Eight lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Ganondorf vs Kahran Ramsus DragoonJay@excite.com: Tragedy struck the first Godlike match this week: When the superego of Ganondorf and the lack of ego of Ramsus met in the arena, it served as a beacon for the Id to appear. He promptly began destroying everything and everyone in his path, including both competitors. "Fortunately" for the Perfect Human, however, the judges (at least, those who were still alive) decided that he was the first one hit, and so won the match by default. Ganondorf: 118 Ramsus: 176 JackPower@aol.com Calling oneself "the Perfect Human" is not really saying much, as humans are limited by this woeful state we call humanity itself. Ganondorf gave up his humanity long ago, and is closer to a god if anything. He is beyond the laws that bind mortals, and can only be harmed by magic and certain legendary weapons. Ramsus can hypehnate all he wants, be he doesn't have a -prayer-. JohanEdge@hotmail.com Deciding not to take any chances, Ganondorf turns into Ganon. Since Ramsus doesn't have the silver arrows, master sword, or the ability to banish Ganon, he has no chance. Ganon's sheer endurance wins him the match. Magna_ZeroX@Yahoo.com sure ganon is weak,but when the hell does he ever stay dead? angelicus85@hotmail.com The only reason Link could reflect Ganondorf's magic was because he had the Master Sword. Ramsus does not have the Master Sword. Ganondorf wins. Griffin21836@aol.com Let's face it: Ganondorf has the brains to take advantage of almost any emotional weakness, and the power to exploit that advantage. He tricked Link and Princess Zelda into granting him access to the Triforce, for crying out loud! And since Kahran's emotional weakness is an inferiority complex, Ganondorf's natural arrogance will win him the match easily. NinjaFire2@aol.com Ganondorf is a serious contender. He really is. As a matter of fact, I have no doubt that he could quite easily take out several of his Godlike opponents. Really. That said, I think it's a real shame that Kahran is going to splatter him against a wall like so much roadkill. Summoner_Klarth@yahoo.com Kahran uses a sword, everyone knows that. Whats Ganondorf's weakness? People hitting hit energy blasts back at him, WITH A SWORD! blacklotus13@home.com A rookie versus a seasoned veteran, and champion of the heavy class. Both of the combatants are some of the most dangerous in combat, both boasting amazing combat abilities. It's issues with their minds that will hurt them in combat, fortunately, their first battles are with people that share the same types of issues. Kahran will win because he is a seasoned veteran, and will have a better chance controling his mind as such. Vilmizer@hotmail.com Ramsus rules he is powerful, quick and has Mirror stance. Too bad he doesn't have the much needed Light Arrows to kill Ganon... kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Ramsus is going to decimate Ganondorf. If some bratty seventeen year old elf wannabe can do it, then the Perfect Human is going to own the big G like he was for sale at a flea market. cstrittyrun@hotmail.com Come on, if an overrated Heavy character has killed Ganondorf before, just think what a true Godlike character could do to him? crashnburn007@hotmail.com Cmon folks...its Ganondorf.. his second form would crush nearly anyone. (except link) itemcrash@msn.com Ramsus' lethal counter stance is more than enough to triumph over his pompous opponent, Ganondorf. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Ganon could never outmatch Kahran in a sword fight. So Ganon will send his spirit after him which Kahran will easily dispose of with a couple of multiple sword thrusts. He will then use his electric bolts only to have Kahran do mirror stance and have Ganon's own bolts kill himself. QuietCannon@Yahoo.com Trying to prove that he is better the Heavy Champion Link (Even though he’s never been able to beat him), Ganondorf foolishly signed up for the Godlike Rank. Similarly, Ramsus is always trying to prove that he is better than Fei. The only difference with these two fighters is that Ramsus was not out of his league. Ganondorf began the fight with a quick sword thrust, but Ramsus in his counter-stance turned it against him. He quickly followed with a thrust of his own which impaled the dark wizard. Before the match was officially declared over, Ramsus offered a last bit of advice to the new RPGP contestant, “A villain like you is only good at bullying the weak. You need more practice if you want to fight here.” Ryu vs Beatrix Squid@sluggy.net: Beatrix advances menecingly, Save the Queen poised to unleash one of her many holy sword attacks. Ryu transforms into the Holy Dragon Mymridion. Beatrix writes her will. Ryu attacks. The janitors scrape Beatrix off the Arena floor with a shovel. Ryu: 210 Beatrix: 93 JackPower@aol.com: Even if Beatrix uses Shock right away, Ryu's defense and HP are so high that he'll be able to survive the hit-- and then transform into a monstrous nigh-invincible Kaiser Dragon with full HP and a breath weapon capable of killing her five times over. Dragon Boy gets this match without breaking a sweat. JohanEdge@hotmail.com Ryu turns into Kaiser. Kaiser eats her alive. Any questions? dunefar@tendodojo.com Ryu's dragon forms are just too much for Beatrix to handle. Between that and her limited healing, she won't be able to kill Ryu. Kuli 555@aol.com Ryu vs. Beatrix Myrmidon form. That's all Ryu needs. (forget Kaiser!) Vagrant_Zero@msn.com Ryu is just as/if not more powerful than Fou-Lu and seeing how Fou-Lu had the Doc visit a Doctor...well maybe he'll fall for Beatrix's good looks and just char-broil her [kaiser breath] without tenderizing the meat first. XLockeX888X@aol.com People think of Beatrix as a very versatile character, with the ability to heal as well as launch some devastating attacks. Ryu has that same versatility, more of it, and more raw power as well, This match is a breeze after what Ryu has already been through. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Gotta give it to Ryu, each of his Dragon forms has a different set of HP. Beatrix will quickly run out of MP. SmartGuymm@aol.com All ryu needs to do is use G. Dragon. In the unlikely event that that doesn't finish her off, his high attack can do very lethal damage. solea@earthlink.net Kasier form can just balst the general into void. reno@esperonline.com Yeah...go Ryu! DragoonJay@excite.com Beatrix boldly faced her opponent. "So, it's you I'm supposed to face?" "...", said Ryu. "Too scared to speak, eh?", Beatrix said as she prepared to strike with a Shock... only to find she was now facing a large, berserk Kaiser dragon. When it was over, "..." was all that Beatrix could say. The sentiments were echoed by the victorious Ryu. NinjaFire2@aol.com At first it may seem that Ryu has his work cut out for him. After all, Beatrix is a more than potent swordsman, and some of her techniques are mindlessly devastating. In fact, he actually stands a reasonable chance of being completely devastated by these aforementioned techniques. And then it hits him: he can morph into a dragon! Next. Summoner_Klarth@yahoo.com Ever notice how Beatrix has an eye covered at all times by that headband? That will be her downfall in the fight with Ryu, poor depth perception. blacklotus13@home.com This battle takes place between two seasoned veterans. The two are both proficient with the sword, and both have powerful secondary abilities. Fortunately for Ryu, his secondary ability isn't AP dependant. Being a godlike veteran, he also has better abilities to manage his abilities in a godlike match. A heavy champion can't beat a former godlike champion in her first match. The trophy goes to Ryu. Squid@sluggy.net Beatrix advances menecingly, Save the Queen poised to unleash one of her many holy sword attacks. Ryu transforms into the Holy Dragon Mymridion. Beatrix writes her will. Ryu attacks. The janitors scrape Beatrix off the Arena floor with a shovel. Vilmizer@hotmail.com Ryu is really strong. Especially in BoF3. I don't think Beatrix will be able to stand a chance against him long. Especially if he gets into his awesomely awesome Myrmidon form. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Beatrix will pull out the win against Ryu, but it'll be close. Ryu seems to be the Godlike Vetran here, so B will play a smart game. If Ryu goes Kaiser, she just needs to out last his AP, and then whomp him when he falls out of Dragon mode. This one could seriously go either way. My girl's just gonna hafta play it smart, like I told her. chipstick85@aol.com Beatrix decides to fight alone so she gets unlimited HP until the fight is supposed to end. And yes it ends when she uses climhazzard to reduce the opponent to one life and forces the opponent to leave the arena. cstrittyrun@hotmail.com Ryu could just switching dragon forms until Beatrix ran out of MP to cast Shock. itemcrash@msn.com Ryu vs. Beatrix is a tough match for me to call, simply because I'm forced to vote against the player I WISH would win. Beatrix's attacks are lethal, there's no doubt about it, but Ryu's dragon forms may be too much for her to bare. Her only chance at victory would be if Ryu were stupid enough to use his dark dragon forms, but could the mute hero be that idiotic? cloudfft78@hotmail.com Ryu and Beatrix are about evenly matched with swords except that Beatrix can use moves such as Shock, Lightning Sword, and Stock Break which would give her an advantage, but since Ryu can transform into his many dragon forms, Beatrix don't stand a chance. She couldn't even beat Link anyway so she don't deserve to win. Arngrim vs Boomerang kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com: Arngrim oughta be in Godlike. This isn't even a fair fight. He's got more than enough stamina to outlast the Metal Demon, and he'll pretty much layeth the smack down if he gets to cleanse the poor sap. Arngrim: 147 Boomerang: 116 JohanEdge@hotmail.com "I grow tired of you. Finishing Strike: Final Blast!" GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Arngrim:I grow tired of you...Finishing strike! Final Blast! Boomerang: Augh I am dead! Victor:Arngrim. Vilmizer@hotmail.com As much as I like Boomerang, Arngrim is much more powerful. His Final Blast attack will tear Boomerang to pieces. cstrittyrun@hotmail.com If it was Luceid against Arngrim, then it'd be something that would be fun to watch. But it's Boomerang we're talking about here. No, that's not the guy who kills your party in one hit, it's the OTHER guy. Have fun, Arngrim! itemcrash@msn.com I've seen Boomerang's power, and I must say, it was far more impressive than that of Arngrim. InfinityWatch@earthlink.net Even if Arngrim and Boomerang start on opposite sides of the ring, Arngrim mearly has to get half way across it before launching a deadly combo. And a boomerang won't touch his 80,000+ Hp, nor slow him down. Leo vs Millennia ksoppy@yahoo.com: Leo may be the White Knight of Althena's Guard, but he has no weakness to darkness type attacks. That makes it his match. Leo: 133 Ryudo: 126 JohanEdge@hotmail.com A sword always beats a bow. Unless the sworduser sucks. Not the case. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Millenia has the advantage without a doubt. She can FLY. What's Leo going to do, throw a sword at her? solea@earthlink.net Millennia can take care of Leo easily. It is already an enigma why is she end up in Heavy. You know hoe hard the Wings of Fallen Heaven hits. You know she has the plot device power to call upon other parts of Valmar. Summoner_Klarth@yahoo.com Mystere/Leo is the coolest character ever. Leo will tell Millennia that "she needs a spanking" and connect with a deadly "Grizzle Blade" while she still is charging her "Wings of Valmar" Vilmizer@hotmail.com I like both Millenia and Leo. But Millenia can use Starving Tongue to quickly end the match. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Millenia will win. She'll be plinking away with her cross bow when all the sudden Leo hits her. This enrages her, and she uses all her Valmar Techs on the blue haired target until a pile of ashes stand to mark his passing. Leo. Is. Done. Gades vs Ricardo Banderas cstrittyrun@hotmail.com: Gades was way faster than Guy, Maxim, and Dekar, so how many turns do you think he'll get in before Rico has one? I can't count that high. Gades: 147 Rico: 135 JohanEdge@hotmail.com Rico is WAY too slow. Gades has it. Avelyn143@hotmail.com Gades is an all powerful sinistaral who magically comes back at the end of every game.... Rico is Green, that rhymes with mean, and mean rhymes with spleen....WHERE IS THE LOG! SET US UP THE BOMB! GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Gades smashed a city to bits. Rico shouldn't be too tough. solea@earthlink.net Gades... am I still conscious? He still exist in the play off? Hahahaha, Rico should get rid of him once and for all. Don't him back Erim. alblouin@globetrotter.net I don't see how Gades,a super-being,ended up in the "middle" section...That's just beyond me.(And what do you mean by "has no weapon"?The Gades blade doesn't count?)Anyways,Rico's gonna lose really bad. Vilmizer@hotmail.com Rico was slow and always seemed to miss any X or Triangle attack. Gades was a powerful mofo. I think Gades should win this one. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Hrmm... Gades has got magic, so Rico will definately feel the pain, but once he gets close enough, Rico's gonna break the Sinistral into individually packed pieces of Once a Living Being, stuff them into seperate cans, and sell them at a market. It'll be like a drill instructor against a recruit. Rico: Die right now. Gades: AYE SIR! Rico: No I can't hear you. Gades: AAAAYYYYEEEE SIIIR!!! Rico: Okay, good, thing. We wanna be nasty, pathetic, weak and disgusting, is that it? Gades: NO SIR! Rico: Obviously we do. Thats why we talk all the time like a spoiled little girl. I will break you. You will die. SOUND OFF LIKE YOU GOT A PAIR! Gades: *dies of a heart attack* Locke Cole vs Diego Renault Vilmizer@hotmail.com: Diego was an awesome fighter and my favorite Vandal Hearts character (other than Ash). But if Locke can get weak enough and pull off his Mirager attack it will be all over. Locke: 167 Diego: 86 GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Locke would steal Diego's bow, then proceed to slash him to bits. nemoincognito@hotmail.com While I'm not particularly a fan of Locke I'll admit that he really does have this match in the bag. Diego is totally outclassed in middle and belongs in the super-featherweight with the rest of the Vandal Hearts crew. Summoner_Klarth@yahoo.com Diego will make Locke spill out a hillarious foutain of blood after he connects with his final arrow cstrittyrun@hotmail.com Diego has a bow, just like Algus does, which makes me automatically vote for him. OK, seriously though, Diego rocked until you got Kira, but he still wasn't bad after that. Locke, though, was a horrible fighter the whole game. NOTE Mr. Locke Cole, Treasure Hunter extraordinaire, wishes to inform his fans that he is perfectly capable of winning in Middle by steal... er, treasure hunting his enemies' weapons, using his sometimes instant-death Wing Edge, or attacking with his Mirager desperation attack. He has no need of banned-in-the-RPGP combos and esper spells such as Genji-Glove/Offering or Ultima, and hopes that no one thinks he can, or would, use them. Spar vs Vincent De'Boule MoogleEmpMog@lagurok.org: There is no way Vincent could bring himself to strike down such a wonderous flower as Spar. Spar won't have any qualms about the reverse, though... Spar: 144 Vincent: 110 JohanEdge@hotmail.com Dunce vs. Plant. Hard choice. Vincent does have a sword... and Spar is overdue for a trimming... rokon37@hotmail.com Considering Spar is "unshammonized" in this bout, he definetly looses some attack power. Vincent can perform mediocre damage to Spar, and the best the Grass Man could hope for would be to get off a successful Freeze spell. Even though he has less HP, Vincent is a bit more well rounded and could probobly last quite a bit longer than his opponent. Vilmizer@hotmail.com I've always hated Spar. I've always hated Vincent too but he was pretty strong too. So I am gonna go with him. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Spar will destroy Vince with his S&M skills honed in the forests outside Gate. cstrittyrun@hotmail.com Spar and Vincent are both average characters, but I'm voting for Vincent because I feel bad for how much Algus multilated him a few seasons back. OK, but really, Vincent cut just cut the whips that Spar whips at him and repeat it over and over until Spar is nothing but a tree trunk. superaielman56@dragonslave.com While Vincent is no Luca Blight or Mcdohl, this Wierd colored weed should be quick work for him. Banon vs Algus Sadalfas JackPower@aol.com: Banon's healing power is pretty pathetic... but not quite as bad as Algus's attack power. All he has to do is bop Algus in the nose (or where his nose would be at least) and then run out the clock healing himself for a default victory. Banon: 156 Algus: 134 JohanEdge@hotmail.com Banon has healing, but Algus has Auto-Potion. He can heal and attack at the same time. Kinda simple, huh? Magna_ZeroX@Yahoo.com Algus loses cause hes a weak cheap bastard. XLockeX888X@aol.com Though Banon is indeed an effective healer, he has a few faults that will prevent him from beating Algus. One, his low stamina will cause him to constantly need to use his healing. Two, his lack of versatility in weapons prevents him from having the attack range Algus can keep him at. And last, but not least, the status effects Algus's crossbows can inflict can prevent Banon from accomplishing much of anything. And status effects are something that Banon, though an effective healer, cannot remove. Those three reasons hand Banon his unfortunate defeat. butlerOO8@hotmail.com I wanted to vote for Banon, but I really think Algus would win the match. Algus has Auto-Potion, which should be enough to keep him at full health for the few attacks Banon will pull off. With Algus being on the offensive more often than Banon, it shouldn't be too hard for him. Sure Banon's a great healer, but it could still be a pain to keep him alive sometimes in FF6. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com No matter what people say, Banon is INVINCIBLE! Unless you take him out in one hit, he'll tire you out with his insane health move. Veryslightlymad@hotmail.com It should be hard enough for Banon to hit Algus as it is, and blinded, he won't stand a real chance of connecting. I put money on Algus eventually getting a second attack in and finishing the job, before Banon can deal him enough damage to take him down. WickeDHugh@hotmail.com Algus is a.. well, a bastard. He deserves to lose, but it's possible for him to get auto-potion.. Ruskie_Keroppi@hotmail.com Banon will have trouble against Algus' awesome DASH attack! What will he ever do!?!?!?! Those 20 points of damage will rock him! Oh wait he can heal all he wants... DragoonJay@excite.com Just before the match, a group of black-suited individuals approached Banon. "Mr. Banon? We have reports that you failed to pay your taxes for the year 1993. I'm afraid you'll have to come with us." "Ridiculous!", Banon exclaimed. "My world was destroyed that year! There was no one to pay taxes to!" "We don't make the rules, sir. We just follow them." As Banon was being hauled off, a certain crossbow wielder could be heard to say, "Disgraceful. I can't believe I was to face off against a criminal." "I wonder who tipped them off...", he added with a smile. adamjames34@hotmail.com Erm...I believe I am voting against Algus, yes...My voting has been, well..."influenced" by a picture I saw of him that portrays him as an underwear thief and a rapist...yes...besides, Banon can heal any damage he can do with health, and, he's fighting one of the character's with the worst AI in Final Fantasy Tactics...Algus never helped me unless I used him as bait to bring the enemies out. NinjaFire2@aol.com It's kind of funny how every single match involving Banon usually goes something along the lines of him healing so much and attacking so pathetically that his frustrated opponents just resign. However, I think Algus is just backstabbing and conniving enough to down him with one, well-placed shot. Summoner_Klarth@yahoo.com Banon will simply hit Algus with his Punisher Staff. Algus will run home crying saying he didn't have enough troops to support him. Vilmizer@hotmail.com Banon can heal infinitly, Algus has auto-potion. Since Algus will be able to attack without taking a turn to heal I doubt Banon will win. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Algus would normally probably lose, but because he's a cheater, he will win. Here's how. Algus will confront Banon prior to the match and wound him ala Gladiator style. The two light weights, will slug it out. Banon will heal the wound, but Algus and his crossbow are faster. With Banon trying to heal constantly, he can't bring any attacks to bear on Algus, and will die a decrepit old fart. If THAT fails, he can always choose to send some people to hold the judges families hostage, or pay them a hefty sum of gil to 'ensure a proper result'. Heh heh... cstrittyrun@hotmail.com Sir Algus! He's back! But... He's up against an old man with no ability to attack this week?! (Stupid pun intended) How insulting! How can Banon expect to beat Sir Algus the Great if he's always healing from his devastating attacks?! But don't get me wrong, if Mighty Sir Algus gets hurt somehow, he has restorative methods too (Auto-Potion), and the good thing is, he doesn't have to waste a turn to use them! And plus, even if Banon does somehow get the chance to attack, his accuracy will be hindered by Lord Algus's Night Killer! This old man should be in his rocking chair! What's he doing in the arena?! Ah well, I should be thankful, because Mr. Cranbud had him face such a weak opponent this week. That sly, cunning Sir Algus Sadalfas has this one in the bag! Go future Light champion, go! Vincent wants a rematch! Lance_23_@hotmail.com Algus is a knight. All Banon can do is heal. Just keep breaking banon's already pathetic speed until he is too slow to heal before Algus puts 50 Crossbow shafts into him. Auto-Potion stops any damage below 150, and Banon isn't strong enough to penetrate that barrier. THis is how it works Algus:Speed Break Banon:**Whack** Algus:Auto-Potion Algus:Speed Break Algus:Speed Break Algus:Speed Break Algus:Speed Break Algus:Speed Break Algus:Speed Break Banon:**Whack** Algus:Auto-potion Algus:" Eat crossbow!! " Algus shoots banon 50 times in the back of the head ater runnign round the old geezer, and he didn't even have to cheat for once. itemcrash@msn.com Algus walks up to bannon pre fight and says Sir, it would be an honor to shake my opponent's hand. Bannon: Why, you are not as bad as people make you out to be. *shakes hand* Later in the fight........ Bannon: That last arrow hurt, time to use health! As bannon uses his sigature move, he turns blue and screams in pain before he falls over. Bannon: what........ Algus: foolish old man, never trust an opponent. *Algus removes the relic/cursed ring he slipped into bannon's pocket as he shook his hand.* QuietCannon@Yahoo.com Knowing his physical limitations, Banon knew that he would have to gain some levels in order to do enough damage to his opponent. As soon as the match began, Algus fired an arrow hitting his target and quickly reloaded his crossbow for another shot. Using a technique he learned on his adventure, Banon healed himself after every attack. Although this technique required other people in his team, he was sure he could improvise and do it alone. As fast as Algus kept firing arrows, Banon would continue to heal himself. Several hours later, Banon thought that he should have gained enough levels and was ready to attack. After taking another direct hit, Banon finally tried attacking his enemy instead of healing. The attack obviously did very little damage to Algus. Banon suddenly realized that he couldn’t gain levels until the end of the match, where as Algus has been leveling up the whole time. Algus fired once more, and Banon wasn’t able to take a second hit without healing. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.