Seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Jenova vs Ghaleon Ghaleon had heard of JENOVA. After all, he had read Sephiroth's book "Mommy Dearest" in an attempt to learn more about the Perfect SOLDIER, in case he ever had to face him. So it was with some confidence that he faced JENOVA in the arena. JENOVA led off with Red Light, which barely scratched the armor of the Magic Emperor. "You know, I read the most intriguing fantasy tale of a monarch yesterday." said Ghaleon casually, as a Tropic Wind breezed by. Undaunted by the amateur's attempts to harm, he continued. "There was one line that I found quite interesting... now what was it again?" "Ah yes.", he said as he dodged another attack, preparing a Fate Sword. With a flourish, he struck while uttering, "I believe it was 'Off with her head!'." Picking up the decapitated body, he incinerated it disinterestedly with an Inferno, before tossing the head at Sephiroth as a silent challenge. The Magic Emperor was back. Jenova: 124 Ghaleon: 188 I think Jenova would beat Ghaleon, but it would be a good fight. Ghaleon would put up some strong magic attacks, but Jenova would overwhelm him with various status attacks and other spells. Jenova can't heal, and, even in her Absolute form, her attacks are barely strong enough to bring her out of Heavy. Ghaleon's double attacks can shred just about anyone, and Chaos Shield renders him practically invincible. It took all the WEAPONS to save the planet from Jenova. Strong as Ghaleon's magic may be, I don't see how he could possibly win this one. Jenova attacks the Magic Emperor with it's two tentacles, but is puzzled to find that it does absolutely no damage to Ghaleon directly, as Ghaleon already thought to have his Chaos Shield up. Simply chuckling to himself, Ghaleon dual-casted Hell Wave and vaporized Jenova's two tentacle arms. Having nothing else to do, Jenova began her slow countdown to cast Ultima. Ghaleon sighed at this hassle, and turned Hell Wave against Jenova herself. Jenova will just sit there while Ghaleon blows her away in about two hits. Jenova went into the arena thinking this match was obviously hers. I mean she destroyed all of the cetra and had the power to control people. Then Ghaleon walked into the arena. Ghaleon hit Jenova with a thunderbolt, to tell Jenova that he was not joking around. Jenova immediately started to cast Ultima. Ghaleon started laughing when he noticed it was going to take awhile to cast. "Time To Die" was the last thing Jenova heard after she had been hit with two consecutive hellwaves Well, let's see here. Jenova can appear as the loved ones of its victims, which probably wouldn't work on Ghaleon. Controlling his mind would be worth a shot, but taking over a good chunk of the audience would probably buy enough to countdown to Ultima. Jenova has a bunch of stupidly weak attacks, and Ultima. Ghaleon has a bunch of stupidly POWERFUL attacks, each one more damaging than the last. While Jenova messes around with weaker attacks Ghaleon will be pounding away with double cast (note - Jenova has always had a problem with elemental defences) and Hell Wave. The messy menace will be reduced to a frothing puddle on the floor before she can begin Final Countdown. Jenova and Ghaleon, both aren't the people who woul talk much, begin their battle at the very momentthey step into the arena. Powerful magical energy strikes comabatnts fiercely. Ghaleon feels something wrong. He couldn't see Jenova behind the dust but he can feel the energy is not coming from Jenova. More, Ghaleon realizes the magic that striking him is Super Nova! "How dare you defy the rule of this holy battle ground!" Ghaleon shouts. "Well... Sephiroth is sitting right up there" Replied Jenova and pointing toward the audiance seats. " could this be?" "Nothing much, I just made a few clones of him out of my body parts, and while they are my body parts, I didn't violate the rule" After Jenova finished her spreech, an army of sephiroth pops out behind her and blast Ghaleon with thousands of Super Nova. Jenova starts off the match by merge with Sephiroth. Then it casualy proceeds to beat the crap out of Ghaleon. Anyone for a supernova? Claude Kenni vs Ray Since Dekar is out, I'm gonna go with Claude. Claude would put on a pair of Bunny Shoes and get the speed he needed to slice and dice Ray before he could transform into a Grand Dragon. That, my friends, is worth well over 80 points. Claude: 140 Ray: 128 Claude enters, having crushed Cloud beneath his boot in the last fight. He raises his sword, runs over to the enemy, and lets out a cry of "MIRROR SLICE!" That's the end of the fight. This is VERY tough, Claude really could dominate Ray early on, but if dragon form comes, that can make things that much tougher for claude. But I'm going to say, Claude, by about 80 points. "Come on, we both know that you won't be able to beat me. I'll block your sword and smack you around like the weakling you are." said Ray. Claude wasn't in the best of moods. (I mean, after a week of being harassed by FF7 fans, wouldn't you be a litle ticked?) That's why he simply took out his Phase Gun, said, "Block this." and fired. "Looks like we won..." First, Ray is a Dragon! Haven't we proved that those who can morph into Dragons usually kill their opponents within minutes of transformation? Well, just in case we haven't, Claude uses Mirror Slice, Ray transforms and eats him, and thats the end of the match. Claude was having trouble with Ray due to his dragon form. It was all hopeless for Claude when out of nowhere came Cloud Strife from the stands with mako enraged eyes seeking vengence. He hit both Ray and Claude with an Omnislash so devastating that both competitors were knocked out of the ring. "I am the better blond-haired swordsman" stated Cloud. The judges gave the match to Ray because he was winning the natch before he was brutally smacked down by the godlike power of Cloud Strife Ray babbles something about St.Eva, while Claude futily tries to break the magical barrier...and then slugs the blonde haired wonder across the room. By the time Claude's made it back to his feet, Ray's gone...a huge, angry dragon in his place. Claude shoots forward, Mirror Slicing towards Ray... And then blinks as his sword bounces off a quickly erected natural Barrier. Claude, knowing that he can't survive Ray's dragon form, quickly sets his phase gun to "hit-stun" and fires. Ray can only watch the birdies circle his head as Claude clobbers him with Mirror Slices. Ray has way too much HP, but Claude has several devestating attacks. Claude wins. Yuna vs Flik Yuna, like almost every female humanoid Flik has encountered in his life, was immediately smitten by his good looks, charm, and attractive leg warmers. Summoner's discipline or no, it was a matter of simple, inescapable biology! It did not take her long to recall Tidus as nothing more than a bad dream in comparison to so dreamy a fellow as the aptly named Blue Lightning. Unfortunately for Yuna, when she dashed up in a fit of girlish enthusiasm to get Flik's autograph, she not only left the arena, but found herself on the recieving end of a jealous Nina's Book Belt of Love. Yuna: 132 Flik: 153 When Flik steps onto the arena he sees no Yuna, instead he sees a mummy fish. The next thing Flik knows that he is now in an outer dimension and the the mummy fish is beating a crap out of him. Back o the arena, Flik lies lifelessly on the ground. "Thank you Anima" said Yuna. Flik starts out by showing that he replaced his lightning rune with a flowing rune. Flik then decides to cast "Silent Lake" Flik then proceeds cleaning Odessa++ of Yuna's blood. As soon as the battle begins, Yuna spins her staff in a summoning dance. Flik, determined to finish Yuna before her monster arrives, dashes forward... only to be squashed like a pancake by Bahamut. "Oh my..." Yuna steps into the arena along with her birdy sisters... she stands there as Flik tries to attack her, but for some reason he cannot while a summon is out. Flik find himself beating Valefor without too much trouble, but of course since he used the last attack it is Yuna's turn and out comes Ifrit. A boost and a hellfire later Flik is feeling it, but he beats Ifrit. The Ramuh wanna be Ixion and Shiva fall to Flik as well, but then Yuna decides to try. Bahamut soars down into the arena and stares at Flik. Flik darts behind bahamut and slashes the big guy in the back... Bahamut uses boost and lets Flik do it a few more times and then jumps back and casts Megaflare. Having no damage limit is an excellent advantage. Yuna leaves the arena without a scratch on her. Yuna, having anticipated that she would be struck first, set her Overdrive mode to Stoic. After being hit once by Flik, she was able to use the dreaded Grand Summon. We still haven't found all Flik's pieces after the Mega Flare hit. Flik was not ready to fight someone as beautiful as Yuna. So he tried to persuade her to go get a coffee with him. After minutes of conversation she decided it would be harmless to go get a coffee. They began to leave the arena when Yuna walked off the platform and Flik ran around jumping up and down. Flik had won becasue Yuna stepped out of the arena. Flik could only hope that all his remaining matches would be this easy. Yuna summons ANY Aeon, game over. Yuna, right from the start look like she going to crush Flik, but wait, Flik has a mother earth rune equiped and uses cannopy defense, which give himself enough time to use a darkness rune to cast Final Bell to end the match. Flik Wins. Alex of Burg vs Teepo Not funny. Alex could waste Ryu (Teepo's better half) let alone this teal-haired tearaway. If Teepo fights physically Alex will tear him up with superior skill. If Teepo turns into his dragon form then Alex will just summon the four (impressively large and quite fuzzy) Dragons of Althena to crush the upstart in a matter of seconds. Either Teepo goes home in a human-sized body bag or a dragon-sized one. Alex: 148 Teepo: 142 Locked in a desparate fight with the Dragon Lord, Alex calls on the power of the dragons...! And nothing happens. Alex tries again and again while Teepo bears a toothy grin. Finally all four of them show up with picket signs reading, "on strike" and "unfair treatment for dragons." Teepo, capitalizing on his pre-match planning, destroys Alex easily. They don't call Alex the Dragonmaster for nothing. As they say, 4 Dragons are better than one as Teepo transforms as expected. Alex then calls the Black, White, Blue, and Red Dragons, who gang up on the one dark dragon. ((The rest of this match is censored, as it is too graphic for public viewing)) Teepo:*Bursts out laughing* Alex:What's so funny? Teepo:What's wrong with the hat? Alex:It's a DRAGONMASTER hat! Teepo:Oh,and what do "dragonmasters" do? Alex:I control dragons and wear their equipment! Teepo:*Face grows white* Alex:Huh?What's wrong? Teepo:*Runs away* Alex:?????? Teepo walked into this match hoping to prove that he could compete with Alex in a melee battle. Despair had overcome Teepo after being hit with a flash-cut and then decided to transform into dragon form. Alex then called on the powers of the 4 dragons and Teepo soon found out that 4 is better than 1. Not only was Teepo incredibly cool looking he was very powerful. Alex had some good attack but I don't think they will be enough to take down Teepo. He may be a Dragon Master but I don't think Teepo would care. Alex has his own power, as well as equipment infused with the power of four different dragons, while Teepo is only a dragon youth with slightly weaker powers than you'd have expected from an "ultimate form", and weak weapons and armors that were stolen from his local weapon shop. Teepo has intermediate fire and ice magic, while Alex has the power of the four dragons, and together, their powers are equal to that of the goddess Althena. Teepo is hopelessly outmatched. Heck, he'll probably reclaim Teepo's powers after the fight, claiming he completed his dragon trial! Alex stands on one side of ring and Teepo stands on the other as the match starts. Alex leads off by using Sword Dance, as his sword is about to collide with Teepo's head Teepo turns into a Dark dragon and tears him to pieces. Teepo wins. Gogo vs Domingo This match is over in a second as Gogo use Sabin's blitz tech to do bum rush. Bye Bye Domingo. Gogo: 130 Domingo: 117 Gogo would have used his opponent's relative weakness against magic against him, if it wasn't for the fact that a single Freeze 4 sent the mimic packing. No contest. With no teammates to mimic, Gogo's stuck with his own mediocre attack and defense stats to fight with, and no special abilities. Domingo's Freeze spells will make short work of the mimic even as his shell all but nullifies Gogo's attacks. Gogo can only copy other party member's attacks and 'cause he's fighting on his own there's no one to copy so he can't do anything and thus domingo can just fly around and beat him to death with ice4 Domingo would annihilate Gogo. Let him copy a weaker version of Freeze... Domingo can withstand it far better then Gogo could. Domingo wins by a fair amount. Sure Domingo may be just a little flying jellyfish-type creature. But he's a really strong little flying jellyfish-type creature darn it! That little fella was the Orlandu of the original Shining Force and he should go over Gogo easily, who IMO was one of the worst Final Fantasy VI characters. Too bad he probably won't because I suspect that few people know about him. Domingo rushed into battle and whistled. The legions of monsters from SF's past arrived. "Lose again will we?" Domingo chuckled and said, "You are here to watch. I don't need help like most weaklings from SF1 *cough*Balbazak*cough*" Domingo proceeded to steal GoGo's soul before the mimic could do anything. "Pikachu, you think you are evil? You have yet to face the wrath of the magical jellyfish!" Domingo floated away followed by his sparring partners, Bleu and Jogurt. This battle was over before it started. Poor Gogo is all by himself, so much for mimic, Which can only copy the actions of ALLIED charachters. So hes left with only basic commands, and given Gogo's less than impressive stats, those aren't going to be a match for Domingo's boquet of doom. Domingo on the other hand,has his freeze magic Which will stop the mime "cold". Not to mention the mighty Boost spell, which will take Domingo's mediocre attack & raise it to a more respectable level (at least between these two) In light of all the advantages that Domingo has in a 1 on 1 match against the mimic Gogo I have to ask, Was this match rigged or what?? (BTW: I got the relative stats based on comparing the max normal stats of each char. to the stats of other chars. in the same game) In any match with Gogo, it all comes down to 1) the party gogo is with and 2) the actions of the opponent. Now, gogo is fighting alone, so his only real power will be to mimic. Domingo is the best of the best. He may be freshly-hatched, but Domingo is the kind of icy-mage that knows what's going on. It wouldn't take him long to figure out Gogo's miming capabilities. Normally, this might be a problem. Luckily, Domingo deals death.... literally. His hits first, and the match ends. VICTORY, DOMINGO! Liete vs Locke Cole No contest. The fact that Liete can only level up with the mace means that by the end of Grandia she has a higher defense than Justin. Nothing short of the Illumina will break through, and even then she can jack up all her stats with Star Symphony or just cast Ensnare and sit back with a good book while all of Locke's HP is drained. Locke WILL get the first hit but nothing he can do will seriously affect Liete or her magic. Liete: 148 Locke: 140 Nothing for Locke to steal? Last I checked, Grandia characters had equipment, and Liete is no exception. Magic Art? YOINK! Goodbye paintbrush! Having a half drawn dragon suddenly pop into existence directly over your head is NOT a good way to win a battle. Locke knows that his stealing abilities can't save him this time against this magic user. Wait, they can! Locke goes over to where Flik is sitting and steals the mother earth rune. Liete is stunned as none of her spells hurt Locke. Locke then toys with her for a while, but then ends the match. Locke wins. Locke will only need one shot to take her down, and thanks to his far superior speed, that's an attack he gets. And if his life gets low, switch over to the Valiant Knife (which only he can use). End result- Locke continues his reign! Liete's attacks aren't equipment-dependant. Liete can heal. Liete has access to attack magic. Locke a boomerang. Middle champion, going down. Liete begins by casting a mighty spell! But she is confounded to have it interrupted by Locke's Hawk Eye. Liete once again tries, but the same result. A flustered Liete then attempts to hit Locke with a physical attack. The nimble thief dodges, pulls a Shadow, and stabs her in the back. Liete walked into the arena having something to prove. She was definitely more worthy than middle class, and today she would prove that when she beat the middle champion Locke Cole. Locke made his way into the arena and immediately stole Liete's mace. Locke Cole was sent flying as he was hit with a Gadzap. He got up slowly and was in critical condition. Lcoke with stunning speed hit Liete with his desperation attack mirager. Liete fell to the ground in disbelief. "I'm not going out this way"!!! She ended Locke's hopes of winning another middle championship with a meteor stryke that destroyed a good portion of the arena besides Locke Cole I guess I'll resist the temptation to boycott Middle entirely since Lucia (God, people LUCIA!) defeated the great Miss Eleniak. Liete wins this by a mile - Locke is all fine and well against second-rate healer/magesess like Marle, but against the real Middle deal, which Liete most certainly is, he's out of luck. A little Magic Art should put Locke back in his place. Pikachu vs Liz Liz watched the electic rodent enter the ring, and chuckles. "The flower of victory belong to the bees and the soil," declares the lizard man. "Pika?" Answers the pokemon, unsure of what to make of Liz's statement. "But this flower cannot lose it's petals, can it?" Liz continues, crossing his arms. Confused, Pikachu scratches his head, and answers "Pika pi?" "Exactly!" Liz replies, suddenly excited! "Ard, ard... ard!" Shouts Ard from the stands, thumping his tail excitedly. Pikachu looks over, even more confused to see another lizard man. Unfortunatley, that is the time that Liz decided to toss a Chef's Whimsy Bomb, and Pikachu learned that no one but the enemy benefits from low HP. "I almost enlightened myself just thinking of it!" Liz declares as the dust clears. Pikachu: 139 Liz: 149 Oh...dear God...not Pikachu. Please not Pikachu. >sobs< The furry little rodent should die a slow, agonizingly painful death. Fry, you little vermin, FRY! 'Nuff said. A Chef's Whimsy Bomb is nothing compared to some of what Pokemon have been throwing at the little electric rat for years. Pikachu takes the victory as he paralyzes Liz just as he's about to use one of his bombs, and goes blasting off. Pikachu can hurt a weak human (Ash) significantly. Liz CAN do good damage, though. Pikachu. The god among men and Pokemon alike. Anyone who has seen him take down THREE incarnations of former Heavy Champion Link (or, alternately, such notables as Donkey Kong, Luigi Mario, Fox McCloud, Samas Aran, etc) without taking A SINGLE HIT knows that this is one electric rat with the skillz to take on Auron or Anastasia. Liz, while amusing, should provide no challenge. PIIIIKAAAAA! Pikachu, having had extensive experience with one-on-one battles AND various other battles (4-fighter Free for All, Team Battles, etc.) is one battle-hardened electric rat. He's also had experience with Hit Point matches of the Chess-type (all-have-same-HP) AND RPG-type (screw-fairness-I'm-going-all-out). So, you can see that this rat can handle himself well, and in the Light class, he outmatches a fair deal of the contenders. With that being said, consider this: Rats eat lizards. Pikachu also has an appetite for Lightning-Roasted Lizard. Do the math. Pikachu, give Liz hell! You can do it! You are the best character in Super Smash Brothers! I still can't believe you didn't make god-like! Poor Pikachu. A lot of 14-year-olds abound in the gamer world who try to make up for their insecurities by bashing Pokemon and Nintendo as being for the "little kiddies." These people are the same ones who were maybe into Pokemon 2 years ago, before it stopped being "cool," and now they fill out all their sphere grids and while dialing up to aol from their parents' basement to try to find "nekid lulu pics." Sigh. Unfortunately, Pikachu really *is* total crap and Liz can beat up on most Lights, so expect this to perhaps be the most lopsided "fight" ever, despite the fact that all of the aforementioned Square whores have probably never even heard of WA2 and so should not be allowed to vote. C'est la vie. Aeris Gainsborough vs Lexis Shaia Lexis may look like he's holding all the cards, but he is actually at a serious disadvantage. We all know Lexis is a softy at heart, and that Aeris is great at playing her innate cuteness to the hilt. Since she'll be all over him from the start for his flower-planting, tree-hugging and elf-befriending, he'll soon be so flustered as to be unable to fight. And of course, Aeris is enough of an RPGP veteran to know that a behind-the-back staff smack leaves no hard feelings. Aeris: 166 Lexis: 114 Lexis should defeat Aeris, since he too can heal with magic, as well as use IP attacks with his many weapons to paralyze and confuse. Once in this condition, Lexis can simply whack Aeris over the head with a monkey wrench. Ever seen how large those things are? Let's see here... Aeris has no real attack power. Lexis can at least hit for damage relatively equal to Selan. Aeris has no access to magic, except her puny limits. Lexis has theoretically limitless use of IP, can cast ultra-powerful elemental spells (Firebird/Ice Valk, anyone?), has a full HP restore move in Valor, can raise his stats, and is the best magic user in the game, provided that the levels are equal. Aeris has the aid of Sephiroth's special effects team. Lexis is a special effects team on his own. So could someone please tell me how the spoon Aeris could beat Lexis, either through natural fighting or trickery? The battle started off like no other battle before. There was no battle. Lexis was talking to a very emotional Aeris who had just got in a fight with Cloud about last weeks bonus match. Cloud felt if he didn't have Aeris worrying over Cloud he could of gone full-out on Claude. Lexis tried to console her and tell her that she didn't need Cloud.....that did not float over too well with Aeris because she reached her limit and used seal of evil not enabling Lexis to use his magic skills. Aeris staff skills proved to be greater than lexis's wrench skills Aeris starts off the match in a prayer, and Lexis, thinking that he got the advantage, moves in for the kill. Suddenly, the earth open up and holy smash into Lexis knocking him clear out of the arena. Aeris wins the match without lifting a finger. Lexis' spells rival Selan, even when he's a few levels behind. A few Thunders/Dragons/Firebirds, and Aeris is gone. The more damage Lexis does, the worse the situation he's in. If Aeris gets in a position to cast Great Gospel, it's over. Even if she doesn't, her lower-level healing Limits will still put her over the top. Lulu vs Rose Almost certianly, Rose will transform into a dragoon and be able to hold it, like all the dragoons who fought against her and her team. Then, she'll be able to leech off Lulu by casting Astral Drain every chance she gets, and will recieve the full effect of it since she has no team members to share the HP with. Besides, roses has that "Dark DS Armor" that will deflect all of Lulu's black magic. Lulu: 128 Rose: 135 Rose is the BLACK MONSTER, remember? Lulu is good, but not that good. While Lulu has a slight advantage due to her Magic Emperor-esque doublecasting skillz and the power of her typeless Flare magic, Rose is a far more maneuverable, not to mention fashionable, combatant because she doesn't have to worry about such an improbably low-cut dress! Also, Rose is an effective fighter with or without MP, and equally agile. Doublecast + Flare = Lulu wins. Lulu has hypnotized me with her dolls. ;.; Lulu walked into the arnea thinking she had the obvious advantage. Obviously she had forgot that Rose knew how to fight and proceeded to show Lulu that without even having to change into a dragoon Oh come on! Lulu vs. Rose! Lemme put it to you this way: Doublecast+Ultima+Onion Knight=Dead Goth Dragoon. Oh and lets not forget that she can drain Roses already low Mp with Osmose. Nuff Said! Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.