Five lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Ramirez vs Avalon Kazan took a swig at his saki jug as he watched the battle. Avalon had been pretty tough, though, frankly, Bubba had been much stronger for his level. At the moment, Avalon's 'ultimate power' was stabbing the wussy-looking little black-clad admiral in the chest. Kazan shook his head. That had to hurt. A moment later, the wussy-looking little black-clad admiral dumped Avalon onto a gigantic ice pillar, leaving him to writhe there in untold freezing agony. Kazan shook his head again. That had to hurt a lot more. The Master turned to Lang and spoke the following words of wisdom. "Remember, kid - don't judge a book by it's cover." RAMIREZ: 125 AVALON: 83 Typhoon Ramirez has several options here. But he has three aces in the hole that'll put him at the top. Drilnos. Weakens Avalon. Silver Tundra/Silver Binds. No matter which he picks, the move does major damage to his opponent. And the finisher? Silver Nightmare. Turns Avalon's strongest attack against him. And it works all the time. Ramirez has it in the bag. This is easily a cakewalk for Ramirez. Avalon can deal some pretty deadly damage and has status effects, but Ramirez is a boss. Those status effects won't even work. Ramirez deals plenty of damage with silver eclipse and his puppeteer abilities. He also has a very potent healing spell. Ramirez deserves more respect than he gets, but I have a feeling this season he will get it "Repent your sins...through death! Sword of the Eclipse!" A couple of Silver Tundras does Avalon in without trouble. ANONYMOUS Okay, let's review. Ramirez has... Silver Eclipse- WOW Silver Tundra- Jams opponent through icicle. WOW Drilnos- wow. HE JUST CAN'T LOSE. Ramirez is king. KING. king king king king king. Alucard vs Jecht Alucard looked up at the towering form of Jecht. He couldn't help but think of Galamoth, the demonic dinosaur assassin from the bowels of Castlevania. Once he was done mopping the arena floor with the Final Aeon's towering but slow and largely ineffective form, Alucard no longer considered the comparison an apt one. ALUCARD: 138 JECHT: 115 Jecht is the best. Duh. They even say so in the game. Alucard shakes off being turned to stone. That was Jecht's only good attack. After every attack that Jecht actually manages to land, Alucard can Soul Steal, or worse yet, Shield Rod + Alucard Shield. Either way, the fight belongs to Alucard. I beat Jecht with a fairly low level Yuna by herself by casting heal over and over. Alucard has Crissaegrim, a weapon of immense power and SUPER SUPER speed. Plus, he would destroy Yuna and any of her Aeons with ease. That stated, Alucard will dominate Jecht. metroid composite Well, I haven't played FFX, but should Alucard even be in the RPGP? He has as much right as the more popular Samus, and I don't see her here. I'm going to assume that since Samus isn't in that Alucard shouldn't be either. Max vs Ramladu Anyone who remembers the original Shining Force knows that the Runefaust army has made a habit of using long-range particle beam weapons. Consequently, if there's anyone in all of Runefaust that knows how to disable said long range weapons, it would be Ramladu. Without his primary attack, Max just doesn't stand a chance. MAX: 100 RAMLADU: 113 "Miacis to our hearts!" Max cried. "Mace to our heads," Ramladu answered, striking a blow for sensible government (and plain old sense, for that matter). As Max entered the arena, Ramladu called out to him. "Long have I waited for this moment, Max! This time you shall meet your death!" before summoning up an army. The King of Runefaust was momentarily confused when the Shining Force didn't come to Max's rescue as they did before. But he figured a win was a win all the same. Nash vs Garet First of all I would like to thank you for giving Nash a chance in the rpgs, BUT you give him no credit what-so-ever! He was the hero of the Suikogaiden games therefore he gets all attributes from those games as well. He can use any weapon, he is a master swordsman(they even mention that in Suikoden 3) he is one of the smartest Heavies, plus he owns the Grosser Fluss(check to find out what that can do!) lol, I know you can't possibly be at fault for saying what you said, in Suikoden 3 he is a mystery. btw Nash is my favorite new school character if you didn't know! *Garet looks across th arena to see Nash walk in slowly. Behind him Ivan, Issac and Mia are all cheering for him* "Good luck Garet", they yelled. Garet had a big grin on his face. "Ha, one hit from my Djinn's and I will be on my way" *Nash wasn't paying attention. He was looking through the crowds. Garet saw that and wasn't too pleased* Hey, hello buddy. Shouldn't you be worrying about me instead of who is watching you, I should just get this over with right now! *Nash turned aroud with a little grin on his face* "Hm, you are quite the energetic boy aren't you? I am just enjoying the view, but in any case if you want to start lets start", said Nash "Fine by me", Garet began charging at Nash with his weapon in front. Nash kept backing up and throwing darts at the boy. Garet struck each dart out of the way as he kept in pursuit of the Harmonian spy. "Why are you running Nash? Can't you do anything other than throw weak little darts at me?" Once I get you in close range combat you will be done for", Garet had a smile on his face as he lunged toward's the Nash. Nash stopped backing up and starred at the man, "Really do you wish to lose that badly, and besides your Djinns are strong, yes, BUT they are better when you are in a group, you have lost half of their powers by fighting solo" Garte was getting annoyed, "What are you babbling about. Sure I fight with a group of four, but you are even in a worse spot. You have six people to a party, so I have nothing to worry about", with that Garet charged at Nash ready to knock him out of the fight. *Nash looked at Garet and began reaching for his holster that held his secret weapon* "You silly boy, I fight better alone, that way none of my comrades get hurt", with that Nash pulls out his Grosser Fluss and entangles Garet within it as he throws him out of the ring. Nash laughs at Garet as he layed outside ofthe ring, "Just be glad I didn't kill you," *he looks around the seats once more* "Now where has the M'Lady gone?" NASH: 137 GARET: 81 Nash beats down wussy Garet and goes to hit on some gals... until Sierra finds him... (hope Nash escapes her until he gets further in Heavy!!!) Nash may not be Garet's equal in sheer, blow-for-blow battle power, especially sans his mighty Grosser Fluss...However, Mr. Latjke has more than enough intellect and cunning to best the fiery young Mars-adept. Typhoon Garet, at high levels, is quite powerful. He can go for high fire damage with Pyroclasm, increase his stats, or bring out the Gaia Blade and utilize Titan Blade, quite possibly the strongest attack in the game. A single Titan Blade will seriously damage Nash. Even a normal strike will do high damage. Two hits are all Garet needs. After a bit of weasling with the rulings department at the RPGP, Garet managed to get an ace up his sleeve for the match. Namely, the seven Mars Djinni, which powered him up so that he was the worst member of the party (though he was that without the Djinni as well) and some variety to boot. Nash, though, also came with an ace; the Grosser Flux which makes him strong enough to face Culgan and Seed singlehandedly, and win. Nash's ace trumps Garet's for the win. Yohm vs Alice One word: Advent YOHM: 104 ALICE: 121 Let's see... a summoner capable of going head to head with Fou-Lu... or a fairly average cleric? I think this one is obvious. What is Yohm doing in Middle? Alice is 2 hot 2 lose 2 Yohm!! (did Yohm fight, anyway?) As soon as the battle started, Yohm quickly summoned two powerful creatures. Alice tried her best, but soon she lost her sanity and then her life. As the small Yohm was jumping happily for joy, an RPGP offical quickly ran over to him. "My Yohm, I am hereby disqualifying you from this season. I declare ALICE ELLIOT the winner of this bout!" Yohm was outraged. "What! My monsters beat her fair and square! You can't do this!" The offical looked down at Yohm. "That is esxactly the reason for this. You creaturs defeated Alice did not. It you, Yohm, that was entered into this season, not the creature syou summon whoich act as a seperate fight in your game Breath of Fire IV. You might wanna keep that in mind before you think of regiseritng to compete." The RPGP offical then turned and left the stunned Yohm standing in the center of the arena, the laugter of the crowd rining in his ears. The Moral of this story is: When you are an NPC with no battle form, don't even bother. Sir Alex While it's certainly true that Yohm's summoned beasts are strong, the match isn't Khafu vs. Alice, it's Yohm vs. Alice. The only thing we know about Yohm himself's combat abilities is that he burns to death quickly. Yohm can frustrate Fou-Lu, he can easily take Alice. Yohm's got powerful summons, but is defenseless in person. Alice is nearly defenseless, but she can summon her powerful boyfriend to even the field. Let's see Yohm try to top Seraphic Radiance. Hardin vs Ward "So, Hardin, how will you deal with this opponent?" Sydney asked casually. "Frankly, I'm not sure." Hardin looked out the window of their hideout and frowned. "I haven't exactly fought in a while, you know." Sydney checked his claw-like nails. "Mmm-hmm. Why don't you just lock the door to the Arena with a Sigil?" Hardin looked up and grinned, reminded of why Sydney was the brains of the operation. He cunningly locked Ward's entrance, then went to the center of the arena. "That big buffoon has no chance of victory now," Hardin said under his breath. Meanwhile, Ward, accompanied by Laguna and Kiros, had just finished taking down the Iron Golem that guarded the Sigil he needed. The quest had taken a while, but the experience points... they were well worth it. Not to mention that Ward had his limit break. Hardin discovered this when he spied a harpoon sailing toward him, and, very briefly, his eyes got quite large. HARDIN: 97 WARD: 142 Ward against Hardin....? oooooooooooooo......sorry ward dude, i like you but hardin has a much more harder punch to back what he says up because he'll learn his magic from sydeny and the oh-so powerful blood-sin attack also while he's at it. And Jetcht scores a blitz point while he's kickin' Alucard's butt Ward is in middle? That's unimaginable... He should at least be sparring with the best of heavy. Ward is a better fighter than a talker, which is to say not much of one. Then again, at least he is a fighter as opposed to Hardin who excels at spying on people with magic, and locking doors. Two skills that, while quite useless inside the arena, are very useful for making sure that your foe never gets inside the arena. Ugh. A NPC vs a unjunctioned FFVIII PC. Why isn't this match in puny? Shady vs Gabocha ANONYMOUS: The Schroedingers' cat proved himself very much alive when he blasted Gabocha repeatedly with fire. Soon, it was raining cats and dogs. Well, dog, anyway. Gabocha wasn't exactly *playing* dead. The moral? Weak bosses win over weak PCs any day. SHADY: 126 GABOCHA: 91 The Quantum Kitty Cannot Be Denied! Shady For Light Champ! Shady Thousand is probably the greatest character of all time. While Gabocha is one of the more lackluster PCs from Suikoden 2, he is faced with an opponent that is well powerless. He struggles to do triple digit damage when it would take thousands of points of damage to kill Virginia, Clive or Jet. I can't believe he'll even hurt Gabocha before he dies of old age, let alone before Gabocha slingshots him to death. Turnip vs Relm Turnip thought he had this match in the bag. After all, it was a well-known fact that most members of the alleged 'artistic community' were Green supporters. Little did he know that Relm was also a vegetarian! TURNIP: 98 RELM: 149 "My turnip powers are not to be taken lightly" Turnip shouted at Relm. "But you forget, I have the power.... to draw things" Relm replied. "What are you going to do, draw a really mean picture of me that will make me run in tears out of the arena?" Turnip the turnip continued to laugh outloud for a few minutes. Relm was the one laughing though, for turnip didn't know the extent of her power. She sketched for a while, then showed it to turnip . "What? A picture of me with the words Turnip is stupid under it? "This is getting pathetic."it though as an angry Relm threw her paint brush at it, finishing the turnip off with a single blow. A contest between to physically weak light weights, right? Well, that's what Turnip thought before he realized that every character from Relm's world can cast Ultima. ANONYMOUS Relm's magic power is the strongest, unmodded, in FF6. She sketches a few times, but just blows Turnip away with some fire magic, then makes a profit selling cooked veggies. All right, so Turnip is Green-innate, and consequently doesn't suffer extra damage from Red attacks. On the other hand, Relm can (and will) equip the Fire Rod and start barbecuing Turnip anyway. Heroic Melee Once again, a vast variety of characters picked up votes in this match. Congratulations to the handful of standout heroes who reached the Top Ten, and even to the dozens who didn't. With contestants ranging from Guybrush Threepwood to, err, Sephiroth, picking up votes, it's clearly only the best of the best who have made it to the exalted top ten. "We now interrupt our regularly scheduled program of 'Behind the Scenes: The Highwinds' to bring you this special report from the RPGP arena." Cara: This is Cara Bal, for the Tycoon News Network. Today marks the most anticipated match in the history of the RPG Playoffs. Approximately 17 trillion NPCs are expected to be watching the melee between all the starring warriors of RPGs past and present. And we at the Tycoon News Network are pleased to be bringing you all the action. Before we begin, though, we have the obligatory pre-match hype machine to exploit for as much cash as we can get. With that, here's pre-match analyst experts Mara and Nara. Mara: Well, it doesn't take a fortune teller to see that this battle is going to be wild and quick. With so much firepower being sprung, only the strong will survive long enough to get off a second shot. Nara: Right, sis. There are a few favourites that we think have a good chance at bringing home the title. And of course, first among them is the highest ranked PC in the history of the RPGP, Dragon God Ryu. Mara: With his recent additional training following a heartbreaking loss to Yuri Hyuga, Ryu seems poised to reclaim his title of the strongest. But he's got company. Nara: He'll be challenged early by the sheer Hellish power of Tir McDohl, who's capable of destroying the entire field in one shot, thanks to his Rune. Perennial underdogs Rolf Landale and Dart may also surprise the field. Mara: So it's anyone's game, Cara. It just happens that it's more some people's game than others. Cara: Thank you, Mara and Nara. Now, we have our roving reporter Chisato Madison, who's managed to get a few interviews with some of the competitors. _ _ _ This is Chisato Madison, and with me is the leader of the second Shining Force, Bowie. Bowie, what are your plans for this battle. "Well, I expect to wait around for my turn. Once my turn comes up, I'll move, probably let loose with a Bolt 3, then wait for my next turn." Um, you do realize that this isn't a turn-based battle, don't you. "Of course. But I learned that you have to go with what you know, and that's what I know." Right. Well, good luck to you, Bowie. You'll need it. Also with me is... what was your name, again? "Sora. You know, the mighty wielder of the Keyblade and savior of the multiverse." It must have slipped my mind, kid. I take it you're going to take part in the battle royale? "Of course, and I'll win, too. After all, I singlehandedly beat Sephiroth!" Sure, and my name is Cyril. "I'm serious! He wasn't even that hard! I just went and hit him a lot and he gave up like a little bab...aargh!" Ouch! It seems that someone wouldn't shut up, and as a consequence he was stabbed through the gut. That must hurt. "Vital... fluids... draining..." This just in, don't mess with the Perfect SOLDIER! "Medic... help me..." So, Sephy baby, how about a private interview, huh? Wait, come back! "Go... get help..." ... "Anyone?" ... "Aw, spoon." _ _ _ Cara: I'd feel sorry for Sora there, but you just know he was asking for it. Anyway, from the looks of things, they're ready to get underway, so we'll bring you live, unnarrated coverage from the arena floor! _ _ _ "This match has the honour of being the largest battle I've ever presided. The rules are simple - only one entry per game is allowed. There are no ring-outs, and no illegal equipment. The only disqualification comes if you receive assistance from non-combatatants. The match begins as soon as all fighters enter the ring." said the Star Dragon Sword to the sold out throng of the audience. "But before we begin, our Reigning Champion has a few words for you." The ominous figure of Luca Blight rose from his reserved chair and began to address the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, I too have waited for the match for a very long time. Once and for all we shall determine who is the second strongest of all, the first being me of course. I wish all the participants luck, and offer this bit of advice. There can be only one winner, so have no mercy on your enemies. "One more thing: Pig, if you don't win, whatever pain you feel in the ring today will be nothing compared to what I dole out to you. My reputation is on the line." Riou smirked and nodded at Luca. With that done, the sentient sword referee began the introductions. "When your name is called, report to the arena at once. From Aidyn Chronicles, Alaron! From Alundra, Alundra! From Arcana, Rooks! From..." The audience settled down for a long and tedious introduction. _ _ _ COMMERCIAL BREAK! NOW WITH 100% FEWER COMMERCIALS! _ _ _ "From Final Fantasy 8, Squall Leonheart. From Final Fantasy 9, Zidane Tribal. From Final Fantasy 10..." droned the Star Dragon Sword. "Oh, get on with it!" came a cry from the stands. "Some of us have other things to do this year than have people's names chanted out!" "Oh, very well. Everyone get into the ring and begin!" _ _ _ For a moment, there was no action. Everyone took a moment to observe the situation, and determine what was to be done. Then, there was chaos. All at once, three unnamed minor heroes from no-name RPGs rushed at Ryu, and were dispatched without even needing a transformation. At the same moment, Yuri Hyuga completed his Seraphic Radiance transformation and turned to Arc with a flourish. As the two began to duke it out, Claude Kenni and Cless Alvein traded blows and Lenneth scouted around for possible Einherjar within the battle. Suddenly, a small boy made his way to the center of the ring. "I am Ash Ketchum, the world's greatest Pokémon trainer. I shall stop at nothing until you are all mine! Pokéball, go!" The onlookers stared in amazement. This little child, with no power of his own, did he honestly expect to compete in this battle? Their unspoken questions were answered when the Pokéball he had thrown hit Ash Lambert, sucking him in. Ketchum didn't seem so powerless now. "Quick! Get him before he does the same to the rest of us!" cried Squall, and the stampede was on. Realizing that his projected lifespan was desperately short, Ketchum ran forward to collect his prize and leave. Unfortunately, he tripped over his own feet and flew right into the Pokéball. It rumbled for a few moment before it exploded to reveal a new man, a merger of Lambert and Ketchum. "Name's Ash. Housewares." This new development did nothing to stop the horde rushing at him - that is, until with one shotgun blast he leveled the newly-Kaiser transformed Ryu. "See this? This is my boom stick!" That's when things started to get weird... _ _ _ Bodies lay strewn about the ground, the nameless and famous alike. All at the hands of this newly-created monster. Only one hero stood in the way of a complete massacre. "You are a very bad man!" said Terra Branford, shaking her finger at Ash. "Good, bad... I'm the one with the chainsaw." said Ash, rushing forward and gutting the half-Esper. But Terra had managed to cast one final Ultima at the deranged psycho, at last putting an end to his carnage. One problem - with everyone dead, there was no winner. "This is a problem... I have it. The first person in the ring to get up and start waving is the winner." said the Star Dragon Sword, making an official ruling. It took a few minutes, but one figure crawled out from under the pile of bodies and began waving wildly. "Our hero, our champion... Ryu!" THE TOP TEN (ER... ELEVEN) VOTE GETTERS 1. Ryu (Breath of Fire series): 18 2. Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7): 16 3. Maxim (Lufia 2): 15 4. Crono (Chrono Trigger): 12 5. Claude Kenni (Star Ocean 2): 11 6. Tir McDohl (Suikoden): 10 7. Fei Fong Wong (Xenogears): 9 8. Squall Leonheart (Final Fantasy 8): 7 8. Yuri Hyuga (Shadow Hearts): 7 9. Alex of Burg (Lunar SSSC): 6 10. Justin (Grandia): 5 I would, of course, normally vote for the most heroic Kazan. However, I take this to be a main character match, and therefor will refrain from this inclination. Instead, the match has to go to Lang, student of the Master, and himself one of the best swordsmen in the worlds. That's not even mentioning the multi-hitting power of his Origin, which should be enough to dispatch our weaker warriors (you know who you are). Verily, the likes of Cecil, Fei and the various finisher-based fighters, to say nothing of Justin or Ryudo, might well dispatch their opponents. And it would be foolish indeed to discount Yuri, Ryu or Alex of Burg. But in the end, Lang's superior technique (after all, he learned from the best) and outrageous damage potential will secure him the win. Why R there no chicks in this? Like Valkyrie&Chris&Virgnia (even tho she sucks)? Or is there gonna be another match w/ them? i would say i choose dear old Arngrim. A guy like him deserves a title once in a while! ^_^ An entire contest filled with characters prone to instant death attacks? One Hell eliminates the compitition. Heroic Melee> When it comes down to it, it's the heroes with the most adventures which are truely the greatest... And although Cloud, Zelda, and a few others come close, Bof's Ryu dominates them all. Maxim is the truest hero, willing to give his life for others. And with his amazing IP abilities, his life won't even be in danger this match. zeli 0wnz As all the strong, brave fighters filed into the oversized arena it was suddenly blown up by those universe destroying attacks...Then when the smoke clears no one is in sight, and Palmer opens the door to nothing but rubble...Palmer then celebrates with a nice cup of tea.... Big battle of all fighters WOW...there are too many people to consider for this match...any hero from any game...the variations in technique,style, abilities and gameplay make this one of the most interesting battles ever.... from physical powerhouses like Cloud and Maxim to the finesse of more subtle fighters like Lenneth Valkyrie and Crono...its almost too hard to call....almost The victory falls in the hands of Claude Kenni...his massive defense, and extreme variety of techniques gives him an obvious edge....obviously the amount of damage flying around will be insane, and what better way to survive than having great defense and being able to self heal? something that many to most of the other heroes are incapable of...he can equip himself in such a variety of ways to make him almost invincible to attacks...extreme defense against all the melee attacks, reflective armour/angel armbands to deem magic techniques almost useless, plus the fact that even once he has slaughtered countless enemies with his Ripper Blast/Mirror Slice moves, his physical attacks deal more damage per hit with the levantine sword/angel armband combo than most others finishing techniques...all in all, Claude is the ultimate hero...of course this match will not be a walk in the park, but no other hero can match his capabilities.Attackin him at short range is suicide, magicians will find themselves ruined with his long range attacks like Air Slash and Head Splitter, and in the worst case scenario of actually being hit with an attack, it will do minimal damage, that he can heal. Bottom Line : there is NO smart way to defeat claude...without any weaknesses to focus on the other heroes will find themselves cleaved in two before they can come up with a plan to deal any damage to him... i wouldn't have thought of it this way...but i don't see any other hero being able to take claude down, hes just too well rounded to be defeated by one person Unoriginal The moment this match starts, every hero who has some sort of hit-all uber-spell/skill/ability up their sleeves will probably use them immediatly, thus this match won't about who can dish out the most damage, but rather who can get hit by all of that("That" includes Megids, several incarnations of Bahamut decending at once, several transformation type abilities, and at least five flavors of Ultmia) and *survive*. The only person I can think of who can not only survive such devastation, but come out unscathed would be the Riskbreaker, Ashley Riot. The damage reduction from his Defence Arts comes in the form of healing applied after the fact, and even if he gets knocked to 0 he'll suvive if he pulls the Art off, and with the massive amounts of damage flying around every Defence Art he uses will most likely heal him to full health. Ryu, taking a peculiar strategy, turns into the Gold Dragon from Breath of Fire II. The attack does MAXIMUM DAMAGE. All non-godlikes are defeated. The godlikes are severely weakened. He takes them out one at a time as they try to heal. Alucard is the greatest hero of all time. Not only does he kill his own father twice, but he purges HIS OWN bloodline just for the good of the world. That's true heroism. Crono may have speed, and Ryu his dragon tranformations. But Cloud has the omnislash, capable of dealing 9999 damage per hit, and fast enough that he can more or less smack everyone with a hit before he has to stop. And when he inevitably come's up against Squall? Well, the Buster sword is a lot bigger than the gunblade... I voted for him in the fan favorites, and I'm going to vote for him again! GO SNAKE!!! Not a single person but me will choose Locke, but I hope you put this on top of the other posts so people cna see why he should win. If you recall from FF6 Locke can use all of the hardcore weapons like Excalibur and Atma Weapon. Plus the fact that he has a ranged weapon of awesome power will help in this fight if it is allowed, but either way Locke has good speed to dodge attacks especially with Illumina, only decent power, but then who needs good power when you got Illumina backing you, and he can always jack other opponents weapons to either use or just to render them helpless. Locke will use his wits and speed to win. As soon as the hero battle royal started, th big gun heroes suich as Ryu (Boosted by the MASSIVE power upgarde he gets thanks to Breath of Fire V) Yuri and Crono quickly slaughtered each other. From the mass of godlikes, Serpahic Radiance powered Yuri strode forward, confident that he could handle his "lesser" foes. But he had made the mistake of wasting his magic, and once again another massive brawl ensured. Thsi tiem, only one man walked away...Riou, the immortal (Thanks to his Bright Shield Run) hero of Suikoden 2. ANONYMOUS The match begins.....swords clashing, fists flying, deathblows, limits, and all of a sudden.....they all get obliterated by a bright green light........its non other than crono's luminare ANONYMOUS Squall is not only really good in this kind of fight (because he keeps cool under pressure), he's also the best main character story-wise. ANONYMOUS Think about it, people. Who in the entirety of the RPGP could beat Guybrush Threepwood? Let's break it down with some powerful characters: RYU A dragon? A DRAGON? Hah. Heh. Urm... SQUALL A guy who can shoot giant blasts from his sword. Well. Umm... Hmm. FEI The Slayer of God? Guybrush, uh... where'd he go, anyway? Well, let's leave this is unsubstantiated rumor, actually. ANONYMOUS Maxim starts off the battle with 100% IP thanks to his Dual Blade. While all of the other heroes attack each other, he uses Wave Motion to get his stats up to max. After that, the only trouble he'll have is in deciding whether to use magic, IP attacks, or just swing his sword around. If there's a bigger hero than Foxhound's number one, I don't want to hear about it. Snake Rules! ANONYMOUS I picked doctor mario because he can perscribe justice. Sir Alex Every leading man from every game in the RPGP is assembled together, huh. Ignoring the question of how they all fit into the Arena, in the first turn, hit-all abilities are surely going to wreak massive devastation on all and sundry, leaving the field totally barren for those without some sort of defensive strategy. Heck, if someone has a strong enough hit-all attack, they may win outright then and there. Ryu can use his Holy Circle evocation from BoF4, making him invincible for the first turn without expending any AP, then cast his BoF2 G.Dragon spell to obliterate survivors (if any). It's a shame that Cloud's fanboys will probably propel him to victory, but we can always hope.... Omnislash is just too good to ignore. Since there's so much powerful offensive spells and technique that will be tossed here and there, nobody can win this fight fair and square. I mean, who would survive an unhealthy serving of Ultima, Megid and other devastating attacks. Those with enough brain and not too much honor to stay out of the fight for a while. Now who could that be? Just as Joshua (from Shadowrun) thought the fight was almost over and started shooting the few remaining contestants with his machine gun, he got shot by the Wanderer and his handy modified plasma rifle. Joshua fired back, but his shots mostly bounced off the Wanderer's power armor. The plasma rifle however didn't suffer the same effect. Arc, recently revived by Lieza, leaves the newly rebuilt Palencia to head for his very own "Arc Arena". "Thank you for seeing me Mother Claire. I have a request to make. I believe I am at a sufficient level to recieve the Invincible ability and I have the Goz to pay you. Please endow me with 'Invincible'" Sufficiently prepared Arc launches into the Arena and immediately casts Invincible. Nobody can harm him in any way. Arc, having sufficient MP to keep this up for awhile...does, allowing the other 'heros' to eliminate themselves. Tidus having the most HP of all the heros, thanks to his HP Limit Break, is the last to stand against the well-rested Arc. Arc promptly fries Tidus with a "Burn Ground-o!!" Although not the strongest in his game, let alone across every game, this Twin Blade has his hands on Twilight's Bracelet...a quick data drain will make the Clouds and Cronos into Goblins and Imps in no time... An impressive array of heroes here, but unless they all heap themselves on Ryu, all he has to do is transform into Kaiser (Immune to most status affects), and lay in with a few Kaiser Breaths (which hit everything)... Not many of the other heroes have such a powerful attack that hits everyone with non-elemental attribute. Plus, if anyone survives that he can move in with his massive physical power. Yeah, yeah, I know, Max'll never be picked. But, come on, he has the Chaos Breaker, defeated Dark Dragon, basically was willing to die so everyone else can get to safety, and still somehow found the time to get out of a sinking, imploding castle. And lived out the rest of his days as a farmer, but hey, who's keeping score here? Ok Now this is a classic we got the worlds most Heroic, coolest and of course most Brutal Fighters gathered and ready to beat the crap out of each other. So now lets go to the battlearena and see who will win the fight of the millenium. There they are: We Got heros, we got brave Swordsman and we got a real go..... hey wait where the heck is Ryu ? It Seems That Ryu the beloved Dragon Warrior hasn't arrived yet. That's to bad but we can't stop the Fight right know. Here we go your Brave Heros waste no time and run towards each other. if they go on like this they gonna chrash in the middle of the ring. Hey what's that ? a Pink tail appearing in the middle of the ring from below ? There's some strange dust coming out this tail. Oh what is this ? that stinks horrible, it's, it's oh my God Could it Be ? that's the smell of fresh cut onions !!!! Look how all those brave man are falling. I wonder what it is that's burried under the arena. Hey wait this can't be or could it ? YES, YES its true it's Ryu ! the missing dragon has finaly appeared in form of his Hybrid Onion form. He must have fused with Peco an now he's the only on left standing in the Ring. That's it Folks "You shall never mess with Vegetables" Hah. This is a two round bonus match. Tir kills off 99% of the field with hell, and Yuri kills what's left with for the children. Gotta love that crusifix. This week's Bonus Match includes several of the best heroes in the RPGP. However, with all of these powerful leading men to choose from, none of them will get my vote. Instead, my vote goes to a leading woman and one of my favorite RPG characters, Aya Brea. I chose her because she is one of only a few characters in the RPGP that is completely self-sustainable and doesn’t need to rely on other party members for support. Here are some of the features she brings to battle. Defensive skills: First of all, Aya has some very strong healing abilities (healing is commonly a deciding factor in several RPGP matches). She has several abilities of various strengths, including one for full recovery. On the chance that she is hit with a negative status effect, she has an ability to remove it. She has barrier spells to reduce the amount of damage she takes from enemy attacks. There is also a haste spell that will allow her to move and act faster. Finally, she has a Preraise ability that would revive her if she were to fall in battle. Offensive skills: Aya is armed with numerous offensive abilities and can attack her enemies with various spells of fire, electricity, or blasts of energy. One of her stronger attacks is Liberate, which attacks random enemies with numerous attacks for heavy damage, although that one would be best used when the enemy number has reduced in order to have it concentrate its attacks on a few. Another useful attack would be Lifedrain which absorbs the HP from the enemies around her and adds it to her own (Good for offense and defense). There are even a few status attacks available to her such as confuse, paralysis, and slow. She can even use her abilities to increase the power of her weapons. Weapons: Finally, we get to the base of Aya’s offense, and we find guns, lots of guns. Aya has a large arsenal of firearms of various types. She can take heavy weapons such as rocket launchers, can increase her firing range with rifles or even a rail gun, can go for more basic weapons like handguns or machine guns, or if she feels like infringing on another character’s trademark, she has her own version of the Gunblade which is equipped with long range shotgun blast capabilities and can be very powerful up close. All of these weapons can give her a power and range advantage. There aren’t very many playable characters that feature these many types of skills, not even in the Godlike ranks. Aya has the skills she needs to be ready for just about any type of battle. There is only one way to tell who is going to win the heroic melee in this week's bonus match. There are such great competitors such as Alucard, Ryu, Fei, Justin, Arc, Yuri, Hugo, Rudy, Ashley Riot, Ryudo, Squall, Tir, Riou, Hiro, Alex, Tidus, Crono, Vyse, Lenneth, and the list goes on and on. Anybody could honestly win this match. Who will win? The one who is the most popular. Cloud will easily win because he is one of the most popular main characters of all time from the most popular playstation rpg of all time. I can't wait to see my favorite spikey headed freak fight next season. ANONYMOUS Perhaps not the true main character of an rpg,but when it comes to heroism,well that is him...after all,it is what his character is all about,loyalty and heroism- Frog metroid composite "leading men?" Ha. How many men even stand a chance? From all I've heard Aya Brea has one of the better chances in an all out Melee. Of course, assuming that Aya eliminates everyone else, she'll probably be left at low HP, which would be the perfect time for Lenneth to take off the Dimension Slip and finish Aya for the win. ...Or it would be the win if it weren't for Samus who can Screw Attack + Space Jump the whole time using the same strategy as Lenneth. She then swoops down and finishes off Lenneth, who is stuck with 4 CT after using Nibelung Valesti on Aya. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.