes inside. She faints. I really like Jessica, and thought for sure that she could win this match, but Laguna has the long range advantage, and the ability to keep using Desperado once Jessica's hurt him enough. Sure, Jessica can heal herself, but she'll eventually run out of MP... Laguna noticing that Jessica is, infact, a girl. Gets really nervous and starts to walk around in a weird fasion. Laguna then starts talking about how he wants to be a writer. Jessica gets annoyed and makes a large dent in Laguna's scull with her mace. What, in the name of Hell's a-hole, do people see in Laguna and his Machine Gun? Jess just needs to hit that weakling once or twice. Make me proud, Jess. Kill him. Kill him, and burn the body. Laguna can keep his head, Jessica can't. I value the ability to keep one's wits about oneself. Elena vs Elena Elena is no dummy, and knowing that it is physically impossible for her to last 10 seconds against even the weakest VP mage, and that Yumei is not quite the weakest of her beyond-Godlike cadre, uses her mad bureaucracy skillz to get Rufus to fire the Sister Ray at Yumei. Yumei manages to get off a Diamond WEAPON-level blast before her demise, but like it is taken out before her shot connects, giving Elena a technical win. Elena: 149 Yumei: 118 Elena Mutes Yumei, and that's that. Yumei, equipped with the Holy Wand of Telos, casts Frigid Damsel, as the meter fills up, she casts Absolute Zero. Elena was dead after Frigid Damsel. Overkill is cool. Yumei has spells that easily go over 50,000 HP of damage. Elena doesn't have that much HP. Heh heh, the magic in VP is just insane. Whether it's Absolute Zero, Meteor Swarm, or whatever, Yumei should have no chance of losing. I dislike Yumei. I love Elena. Yumei has cheapo magic, but Elena has the Stamina needed to close range with that dumb fish and haul her weakling ass over the coal. Anybody up for fried fish sticks? Meru vs Alma Beoulve With ye olde MBarrier granting Haste, Protect, Shell, Regen, and Reraise, Alma will stay alive long enough for her staff to do the rest of the work. Meru: 133 Alma: 158 Alma? Against Meru? LMAO! Meru will tear Alma apart. Alma only has enough MP to cast MBarrier once and Meru will just have to wait it out. Alma can wait... and wait.. and wait... till Meru collapses from sheer exhaustion. After meru's hammer breaks on alma's godly barriers the oncoming squeal is easily blocked by a sound proof barrier that was thrown into the mix. Meru has no choice but to insue in a cat fightwhich alma wins easily by bopping meru on the head. MBarrier and Ultima2 are all Alma has to cast. MBarrier makes her unkillable, while Ultima2 fries Meru. Alma can cast a myriad of protective spells around herself, move twice as fast using Haste, and cure to an unbelievable degree. Meru can...not. I doubt that Meru's less-than-impressive attacking ability can override her ridiculously limited ability to cast magic of any form. Meru. Alma wins. Spar vs Banon Banon heals until Spar can't heal anymore. Then Banon whacks Spar, heals, whacks Spar, etc. until Spar goes. Spar: 145 Banon: 157 I just started a new game of FF6, and I noticed that Banon is VERY good, outside of his low hp. Even his attacks are on par with most of my characters, and he can heal A LOT. Weak Vs. Weaker. As weak as Spar is he still has more versitility than one-trick-pony Banon. Without someone else on his team to attack Banon will just have to sit there and soak up what Spar dishes out. Once spar's whip gets stuck in banon's wily beard all he has to due is tug hard enough to rip it off. that's enough damage to kill banon right there. Banon, afraid that he'll have an arrow from a certain man in the crowd in his back while he tries to fight Spar, forfeits the match. A wise choice indeed. Believe it or not, but Banon isn't a one-trick pony. He has decent attacking power for someone that old. That is the factor that tips the scale in his favour. Spar whips Bannon Bannon heals Spar gets smart and uses status changing magic Bannon heals Spar whips Bannon Bannon heals..but not as much as before Spar whips Bannon one more time Bannon dies. Spar and Banon can consistently do almost no damage to eachother. The match will wear on for so long, that Spar will naturally regenerate from the damage, if any, that Banon could cause. He's a plant, after all. After a year of this, Banon dies of a heart attack. Spar's status magic can overwhelm Banon's healing, given time, and as Banon will be healing every turn, Spar will have time. Banon's healing ability would normally let him last for a long while against Spar, but before the match Spar merges with the earth shaman to become the dark turnip of destruction! Banon can only reel in horror as the little plant "buds" and then slams into him for sick damage. Momo vs Nash Nash is the fastest character in all of Lunar,and Momo is the worst aim in all of the RPGP.Adding to it powerful thunder magic,and Momo's sure to lose this one. Momo: 148 Nash: 151 Both have sucky physical defense, but Momo is the only one with a decent physical attack. If she can get in the big cannon Nash will go down fast, and if she misses she certainly has enough healing magic to recover from Thunder Thrust. Like RChicken98 said last week. You find Nash under a rock. Put him back under it! Nash's ego (in theory) makes him a target large enough for even momo to hit. Momo just needs shadow walk and that would take Nash's ego down some. Momo fires and accidently catches Nash's hair on fire. While he puts it out, Momo takes her time aiming, and fires. Instant K.O. Momo won't even have to physically do much. I expect her to miss his face. But a bazooka shell passing by his hair will damage it. He will lose the will to live after his hair is melted to a mangled mess from the passing shot. And there was much rejoicing. And in the day's final match, Momo will take about an hour to hit Nash. As Nash will just sit there bragging to her for three hours at least, this is no disadvantage. All Nash has going for him is his magic. Unfortunatly, Momo has both curing magic and protective magic, giving her more than enough time to aim. Momo won't need her bazooka; she's got the Ragnarok spell, and enough healing magic to sit down and have lunch while Nash is throwing mediocre elemental attacks at her. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.