At least seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Keith Valentine vs Lloyd The battle starts off and Lloyd charges Keith, drawing out a sword....wait thats the Dragon Buster! Accidentally drawing the wrong sword, he gives a shrug and swings at Keith. Keith knowing that a dragon buster wouldn't affect him, stands unmoved. In an unexpected outcome, Keith falls to the floor, dead. Lloyd looks at the hilt of his dragon buster and reads the warning label, raises an eyebrow and laughs as he smacks his forehead with amusement and surprise; "Doubles as a vampire slayer." KEITH VALENTINE: 83 LLOYD: 128 Alas, poor Keith... we knew thee well. In a physical fight there are only a VERY small group of people who should even think of challenging Lloyd. Not only is he unfairly fast, and deals massive damage with his Dragon Buster and awesome magic, but he can dodge damn near any attack that gets thrown at him.... So....Magic right? well considering Lloyd is Void elemental, he has resistance to any magic attack....not to mention the fact he is immune to status effects as well bottom line : attacking Lloyd = stupid ANONYMOUS Keith does not belong in godlike Keith's ability to heal and attack in the same turn is paramount here. As is the fact that no one, not even Lloyd, can avoid that many bats. You ever watch Keith's attack? With his final weapon, he swings SO FAST. Lloyd just CAN'T dodge his slashes. Plus, Keith can freaking SUMMON DEATH. Bahamut vs Asgard Bahamut. Whether an optional boss, a summon, or the strange dragon who wants the tail of a rat, he always plays a role. He has many incarnations to draw on, more so than even Ryu. Therefore, when he uses Bahamut Zero from Final Fantasy VII to not even enter the Arena, but obliterate it from space, it comes as no surprise. Except to Asgard, who has no concept of what FF VII was like, and is soon destoyed after repeated blasts. BAHAMUT: 169 ASGARD: 66 ANONYMOUS Bahamut's ultra powerful Mega Flare was never stopped by any barrier. Bahamut also has extreme HP, great stats (Remember Final Fantasy 10?), nice black magic (also from FF10), and the ability to fly. This giant super dragon is nearly unbeatable. Asgard is strong, but in the end he will just end up as dust. As the battle begins, Asgard confidently watches the Dragon Overlord hover slightly above the arena floor. "Silly Dragon, your fire will never be enough to finish me off with my 'spectacular elemental resistance.' I will finish you off with no problem," the Golem intoned. "Bah. I might be a dragon, but I'm a non-elemental attack attribute," the Dragon chuckled. Minutes (and much non-elemenal devastation later), Asgard gets sent home in a bucket. ANONYMOUS Bahamut is one of the hardest bosses in FF8, harder in my opinion then either Ultima or Omega Weapon, and still one of the best summon/aeon/GF to use in a boss battle for his sheer power and Non-elemental versatility. Mega Flare, Terra Flare, Giga Flare... yowch... Bahamut vs Asgard!!! Holy cow this season has some powerhouses... Bahamut and Asgard both could easily wipe out Luca... too bad for Asgard that his defense is best against there elements whereas Bahamut's Mega Flare can pwn anything. Both Bahamut's and Asgard's strengths and weaknesses depend on who their master is. Bahamut can be unsatisfactory if a summoner from Final Fantasy Tactics knows Cyclops or the hidden Zodiac summon, and he can be just plain useless if Yuna isn't levelled up properly. Asgard only dies if his master dies, and even then, Asgard has to seek out some sure method of dying. So do decide who will win, we have to assign them a master. Bahamut-- For the sake of fairness and keeping down debates between famous summoners, Bahamut has been assigned to a generic, yet strong, summoner from Final Fantasy Tactics. Asgard-- Who is Asgard's master anyway? When he talks about obeying and following his master, is he referring to Leehalt or Sigfreid? I'll say Leehalt, since he had Asgard first. On the first round, Asgard rips the earth open to do a fair ammount of damage to the summoner, while she commands Bahamut to Megaflare Leehalt, which does a whole friggin lot, but damages Bahamut a whole friggin lot too, because of the Rule of Vengeance. Seeing how wounded he is, Leehalt does something that no generic Final Fantasy Tactics summoner can do: he runs away! Asgard, having no reason to die, doesn't die. ANONYMOUS Bahamut... in the RPGP... somebody's smoking something, because this is the king of dragons here. You don't get such a title by being weak (well, as weak as a godlike can be). Mega Flare is described as being a nonelemental attack that pierces magic defenses (see FF6). Asgard has a magical barrier. On one side, magical-defense-piercing attack, on the other, magical barrier. Doesn't take a genius here. ANONYMOUS While not terribly complicated, Mega Flare is one heck of an attack spell, particularly if the "summoned" monster is fighting on its own, and is therefore capable of using it at will. Bahamut = summoned by Yuna, Garnet, Rydia, other babes Asgard = commanded by Leehalt Asgard mops the floor with the way TOO lucky dragon and dumps Leehalt for Melody! Mieu vs Terra "Well..." Terra started off saying to her oppoent. "...Good luck!" The female android, however, did not respond. Instead she rasied her clawed hand. A few seconds after that, Mieu blazed forward, furisoly slashing at Terra with her claws. However, the claws struck empty air as Terra changed into her esper form and quickly flew to the other side of the arena. Mieu was already racing towards the half esper spell caster though, ready to tear her in two with her claws. However, a few moments later she was left a smoking heap of scrap after Terra cast Ultima, a spell which, eventually, she learns naturally. "I'm sorry, but I really had no choice" the gentle half esper said as RPGP officals ran in to take the defeat Mieu to the repair bay. MIEU: 81 TERRA: 123 ANONYMOUS Terra may have great magical powers, but Meiu has generations of experience. The three in which she helped defeat darkforce and all of the ones beforehand. She has had the time to perfect her fighting skills and well as her techniques. Terra has one big advantage here - she can flip out, be set aflame, and go nuts on her opponent. ANONYMOUS Terra can transform and double every stat she has. She can wield the Atma Weapon, the original Giant FF Blade(tm). She learns Ultima naturally, and a few more useless spells like Quarter and Break. Holy might turn out to be handy, but in the end it'll probably be a gigantic Atma Weapon slash or a timely casting of Ultima that wins it for Terra. Anybody who votes against Mieu here has obviously never played PS3 and should have no right voting... Her Physical attack power is almost as powerful as the heaviest hitter in the game (though i forget which prince has that..) and she attacks twice per round due to twin claws. She is also deadly fast.. Terra would not stand a single round with the ancient battle android Mieu ANONYMOUS Terra's Morph ability means that she'll be pushing the damage cap right from the beginning, but even without it, she has Ultima. And not the weaker, more diluted Ultima from other FF universes. No, this is pure non-elemental terror at its finest. Mieu will be toast before she knows what hit her. With her bevy of healing and defensive spells, Mieu can reasonably expect to make it through anything. Anything that is, but a barrage of Esper-class Ultimas. Phantasy Star chicks are mega (-Drive heheh) hot. Mieu > Terra Garai vs Arngrim Arngrim glared at the white-haired figure before him, and muttered something unpleasant under his breath. Why'd he have to draw an old fogey, anyway? He deserved a *real* fight. He lowered his greatsword. Garai's customary scowl deepened. "What are you about, mercenary?" he asked. "Just get it over with, old man," Arngrim sighed. "What are you saying?" Arngrim didn't answer. But his eyes flickered, briefly, to the stands. Garai didn't see the glance, didn't see the subject of it, and didn't think twice. He charged. He didn't see Arngrim's sword, either. Wiping undead ichor off his blade, Arngrim stalked to the stands and fixed his glare up at Jelanda and a selection of her chums, whose giggles had died down along with Garai. "I told you I didn't want you to beat up on an old man!" the precocious princess snapped, matching Arngrim glare for glare. "Now look what you've done!" "Don't ever try to have a good laugh at the expense of my fighting," Arngrim growled. "Got it?" "I most certainly don't 'got it'!" Jelanda said. She turned her nose up. "What an uncouth beast you are!" Arngrim shrugged. "Anyway, I didn't beat up on him. That's blunt weapons." He patted his greatsword. "And this baby is 100% slashing." With that, he left Jelanda frowning prettily and Garai lying in the dust. GARAI: 108 ARNGRIM: 122 Arngrim is simply TOO TOUGH and TOO COOL to lose. Arngrim can hack at Garai as much as he wants, but he'll never be able use Final Blast without teammates to back him up. That gives the dead Dragoon advantages in strength and durability over the dead mercenary, and that's all this fight is going to take. With just their regular attacks, Arngrim doesn't stand a chance. However, after softening up his foe a bit, a single Final Blast ought to allow him to nab a victory before he's beaten. Elena vs Mahler It's a simple question: Does Mahler have the fast, devastating attacks necessary to kill one of the RPGP's best healers before he runs out of MP and becomes a sitting duck for White Apocalypse? The answer is simple, too: No chance in Hell. ELENA: 97 MAHLER: 89 "Fufufufufu!" laughed Godard the Diviner from the corridor just outside the arena. "A shame you had to be brainwashed Mahler, but servants like you should know your place! Still, your current condition won't stop you form gouing forth to claim victory in the name of the Kudur Cult! No...go!" the brainwashed Mahler, who is in this condition since due to storyline reasons, raced from Goddard, and ran straight for Elena, much to the surprise of both the young woman and the crowd. Before the crazed monk could reach her, the Elena quickly foired of an attack spell. The spell struck, breifly interupting Mahler's cries of "KILLKILLmustkillKILL!" witha cry of pain. However, not long after this, 4 runes on his sheild glowed, the glow quickly spreading to surround Mahler's body. "Wh..what is this?!" Elena cried in shock. Mahler quickly reacher her, and the two of them fought with everything they had, However, in the end, Mahler triumped, due mostly to the 4 Recover Marks on his shield, as opposed to his skill. Diekbeck vs Nash Diekbeck is slow. Nash is fast. Diekbeck has no status protection. Nash has Stone. This isn't difficult. DIEKBECK: 77 NASH: 121 ANONYMOUS High-tech machinery just doesn't do well against massive charges of electricity. Chalk it up to Nash's lightning-elemental prowess for this match. Nanami vs Aila Nanami had been worried before the match began. After all, Aila's Vengeful Child spell would negate her only attacks, and leave her sitting helpless until her charge time ran out. That was until Badrach had come up with a plan, one he was sure would work... Aila looked about warily as she entered the arena. After all, these Heroic Dead may not be Zexen, but they certainly had repuations close enough to them for her to suspect trickery. A suspicion that was confirmed as she looked by the side of the ring and saw, just outside it, a whole carton of soda. She fought down the immeadiate urge to go and get it, and forced herself to face her opponent for this fight. "Do you want the soda? All you need do is walk over and claim it, and it is yours," Nanami said. "However, if you strike me, then you shall not have it." This struck Aila with a horrible dialemma. On the one hand, she really wanted that soda. On the other, her Karayan honour and pride refused to allow her to back out of a fight in such a manner. She agonised over this for a long while as Nanami stood by, not making her choice for her by striking the first blow. Finally, Aila reached a compromise that would satisfy her honour and her craving. After thrashing Nanami soundly, she then claimed the soda as a spoil of war and went off for a well deserved drink. NANAMI: 66 AILA: 144 Dragonbane's power just won't stand up to Aila's Donna Da Tar. Aila by KO in the Second round... Nanami casts Lightning. Alia is dead. Nanami goes home, and takes a nap. And the world keeps turning... Aila > most, especially weak mages. She is cuter *and* stronger than other lights so far!! Cinna vs Guido ANONYMOUS: Cinna leaned over the edge of the arena and spoke to his team. "Yo, guys! Any advice on how to handle this guy?" Blank and Baku conferred for a moment. Then Blank turned back to Cinna and spoke. "Follow my instructions as closely as possible and attempt to impress the crowd with your moves." "Gotcha." Said Cinna, and ran back into the fray. Thirty seconds later, Cinna was back. "You impressed 0 nobles." noted Blank. "It's kinda hard to fence with a guy who's *shooting arrows* at you!" retorted Cinna. "Any other ideas?" Baku spoke up. "Heh. Why don't you use your stage effects? Convince the rabbit that you're some kind of super mage and frighten him out of the ring?" "Hokay. It's worth a shot..." said Cinna as he tried this new advice. Twenty seconds later he returned to the edge of the arena floor. "It didn't work. I told him that I was gonna unload on him with my full powers, and he'd better surrender, an' I started throwing fireworks around. He said, and I quote: 'You've a-got to be a-kidding me!' Then he shot me again! You've gotta help me!" Guido, meanwhile, was using his Power Up injection to increase his stats. "It's a-no Wave Motion, but he's a-no Yuber!" he was heard to mutter. Baku spoke up to Cinna again. "He can't be that tough! You've got a hammer, just hit him with it!" "Right boss! Why didn't I think of that?" wondered Cinna, and he ran back into the action. Five seconds later he was back, with three more arrows sticking from his cap. "Oh yeah. He's still *shooting me!* I can't reach- YEOWCH!" Cinna yelped as three more arrows sprouted from his backside. "Do you mind? I'm trying to talk to my manager here!" "Oh, sorry. Please a-pardon my a-rudeness." replied the Mogay elder. Blank spoke again. "Persevere, Cinna! He can't interrupt your attacks forever! Time it right, and you can hit him between shots!" Cinna, looking rather alarmed at this point, headed back in. Ten seconds later, he was back. "Well this is just great. He stole my hammer. Said something about 'getting-a the good ending a-now,' whatever that means. Any *other* bright ideas, O illustrious comrades?" Ruby, who had been watching with quiet amusement the whole time, chose this moment to pipe up. "Make a deal with him. If he goes easy on you, you'll buy your recovery items for the match from the Mogay." Cinna brightened up and put the plan into action. Fortunately for him, this one worked. Match: Guido CINNA: 93 GUIDO: 122 Guido has the ability to throw bombs and stab things repeatedly. Cinna has the ability to hit things with a hammer. Not a warhammer, mind you. Just a regular nail-whacking hammer. I'll take an ancient, wise, and agile fighter over a guy outfitted by his local Home Depot any day of the week. ANONYMOUS Lacking the zaniness of Baku or the cool mystique of Blank, Cinna is definitely not Tantalus' finest offering. Still, his hammer will prove him true against Guido, since he lacks both the ambition and the mind to fall for Guido's complicated cons. Guido was a cool rabbit and rabbits own - Bugs Bunny never loses! L337 Contest ANONYMOUS: Lucca knew how to make a teleportation machine in 1000 AD. If you look at what 1000 AD was like, with castles and knights, with no technology, she managed to make a transporter. After that feat, hacking a security system would be as easy as, well, Crono killing something with a sword. (Why is Locke even in this competition if it requires computer skill?) LUCCA ASHTEAR: 52 OTACON: 45 YUN: 44 LOCKE COLE: 41 FATE: 29 ALGUS SADALFAS: 16 Now what kind of hacker would Moneymaker be if she couldn't beat someone like Locke Cole or dare I say it, Algus Sadalfas? Yun in a few strokes of the keyboard. L337 Contest> Lucca managed to hacked into fate in Chrono Cross, so it is obvious that when it comes down to hacking, Lucca is the best. Snake, already proving himself as a strong heavy, walks in and busts up on all the other hackers one by one. When he's done Otacon simply tells him one to do. ANONYMOUS Heh heh... Algus is L33T? 074c0I\I iz D4 13373z7 Lucca is a geek. A HOT geek. With a gun. And who builds time travelling machines. I like her chances. .....i think locke wu=ill win 'cause he's a better thief than them all and i hope he wins 'cause he's cool plus he could do some serious damage to that uhh...L337 thingy If anypne can make sense of what the Gazel say it's someone who's had to occasionally talk to Daravon They all set out to work, but Yun has a different plan... soon, all of the other competitors find their computers overrun with a virus, and a flashing message asking them, "You've been tagged by Moneymaker! Deposit 1000 dollars for the anti-virus software!" All of them are infected, except for Algus, due to his lack of a computer. Most of them just pay, but it stalls Otacon, who has to requisition the funds from the government. Lucca and FATE just purge it themselves. Locke Cole is stalled by his inability to get into the SOL-9000, as the security system is just a tad much for a small time cyber-crook to handle. However, when Otacon, Lucca, and FATE finally get into the SOL-9000 mainframe, they're greeted with a message from Yun, telling them its already been done, along with an attachment. Since people always open attachments regardless of common sense, they're all reinfected with a brand new virus, complements of Yun. Locke is a god While this field is part amature with no buisness here, and part pro with three of the best hackers humanity has to offer. Unfortunatly, none of this lot will take it. After all, none of them has binary as their primary language, none of them routinely manipulates a whole archipelago of people without letting even the powerbrokers know of it, and none of them have trained assassins ready to be sent off anywhere on a second's notice to off any competition. Really, with those three reasons, FATE cannot lose. Yun is *goddess* cute. Otacon, Algus & Locke look for pics of her on the 'net, Celes kills Locke, and Yun beats Lucca and Fate easy as a REAL hacker. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.