Ten lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Magus vs Yuber katanablades@yahoo.com: The wind softly blows through the stadium. Magus stands alone in the arena, his cape flowing in the breeze, and a somber look upon his face. His eyes slowly searched back and forth across the battlefield. Sensing a magical field erupting from the ground in front of him, Magus tightened the grip on his scythe. About 15 feet in front of Magus a circle of incondecent light laced with various runes appeared, and from it's center a tall figure in black sprung forth. As the circle of light faded away the figure's face was shadowed by his hat. Only his mouth was in Magus's view. From what he could tell, the man in black was showing no emotion. The man tipped his hat up slightly and gave a small grin to Magus as he looked into his piercing red eys. Magus eyed his opponent carefully. He did't seem human... what is he? Magus decided the best course of action would be to take the early initiative. Gripping his scythe with both hands, he held it out to the side, readying it for attack, and dashed forward. If this fight could be solved without him expending his magic, Magus would prefer it that way. Magus closed the gap almost instatly, delivering the first blow with his scythe. Unfortunatly Magus slashed only clean air. Thrown off balance by his missed attack Magus felt a twinge of panic as he expected Yuber's counter attack. Quickly gaining his balance back, Magus spun around to find Yuber simply staring at him with a slight grin on his face. He was toying with him! Magus grew angry and decided he would fry this pest with his strongest magic. Without pause Magus let fly with his lighting spell. The radius of the spell prevented Yuber from dodging it and as a result Yuber was struck. Magus grined and prepared for another spell. Yuber's grin, however, had now disapeared. His red eyes now pierced right through Magus's. "Playtime is over." Yuber said. And with that he threw out his arms which caused the consealed blades within his sleaves to spring forth. Magus was a little taken back by his sudden display of Anger and realized he needed to end this now. Just as Magus was about to release Dark Matter upon Yuber, Yuber's blades were already screaming towards Magus. Magus was able to duck the first blade and block the second with his scythe. Yuber's follow up was insanly fast. Magus was forced to backpeddle to avoid being slashed. Yuber was already upon his as he recovered from his quick retreat, however, and Magus was hardly able to block the counter attack. Yuber's next attack threw Magus off balance and knocked him to the floor. Yuber was ready for the final blow, however, Magus was not. Upon impact with the ground Magus let loose with Dark Matter, catching Yuber completely by suprise. The spell's impact was enough to send Yuber to the ground as well. Bracing himself with his Scythe, Magus stood. He was tired, but uninjured. Yuber wasted no time in getting to his feet. It was apparent that he was quite irate. Magus did NOT want to be in the reciving end of another offensive from Yuber again. Magus once again closed the gap between them with his scythe at the ready. Yuber easily dodged the attack again, however Magus was more prepared this time. Using the spinning momentum from his initial swing, Magus directed another attack towards where Yuber was headed. Yuber parried the slash to the side throwing Magus off balance once again. Redirecting his own momentum, Magus once again deliverd a blow towards Yuber. Magus's attack was natually unbalanced due to his redirection because of the parry, so Yuber easily caught the blade of Magus's scythe between his blades. Yuber leaned in and looked Magus directly in the eye. "Your tricks have aggrivated me enough, sorcerer." He said. "I am ending this game now." With that said, Yuber flung Magus's scythe to the side and kicked him in the chest. As Magus fell to the ground Yuber called on the power of his Eight Devil rune. Before Magus's eyes, Yuber was split into several images of himsel, and all directed their attacks on to him. Magus could't get to his feet in time. In a last ditch effort to defend himself he raised his scythe in defense, which was promptly knocked aside by the first of Yuber's continuous attacks. This battle had finaly reached its conclution. MAGUS: 146 YUBER: 168 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Magus laughed as Yuber's electrical attacks bounced harmlessly off his magical barrier. "Fool," he taunted, "are you willing to conceed that I have you outmatched?" Yuber just smiled, rather unnervingly. Magus remained confident, though. He reached up, tugged on his glove, and prepared to cast Dark Matter. By then, of course, Yuber had already employed the Eightfold Rune to eviscerate the Prince of Zeal. And he was *still smiling*. At Luca Blight, as a matter of fact. Was he on his way to dispatching a second dark prince (or perhaps a third, depending on Alucard's performance)? ANONYMOUS Cloudy, this match is, and hard to predict. The Question: If Yuber gets into melee with Magus, could be dispatch him before falling to spells? Oh, wait - Magus has Black Hole, 50% instant death to opponents at close range. The Answer: No. ANONYMOUS Magus is nearly unbeatable. His high defense, high HP, Magic Wall spell, and barriers make him very hard to even the strongest of fighters to damage. And his awesome spells of various elements can do major damage to nearly anybody. (espically Dark Matter). He even has an instant death move (Black Hole), good speed, and nice physical power. Yuber's good, but Magus will win in the end. I think Magus or Bahamut should be Godlike Champion this season. ANONYMOUS Magus had to admit he was a bit intimidated. This was THE Yuber. A newbie in the RPGP, his physical and magical strength was rumored to be unheard of. Worst of all, he was a dark knight at one point, and one of his comrades helped defeat the monstrous Luca Blight. Yuber could have only improved in strength over time... Hah! What? Janus Zeal? Having second thoughts?! He was an RPGP champion once! There was no possible way he could loose! Janus smiled to himself as he planned to break Yuber and go on to defeat Luca. The fame would be his once again. In the arena, Yuber stood calmly, apparently unarmed. Magus: "Hmph. Do you really expect to beat me with only your bare hands?" And with that he sumoned his scythe. However, he knew that there were some powerful bare handed fighters in the RPGP. Yuber: "Unfortunately for you, I am loaded with magic tricks." And out of nowhere he drew two razor sharp swords. Magus was unfazed. Immediately he began the attack with his dark magic. Unfortunately, the techniques had little effect on Yuber. His magic defense was far too high to be injured by a puny dark attack. Magus decided, although it was dangerous, to move in for close combat. His last mistake. After Yuber had finished his long string of repeated, brutal attacks, he said to the fallen Magus: "So you're Janus Zeal. Everyone seems to think you're the strongest. Is their faith in you not misplaced?" GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Yuber just dominates Magus/Janus, plain and simple. Magus' only hope is his elemental magic, which is only slightly above average. Yuber has this one. ANONYMOUS Yuber Vs. Mr.Popular himself Janus Zeal. While in the beginning of the match, it is of no suprise that Magus gets the upper hand using some of his Lightning, Ice and Fire Magic. The tide is quickly turned and then won by Yuber when he realizes how pathetic his Suikoden 3 eight-devil fold rune is and starts to use His TRUE eight-devil fold rune from suikoden 1&2 to decimate the now helpless Magus. Fezz67@aol.com I have to admit that at first glance I thought Magus had no chance against Yuber. However, the more and more I thought about it, Yuber's lighting magic is useless against Magus which means he would only have his physical attacks. Now that becomes a problem as Magus can fly and teleport and use area magic attacks that are fire, ice and lighting based. Plus he has boss MP to draw upon and his gesyer attack which slowly reduces his opponents HP which hurts Yuber who can't heal. Plus I am sure Magus is smart enough to not even bother trying to attack Yuber physically so all he has to do is pull a Bahamut by flying high and wasting the area with magic..... Magus1307@aol.com Magus and Yuber entered the arena. They both glanced at each other for a second or two before Yuber made the first move by uncovering his blades and charging toward Magus. Magus was not surprised at the move, and teleported around him. But what he saw next did surprise him. Yuber had also teleported and guess right on the direction and landed a lancing blow on him and retreated quickly. He then began to cast a lightening spell. Magus, now being on the defensive, cast Magic Barrier, and Fire 2. Yuber's spell had no effect, and was a little taken back by the fire spell. Yuber, now seeing his chance to attack Magus up-close used his Eightfold Rune and charged again at Magus. Now seeing three Yubers, Magus began to raise for the ground, and quickly darted to the top of the arena. Yuber looked up and started cursing. Magus, now feeling he had the upper, started to unleash his arsenal of Fire 2 and Ice 2 attacks upon a helpless Yuber But Yuber had a plan. He began to call up a large amount of demons. "Hmph, you fool, do you think that you really have a chance by summoning you pathetic demons?!" Before the Demons could emerge, Magus had cast Blackhole. The Demons never had a chance, but they did give Yuber a hope of pulling this out. "You talk to much!" Yuber yelled, as he began to cast another lightening spell It hit Magus with staggering power. Blackhole had changed his elemental shield to nothing, but Magus's Magic Barriers held, and he quickly cast another furry of Ice 2 and Fire 2. "You know, you should quit now, unless you would enjoy a long, painful death." Magus said, know it was now checkmate for Yuber. Yuber began to think about the situation he was currently in. He couldn't hit Magus, because he had flown out of range of his physical attacks. His Magic has no effect on him because of his shield from all other elements, accept the ones that Magus is using, which are the types of magic he didn't have. "Oh well, your right" Yuber said turning his back to Magus. Magus quickly teleported away from the spot on the top of the arena that he had became quite fond of. "If it's death that you want, I will gladly help you on your way to the afterlife!" Magus said as he pulled the swords out from the roof where his head was few second earlier. "Now, there is truly nothing you can do." Magus smiled as he began to cast his last round of Fire2 and Ice 2 spells. Later that night, Yuber fell to the ground, not to get up for quite a while. Magus floated down to the ground and with walked out of the arena, using his Scythe as a prop. "This is the most I've used the Doom Sickle this match....." he then began to grin. ANONYMOUS Yuber shall destroy magus!!!! -Infinity Dragon- The match quickly started with Yuber opening with his Eighth Devil attack, which dealt well enough damage to cut past Magus' high defense and deal a fair amount of damage. Magus counter-attacked with Dark Matter...which hardly phased the Black Knight. "That was....very pathetic" Yuber commented, "Tell me, do you actually kill anything with that attack of yours?" "Well, I can kill Crono and his party with it...after multiple castings. Given that, you should die quickly too" Zeal retorted. "You do realize I have more than quadruple the HP of Crono, right? No matter, a win is a win" With that, Yuber went Berserk at having to fight such a weak foe, and quickly cut through Magus' rather low HP quite quickly. "Hmmph, I STILL haven't used my full power. Sad, really" he mused as he stepped over the fleshy ribbons that were once the Prince of Zeal. neoelfboy@hotmail.com Yuber has two attacks. Strong, physical strikes, and lightning magic from his Thunder Rune. Magus is almost immune to physical attacks as a boss, and has elemental barriers to guard Lightning. On the other hand, Yuber has no way of guarding Magus' Dark Matter, the second strongest spell in Chrono Trigger... tylorh@hotmail.com With his ability to nullify all but one element, and to drop physical damage to almost nil, Magus has very little to fear from Yuber. Meanwhile, his Fire/Ice 2's and Guyser ought to do the job nicely to move on to the Semis. Lloyd vs Bahamut neoelfboy@hotmail.com: Dragon Buster in hand, Lloyd stood face to face with possibly his greatest opponent ever - sure, the Divine Dragon boasted more raw power, but this one had games upon games of experience to draw from. Bahamut, King of Dragons. Bahamut eyed his opponent warily. He knew the power of that sword, but had no fear... Lloyd wouldn't be able to touch him before he blew the wingly out of the sky with a MegaFlare. The referee looked at his watch. "Almost time to begin..." he said. "Hold it!" came a voice. Dart appeared at Lloyd's side. "What do you want?" asked the dragonslayer. "Bad news," said Dart, handing Lloyd a piece of paper. "It appears your sword has been declared illegal." "WHAT?" said Lloyd. "Yes," said Rose, walking slowly into the arena. "The Dragon Buster belongs with its final owner... and that would be me." "The papers are in order, Lloyd," said Dart. Lloyd sighed, and put down his sword. He stared at the ground. "Why? Now I have no chance... how can I possibly defeat a dragon without my sword? No fighter can be expected to compete without his weapon?" Bahamut simply smirked. "Pathetic!" his voice boomed. "This sorry villain dared to challenge me?" Lloyd sank to his knees, quivering. "I don't want to die..." he said. Bahamut flew up into the air, and started charging his most powerful MegaFlare. "Foolish dragonslayer!" he cried, as he prepared to attack. "This is what you get for defying the God of Dragons!" "I don't want to die..." said Lloyd. Then he looked up suddenly. "I can't die... with the wrong god still around!" Almost too fast for the eye to see, he dodged out of the way of the MegaFlare blast, and raised his hand. Wave after wave of non-elemental energy flew up, piercing Bahamut. With a sudden cry, the surprised dragon fell from the sky, crashing to the arena floor. Dart gaped. "How?" "How?" said Lloyd. "Have you forgotten? I'm a Wingly... and Winglies are mages, not fighters. I've never needed a weapon; I'm still the strongest mage of Endiness. Though I must thank both of you... I couldn't have duped Bahamut into letting down his guard without your act." Rose nodded. "Anything for a fellow wielder of the Dragon Buster." She picked up the sword from the ground, and handed it back to Lloyd. "You might need this in the next round." Lloyd took the sword, and raised it in the air to the cheering of the fans. He could taste another trip to the finals... *** "Wait," said Dart, scratching his head. "What 'act'? What's going on? What just happened? Did I just participate in some sort of plot? Why isn't Lloyd disqualified? Rose? Lloyd? Someone, tell me!" LLOYD: 152 BAHAMUT: 136 ANONYMOUS Lloyd's dragon-killing sword sure SOUNDS great, but the problem with swords is that you have to be standing right next to your pponent to use them, and several of Bahamut's later incarnations have made a habit of attacking from places like the sky, the upper atmosphere, and even from in orbit. Maybe Lloyd would have better luck if he had traded his sword in for a dragon-killing SAM missile? MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Bahamut roared, resplendent with his awesome power. Then Lloyd inflicted roughly ten times his maximum hit points with a single thrust of the Dragon Buster. "No instant death, eh?" he asked. Sac@sachw.cjb.net Poor Lloyd, supreme dodging means nothing when your opponent is a dragon so powerful that he can simplt fly up into space and obliertae you with an energy breath attack so powerful, even Goku from Dragon Ball would be jealous! Unoriginal The moment the match begins Bahamut flies upwards, leading Lloyd on an aerial game of cat-and-mouse. As time passes Lloyd begins to notice that it's getting progresivly harder to breathe, and realizes that Bahamut's been slowly leading him upwards out of the atmosphere. Lloyd, feeling a bit sluggish, notices that Bahamut has stopped his flight and has spread his wings to their fullest extent. The last thing Lloyd sees before passing out totaly from the lack of oxygen is Bahamut's grin as he raises a hand, claws outstretched, and begins his silent countdown as his wings begin to glow... ANONYMOUS Ah, Bahamut, the ultimate dragon, he of many forms... all of which WILL be Dragon Busted in one hit, despite the writeup's bizzare claim to the contrary. Fou-Lu was a special case; nowhere in any game does Bahamut get stabbed with a sword that specifically slays dragons/gods and live. angelicus85@hotmail.com Lloyd had to breath, right? Bahamut Zero stikes from space, right? Bahamut won't die in a single shot, and I don't think Lloyd can hold his breath that long. reakosomner@yahoo.com If there is any dragon that could possibly match Bahamut's power, it is indeed the Divine Dragon, but as you may have seen, Lloyd fought the Divine Dragon, WITHOUT the Dragon Block Staff, and likely would have defeated it were it not for the main party's interuption. Keep in mind the Divine Dragon you do fight, is almost dead, yet still has quite a large amount of hp, as well as having it's powers sealed, yet it still can kill you. Despite all of Bahamut's forms, to Lloyd, this will be no differant. superjo_21@hotmail.com how perfect for Lloyd to be paired against another dragon. first of all its rather funny how the guy with the most powerful anti-dragon weapon in any rpg is pitted against the Dragon King, and advantage he could still do without and win...not only will lloyd dodge most of bahamut's attacks, he has already high attack power and enormous elemental defense...which will actually be his only weakness here. lloyd is Void elemental...the only other element that can do much damage at all is void...kinda similar to bahamuts right?....his breath attack withstanding bahamut will go down quickly against one of the best swordsmen in the rpgp + dragon buster.... its gonna be great seeing lloyd in some of the later matches in godlike as well, this is one of the best godlike seasons i've seen in a while ANONYMOUS Bahamut is a dragon. Lloyd has the Dragon Buster. Bahamut is relatively slow. Lloyd has incredible agility. Hmmm.... Perhaps Lloyd has the edge here? GrandmastaBrick@aol.com I think that in the first time in the history of all the worlds, the dragon slays the dragonslayer! babbwa@vcu.edu Bahamut toasts Lloyd like a snack-cake. Poof. ANONYMOUS The Divine Dragon was WAY harder than any incarnation of Bahamut (perhaps because LoD had real challenge unlike FF games). So, if Lloyd stands up to him, he's got it in th bag aginst Bahamut. Xellos49698@hotmail.com Lloyd holds his Dragon Buster firmly knowing full well that he definitely got the advantage in this battle... Yet, he is still puzzled by the fact that Bahamut has shown up to the match, fully knowing that his Dragon Buster will make Dragon Sushi out of him. Lloyd puts these thoughts a side as he hears the tone signaling the match to start. Lloyd, "I admire your courage dragon king, but you were very foolish to come here," as the wingly readies his blade. Bahamut, "Oh really... Mega Flare." Lloyd, expecting this, shrugs off the mega flare attack after some slight effort, then yawns and says, "Is that all?" Bahamut pauses for a moment and clears his throat, then says, "You mind if I try that again?" Lloyd arrogantly, "Please, take your time, I wouldn't want to rush this moment." Bahamut spends a few more seconds clearing his throat as some of the spectators have begun to leave, then says again in a loud voice, "MEGA FLARE!!!!!!!!!!!" This time the blast is three time its original size and incinerate the wingly in a flash, instantly turning him to dust. As the RPG playoff fans all begin to stutter in shock. Bahamut turns to them and says, "What? You heroes all know that I've only been testing you with a fraction of my true power to see if you were worthy. If I had really want to, I could have barbecued the lot of you," as he soars gracefully away. ANONYMOUS Lloyd hits a dragon, the dragon dies. Simple as that. Bahamut is too big a target to miss. -Infinity Dragon- Lets see, what do we have for Lloyd? He has decent HP (For a boss), good speed and evade, and a very powerful Wingly spell. Let see what Bahamut has: FFIV-Take him 5 rounds to cast an easily survivable Mega Flare. This form is worthless. FFV-Again, another slow form FFVI-Wow, whats he going to do summon himself and get a ringout as soon as the evocation passes? I think not. FFVII-See FFVI FFVIII-Fairly fast, abysmal HP, average defense, good damage. FFIX-See FFVI FFX-A rather weak Aeon...not even as good as the better PCs. So really, its FFVIII Bahamut vs. Lloyd, and given that FFVIII Bahamut dies faster than you can say "King of Dragons", he certainly isn't going to last long against a weapon designed to kill dragons. Easy win for Lloyd. tylorh@hotmail.com Lloyd searched desperatly through his house, his place of training, and anywhere else he could think of, looking for the Dragon Buster. In the end though, he couldn't find it anywhere and used the best sword he could find instead. As a result, without his ace, the battle was short and sweet with the Dragon King making short work of his foe. And, after it was over, Bahamut congratulated himself. He had known that requesting the Dragon Buster of petitioning groups instead of the Rat's Tail would eventually pay off. DragoonJay@excite.com "There shall be no escape, King of the Dragons. As I defeated the Divine Dragon, so shall I defeat you," said Lloyd, brandishing the Dragon Buster. As a Wingly, Lloyd was extraordinarily powerful. At the other side, Bahamut was worried. One hit would be enough to completely destroy him, and his opponent held an obscene agility advantage. There was only one hope, and it was a long shot. Suddenly, Lloyd was enveloped in a bright glow, of a kind familiar to at least one spectator. "A class change..." mused Cecil. Suddenly, Lloyd's arms grew frailer, his body less resilient, and his wings (wings?) turned a fluffy white. The Wingly was now a Windian. While this doesn't affect his ability to use the Dragon Buster, it does ensure that Lloyd won't be breaking any scales with his strikes. Consequently, the instant-death never takes hold, and after several Megaflares, Lloyd goes down for the count. Freya vs Fei Veryslightlymad@Hotmail.com: The goddess threw out her arm, and fired a colossal bolt of energy at her hapless opponent, annihilating him with the rest of the arena. She looked particularly smug. Suddenly, another blast of energy was pulled into her at an alarming pace, as she brought her hand toward her body. The whole world stood still. Fei Fong Wong considered the woman in the paused tape. Clearly, she was stronger than she looked, for she had destroyed her previous opponent with relative ease. The blast she fired took most of the arena, too. She might well be the divine being she said she was. Fei wondered, briefly, if he was the slayer of God-dess- too. Stepping into the hallway, he thought of his own ether. Concentrating, he fired a guided shot into the door across the hall from his own. It suffered a nasty burn mark, but was hardly atomized, or even blown open. The young martial artist didn't feel very easy, about his next match. "I don't like gears or fighting," he concluded. And, guilt-free for the first time in ages, Fei Fong Wong went back to bed. FREYA: 159 FEI: 145 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org I personally interpret Fei's 'Slayer of God' title to mean that his unarmed attacks count 100+ affinity weapons (VS style) against gods, hitting harder and more often. I also personally interpret Freya's 'Ether Strike' to mean death by massive damage to anyone short of a major boss. No dice, Fei. ANONYMOUS Nothing in VP can survive one attack from(boss form) Freya. Why should Fei, who isn't even the most durable character in his game, be any different? shibakev@earthlink.net As the match began, Fei rushed forward and quickly executed his most powerful deathblow. He had heard that Freya had "relatively low defense by Godlike standards" and thought he could finish her off quickly. Imagine his surprise when Freya parried every single one of his attacks with her bare hands! Freya retaliated with a Critical Flare, blasting Fei into the next county. "My name is Freya. Recall it on your journey to Hel." Afterwards, Freya made good on her promise of 10,000 materialize points to the match commentator that had underplayed her defenses. TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com Not in the mood to do a write-up per se for this one, but here's a little comparison: Freya - Ever fight her? We're talking about her killing a Valkyrie Profile character at LEAST 3 times over, BEFORE Ether Strike. And that isn't taking into accound her Midgard form, in which case she crushes your characters close to 10 times over. Fei - Eh...strong, yes, but not in the venue to take Freya out. A PC with below par healing, and a decent yet not good-enough physical attack for this battle. Freya's defense is obscene in all forms, not to mention her having the highest blocking rate in the game, as well as a good evade rate. Frankly, I see Freya as the first female Godlike champion ( which is WAY overdue, IMO ) ANONYMOUS Fei would win this because although he has poor chi skills, (he should have just gone straight with being a fighter) his long attack chains would put the hurt on Freya. But let's be serious here. This is the Slayer of God. The "God" (Deus) in question was way more powerful than even Odin. This fight would be too easy for him. But Fei wouldn't just fight someone, he hates fighting. (On a side note, he should be able to use his Xenogears because Ryu can use his transformations and that is what gives that overhyped character such an advantage. Even the score!) GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Fei and Freya sized each other up. Fei decided that he needed to hit fast and furiously to take down the Aesir Goddess. Taking the initiative, he dashed at Freya, and launched his fist out, to start out his combo. Much to his suprise, he hit nothing but air. Confused, he heard a small hum. "Eyah!" Freya beckoned as she launched an ether strike at Fei. Fei was blasted to the ground. "You may have slayed the god of your world, but you are mundance to me." Freya spoke, shortly before an Ether Strike put Fei down for the count. CainofSolaris@aol.com Freya is still divine hot and 2 much for Fei. ANONYMOUS Why is everyone so hard on Fei? The damage of Yamike is, in Xeno terms, about equivalent to Freya's supposedly 'ultimate' Ether Strike, and furthermore Fei is both faster, and has no need to charge up. superaielman@hotmail.com Fei looked on in horror at his next opponent. While Freya doesn't look impressive at first glance, the young Contact had seen what Ether Strike had done to Zeromus. He knew that Yamieki wasn't going to do get the job done. Fei, in desperation, went to world-renowned reporter Chisato Madison, and asked for help. "Chisato.. I need help. Dig up dirt on Freya. If you do, I'll get you that dinner date with Sephiroth." The dinner date was an outright bluff, but Fei was backed into a corner, and time was running out. Seeing Chisato nod in agreement, Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Later that day, in the arena... "Where is she?" Muttered the worried contact. Magus and Yuber had just finished their duel, and he was up next. Seeing the red haired reporter run up, Fei relaxed slightly. Chisato just smiled, and handed over a thick book to Fei. Reading the marked page quickly, Fei's eyes widened quite a bit. This would do the trick nicely. Nodding to Chisato, Fei calmly approached the ring announcer, and reached for the mike. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Arena, I have uncovered the dirty truth about Freya! Odin isn't her first husband.. her first husband was Frei! When Odin married Freya, he used his magic to change Frei into a female!" The crowd sits in stunned silence. "How DARE you say that about my wife!" roared the enraged Odin. Without thinking, he teleported into the ring, and impaled the Contact with Guignir. Freya just stared in shock... Odin had just cost her the match. She walked over to Fei to see where he had uncovered such information. The Big book of Norse myths was firmly in Fei's grasp, even as the medics dragged him off. ... Fei was in the medic's office, getting checked out. He had spent 12 hours in the clinic, but he had beaten Freya. Fei waved goodbye to Bowman, and walked off.. and walked right into a very irritated Sephiroth. "Fei, just the man I was looking for. Now, why would you tell that annoying reporter that I would go on a dinner date with her?" Sephiroth unsheathes Masamune with a grin, and walks over to Fei. "We need to have a talk about what happens to people who makes promises they can't keep.." Shortly afterwards, Fei found out that some wins weren't worth it. ANONYMOUS Freya: Highest damage attack in her game(about 3.5x max HP), needs a few rounds tocharge it up. Fei: Highest damage attack in his game (about6x max HP), uses it on the first turn. And Freya is spectacular in WHAT way, again?Fei needs a Godlike championship NOW. ANONYMOUS The Slayer of God, Fei vs. the goddess of Fertility, Freya? Heh...if Fei fell for Elly; how could he possibly resist Freya's charms? Freya, on the other hand, has her own way of turning down unworthwile dates...a shot of Ether Strike'll keep any annoying boyfriend at bay. -Infinity Dragon- "So boy, I hear you have knowledge of Ether, I'm curious...show me what you have!" Fei, wishing to end the match as fast as possible so he could go back to the "Anti War Protest" with Ell, hit Freya with Yamikei. "Not bad...but not good enough" Freya commented as she plowed three full Ether attacks into the Contact, each doing enough damage to drop the hulking Anrgrim, let alone a small boy like Fei. "Here's a REAL Ether attack" finished Freya as she blasted the Arena with her Ether Strike...giving Fei is wish of ending the match quickly. However, he still missed the protest while recovering in the infimrary...maybe next time. metroid composite Low defence? *thinks back to VP*. I remember watching someone battle Freya; ultra attacks like Nibelung Valesti were doing strings of 0 and 1 damage. Why would Yamikei fare any better? Oh wait, Fei is "The Slayer of God". Well maybe that boosts it up to 200 for Fei. At best it's up to 60,000 DME in damage which I higly doubt. Given that Freya has over 300,000 DME and has no trouble taking out Arngrim in a single round, there's no way Fei is getting through Freya's defence in time. What it really comes down to is, if Freya has low defence by Godlike standards, then what the **** is Fei doing above Middle? neoelfboy@hotmail.com Fei, knowing of Freya's low defence, concentrated all his skill into one, thunderously powerful Yamikei. Which Freya dodged easily. Apparently, she didn't have low defence... rather, her defence was as good as anyone's, her HP far superior to that of her fellow Valkyrie Profile Godlikes (including Brahms), and her evade rate the best in her game. "You may be quite the Slayer of God, Contact," said Freya, after the Thunder Sword/Critical Flare/Aerial Burst combo left a smoking corpse where Fei had stood a moment before. "But I am, after all, a Goddess." tylorh@hotmail.com Last round, Freya faced off against a low offence/high HP character with Big Bang. This round Freya faces a high offence/low (in comparison) HP character with Big Bang. Despite the fact that Fei won't be using Big Bang, opting for Yamikei instead, the outcome still won't change. DragoonJay@excite.com Fact: Fei lives in a world where Ether is commonly used by both the major heroes and villains. Fact: Freya's Finishing Strike involves pure, concentrated ether. Fact: After being hit with Ether all throughout his adventure, Fei will no doubt have developed a partial resistance to ether. Fact: All the resistance in the world won't save Fei from an Ether Strike. Ramirez vs Alucard DragoonJay@excite.com: The Ramirez - Alucard match can't take place. It's impossible. Why? ALUCARD IS RAMIREZ! Think about it: Have you ever seen them in the same place? No. They both enjoy using the same kind of weaponry. They both kick more keyster than any other member of their cast. They both have the same middle name (All right, now I'm just making up stuff here). So no matter which of the two names advances, the same person will go on. Go, Ramicard! RAMIREZ: 137 ALUCARD: 123 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Alucard's skill and variety are truly unmatched, and he's quite the speedster, too. As superb a swordsman and spell-slinger as Ramirez is, he's no match for the Tragic Prince. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com If it were a straight duel, Ramirez could probably take Alucard. The problem with that is that Alucard has a flying sword familiar, and shield rod+Alucard Shield combo. Ramirez has no chance. fourthdeus@netzero.net Alucard is one of the RPGP's most remarkable competitors thanks to his cheap equipment. But when it comes down to it, none of that will save him from a single Eternum. Ramirez has this one. neoelfboy@hotmail.com I would like to say, for the record, that I don't approve of Alucard in the RPGP. It's not that he's a bad competitor, although people do tend to overestimate his power and especially his speed... it's that the game he hails from, a Castlevania title, is better described as a sidescroller or action/adventure game than an RPG. Were this the video game playoffs, I would have no objections. As is... with so many RPG characters who almost never get matches, would it hurt to drop the borderline characters? Snake vs Jet DragoonJay@excite.com: "I won't be fooled by the box, Snake," said Jet. "Of course not. You're expecting it. I thrive in the unexpected." "Whatever plan you've cooked up, it won't work." In response, Snake threw a grenade. It was shot out of the air quickly by Enduro. Another grenade, another shot. A third came and went. "Don't bother trying to exhaust my ammo, Snake. I can reload as many times as I need." said Jet as the fourth grenade was destroyed a fair distance away. The fifth, however, was somewhat different. Jet's reflexes went faster than his conscious thought, and he shot the invading missile before he could notice what it really was. The last thing he saw before the exploded contents hit was red... "Aagh! My eyes, they burn!" cried Jet as he collapsed to the ground. "Yeah, funny thing with ketchup," said Snake as he walked over to the incapacitated Drifter. "The acid in the tomatoes can cause temporary blindness when applied to the eyes. I presume that was something you weren't expecting." The usual snapped neck follows. SNAKE: 152 JET: 136 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org "Otacon, this is Snake. I'm in position." "Be careful, Snake. This guy has a gun, too, you know." "Don't worry. I've got the box." "..." Otacon heard gunfire rattling through the Codec, then a choked, "You said you had the... box..." and a neck being snapped. "What happened, Snake? Didn't you use your box?" "Stealth camo. Kid never expected it." "But you said -" "What can I say? I lied." ANONYMOUS Solid Snake, realizing he isn't an RPG character and doesn't belong here, doesn't show up. Jet wins by default. Sac@sachw.cjb.net "Yes" thought Snake, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket. "A head shot! He's are dead" "Actually..." replied Jet, still standing, causing Snake's ciggy to fall from his shocked mouth "You only shaved off 2 hit points with that weak attack. Let me show you how it's done..." A short while later, Snake's boss was left screaming "SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!" as the action game veteren was left lying dead on the arena floor. and Jet tried to avoid fellow Wild Arms 3 character Clive from bugging him for money for the RPGP :p Unoriginal Jet steps into the Arena and notices, not to any surprise, that Snake is nowhere in sight, and that theres a large cardboard bow on the other side of the arena. Jet takes aim at the box and fires. Jet barely has enough time to blink as the resulting explosion of the box sets off the long line of Claymores leading directly to his feet. Snake, safe on the other side of the arena, calmly takes out a small notebook as Jet is blown out of the ring, and writes down yet another use for the miracle of science more commonly known as the cardboard box. ANONYMOUS Metal Gear Solid is not an RPG. Snake loses by default. TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com Ok...Solid Snake does NOT belong here. I highly doubt he has anything on Jet. Jet's much faster, and at least HE'S an RPG character. Snake loses this battle not out of combat prowess ( which he would lose anyway, IMO ), but because he's not even qualified to fight in it, being a non-RPG character. Get the hell out of here! *Boots Snake* zach@tuahan.com Snake couldn't survive a Finest Art even if he was playing on Easy difficulty. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com "Why does that kid have a gun?" Snake asked the RPGP official. "This is your opponent, Jet Enduro." "I don't like beating up kids, but oh well." The match started, and Jet fired a few shots, one of them managed to graze Snake's arm. "Alright kid, enough's enough." Snake spoke, shortly before his Stinger finished the match. superaielman@hotmail.com At first glance, you'd think Snake has this in the bag. He can use his almighty box to hide from Jet, and break his neck when he isn't looking. What Snake doesn't know is that Jet has a little tool called 'Radar'.. res089m5@verizon.net Unfortunately for Snake Jet manages to notice the out of place cardboard box in th emiddle of the arena. After kicking it over like so many stupid gaurds Jet and Snake are launched into an incredible fire fight. While it seems like the power of Argetlahm will win jet suddenly hears *click* Snake only takes a small pause to point at his bandana and say "unlimited ammo" before he finishes off Jet in a hail of bullets. ANONYMOUS Why do people whine so much about Snake?Who cares if he's an RPG character, whatmatters is is he good. metroid composite Let's think about this; in a direct fight between Solid Snake and Malak, we know that Malak can take 5 gunshots or so, and he can fully heal them with Sky Demon and Earth Clothes, and he deals out considerably more damage than a gunshot with his stick. Snake, who can't survive a gunshot, let alone things like Meteors which RPG characters shrug off daily, gets thoroughly slaughtered by a Puny such as Malak. ...Or he would, if it wasn't for his Cardboard Box. Hey wait, does the Cardboard Box really need Snake's help? I mean in the match against Miang, the box could have just been rigged to explode when it was kicked over. Thus, the Cardboard Box could easily win a fight in Heavy on its own. So basically, Snake is a Puny who's getting help from a Heavy to win his matches. I call that outside interference! neoelfboy@hotmail.com I've spoken out against Alucard, but rest assured, my disapproval of Solid Snake is far greater. Metal Gear Solid is not an RPG by ANY stretch of the imagination. Perhaps even more to the point, Snake is merely an ordinary human with a gun... how can he hope to compete in a division of powerful mages and elite fighters, let alone actually win against an opponent who has an instant death attack which NEVER MISSES, is beyond me. Just throwing in my two gil on the matter. Terra vs Arngrim Unoriginal: Arngrim is about to learn that the old saying "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" is quite true, and is particulary applicable when your opponent is capable of casting Quartr. TERRA: 164 ARNGRIM: 151 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Terra immedately Morphed. Arngrim took a time out to admire her doubled, ahem, statistics, then waved for the battle to begin again. "What does *she* have that I don't?" Jelanda demanded. Yumei avoided her friend's gaze. No point in belaboring the obvious. Meanwhile, back on the battlefield, Arngrim had just weathered a trio of Ultimas, and responded with a Final Blast. Terra did not weather that. Arngrim, singed but successful, chuckled. "So that's Ultima, huh? I've seen spells that make that look like kid's stuff." ANONYMOUS Ultima. *shrug* ANONYMOUS Probably the most contested match this week, although I hope otherwise. Arngrim gets pulverized by magic. Terra has Ultima and a morph reminiscent of Ryu. This is NOT a hard choice. ANONYMOUS Even if you give Arngrim his Final Blast, he has no hope on defeating Terra, who is probably the best FF hero. Morph, Ultima, Drain... the list could go on. It's a shame that Arngrim will win, since in a fanboy's mind, men >>>>>>> women. ANONYMOUS Let's see: It takes one round for Terra to Morph and use Ultima, casting one of the strongest spells in FF history at DOUBLE strength. She has access to the Minerva, one of the strongest RPGP-legal armors in the game. It takes two rounds for Arngrim to charge up Final Blast, a relatively strong physical finisher. Terra has Cure3 in its usual self, and Drain in its single most powerful incarnation. Arngrim has no healing to speak of. A strong case can be made of Terra getting the Minerva, one of the strongest armors in her game. A strong case can be made of Arngrim's magic defense being worse than Dekar's. If Arngrim wins this match, he is Godlike-bound. Terra is floundering in mid-Heavy. Honestly, if there's any justice in the world, Terra should win in a landslide. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com "What a dangerous brute!" Terra exclaimed. "You forgot one thing, missy. dangerous brute with a 12 foot blade." Arngrim then proceeded to impale Terra, and toss her to the RPGP medical facilities, in a most gentlmanly fashion. "Well, I don't want her to DIE." Arngrim told Jelanda shortly after the match. CainofSolaris@aol.com Morphed Terra is the only naked chick competing, right? Not to mention her Ultima rocks. neoelfboy@hotmail.com Arngrim readies his sword and prepares to charge Terra. Terra morphs into Esper form. Arngrim slashes at... no, wait! It's Terra's turn again! Apparently, unlike, say, Ryu, Morphing gives her a free turn right away... With all her stats doubled, Terra proceeds to vapourise Arngrim with a single Ultima... already the strongest attack in Final Fantasy VI. WHY is Terra a division lower than her fellow mighty morphin' RPG mains, anyway? I'm sure Arngrim would love to know... Terra for Heavy champ. tylorh@hotmail.com Lessons I have learned from Chapter 0 of Valkyrie Profile. Arngrim > most physical fighters. Arngrim < decently competant mages Terra is leagues beyond decently competant. DragoonJay@excite.com Terra's Quarterfinal Victory Surprise Ingredients: -1 Einherjar -1 Ultima Spell -pinch of salt 1. Gather Einherjar in arena. If desired, heat to 375 degrees with Fire3. 2. Use Morph to double magical power and defence. 3. Beat Einherjar vigorously with castings of Ultima. 4. For extra flavour, add pinch of salt to Einherjar's wounds. 5. Let stew for 1 to 3 seasons. Serves one rabid audience. Sgt. Joe vs Loki DragoonJay@excite.com: Loki is one of the Norse Gods. Among his many acts of viciousness include the direct killing of Balder through his trickery and refusal to weep for him. Note that - Loki kills gods. Joe (obviously a member of G.I. Joe) must have had training from most of the Joes, including Snake Eyes, well renowned as the best Ninja ever. Hmm... this is a hard one. Let's go to the tie-breaker: arch-enemies. Loki's arch-enemy is Thor, God of Thunder. Depending on which canon you subscribe to, Thor is either valiantly slain during Ragnarok, or he is ruler of all Asgard, reigning in place of Odin after the former died. Joe's arch-enemy? Bathroom scum. You see, Joe is secretly Toilet Duck, driving along in his plastic bottle tank. Norse God vs. unsanitary bowl buildup... I'll take the god. SGT. JOE: 129 LOKI: 176 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Sgt. Joe can equip spears, right? Loki isn't exactly on good terms with Odin at the moment, right? One duck-wielded Gungnir attack later, the Aesir trickster was far outside the boundaries of the Arena, conveniently clearing the way for our next contestant... ANONYMOUS Sgt. Joe opens the match with a quick silent lake, and looks to be the clear favorite...That is, until Joe realizes his attacks are failing to do significant damage, and that he can no longer heal. TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com So Loki has no Dragon Orb...let's go through the REST of his attacks, shall we? Indiscriminate - 4x castings of any mix of spells, including Frigid Damsel, Poison Blow, and Stone Torch Carnage Anthem - The Great Magic version of Stone Torch Extension Force - A powerful strike on all characters that pretty much kills them ( unless they're Arngrim, Kashell or Lawfer ) His physical attacks also take off about 1/3 of an endgame VP character's DME. Loki also has a massive store of DME ( highest in the game, outside of the Seraphic Gate ). Even if Silent Lake gets off, Sgt. Joe has NO WAY to take Loki out before Loki takes him out. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com "First I am put into HEAVY and now I'm fighting a DUCK? This is absurd!" Loki was angry beyond belief. Sgt. Joe took this opportunity to silence him. "Oh, my spells are locked, huh? I call upon the power of the Dragon Orb!" Multiple dragons attacked Sgt. Joe at once, causing massive damage. "But...your spells...locked" He choked out. "MY spells, yes, but the Dragon Orb's are it's own power, not mine." Loki explained to the true water rune-bearing waterfowl, and then inserted his blade into the top of his skull. KnightBladeES@hotmail.com You know, if it wasn't for Silent Lake, Loki might have a chance at beating a Heavy. Oh well, Loki loses again metroid composite I get the impression that whoever makes the writeups doesn't like Loki. I mean last week Loki wasn't allowed to use his Dragon Orb, and this week he's supposedly spending the first few rounds laughing his head off. Oh wait...if Sgt. Joe uses Silent Lake then he can't hit Loki with anything but physical attacks, and there's no way he can put a dent in Loki. Sorry Sgt, you're screwed either way. neoelfboy@hotmail.com As had been widely predicted, Sgt. Joe had Silent Lake before Loki could finish laughing at the absurdity of the match: GOD OF DESTRUCTION vs. DUCK WARRIOR. The Sergeant pulled out his halberd, and got to work. Loki put up no resistance whatsoever... after all, he was a pure mage, and couldn't exactly fight back. Unfortunately for Joe, Loki didn't exactly seem to be taking much punishment. "Fool!" cried Badrach from the stands. "None of us mortals were even capable of damaging Loki! Even Arngrim, wielding the Demon Sword Levantine, was worthless against him!" Lezard nodded. "Physical attacks will avail you little, duck. Only mages such as myself, and perhaps one beautiful silver-haired battle maiden with a restraining order against me, are capable of defeating the god who destroyed all of Midgard." Loki smiled. "Your anti-magic field is about to wear off, duck," he said. "And unless I'm mistaken, you only have enough MP for one casting. I look forward to murdering you painfully with my quadracast magic momentarilly." Sgt. Joe shrugged, lifting his halberd onto his shoulder. "I always did teach Hugo not to pick fights one couldn't win. It seems I should follow my own advice." And to the disappointment of Loki, Joe walked out of the arena... perhaps to return again another season, when Heavy division wasn't featuring someone who could fairly be called more than merely GodLIKE... tylorh@hotmail.com Loki does indeed laugh upon hearing who his opponent is for this round. And he's still laughing upon entering the ring. And yet still his laughter echos as he wastes the Sargeant with four Poison Blows just before Silent Lake could get off. Ramladu vs Nash majinradshadow@aol.com: *Ramladu, being the leader of the Runefaust army, had to show that he could beat this spy one-on-one. He decided to fight without the support of his army. Ramladu like any other King was very boastful and was quite shocked that a man as puny as Nash would even try to block his way to total victory* *As Ramladu entered the arena, he excepted to see the Harmonian looking through the crowd. He did not, what he did see was a door right in the middle of the arena, and another on at the edge of the arena* Ramladu looked at the doors with a snicker, "What kind of foolishness is this? Surely you do not expect me to fall for something so trivial." Ramladu looked all over the arena. He thought that Nash would try to ambush him as he thought about the mysterious doors* Ramladu began to grow impatient, "Nash! I do not have time for your mockery of me. Either come out and fight or I win by default" No response......all that remained was for Ramladu to check out one doors. His bluff did not help. "Hmph! What a foolish man. Any kind of petty trick will only make me kill you even more painfully!" No response........ *Ramladu was furious. He lunged at the door in the center of the arena and sliced it in two. What lay waiting behind that door was none other than Nash himself. Right when he became visible Nash drew out Grosser Fluss and stabbed Ramladu in the chest* "Ugh.....you dirty spy. How dare you strike me, no matter my regeneration will negate that blow" *Ramladu finally seeing his opponent wasted no time to get this match over with. Going straight for the kill Ramladu aimed for Nash's head. Nash was able to block the main force of his swing, but was caught in the shoulder. Nash's eyes grew pale and thin. He had gone completely berserk now. He began using some quick strikes that caught Ramladu off guard, forcing Ramladu towards the edge of the arena little by little. Ramladu did not expect this type of power from ths man at all.His Snake like blade began chipping away at the Runefaust king. All Ramladu could do was laugh* "You fool! All your efforts are in vain. I can heal myself after every one of your attacks....?"Ramladu threw up some blood. "What the devil?" Nash swung his whip-like sword and knocked Ramladu back some more, "I guess you never knew that my blade also inflicts poison which would negate your healing ability." Ramladu was still backing up, "Bah, I still have the advantage. Even with that I am stronger than you." Just then Ramladu backed into something. He had enough time to turn around to see he was at the other door that was placed in the arena. He had enough time to give off a screen before being sent back flying with a huge explosion. "hmph", Nash said as he re-shealthed Grosser Fluss. The evil look in his eyes flickered out and a calm grin showed, "and to think....If you were to choose that door in the first place, this fight wouldn't have wasted my time." Nash calmly looked around to see if she was watching, "Hm, now I hope she didn't run off again." RAMLADU: 120 NASH: 138 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Nash is a superb secret agent man, a suave fast-talker... and completely out of his league. It's merely a question of whether Ramladu is merciful and pounds Nash quickly, or waits and laughs off a few hundred attacks first. Amazing Regen + high health + major attack = dead Swordsman of Harmonia. ANONYMOUS Let's have a little comparison, shall we? Ramladu's HP(scaled fairly)>Nash's Ramladu's Attack power>Nash's Ramladu's Defense>Nash's Ramladu's Healing>Nash's Ramladu's Regeneration>Anything Extra Nash has Ramladu>>>>>Nash. hens9331@bellsouth.net The battle of Nash Latjke versus Ramladu will be a lock in for Nash for a good reason. The Grosser Fluss, or Dual Snake Sword he wields. Not only is the poison coating it highly lethal, but the berserker style curse on it wont be a problem considering no innocents will be inside the arena. Besides, the guy fought Culgan AND Seed at the same time. dark_nite2000@yahoo.com Nash entered the Arena pensive. He knew, looking upon the fierce form that was Ramladu, there was no way he could possibly kill him head on. He grinned happily. Which is why he'd brought in a specialist. Slade, preparing for a RPGP battle of his own, nodded at the agent with a devious smile on his furred face. 'Good,' he thought. 'That poison he sprinkled in his drink should kill him in minutes.' With an air of confidence, he faced down the impressive form of Ramladu, staring him down. Knowing the two contestants were ready, the bell clanged, and Ramladu immediately charged him, his deadly blade slashing towards the blond with impressive accuracy. By luck alone, Nash managed to duck out of the way, rolling to the side with shock etched on his face. Slade said that he would've dropped dead in minutes! How was he still standing? Narrowly missing another swipe, he glared at the rat in the stands, and realized, with slight horror, that the assassin was still grinning. 'Great,' he thought, scrambling together a plan to keep him alive. Unfortunately, thinking is rather hard when your head is no longer connected to his body. The match easily won, Ramladu casually strode to Slade, tossing him a heavy pouch full of gold. "That spice you added was very bitter," he said with a grunt. "What was it?" Chuckling to himself, he turned away, saying, "Rat poison." neoelfboy@hotmail.com Nash has years of training as a spy. Nash has an array of useful skills, both combat and otherwise. Nash has strong overall stats. Nash has a nice little medium-ranged weapon which can pick off weak targets before they hit him. Nash has a Water Rune, which provides both the deadly Silent Lake attack and some solid healing. Ramladu has 99 Attack power. Nash has a ticket to a quarter-final exit from Heavy this season. tylorh@hotmail.com Nash and Ramladu charged each other and swung, dealing each other powerful blows. "Well struck, but I'm not going to fall yet," Ramladu taunted the Harmonian agent. "But you look like you cannot take another blow." "Ah, just a matter of using my rune," Nash said as he cast Kindness Drops. "No such spell for you, now is there." "I have little need for one. My potent regeneration has already healed my wounds as we talked. And I doubt your healing is limitless." "Perhaps not, but I have other tricks. Did you know my blade is poisoned?" "I suspected as much. But, I've built up an immunity to all poisons. It has no effect on me. So, do you have any other tricks?" "Just give me a few moments..." The battle didn't last much longer. Slade vs Orlha MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Slade makes a single deft slash, to no apparent effect. Then Orlha attacks. And the sight of Orlha's top 1/3rd sliding cleanly off the bottom 2/3rds serves as an unpleasant warning to the rest of Middle. SLADE: 133 ORLHA: 121 Sac@sachw.cjb.net "You got lucky in your last battle, Rat! Against me...you'll face your second RPGP defeat!" Orlha yelled. However, before she even finished taunting him, Slade has suddenly disapeared from view. "Wha.." she said, frantically looking around the arena. "THERE!" she yelled, quickly spotting Slade...only to walk into a Katon fire magic. Slade wasted no time in quickly following this up with a strike from his powerful Gisarme katana. ANONYMOUS Slade just was too surprised to hear that Orhla was "Cut-Off!" in traffic and couldn't make it in time to the match GrandmastaBrick@aol.com If I remember my Shining Force 2 correctly, Slade has some obscenely strong magic spell. I would put some awesome battle story down for this match, but let's just say that spell will win Slade the match. CainofSolaris@aol.com Orlha is a babe, but... Ninja Rats still > all neoelfboy@hotmail.com Orlha is a strong fighter. Slade is a strong fighter. Orlha can take hits. Slade... well, he's more durable than the party summoner, at least... Elena vs Nash Mr. Bobbin Cranbud: Once again I find it neccessary to supply a result for a match. It was bound to happen again, apparently. Nash approached the arena with a twirl of his comb and a cocky grin. Knowing his many advantages, he wasn't too concerned about the coming encounter. Just as he was about to step through the gates into the Arena proper, he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Nash," Jessica said with a smile that made Nash VERY uncomfortable, "I just thought you should know. That girl out there? She's the same job class as me. Which means, she's going to do you you exactly what I would if you tried to pull something." "Oh," said Nash... And promptly fled the Arena without a shot being fired. Jessica somehow managed to wait until he was around the corner before she busted out laughing. ELENA: 143 NASH: 129 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Elena prepares a mighty apocalyptic attack spell. Nash silences her. TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com This should be getting repetitive by now, but what the hell: Nash is faster than Elena. Elena has no status protection. Nash has Silence, Instant Death ( via his bow ), Stone, Paralysis, and others. Nash advances to the semis. CainofSolaris@aol.com Elena sucks; Nash does too but he landed a cute girlfriend, so he isn't all bad. superaielman@hotmail.com It's going to be hard for Elena to use White Apocalypse when Nash turns her into a lawn ornament.. -Infinity Dragon- Nash is fast. Nash has Stone. Nash uses Stone. Elena decortates the Arena's front entrance from now on. Fina vs Choko MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Fina finds Choko absolutely precocious. But after Choko launches a series of extremely uncalled for attacks, Fina finds her even more precocious as a garden statue, courtesy of Lunar Glyph. FINA: 139 CHOKO: 122 CainofSolaris@aol.com Fina is so cute & Cupil rocks all in FInal mode!!! ANONYMOUS Choko is OK, I guess, but she can't compare to Fina's healing, attack (Final Cupil, anyone) and status. And doesn't Fina get the Silver magic spells by default? If so, Eternes should be death to almost any Middle. hens9331@bellsouth.net As for Choko versus Fina, Choko has broken sturdier toys then Fina. Not to mention a level one Choko outclassed a Level 60 Arc. And we all know Arc would mop the floor with Fina. RPGuru1331@Yahoo.com Fina, coming into battle expecting someone more intimidating then a little pink-haired girl, dismissed her as a lost girl. However, Cupil was a bit sharper, and attempted to attack Choko, thus making her cry. She used a quick Hyururu to hurl both Fina and Cupil from the arena, having suffered some pain. Alice vs Ward superaielman@hotmail.com: Ward's no fool. Even if he can gut Alice like a fish, her fans would massacre him before he even got out of the ring. So, he does the smart thing, and uses one of Hardin's Sigils to lock Alice into her locker room, and waits for her sanity to run out. When the refs figure out what happened, Alice is so far gone that even her fans have to conclude she can't fight. ALICE: 120 WARD: 154 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Ward decides not to hurt the pretty lady - a painful decision, since Alice can do damage even more massive than Ward's bulk can absorb. ANONYMOUS Without a GF, Ward isn't strong enough to beat anyone who ISN'T an NPC. Easy win for Alice. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Un-junctioned FF8 character < any character from Shadow Hearts that is above level 10. CainofSolaris@aol.com Ward won't hurt Alice but Yuri will hurt him when he gets a load of her short skirt! gorgy@adelphia.net Alice is weak, Ward is strong. Alice is slow, Ward is fast. Alice is dumb, Ward is smart. Alice is annoying, Ward is cool. Ward doesn't need limit breaks to win this one, but as with any FFVIII character, he is in position to get A LOT. DragoonJay@excite.com Little Miss Alice So very uncallous Became rabid from sanity loss. Along came a Ward Who got scared to the chord And o'er the ringside he tossed [himself]. Presence vs Cait Sith Sac@sachw.cjb.net: Presence's eyes bugged out of his head as he watched the giant moogle riding cat approach him. While it was true that he had seen many starnge things as he followed Denim, but this...Still, Presence was ready. Obviously this doe was not undead, so he wouldn't be able to rely on that skill, but his Light Arrow was, while not that powerful, still a useful attack. Quickly casting the spell, Presence watched as the bolt of light exploded from his body and...missed. He tried again, and again...it missed. "Well, looks like your inaccurate magic has cost you this match!" said Cait Sith cheerfully as he proceeded to beat old Donald into submission. PRESENCE: 117 CAIT SITH: 139 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Cait Sith approached the Arena warily, knowing that Presence was no pushover. Rhode had discovered that quite dramatically, and ShinRa's, if not finest, at least oddest creation had no intention of following suit. Moogle suit, that is. Get it? Hmm. Never mind. In any case, Cait bounded in the Arena and prepared to Control Presence. The Materia hummed with latent power - but nothing happened! "What the...?" Presence bonked Cait on the head with his stick, then said, "Silly robot... trying a possession attack against an *Exorcist*?" ANONYMOUS Cait, after reading Mr.Cranbud's write-up, was filled with confidence. He knew he could just come in, and bully Presence with his normal attack...But something went horribly well. Presence's HP was just as high as it ever was, while Cait was low in health. That's because Prensence was countering after each of his attacks, and was healing for every one of his turns! Caithad become worried...Until he remembered something. "FROG!" Cait shouted... "That match was needlessly complicated," Cait thought out loud, while stepping on the frog that was where Presence once was, and winning the match. ANONYMOUS Wait, wait. You're telling me the animated toy cat riding a stuffed moogle who attacks with a megaphone is NOT demon possessed? Yeah, right. ANONYMOUS Like I said, I've seen Presence take Canopus out one-on-one. Compared to Canopus, Cait Sith isn't so much of a much, now is he? CainofSolaris@aol.com Presence is cool. Cait Sith sucks (and he beat Belle, too) ANONYMOUS Presence is a great healer, counterattacks against every physical attack, and has Light Arrow at range. He should handily defeat a second-rate mascot like Cait Sith. Aila vs Guido superaielman@hotmail.com: I pity Guido, I really do. He's a solid.. Puny, fighting a light that, by all rights, should be middle. On the bright side, he should be able to use the arrows Aila shoots him with to prove, that yes, he once was in the same division as her. AILA: 177 GUIDO: 72 CainofSolaris@aol.com Aila for Light Champ! Give her a soda for a prize -Infinity Dragon- Guido opens with Mogay Hypo, giving himself a good stat boost. Aila, not being brightest creature in the worlds, thinks that its an intravaneous form of 'Cola' and rushes over to it. In the struggle over the hypo, Aila trips Guido and he falls outside, giving Aila a win via Ringout. Meanwhile, Aila overdoses on the Mogay drug and spends the remainder of the week till her next match sitting around in DeTox. Liz vs Mogu DragoonJay@excite.com: It really says something when a character's only skill is the ability to run away really well. Not even Edward is that pathetic. So this is how this match will go: Liz and Mogu trade blows for a while, Liz getting a major advantage from his higher HP reserves. Realizing that going directly head to head is a one-way ticket to a loss, Mogu digs down to evade attack. Of course, this just provides the former Odessa scientist an easy path in which to drop a Chef's Whimsy Bomb. Liz wins. Mogu sets a record for longest flight by a mole. LIZ: 131 MOGU: 120 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org "Fire in the hole!" Mogu exclaimed, leaping into one of the numerous trenches he had prepared as a Chef's Whimsy Bomb sailed through the air. It's explosive force expanded outward with a thundercrack, sending Liz toppling into another of Mogu's holes. A much, much deeper one. ANONYMOUS Mogu knew he was in trouble. His opponent hit *hard.* But Mogu had a plan. A crafty plan. All he had to do was dig enough tunnels under the arena, and he could collapse the whole thing! Even minor bosses like Liz shouldn't be able to stand up to that kind of punishment! Liz blinked as Mogu began to dig. He then rolled a Mixed Bugs Liquid into the hole, followed by a Chef's Whimsy Bomb. A few seconds later, a muffled 'Whump!' was heard, and a poisoned, diseased, and thoroughly unconscious Mogu was shot out of the hole as if from a cannon. "By the power of 'science!' I have the POWER!" exulted Liz, who had amazingly won the battle without taking a single point of damage. CainofSolaris@aol.com Liz beat Eilie, so, he must die & Mogu is cool. Moles > Lizards tylorh@hotmail.com Mogu, in a moment of brilliance, decided that if he dug and hid under the arena, Liz's bombs wouldn't hurt him, but still hurt Liz, giving him an easy win. Unbeatable in theory, in practise the plan soon showed its largest flaw as, by luck or skill, Liz tossed his first bomb into Mogu's hole, taking out the fragile combatant. Shady vs Relm DragoonJay@excite.com: Shady's a decent character, with some good power for Light. That doesn't matter. Shady could be Indy-level, and the feline would still lose this match. It loses for a very simple reason - it's a cute animal. As anyone who's been around young girls for any period of time will tell you, there is nothing that can stand between a girl and a cute animal. Like two opposite charges, they will attract faster than the Grim Reaper to a main character's immediate family. The instant Relm sees Shady, the flying kitty is caught in a bear hug to rival Sabin's. The last we see of it is a pleading glance behind as Relm cackles with glee. "And I will hug you and pat you and squeeze you and call you George..." SHADY: 131 RELM: 143 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Quantum Kitty Crushes Painter Girl Using Mad Skillz; Few Surprised ANONYMOUS Shady wasn't worried. Relm wasn't known for using water attacks, and he was certain he could resist his own attacks for long enough to defeat Relm with them. Imagine his surprise when Relm laughed off all his attacks and beat him senseless with a paintbrush. The fire-and-ice-absorbing Paladin Shield *is* the best shield she can equip, after all. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com I think Shady Thousand is quite possibly the greatest "Weak" boss of all time. That said, I support his victory over Relm. Chibi Challenge neoelfboy@hotmail.com: What's cuter than chibified characters? Chibified Imps! Celes wins. CELES: 74 CLAUDE: 71 VYSE: 52 CHRIS: 49 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org I'm missing something about this Chibi match. What difference does it make in their powers, if any? Is it like getting mini-ed? Like eating a cursed mushroom in SSBM? Either way, magic attacks should be their usual selves, so I'll have to give this to Celes. ANONYMOUS Celes can cast Imp, reversing the chibification of herself and probably becoming a normal-sized Imp. A normal sized Imp still walks all over the little folk, and fortunately for her, Imp-ness is probably still ugly/funny enough to spare her from the wrath of Ghaleon and co. until she's done stomping on the competition. Literally. xxjowyatreidesxx@hotmail.com As soon as the battle started, Chris Lightfellow, slayer of children (Lulu) and all things good, falls on her own sword, rather then stay in her current childlike form. Claude had been prepared for a loss in physical strength, but wasn't prepared for what horrible effects "Chibification" would have on his already disturbing voice. He tried to remain silent as he sliced through Celes, but couldn't resist adding, "Well, that was somewhere around 80 points!". Normally, this would just sound ridiculous, but with his voice sounding like a combination of a squirrel and a chainsaw, Vyse exploded on the spot. Claude stood victorious, holding back a "we have a full score with this". TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com The bonus match is Vyse's, pretty much. Chris is the fastest here. If Chris DOESN'T use Silent Lake, then Celes massacres everyone with Meteor. Chris must use Silent Lake to have a chance. Then all Vyse has to do is use Skull Shield, since nothing but physical attacks can be exchanged after that. Of course, those damn elves have been lurking around lately, so we'll probably see Celes or Claude taking this one. AshburnerX@yahoo.com Vyse has a huge advantage in this match in the fact that while he's chibi-fied, none of his crew mates are. All he has to do is charge up enough SP to call on the Blue Rouges and he's got this match won. ANONYMOUS "ARGH CAN'T FIGHT....TOOOO CUTE!!!" the Chibi Combatants thought at the same time! Now you see the reason why characters who are normally enemies in videogames are friendly pals when Chibified: They can't bring themselves to attacking each other because they're too darn CUTE! So instead they revert to normal life behaviors like eating and playing videogames. Claude is the best at videogames because they only exist in his world, so he wins. But technically, nobody wins! GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Chibi Claude or non-chibi Claude, he still has a LASER GUN. hens9331@bellsouth.net In the Bonus Match, all I have to say is this: More Cutlass Furies then God. Enough Said. Vyse Wins. Pirate-ality. KnightBladeES@hotmail.com I just can't vote against a Chibi Chris, dammit. Ceredin_kelreta@hotmail.com Chibi Celes: a Dome of Blue Destructive energy is still as dangerous even if it is small...and has baby rabbit and duck patterns on it. Randomrabidworm1658@myway.com Due to an unfortunate scheduling mishap, all four chibi fighters were crushed underneath the giant moogle part of Cait Sith. Claude Kenni twitched the longest before he stopped moving, so he was declared the winner RPGuru1331@Yahoo.com Claude came into the Chibi battle at a severe disadvantage, then he thought of something. As the battle started, he used Ripper Blast,which in its weakened state just made a bighole. However, the other contestantswere only 2 feet tall, thus burying themfully in the hole, which Claude proceededto fill. Problem solved. -Infinity Dragon- Celes opens by blasting Chris into oblivion with Holy. Meanwhile Vyse and Claude get in a personal fight on who's cuter. Celes watches, bemused, until both are fairly weak, then finishes both of them off with Meteor, claiming the title of 'Cutest' for herself. DragoonJay@excite.com I'm finding it very hard to believe that any of Celes, Chris and Vyse were stupid enough to offend the four Dark Casters of Godlike. (As we all know, Claude's greatest character flaw is an unnerving knack at saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.) But assuming that this has happened, the answer is obvious. All chibis have an aura known as the Kawaii Factor. The KF attracts those who best know the characters to come and remark on their cuteness. In the interests of this match, any character from their game of origin that comes within ten feet of them during the KF's effect will have no choice but to take the chibi home with them so they can adore them even more. Vyse goes first. Fina gets a glimpse of the Legend, and glomps him quickly. He'll be spending the next week playing tea party. Celes gets scooped up by Terra (who lays the smackdown on Relm - these kawaiifests tend to get a bit rough), and is relatively unharmed by the whole situation. Chris is just screwed. No fewer than four of her fellow Suikos notice her, and between the hair pulling and beak tweaking she's crushed in the melee. This leaves Claude Kenni as the winner of this match... that is, until Opera, Rena, Celine, Precis and Chisato find him and force him to spend the next month in a dollhouse. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.