At least seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Zeromus vs Freya "Curse you, Zeromus! Why can't I hurt you?" muttered Freya, as her latest attack served to do nothing more than knock the foul being back a few millimeters. "You fool! I'm not in my true form! You can't harm me without the Crystal of Light!" Freya chuckled. "Possibly, but you can't physically harm me either." "Have you forgotten about Meteo?" roared the incarnation of Hatred, beginning his casting. Freya froze for a moment. If this was possible, then there was nothing she could do to stop the inevitable defeat that was awaiting. Should she concede? Then, an idea came to her. A wonderful, devious idea. Rising up into the air, she released the energy she had accumulated into a furious Ether Strike - and aimed down. When the smoke cleared, both fighters were still standing. The arena floor, however, wasn't. Only the smallest patch of what could be considered legal ground existed, and Freya was on it. "Ring-out!" cried the Star Dragon Sword. ZEROMUS: 126 FREYA: 150 "Well," said the referee as the match was about to being. "Zeromus, since you're new here, why don't you introduce yourself? Good sportsmanship and all that." Zeromus' massive, ugly brown-and-red bulk came close to filling the entire arena. "I am the product of Zemus' hatred... I will destroy everything, and reduce everything to nothingness! I desire people to suffer! To perish! BWAHAHA!" "Borrring!" called Edge loudly from the stands. Zeromus didn't notice, and kept on speaking about his desires for the world's future, or lack thereof. "Don't interrupt!" said X-Death, vigourously scribbling on a piece of paper. "This speech is GOLD for us monstrous demonic baddies!" "Hey, X-Boy, you do realise that you're scribbling on the corpse of one of your own species, right?" said Edge with a smile. "How DARE you? Lousy punks... I'm a legitimate villain, darn it! Why does everybody fixate on my tree-ness? Why, I oughta tear you a new..." "Hey, Rydia," said the wacky ninja to the girl beside him. "Remind me... can you cast Fire 3?" "Yes, why?" "No reason." Edge said, grinning. X-Death glowered, and continued scribbling down his predecessor's words. "... and then I shall kill all the kittens, too! Yes, KITTENS! Because I'm pure evil and want everything to die! But first, I must claim my RPGP Championship, so that when I destroy existence, I shall be reigning champion FOREVER! HA... HAHAHAHA!" Zeromus' laughter continued for several minutes. When he finally stopped, there was no sound from the arena at all. The sound of Freya's clapping interrupted the silence. "Not a bad speech," she said. "Why, thank you. For your praise, I shall reward you with a swift death... Kidding! I wouldn't DREAM of being so nice!" "Heh! That's genius!" said X-Death from the stands. "Anyway," said Zeromus. "Do you wish to make a speech of your own, now?" "Me?" said Freya. She laughed. "No... why should I? I'm a veteran here, after all. Besides," she added, a ball of blue energy forming between her hands, "You'll learn soon enough that here at the RPG Playoffs, actions truly do speak louder than words." One shot of Valkyrie Profile's strongest finisher later, Zeromus' speaking days were over. "As long as evil exists in the hearts of man, Zeromus will exist" Freya vs some ugly thing: Freya is DIVINE hot. And she's cool, and strong, too. So, this one's easy. ANONYMOUS -No one in the RPGP, save Zophar, can do more damage in one turn than Freya. This match should be over in 2 quick hits, even considering that Zeromus is a final boss. As the goddess of Fertility stands opposite of the giant Zeromous, she can't help but think herself a little outclassed. She then dispenses the thought and finshes of Zeromus with a shot of 'Ether Strike'... Flare + Black Hole + Big Bang * Every Turn = DEATH Zeromus' famed Big Bang can't kill Freya in one hit. Honestly, she's far too powerful for such an event to be even a remote possibility. Big Bang's poison-like after-effects, on the other hand... Do you remember final fantasy 4? Yes, the sweet game where you get 5 people in your party. Now let's look at these 5. Kain- Heavy with a good record Cecil- Heavy, former champ, good record. Rydia- Heavy :-) Rosa- Middle I think? But a powerful healer nonetheless Edge- Middle but a decently strong ninja. It took me all 5 of these guys to beat Zeromus and even then it was a decent fight. If it takes this much power to beat Zeromus how is one wimpy godlike gonna do it? (oh...i hope fryea wins god-like...) ANONYMOUS Freya doesn't have a Crystal, and couldn't even use one if she did. Therefore, Zeromus would stay in that flying blue furball form it has, which is invincible to all forms of attack. In Norse myth, Freya is the goddess of fertility and life. In Valkyrie Profile, her domain is overkill. Zeromus is good, but Ether Strike is what "big bangs" are all about... Hrm... Zeromus was a royal pain in the rear to fight, and remains one of the most challenging game bosses I've fought. -Infinity Dragon- Zeromus, thinking he actually has a chance, charges Freya. A Critical Flare-Aerial Burst-Thunder Sword-Ether Strike combo quickly pastes the essence of Hatred all across the Arena. Freya is unquestionably one of the most powerful PCs in any game, right up there with the likes of Hyuga, Brahms and Ryu, and not THAT far behind Kazan. She really deserves a solid win (and she's had some REALLY tough matches before, like, uh, FOU-LU?). Unfortunately, Zeromus was one of the toughest FF final bosses, AND he faced a five, count 'em FIVE person party that was one of the best balanced in any game (Cecil could make low Godlike, frankly). Which means, once again, Freya is faced with one of those rare opponents she's outclassed by. -sigh- Maybe next time. Sabin vs Fei Upon hearing that he is to face Sabin in his match, Fei begins to go into his usual rant. "I don't like gears or fighting dad, what should I do?" Khan Wong gave the best advice he could. "It's simple my boy, kick him out of the ring!" "But how dad? I have to SURVIVE a Bum Rush!" "Why dodge it then son!" Fei was perplexed. How do you dodge a Bum Rush? What does one do? After a week of training, Fei is certain he will be destroyed by the mighty technique. Stepping into the ring, he sees Sabin begin to Bum Rush, and does the only thing he can think of...he takes one step to the left. Sabin, not expecting such a pitiful dodge attempt, is completly confused and misses with his attack. One Deathblow later, Sabin is sitting on the outside of the ring, trying to figure out when Mr. Cranbud will give him a Super Heavyweight division so he can have a good fight, not a slaughter. SABIN: 121 FEI: 168 Ha! You think that something like a guy who can cause the end of the world is going to do Sabin in? Fei should not be Godlike. He has a couple of strong deathblows, but his stats are mediocre and his "variety" is minimal. Sabin, on the other hand, isn't even close. Not only do a pair of FF6 Heavies, Terra and Shadow, have stronger attacks than his overrated Bum Rush, but his defence is paper-thin and his variety makes Fei's look good. So, it should come as no surprise that after one Yamikei, Fei is on his way to the second round, and a slightly tougher match. A pity that Fei's reward for punting Sabin back to Heavy will be painful defeat at the hands of either Zeromus or Freya, both of whom actually merit their 'Godlike' status. ANONYMOUS Sabin walks out onto the stage, Fei is already waiting, intent on his opponent....the match begins, Sabin attempts to use his beat rush but is stopped when he realizes Fei isnt there anymore.......BOOM!!!!!!!! Sabin drops after being attacked by ALOT of energy spheres....and deathblows ANONYMOUS Fei and Sabin are very closely matched, but Fei will win in the end. Sabin may be physically stronger, but Fei has Iron Valor (raises his attack power remember), healing, and Yamikei. Sabin would eventually fall. ANONYMOUS -Neither of these fighters really deserve their godlike position, but Fei definatly deserves it more than Sabin. Go back to heavy, Sabin. Wow, Sabin versus Fei... This is going to be a quick and deadly fight... I imagine Fei will probably win, but I myself think Sabin has the edge with the undeniably awesome bum rush tactic. Lakidaa Lakisda I give up. I can't choose between Fei and Sabin, so lets look at the names. Yes. The names. Fei Fong Wong rolls better off the tounge, but Sabin Rene Figaro sounds sutably more royal. However, Sabin ain't much of a Prince. Therefore, Fei wins with his more-martial-artist-sounding name...And his healing. Saban is relaxing in the ring while waiting for Fei to show up. One hour passes, then two, finally just as the referee is about to call the match, Id steps into the ring. And before the referee can even utter a word of protest about it, is punch out of the arena. Saban backs slowly away from Id in fear and says> "Hey, I'm suppose to fight Fei." Id smirks at Sabin's remark and replies> "I think you and everyone else keeps forgetting that we are the same person," as he launch a second punch to end the match. Finally, three hours later, Fei shows up to ring and asks the referee if it was too late for him to start his match. The referee, holding a bandage to his forehead, simply hand Fei a winners trophy and walks away mutter to himself about how he hates people with split personalities. How many times has Sabin won solely on the virtues of Bum Rush? Too many to count. And thanks to the fact that it can't miss, speedy Fei will be in worlds of trouble (and hurt) through the match. ANONYMOUS Sabin opened with Bum Rush. Fei Wong couldn't open with anything. ANONYMOUS Sabin walks into the arena to find the Contact waiting for him in the center of the ring, eager to begin. Immediately Fei charged in and unleashed deathblow after deathblow on Sabin, each shot landing with a level of skill unrivalled in the RPGP. Once his combo meter filled he stepped back, Sabin bracing himself for the attack, but Fei stopped attacking and stood motionless in the center of the ring. Deciding he better go on the attack before its too late, unleashing a Bum Rush Blitz on Fei, and connected each blow without the slightest atttempt to block or dodge by Fei, who continued taking blow after blow. After it seemed Fei was about to go down he dodged a few punches from Sabin and knocked him away with a well placed Chi Shot, almost without effort. Sabin stood back, confused at what had gone on...Fei had takin complete control of the match, only to stop his attack, and allow Sabin to thrash him within an inch of his life, only to knock him back with ease....Sabin was pondering this as Fei charged forward and unleashed a massive combo attack, follow by his most lethal deathblow, Yamikei, completely obliterating Sabin on the spot. Fei walked away slowly and muttered, "guess you've never heard of the Power Crisis, huh?" ANONYMOUS As true martial artists, Fei and Sabin gave a bow at the start of the fight. Ignobly, however, Sabin immediately begain attacking with a resounding "Here I come!" and Fei had to go on the defensive, dodging punches, kicks, and ridiculously overdone ki attacks. Sabin was pressuring Fei so much that he wavered too close to the edge of the arena. Sabin decided that with a Contact like Fei there would be no room for error, so he decided to finish it with his Bum Rush technique. However, Fei dodged the high risk move by using the jump from the initial part of his Kakei technique to avoid it, doing damage to Sabin at the same time. Before being smacked out of the arena as well as being knocked unconcious, Sabin heard Fei laugh and say, "Bum Rush?! What kind of name for a move is that?" Fei may not like Gears or fighting, but he made an exception just this once. This is truly an epic fight... however, Fei wins out in the end. Fei not only has the physical power to put Sabin down, but he also has the technique to string combo-after-combo up and the finesse to dodge some of Sabin's attacks, as well as some AP moves that bolster his powers. Fei is also THE freaking CONTACT, whereas Sabin is just a prince (and not a very princely one, at that). Our own history even demonstrates that in martial combat superior technique overcomes brute force. Sabin's got no chance. -Infinity Dragon- Sabin's Bum Rush can't kill anything worth their salt in one hit (5000 damage is really quite horrible in FFVI). Yamikei, on the otherhand, that sucker drops every non-Gear/Seraph in the game with one shot. Gee, I wonder who's better? Both are fast, strong, and capable of dealing some of the most damage possible in their games on a per-hit basis. But only one does not like gears or fighting. Taya vs Sergeant Joe Taya wasted no time as the match began, summoning Atlas. The sturdy duck warrior took the full force of the blow, then immediately cast Kindness Drops, fully healing himself. "That's odd," muttered Taya. "All those Middles simply got smashed in one shot. "Oh, well." She summoned Atlas again. Once more, the Sergeant rebounded with his Water healing. "You think you're pretty good with that healing, don't you? Such a pity your Suikoden 'MP' is so low..." Without warning, she darted forward quickly, and smashed the head of her Indra Staff against her opponent. She smiled. "I've just drained all your charges of Kindness Drops. No more healing for you!" "Hmm, not bad," said Sgt. Joe casually, casting Silent Lake. "But depriving me of my magic without allowing me to return the favour wouldn't be particularly fair. So, why don't we finish this with good old-fashioned melee combat?" Taya stared at the duck fighter/mage. She tried casting a spell, but it was no use; the Silent Lake had rendered her summoning powers worthless. "I wanna go back to Middle!" she sobbed, before the duck halberd came crashing down on her head. TAYA: 90 SGT JOE: 135 Cute elf chicks > ducks, too ANONYMOUS - Taya will, most likely, not kill Sgt.Joe in one hit with Atlas 2. That makes it just a matter of the duck healing until Taya runs out of MP. 'Doesn't really matter though. Whoever wins will be blown out by Loki regardless. Mmm.. cooked duck. Joe aint got nothin' on Taya. Taya takes one look at the figure standing before her and realizes what element he is. A single Dao 2 is all it takes to sends this duck flying. It's really quite unfair to act like Taya is *just* a summoner. It's worth remembering that she is also a sacred shrine maiden of the Goddess Mitula, whose domains includes life, nature, and, if her temple is any indication, water. A duck is alive, nominally natural, and what's that Rune Joe's carrying? A Water Rune? Thought so. Sorry, Sarge, but you're out of luck. Hiro vs Loki In the first corner, we have LOKI, a phenomenally powerful Aesir trickster god, with mad skillz to spare, manipulative cleverness to match up with Shu or Delita, and access to quadracast magic of the first order. And in the other corner, we have HIRO, a second-rate main character with bad taste in women, whose greatest accomplishment was defeating (not alone, of course) the remarkably weak 'destroyer,' Zophar, who Loki could beat blindfolded with his hands tied behind his back, blindfolded, and *silenced*. And in a wheelchair. Heck, in a *coma*. Oh, wait, we only have someone in the first corner. Hiro apparently isn't as dumb as he looks, because he seems to have passed on this slaughter. HIRO: 103 LOKI: 150 Loki walked in with the Dragon Orb. "Hey! I thought you weren't allowed to use that!" said Hiro. "Come now, I'm the God of Mischief. Did you think I wouldn't use any advantage I could get?" "Actually, no." said Hiro, calmly shattering the Dragon Orb with a well-aimed Triple Sword. About three other Triples later, Loki fell the same way. Insane defense + Quadracast + Carnage Anthem + Extension Force vs. Triple Sword + Wind magic Make the obvious choice here people. Loki wins this match without breaking a sweat. Loki for Heavy Champion. ANONYMOUS -Many physical attackers can't even DAMAGE Loki, his defense is so high. Granted, Hiro is quite a bit stronger than your average physical attacker, and he has some semi-decent magic, but that doesn't matter much when you're killed in 2 hits, maximum. Loki should be a winning godlike, who voted him into heavy? Let's think about this for a second, alright? Odin nearly made it to the GODLIKE champioship. Now, Loki did indeed defeat Odin in Ragnorok. Now although Lenneth DID defeat Loki in the final battle, she did it as a half-elf, half-God, and at that point she was the Lord of All Creation. She also had the help of her enherjar. So when you really think about it, Loki is the strongest character in the game. WHY is he in Heavy? Your guess is as good as mine... Dragon Orb or not, Loki is not someone you want to fight toe-to-toe. Hiro's strength is quite good, but all that means is that he'll be able to exceed a single hit point of damage against his opponent's absurd defense before Extension Force obliterates him. Damn shame about Hiro. The first time he gets a match, Shadow walks all over him. Now, he gets another match, and he draws Loki? Ouch.. -Infinity Dragon- Hiro opens up with Triple Sword, which deals equivical damage as Nieblung Valesti III, and puts a tremendous hurt on Loki. Loki, not about to be undone, blasts Hiro back with Discriminate, dealing the equivalent of 100,000 DME to Hiro....too bad for Hiro, no PC can take more than 90,000 DME of damage. Fina vs Kasumi Kasumi came to battle firmly expecting a win - after all, she was up against an inferior attacker with unreliable magic spells backing her up. Unfortunately, though Kasumi was convinced of her opponent's weakness, Fina herself hadn't quite accepted the idea - and debating the subject wasn't easy for Kasumi once Final Cupil swallowed her. FINA: 113 KASUMI: 109 Let's review here. Fina has excellent healing. Kasumi... doesn't. Fina can inflict Stone status, giving her a quick win. Kasumi... can't. Fina's best weapon is more than twice as strong as any other weapon in her game. Kasumi... well, she won't be making top 3. I think the decision is obvious. OMG I can't choose!!! But Kasumi has a better pic here (I saw good concept art for Fina, us it) and she's a ninja. Ninjas > most. Fina's magic powers along with Cupil should rightly put her in the upper echilons of Middle. However, Kasumi can use her Shriek Rune both from a distance, and every turn. It won't take long before Fina's healing can't match Kasumi's body-slamming ninja skills. "With my ninjitsu skills, and cute hair, I'm sure to win, right, Tir?" Kasumi asked. Young Master McDohl didn't answer, which really wasn't surprising. Sometimes, Kasumi thought they had a communication problem. Still, she remained confident going into the match. She was making a rather large mistake. Her ninjitsu skills, sadly, came to naught. Her cute hair, on the other hand, was preserved for the ages with the mother of all permanents - namely, Fina's high percentage Stone ability. Aira vs Choko ANONYMOUS: "What a cute child," Aira thought. Being familiar with the dangers of cuteness (a trait of almost all creatures and characters from her homeworld), she was immediately on her guard. She drew her sword and prepared to launch into a debilitating dance. Unfortunately, Choko had already spelled her demise with a few well-chosen magics. "Choko wins!" she cried happily, and looked around for her next 'playmate.' AIRA: 85 CHOKO: 113 Choko in Middle is a little like the French Revolution - eventually, you know a lot of heads are going to roll as a cause of it. Count Aika's as the first. ANONYMOUS -*Strangles the people who put Choko into middle* Personally, I think Choko is a bit overrated by a lot of players, and is a good solid Middle. Not in AtL1, but in 2, at least, where she was merely above average. On the other hand, Aira is pretty much the weakest DW7 PC (other than Kiefer, and only because he departs before job classes are available). If this were Maribel, it would be no contest. As it stands... "Choko is happy!" Eilie vs Liz ANONYMOUS: Eilie and Liz stood at opposite ends of the arena. "Just great," said Eilie disgustedly. "My first battle of the season is with a lizard wearing a cape. Well, if Mukumuku is any indication, this'll be a cakewalk!" "By the rhomboid of 'science,' justice will be defiled in the name of all that is just! Say it with me, and say it proud! Bulk. O. Gid. En. Bulkogiden! The mightiest monster of them all! 'Science' has not let down the Filgaian patriarchs since the inception of 'love!'" rambled Liz. A pack of mongrel dogs sitting off of the edge of his corner chorused their agreement with a cacophany of barks and howls. "I don't know what you just said, but at least *my* allies aren't a bunch of dogs!" retorted Eilie. Feeling the weight of several angry glares on her from the Suikoden members in the audience, she amended, "Er, except for Shiro, and Gengen, and Gabocha..." The preliminary verbal jousting completed, the two competitors finally began fighting. Liz found himself at a loss as what to do with half of his concoctions, without Ard in the arena to inflict them upon, whereas Eilie found herself wishing Bolgan and Rina were there so she could use a Circus Attack combo. Both reverted to throwing things instead. Unfortunately for Eilie, knives can be dodged. Bombs cannot. Liz's Boss-like stamina and virtually Yang-like unkillability were going to win him the match. The match seemed foregone until Liz pulled out a beaker of chemicals and prepared to throw it, just as Eilie's knife flew into it. The resulting explosion set off *all* of Liz's concealed beakers, and after *that* explosion cleared, the arena floor was empty. Eilie had been blasted into the stands, while Liz, at the epicenter of the blast, had been propelled straight up and had his head stuck in the ceiling, where he was muffledly uttering incomprehensible curses. After a quick conference, the judges ruled that Liz was still technically within the arena bounds, and awarded him the win. Match: Liz EILIE: 120 LIZ: 122 "I will beat you smoothly and cleanly before all these people." said Liz, to the great astonishment of the entire audience. "Ashley, correct me if I'm wrong, but did I just understand what Tweedledum just said?" said Brad. "I guess so. From the looks of it, Eilie's as confused as you are." It took one moment of hesitation to give Liz the chance to use the Chef's Whimsy Bomb, an attack that left him weakened and Eilie dead. "I got a good feeling!" said Liz. "All right, he's back to normal." said Tim. "Or as normal as he gets." added Ashley. Liz was supposed to be funny but was just lame; So far Eilie is 2nd cutest Light gal (after Aila) so hopefully she will advance. After five minutes of talking to Liz, Eilie will be so confused she'll wander out of the Arena. "The science of outrage brings justice, as frogs applaud lovingly!" cried the leapin' lizard. Mogu vs Miluda Mogu burrows several pits in the battlefield. Then, he simply waits for Miluda, hardly the brightest individual ever to walk the land of Ivalice, to charge toward him and plunge head over heels into the first one she comes to. And then, he fills it in. Little does he know that he has earned the enmity of another not-so-bright (but much stronger) Ivalician... MOGU: 134 MILUDA: 119 Weapon Break. Two words, one result - Miluda wins. I didn play BoF so I wont vote but rebel chicks w/o noses are lame; go Mogu (but lose to Eilie!!!) Mogu stared across the arena at Milanda, ready for what he knew would be the most epic of fights in RPGP history. Mogu dived forward with a claw attack that would have impaled Milanda if she wouldn't have thrown a yogurt at him as he ran across the arena. Leaving him disoriended, she leaped forward and cut off his arm. "You'll pay for that" he shouted as he stuck her leg with his claw, chopping it clear off. A second yogurt hitting him in the head somehow managed to take out his other arm, but it deflected and also took out her leg. This left Yogurt with an advantage, as Milanda couldn't move and he could kick her. He managed to win, but later found out that Milanda was disqualified from the start when she used the outside help of yogurt, and his loss of both arms didn't have to happen. ANONYMOUS -Miluda enters this fight below level 10. Yeah, she's CERTAINLY going to win! ANONYMOUS This match is a tough call. Miluda is a female knight, and therefore is capable of wielding Knight Swords, Heavy Armor, and Fragrances, including Excalibur, Ragnarok, Chaos Blade, the Maximilian Armor, and the Reraise/Regen-adding Chantage. She can take enough punishment so garbed to use Power Break until she succeeds, at which point her opponent is in serious trouble. Mogu, on the other hand, gets the Myst Claw as his best weapon, with a whopping +120 attack strength, and low enough weight (1 lb) to outspeed his opponent. Even so, he never stood out well among the Breath of Fire combatants in combat. If both were judged this way, Mogu would lose, and lose badly. However, Miluda gets killed in the first chapter of FF Tactics, and therefore is probably not going to have anything heavier than a Mithril Sword, and certainly not legendary armor or status perfumes. Level-wise, she's going to be outmatched as well, since Mogu joins the party very late in his home game, and Miluda dies very early in hers. The result is that Mogu has an undeniable edge in this battle, and would be hard-pressed to lose it. Match: Mogu Who to bet on? A rodent that does less physical damage than Nina, or a Knight with a attiude problem? Not a hard call.. -Infinity Dragon- What a joke. Even as bad as Mogu is, Miluda is worse. How a Chapter 1 FFT character isn't in Puny is beyond me. No matter, Mogu hits Miluda once, and due to her abysmal HP, and kills her outright. Gilgamesh's Weapon Challenge Unoriginal: Locke spied on Gilgamesh from the shadows, taking note of what Gilgamesh's current equipment before making his move. It seemed that he had equiped himself with eight Excalaburs, assumably hoping to speed himself up enough to keep up with Locke. Locke darted from the shadows, and before Gilgamesh knew what hit him he found himself completely disarmed, his swords now in the possesion of a certain treasure hunter. Gilgamesh watched as Locke brought two of the pilfered Excalaburs to bear, and responded by drawing out another four Excalaburs, two Masamunes, the Atma Weapon, and the Althena Sword. As he did this walls slammed down at the ends of the corridor, sealing them in. "The walls will rise once one of us falls." spoke Gilgamesh, "And seeing as eight against two is hardly fair I'll let you take the first shot to even things up." Locke wasted no time and struk at Gilgamesh the moment the words were out of his mouth, realizing that between the Gilgamesh's current weaponry and the walls sealing them in had more or less negated Locke's much needed speed advantage. Locke swung at Gilgamesh and landed two solid hits, unfortunatly for Locke they had no visible effect. "I'm dissapointed in you Locke, I thought you of all people would be able to tell the difference between an Excalbur and an Excalapoor. Now it's *my* turn..." GILGAMESH: 158 LOCKE: 119 ANONYMOUS Gilgamesh will kick Locke's but so bad, he won't be able to sit down on the john. ANONYMOUS Well, the Argetlahm turned an entire continent into a desert with a single strike... Sorry Locke, thank you for coming, do try again. All I have to say is that Gilgamesh must have a serious case of innuendo... how else can you explain that "sword" fixation of his? In any case, Gilgamesh is a boss with an instant kill attack. Locke is a great thief, but by RPGP standards is a poor fighter. Gilgamesh is going to win this one, hands down. Gilgamesh is THE man. Or the MAN. And he has all these cool weapons. Locke sucks. Gilgamesh is cool, Locke is not. Game! Set! Match! ANONYMOUS I love Locke but that's a whole lot of pain Gilgamesh is holding. Gilgamesh is not very smart in many of the games he is in. I would say Locke could steal most of his weapons without letting Gilgamesh know he is there. Not too mention that Gilgamesh doesnt have long range weapons like Locke does (Wing Edge). When you stop and think about it, Locke's speed and quick thinking should keep him out of harm's way when it comes to dealing with his opponent. But if you consider that Gilgamesh has every incarnation of every legendary weapon, the status bonuses given by said weapons will take him over the top in terms of combat prowess. FF Tactics' form of Excalibur, for example, gives Gilgamesh Auto-Haste, and FFX's Masamune gives him First Strike, so there's really nowhere for Locke to run. Finally! A chance for Locke, the treasure hunter to prove his skill! Yes, he certainly will win this one folks bcause he's the best thief! YES! GO LOCKE!! ANONYMOUS Locke starts off with a Capture, so he can get a weapon as well as some damage. He gets the Excalipur and, thinking it's Excalibur, tries to use it. Gilgamesh laughs and chases Locke around the arena for a while, unable to catch the running t...reasure hunter. Gilgamesh eventually gets a lucky break, and, wielding the massive amounts of weapons he's amassed, slices Locke several dozen different ways. ANONYMOUS Gilamesh just wipes the floor w/ him.... Gilgamesh might not be the sharpest sword in the armory, but with the arsenal he's carrying Locke really has no chance at all. Locke might have been able to win if he had been going after some other target, but Gilgamesh's weaponry is being carried around by him, so the thief will have to engage him in physical combat. Locke *might* be able to steal some stuff from him during the fight, but if he does that he's a sitting duck since he has no support for this. -Infinity Dragon- Locke fell down a freaking hole, what kind of Thief is that? Gilgamesh simply puts a few pit traps in his palace. When he sees that Locke has fallen (And Locke will), he just goes near the pit, draws Excalibur, and completly obliterates Locke with Zantetsuken. "Trust me, I'll pay you back one of these days," Locke said. "We don't need any *written* contract, right? I mean, you'll remember?" "Uh... sure, dude," Zell said. "Here, don't forget to equip plenty of GFs, old buddy." Locke patted Zell on the back. "This is really going to help me out." "Who are you again?" Zell asked. Locke grinned. And with that, he departed Balamb Garden, and arrived at Gilgamesh's secret fortress - which appeared, for all intents and purposes, to be under construction. Locke surmised this thanks to roguish cunning and knowledge of dungeons, not to mention the huge 'Caution: Under Construction' sign out front. He snuck in through one of the gaping holes in the walls, and soon found himself at Gilgamesh's boss room, the only one in the entire place that was completed. It was a Mario-style boss room, with a lava pit, and several moving platforms. Locke's grin widened. "Hey, Gilgy!" he cried. "Got any monsters in here?" "As a matter of fact, you foolish thief, I *do*!" Gilgamesh declared. He pointed to the lava in front of Locke, which boiled up and revealed a Very Old Red Dragon. "What do you think *now*?" "I think it's my lucky day," Locke said. He immediately used the Gilgamesh GF he'd 'bought' from Zell. In a flash, Gilgamesh dropped down and impaled his own dragon, completely under Locke's control. The crafty treasure hunter proceeded to disarm the unfortunate, helpless GF. Just as he was about to leave, Locke asked, "what did you call me earlier?" "What you are," the frustrated Gilgamesh spat, "a thief!" "Thought so," Locke said. The normally mild-mannered treasure hunter strode over to his opponent, murder in his eyes. Althena's Sword and the Dragon Buster proved quite effective at the requisite lung removal. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.