Seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! WARNING! Be advised that we at the BCp have received Emails from concerned commenters who say that they have gotten probable virus-attached mail to the addresses used on this page. If you want to comment on the RPG Playoffs Online, you may wish to omit your full Email address. Yuber vs Lloyd Lloyd may have the silvery hair, but Yuber is much more bishy. Let's compare them. 1) Yuber is cool, and has particoloured eyes. 2) Yuber is blond and has a braid. 3) Yuber has twice the swords as Lloyd. Cute blond guys with long braids always defeat uncute guys with short hair. It's the Bishounen Law! YUBER: 150 LLOYD: 137 ANONYMOUS Yuber should have lost to Maxim. There is no way he will beat Lloyd. Not the most promising godlikes, but Yuber, who shows at least some power, should be able to secure an easy victory against Lloyd. This is surely one of the best pure duels the RPGP has ever hosted - the sinister, swift-striking Yuber's superb swordsmanship may yet skewer Lloyd, but at the same time, the Winglie warrior's wonderous weaponry could wipe out Yuber. Since they are both adept but not especially fast spellcasters, I can't see either of these two getting off many of their best spells. More likely than not, both are confident enough to take it straight to the finish. Both are experts at avoiding blows. I've seen Yuber not only parry but dodge a dozen in a row, and Lloyd, well, he needs no introduction in this regard. But in the end, what it comes down to is this: If Yuber lands a blow, Lloyd takes damage. If Lloyd lands a blow, Yuber takes damage - and counterattacks. Lloyd must die! (I didn't like him as a villian at all, and I thought he was way too weak.) These two are like mirror images of each other...two of the best melee fighters (if not THE best) in the entire rpgp, both have insane dodging capabilities and both can deal insane amounts of damage however, when it comes down to it Lloyd is the king of melee combat. although i am sure yuber will win this because of all the people who think hes invincible or something...hes strong but geez, he got beat down by a group of school kids in he himself was not beatin and yes he is very strong, but if he was as powerful as everyone thinks he could have dispatched them himself...yuber is NOT invincible... :o/ Lloyd has awesome magic attack power and takes virtually no damage from magic...if he can keep his distance from yuber hes got an easy win by blasting him with non-elemental magic. and even if they get close lloyd can dodge and match yuber blow for blow, and most likely win. and i seem to remember lloyd never missing any attacks in LoD, but i've seen yuber go astray on several, a few misplaced slashes, a few non-elemental blasts and a few combos and Yuber will find the Dragon Buster in his stomachs. What a pity that magic can't activate a physical counterattack. Lloyd makes his second trip to the Finals because of it. Lloyd stood impaitiently awaiting Yuber to approach.. he was tired of opponents who never turned up on time for the matches.. what he didnt notice, was a deathly silent figure rising up behind him.. he never did notice him too. Yuber, face showing no emotion, swung out an arm to his side.. those who blinked did not even notice the motion.. what they did notice was his hand held a blade.. Lloyd crumpled to the ground.. as his head rolled a few feet from Yuber, who's face remained impassive.. As the comentator in a low voice, declared Yuber the winner, some thought they noticed a slight smirk.. and those with better than average hearing thought they heard a mutter from Yuber.. about how he expected a challenge.. such as Bahamut.. as Yuber sunk into the ground once more, and was soon gone from sight. ANONYMOUS Yuber will destroy Lloyd!!!!!!!!!!!!! This match features two very similar characters going at each other. Lloyd and Yuber both are skilled Fighter/Mages with some of the best magic attacks in their game, a formidable physical attack, and impressive evasion. They also are similar in that they're both dark characters who prefer to operate from the shadows and avoid getting stuck into a corner if it can be avoided. However, there the similarities end. While they are both Fighter/Mages, they also each favour one side of the physical/magic divide, with Yuber being more fighter than mage, and Lloyd being more mage than fighter. And while you can dodge a sword, you cannot dodge the magic being thrown about. Also, they differ in their cause. Yuber will run if things turn, being there for the fight, while Lloyd will never surrender until his paradise is achieved. And each battle brings him one step closer to fulfilling his dreams. Freya vs Ramirez Freya smiled, and eyed Ramirez. What could a pretty boy do her, a goddess? "No way can you match the power of my Ether strike!" Freya spun gracefully into the air, preparing to deliver her powerful finisher right off the bat. Ramirez nodded, and also smiled. "I can't match the power of Ether strike, nor is it likely that I can survive the attack. However, can you take your own finisher?" Ramirez muttered a few words, and looked up. "Goodbye, Goddess." One Silver Nightmare- Ether Strike combo later, Freya learned that not even she could survive her own divine moves. "Bas..tard.." Freya passed out, a victim of her own power. "Your nightmare is over, goddess. However, I dare the nightmare is just beginning for the rest of godlike!" Ramirez walked out of the arena, chuckling at his wit. FREYA: 126 RAMIREZ: 152 ANONYMOUS Ramirez = :-) Freya really does have what it takes to win it all - not just in terms of her spectacular offense, either. She's got great overall stats, and it would be foolish to think that there aren't Godlike contestants who will be distracted by a love and life goddess' considerable charms. Ramirez, though, is among the most cold-blooded baddies in the worlds. And Silver Nightmare may as well be called 'Freya's Nightmare' - there's no other character this is nastier for, and she really has no way to deal with it. Freya > most Freya on poster looking sexy > even more She will paste Ramirez. Ever fight Freya in the C ending of Valkyrie Profile? Remember how almost no matter what, your team of a God-like(Valk), a Heavy(Arngrim), a Light(Jelanda), and a middle(Belenus) couldn't even HAVE ANY HOPE of victory? Yea, Freya is indeed out of her league even amongst God-likes. Ramirez is built to dominate long fights, but there's not a Godlike in the RPGP that can make a fight against Freya "long." Solid Snake vs Terra In incinerating Snake's mullet, Terra is not only winning a trip to the Heavy finals, she's also striking a blow for goodness. For you see, Snake's mullet is secretly an alien controlling the mind of our favourite commando-type guy. And we, as his loyal fans, owe it to ourselves to free him from his torment. Remember kids, friends don't let friends have stupid haircuts that control their minds. SNAKE: 128 TERRA: 175 Unoriginal When Terra stepped into the Arena, and noticed that Snake was nowhere to be found, she assumed (correctly) that he was using his Stealth Camo in an attempt to avoid her devastating Ultima. Terra rolled her eyes. Snake didn't realize that invisibility is the magical equivilent of a "kick-me" sign. "Break!" Sir Alex ( For the sake of argument, let's ignore the fact that MGS isn't an RPG and Snake really shouldn't be here at all, and actually compare the two fighters. FIGHTING: Snake: Fast, strong, reasonable instant death to normal humanoids at close range, good ranged attacks as well. Terra: Fair stats, Morph form rivals Ryu's dragons, Ultima, Drain, Quatr, Fire 3, Merton, etc. Edge - Terra. Snake can't off her before she morphs and begins Draining repeatedly, nor do I think him capable of instakilling her morphed form. Not to mention that Ultima may just kill Snake immediatly. PERSONALITY: Snake: Badass secret agent tough yet stealthy guy. Terra: Anime-like pacifistic angsty crossbreed. Edge - Terra again. Think about all the anime and movies you've ever seen in which a tough dude goes up against an angsty pacifist. Who wins? The pacifist. ALWAYS. Final choice: Terra. The girl should be in Godlike. And hey, her on Loki would a sweet final match, no? ANONYMOUS "Just so you know," said Snake as he entered the arena, "we're playing by real-life rules here. None of that sissy RPG logic - so hit me if you can!" With that, he vanished into his cardboard box. "Oh? How nice!" said Terra through still-sleepy eyes. She had spent the previous night trying to put Katarin's child to sleep. One Fire3 later, both the cardboard box and its contents were utterly incinerated, and Terra was headed back home for some much-needed rest. ANONYMOUS Terra has many, many things going for her. Ultima, Merton, the ability to wield the Atma Weapon or Illumina... Snake can hide and dodge pretty well, but any one of those things are death to him. Using a piece of technology from his foe Revolver's book, Snake decided to bring one of those magnetic field generating devices to the fight. Capable of deflecting a horde of missles and millions of bullets, it could probably hold off an Ultima, two tops. Fortunately, that's all he needs. Once Terra has casted her spells, Snake shoots her in the head with a tranq dart and tosses her out of the ring. *Snake sneaks behind Terra and moves in for the fatal neck-snap* *Terra casts Ultima* Game. Set. Match. What Terra Branford doesn't realize, is that Solid Snake is hiding in the box. Thus, he is completely invisible. What Solid Snake doesn't realize, is that invisibility reduces his magic defense to 0. Solid Snake, meet Morphed Fire 3, which may as well be Ultima, against that Magic Defense. Better yet, meet Ultima. The battle arena, unfortunately for Snake, isn't a cavernous, stalagmite-studded battlefield or a military installation riddled with corridors doors and various places to hide. It is a simple arena. The best he's going to have is his handy cardboard box. Cardboard, again unfortunately for Snake, doesn't provide much resistance against the full blast of an Ultima spell, especially when shot from a character with the highest magic rating in her game, a natural ability to learn every spell, and a Morph ability which literally doubles her magic strength. Terra for heavy champ! Snake can't run very fast, and where Ultima is concerned, he sure can't hide. But Snake is too clever by half to get caught by Ultima - he'll be a thousand miles from the Arena, in a box, hidden on an unmarked plane, when he hears that Terra somehow managed to defeat Arngrim. Morphed Terra. Only naked chick in RPGP. Ultima is just gravy, too. Terra could hurl Ultima after Ultima, but until she figures out how she's going to FIND Snake, she's just another broken neck. Even the mystical power of the cardboard box can't save Snake now...if a Morphed Terra casts Ultima after Ultima over a large area, she's bound to hit _something_. Terra vs Snake... It's a shame I couldn't see a Snake Loki fight as that would have been pure wit, but I am afraid that as cool as Snake is there is simply no hiding from Ultima. Snake, master of his profession, is undoubtedly the best stealth operative in the RPGP. If he can get in without being caught, then all he needs to do is see his target to kill it. Terra, with her wide effect Ultima, and the MP to cast it multiple times, doesn't even need to see her target if she has the slightest clue as to where it could be. Loki vs Nash Tricky mortal vs immortal trickster... The myths are full of examples of mortals outwitting gods. This is why the myths have very few examples of Loki interacting with mortals. Sorry Nash, but you're going up against the progenitor of your profession. LOKI: 147 NASH: 141 Nash, expecting his new grand scheme to catch Loki off guard, felt confident on his match. As he entered the arena, began the set-up. However, as the match started, Loki began taking the exact actions to thwart said scheme. Loki, fully aware that Nash had Silent Lake up, decided to close with our berserking spy, and began a fierce melee. Nash used the Grosser Fluss, and immediately tried using the range inherent in it's design. However, on the first extended attack with the whip function of the Grosser Fluss, He immediately used his polearm to wrap around the whip, then used his superior strength to pull the Grosser Fluss from Nash's hands. At this point, Nash realized he was screwed and as the spear point neared his neck, he asked one question: "How did you find out about my plan?" Loki responded with "Oh, it wasn't hard. I just convinced Skuld, Norn of the Future, to tell me what it was." With this statement, He buried the his spear point in Nash's throat, thus ending his failed scheme. Loki=GOD of mischeif and magic. God here means the absolute master of that. He even outmatches Nash. Oh yea, he has the Dragon Orb, too. That thing that would kill your entire party in one hit if you didn't auto-item/guts your way out of it. Loki doesn't NEED his tricks to win, he just needs to STAY AWAKE. Nash, with his quick wits and long experience, can doubtless win in a match of trickery with any but the best of mortals and even your average deity. Of course, Loki, being reknown for being the Trickster god, and the sharpest of wit among all devine beings, is likely Nash's counterpart among the immortal set. And when all other things are equivalent, the deity always beats the mortal. Slade vs Elena Elena may have a lot of advantages over Slade, but it really comes down to one factor. Archetypical female white mage characters of Elena's form and personality usually have the common weakness of being deathly afraid of rodents. Since Slade is a rodent of the most terrifying giant ninja rat variety, odds are he'll take the match in a ring-out as Elena runs miles and miles away. SLADE: 132 ELENA: 129 ANONYMOUS Slade was tired so he just gave elena a jogurt ring and flicked her on her nose to her death. I'm assuming that, since she bested Nash, Elena will also best Slade. I'm also assuming that in actuality, the silly singer wouldn't last Dias' proverbial 10 seconds against a trained ninja, especially this one. OK. Elena = Suck. Ninjas > most Rats > the rest Ninja Rats > all *so* > all -----------> Suck. Holy magic is cool, but ninja magic is cooler. Since when does ninja cunning allow anyone to avoid spells? If this was true, then Slade could have shown it to me at least once in all the times I played Shining Force II. Now a quick and painful instant death attack, that was something I saw repeatedly. One more time won't hurt... well, won't hurt me, at least. Elena may see it differently. White Apocalypse is a bit overpowered for everydayt rodent extermination, but I'm sure Elena can make an exception. After all, the Arena's janitors have something of a reputation...they can probably handle it Fina vs Ward Mr. Bobbin Cranbud: Another requisite writeup? Voters and commenters are diverging at an alarming rate. Ward realized that he would have to act with pin-point precision - one false move could see him petrified, or locked into an extended battle against a regenerating foe. Fortunately, he hadn't survived as long as he had in the Galbadian army (motto: "We expend extras so you don't have to!") without a few tricks up his sleeves. Well, not sleeves, per say, since he's wearing a sleeveless T-shirt. And speaking of T-shirts, that very garment was the key to Ward's victory. You see, he pettitioned that the match be changed to a wet T-shirt contest! Since, being a guy, and a rather hefty one to boot, he was absolutely certain to lose this match, it was deemed an acceptable challenge. But Ward's gamble paid off just as he'd guessed - demure Fina, who didn't own a T-shirt and wouldn't have worn it wet in public if she did, didn't even show up! FINA: 120 WARD: 143 ANONYMOUS Against an unjunctioned FFVIII character, Fina could easily defeat Ward with Cupil alone. But with her default Silver magic, Fina could just cast Eternum for an instant win. Ward saw what Ramirez did to Freya, and decided that there was no reason for him to get involved with any Silvites. Fina looks even cuter now & Final Cupil is stronger than Ward. Ward's strength is in a constant stream of normal attacks, since his Limit technique would be generously described as "pathetic." Too bad for him that Lunar Blessing will allow Fina to regenerate most of the damage he deals, every turn. Cait Sith vs Aila Ah, the epic battle of robot cat on robot giant moogle against skilled archer with bevy of mighty Runes and courage to spare. Did I say epic battle? I meant epic slaughter. Or whatever you call it when it's a robot being slaughtered. CAIT SITH: 133 AILA: 157 Cute chicks always win Light like Yumei, Rikku. And Aila is the only cute chick left. And she was the cutest; Cait Sith will get rocked. Reeve went into this battle expecting another victory. After all, he has his Transform Materia, and he knew that Aila's Vengeful Child would run out long before Cait's MP ever did. Unfortunatly, he had forgotten that Aila also had several ranks in freeze and accuracy. And he thus could do nothing but stand by as AIla slowly turned the stuffed moogle into nothing more than a blocky pin cushon. Liz vs Relm Unoriginal: Relm comes into this match equiped with a Marvel Shoe one one foot for it's Auto Haste-Regen-Safe-Shell effect, and a Sprint Shoe on the other foot for the boost in running speed. Relm, with the Haste improving her speed, gets the first shot in and Sketches Liz, then runs for the other side of the arena as fast as the Sprint Shoe can take her. The Sketch Liz tosses a beaker full of highly unstable chemicals at the Real Liz. Real Liz also happens to be carrying a large amount of highly unstable chemicals himself, not to mention a large number of explosive devices. I think you can figure out what happens next, hmm? LIZ: 141 RELM: 147 ANONYMOUS Relm giggled as she saw Liz entered the arena.. "This is so funny," the little girl said. "Hold still, I want to paint your picture." Liz, spiteful of the giggling just stood still, waiting as Relm painted his picture. When it was done, a Liz clone stood before him. Suddenly, the Liz clone threw a bomb into the field, which promptly exploded. When the dust cleared, the Liz Clone was gone, Relm was unconscious, and Liz was holding on for his life. "It sucks when your strongest attack damages you as well. Unless someone manipulates that attack." ANONYMOUS Relm slashed and hacked with broad strokes. A couple of swipes later, and her Sketch of Liz was complete! "Okay slimy! Now feel the wrath of your own Mixed Bugs Liquid attack!" Relm giggled as she imagined her opponent's look of surprise when poisoned and diseased by one of his own attacks... ...Which she ended up mirroring as her sketch promptly dumped the liguid on her head, inflicting those very statuses on her, instead. "What kind of sick person would use that kind of attack on his own allies!?" Relm screeched, astounded at the unexpected action of her Sketch. "The cheat sheet of 'science' is ever-elusive! Is this a trick question?" replied the real Liz, just before he hurled the match-ending bomb. Match: Liz ANONYMOUS Relm sees Liz and, in true little girl fashion, sees he's "a slimy lizard." Freaking out, Relm uses Star Prism. Liz wonders what he ever did wrong. Is there another character more adept at demolishing Relm than Liz? If she controls him, she has a wide variety of options, all of which will damage her more. If she sketeches him, the same thing will happen. "By the apple's passionate spiral," cried Liz, "the ways and means our mission have completed!" Now, let's take a quick look at Relm's options here. She can sketch her enemy, where her sketch will use one of Liz's attacks at random, damaging both of them for a random amount of damage. She could equip the Fake Mustache and hope to control Liz, which would allow her to choose his attacks. However, as they still hurt everyone, she'd not only lose control of Liz after one shot, but she'd still get hit. And finally, she could go for an all out offensive and hope that the small chance of casting Holy with each attack of her Pearl Rod would kick in often so she could have a chance of depleting Liz's massive HP reserve before the undodgable bombs finish off the fragile Relm. Monster Master Match ANONYMOUS: Ash has all that clichéd stuff going for him--the "we can do it if we believe in it" strategy always works against things that would logically send him for a loop. The bonds between he and his monsters would be so great that he wouldn't just win... he'd win while corny "let's be friends, don't fight" music plays. ASH: 112 JANICE: 74 THEO: 69 Janice was having a lot of trouble. She had been in the Veldt for five days and had not caught a single thing. She sat down on a rock to cry when she heard a voice. "Bunny-girl can jump, right? Have to leap to catch monsters. Gau!" Janice turned to see who was speaking but saw no one. Time was running out, so Janice couldn't afford to be choosy. She leapt at the first thing to wander by - a stray cat - and managed to capture it! Maybe with this and her leafer she wouldn't be totally out of the contest. The next day as the match began, Ash and Theo laughed at Janice's ragged-looking stray cat. "I passed up a dozen of those common animals," said Theo. "Yeah, even a Meowth would be better than that!" laughed Ash. Imagine their surprise when their monsters were all Catscratched to death in a matter of seconds. "Sometimes the most common animals have the best abilities," said Janice as she petted her new kitty. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Ash?! ASH?! AHAHAHAH! I even laugh at that idea that ASH will win! I absoulutly HATE ASH and hope some one else WINS!! Sir Alex ( I really shouldn't vote on this, having no clue whatsoever who Theo and Janice are, but... Pokemon really do own, and Ash really is a decent trainer if his Gold/Silver appearance is considered. Charmander >>> the Leafers and Slimes I know of. And it's easy to get a team of Pokemon that can nicely cover all elements and whup up on everything else in the game. ANONYMOUS I really hate to say this, but there is no one more skilled at geting powerful monster, with weak ones, then Ash. Knowing him, he will probably get a monster like Ozma into the ring, which he previously saved from team rocket. As the monster trainers gathered on the Veldt, they went their seperate ways in hopes of winning. However, over the horizon, one could actually make out the form of an angry woman trailblazing through with her own group of monsters. As she neared, she could be heard screaming "HOW DARE THEY USE THAT WUSS INSTEAD OF ME, THE LAST BEAST-TALKER!!!! I'LL SHOW THEM ALL" She hadn't bothered waiting for them to start, and immediately showed up with a large group of the Ninja Lords. They first came upon Janice, whom was the first one they managed to find. A slew of Lvl 3 Bomb Shuriken put her group out of action. Afterwards, they reached Ash, whom attempted to catch one of the monsters, but they were at full HP, succeeded only in dealing a point of damage to it instead. His monsters were then summarily executed in a similar manner as Janice's. Then, she found Theo. Theo was shocked to see her there, and tried to apologize, but only got whipped by the irate Beast-Talker. His collected monsters just flat out ran. After the incident, the judges were attempting to judge whom the winner was. They decided that outside interference hadn't counted, as Lieza destroyed all 3 groups equally. They decided that the victor would be the one whom dealt the most damage to her. On watching replays they noticed that when Ash threw his pokeball, a little 1 appeared over the target. On closer examination of the whole event, they realized that no one else had successfully dealt damage to the horde of Ninja, and awarded him the victory, for being the only contestant to deal damage. When it comes to monster hunting, Ash is the greatest in the worlds! With the Final Fantasy critters like Senior Behemoths found on the Veldt (which strike me as stronger than even the strongest Pokemon), he simply can't lose! Well, unless he is facing Theo's Diekbeck and Janice's best trio and, with typical boldness (sic!), shouts, "Pikachu - I choose you!" Then again, since Pikachu can Smash three Links or Bowsers (both in Heavy), maybe that wouldn't be so bad. they all went out to search for the ulimate creature... ash goes off and starts collecting more creatures but in the progress of collecting them his Charmander evolves to a Charizard. Confident that he's Charizard has what it takes to defeat his enemies.. so he heads back to the battle ground and waits.. Theo and Janice finally return and the square off and begin to fight.. Theo and janice start dueling it out but then Ash steps up and unleashs his Charizard. Right away it turns on Ash and fries him to a crisp and then it starts to eye Janice and theo. They grabs their monster and make a run for it but they're not fast enough and they get fried to a crisp as the end.. Charizard is the winner. Bunny Girls = rock. And Ash&Theo are dorks. Ash, when entering the arena, will be mauled by all the Pokemon haters of the world. Theo, when entering the arena, will be mauled by all the Pokemon lovers of the world. Janice will just stand there, wondering where all her fans are, realizing that nobody knows who she even is. Janice wins by default. ANONYMOUS Theo wonders about the veldt for days and as he encounters a monster a little kid popps up saying im hungry feed me. So Theo throws him a piece of dried meat and gau fights with him. As Ash and Janice are on the town getting some rest and letting their monsters rest. Ash won't win... people here are anti-pokemon even though in all reality Pikachu probably has attacks = to thundaga... that should be more tha enough to get him through light matches, but people don't seem to think rationally here. Dragoner Reis, issued no monsters, bracelets everyone to death by herself. Ash wins by default, since he can't get hurt. Janice wins, since she not only managed to build a formidable team out of fairly week creatures in Chrono Cross, but she can also field three at a time. Ash is out straightaway; his only experience comes from something akin to a sport, and not actual battles against actual deadly enemies, which is the case with his two opponents. So it comes down to Janice and Theo. Ordinarily, I'd say Theo, but considering the kinds of monsters given them initially, I'm willing to bet that Janice will take the match after all. Whatever else can be said about young Master Ketchum, he is the veteran of this match. With countless hundred matches under his belt, what's one more against lesser competition? Ash's Chazizard soon showed the reason why dragons owned all others. of course, he also showed that Ash was no real trainer.. as he was unable to control the dragon. Which had soon torn, burned and eaten all his opponents monsters, his opponents.. and was advancing on the kid who thought he could give an order to a dragon. Bahamut watched in approval as Ash was swallowed alive.. The commentator coughed and declared Ash the winner by default, because he was the last one standing after all. With a bit of consideration, one should realise that Ash Ketchum ought to be the best simply because of the background he has. While each of these three are undoubtedly the finest in their field, Ash's field is the largest and most competative. After all, a large bulk of his society is dedicated solely to the care, catching, training, and battling of pokemon. As such, not only will Ash's competition be better versed themselves, but Ash will be stronger for having bested such competition, as in the game (which is all that ought to be considered even in a RPGP bonus match) he ends as the champion of the Indigo League. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.