At least eight lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Yunalesca vs Magus Magus walks into the Arena silently and slowly "You look as if you are ready to die little man" said Yunalesca "If I were here simply by pure LUCK I would be as well" Magus simply stared at her quietly. "What is it?" she snarled "Cat got your tongue? It's better this way, I hate it when the prey talks" and prepares for her attack. "Hmph" Magus replies "Yunalesca, a pitiful woman who continues to cling onto a world that no longer exists. Your existence is nothing but a testament to human stupidity. But it will end, here and now" Throwing his cape Magus unleashes Lighting 2. Yunalesca is taken aback by the sheer power of the attack "I expected this to be much easier" she says with a nosebleed "but you still don't have enough power nor endurance to take me on" and begins her attack. Magus stands quietly and takes the hits without moving an inch. "What?" Yunalesca exclaims "How is it you still stand, unscathed" Magus grins "Didn't anyone tell you? It's called a Magic barrier... As long as I cast Lighting spells only Lighting spells can hurt me. Say you wouldn't happen to have any Lightining spells would you?" Yunalesca stands silent, in shock. "Didn't think so." Magus continues before hitting her with another Lighting 2. Yunalesca simply forfeits and saves everyone the trouble. YUNALESCA: 120 MAGUS: 208 ANONYMOUS Let's compare the two: HP: - Yunalesca: 132,000, distributed among her three forms. - Magus: 6,666 as a boss. Usually less as a playable character. To balance the relative disparity between the two games' relative player hp levels, Magus could have two or three times this. MP: - Yunalesca: Infinite. - Magus: Infinite, as a boss. Much fewer as a playable character. Instant death/status attacks: - Yunalesca: Mega Death, which doesn't affect zombies. A bunch of status attacks. Immune to status and death moves. - Magus: Black Hole, which doesn't affect bosses. Immune to status effects (such as Zombie) thanks to his amulet. Immune to death attacks if considered still a boss. Fighting capacity: - Yunalesca: Counterattacks all physical attacks. - Magus: Counterattacks with magic all attacks when a boss. Doom Scythe does triple damage when Magus is alone in battle. Healing: - Yunalesca: Uses Curaga and Absorb heavily. - Magus: N/A. I hate to vote against the guy who won the Fan Appreciation match in the Eliminations round, but there it is. Match: Yunalesca Magus is really, really cool. But he is NOT, I repeat, NOT Godlike material. Yunalesca has loads and loads of HP for this match, and Magus simply can't do enough damage to put Yunalesca into any serious trouble. One word. Megadeath. Goodbye Magus. Even your dark-based "godlike" powers can't save you now. Magus vs. Yunalesca. Hours passed as the two formidable opponents blasted each other with their best spells, shaking the cosmos with a display of pure magical might. At long last, the barrage of arcane artillery halted for a moment, as the two combatants paused to catch their breath. Both were severely battered, burned, frozen, and shocked to within an inch of their respective lives (or unsent lives, in Yunalesca's case). Seizing the opportunity, Yunalesca fired off her favorite (or most annoying) status effect: Zombie. "It's over, wizard!" she exclaimed victoriously. "You can't heal your wounds anymore!" Magus considered this for a moment. "Well, I couldn't," he replied, casting Dark Matter on himself for a full recovery. "That is, until you helped me out." A wave of elemental magic later, and the scantily clad first summoner was reduced to a pile of smoldering dust. ANONYMOUS Magus is damaged by only one element, which changes frequently. He resists all physicals save that of the Masamune. Plus, he's about as cool as any RPG character can get. Yunalesca > Magus Yunalesca in that outfit she wears >>>>>> Magus Maxim vs Yuber ANONYMOUS: "Dual Blade? Don't make me laugh. Hah ha ha ha." mutterd Yuber, staring down his opponent, Maxim. Maxim would stare back, but nobody seems to be able to see under Yuber's wide brimmed hat. "What's this? You're un-armed. How can you even hope to contend with me?" He shouted across the arena. Silence. Yuber wasn't there. He was on the other side of the arena with two razor sharp swords in his hands. Suddenly, he created three copies of himself and dashed at Maxim, unleashing a flurry of attacks. Maxim barely survived without a scratch, but was shocked by a massive thunderbolt from the sky. Yuber took this moment to attack with his two copies and slash the paralyzed Maxim into oblivion. MAXIM: 129 YUBER: 179 At first glance, Maxim and Yuber seems almost like a mismatch... the well-dressed dual-wielding black knight of Suikoden fame obviously has Maxim beat in terms of superior stats and attacks. Yet, unfortunately for Yuber, effective though his attacks may be, he doesn't exactly have much in the way of variety... which will allow Maxim's superior spell arsenal, including full healing, to keep him alive just long enough to use Wave Motion. And of course, after Wave Motion, the advantage in terms of stats and attacks will most definitely no longer be on Yuber's side... It's sad to say, but when Luc faced Luca Blight for the Godlike title,I was thinking...."Man, if Yuber were in this he'd take em both down, HARD!!" Yuber is the most physically impressive character I have ever seen. If it's not his sickeningly powerful regular attacks, which can kill any character in the Suikoden series, its his extra powerful Eightfold Chaos True Rune, OR its his ability to dodge AND COUNTER virtually any physical attack. Short of an Uber-mage who can take the hardest hits this side of a Masamune...Yuber ain't goin down. If anyone can tear Luca Blight away from his Reigning Championship thrown, it is the immortal demon...Yuber Maxim's has full healing, won't run out of MP and his IP skills are just too cheap (Wave Motion = Full healing+ raise in all stats, Miracle Care = Invulnerability for 5 turns) Yuber was quite strong, but he was basically just a fighter, and he won't be able to kill him in one hit. Maxim can win this easily. Mmm, sweet sweet Wave Motion... Yuber is strong, yes, but a good part of that spectacular evade and parry he's got has to come from the fact that virtually any opponent is going to be a bit intimidated by him. Note the 'virtually.' Maxim is a true hero, unintimidatable even by the man in black. Even if Yuber can match him in a fight for a while, sooner or later the determined hero of Doom Island will prevail. There is one other factor, of course... in Maxim's cheering section, they'll be doing 'the wave' motion. ANONYMOUS Maxim has Wave Motion, which not only works as a totally full heal, but increases his stats to 999 each. Yuber might be good, but against that, pretty much nothing short of FF3j's Death spell can kill Maxim. Solid Snake vs Miang When Miang stepped into the Arena Snake was nowhere to be found. In his place was a large cardboard box. Miang, wise to Snake's tricks, walked up to the box, picked it up, and threw it away revealing... a smaller box. Miang, puzzled, lifted the smaller box only to find an even smaller one under it. Miang, growing quite frustrated, kicked this one aside as well. Under this one wasn't another box. Under this one was about 42 charges of C4. The last thing Maing heard was Snake, on the other side of the Arena hidden by his Stealth Camo, shouting to her "There's more than one way to use a box!". Well, actualy thats the *second* to last thing she heard. The last thing she heard was *BOOM* SOLID SNAKE: 170 MIANG: 154 Miang and Snake both work best behind the scenes, so the question is, who works better? Snake, being the stealthy type that he is, places cardboard boxes all over the arena grounds, and hides under one of them, waiting for the chance to attack. Miang, on the other hand, simply goes around quietly targeting instant death spells on the interiors every cardboard box in sight. Guess who wins? Death to non RPG character Solid Snake! You don't belong here are are not wanted! Miang searched through the various pillars and other obstacles to vision within the more stealth oriented arena, trying to find her foe. Soon enough a tight smile found its way upon her face as she spotted what she had been looking for. Inconspicuous among everything else sat a simple cardboard box, nestled in a slightly out of the way location where shadows obscured it. Feeling a swell of triumphant joy within her, she simply lit the box aflame with her ether and waited for the all too mortal Snake to burn up. Now imagine her surprise, brief as it was, when a shot from Snake's Sniper Rifle took her in a single headshot. The taciturn Snake then stepped out from a completely different part of the arena and left, mourning not for his fallen cardboard box. After all, he had another. Miang was suprised to see Snake did not have his bandana on for his match. "What are you thinking? Without unlimited bullets, you don't stand a chance!" "Oh?" Snake asked as he equipped his cloaking device, and promptly sneaked behind Miang, and broke her neck. S is for supersoldier Big Boss, of whom Snake is a clone. N is for not even seen, which is how he likes to take out his foes. A is for assault rifle, fired at medium range for deadly effect. K is for KOed, the usual result of a fist fight with Snake. E is for evasion mode, in which Snake can escape any enemy. And the rest of the alphabet could be run through to describe Snake's mad, mad skillz. It's not really necessary, however. Against a mid-level Xenogears subboss (on foot, anyway), all he'll need is the FA-MAS assault rifle and some ammunition. Miang won't know what hit her when she has a 30-round clip unloaded from behind. You know...A guy can only hide in a cardboard box for so long until instant death hits... Darnit I want Miang to win. ANONYMOUS The box cannot save Snake. Essentially every RPG character doesn't even know what cardboard is. Thus, the sore thumb that Snake is, Miang's instant death will maul him. Solid Snake makes the impossible possible. ANONYMOUS Otacon: "Snake! What's happening!? Snake? SNAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!" Snake sneaks up and grabs Miang from behind, only... he's not strangling her. So she uses her Ether and kills him. Later Meryl kills him again in the infirmary. It's a long day for Snake... Jet Enduro vs Enrique Valua Hand-held automatic weapons > Rapiers. JET ENDURO: 171 ENRIQUE VALUA: 72 Being an educated prince won't help one bit if your enemy knows the Finest Arts. Enrique sucks... plain and simple. how did he land a babe like Moegi??? Go, Jet, for great justice! Slade vs Lutz Ninjas > almost everything Rats > everything else Ninja Rats > all SLADE: 126 LUTZ: 109 Lutz, clucthing his dagger tightly to his chest, looked around in vain for his oppoent. "He's just a rat, right? I mean, how tough coudl he be? Hey, from what i heard, it was his fault for the the big bad guy of Shining Force 2 escaping in the first place. I just have to remember, go for Fatal Dagger. Gof or Fatal..." Lutz stopped his internal monologue as he barely heard a whispered "Raijin..." before he was suddenly struck by a bolt of powerful purple lightining "AIIE!" he screamed in pain, desperatly lookinga round for his foe. Then he saw him, however, it was not what he had expected. Lutz had expected a humanoid rat, and while that was what he saw, he wasn't prepared for him to be garbed liked a ninja, and using such a dangerous looking combat stance. "THIS IS IT!" Lutz thought, gripping his dagger tightly, sweat beading on his brow. However, before the clumsy knife fighter could even make a move, Slade had leapt forward, spun around, and stuck his powerful Giarme blade forward...right into the gut of Lutz. The knife fighter only had time to see himself impaled on the blade of Slade's weapon, before his vision faded, the words "Like a shadow of the night: Silent, and deadly!" ringing in his ears... ANONYMOUS Slade is good. Lutz is Godlike. Fast + 90% Demi attack on any opponent with visible HP = "Bye bye," as Lutz himself says, to any PC and most bosses. Slade is a NINJA. A NINJA. They have crazy powers! They have magic powers, and they flip out and kill people, and eat animals. Also, Slade is probably the third best SF2 character(behind Peter and Bowie) after promotion. ANONYMOUS Only a ninja can kill a ninja. Slade wins Slade stared at Lutz, his hand on the trusty Gisarme. Just as Lutz tried to perform Fatal Dagger, Slade leaped in the air and landed right behind Lutz. "I don't understand...ungh" squeaked Lutz as he split in half. "CUT-OFF" exclaimed the proud rodent as he showed his blade and left the stadium. ANONYMOUS Your saying slade is only a middle-weight? I have him beating Zeon in four hits! Orlha vs Lunn ANONYMOUS: Haven't we seen this one before? Ponytailed martial arts gal pounds supposed master into paste; few surprised? Anyway, Orlha's boss form is vastly better than Lunn. Her PC form is a lot weaker than that, but still a match for this mustachioed wannabe. ORLHA: 151 LUNN: 131 Orlha is hot... Lunn is not. Also, Orlha > Jean > Lunn. Lunn is in trouble. Donald Presence vs Rhode After a dozen tank shells had crashed into the ground around Presence, Rhode was beginning to get a little worried. After all, his accuracy might not be *that* great, but to miss so many times in a row? He could only store so many shells in his somewhat undersized tank... Again and again, his shots went, well, *miraculously* wide of their target. Finally, he had one shell left. Presence wasn't moving. "Bloody nutter," Rhode muttered. He took aim, checked the range, calculated every possible variable - Presence still wasn't moving - and fired. The shell sailed forward, impacting in the ground directly at the exorcist's feet - And it was a dud. Rhode stared. "How...?" "You just gotta believe," Presence said with a smile, before bopping Rhode on the head with his stick. PRESENCE: 121 RHODE: 104 ANONYMOUS True Story: I was playing a practice battle late in Chapter One. Presence and Canopus were the only ones left. Canopus attacked Presence - blocked! Presence retaliated, and hit. This happened again. Then, Presence got hit. But, he healed the next turn and blocked AGAIN. After about five hits, Canopus went down. Exorcist Donald Presence beat ex-Godlike high Heavy Eagle Man Canopus Wolff ONE ON ONE. The moral of the story: Presence owns Light any day of the week. Presence entered the arena, ready for what would possibly be the toughest fight of his life. However, with his healing magic ready, he was more than ready. Unfortunely for him, so was Rhode, and not even healing magic can do much in the face of a barrage of tank shells. Belle vs Cait Sith Cait Sith has a strong final weapon, and could no doubt pummel the physically frail Belle into oblivion with just the HP Shout. But he won't have to. All he needs to do is use his Transform Materia (remember, he starts with it!) to turn the young inventor into a Frog. The only question, therefore is this: Is there a more embarassing fate in the RPGP than being turned into a frog and beaten to death by a moogle-riding toy cat with a trumpet? Well, it's a long season... BELLE: 130 CAIT SITH: 178 It's true that Belle grew up around machines, but aside from some basic repair work on Gadget Z, there's no real indication that she's much of an engineer herself. Since Cait Sith is a better fighter, substantially larger, tougher, and comes with the ever handy Manipulate materia... I'd say he's got the edge. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Cait Sith PWNAGE! Uh... cute girl AND machinist vs robot mascot? Belle no contest! Gunfight at the RPGP Corral Everyone had entered the arena except expected Victor, Vincent Valentine from FFVIII. As the rest stood waiting, lurking high in the shadows was something unexpected. 11 shots rung out, with a couple seconds seperating each one. One by one each contestant fell to the ground. Irvine jumped down from the shadows and muttered "...thats what they get for not inviting me..." and walked out of the arena with a smirk on his face. Moments later, Vincent comes running out into the arena screaming "Hey guys! Sorry, I'm late; I had some bad diarea! ...guys...?" Vincent gave a confused shrug with a hint of "Oh well." and grinned. VINCENT: 82 CLIVE: 63 BILLY: 36 RUDY: 33 JESIAH: 32 GILDER: 25 URSULA: 15 JUDECCA: 12 VIRGINIA: 8 MARGARETE: 7 GRE: 5 GALLOWS: 0 After perhaps one of the longest gunfights in history, still no one has gone down, but they are all tired and weary, close to death. Rudy Roughknight then whips out his ace in the hole, the Arch Smash. Having saved up his force bar for it, he unleashes a deadly Fury Shot/Arch Smash combo, eliminating the entire, beleagured competition in a final move. Vincent has a deadly aim. He's survived a shooting before. And if you hurt him enough, well, he'll just turn into some kind of demon and rip your throat out. I'd say that makes him the winner. !!!!!!!!!! RUDy, VINCENT AN' CLIVE FIGHTING EACH OTHER?! MY GOSH! I THOUGHT THEY WOULD BE PEACEFUL PEOPLE!! i had no choice but to pick vinny 'cause i know he'll win in the end anyway...but one thing's for sure, i'm thinkin' vinny gonna whip knights of the round out on 'em all and then shoot 'em in the head! BRING THE CUP HOME FOR FINAL FANTASY 7 VINNY! Vincent is just the flat out coolest. He wins. The gunfight blazed for some time, and the participants all seemed to have run out of ammo long before they were all down for the count. The door of the local pawn shop beckoned... but did they dare risk running to it? If someone had bullets left, it could be disastrous. Virginia, unsurprisingly, did not reflect on this matter. She spread her wings and flew toward the door of the pawn shop. Briefly. Her example served to dissuade others, when it was discovered that Ursula's gun doesn't fire bullets, as such. It seemed the weasely gal had the advantage. She began hunting down the other gunfighters, one by one. And when they were all gone but Jesiah, she smiled. She knew what building the ex-Gebler boss was hiding in - she'd seen him go in to the saloon across the street. Unfortunately, the minute she entered, the very large buffalo head mounted above the door fell onto her, most fatally. Jesiah, who'd gotten a couple of drinks, kicked back and relaxed while he waited, looked down from where he'd been sawing the nail through, then faced the camera. He hadn't fired a shot. "Remember kids," he said, pointing to the fallen Ursula, "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Vincent can transform. TRANSFORM! SOMEONE PLEASE VOTE FOR HIM! PWNAGE!!! One advantage that Vincent has over everyone else. He can turn into a demon. A big-ass, bullet-eating demon. With a multiple hitting instant-kill spell. Who needs guns when you have Chaos? ANONYMOUS Rudy, because he never stopped trying. He always gave 110% in practice and never let anyone intimidate him, even though he was definetely undersized. Wait a second, that was the movie. Anyway, Rudy in Wild Arms is probably the strongest of the gun battlers in this little competition, so he gets my vote. ANONYMOUS Rudy...Long lived, is what he can do great. He could just sit out for 1000 years or so, being a Holmcross. Then the rest just die of old age. Lakidaa Lakisda It all really comes down to three things--Can Billy beat Jesiah? Can the Victor(Billy/Jesiah) resist Tasty Octopus? Can Vincent go off in his Chaos Shape? If Jesiah beats out Billy, then he'll get Blinded by the octopus (and anyone else will too,if they try it) If Vinnie Can use Chaos ect., then he has an unusually high chnce of winning. However, Even a Demon spawned of personal angst and Mako will fall prey to Octopus...stuff. The gunfight begins as most would expect, with a beast ammount of bullets flying around. Right off Gallows, Margarete, Gre, Rudy, Gilder and Virginia are downed. Clive appears to be clutching his stomach for the time being. With only Vincent, Billy, Jesiah, Ursela, and Jeducca left things calm downa bit. Billy and Jesiah decide to team up on the other three which proves fatal when Vincent gets the others to quit their fighting so they can take out the immediate threat. Billy tags Ursela in the shoulder before Jeducca caps him. Jesiah tries to shoot at Vincent, but is hit by Clive right before he finally drops for good. With only Vincent, Ursela, and Judecca left the two weaker opponents figure they cna double team Vincent, and they both shoot him together. Two bullets penetrate Vincent's skin and he appears to be down when suddenly he begins to grow. Vincent's transformation into a demon causes his chest to expand rapidly shooting both bullets back at their owners. Only Vincent is left standing... 20 years or whatever in a coffin can do wonders for your shooting skills so remember little kids... "If you wanna be a gunfighter, go get in a coffin now." Gilder is not only THE baddest-assed gunfighter in RPG history, he's also a PIRATE. And, as we all know, PIRATES OWN. So therefore... (Baddest Assed + SoA) * (Pirate + Ownage) = Win. The winner of this week bonus match is of course the one who stayed hidden from the beginning 'till the end: Ninja with a gun, Shu. ANONYMOUS The gunfighters begain shooting at everything that moved, hitting pots, pans, beer bottles, horses, and saloon doors in typical spaghetti western fashion. Jessie would be the first out, everyone knows you can't shoot the far side of a barn when drunk. Pretty soon the fight was narrowed down to Virginia, Clive, Judecca, Vincent, Billy, and Rudy. With Rudy's automatic pistol and ARMS attacks, he was a top contender, but took off like a sagebrush when he saw Vincent bust out his nasty demonic transformations. Judecca, being the crazy son-of-a-gun he is, started shooting wildly everywhere, but ran outta bullets. He was smashed by a Satan Slam and hit by Billy's Dear Frend faster thatn you could say "yippie ky yay!" Vincent was put down by Billy and his Gunholic attack. Yeehaw! But surely enough, Virginia was quick on the draw, and KOed the priestly Billy, for he'd never shoot a woman without his life on the line, seing his line of work. And Clive, well, he naturally would win, with some help from his pal, the other Clive. With some cover and a huge sniper rifle, you can't go wrong. And with that, the Suikoden Clive spit his tobbaco out with a resounding "ptoo" and the WA Clive took off on his horse into the sunset. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.