Eleven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Auron vs Anastasia Valeria NinjaFire2@aol.com: Well, it's rather obvious that both Auron and Anastasia have the innate ability to annhialate their respective opponent with one strike, and at first glance it may seem that the marginally faster Anastasia has this one in the bag. Oh, wait, I almost forgot...Auron has First Strike. Auron: 180 Anastasia: 129 YoshiA1@aol.com Whoop! the battle of the Dead-but Not- Quite Dead Guardians! I pity poor Anastasia. Auron, with the Masamue(which looks nothing like a katana for that manner, much less the ledgendary one)Has Counter. second-it has triple overdrive. third, it has break damage limit, making him do 20000-40000.(critical)Fourth-First Strike, a godsend for the ..Speed-challenged Auron.THEN he has his limits, most notably Banishing Blade and Shooting Star, the former causing all status breaks guaranteed, the latter causing...Shall we say...A Home Run with poor Ana being the ball. Ana, with apx. 8000 Hp, not that fast, but with cool blue hair, does have the ability to heal her self, and the ability to call upon the hope of every person in Filgalia....But I think that noone will be prayin' for Ana's win, for Auron has her 'whupped seven ways into Sunday' angelicus85@hotmail.com I give the match to Auron. He gets to strike first using the Masamune, and with a broken damage limit and sheer attack power, I think he has it in the bag. Magna_zeroX@yahoo.com To be fair, Auron can do power break in the start thatnks to his Masamune, otherwise, he could go into random encounters and wait till his overdrive bar fills. hellbringer@seanbaby.com Let's see, just by levelling up, Auron learns every ability of every type in the game. Only Auron can equip the Masamune and the Overlord bracer. The Masamune has First Strike and Break Damage Limit. One strike of 99,999 HP should take her out. Shraifer@hotmail.com Anastasia come charging out hoping to end the match quickly. Auron doesn't move until the last second when he casts Banishing Blade which inflicting her with multi status effects. As the female healer tries counter them, Auron simply knocks her out for the win. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Auron wisely charges his overdrive before the match, performs Banishing blade, laughs at the pathetic damage Anastasia will do after that, and slashes his way to victory! JohanEdge@hotmail.com Auron rushed at Anastasia, hoping for her to betray her weaknesses with a sudden impulse. She did react with an Impulse; but not the kind he expected. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Auron came into this match very cautiously. This match reminded him a lot of his past battle with Yunalesca. He had lost then and swore never to lose to a female heroine again. Auron felt that his ambition to defeat Anastasia was strong enought to overcome anything at that given moment. He had many years of fiend vanquishing to back him up also. The crowd was in awe as the Sword Magess entered the arena. She was well known for defeating the "Blaze of Disaster". The real secret to Anastasia's power was her sword Argetlam. The sword had a life of its own. The match commenced and they both immediately engaged in a sword fight. Auron had Anastasia on the run proving that experience did matter. Then something happened that shocked Auron. It seemed that Anastasia and Argetlam were collaborating together to overcome Auron. Anastasia soon overwhelmed the stalwart Auron and nailed him with an Impulse. Auron was very insecure about his chances of winning this match. In a desperation attack Auron paralyzed Anastasia with a Threaten attack. "This match is over" claimed Auron as he lifted his blade to land the finishing blow. His grin soon changed to a frown. Argetlam came to life and thrusted itself into Auron. "I lost to a sword" said a disturbed Auron as he fell to the ground. The sword magess had pulled off another upset with her divine sword Argetlam. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Oh, yeah, Auron and Anastasia... the rest of the Godlikes may as well hang it up right now, because, to paraphrase the former, "This is your Championship!" Both Auron and Anastasia are essentially dead, although her exact standing on the mortal coil isn't quite as clear. They were both legendary heroes who defeated great evils in their own times. Auron still had what it took to do his own dirty work a generation later, and in fact was a heck of a lot stronger than he once had been. He's definitely got the cool factor wrapped up - head to the sphere theater and watch The Legend Lives and try and say different. Didn't think so. Anastasia, on the other hand, just sent her dog and later her sword along to give Ashley a little help at critical moments. But Anastasia also took down Lord Blazer one-on-one - and short of surviving a few seconds against Indalecio without help, that's pretty much the best any console RPG character can boast. In the end, though, all that ceases to matter. Either of these two can anihlate any Godlike opponent in an instant. But only one of them has First Strike. "That's how it's done." Ghaleon vs Claude Kenni cloudfft78@hotmail.com: Claude came into the arena full of confidence and hope, that his battle prowess could surpass the Magic Emperor's frighteningly powerful magic. Ghaleon needed no introduction. He was well known and feared by many rpgp combatants. They had a good reason to though. He enslaved the 4 dragons of Althena, was one of the 4 heroes, almost became successful in taking over Lunar by himself, was the most powerful mage around, and was cool enough to be brought back to life in the sequel. That did not seem to impress young Claude though. Ghaleon was just another 80 points to the young ensign. The match began and Claude wasted no time and sprang towards Ghaleon. He leapt into the air to perform a head splitter, only to bounce off a magical barrier. "That is called a Chaos Shield," grinned Ghaleon. Claude then took it out with a mirror slice. "You insolent little worm....I will show you real power" yelled Ghaleon. Ghaleon casted a Nitro Dagger and an Inferno that sent Claude to the ground. Claude was battered and bruised, but not out. He scrambled to his feet and with his last effort landed a mirror slice that crushed the Magic Emperor. Claude had somehow overcame Ghaleon's omnipotent power and won the match. Claude began to leave the arena. "Hahahahaha....what a magnificent display of power" boasted Ghaleon. Claude stood there in disbelief as Ghaleon stood right before his eyes. "That was just my shadow, now it is for real". Claude as quick as lightning thrusted his sword towards Ghaleon. Ghaleon teleported out of the way. "Time to Die" was the last thing Claude heard as he was obliterated with a hell wave. Ghaleon began to wonder when he would face a real opponent as he left the arena. He was hoping he had the chance to face the "Perfect Soldier" known as Sephiroth. Ghaleon: 185 Claude: 159 angelicus85@hotmail.com Definetly give the match to Ghaleon. That armor makes him nigh-invulnerable, Chaos Barriar does make him invulnerable, and a double casting of hell wave will kill Claude. shale0@msn.com Damage doesn't matter when none of it reaches the target; Ghaleon can restore his Chaos Shield every round and still crush the young Ensign with Hell Waves. That is, of course, if he doesn't go for the quick, cheap kill of Fate Storm. Either way, Claude is down about 80 points, and considerably more than that in pride. Shraifer@hotmail.com Ghaleon underestimates Claude as he start off the match allowing Claude to make make the first move, and as usual, Claude use Mirror Slice. Ghaleon then laugh at Claude's attack and use Fate Storm, only to his surprise that Claude is still standing. Claude then smiles and holds up his Wise Ring for all to see as he Mirror Slice Ghaleon into BCp emergancy room. XLockeX888X@aol.com Although Claude is one of the absolute elite in speed and power at melee range, Ghaleon's onslaught of spells can hold him back from ever getting an attack off. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Claude has faced down the baddest of the bad: Indalceio, Gabrielle Celeste, and the dreaded Iseria Queen. Ghaleon is NOTHING compared to them. With his Angel Armband, magic does little damage, and sometimes HEALS Claude. On top of that, Eternal Sphere tends to destroy anything with those little stars of death. ospreymr@hotmail.com Claude Kenni is da man. I'm really hoping for a Claude v. Sephiroth match. That would warrant its own week on the Arena. If that were to happen, no other matches that week. [pulls out Eternal Sphere] Doest thou understand goldensilver18@hotmail.com claude wastes no time in attacking ghaleon. "mirror slice!" exclaims claude as his sword slices through ghaleon's magic armor. he then casts eternal sphere, which makes ghaleon flinch as his magic barrier goes down. as claude goes in for the win, ghaleon casts fate storm, which instantly kills the unwitting ensign. "oops, am I allowed to use that?" chuckles the magic emperor. JohanEdge@hotmail.com With the first move, Claude lets out a Mirror Slice, one slice destroying armor. Ghaleon surprised, teleported behind him, but Claude turned behind and let out a second Mirror Slice before he could attack. I WILL NOT SAY THOSE WORDS! MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org "This is bad," Claude exclaimed, "here's the enemy!" "Time to die," said Ghaleon, doublecasting Hell Wave at the unfortunate Ensign of the Earth Federation. He was surprised to see Claude still standing, but really shouldn't have been - after surviving a wave of Indalecio's hand, what's a mere doublecast Magic Emperor spell? "We can win this!" Claude said. Ghaleon rolled his eyes at this variable voice-acting. Again, he said, "Time to die." Unfortunately for Claude, what a mere doublecast Magic Emperor spell is, is one half what it takes to kill Claude C. Kenni. NinjaFire2@aol.com Even Claude's forward-advancing skills won't be enough to crack Ghaleon's thick armor. A few castings, or double-castings, later, and Claude will be toast. uncleprvy@hotmail.com Claude is a playable character. This is to his detriment, as Ghaleon can kill playable characters at a whim with Fate Storm. Claude could potentially interrupt this by attacking, were it not for one thing. Whenever Ghaleon attacks, he teleports into the best position to use that attack. Thus, Claude would be left standing as Ghaleon teleports away, before unleashing Fate Storm. even with Bunny Shoes, Claude cannot outrun teleportation. youkairyuu@comcast.net Shield+Hell Wave every round. Works for me. Damn Claude shouldn't have beaten Ray.........oh well Ghaleon should crush the upstart. tylorh@hotmail.com Both Claude and Ghaleon start off by trying to demonstrate their superior voice acting. A competition in which Claude is hopelessly crushed. However, he gets his own back with a well aimed Mirror Slice while Ghaleon is gloating. Ryu vs Sabin Rene Figaro Griffin21836@aol.com: Sabin, after reading that his Bum Rush depends on the Magical Power stat, trains with the most powerful Magic Power-raising Espers for weeks. When he enters the Arena against Ryu, Sabin's equipped with powerful magics of all variety and a souped-up Bum Rush to top it all off! All of it comes to naught, though, when Ryu transforms into the Holy Dragon Myrmidion and has a Musclebuilder Steak. Ryu: 225 Sabin: 128 angelicus85@hotmail.com Dragon, Bum Rush, Dragon, Bum Rush...come on people, it ain't that hard. shale0@msn.com This is a battle that Bum Rush can't win. Ryu's Behemoth forms have more than enough HP and defense to withstand Sabin's trademark skill, and one Giant Growth attack from the Dragon God will send his low-defense opponent packing. nemoincognito@hotmail.com What language am I speaking? Can you understand me? SA-BIN-IS NOT-A-GOD-LIKE! It's a wonder how he got up there in the first place, or why he hasn't been knocked down yet. Oh well, he has a snowball's chance in BOF3's desert sequence of winning this one anyway. Sabin's trump card is his physical power, and Ryu can easily match that with his transformations. The way I see it - Sabin comes in confident that since he helped rid his home world of eight dragons he can easily handle one more. Ryu goes Infinity and runs Sabin into the ground in three seconds. Moral of the story - Heavy, not Godlike. Magna_zeroX@yahoo.com Poor Sabin, going up agianst the invincible Ryu, this isnt 1 bit of a match. Shraifer@hotmail.com Sabin, knows that he only got one chance to win this match and attacks Ryu right off the start with Bum Rush. Ryu hits the ground hard and Sabin turns to the fans in the Arena and smiles. Then Sabin hears a scream as Ryu's body transform into Kaiser and imeadately launches into a KaiserBreath, which deal a 16 hit combo that Sabin can't survive. Ryu wins. XLockeX888X@aol.com Ryu has at least fifty different dragon forms. Many of these are heavily armored dragons that are capable of wiping out entire armies. Sabin has eight...fist attacks. You do the math. Tmagic77@aol.com yeeesss, Sabin can easily overwhelm a drago god with his blitzes (extreme sarcasm) goldensilver18@hotmail.com hahahaha right. "Oh no! Sabin's bum rushing! its the end for the dragonboy! oh wait, ryu counters... with a myrmidon super combo!" sabin'd be splattered across the arena's walls until next week. JohanEdge@hotmail.com Sabin, knowing he would only survive if he attacked quickly, rushed Ryu. But efore he could begin the circle-of-doom, he felt a sudden pain. He looked down to see a blade. "Do not rush straight at an opponent," Ryu remarked, before sheathing his sword. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Edgar might get in a lucky Air Anchor shot against even Ryu. Sabin, well... won't. NinjaFire2@aol.com Ryu would be hard-pressed to fend off the power-Blitzing Sabin...if he couldn't turn into a number of bone-shattering dragon forms to finish the job. Bum Rush is good, but it's not THAT good. DragoonJay@excite.com Ryu got in a pretty good shot to the head at the beginning of the match. If this was against any other opponent, that might have been the end. Against the powerhouse fighter Sabin, it merely tossed out whatever common sense he still had. "Sabin smash puny person." Taking offence at this, Ryu went into Kaiser mode, and began to really fight. This did little to deter the now brain-damaged Figaro. "Sabin smash big dragon!" To the utter shock of fanboys and fair players alike, the Brood Warrior was smacked around like a doll by the rampaging Sabin, Bum Rush after Aurabolt after Pummel striking down hard. Unfortunately, what goes up must come down, and Ryu's fall upon Sabin was tremendous. Just call it an alternate way of using Bonebreak. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Ryu is stronger than you. I mean, seriously, what does Sabin have over Ryu. He has nothing, Ryu will just turn into one of his many dragon forms and waste Sabin. Bum Rush will not save you all the time. youkairyuu@comcast.net You have got to be kidding me. Sabin is nowhere near godlike (And whoever voted for Sabin over Eve...go get your diapers changed little toddlers), let alone a god, like Ryu is. Ryu just has to go into a Defensive Myrmidion and completely annhilate the fanboy-driven Sabin........while taking 50 damage max from Bum Rush (mmmm gotta love the Defensive Gene). Sephiroth vs Lenneth Valkyrie MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Lenneth, fresh from her defeat of the surprisingly weak 'Slayer of God,' was confident of her chances against a mere pretender to godhood. Until Sephiroth sliced a dozen of her divine arrows clean in half. He then proceeded to separated her three selves using much the same means. Sephiroth: 167 Lenneth: 130 Shraifer@hotmail.com Sephiroth confidently walks into the ring knowing that with his huge fan base makes him invisible to what ever attacks Lenneth performs. As the match start off, Sephiroth turns to Lenneth and says, "You might as well quit now, their is no way you can beat me." Lenneth simply smiles at Sephiroth remark and launches into her Nibelung Valesti attack. Sephiroth realizes something is wrong as he falls to the ground in a bloody heap. Lenneth then turn off the fanboy shield generater on her belt and goes up to claim the win. siebzehn_17@hotmail.com Sephiroth is godlike, but Lenneth is one. I'll leave it at that. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com I'm suprised that Valkyrie beat Id, what with Id's huge fanbase. I'll be even more suprised when she beats Sephiroth. He can't survive a full powered Nebilung Valesti. starsickle@yahoo.com Lenneth is a goddess, I tend to go with the goddesses. youkairyuu@comcast.net Hey look, another fanboy-driven character! Lenneth would have no trouble beating the bejesus outta Sephiroth....then she'd start her warm up. Adelbert Steiner vs Maxim GrandmastaBrick@aol.com: Maxim is insanely powerful. It would be close if they just went sword to sword, no IP and no magic, but Maxim can heal himself easily, and Wave Motion makes him super-fast, super-strong, heals him to 999 HP, and makes this battle totally unfair. Steiner: 116 Maxim: 204 shale0@msn.com Maxim's first move is to cast Wave Motion, boosting all his stats beyond imagining. Shock connects, but can't even deal half its normal damage. With a single blow from the Dual Blade, Steiner drops to his knees, near death. Maxim walks to his opponent, preparing to deliver the death blow, when his opponent calls out his final attack: "Minus Strike!" Maxim falls, a victim of his own strength. Shraifer@hotmail.com Maxim's Dual blade crashes against Steiner's Excalibur II as the match start off. Unfortunately for Maxim, Steiner remembers to use his shock attack which ends the match. Steiner wins. JohanEdge@hotmail.com You can't get max stats if you're dead. Shock. DragoonJay@excite.com Not taking any chances, Steiner launched a devistating Shock at his opponent, who simply moved out of the way. "What the... how did you dodge that?" Maxim merely smiled, before launching into a Thunder spell. "I've been taking lessons from Dekar." youkairyuu@comcast.net Maxim: Wave Motion (All stats are raised to 999) Steiner: Shock (Maxim takes one less than max damage, effectively refilling his IP) Maxim: Stardust Blow for a bajillion damage........if it can do 2000 each to four enemies at 100 MAG, imagine what it would do to 1 enemy with 999 MAG. See ya Steiner. tylorh@hotmail.com Steiner starts off by showing Maxim the power of Shock. Maxim then counters by showing Steiner the power of a full restore spell and higher MP. Flik vs Alex of Burg tylorh@hotmail.com: Flik comes into the arena, preparing to blitz his enemy his enemy before he could power up. Unfortunatly, Alex merely summoned the Red Dragon instead of matching blades. Flik: 151 Alex: 175 Shraifer@hotmail.com Flik, being no fool, imeadately focus all the lightning magic he can muster toward Alex's helmet in the hopes of disabling it before it can be used against him. Alex realizes what the deperate attack is for and thinks this match is all but won, but fails to notice that he is standing in a puddle of water and we all know what happen when electricty and water mix. An electrocuted Alex is carried off the field as Flik claim the match. JohanEdge@hotmail.com Last spell of the Suikoden 1 Thunder Rune. That armor will fry like a lightning rod. youkairyuu@comcast.net While I'm still not happy with Alex beating Teepo, Alex is more than enough for Flik to handle. Blue Lightning my ass, Hai Yo the chef is physically more powerful than Flik....hell, Sheena does more damage than Flik. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Flik was on a battle high after he defeated the prestigious Yuna last week. Today he would be facing Althena's personal servant, Dragonmaster Alex. Flik wasted no time and started to use some of his lightning magic. Alex remembered to use White Dragon Protect before the match started. Alex then proceeded to eliminate Flik with Red Dragon Anger. Flik never really stood a chance. I mean, anyone who has the power of 4 dragons at their disposal is kinda hard to beat. Zed vs Shadow cloudfft78@hotmail.com: With blazing speed, both combatants charged each other. Shadow's Striker met Zed's Doom Briner, in what promised to be an epic battle. The battle looked like a scene from the Blade 2 movie. Zed and Shadow were trading blows left and right. It got so fast that even the crowd could barely tell if anyone would advance from the standstill. It then began to happen. Shadow was starting to lose ground. As he was parrying Zed's blows, Zed seemed to be growing bigger and his attacks more ferocious. With a swing of the Doom Bringer, Zed sent Shadow stumbling backwards. Shadow was know facing the monstrosity known as Monster Zed. All looked bleak for Shadow as he saw the Doom Bringer coming down towards him. Out of nowhere leapt Interceptor. He distracted Zed long enough for Shadow to get out of harms way. Zed threw Interceptor off him like a rag doll. Shadow could not hope to compete with Zed. He was way too fast and strong. Then suprisingly, Zed changed back into his regular form. "I will prove that I can beat you with my sword skill" muttered Zed. Shadow wasted no time and charged Zed. He lunged for Zed, only to be sidestepped and have Zed's Doom Bringer driven through his back. Zed had accomplished the impossible Zed: 162 Shadow: 154 angelicus85@hotmail.com Doesn't matter what Zed can turn into, Shadow instant kills and is protected by the immortal Interceptor. No question. shale0@msn.com Zed's intense speed can force a close-quarters fight, and Shadow is nothing if he doesn't have space to Throw. Zed finishes him with a single stroke. nemoincognito@hotmail.com Oh God no. I hoped I would never have to see this match. Shadow has absolutely no chance here, but he'll win anyway with all these dumb fanboys at his back. Do they even know who Zed is? Most likely no, so I'll enlighten them - Zed is a ninja, like Shadow, but with more power than Shadow could ever hope to posess. His Monster Z transformation grants him a large amount of powerful and status-afflicting sword techniques, as well as more than enough HP to survive a few throwing stars. Of course it will be funny to see all the fanboys fail to come up with explanations why Zed does not use all his powers to waste a markedly inferior opponent, and instead stands there and gets hit by Tack Stars. Shadow cannot fight, or Zed tears him up with his superior strength. Shadow cannot hide or keep at a distance, because Zed's comparable ninja speed will catch him eventually. Shadow cannot go for the assasination approach, because Zed knows all the tricks (even if he doesn't use them himself). If ANYONE votes for Shadow they may come up and recieve their award for blatant fanboyism. It may be their opinion that Shadow is cool, but it is COLD HARD FACT that Zed is more powerful that Shadow will ever be. People are leaving all the time over matches like this, so RPGP should seriously start thinking about getting anti-fanboy measures in. Shraifer@hotmail.com Shadow goes invisable at the begining of th match and then throws tack stars like their is no tommarrow. Shadow wins. JohanEdge@hotmail.com Shadow vanishes. Zed sees a puff of smoke behind him, and turns to see empty air. He gets a Striker up the spine. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Shadow should take Melfice's title as demon man of ruination! Ruination of the chances of better men, that is. Zed is a demon himself, and a Metal one at that. But compared to the Genius of Battle, even Monster Z looks smalltime. Shadow and Interceptor somehow beat Arngrim, so Zed should be a piece of cake. NinjaFire2@aol.com Zed certainly is powerful, but he doesn't have the almighty cheapness of Throw. I'm willing to bet that Shadow can take one round of damage, after which he can quickly dispose of Zed using any number of maximum damage weapons for a quick win. youkairyuu@comcast.net Shadow is fast. Zed is faster, has good defense and good attack power. Shadow gets cut to ribbons before he can even use Inviz-Edge Tidus vs Jowy Atreides Summoner_Klarth@yahoo.com: Tidus never showed up for the match against Jowy. He relized "someone" had schedualed an emergency Blitzball game to entertain the king of Estard Island. Not realizing that Estard Island is still in another dimention, Titus became the first Blitzball player to sail around the world. Tidus: 155 Jowy: 175 angelicus85@hotmail.com Again, I say Tidus will win because of the Haste/Slow/Quick Hit combo. If that doesn't work, he will deal enough damage to Overdrive and use Blitz Ace. PunkRocker500@att.net Tidus hadn't really surveyed his opponent before the fight began. All he knew about Jowy was that he had this strong roon, or whatever it was called. He didn't remember. After all, it's not every night that the USA channel runs a Baywatch marathon from 7:00 to 1:00. He had been up late whatching it. Besides, he had Hastega! No one wants to mess with me, he surmised. Jowy, on the other hand, had done his homework, and having the superior brain power, had come up with a plan. Not content to have just the Black Sword Rune, he also stopped at the local rune engraver and had two Gale Runes embedded in his right and left arms, effectively multiplying his speed by two! Flash forward a few days and Tidus walks into the arena with a yawn. Jowy trots in at the speed he normally would've ran. At the sound of the bell, Tidus mutters a few words and a dome encases him, increasing his sp...Jowy slashes him and the spell is rendered ineffective. "How'd you get over here this fast!" Tidus whines. Jowy simply smiles and slashes him a few more times. "All right," Tidus says. "Haste will have to do," and begins muttering the spell, the dome incases him and...he is slashed a few more times by Jowy's cold steel. Having been weakened, he kneels but secretly prepares to unleash Blitz Ace. Before this can happen, Jowy casts Hungry Friend. I think you can guess what happens after that. Shraifer@hotmail.com Jowy has one chance to win this match and that would be and instant death attack. However, since the chances of that are slim to nil, Tidus will win the match. JohanEdge@hotmail.com Jowy quickly casts Hungry Friend. Since all of the swords have to come out, he calls, "HEY! Chicken boy! Come and get me!" Tidus, outraged, rushes at Jowy, and slices high. Jowy blocks it, and remarks, "Hey, in a second, I'll be able to call you DEAD chicken boy. Will you run around with your head cut off?" Then, 100 swords strike at Tidus's neck. "He DOES run with his head cut off!" Jowy then chuckles. NinjaFire2@aol.com Jowy's far-and-away superior intelligence and lack of a foolishly impulsive nature will manage him the win, as he'll probably figure out some clever manipulative way to defeat his marginally stronger opponent. Elmina vs Lucia MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Elmina cannot last forever with infinite MP, but since a single blow with her weakest attack is all the pathetic Lucia could possibly withstand, that would hardly come into play in this match. Elmina drew a line in the arena sands with her bloodied scythe and declared, "Lulu... I'm hoping you'll meet me for the Championship." Elmina: 160 Lucia: 137 shale0@msn.com When two immortals fight, bet on the one with renewable powers. Lucia can boost her stats, heal, and can cast as many Plasma Rains and Atomic Burns as it takes to get the job done. nemoincognito@hotmail.com The ex-Sword Princess was confident of her chances against her harmless-looking opponent. However after going through a bout of Plasma Rain she reflected on the fact that demi-godesses can dress however they want and still kick ass. youkairyuu@comcast.net "Do not interfere"......Elmina gets blasted apart by Atomic Burn. Then her pieces get melted by Plasma Storm. Guess Elmina forgot that she actually had to run up and attack Lucia instead of trying to jump over and attack.....poor Elmina getting splattered like that. Gogo vs Liete nemoincognito@hotmail.com: If my memory serves me correctly then Gogo had a really lousy taste in armour and weapons (Tao Robe?) so I really don't see him doing any kind of damage to Liete's tank-like defense. Liete, on the other hand, has magic to spare and gets a few laughs from the audience when she sets Gogo's robe on fire with her magic dragon. Gogo: 142 Liete: 165 shale0@msn.com Gogo's initial barrage of "borrowed" Blitz skills is less than effective when restricted by his own less-than-average stats. Liete's healing and status boosting spells quickly negate the threat, and the mime's terrible HP and magic defense lead to his falling to a single Magic Art. Shraifer@hotmail.com Gogo start off the match by mimicing Shadows moves and goes invisable, then throws tack stars like their is no tomarrow. Gogo wins. XLockeX888X@aol.com Although Gogo can use almost any spell or ability, he lacks sufficient power in any spell or ability. Liete can take advantage of this. siebzehn_17@hotmail.com Everyone knows posers always lose in the end, you can't settle for a secondhand Liete. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Gogo, after watching some of the God-like battles and taking a few notes, introduces Liete to Mirror Slice, Bum Rush, Supernova, Hellwave, Nebilung Valesti, Banishing Blade, etc. For those that say Gogo has no abilities of his own: Haven't you played FF6? When you go to the status screen, he can use EVERYONE's skills. He just has to see them, not have the party member in battle with him. starsickle@yahoo.com Liete is a powerul magic user who could wipe the floor with someone who can only mimic party members. ACE GAMER Let's face it, Liete is weak. Gogo can mimic, which makes him/her/it invincible, right? Wrong. Liete has RedShock to inflict a good-sized portion of damage, and a VAST amount of magic at her disposal. Sure, Gogo can mimic, But what if he/she/it needs to be healed? His/her/its options are limited to "Mimic". No magic, items, ect. Liete can do that plus a bag of chips. What good does Mimic do if you mimic the wrong moves under the circumstances? Lulu vs Dalton DragoonJay@excite.com: The question of "What magic type is Ultima?" might have been answered when Lulu tried it against Dalton, if not for one fact - Dalton didn't last long enough to copy the type. Lulu: 225 Dalton: 119 Magna_zeroX@yahoo.com Lulu vs Dalton? if I remember correctly, Dalton had his golems do his dirty work.Lulu can cast Ultima twice, in 1 round, and do over 9999 damage. Shraifer@hotmail.com Dalton tries to summon his golems as match begins, only to find out that they have been defeat by Lulu before the match started. Dalton then tries to use the Epoch to fire on Lulu, but Lulu sidestep the blast attacks and launch out Ultima to claim the win. XLockeX888X@aol.com Dalton can summon any golem of his choice to take Lulu's hits, wasting her MP. Dalton can then rush in and finish off the weakened mage. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Dalton wasn't all that tough in CT. All Lulu really needs to do is a few doublecast Ultimas, and since Ultima is non-elemental, the Golems can't strike back. goldensilver18@hotmail.com blah, blah, blah, double ultima. lulu wins. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Lulu's doublecast Flare and high speed is more than enough for any Middle, and Dalton isn't exactly the strongest Middle. NinjaFire2@aol.com Being the oh-so-clever person that he believes himself to be, Dalton promptly summons his Golem friends to give himself the luxury of outnumbering his opponent. Five seconds and a world of pain later, he realizes that his "advantage" really doesn't mean anything...Ultima hits everything, and in Lulu's case, it hits everything twice. Roan Cyrum vs Yuffie Kinsaragi MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Yuffie and Roan are both technically of royal families of a sort, though the exact Wutai pedigree is a little blurred. Roan, unfortunately, begins the match with a severe misconception, because the only oriental royal he is familiar with is his good friend Enrique's lovely and demure Empress, Moegi. Yuffie is manifestly NOT like Moegi, as Roan discovers when she steals his crown and cape, reducing him from the mighty endgame King Roan to mere early game Roan. He's a fast learner, though, and even with regular Dragon Rise, has all the power he needs to punish Yuffie for her impertinence. "Like... ow," she said. Roan: 158 Yuffie: 137 shale0@msn.com The opponents are about equal in terms of HP and attack power, but Yuffie can attack from long range, while Roan needs to be in even closer than most melee fighters to use his knife. As for attacks, True Dragon Rise is but a shadow of Doom of the Living... Darkavenger_ix@hotmail.com Yuffie's an annoying brat, and as everyone knows brats are indestructable so yuffie can't lose. Shraifer@hotmail.com Yuffie Conformer prove once again to save her as she deal more then enough damage with her first strike to win the match. ACE GAMER THIS would be VERY close. Roan has True Dragon Rise, but Yuffie can equal that with Gauntlet, or All Creation. Roan has access to a variety of magic moves, and so does Yuffie. Roan is VERY fast, and so is Yuffie. The list goes on. In the end it would be close, but eventually Yuffie's stealth ninja techniques would leave Roan biting the dust. Cait Sith vs Luna tylorh@hotmail.com: As Luna enters the ring, she starts singing one of her magic songs. Cait Sith, not to be outdone, uses the rarely used Kareoke feature on his moogle and sings into his megaphone, causing deafness in untold numbers of spectators. Luna, hearing that desecration of song, gets into such a rage that she manages to use one of her Goddess powers and strike down Cait Sith. Cait Sith: 134 Luna: 183 shale0@msn.com Luna has no exclusive armor or weapons, so all she gets for damage-dealing purposes is a dagger. Cait Sith has HP Shout. One hit and it's over. nemoincognito@hotmail.com Luna is made up of two competing mindsets - the Godess, who rules over the world of LUNAR, and the Girl, who just wants to have fun. When her opponent enters the arena the Girl personailty surfaces upon seeing how cute he is, and is immediately drawn to hug him. Cait is abruptly snatched off his moogle and discovers, first-hand, that black cats are really not that unlucky when he is hugged tightly into Luna's chest. Cait leaves the arena on a stretcher sporting a copious P-Chan style nosebleed. Shraifer@hotmail.com Luna begin the match by using her Temptation Song in the hopes of confusing the giant stuffed animal. However, even though Cait Sith is a stuff animal, Reeves knows how to do research and raise the mogs giant paw with a ribbon attach to it. Then the giant stuffed animal charges forward and crush the small singer into the ground. Cait Sith wins. starsickle@yahoo.com Luna...goddess...nuff said. DragoonJay@excite.com As much as Luna tried to get people to hear the Song of Althena, Cait Sith's obnoxious blasting made that a difficult task. Therefore, she saw no alternative than to go Godlike on him. Unwilling to do that, she did the next best thing - asking Ghaleon nicely to crush Reeve. Liz vs Aeris Gainsborough Veryslightlymad@hotmail.com: Aeris actually has this match in the bag. Which is odd, because Aeris isn't that great. But face it, she's fighting Liz. Liz is powerful, but if he uses his power against her, and she uses first level limits, she can heal after every single bomb. Plus, since limits are executed phenominally fast, Aeris can get in a few weak jabs of her own. Liz: 132 Aeris: 185 Shraifer@hotmail.com Aeris may not be the strongest RPG character, but I know for a fact that this Lizard isn't going to cut it VS Aeris. Aeris wins. ospreymr@hotmail.com Liz all the way. He needs to be in Godlike just for being possessing madd social skillz. Even Mr. T would have a hard time understanding him. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Liz actually does have attacks that don't hurt him, too, you know. Those attacks are more than Aeris can handle with just her support Limits. NinjaFire2@aol.com So what if the Chef's Whimsy Bomb is inefficient and ultimately pointless? It does something that Aeris' attacks can never do...DAMAGE. DragoonJay@excite.com Again, Aerith will be able to win against an opponent she should certainly lose to. Again, Aerith will try to benefit from a deus ex machina to pull out a victory. Unlike all the the other times though, her opponent came prepared, with "Lucca + Lexis Brand Plot Contrivance-B-Gone!". With her one advantage nullified, Aerith got down to the business of losing. tylorh@hotmail.com Knowing that her enemy would hurt them both equally, Aeris simply set her Level 1 limit so that whenever she got hurt bad enough she'd just break out a Healing Wind and be fully healed again. Cid vs Hammer DragoonJay@excite.com: Hammer came out not with a huge technical monstrosity (as Cid had hoped), or a low-tech, high damage item (as many in the audience had worried, causing a 9000% increase in weapon security systems). Instead, he capitalised on his opponent's greatest weakness. "Hey, Cid, I've got something to show you." Hammer said, pulling out a photo album. "What is it?" Cid said carefully, readying his own hammer just in case. Hammer opened to the first page, revealing the title: "Final Fantasy 4 Bromides, property of..." The rest was scratched out, and illegible. Cid's eyes popped out even more than usual for his trademark move. Hammer chuckled. "You want it, go get it." he said, dropping the album just outside the ring. Cid's hormones overcame his common sense, and he threw away the match in order to get the album. Somehow, he didn't seem to mind that much... In the arena stands: Edge thought that something was familiar about that album. Suddenly, he realized it. "Hey! Get your grubby paws off that album, Cid! It belongs to..." Rydia's grip on her "boyfriend" suddenly tightened. "So, 'dear', whose album is that, if I may be so bold as to ask?" "Er, nobody's." As much as he wanted his pictures of dancers of the world (not to mention a certain Caller and another certain Queen), he wanted feeling in his arm a lot more at that moment. "Say, do you have any pictures of Rosa in there?" Kain whispered in the ninja's ear, to which he nodded. "Then I'll be back in a moment." A few minutes later, Kain Highwind returned with a rather large amount of blood on his hands, and a certain album. "Say, what do you have there, Kain?" asked Cecil. "Nothing..." Cid: 165 Hammer: 170 Shraifer@hotmail.com Hammer maybe the master of weapons, but Cids is a master of Airships. Cid calls in the Red Baron fleet, which drop several explosives on Hammer to end the match. Cid wins. XLockeX888X@aol.com Hammer's proven he can wield a gun, something that still seems bizarre to the hammer-wielding engineer. Hammer just aims at Cid, and bang. starsickle@yahoo.com Hammer...MAD SKILLZ...NEXT!!!!!!! JohanEdge@hotmail.com HAMMER IS A WUSS! DON'T ANY OF YOU HAVE ANY SENSE?!? Cid plays whack-a-mole. Yumei vs Wedge GrandmastaBrick@aol.com: Yumei can destroy most anything heavy and below in one shot. She DOES have a physical attack, folks. Wait Reaction, that little birdy that flies into the opponent, and somehow does considerable damage. Yumei: 176 Wedge: 117 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Yumei, please, by all that is good and just in this world, avenge your fallen rival! This would have been the Auron/Anastasia of Light (but fit for Heavy at least) if Dan had won. As it is, it's yet another walk for the lovely and talented Yumei. But for Dan's sake, we can only hope she doesn't go easy on this pathetic loser. Thankfully, Yumei doesn't dissapoint her fans. Notice how Biggs and Wedge weren't in the last two Final Fantasies? It seems that Yumei, who was looking forward to a genuine challenge in the form of Dan, decided to Purify this Weird Soul... and managed to wipe him clean from all timelines, and his perrennial chum with him. shale0@msn.com Yumei really is overpowered for Light. True, her DME isn't exactly stellar, but her spells are more than strong enough to waste a Green Beret reject like Wedge in one shot. Shraifer@hotmail.com Although Wedge is not very bright, he doesn't let winning go to his head. Wedge and Biggs ask around and find out the Yumei element is Ice. Being smart for a change, Wedge use Fire Beam on Yumei, which does some serious damage to her. Yumei tries to cast a spell after being hit, but before she can mutter the words, a second Fire Beam hit her. Wedge wins. Melbu Frahma vs Jogurt MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Prior to the match, Melbu Frahma watched record after record of Jogurt's past exploits, spending weeks on end obsessing over the slightest details of the RPGP tapes and documentary footage of the historic Shining Force missions. "Impossible," he muttered again and again. "I'd never be ranked with this, this... critter!" Lloyd, who was passing Melbu's quarters at the time, glanced in on the nominal leader of his people. "I wouldn't be so sure," he said. "You're awfully close to a last-second mindless destructive force villain, and replacing someone as cool as me, no less." "You're just a two-bit Sephiroth knockoff!" Melbu snarled. He might have done more, but he hadn't had a cup of coffee in the last few hours and was barely able to move. Lloyd glared at him. "I'm not sure if I'm more offended by the fact that you buy into that ridiculous theory or the fact that Sony actually had me LOSE to a moron like you. You will NEVER defeat Jogurt, because you don't understand his power." "What!" Melbu surged from his chair, banging his head on the ceiling of his Puny quarters. "And you do?" Lloyd smiled and held out his hand. He opened it to reveal a small ring. "It's a Jogurt Ring. When you put it on, you'll understand the power of Jogurt," he said. Melbu's eyes widened. He grabbed the ring and held it up to the flickering light of his combination VCR/TV. "My precious!" he exclaimed, turning it over in his mottled hands. Lloyd rolled his eyes. "I'M derivative?" he muttered. He strode from the room, leaving with a, "Don't put it on yet. You have to equip it as your first action in the match." Melbu nodded absently, his attention fixed on the ring. The match began a few hours later. "Do you like my helmet?" Jogurt asked Melbu. "What?" Melbu asked. Then he remembered the ring in his hand. "Do you think to confuse me? I have the secret to your power, fool - THE JOGURT RING!" He slid it onto his finger. Lloyd greatly enjoyed the show. Melbu: 115 Jogurt: 148 DragoonJay@excite.com The battle between Melbu and Jogurt was thrilling... really. It was! Don't let all those people who were sleeping fool you! It was also a battle of historical proportions. It was the very first time that Jogurt got hit and didn't die, having suffered only one-millionth of a point of damage. ("I'm outraged! This is going to wreck havoc on our status screens!" local hero Karn would say about the event later.) It was the very first time that Melbu fought in the RPGP. And although the first seven hours of trading blows weren't all that great, the eighth was... all right the battle was pathetic. Is that what you want to hear? "By Bahamut, you'd think that after 13 hours of trading blows, one of them would have been able to do a single point of damage, wouldn't you?" asked perennial weakling Palmer. "They're making mockeries of us Punys!", added Ramus of Burg. Suddenly, a dark figure appeared at ringside. "You have disgraced yourselves enough for one day. I give you a choice. You may leave now, and give yourselves at least some dignity, or I will destroy you." Both fighters stopped long enough to look at their supposed "feared opponent", and then continued on as if nothing had happened. "So be it..." the figure muttered, before launching a single attack that ripped through both combatants like they were even weaker than they were. The entire arena grew silent. Sure, they had thought of doing that, but who would have actually done such a thing? "Hey, what are you all looking at?" Luca Blight growled, from his seat. The figure took center stage, so all could see him. A gasp emerged from many an onlooker, before the clapping began. Yes, it was truly a historic day. It was the very first (and last) time that Edward, king of Damcyan, recieved a standing ovation for his fighting skills. {Good job, but you need to pick a winner! Otherwise, it doesn't count. "But I don't care who won! Why don't you let the audience decide who got hit first, and won by DQ?" But that's OUR JOB! "So then you choose." ...Nevermind.} The winner is whoever got the most votes. rufus-shinra@shinra.org This is an obvious one, with Jogurt looking so very adorable in that helmet Melbu would forefit the match! lionsfan@mail.ev1.net Jogurt was pumped, so pumped he became as big and powerful as dark dragon. No one stood before his might. Summoner_Klarth@yahoo.com I don't even know who Jogurt is, but he looks like a hamster in an aviator's helmet. Since Melbu Frahma is not a hamster, or has an aviator's helmet, I say "jogurt, more power to ya" JohanEdge@hotmail.com Jogurt: 1 damage to Melbu. Melbu: *MISS* Jogurt: 1 damage to Melbu. Melbu: *MISS* *One year later* Melbu is defeated. tuahan@aol.com It's so simple. Melbu Frahma will take control of Jogurt, make him walk around yelling "Look at me! I'm a stupid lemming!", borrow the water sword thing from FFX, and hit himself over the helmet until enough water is produced to flood the arena and drown him. youkairyuu@comcast.net This.....is....just....pathetic. Melbu Frahma doesn't give a damn about the world, he sure as hell won't care about a little rodent who he'll crush with 1000 Winglie Soldiers to summon. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.