Seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Seymour Guado vs Ryu Ryu and Seymour, both sporting sylish blue 'doos, entered the arena with an air of steel (blue steel, that is) determination, ready to beat each other black and... ah, but seeing the overuse of a relatively bad joke coming on in the play by play, they wasted no time in transforming into less azure forms. Seymour tried a cheezy Zombie/Full-Life combo, but found his helpful Morti-whatsit had been blasted by Ryu's Aura technique. A moment later, he was able to empathise with the unfortunate object, although that would have required that he be conscious, which he most certainly was not. The victorious Dragon God departed the Arena to the cheers of a quartet of Nina Wyndias, who, like the fans, still weren't sick of the recurring Champ. Seymour: 115 Ryu: 191 Unsent or not, Ryu is too much for Seymour to handle. His Dragon forms will beat the hell out of whatever undeadish form Seymour comes up with. Seymour haven't been doing anything since he steped into the arena. Ryu taking his chance transform into the Kaiser Dragon and Kaiser Breath Seymour. Seymour was seriously wounded but he comes out laughing. "Too bad you can't kill me with that" said Seymour "Want to know why I waited?" Ryu only only sees millions of missile and beam fired toward him. Ryu just turns into the IRT (Infinity Radiance Trance for those who haven't played the game but tend to vote against Ryu anyways) Kaiser which offers full status immunity and which doubles Ryu's magic and physical defense. Ryu then laughs as Seymour tries to cast a couple spells which fail miserably by doing either 10 damage or are uneffective. Deciding not to waste time and get back to adventuring, Ryu uses another neat feature of the IRT...the ability to use any skill he has learned in his human form. Seymour gets splattered by the resultant 100k damage Supercombo. The greatest gift that Ryu has is the abillity to transform into many forms and this time is no exception. Ryu starts off the match by using the TRANCE + SHADOW genes to turn into a Tiamat. Ryu then use Doom Breath to send Seymour on a one way ticket to Mexico. Ryu wins. Even should Seymour's incredible natural powers be insuffecient to defeat the dragon-boy, he always has the (debatable) most powerful aeon in FFX. Ryu would never lose to anyone named 'Seymour.' Thank you very much. Warrior Dragon form, dead Seymour. Ryu goes into this fight overconfident, knowing that aside from his utter refusal to properly die, Seymour isn't nearly as powerful as some of his FF boss predecesors. After being smacked around thoroughly, Seymour calls forth Anima. Ryu remains confident and whittles away at the demonic being, thinking that his dragon form can survive its upcoming Overdrive. However, Ryu had never heard about FFX International, and was utterly unprepared for the 1.5 million damage of Oblivion. This was a first for the godlike champion Ryu. He never faced an opponent who wielded so many abilities at his command. He would have to eliminate Seymour as quick as possible if he wanted to win this match. Both combatants stared at each other trying to probe each others mind. The match started. Ryu charged Seymour hoping to eliminate Seymour with a few sword slashes. Seymour figured this was going to be Ryu's plan to start off with and started to cast Thundara repeatedly. Ryu was getting nowhere and was taking a severe beating. There was only one thing that Ryu could do to try and win this match. Ryu turned into Behemoth form and looked down at Seymour knowing that now he was in full control of this match. Seymour just started to burst out laughing. Ryu couldnt understand until he looked behind Seymour and saw Anima. Anima then proceeded to hit Ryu with an Oblivion that even a dragon never stood a chance. Seymour had made a spectacular entrance that noone saw coming. Ryu is a powerful warrior who can morph into several different dragon forms, and is one of the most competent and dangerous contenders in the RPGP. Seymour, on the other hand, is basically a glorifiedly weak black mage with some less-than-decent attacks and a voice-over that sounds like a twisted and evil version of Winnie the Pooh. Am I missing something here? Sabin Rene Figaro vs Eve Yet again, Sabin's Bum Rush is completely without any form of finesse, subtlety, or taste, but it will serve him well in toppling Eve's monstrous form. Sabin: 175 Eve: 112 As Sabin steped into the ring, he started to throw some practice jabs, just to warm up. When Eve landed in the circle, Sabin was feeling mighty hot and ready for a Fire Dance. But as soon as the first waves of fire rolled across the field, he relized that he was very hot, and couldn't be doing this by himself. Just then Sabins body erupted into flames, and his Fire Dance stoped short of his target. "Nothing can resist their mitocrodia," Eve said somoley as she floated out of the arena. Eve is outclassed here. SHe doesn't know if Sabin will fire an Aurobolt, go for a Bumrush, and Airblade, firedance, or Pummel here. The fact that his aattacks are so unpredictable means he can catch Eve off guard, no matter how complicated it might be, it can't be perfect. And Sabin is able to exploit those weakness. Sabin looked across the Arena to see Eve, a Deadly foe, but not someone who could withstand a couple of Bum rushes.... Of course, he was right, as Eve was left on the ground dead or knocked out from the vicious attack. But think about it, Sabin has a move.... called "Bum Rush"..... He won this battle, and won a heavy championship, but in the grand scheme of things, he.... is the loser. Eve turns Sabin into goo. Despite what whoever made the match description said, Eve's ability can kill anything with Mitochondria in their cells, whether weak minded or not. Again, playing the game actually helps. Match over. It look like Eve has the advantage with her 19000 total HP, but Sabin does have Bum Rush which would kill her in two shots. The only problem I could see for Sabin would be her Spheres attacks which create statue ailments, because her clones attacks aren't going to cut it. Sabin win the match. First things first - Sabin is heavy, not Godlike. Now Eve wins this one by a good margin. Her attacks are only heavy at best, but her "burn-em-up" power is probably what put her in the Godlike. Only someone with developed magic defenses can resist this, which means a lot of matches will go her way automatically. Sabin, unfortunately, comes from a world where magic is an abnormal development and so no amount of "inner peace" will stop him from spontaniously combusting. However if the arena insists otherwise Eve can just abuse her ability to fly and keep out of reach of Sabin (a close-range fighter) the whole match and pelt the arena with plama energy bolts until she wears him down. BumRush. Sabin prepares a Bum Rush. Eve gestures. Sabin goes "sploosh" as he dissolves into basic elements. Sabin doesn't deserve to be in Godlike, and this match proves it. Eve stares at Sabin. Sabin stares at Eve. Eve: *silence* Sabin: Bum Rush! Eve was turned into the jelly that she really is. Sabin zealously attacks with his much-overrated Bum Rush. Eve awakens Sabin's mitochondria and makes him collapse into a puddle of bile and humour. Zed vs Mareg "Ha!" declares Zed, As he leaps past the slow-moving beatsman; his blade opening yet another wound. Mareg growls, whipping around his halberd, only nicking the edge of Zed's cape. "You move swiftly," he admits, turning to face the Ninja once more. "Heh heh heh..." Zed replies, "I'm like the wind! You just can't keep up!" He leaps forward, and lays open Mareg's chest. But tragedy strikes as the metal demon leaps back away from Mareg's counterswing, and stumbles! The Ninja falls on his back, and fiery agony races through his abdomen as his opponent takes advantage of the opening. "You are vanquished!" Mareg declares, holding his halberd ready to strike again, "Cease your futile war against life!" "heh heh!" Zed chuckles through a mouthful of blood as he staggers to his feet, leaning upon his sword. "Do you know what a Goat Doll is?" "I do not," Mareg answers, "Why?" "Well, the last time I fought for real," the ninja answers, as his body begins to change, growing larger and more feral, "The punks I fought only won because they had Goat Dolls. There were three of them... and only one of you..." As Monster Z, restored by his transformation, looms over the now wary beastman, he grins and says, "And you ain't got no Goat Dolls..." Zed: 145 Mareg: 109 Mareg and Zed square off, Mareg chuckling as he looks at the smaller Zed. They both charge at each other, exchanging blows. Even with the increase of speed, Mareg feels he has the advantage with his huge amount of strength. His chuckle turns to a laugh. However, this is quickly silenced as he watches Zed transform into Monster Z, a hulking brute with all of Zed's speed and now even stronger than Mareg, not to mention increased defense. With the help of his trusty Doom Bringer sword, Monster Z/Zed proceeds to tear the living hell out of Mareg, Berserk Evangelion 01 style. Zed had a lot to prove coming into this match. He had to prove to Zeikfried that he was worthy enough to join the crew of the Quarter Knights. Standing in his way was the large barbaric beastman named Mareg. So it was the "fine swrodsman" vs. the "intellectual powerhouse". The match started and both combatants charged at each other. Zed sidestepped a Beast-Fang Cut and countered with a Garyu Ichimongiri which was blocked by Mareg as well. Both the Doombringer and the Rune Ax met and there was a standstill. Zed thinking he could overpower the stalwart Mareg was tossed aside and hit with a Beast-King Smash that sent Zed crumpling to the ground. The match looked quite over but the willpower of Zed was great enough to get him back on his feet. "This is not over yet" yelled Zed. He then transformed into the monstrosity known as Monster Zed. Mareg hit Zed with all he had with a Beast-King Blast, but it didn't even make Zed flinch. "I'll show you how its done", Zed said arrogantly. He then hit Mareg with a Gaia Crash that sent the beast man stumbling backwards, and then was finished off with a Kinjite Yasha-Ishomjiri. Zed walked out of the arena worthy enough of being the leader of the Quarter Knights. Ahhh monster zed transformation, bigger, stronger and ugly enough to scare of anyone, zeds gonna win this one easily. Very close. High attack and high defense versus high attack, high speed and low defense is a tough call. Mareg, though, can cancel his enemy's attacks with no delay. A close victory, but a victory. Shadow vs Bowser Koopa Bowser Koopa is many things. He is strong. He is resilient. He is clever. He is very well equipped. Unfortunately, as has been proven many times before, and again by Shadow's Fire Skein, Bowser Koopa is not fireproof. Shadow: 165 Bowser: 139 Shadow have never faced an enemy like Bowser before and came into this match with no strategy. The match started and Shadow was quite surprised at how slow Bowser really was. This would give Shadow a chance to think. He started out by running and throwing tack stars while dodging Bowser's hammer attack. It was no use because they just kept bouncing off Bowser's superior armor. He decided to turn invisible but that idea didn't last too long when Shadow was hit with his falmethrower attack. Shadow was in trouble and only had one option left. He started to charge Bowser. Bowser tried to slap Shadow away with his monstrous hand. He missed and Shadow jumped off his hand and met Bowser's throat with his striker. "That was worth a couple of nickels" muttered Shadow,as Boswer fell to the ground Poor Bowser... even though he's strong enough to (almost) go up against Pikachu in SSBM, he'll no doubt lose to the far weaker Shadow. Bowser is slow and strong and tough, just like Arngrim... except that Arngrim isn't as slow and is a heck of a lot stronger. If the big man from Artolia lost to Shadow last season, this overgrown lizard should provide no problem. You're kidding, right? RIGHT? Shadow's the Heavy Champ, and a master of stealth and combat, besides. Bowser is a big, slow, talking dinosaur. Although Bowser's attacks are somewhat powerful, and his defense is top-notch, Shadow's far-and-away superior speed will allow him to run circles around the Koopa King. The Invisible Edge itself gives the ninja an unfair advantage over the mostly-physical Bowser. Heck, a well-aimed Tack Star right between the eyes would be enough. Maybe next season, Bowser. *Shadow throws a shuriken at Bowser* *Ptooing!* *Shadow throws an Aura lance* *Ptyang!* *Shadow uses an inviz edge* *Bowser uses his fire breath over the whole arena* Match over. Shadow entered the arena, and waited for his opponent to arrive. Shadow made sure to come well equipped this time, with numerous Tack Stars, throwing daggers, and light yet strong armor. To his surprise, his challenger looked to him to be nothing more than a large dinosaur! Bowser came lumbering into the arena, showing off to the crowd and laughing evilly as was his custom before a fight. "So, I just have to tear apart this little runt? Bwahaha! This'll be a piece of cake!" Bowser appeared to only be armed with a small rod with a star on the end of it. Shadow knew magical staffs well, having been around magic users often, but disregarded it for it's toy-like appearance. "I should say the same about you. I've defeated dragons and behemoths much more vicious-looking than you." Shadow took out three Tack Stars, and hurled them at the koopa, but was taken aback to see them bounce off an unseen barrier! "What is this?!" Bowser shrugged and laughed again. "See this piece of work?" Bowser held up the Star Rod "It's quite simple, this here is the Star Rod from Star Haven, and it can grant any wish I desire! With this, I am invincible, and you are dead!" Bowser grinned as the Light of Judgement appeared out of nowhere and vaporized the black ninja. "What did you do?" asked Kammy Koopa, his adviser. "Aww it's simple, I just wished that he'd die!" Bowser chuckled. "I didn't expect it to work THAT well though..." Shadow starts off the match by going invisable. This makes the match look hopeless for Bowser seeing that he can't even see where Shadow is. Bowser desperately casts Terrorize, and to his surprise a very pale looking ninja appears before him muttering about Baram. Bowser, wasting no time, quickly desposes of the ninja for the win. Mismatch. Bowser is nigh-on invincible to any physical assault, so the devoid-of-magic Shadow is up against an immovable object. It's been proven that the only way to reliably remove Bowser is a bottomless pit or pool of lava, neither of which are readily available in the arena. The match boils down to Shadow breaking the Striker on Bowser's armoured hide, Shadow trying a few of his throwing stars only to see them bounce off harmlessly while Bowser mutters something about insects stinging him, Shadow attempting to go for Bowser's weak points only to find they're all protected by a skin like leather, Shadow turning invisible and getting fried by King Koopa's area-effecting fire breath (which counts double while vanished, I believe) and finally Shadow, worn down and out of tactics, tries a last-ditch physical attack which fails miserably when Bowser crushes him under one giant claw and keeps his head as a trophy. Of course none of these facts will stop a hundred or so FF6 fanboys from screaming SHADOW R0X0R AND HE ONW J00000!!!!!!!!!! but a guy can dream, can't he? Alright. One thing: Bowser actually DOES have an RPG appearance, known as Super Mario RPG on the SNES. Now, Bowser has an impressive amount of power in that turtle...dinosaur....horned...demon....thingie. His most dangerous attack is the ability to literally DESTROY a good-sized chunk of the arena he's in, changing it into a star shape. Even with all that, Shadow can still dodge everything, except his RPG attacks, one of which invokes the Fear status, reducing his attack and defense to the point of being almost nil. After that, Bowser can just grab him, and skoosh him under his impressive girth, and we have a Shadow Pancake. That's one of Bowser's more favored dishes, if you catch my meaning. ~_^ Shadow can turn invisible. So? Bowser's fought against invisible enemies (Cloaking device, SSMB). He can throw Tack Stars. Shield or shell, they're useless. Backstab? Shell. Black conducts heat well. I wonder if those black clothes are flamable... Bowser sits on Shadow. Bowser failed to beat a short fat depressed italian pulmber on several occasions. I seriously doubt that he can take on a multi-championship winner killer stealth ninja. oh well. It's common sense, if Bowser can't even beat a plumber, how is he supposed to beat a ninja? As he gets pummeled by Shadow, I think he will go back to the whole princess thing. Shadow, without doubt. He can attack from afar, and he's more than quick enough to keep out of Bowser's range and dodge his slow-moving firebreath. No matter how lucky he has to be to get a shuriken through those scales, it's just a matter of time. Bowser seemed to match Shadow's ability to throw things, as shurikens and hammers filled the sky. Bowser's fire breath, however, was no match for a Water skein. Hiding in his shell didn't work either, as water tends to flow through huge, gaping holes. When he emerged and attacked, Interceptor grabbed the Koopa King's tail, spun him around and launched him into a conviently placed bomb in a corner of the arena as Shadow grabbed an equally conviently placed axe that plummeted most of the arena floor to piping hot magma. Bowser, showing some ingenuity for once, clung to side preparing one final breath of flame! Suddenly, a blast from a Vulcan Cannon, followed by a sword strike that pierced even the mighty Koopa's shell ended the battle. But who had dispatched the dastardly dragon/dinosaur? The answer would not come until several matches later... Lulu vs Zalbard Zalbard casts a strong Thundara, Lulu goes into her Fury overdrive and cast Thundaga five times. Zalbard falls to the ground black and smoking while Lulu goes up to accept her victory. Lulu: 143 Zalbard: 117 Zalbard and Lulu.... I think I would give this match to Zalbard. Basically, both combatants can use double magic. Lulu has the direct ability to Doublecast. Zalbard can attack with his action and heal for free. With Zalbard's natural resistance to magic, and his free healing, he could survive Doublecast Ultima. He would take the pain until he could get within physical attack range, where it's quite obvious who's superior. Sure Lulu has a high evasion rate, but let's face it.... Bolt isn't exactly known for missing! Zalbard is weak for a Greater Devil, which leaves him strong enough to paste any Middle opponent in seconds. Since he is innately faster than the likes of Slade and Peter, he is sure to be moving fast. But since Lulu is easily Godlike, being the female equivalent of Ghaleon (albeit without the armor), none of this will matter. A doublecast Ultima is a doublecast Ultima. Why is Lulu only in middle? Oh well, Zalbag will be decimated after a doublecast Ultima. Ultima + Doublecast. I can't vote on the match, so I won't. I just want to say that by no means should a wizard beat a Greater Devil from Shining Force 2 on their own. Maybe Ghaleon, because he has nifty armor. But not really anyone else. Greater Devils are spell resistant. They also are very strong, and regenerate. Plus, Zalbard is cabable of 2 turns before Slade, Chester, Luke, Gerhalt, Peter, OR Kazin can go through a full cycle, occasionally. Unless this Lulu character really DOES belong in godlike, (which I doubt, as she's in middle, and I can't see another oversite as big as Noel's was) she really doesn't stand a chance against a Greater Devil. Lulu, pissed off at having lost her debut match last week, begins the battle in Overdrive, and takes out her frustrations on Zalbard with Ultima Fury... which proves to be quite unnecessary as Zalbard dies after the first casting. Okay, I'll admit it. Lulu's defense IS pretty weak. However, she has the innate ability to throw all of the strongest magic of the FF worlds (excluding Meteor) at Zalbard, and then do it again, which is something that I doubt the Greater Demon will be able to handle. Dalton vs Viki Dalton came to the ring with the GolemTwins. He figured that the more targets Viki had to work with, the less likely that he would be affected by her teleportation. True to form, her first casting sent both GolemTwins a few miles up above the arena. Also true to form, one of them happened to land on her, crushing her instantly. "Just call that a token of my esteem for you..." said Dalton, as he left the arena, laughing all the way. "Boy, that's some bad luck." Ashton Anchors was heard to say in the stands, right before the other one landed - on him. Dalton: 138 Viki: 135 I am going to go with Viki on this one. . .her chances of teleporting Dalton for a ring out are good, but same for herself. . . Dalton has the arena pump out his evil music to begin the match. Dalton then begin to laugh when Viki make no move to attack him. Viki just stands there with empty look in her eyes until she suddenly remembers why she here. Viki then teleports the laughing Dalton out of the Arena for the win. I think AERIS could defeat Viki. What a wuss. *Dalton summons golems* *Viki blinks and turns them to mice, which run away* *Dalton rushes her* *Viki blinks and teleports to the other side of the arena* *Dalton Rushes again* *Viki blinks and Elza apears right in front of Dalton* Clive: You! *cive takes a shot from the stands, but Elza dodges at the last second. Unfortunately, Daltons reflexes werent quite as good.. Chat vs Cid Cid started off the match by using his Peep ability on the unfortunate Chat, hoping to find a weakness. He realized his mistake a few moments later when a group of Baron police charged into the Arena and clapped handcuffs on him. Before either he or Chat could do anything about it, he was dragged off to face trial before his old pal, Cecil. "I'm dissapointed in you, Cid," said the Paladin King. "Peeping at little girls!" "But, but... it was only her stats that I wanted to know!" cried the desperate engineer. Cecil, who was a big fan of Rosa's 'Dr. Rosa' radio show, was not fooled by this cop-out. In addition, he needed to get Cid back in the government sector to work on Baron's rebuilt fleet. "Stats, indeed! You are hearby sentenced to three years community service at the royal airship yards!" Meanwhile, Chat was trying to explain to the RPGP Rules Board that SHE hadn't asked for any help. But it was no use. The interference ruling was in Cid's favor, and on he went. Chat: 94 Cid: 146 I really like Cid a lot, but Chat can steal and with out his hammer Cid quite helpless. Chat wins. Hammer vs Algus Sadalfas Algus had expected Hammer to bring something big to the party, but couldn't prevent a double-take when Hammer entered with a Gear! Not his own gear, nor even the all powerful Xenogears but... "Metal Gear?!?" Auron, who had been standing in the back of the arena in a dramatic fashion, was astonished as a personality-challenged warrior could be. Auron cast his coat aside, revealing his TRUE identity... Tidus gasped at the stunning transformation. Legendary badass guardian Auron was, in actuality, legendary badass counterterrorist Solid Snake! "Of course! You got that coat that covers your face from Fatman, didn't you?" Auron/Snake nodded. "And the sleeve thing, is that some acknowledgement of your brother Liquid's hand, or something?" "No," replied Auron Snake as he dropped the coat and ran for the exit, "that just looks cool." Algus, considering the circumstances had fared rather well. He hadn't been blown up too much yet and his night killer managed to blind the giant mech's radome, forcing Hammer to open the cockpit. But things were looking grim now, as he was pinned down by machine-gun fire and the Gear's rilgun was warming up! Algus, preparing to be in a microwave set to "Nuclear Holocaust" was saved by a vulcan blast that knocked off the mech's aim, causing to launch the stealth nuke into the concession stands, slightly over-cooking several baked potatoes and Zell's hot dog. Algus was in shock as a High Frequency Blade sliced REX's railgun clean off! As the ninja descended, it deactivated its optical stealth capabilities. "You're the one who saved Shadow!" the jerky noble cried. "Same union." responded the ninja, flashing its Badass Ninja, Local #702 card. The ninja then turned, opening his face mask to reveal... "Dycedarg?!" "Off course", the silver-tounged noble replied, as he charged into battle, severely damaging the gear before Hammer was able to retaliate and crush the man who was his own elder brother. Algus was so stunned that he didn't notice the Kasatka flying overhead until he was contacted via Codec. "Algus!" Auron yelled, as he threw down a stinger. "The Kasatka cannot stand up against a Metal Gear! Some lousy traitorous knight running around with a stinger will be much more effective than the worlds' greatest soldier in a helicopter with the same Stinger!" "I'm from a fantasy world! I don't know how to use this thing!" Algus cried. "Just press the Action Button." Auron said as he flew off. Algus did, and managed to fire a missile. Unfortunately, he discovered he was holding it backwards, and it took several torso-axial jumps and a lot of coolant to put out the resulting fires. Luckily, he also had an Infinite Ammo Bandana equipped and fired several missiles straight into Hammer's face! Algus prematurely celebrated his victory by walking in place, never noticing the gear slowly tipping forward... SLAM! The gear crashed to ground, crushing the elitist knight beneath it. Hammer, the eternal Supplier, emerged victorious, proving that mad skillz will always triumph over any opponent. Hammer: 192 Algus: 115 As the match starts off Algus trips and drops his cross bow. Hammer surprised, charges forward, but at the last second Algus jumps up and earth slashes Hammer for the Win. The MAD SKILLZ Have RETURNED! Hammer, using siad mad Skaillz..will promptly destroy that traitor algus with a rather Large Rocket or Gear Weapon. Hammer SHOULD be Godlike. Man, Algus on Hammer?...*snerk*...Let me put it to you this way. Algus walks in, very full of himself,as he is fighting the lowliest of lows, the not-even-human-all-the-way Hammer. Hammer scuttles in, staggering from the weight of the 'borrowed' Aegis shield bummed offa Edgar while sleeping. alone. oh so-erm,sorry. Hammer, being short, sticks the shield into the ground, protecting him from the Crossbow shots. Algus, being the retar-..Stupid! person he is, doesn't move. Hammer then whips out his other 'borrowed' tool, the Blast gun, from Mustadio when he was at the E3, Engineeer's Engineering Expo. in short, there was Algus BBQ and a messy pile of ashes that all commoner friends of Teta, proceeded to dance and sing upon. Hammer is WAY overrated. He should be BELOW Puny! A poison arrow later, Hammer's gone. "Mad Skillz. Right." Algus replies tartly as he walks off. Hammer entered the arena confident of his vaunted "skillz." After all, Algus would be armed with nothing more than a short sword, surely no match for the gear that Hammer had, at considerable expense, equipped himself with. But when Algus walked into the arena, he had taken an entirely different approach to preparation. "Wha...What the hell is he dressed as, anyway?" Hammer continued laughing at Algus' elaborate Calculator outfit for about three seconds, right until CT3 Holy hit. "Nice bow you have there" Hammer said. "Hmph!" Algus said as he fired the bow and hit Hammer in the arm. "I think you should know, that that specific arrow was laced with rat poison, I would sugest giving up now and I MIGHT considered giving out the antidote" "Oh REALLY" Hammer remarked while his body grew "I knew about the rat poison, so I took the liberty of changing your arrows with ones laced with Jenova cells." "Bu-bu-but how?" Algus fearfuly said. "let's just call it mad skillz" Hammer said while he ripped Algus into little shreds. This last match never gets under way. Algus kills himself after hearing Hammer call him "bro" every other word. All Hammer has to do is pull the trigger, and Algus will be splattered across the far wall. Click. Frog vs Quina Quen Quina should have filled his/her trance meter before the battle like Zidane advised her, but no, the logic of "Me no like being hit" prevailed, and Zidane gave up went to hit on Rose and Lulu from last Bonus match. Frog doesn't really have any damaging single techs, so he does the best thing and hacks away at Quina with the Masamune (Grandeleon?) and prays to Cyrus for a critical hit. Quina, whos Blue Magic has a very strong chance of failing, gores frog with his/her fork. This goes on for a little while, since Quina and Frog's attacks are about as damaging as the other, until they both get sorely wounded and Frog casts Cure2. Quina goes into a mad rage and tries to eat Frog every chance s/he gets. "Me thought that sword was a tail!" s/he thinks. Frog uses Leap Slash which, finally, puts Quina into a chance. She takes the oppurtunity to stick his/her very strong fork in him and tenderize him a lot. Summoning his foster parent, Frog uses Frog Squash, and later four men with shovels come to retrieve Quina while clowns distract the audience. Frog: 226 Quina: 72 This was no normal match. This was for all the frogs in the world that had been eaten by Quina and Glenn(Frog) would not allow it to happen anymore. This was a match of justice for the used to be noble knight. The match started off in Frog's favor with a couple of slurp cuts. Quina was sticking in there by healing his/herself with white wind. Frog charged in for another attack only to be knocked down by a group of missiles. Frog had just been brought down to 1 hitpoint with matra magic. "This froggy looks real delicious" excalimed a drooling Quina. "I won't be eaten today" muttered Frog as he dived out of the way just in time to avoid being crushed under his Frog Squash attack. Quina on the other hand, did not move out of the way and his/her remains were scattered all over the arena. A great victory, for a great and noble knight. As Quina and Frog reach the center of the ring both draw out there weapons. As the mighty fork crash against the powerful Masemune Quina see a bull frog on the ground and starts to chase it around and eventually out of the arena. Frog wins. LMAO @ Frog vs. Quina. Frog will win. He's strong, fast, can heal and has the almighty Masamune to deal some heavy damage. Quina has a long tongue and a fork. Yes, I know it can heal but Quina never really was really powerful (least not when I used It) I would also like to take the time to give people a suggestion for the perfect name for Quina... ItsPat! fits perfectly ;) Frog, in a burst of inspiration, uses Frog Squash. Quina tries to eat it, and chokes. One Grandlion slice later, Frog remarks, "Fellow frogs, thou have been avenged." Quina eats Frog. (I wonder how many people said this...) *Quina considered looking at Frog* "There are two kinds of things in this world, Things you can eat and things you no can eat. Which are you?" *she/he stared intently at him a moment more* "there only one way to find out!" *frok, having heard enough, jumped forward, jumping and slashing his masamune in a deadly downward arc, aimed straight for Quina's head! but gasped in horror, a huge tonmgue snaking out to coil around his smaller frame, his sword found its mark hpoweverm but in true RPG fashon, all that he saw was not a dead Quina, but a total or white HP appear over quina's head, before vanishing, no one attack could stop Quina however, and he yelped, his next sight bieng the dark confines of Quina's belly, his sword falling to stick into the ground before Quina's full belly* *quina licked its lips and patted its belly* "You a thing i can eat!" she declared to the now trapped frog "and taste good too!" Quina wouldn't bother asking if Glenn was "for Quina eat," he'd just jump at him like any other frog. At which point he gets spiked on Masamune. Stupidity can and will change the tide of any battle. I_AM_SEPHIROTH@HOTMAIL.COM Quina confusedly casts mighty guard on itself. Frog tries a running attack on Quina, but stumbles on its webbed feet and falls to the ground on his back. Quina still has no clue why the frog is actually attacking back, so it just casts auto-life on itself. Frog's weak arms are making it a bit difficult to get back on his feet, so he starts insulting Quina. Frog "Thou art a worthless overgrown pile of filth! Thou can just try and eat me!" Quina "Frog mean to I? Me want eat Frog. Frog say Me can eat he. Me make Frog easier to eat." Quina casts Bad Breath on Frog. It causes Confuse, Darkness, Poison, Slow, and Mini to him. Quina then proceeds to eat Frog but when munching on his leg, he forgot that the Frog was poisoned, and so the big Qu drops. the one-legged Frog hobbles away slowly, confused and blind. Quina's auto-life kicks in. Quina runs after the mangled frog, but seeing him all messed up makes Quina lose his appetite, so he decides to go catch better frogs that won't try to hurt him. The poison and blood-loss then kills Frog. The battle begins, and the two square off. Frog glaring at Quina with vengeance in his eyes, and Quina staring back with hunger in his/hers. Frog waited patiently for Quina to make his/her move. Then Quina attempted to do to frog what he/she had done to all the other frogs...swallow him whole. Unfortunately its not as easy to swallow a 4 ft. Frog with a Masamune. The battle started rather quickly while the starved Quina attacked first by saying "Yummie Yummies!" Frog, never having seen such a beast, asked Quina "What art thou talking about?". Quina then took his/her massive fork and ate frog in one bite. Quina's natural smile grew larger because of the tasty meal, but it soon turned into a scowl when frog burst out of her belly with the help of the Masamune. "It will take more than that to eat THIS frog" and sliced the already injured Quina in half. While somewhat anticlimactic after the... climactic battle between Algus and Hammer, the Bonus match was still exciting for the non-irradiated spectators. While Frog initially tried to close the distance and attack with the Masamune, the battle quickly degenerated into a tounge war. Quina then took control of the match with s/his(?) Blue Magic, and seemed to have the upper hand, until she made the fatal miscalculation of casting Frog Drop. "Thou art a fiend!" cried Frog. "Me do what me like!" replied the Quan, "You have problem!?" "Aye, verily, inarticulate knave, as doth my brethren!" The fallen frogs turned on their caster, allowing Frog to move into close range, where the Masamune was far superior to the Gastro fork. The only thing Quina will be eating is the Masamune when it's thrusted down his/her throat. That is not very tasty. Quina Go!!!! Use your awesome matra magic!!!! Use your frog drop. Turn his froggy buddy's against him! Frog is helpless to the incredible gourmait powers of Quina the Qu... Go home and slay Magus or something ... Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.