Seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Auron vs Ghaleon Auron, after recieving a full overdrive meter from Tidus after his the enragingly stupid and unfair battle against Jowy via Entrust, walked into the the arena and leaped right into a Banishing Blade. Ghaleon's then found that his barrier had fizzled into oblivion, his magic appeared to be significantly less omnipotent than usual and he felt rather weak. He also found that while these puzzling events were taking place the Murasame had already sliced through his midsection several times. Oh well. Auron: 180 Ghaleon: 158 Auron can pactically do first strike and with that hed do 1 of his breaks,preferabaly Magic break to kill his opponents magic attack.and that be it. Will you people realize that Auron can only use his portion of the spehre grid. For those of you who think he has all his abilities he doesn't. He actually shouldn't be in god-like. The only skills he has is the break skills and a really good sword. This is Ghaleon's match without a shout of a doubt. Ghaleon owns swordsmen and Auron is no diffrent. I know this may sound crazy, but I pick Auron over Ghaleon. I think Magic Break will destroy Ghaleon's biggest asset. Ghaleon will double cast Hell Wave, but it won't be nearly as effective. Auron, now with a full Overdrive, can use Banishing Blade to lower the rest of Ghaleon's stats. Now it's a simple matter of bash the mage. Ghaleon starts off the match being hit by Auron's First Strike attack sending him back a step. Ghaleon more annoyed then hurt, proceed to cast hell wave, which smash Auron down to ground. Ghaleon then begins to walk forward to end the match with a final blow, but then Auron suddenly launches to his feet and manages to get off Banishing Blade. As both fighters slump forward to their knees trying to get up and finish the other off, Claude, who has just recovered from the last match, send off a Mirror Slice at Ghaleon seeking revenge. Ghaleon, in is weaken state, surprise the whole arena as he get up after being hit to cast hell wave on Claude, unfortunately this proves more then Ghaleon can handle as he collapse from exhaustion. Auron wins. It doesn't matter how high Ghaleon's magic is...because magic BREAK will take care of it. Auron has been surviving of fanboy/girl votes. Half the matches he won were due to people getting inventive and finding ways for the other characters to somehow screw up. The #1 important thing anywhere is speed. WHo cares if you can deal massive damage if the other person can deal okay damage * 10 before you strike a single blow? Auron thought he had the match in the bag with his First Strike ability plus Magic Break. Much to his delight, Magic Break cancelled out Chaos Shield and Auron pushed for the win, but stopped when he saw Ghaleon smiling. "What?" demanded Auron. "Oh nothing" said Ghaleon as he recasted Chaos Shield "Just to let you know, I can cast two spells at once" he finished as a Hell Wave slammed into Auron. "Meaning that I can cast a Hell Wave and Chaos Shield every round". Auron wisely conceded the match. All Final Fantasy 10 characters are gods. with 99,999 HP, 9,999 MP, 255 in every stat, and the ability to hit for 99,999 damage, as well as the customizeability of their equipment, there is nothing that can really be done to stop them. Plus, Auron's First Strike on his Masamune really unbalances these battles... Auron vs. Ghaleon- Auron is not the 9999 hp, 9999 damage an attack character that Ghaleon is used to fighting. Auron is a 99,999 hp, 99,999 damage, first striking, learn-every-technique-in-the-game character. Taking a page from Steiner and Vivi's collective book, Auron whips himself up a "magic sword." But it's no fire sword... nope, he makes himself an Ultima Sword! Ghaleon begins the match with a double hellwave, but Auron having like 12398320921308 hit points easily survives. Auron then uses magic break on Ghaleon. "Pitiful attack." Ghaleon boasts. Ghaleon then unleashes 2 more double hell waves, and laughs as he turns to leave the arena. This time Auron laughs as his Masamune cuts though Ghaleons back. While Ghaleon and Auron are taking their positions, Ghaleon shouts out, "Hey, you're that guy who defeated Crono, aren't you?" Auron is forced to respond with, "Well, you mean that kid with the punk hairdo? Yeah." Ghaleon smirks. "Guess what? Chrono promised to teach me lightning magic if I kill you." Auron is at a loss of what to say, but manages with "Well, too bad!" and uses one of Final Fantasy's great number of Break attacks (Let's say Mind Break), but is caught by the referee and penalized 5 HP. The battle begins, and Ghaleon gets the first move since Auron attacked last. As he starts with his Boulder spell, Auron figures it's his turn and rushes towards Ghaleon, who finishes his attack with a Tornado spell, which sets the swordsman back where he was. Ghaleon gets to attack again, this time with his beam that had such odd effect on Alex the first time he used it. Auron gathers his strength to try Mind Break again, but the mage, being a final boss, is immune to all crippling attacks. The battle went downhill for Auron from there. After finishing the battle with a sound smack with his blade, Ghaleon mutters, "These guys have lost a lot since the days of Final Fantasy Tactics," and walks away as chocobos pick up Auron and carry him to a White Mage in the audience. Auron, with First Strike, does Banishing Blade, as the obvious choice. Since it has magic, mental, power AND armor break, Ghaleon won't be much of a challenge. Ghaleon's doublecast isn't going to be a huge advantage here, because Auron is used to multiple-casting magical powerhouses both against him and on his side (Seymour and Lulu). No, it's safe to say that Ghaleon's greatest advantage lies in his obscenely high defense. Of course, since Auron can nullify "armored" status and halve his defense with a well-placed Armor Break (or better yet, Banishing Blade), this too will prove unreliable. This puts Auron in a VERY good position to take this match. Auron First Strikes, using Magic Break to reduce Ghaleon's magical prowess to the level of normal archmage. Ghaleon retaliates with a Chaos Shield/Hell Wave combo. Hell Wave is strong, but nowhere near enough to take down Auron when Magic Break has so weakened the Magic Emperor. A little Armor Break eliminates Ghaleon's other advantage. A little physical attack is more than enough to finish him off. Here's a rhetorical question for everyone: What is the Magic Emperor going to do after Auron hits him with Magic Break? The epic battle between semi-dead epic bad @$${$ turned out not to be so epic, as a vengeful Hammer used Ghaleon as a vector to infect Auron with the FoxDIE virus, proving that not even the mightiest warrior can escape the fierce wrath that is Mad Skillz. Besides, Auron got killed by Yunalesca...LITERALLY. You think he could take down Ghaleon? Ryu vs Sephiroth Also have to vote for Sephiroth over Ryu. Sephiroth is quick and has every elemental magic as well as ludicrous attack power. I think he can run all of Ryu's dragon forms out of HP quickly enough that he will survive until it comes to a sword duel, in which case he will win easily. Ryu: 176 Sephiroth: 185 I'm voting for Ryu. Not because of his dragon forms, but because of "Guts", his ability in BoF2. Recovering half of his hitpoints is just the surprise tactic he needs to defeat the tactics smart swordsman. Sephiroth would never see it coming. Ryu, after hearing about how Sephiroth robbed two female god like characters, knows that he going to need extra help on this one as he goes to speak with his other half Fou lu. A few hours later, Ryu returns to the arena wearing a baseball cap, Sephiroth then hear the bell roar as the match begins. Sephiroth, "I am glad you got to go to one last game before your untimely demise," as he charges forward and impales the Masamune into Ryu stomach. Sephiroth then start to laugh thinking to himself that he has won against his third god like person, but then realizes that there is no blood on his sword. The Arena is then shock as Ryu removes his baseball cap to reveal that his hair is golden color. Ryu and Fou Lu speaking as one, "You are strong Sephiroth, but you can't face the full power of a dragon god,” as a gigantic beam of light surround Ryu's form and incinerates the Masamune wielding villain. Maybe this is just a sympathy vote. I find it strange that Sephiroth, one of the defining RPG villains (and someone with a lot of fanboys at his back) hasn't taken a championship yet. Anyway I think this match will be his, but it'll be a close one. After a bout of giant dragon transformations and massive cosmos-destroying spells Sephiroth will be standing (but just barely). Good match. I would really like to see Sephiroth win a Championship. He really DESERVES to win a Championship. Except... Ryu could always just transform into the almighty Myrmidon form use Aura to toss the Perfect SOLDIER around like a Perfect RAGDOLL. Maybe next season, Seph... Sephiroth runs up to Ryu hoping to dispatch him before he could turn into a dragon.....unfortunately, Ryu had been raising swallows, and when they died he ate their eyes. Needless to say, Ryu had aleady turned into the IRT Kaiser and was in mid Shadowwalk when Sephiroth got in took a Kaiser Breath to burn the puddles of flesh pudding that was Sephiroth from the arena. Ryu vs. Sephiroth............. Kaiser Dragon, 'nuff said. The only question here is whether Ryu eats Sephiroth raw or fried. The "perfect SOLDIER's" flashier moves might be able to take down a dragon form or two before the sheer imbalance in HP and stats overwhelm him. Might. I'm starting to think that Ryu's human form is horribly weak, because it certainly hasn't been getting much practice. A few dragon transformations will send Sephiroth packing, just like every other opponent Ryu has faced this season. Ryu is NOT a pushover with only his sword, he is very good with it, and a formidable opponent for Sephiroth. He's always got his Dragon forms, which are ever usefull, so although Sephiroth is the perfect SOILDER, Ryu is the(I know this is lame, and yes, I know what SOILDER means) perfect WARRIOR. Sephiroth has beaten Ryu before, and he's about to do it again. He could start off with Pale Horse, inflicting every status anomaly on Ryu and preventing his transformation. Or, he could simply use Fallen Angel or Super Nova, which get relatively nastier the more HP the victim has. Either way, Ryu will not be retaining his title this season. Sephiroth has been waiting his whole RPGC career for a championship. He's had to suffer through seeing Dekar of all people claim a title before him. Do you think a mere Dragon warror can stop him? Er, yes. Maxim vs Alex of Burg OH...MY...GOD. My two bestest, favoritest favorite RPG heroes are fighting each other! Which to choose?T_T Well, anyways, let's analyze the situation. Alex has Althena's sword, which gives him one more hit, and is quite powerful, but Maxim has the Dual Blade, which is VERY powerful and can also double the damage he deals to hs opponents, while greatly augmenting his endurance. Alex has the powers of the four dragons, which aren't half bad, while Maxim has rather mildly powerful healing spells and a few ice, thunder, and water attack spells. I would say Maxim will beat Alex in the long run, since he can heal much more efficiently than Alex, who can only use the powers of the blue dragon, which drain him of a lot of his magic, even if they restore his hp fully. Maxim will be able to endure much more assaults from Alex while causing him a lot of damage, so basically Alex has found his match. Maxim: 166 Alex: 152 Alex: attack maxim: wave motion alex: attack and does very little damage maxim: attack for max damage. Maxim wins Yes, Maxim has skill, but Alex with the Dragonmaster armor is basically unbeatable. I mean it's like David & Goliath and this is strange calling Maxim, David. He could really beat anybody else in Heavy and would more than likely come close to winning Godlike. Alex will just summon all 4 dragons as the match starts off, then sit back with his glass of lemonade while Maxim kills off one or two before they rip him apart. Maxim immediatly uses Wave Motion while Alex summons the Red the time the Red Dragon arrived, Maxim had already finished the match with his 999 Agility and Power and was back in heaven with Selan. Knowing that Maxim was more geared towards physical prowess than towards magical abilities, Alex started the battle off by summoning the Red Dragon instead of using his Sword Dance attack. Imagine Alex's surprise, when the Red Dragon Anger missed Maxim and instead torched Alex, effectively eliminating him. When questioned after the battle as to his techniques, Maxim simply responded by taking off his Divine Helmet and uttering, "Brilliance". Maxim opened the battle with a taunt. "What's this? I'm up against a little kid and his kitty?" laughed he. Nall let out a growl, and made a charge for the bully. But Alex grabbed him by the tail and sent a meaningful glance into his eyes. Nall understood, nodded, and simply hovered over the Dragonmaster's head. Alex then ran towards Maxim, letting out four quick slashes, all of which the latter parried with his Myth Blade. This gave him enough IP to use Battle Fury, reducing Alex's HP by a quarter. Alex let out a "Yeah!" before launching a Sword Dance, which Maxim countered with a cast of the Dragon spell. Alex was then on the ground, cursing at his luck, and at his friend Ramus, who bet him $3000 Silver that he'd lose this match. Alex searched his pockets for some Herbs, but remembered he gave all of them to Luna for her match against Aeris. So Alex stood up and started to chant the words to summon the Blue Dragon to heal him. But his spell was cut short with Maxim's own spell, Fire Bird. Alex fell to the ground, defeated. The victor raised his arms to the sky as the crowd got on their feet and applauded. However, the noise of the crowd didn't allow Maxim to hear the words, "Come on, get up!" The true winner removed his prized Althena's Sword from the back of the unsuspecting Maxim. "Nall, with the Silver we get from Ramus, I'll buy you all the dragon food you can eat!" To beat Maxim, you need either a quick one-hit kill or an attack that ignores defense to counteract Wave Motion. Alex has neither. He might as well not bother. Once again, Maxim is insanely powerful. Unless Alex manages to kill him in one hit, Wave Motion TOTALLY owns this battle. Is it just me, or do dragon-weilding/dragon-transforming main characters have a huge advantage in the RPGP? Alex will probably be able to keep Maxim at bay with his decent sword skills, then pummel him relentlessly with the almighty power of Althena's dragons. As the match begins, Alex begins to wonder out loud if his Black Dragon spell would actually ever work against his opponents, non-boss characters as they are. Maxim is about to protest, but he finds himself being sucked into another dimension. *sigh* Dragons or no dragons, there's nothing that's going to stop the forward (Wave) motion of Maxim this season. Let's just crown him Heavy champ and be done with it. Zed vs Jowy Atreides Jowy never wins by brute force. This is a fact. All or most of his wins involve complex strategies and plans which inevitably yield him the win. Since Zed is noticeably less intelligent (albeit decidedly more powerful) than some of his past opponents, Jowy should have little trouble dispatching his enemy in some clever, underhanded way. Zed: 132 Jowy: 170 "Zed will prove to be more of an opponent then Tidus", Jowy thought to himself , "But then again, pretty much anyone is". Zed then charged across the arena, and the two of them began exchanging sword strikes, both of them dealing some, but no major damage. Zed started to get the upper hand, due to his speed and strength. "I don't always need to rely on tricks", Jowy shouted as he jumped away and casted Hungry Fiend. Zed only managed to grunt as he was impaled 100 times, and left quite dead. Suddenly, thousands of arrows came from the sky, each hitting Zed. “I guess I didn’t need that” Jowy thought as he walked away, surprised. Jowy just won't have time to use Hungry Friend before Zed rushes over to him and switfly decapitates him. Zed wasn't nearly as tough as Luceid or Boomerang, or Belselk for that matter. Unless we're talking about the mutated Zed... But in either case, Jowy could win with a few castings of the Black Sword Rune. He's fast, strong, AND has good magic; true Godlike material. Zed defeated Shadow. Shadow defeated Arngrim. And so, the cycle continues, with Zed (or rather the mutated martial master that is Monster Z) as the RPGP's Ultimate Heavy. Jowy is fast, smart, and decently strong. If he had his Convergence powers, he might be able to take the title from the Z-ster. Without them, he's out of luck. Zed and Jowy face off as the match begins, and Zed's speed is more than apparant as he manuevers in for his strike. Jowy really can't do much, because theres not much more to strategy and tactics in a one on one fight that a General would have the upperhand over a solo fighter such as Zed. Zed wears his opponant out, then searches for greater prey in the Finals. Elmina vs Liete Elmina knew that unlike in her last match, she would actually have to work to defeat Liete. With the Alent guardian's high physical defense, she would take more than a single scythe swipe to turn her into Liete gumbo, and she possessed abilities that could actually do decent damage. Liete began the match by trying to launch her Magic Art at Elmina. But Elmina, who had seen her share of summon attacks, was ready for this. Displaying freedom of movement that even Liete's Grandia opponents had never dared, she ducked under the appearing dragon and grabbed Liete's paintbrush. "That's not fair," Liete exclaimed. "In all the history of my world, no one has ever done something like that!" Elmina shrugged. "During my Metal Demon days, I did a tour as a Liason Officer to Castlevania. They don't wait their turns there." Elmina: 144 Liete: 130 According to the match profile Liete's main weakness is the speed of her spellcasting. I'd like to object to this, as I remember her casting spells pretty fast. As for Elmina "hacking away mercilessly with her scythe and/or sword" need I once again remind the present company that Liete has more DEF than some concrete bunkers I've seen. Guilty Blade? Liete can heal, and then toast the Metal Demon with Dragonzap. Purple seems to be "in" this season. Enclose, Star Symphony, and then Redshock, BA-BOOM!, Redshock, GADZAP, Redshock until Liete wins. Elmina may have been in love with Jack long ago, but that doesn't necessarily mean she'll have his strength. Liete's advantage in defense might see her through this, seeing as Elmina's attacks are all sword-based, if it weren't for the fact that her MP are going to run out long before the Sword Princess'. Lulu vs Roan Cyrum Doublecast will once again be Lulu's best friend this match, as she'll easily be able to fry Roan's innards with any number of powerful spells. Lulu: 173 Roan: 86 Once agian, Lulu is comepletely underated for even being in medium,I mean c'mon!She could Doublecast ultima twice and it only take 1 MP thanks to the onion knight(or kid, i forget what its called) To quote Goldensilver18, "blah blah blah Doublecast Ultima. Lulu wins." Again with the Final Fantasy 10 gods...Double Ultima will tear Roan apart. Lulu sends out her Moogle doll to attack Roan, who simply picks it up and huggles it. Getting an idea, Lulu then sends out her Cactuar doll... With splinters in his hands, Roan starts crying, and goes into a rage, pulling off several True Dragon Rises, turning Lulu and her dolls into a pile of stuffing. As for Lulu vs. Roan... Doublecast + Ultima = no more Roan Lulu doublecasts Ultima, blah blah arena is destroyed, blah blah Lulu for middle champ, blah blah. Can we get Lulu out of Middle already (and into Godlike where she belongs)? Roan is good, there's no doubt about it... but not that good. Luna vs Aeris Gainsborough No mortal can resist the power of Luna's songs. One of these songs is Escape Song, which forces enemies to escape. You figure it out. Luna: 166 Aeris: 140 Aeris starts off the match smiling at Luna, Luna annoyed asks Aeris what so funny as she prepares to sing a song. Aeris, "This is," as she throws a potion on herself. Luna, think Aeris has finally gone off the deep end, "Are you nuts? What was that potion suppose to do?" Aeris, "This" as lucky 7777 appears over her head and she begins to strike Luna over and over and over again for 7777 damages. Needlessly to say, Luna is totally flattened and Aeris claims the win. Luna has stat-ups. Luna has a range advantage. Luna has access to the powers of the goddess Althena. Aeris has Luna walking all over her pansy ass. A goddess versus a useless and nonetheless a character I hate...I'm betting on the goddess. Aeris hits Luna with her stick. Luna puts Aeris to sleep with a song, waits a few years for her Goddess powers to mature, and vaporizes Aeris. Luna and Aeris...haven't I already seen this battle before? I know I have, and I'll give the same reasons for Luna's victory as I did last time. Luna: Goddess; stat boosting spells, healing, does not have to rely on limits or materia. Aeris: Cetra; has to rely on limits for any healing, no stat boosting without materia. And here's a question: If Luna is the goddess Althena, can't she call upon the 4 dragons if she wants? I bet she can... Okay, let me get this straight. Luna is gong to fight Aeris? LUNA Luna; as in, Goddess Althena Luna. The one who could take out Ghaleon (a Godlike champion) if she really felt like it? And she is fighting little miss, "I was impaled by Sephiroth" (who lost to Ghaleon--a Godlike champion--mind you) Aeris? Somebody give me a tranquilizer; I think I'm gonna have a heart attack from this one. To be blunt, Aeris will be stomped. Crushed. Annihilated. Obliterated. Extra-crispy-fied. And there's no Turks or Sephy to help her this time, because in this case, the one she's fighting isn't some ugly guy that's trying to kill her. No. This time, it's her arch-nemesis--someone who's as cute and lovable as her, and plus has the skills to actually make her USEFUL. Sorry, Aeris, but you should've learned from the time you tangled with Sephiroth that you NEVER MESS WITH A WOULD-BE GOD. 'Nuff said. "Avoiding Aeris' staff attacks"? Honestly, who NEEDS to avoid Aeris' staff attacks? On a good day, a GOOD day, mind you, she'll do about 20 HP of damage. Although this is slightly more threatening in the Lunar universe, it's still pathetically weak. This leaves Aeris to use her limit breaks, which are mostly defensive or curative and aren't all that great anyway. A couple songs and a few arrows later, and Aeris goes back to how she belongs...dead. Aeris's limit breaks are pretty worthless in single combat, but that's ok; Luna can't dish out enough damage to even bring Aeris down to that level. Her mediocre healing songs will make sure that this is a long, boring fight, however. Hammer vs Yumei Hammer, as always, came loaded for bear. Or, in this case, for Mermaid. He had everything he needed. Reflect Ring to send back spells, Ribbon to negate any possible status effects, Blue Plate armor to absorb water-type attacks, and, of course, a trusty harpoon gun. Unfortunately for Hammer, Yumei had been taking pointers from her rather nastier-minded Jelanda prior to the match. The Artolian Princess, who was familiar with being cheated out of easy wins after losing to SHANA, for God's sake, had no intention of seeing her mermaid friend suffer another loss. She'd advised Yumei to cast Stone Torch on a Vagrant Story training dummy that happened to be laying around until she was able to Purify Weird Soul (which Hammer surely was) - attacks that hit multiple targets couldn't be reflected by the Final Fantasy version of the spell, she explained. Yumei managed to forget all about this at the sight of the adorably fuzzy Hammer, of course, much to the disgust of Jelanda. Hammer raised his harpoon gun, but found himself hesitating, since Yumei was, in a very different sense, equally cute. This gave Jelanda time to pitch a half-eaten bucket of popcorn at Yumei, snapping the mermaid out of her isn't-he-the-cutest-thing reverie and prompting her to follow the plan... Except for the using Jelanda as the target instead of the VS dummy, that is. The effect, at least where Hammer was considered, was largely the same. Arngrim glanced at the petrified Jelanda seated in the seat beside him, leaned back, and reveled in the peace and quiet. Hammer: 127 Yumei: 161 Hammer....possesser of the sacred art of..MAD SKILLZ!...there can be only one outcome...hammer will have to deafeat the mermaid Yumei! I liked frozen damsel..but Hammer has the MAD SKILLZ...sorry. Hammer felt perfectly prepared as he entered the arena. Hearing that Yumei specialized in Ice attacks, Hammer had borrowed Umaro's snow muffler to wear. Unfortunately, his information network failed to inform him that Yumei could also cast the devastating Stone Torch spell as well. Surely you jest. Yumei's spells can destroy beasts from the netherworld of Nifleheim in a single casting - Hammer has no chance. Fried anthropomorphic hamster, anyone? Yumei wisely launches an onslaught of ice spells at hammer, effectively freezing a majority of the crowd. Hammer, wisely beforehand, drank a gallon of antifreeze before the match. This WOULD have won him the match, except that he puked so much he died, and Yumei had won. Knowing that Yumei couldn't attack him in any other way than magic, Hammer brought a Reflect Ring to the arena, expecting an easy victory. Then Yumei used Wait Reaction... Stunned by the fact that he was almost defeated, Hammer went to his backup plan: "Rufus, isn't that the Sister Ray Hammer just brought out?" asked Reno. "Wait a minute, it is! How did he get that?" said Rufus. Just then, Rude came running up. "Hey, Reno. You'll never guess what just happened to me. Some rat guy came up and offered us a lifetime supply of Bartweisers in exchange for the keys to the Shinra building! Isn't that great... oh, hi, Mr. Shinra. You're looking awfully... mad... today. Um, maybe I should come back later?" Hardly anyone noticed as the Sister Ray fried Yumei (again). Instead, the crowd's attention was focused on a much more entertaining brawl in the stands. MARK OF KANE Battle Royale Kain starts out the match with Jump. While he is in the air the other combatants go at each other. Kain lands hitting Cain. Taking advantage of his high speed, by the time they realize that they can hit Kain he is almost ready to Jump again. Kain jumps yet again and the three in their anger forget about him. Kain lands on Cain again causing him to go down. The Kanes are too busy beating the crap out of each other to notice that Kain has used Jump again. Kain lands on one of the Kane's which causes him to fall. Down to a match between Kain and Kane, Kain abandons his Jump technique because he is nearly at full strength while his opponent has been busy fighting with the others and is doing pretty badly. Kain takes one swing at Kane with his White Spear and its all over. As he walks away from the ring he revels in the cheers of the crowd who he knows for once are cheering for him and not one of the weaklings still unconcious in the ring. Kain Highwind: 112 Kahran '-Cain-' Ramsus: 95 Kane of Shining Force: 68 Kane of Vandal Hearts: 36 Ramsus is overated, FF4 Kain's Jumping abitities is the best ive ever seen... The 4 Kanes entered the arena, and most agreed that Highwind needed to die quickly. So after the 3 warriors defeated him, they turned against each other. Cain purchased a bomb that was set to kill everyone named Kane. When Kane of Runefaust was left standing, he said, "Why?" Kane smiled and said. "Programming bug. In battle my name is Cain." Kane happilly summoned his evil powers in the sword of darkness, and stole Cain's soul. Kane vs. Kane: As the only one of the bunch capable of spellcasting, VH's Kane can sit back and Plasma Wave everybody else as they fight amongst each other. Cleaning up the survivors won't be much of a problem. go kane or cane or what ever. Kain Highwind takes this match. All he has to do is Jump high in the air, and watch from the a safe distance as his opponents tear eachother apart on the ground below. After one of them emerges victorious, all he has to do is skewer them with a quick, skyborne spear attack. Kane (SF) Wasn't he that centaur guy in the beginning? I barely remember. Not many characters in that game did a lot of damage (only a few could really nail an enemy hard) so um, no. He'd be the first to go being beaten either by Kane (VH) or by... Cain...(Kahran) Fast and strong. Once he does his Mirror Stance he won't really be able to do anything and leave the other 3 to fight one another. After his Mirror Stance is done he will probably be attacked by the remaining fighters before he can do Mirror Stance again. He'll probably get jumped upon by... Kain (FF4) was pretty strong and could do a large amount of damage to enemies with his Jump technique and lances. But while he is in the air it would give Kane (VH) a chance to take out Kane (SF) while Kain (FF4) would defeat or really hurt Cain (Kahran) when he landed. That would leave Kain (FF4) and a seriously hurt Cain (Kahran) to go against the still strong... Kane (VH) was one tough mofo. He could deal a great amount of damage and had that spell... Well I forgot the name of it but it hit every enemy on the map for a considerable amount of damage and he could cast it three times. Even if his opponents manage to survive those attacks he has high attack power and could finish them off with his blade. With high attack, defense, the Sword of Darkness, and a second life and gaining of free will after his mask breaks, Shining Force's Kain has this game sealed. Under the influence of -Cain-, Kahran was transformed into a sure and cocky fighter. After all, only Cain could kill Cain, right? Besides, his three opponents were mere Heavies. "Come now, I'll take you all on! In fact, I'll give you each a first shot!" bellowed the warrior, making his way into a Mirror Stance. Kane (VH) calmly blasted away with Plasma Wave, expecting a charred Ramsus. However, all that time spent on the sidelines had lessened his power to the point where there was hardly a scratch. A few moments later, the same could not be said for Kane, or the unfortunate Kane (SF) who got hammered by the Plasma Wave. ("Why didn't you move out of the way?" asked Max afterwards. "It wasn't my turn." was the reply.) Up next was Kain. Leaping up into his trademark Jump, he heard the taunting of Cain. "You know that nothing you can do can hurt me...erk!" Kain landed, his spear soundly in the chest of Ramsus. "But... how..." "Simply put," Cain (FF4) said, "I'm not exactly who I say I am." Kain "Cain" Highwind earns a decisive victory, for the second week in a row. And this time, he didn't have to kill any of his friends to do it... Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.