Four lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Fou-Lu vs Ryu Neither competitor wasted time with their paltry human forms. This was a battle of Dragon Gods, and by golly it would be fought in the traditional draconic manner, as seen in several million covers for generic fantasy novels and AD&D modules - that is to say, not using any of their myriad special abilities, wing buffets, tail slaps, spells, techniques or skills, but simply biting and clawing away. Unfortunately, the scene was less dramatic because it lacked the traditional pair of humanoid riders who, although less intelligent than and about a 100th the size of their mounts, somehow affected the outcome of the battle. Despite this lacking, the draconic pair had a most satisfactory aerial duel that lasted right up until the point when Ryu remembered that, for all the restrictions their formal duel placed on them, breath weapons were perfectly acceptable. And as they rather flammable Fou-Lu soon discovered, there was a reason the series was called Breath of FIRE. Fou-Lu: 125 Ryu: 155 Now THIS is a championship match! While either competitor could pull off a victory, Fou-Lu has this one. Though Ryu and he are both part of the same being, Fou-Lu is just slightly stronger in all ways. Furthermore, Ryu won the championship last time, so both drama and probability dictate that Fou-Lu will win this one. Ryu can turn into many dragons. Fou-Lu can turn into many dragons. Ryu is skilled with a sword. Fou-Lu is skiled with a sword. Ryu is very strong. Fou-Lu is a little stronger. Ryu has healing magic. Fou-Lu... thanks for coming. Ryu wins thanks to the Nina Factor (A character in multiple games has all the abilities of those games in one body. So named after Nina Wyndia, of BoF fame. Most notably used with Link.) Ryu and Fou Lu face off, staring eachother down The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly style. Ryu starts getting tired, and decides to end it. "Wait, didn't I defeat you?" Fou Lu growled. Ryu continued "Wait, how many games have I been in, and how many have you been in?" Fou Lu lowered his head and left Fou-Lu is not stupid. He knows that fire isn't too healthy for him. He's dealt with the mute one before, he isn't going to give him the chance to even fight back. He'll straight up crush him in the opening round, with superior speed and strength. Besides, Ryu needed a PARTY of people to beat Fou-Lu, so why could he possibly stand a chance alone? Nope, say good night Ryu. "Thou art not a God." Fou-lu vs Ryu?If memory seves me right,Ryu beat down Lu before. As the bell sounded, both contestants sprang into action, Fou Lu drawing his energy blade, and Ryu drawing his sword, which was immediately sawed in half by Fou Lu. Seething with rage, Ryu morphed into the Kaiser Dragon, and casted KaiserBreath. Fou Lu moved out of the way, and again smashed Ryu with the energy sword. And again. And again. Ryu fell to the ground, supposedly defeated. As Fou-Lu turned around to wave to his cheering fans, Ryu casted a Burn spell learned from a Mage Goo. It had no effect, except for starting a small fire on Fou Lu's left pant leg. It moved upward, catching his hair on fire, and finally, Fou Lu's entire body was engulfed in flame. Having a weakness to fire, Fou Lu immediatley passed out, and Ryu declared victory. Hm...tough call. Almost. Both are gods, and both have multiple Dragon forms to draw on for attacks and HP. But, in a one-on-one fight, Ryu can use the berserk form of Kaiser Dragon, and from there it's a repeat of the final battle of BoF4. Mr. God-Emperor, meet Bonebreak. Ryu has a slighty advantage over Fou lu because he can summon other dragons to help him. Plus, he did defeat Fou lu in Bof4. Ryu wins. If Ryu is smart enough to use fire attacks he can easily win...again. Can you say Final Battle, Breath of Fire 4? I give the edge to Fou-Lu here. Why? Soul Rend. Fou-Lu turns into the Astral Dragon and Soul Rends everything Ryu throws at him. Breath attacks become useless, Ryu switches form, and Fou-Lu takes advantage of the transformation to hurt Ryu. Now, you may say skills will give Ryu the advantage. Nope. Remember that Ryu and Fou-Lu share the same set of equipped skills. So it's dead equal except for the dragons. And Fou-Lu's dragons are stronger than Ryu's, so, all hail the God Emperor! Fou-Lu has more power in his dragon forms, but Ryu isn't exactly lacking in power either. Plus, Ryu has more dragon forms available to him. Because of this, he can survive longer than Fou-Lu. Thus, he can win this. I personally think this is a horrible Championship. Ryu could barely beat Fou-Lu with an entire party with him, one on one there is no chance. Unfortunatley, Fou Lu reflected after the lost battle, he was but one half of Ryu.. Ryu bieng the full and perfect bieng.. how could he have hoped to win? It was close.. he was far more experienced.. but Ryu was just too powerful.. having the power of his full bieng behind him. Everything he could do, Ryu could do.. plus more. Could Ryu be anymore annoying... just go away Fou Lu all the way. Although Fou Lu is incredibly powerful and could technically have a very good chance of besting Ryu all on his own, Ryu is the now most powerful Brood Clan Warrior! Not to say it won't be the one of the closest matches in RPGP History, but Ryu should be able to pull through a victory. Edgar Roni Figaro vs Shadow I can't see Shadow losing to Edgar. Then again, I can't see Shadow doing *anything*, because the first thing he'll do is make himself invisible, nullifying the King of Figaro's attacks AND his most powerful tools. Edgar may wear a crown, but this season Shadow gets the gold. Edgar: 120 Shadow: 175 I can't see Shadow losing to Edgar. Then again, I can't see Shadow doing *anything*, because the first thing he'll do is make himself invisible, nullifying the King of Figaro's attacks AND his most powerful tools. Edgar may wear a crown, but this season Shadow gets the gold. Edgar waited impatiently for his opponent to arrive. The judges assured him that he was not in the ring. A man came running up into the ring. "Mr. Figaro, there's a call for you outside from a Mr. Shadow." Edgar ran quickly to take the call, not realizing his mistake until the man in the ring whistled for his dog. Since both competitors had been in the ring at the same time, and then one left, the judges were forced to give Clyde Arrowny, Shadow, one of the easiest victories in his career. Edgar is a marvelous participant, and one of the deadliest participants in the tournament. He has long gone without a deserving championship, however, Shadow is way over Edgar's head. He can strike well from behind, can hold his own in one-on-one combat, and basically beat his opponents in a number of ways. Edgar has little more than his tools. Besides, he'll probably spend the entire match staring at the girls in the audience. Shadow wins this one. It's my opinion that Shadow robbed Arngrim through straight popularity. Still, seeing as he's made it this far, then Edgar's pretty much screwed. Of course, Shadow will use an Invizi Edge, and procede to make Vamp from Metal Gear Solid 2 look like a pacifist. Its a damn shame Edgar won link.But link would probably wouldnt beat shadow anyways.Bye Ed! Shadow comes into the arena with a box and of course the curious king wants to know what's up. "Whatcha got there?" Shadow simply says "The newest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition" Edgar grabs the box from Shadow and runs to the corner of the arena only to find an angry interceptor waiting for a meal. Edgar steps into the arena, and sees Shadow standing right in front of him. Edgar whips out his chainsaw, and dashes forward, wielding it with fury..only to slice through air. Before the image fades away, two things happen: Edgar notices the shadow image was wearing a mirage vest, and the true shadow come behind Edgar, with striker....The next day, shadow is selling Edgar's head on a stick. Well well well, I thought Link had that match in the bag. Anyway - two very similar characters here. Good fighters with ranged specials. Shadow has the speed and Edgar the power. This is unbelievably close but I'll say Edgar will eventually scrape it through in the end. Tools are much more abusable than Throw, and Shadow can only carry so many stars at once. Not surprisingly, Shadow uses an Inviz Edge, making himself invisible to the Desert King. Edgar merely grins, however, and pulls out his Flash tool. A sudden, brilliant light falls over the arena, and a cry of pain from Shadow can be heard, but he remains unseen. Still confident, Edgar pulls out a gas mask and puts it on, before releasing toxic gas over the arena, causing Shadow to be taken out of the arena on a stretcher, quite green in the face, and torso, and arms... Link got robbed last week by the Edgar fanboys who don't know that CASTING PRACTICALLY ANY MAGIC SPELL FREEZES EVERYBODY EXCEPT LINK! Anyway, Shadow's gonna win. Let's face it. Shadow only has to throw an Inviz edge and toss a few Tack Stars onto the Flash, NoiseBlaster, and BioBlaster, and wait it out afterwards, slashing every so often. History has shown us that big, important monarchs typically fall prey to shadowy assassins, whether it be by poison, drowning, or a simple knife in the back. Even if it comes right down to an all-out, one-on-one fight, Shadow's superior speed lays Edgar on the floor with one well-placed, obscenely-powerful throwing weapon. It was a miracle for Shadow to get past Arngrim last week, but Edgar should be no problem for the seasoned assassin. Too close to call. Inviz Edge won't hold up against the Sound Blaster, so this fight's going to be nothing more than Shadow throwing and Edgar hoping for a lucky shot with Chainsaw. I'm betting that he gets it. Shadow being no fool throws an invisable skeen so that all of Edger's tools become useless as well as his sword. Then shadow throws Ninja stars from a distance to finish off the king of Figaro. Edgar is stupid and cocky, and soon dead. This is a rough match to predict. Shadow is much faster than Edgar, and his special throwing items are very effective, since Edgar has no way to counter them. Yet, Edgar's tools are very powerful. Though some are useless, Air Anchor can bring an instant kill, Flash can blind Shadow, and Chainsaw will rip him into shreds. But Shadow has Interceptor, who seems to be immune to pain. Interceptor can jump in front of Shadow, take the damage, counter Edgar, and then be ready 10 seconds later for another hit. Shadow will start off with an Invis Edge, then start tossing Tack Stars Edgar's way. Heck, he could just sneak up behind Edgar and backstab him with the Striker. Backstab is how much damage in 3rd edition? At level 99? Edgar has to get a hit off before Shadow and, with his inferior speed, it is nearly impossible ( but we ARE talking FF ATB here, and we all know how badly that can screw you over ). Well, because Shadow has the speed advantage, the power advantage, a healthy supply of Tack Stars, and an immortal dog, Edgar doesn't stand a chance. Edgar has countless tools while Shadow throws dirt or something of the likes for pathetic damage. You do the math. Shadow should beat Edgar, but probably will not. I say Shadow will use Invis Edge, and then probably be smart enough to wear earplugs to avoid the dreaded Soundblaster. Edgar stood in the centre of the arena, smiling and posing for all the cute girls in the audiance.. after a while, with no action happening, Shadow not in sight.. Edgar was declared winner by default. When asked for some after match comments, Edgar simply smirked "I'm a king.. i have the coffers of a kingdom behind me.. everyone had a price you know.." Shadow throws an InvizEdge. Edgar uses the Flash, blinding Shadow and, like all quasi-magical effects, causing his invisibility to be negated. Shadow begins randomly chucking Tack Stars, hoping to hit Edgar despite his blindness. But Edgar deftly stands behind a pile of rubble left over from Fou-Lu and Ryu's epic duel, waiting until Shadow runs out of ammo. After the ninja's black-clad body is turned into a human pincusion by the Autocrossbow, Edgar winks at someone in the crowd. Terra and Relm, happily petting a quite docile Interceptor, wink back. Edgar walks into the arena holding one of his many tools. Looking about, he's unable to spot his ninja foe as Shadow lives up to his name. However, when Shadow stuck his head out of hiding in order to line up him Tack Star shot, the wary monarch was able to spot him, and quickly triggered his Flash, blinding Shadow so his shot went wide. With his ruined vision, he then proved easy prey for Edgar's chainsaw. Nadia "Marle" Guardia vs Locke Cole Marle knew she could win this one easily. The vaunted Locke Cole had no natural healing capabilities, and so she could just wear him down. Locke knew the same thing. That was why he had an ace up his sleeve. (At least, until Setzer told him to give his cards back.) The day of the battle came, and Nadia started the fighting off with a shot from her crossbow. Although it seemed to hit Locke, there was a sudden flash of blackish-brown just a moment before... The crowd stood aghast at the next few seconds, when Locke's treasure hunting prowess became legendary. A large, fierce dog came charging at the princess of Guardia, mauling her viciously enough to knock her out. Locke Cole had managed to steal Interceptor, and the win. Marle: 133 Locke: 160 Marle, one of the only female blonde-haired blue-eyed monarchs, spoiled with easy championship wins, suddenly turns bright red after Locke's first action... which is to steal her clothes. Swearing revenge, she dashes back to the dressing room in forfeit. Marle is gonna die. C'mon people, even Locke has better speed and stamina than her, so there's really no excuse. Besides, he wanted to get Celes something for thier anniversary, so he steals the clothes right off the perky little brat, and takes anything else of value. Then he 'accidentally' shoves her out of the ring as he makes his way up the stands to give Celes the gifts. Game Over. It simply isn't possible that Marle actually defeated Rosa, Feena AND Lucca, all of whom are so astoundingly superior it isn't even funny. Locke, now, Locke is not ASTOUNDINGLY superior. But he is still superior. In fact, he still shouldn't even have to break a sweat to take Marle down with his one-hit Wing Edge, steal the entire Guardia treasury. And since she'd messed with Feena, an honorary member of the Guild of Treasure Hunters, Locke would even take Marle's prized family pendant and sell it to the Medal King. LAGUNA LOST! There really is a God :) *Ahem* ever since I saw last week's matchups I knew that if Marle beat Rosa the championship would be hers. Either way she fights a weaker opponent. Locke stealing her crossbow won't affect Marle much since her main damage potential comes fom magic. Plus she can heal and Locke can't. And yes, I know I've voted against Marle until now but that was because she was up against opponents that she shouldn't have beaten. Now she's up against someone she can (heh, at this rate she'll be joining her boyfriend in the Godlike). Locke, the wily "treasure hunter" that he is, quickly begins the fight by stealing Marle's crossbow, stealing Marle's items, then stealing Marle's clothes (come on, you knew it was going to happen). As Locke ogles at the Guardia princess, an enraged Celes Chere promptly leaps out of the stands, cruelly cutting Marle down with her sword, then doing the same to Locke. Since Celes technically interfered on Locke's behalf first, the match goes in favor of Marle. Sometimes being a thief just isn't all that fun. Okay, the big one, the Illumina Ragnarok! Locke comes in relaxed, after a nice long break in the sauna. Marle has a crossbow and some not-particularly-powerful ice magic. Locke has the instant-kill Wing Edge. Essentially, it was no contest. Locke got his turn first and threw the Wing Edge. Instant kill, Locke wins. The wing edge's instant death effect will occur LONG before marle can kill locke. Locke could steal Marle's clothes :) "Hmmmm....I wonder if I could steal her clothing?" thought Locke as he "sized-up" his opponent before the match. Sadly, we all know how effectively Locke can steal the first 20 chances. As Locke continuously tries to steal the clothing off of Marle, he gets pumped full of arrows. After about 20 tries, Locke finally succeeds. Marle, embarrassed, tries to hide herself in a cube of ice, freezing herself. Locke thinks he won, until his head somehow detaches from his shoulders several seconds later. We look up into the stands, and see Shadow holding several shurikens in his hand, and Celes right next to him. "Thanks Shadow," Celes started, "That was the best nickel I ever spent. I hope that teaches him never to "Treasure Hunt" near a woman's body ever again." You know, it's been a while since we saw the mismatch battle of fighter VS mage. Locke has the two most important advantages to battling a mage - speed and physical power. Marle, being a mage, is hurt by these advantages. Despite Marle's magics(which aren't that strong really),Locke has the advantage in this battle with his superior speed and attack power.Adding that to Marle's weak defense rating,and the poor princess's toast.I was tired of seeing her win anyways. Marle should have no problem beating Locke as they do similar damage, but Marle can heal and cast Ice 2. Locke quickly finds himself at a disadvantage as Marle blasts at him with her devastating Bandwagon enhanced attacks. However, just when all seemed lost, the instant death effect of his Wing Edge finally kicked in giving him the win. Marle's going to beat locke up easily 'cause marle can heal her self wheras locke can't so it's all about a war of attrition which marle'll win easily. Locke began this match with an attack with his boomerang. Acting quickly, Marle was able to deflect the projectile with a well placed arrow shot only to see that Lock was already moving in with his dagger in hand. As Locke made a diving attck against his opponent, Marle ducked to avoid her enemy causing Locke to fly a few inches over her without hitting her. As both fighters got up, Marle quickly went to reload her crossbow only to find out that her supply was missing. She looked back at the theif who had a stupid looking grin on his face as he showed her the arrows in his hand as if to mock her. Marle knew she wasn't beeten yet. She summoned a powerful ice attack to bring down her opponent, although he just stood there not even trying to evade it. Just before the Ice spell came in contact with its target, a flash of a green barrier appeared and reflected the spell back to the caster. Having been critically wounded by her own attack, Marle looked up to see Locke approching her with his dagger in his hand. Also in his hand, she saw that he was wearing a Wall Ring. That was the last thing she saw as the dagger came down. Elena vs Nash Elena stepped into the arena hesitantly, casting a sideways glance to an already drunken Reno and Rude. Rufus still appeared sober, but obviously wasn't very far behind. 'I can do this,' she thought, taking a deep breath, planning out her match. Seconds later, Nash strolled in at the other end, combing his Fonzie-esque hairstyle to absolute perfection. As he finished with that, he looked up to the Turk, and grinned slyly. 'She's toast,' he thought, cracking his knuckles. The bell sounded, and the two fighters began circling each other. Elena charged in, knocking the mage to the ground with one brutal right cross. The three drunken men cheered her on, Rufus waving his shotgun in the air. Absolutely horrified, the narcissitic mage rolled to his feet, his face twisted in disgust. "!" Jutting his jaw out, he began waving his hands in a rhythmic fashion, chanting under his breath. The sky above grew black as clouds rolled over. All Elena saw was a flash of light, followed by a charred Rufus being thrown out of his seat, landing in the arena as a smoking black heap. "Oh, crap," the blonde muttered, her crystal eyes wide. Rufus was her one real chance at survival, and now he was charcoal. Frowning, she raced to the edge of the arena, quickly rolling out an object covered in a long white cloth. "Hey, Nash!" she called. "Check this out!" He furrowed his brows. "Hey, that's MY line!" All words died in his throat, though, when Elena tugged the sheet off, revealing a large mirror, pointed exactly in his direction. Knowing she was safe as long as he was lost in his own reflection, she hastily pondered over another plan. She had to have him shot, that much was for sure. She stared at Reno and Rude, who were now stumbling through the stands, fighting over a flask of whiskey. Well, THEY were out. Squaring her shoulders, the female Turk stalked over to the smoldering remains of Rufus Shinra, wrenching the charged--but otherwise intact--shotgun from his blackened fingers. It was all up to her. Too bad she was a horrible shot. The recoil of the large weapon knocked her on the ground, and the buckshot missed the small mage entirely, instead shattering the mirror into thousands of pieces. "Oh *crap*," she huffed, getting to her feet. The brunette snapped out of his funk, haltingly turning in her direction. Grinning to himself, he picked up his crossbow, setting the fumbling blonde in his sights. "Check THIS out." Elena: 131 Nash: 139 As the fight begins, Nash pulls out his gilded bromide collector's folder, and shows a photo to Elena of herself... in a compromising position... with Tseng... and Reno... and Rude. At this point all the Turks enter the arena and mangle Nash, giving him the DQ win. Battle of the freaky hairstyles... or is it? Poor Elena, she had a rough time in the turks, hasn't she? She has the the worst hair of them all, and she can't really shave her head like Rude (although I think his 'fro was pretty groovy). She is no doubt miserable among the Turks. They never respect her, they never show the seriousness that she does toward their work. Tseng is dead, leaving her with just a drunk and a virtual mute. Then in comes Nash. Full of confidence, full of elan, and hair ever freakier than hers!Yet, so confident and sure, something she never was. Looking at the Mage, she cannot help but wonder what life would have been like if she hadn't joined Shinra, if she hadn't fallen in with the Turks... Nash senses her doubt, and her turmoil, and says, "I can tell you aren't happy, are you?" Seeing Elena shake her head, he smiles and says, "You're only here to prove yourself to them, aren't you?" He motions to Rude, Reno, and Rufus, who are busy gambling. "You deserve better than that, Elena. You desire a chance to shine, to develop you talents. I watched you triumph over Alma, and see you have the talent to be a great mage! Come with me to the Magic Guild in Vane, start your life over and gain the respect you deserve!" "You're right..." Elena answers, a smile crossing her face, "I can do better than this! Shinra is dead, why should I die with it? Thank you, Nash, for showing me this... Let's go!" Nash Reaches out and takes Elena's hand. As the two leave the Stadium, Marvin Gaye begins to sing 'Let's Get It On'. Victory to Nash by a Seduction, Baby. Oh yeah... Oh man, Elena needs to play a fast game against Nash. She's leagues smarter, so she needs to keep him from going nuts on the lightning Magic. She of course could silence him, and then close range with him and kneecap him Mafia Style, and proceed to give the overbearing, hyper inflated egotistic punk a GTA 3 beat down. Elena wins, by the thinnest of margins. Fight of the week (believe it or not). Elena is slightly better in physical power but Nash wins her over completely in magic and speed. His lightning magic is also much more potent than anything Elena has. Again, tough call. Neither is made to take much damage, and Stone's hit rate is so low as to be negligible. That said, smart money's on Nash, just because Elena doesn't have anything that can deal damage on par with Thunderbolt. With the next two hundred years of her pay going toward repairing the damage Yumei had done to the ShinRa Building two weeks before, Elena was in no position to call in any favors. Nor could she actually hope to beat Nash, as she had Alma, since the Vane magician, while without spells like Dark Holy and Ultima, was much faster. Her only hope, and not much of one at that, was that Nash would arrive in his 'chicken suit' and she could use a portable anti-tank weapon to take him down, or, failing that, pray that it would be ruled a gear and get him disqualified. Unfortunately, Nash was not quite as foolish as he looked, and came into the arena as he left it - on his own two feet. Elena, on the other hand, left in a dustpan. Elena doesn't have any powers, Nash does. Elena may be the one of the best members of the Turks, but Magical Weapon Nash will destroy her nonetheless. Nash will go first, no denying it. He casts Thunderbolt, rendering Elena's machinery impotent ( experimental isn't the word for it ). Next, he hits her with a status attack ( Paralysis, Confusion, Sleep ), then proceeds to fire his bow until she dies. Or he could just do the dodge-and-fire thing, since he's fast enough to avoid all of Elena's attacks. Elena may have strong status attacks, but Nash is faster than she is, and has deadly magic, which Elena can't match. Take a look at this: Nash helped kill Ghaleon, nearly defeated Dragonmaster Alex ( knocking everyone in the room down except Mia ), fought one of Althena's Dragons, and has a sense of fashion ( the hair is nice ). Elena was a young member of the Turks, who fought, but was easily knocked out by Cloud and party. Nash in his magical armour was powerful enough to take down Alex, Kyle and Jessica ( and Mia if he wanted to ). Without his armour, he knocked down the Black Dragon and Ghaleon. High magic resistance, powerful magic, an unbeatable weapon, speed, good HP and defense, and all around coolness ( plus a cool theme song ) will secure a victory for Nash. Sorry, Elena. You may be my favorite Turk, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will stop Magical Weapon Nash from taking the Light Division Title ( except a lot of votes against him ). Fast beats slow. Powerful beats weak. Nash beats Elena. Will Nash be able to cast a spell before Elena can silence him. Probably so. In which case, Elena dies as Nash's spells, while not as powerful as Mina's, are too powerful for Light. nash's thunder magic is just what the doctor ordered for him to crush Elena and take home a light championship Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.