Four lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Auron vs Sephiroth The two stone-cold warriors faced each other down for the first time. Both master swordsmen, both refusing to stay dead, both an epitome of coolness and general bad-assitude in their own way. Saying nothing, Auron narrowed his one good eye as Sephiroth smiled his wicked smile, and in the next instant they met in the center with a clash of magical steel. Somewhere in the distance, Queen's "Princes of the Universe" could be heard playing. Sparks flew from the clashing blades as neither warrior showed any sign of tiring. Soon their swords were locked and they stood head-to-head trying to gain the leverage for a strike. "You call that a Masamune?" Sephiroth taunted cooly. "It got too close to Sin," Auron replied, grinning under his high collar. He then knocked Sephiroth back and attempted a Power Break. The blow would have ended the fight were it anyone else, but Sephiroth survived by virtue of his FF Final Boss Level HP and immunity to status effects. The Legendary Soldier dashed forward in retaliation and his blade likewise found its mark, but Auron was able to survive thanks to his Overlord bracer and his superhuman endurance. "The prettyboy has teeth," Auron remarked dryly with a deft overhead slash. "Watch your tongue, old man." Sephiroth retorted with a powerful Shadow Flare. Auron's Overdrive energy was beginning to rise, and Sephiroth knew that he couldn't win without using his full power. His eyes gleaming with mako and ambition, Sephiroth unleashed Fallen Angel, reducing Auron's mighty HP to a single point. However, Auron's Overdrive was now at max and his Masamune glowed brightly with its weilder's desperation. Sephiroth strode triumphantly over to his crippled opponent. "I have waited a long time for this, and not even a worthy foe such as you will keep me from the gold this season." The One-Winged Angel swung his sword nonchalantly to finish off Auron. But there was one final clash of steel as Auron, with his last ounce of strength, parried and counterattacked. Sephiroth, shocked, fell over into a pool of his own blood. "With your eyes focused on your destination, you cannot see the path that leads you there." Auron rose and took a drink from his sake jar. "That is why you lose." Auron: 197 Sephiroth: 190 Auron vs Sephiroth Before the match, Sepiroth tries to comfort the still-upset Aeris. "I promise I'll win this one for you, no matter what." Aeris looks up at Sephiroth. "Well here-use my White Materia. Do everything that you can to win it for me." She gives him a kiss on the cheek and goes into the stands. When the match is supposed to start, only Sehpiroth is in the arena. "I guess the newbie got too scared to fight a ture Godlike veteran. Looks like another win for me." He finds Aeris in the stands and waves at her. She suddenly get a horrified look in her eyes and starts poining up into the sky. Sephiroth looks up, but by then it's too late. Auron glides down from the top of the arena and impales his Masamune into Sephiroth's back. "And I thought he was fast..." As he's pulling the sword out of Sephiroth, he notices Aeris walking up to him. Aeris looks into his eyes. "I guess you've been doing your research on him." Auron smiles. "It's not my fault you guys had a good storyline." Aeris bends down and picks up the fallen White Materia and shows it to Auron. "You know, I can show you how to use this. After all, I only give it to the best of the best..." Auron takes the Materia and puts it in his pocket. "I wouldn't mind one bit." With that, Aeris kisses him on the cheek, puts her hand around his waist, and they lived happily ever after. I would've really liked to see Sephiroth face Ghaleon again. It would've made a great rematch. Either way, Sephiroth would have won. Sure Auron can break Sephiroth's stats to nothing, but he's going to have to spend a long time at it. Sephiroth isn't a great spell caster, but he's still a heck of a lot better than Auron. Auron would have to break Sephiroth's defense, physical, and magical attacks to leave him basically helpless. That's three rounds agaist a much faster opponent. I'd bet my brother's left foot that Sephiroth could tear Auron to shreds within those three rounds. And even if Auron does look pretty dang cool in his shades, Sephiroth is so much more wickedly cool it's not even funny. This has got to be one of the closest championships in a while. Still, I have to give it to Auron with his banishing blade. Ahhhh...Sephy vs. Auron... Damn, 2 of my favorite characters going head to head. Both will pretty much end up even, (Auron's breaks, and JENOVA) but through the fact that Auron's the cooler of the two wiull allow him the win. Auron Stepped into the Arena, staring cooly at his opponent, Sephiroth. "Fool boy." Auron said. "Hahahah! Need some viagra, old man? How do you plan on beating me?" "Like this!" Sephiroth laughed as Auron dashed in, holding his mighty sowrd above his head. He swung down with all the force in his body and... CLANG! Auron's blade hit the ground. Sephiroth was behind him now. "Who do you think you are, Tidus? Did you even read the manual for your game? You can only hit plodding, heavily armored enemies! Your blows are far too slow for me!" "No! I can defeat you!" Auron spun his blade around, and sephiroth easily dodged it. Seemingly taunting his opponent, Spehiroth dodged all of Auron's powerful, yet extremelly slow slashes. Never going in for the kill, he simply laughed at the slow speed of Auron. Finally, Auron was far too tired to continue. Leaning on his blade, he eyed his opponent warily. "Aye," Auron said, "you've got me. I surrender." Sephiroth flashed him a wicked grin. "Didn't you hear what I did to Aeris? I don't accept surrenders." With a blur of speed and a few quick slashes, the match was over, and Sephiroth stood on the body of his fallen opponent, victorious. Oh please! Auron versus Sephiroth and ole Sephy thinks he's gonna win? Give me a break. Auron can do any number of things to get rid of this pushover: banishing blade to cast all 4 breaks at once, or perhaps shooting star that will eject that silver-haired baddie into next week's consolation match with the winners from every other group, or maybe his limit break isn't full yet and starts off with a power break, severely limiting Sephy's attack power and then goes into an armor break to destroy his defenses, *THEN* all Auron has to do is run him through with the Masamune and his Limit Gauge will fill to over half because guess who just won a fight? You know, any one of these methods will work against Seph. He's got the masamune? So what? What weapon did Auron have again? He had what on it? Break damage limit, *AND* initiative. He'll have this fight over faster than you can say "Sephiroth is overrated!" Auron's on a hot streak and power break will get him through this one too. Auron is surely a great fighter. But what can he do when every atom of his body is blown away by a Super Nova? Level all your FF7 characters to level 50, and see how they compare to the "almighty" Sephiroth. The only real noticable feature is that his luck is really high, and that's exactly what he's going to need to make up for his otherwise mediocre stats- and public support. Auron on the other hand has godly HP and strength. He's slow, but he has first strike, can counter any physical attacks, and lets face it, single casted elemental spells don't cut it in godlike. Sephiroth's Masamune is an awe-inspiring blade, dealing out damage that can slice through entire armies all by its lonesome. Unfortunately for the Perfect Soldier, Auron's Masamune does all these things, and still leaves room for First Strike AND Counter-strike, nullifying Sephiroth's blinding speed and awesome physical attack. AUGHH!!! I CAN'T DECIDE BETWEEN AURON AND SEPHIROTH!!! Well, let's break down and then decide. Sephiroth is insanely quick, has an attack power as high as Auron's, elemental spells of every type, Supernova, and the Masamune. Auron has a broken Damage Limit, Overdrive, First Strike, and customizable armor. The only real question is, does Sephiroth's Masamune give him first strike or not? If it does, match goes to Sephiroth, if not the match goes to Auron. The cool as ever Auron walk into the arean full of confidence. After all, he took out that winpy little mage with no trouble at all. What could this skinny, pale, megalomaniacle punk do to him. The bell rang. Auron launched into another Entrust inspired Banishing Blade (Tidus just got his ass dumped by Yuna for Jowy). As he was busily entering his button commands he looked down to find the bloody Masamune protruding from his chest, and when he looked up he saw a sun hurtling straight at him. When his eyes returned to the arena he saw Sephiroth waving from the other end of the arena with a smile on his face. Oh well. Both men enter the arena eagerly, both equally calm. Sephiroth uses the fury ring as his accessory giving him the automatic start, including a dramatic strength and speed increase. He slashes him 5 times before Auron could bring out a armor break, Sephiroth merely evades it countering it with a slash, and 3 more to come. Auron falls to the floor dropping his masamune. Auron will decimate Sephiroth. One quick Power break will remove Sephiroth's ability to give massive damage, and Armor break will soften him up for the coup de grace. Mental Break can take out Seph's magic abilities as well. How did THIS happen? Both of them have hte masamune, and assuming that they are the same sword (They do have the same name) that should mean Sephiroth also has First strike. Now you have no way to gt around it - SPEED IS ESSENTIAL. Auron has none unless you assume he traveled everywhere on the sphere grid. In the end, SOMEBODY needs to clarify rules with that sphere grid. Until then, people are just playing with it to suit themselves, which means too many fanboy/girl auron votes. All FFX characters are GODS. You slap Auto-Haste, Break HP Limit, Break MP limit, and a stat protection on Auron, he's a god. And then there's the fact that Sephiroth is a total pansy whose Supernova does a piddly few thousand hp damage against Cloud. All in all, chalk up rookie of the year for FFX's own Humanoid Typhoon! Auron and Sephiroth pick up their respective Masamunes and face each other in the arena. Sephiroth comes out flying with a Bolt3, but Auron counters with an Armor Break to quickly dismantle any possibilities of Sephiroth's materia. Sephiroth's speed gives him another attack, but Auron's high HP allows him to survive, but with few HP. Auron activates his Overdrive, just reaching its peak due to his Stoic Setting, getting ready to use Banishing Blade. "Pray. Now." says Auron. Ok, I don't know who this Sephiroth dude is, but he looks a lot like Lloyd from tLoD, and he's associated with Cloud Strife, so he can't be too bad. (Cloud vs. Tidus. Think about it.) And if Sephiroth was to win, he'd be much more likely to return the Masamune to it's rightful owner, Frog. Oh, by the way, Auron really wants to kill me for voting against him, and I don't know how taking the championship from him will do this, or why I'm accusing him of wanting to kill me, but anyone who defeats Chrono and Ghaleon deserves to be stopped. I'm going to have to try to rally support for Sephiroth with this comment... Nevermind, it's hopless. And nothing rhymes with "Sephiroth". Seriously... methinks Sephiroth has a MAJOR advangtage of Poor Auron. He's faster, stronger, and with a added hint of Jenova about him. Whilst Auron's a guy with one eye. Battle of the SWORDS BABY! ^_^ I can't believe that Sephiroth beat Ryu but I think its because of all the crazed fans but Auron will beat him down!!!! As the battle began, Auron's First Strike ability kicked in with his Masamune, and he quickly chose to smash Sephiroth with a Magic Break, cutting down the perfect SOLDIER's strength in his spells. Sephiroth countered, using his superior speed to nail Auron with his own Masamune several times -- but Auron's heavy armor and his insanely high HP left him still quite alive. Auron's turn pops up again and this time he smashes Sephiroth with Power Break, making Sephiroth's physical attacks worthless and forcing him to rely on his weakened spells. Sephiroth casts Shadow Flare, sending Auron reeling back, but the blunt of the damage was dropped from the previous Magic Break. Sephiroth, desperate to down his opponent, used his next turn to cast Break, but Auron wisely chose to equip armor with Stoneproof and took only minor damage. Auron lanced forward again, this time with Armor Break, shattering Sephiroth's defense and leaving him only with less then half his vitality left. Sephiroth pulled out his trump card, casting Super Nova... the far-too-long summon spell rips through Auron's HP and armor, being a percentage-effecting attack, and leaves Auron at critical health... ...who initiated his Overdrive, timed his attack perfectly, and Sephiroth disappeared into the sky as Auron unleashed Tornado. Auron's first strike allows him to use his Banishing Blade, something he can't use enough. But the Banishing Blade's effect only lowers Sephiroth's stats JUST enough for Auron to contend. Until Supernova... Ace Gamer The two seasoned warriors stared each other down fearlessly. It was the Guardian Auron V.S. the world renowned Swordsman Sephiroth. With apprehension, they entered the arena. Fans were cheering relentlessly, the roars echoed throughout the stadium. The cold looks they exchanged told each other that there would be no holding back. Abrubtly, a voice declaring the beggining of the match hushed the audience, and brought their attention to one of the greatest fights in all history. Auron and Sephiroth dashed at each other, and their swords met. CLASH! CLING! CLASH! Their skills in swordry were evenly matched, so ice crystals and flames began to dance aloft the arena. Both were skilled at magic, but Auron was a bit lacking due to his low magic attack and defense. He also found himself at a loss, because he forgot to learn alot of magic from the spere grid. Still, he had the basics, and under the circumstances that would have to do. Sephiroth, using his observation, noticed this. Understanding people's weaknesses was his forté, so Auron was at another loss. As Auron casted a weak Fira, Sephiroth countered it with an Ice3 (Blizzaga equivilent) and send unwelcoming flying ice shards at Auron. As Auron was temporarily blinded by the snowdust, Sephiroth ran to him, leaped in the air, and landed with an arsenal of deadly slashes. Someone who's already dead can't die again can they? Well, no, but if you're cut in pieces, it really doesn't help. Ask Auron, he knows best. The Godlike championship will simply go down to a simple question: "Can Sephiroth deal enough damage to incapacitate Auron before he gets hit by the ensuing Banishing Break?" The answer is yes. Sephiroth had made it to the championship round before. The last time he faced Ghaleon though. Ghaleon had defeated him. Across the arena stood the legendary guardian known as Auron, who had wiped the floor with Ghaleon in last weeks semifinals. He and Auron were so much alike. They both were very skilled swordsmen and both had a Masamune blade. The rage started to build in Sephiroth's mako eyes as he stared at the ever so patient Auron. With a sudden burst of speed, Sephiroth crossed the arena in a heartbeat. Sephiroth started to slash away at Auron like a madman, with the intention to take advantage of Sephiroth's speed over Auron. Sephiroth's strategy seemed to be working. Auron could not keep up with Sephiroth's incredible pace. Auron dived out of the way as Sephiroth missed him by inches with an overhead slash. Sephiroth, stunned that he missed, turned around to be hit with a power break. "You aint as perfect as people say you are" grinned Auron as he prepared to end the match. A wing started to grow out of Sephiroth's back as he began to levitate. " forgot that I can use magic!" excalimed Sephiroth. With a wave of Sephiroth's hand Auron was down on his knees. "What did you do to me!" yelled Auron. "I used a move called fallen angel...and if I were you I would not look up." Auron looked up in time to see a huge boulder crash on top of his head. Sephiroth had proved to everybody that the was and always will be the "PERFECT SOLDIER". Auron, the consumate cool collected warrior, surveyed his opponent with an eye of weary resignation. "Let's end this," he said. Sephiroth, on the other hand, was practically consumed with the fires of frustration, his already unstable mental state completely pushed over the brink by continued Championship failures. "I cannot lose here!" he shouted. Auron First Struck with Magic Break, thinking to himself, 'you're wrong about that.' But lo and behold... Sephiroth was still standing! "Ha," said the Perefect SOLDIER, "my HP are so high I can take even your hits, and, like the silver-haired badass of an energizer bunny I am, keep on coming!" Auron was undaunted, and swung again. But Sephiroth had taken flight! He floated in midair, unable to supress a chuckle at the sight of Auron swinging wildly, his inability to hit a flier coming into play for the first time during the season. Sephiroth launched spell after spell, grinning at the sight of Auron's ineffective attacks. After about a dozen spells, he noticed that Auron didn't seem to be any worse off than when the battle began. A quick look at his status screen told Sephiroth that his magic power stat had been reduced to a whopping 1 by Auron's Magic Break. Cursing his ill-luck, he dropped down to impale the Legendary Guardian... Only to find that Auron's Masamune was facing backwards, and that it made a MUCH bigger hole. Sephy would have this match in the bag with his superior speed, if not for First Strike. Maxim vs Jowy Atreides Jowy turned to Leon Silverburg. "I've come up with the perfect plan to stop Maxim in his tracks and win the championship." "Oh? And what would this plan be?" "See for yourself!" said Jowy, showing him his great plan. "And you honestly expect to WIN with this?!" "Trust me, Silverburg." At the match... "Are you ready to lose?" It was a simple statement, as the Slayer of Sinistrals readied the Dual Blade. "I think not. Take this!" said Jowy, encasing Maxim in... A simple wooden cage. "What does he think he's doing?" growled compatriot Luca Blight. "Get out and smash him, for all our sakes!" cried Zed. Maxim just stood there dumbly. "As you can see, Idura chose his traps well. The fool doesn't even realize that he could cast magic while in the cage!" laughed Jowy. "You mean... I can cast magic... even when I'm trapped?" The laughter of the Bearer quickly stopped. "Oh no..." he managed to utter, before being silenced by the Water Dragon spell Maxim cast. Game, set, match to the monster hunter. "Er, could someone let me out of here? Maxim: 188 Jowy: 161 Maybe it's just me, but throughout the duration of Lufia II, Maxim never seemed especially bright. Provided that Jowy can stall his sword-slinging opponent long enough. Probably two of my favorite characters of all time: Jowy and Maxim facing off. But my vote goes with Maxim who will just adapt and overpower Jowy. I don't really like Maxim, but he is better than Jowy. Incredibly complex plans have to many things that can go wrong with them. Beat them till they die is pretty stait forward. Maxim and Jowy entered the ring, Maxim notably equipped with a halo hovering over his head. Jowy raised an eyebrow. "What's with the halo?" Jowy asked. "I'm almost out of time here. I leave after this match, win or lose. I'm essentially dead. Jowy's face fell, and then he subtly spoke into a wrist communicator. "Shadow, do you copy? Terminate operations! Terminate operations! Maxim is now immune to poison!" He looked up at Maxim, only to see a Wave Motion-influenced Dual Blade move straight towards, and through his chest. Maxim smirked and took off the halo, which was attached to his head by a clear hose he had slipped into his headband. "I knew that angel costume Tia bought for me to wear last Halloween would come in handy someday." Maxim remarked before leaving the arena to claim his trophy. Maxim and Jowy...Maxim and Jowy. As Jowy hatches a scheme to defeat Maxim, Maxim adventures. And grows stronger. As Jowy sets up his plan, Maxim finds equipment. Maxim grows stronger. AS the plan is executed, Maxim stands above the trickery and deceit and emerges victorious. Maxim vs. Jowy depends on Jowy's Black Sword Rune. If he uses it in time, well, the match is over, but Maxim has the strongest sword there is, Dual Blade. I expect Maxim's master swordsmanship to take this one easily. Maxim for Godlike! Elmina vs Lulu Elmina entered the Arena armed not just with her scythe, but with a Sphere Grid map photocopied from a Final Fantasy X hint guide. "Before you begin doublecasting Ultima," she said, holding up the map, "I think you should take a look at THIS." "What are you talking about?" Lulu asked. But in truth, she already KNEW what Elmina was talking about. "That's right," Elmina said. "According to this Sphere Grid map, Ultima is in KIMAHRI'S section of the Sphere Grid, not yours." Hanpan leapt from Jack's shoulder and onto the railing of the stands. "My wisdom tells me, that's against the rules! You should be disqualified." Lulu smiled calmly. "You're right," she said... ... and doublecast Flare instead, frying both Elmina and Hanpan. Elmina: 116 Lulu: 236 Lulu's obscenely high Evade rate will be the clincher here, as she frustrates Elmina attack after attack by being completely unaffected by her assaults. When Lulu finally gets her own turn, Doublecast will easily take Elmina down. Elmina was a pansy in Wild Arms. Lulu was a goddess in FFX. A doublecast FIRE spell could wipe out Elmina, two Flares will make sure even the BCP white mages won't be able to resurrect her. Elima! Elima! Fast demon characters rule! She's so quick and powerfull one shot of magnum fang will win this easy. Plus scythes are the greatest weapon anywhere! How long will it take for everyone to realize that Lulu NEEDS to be in Godlike? I mean, come on-she uses Doublecast-Ultima and anyone she'll face is wiped off of the face of the earth! She puts to shame the entire Middle class each week! it's pointless to even have a vote on who will be the next Middle Champion with this matchup...Lulu could take on the whole class, use her Doublecast-Ultima, and the match would be over! How hard of a concept is this? For the last time,PUT LULU IN GODLIKE!!!!!!! Do I REALLY need to say it? Is there anything Doublecast Ultima can't stop? Luna vs Yumei As much as I hate to say it, it looks like Luna's going to be a Frigid Damsel. Luna: 159 Yumei: 170 Yumei/Luna: Yumei is a demigod. Luna is a dormant god. Luna has Destruction Song, which can probably kill Yumei in three or four hits. Yumei has Stone Torch. Luna, thanks for coming. I never like Luna, she cannot access her goddess powers except by singing, and even then at a weakened state. Go Yumei. Luna looked at Yumei, a small smile creasing her lips. 'Finally!' She mused, 'an opponent worthy of me!' "Shall we skip the formalities?" Luna asks, her eyes flashing red. "Certainly," Yumei says, a predatory grin marring her normally attractive face. Luna's answer is not one of words. Instead, she begins to sing a haunting, wordless melody that echoes throughout every corner of the RPGP Arena. At the same time, an aura of blue energy springs in existence around the young half-mermaid. A shadow darkens the RPGP Arena, as an enormous white island; floating in the air; blocks out the sun. With a simple gesture, Luna Teleports away as the Fortess of Althena hovers over the arena. As Yumei concentrates, the aura around her expands, as silhuoettes of other Einherjar appear. These shadows resolve into the forms of Aesir soldiers, dozens of them. "Let's go..." Yumei says, "We have to warm up for Ragnarok." **** Teleporting into the Fortress, Yumei's forces are immediately set upon by a variety of guardians; things that have dwelt within the ancient structure for aeons at their goddess's behest. The Einherjar is forced to leave her troops behind, as she stalks through the twisting hallways of Althena's fortress. Slowly, painstakingly, she reaches the central chamber of the uppermost spire, where her opponent awaits. Luna stands at the pinnacle of the chamber, engulfed in divine energy. Still dressed as a peasant girl, she seems very out of place. Yumei watches Luna warily, knowing that this might well be her own Twilight of the Gods. "You're a long way from Asgard," notes Luna, her voice carrying easily over the vast chamber. "Are you certain that you want to challenge me?" Yumei invokes some magic of her own, calling several other Einherjar to her side. "I think I shall," The hlaf-mermaid answers pleasantly. "Ah, Einherjar," Luna says, "What amusing tools. You are aware that I am not without such aid myself." With a sweep of her hand, Luna invokes a force of her own. From the very stones of the floor rise several translucent, spectral forms. All wear identical armor, and most carry the same sword. "My Dragonmasters' service to me do not end with death," Luna notes. "For centuries, the most worthy of mortals have served me directly. Now, let use see how they measure against your Einherjar..." The two forces charge at each other, and clash and a bloody spectacle of Great Magic, Finishing Strikes, and Draconic Summons. Yumei breaks free of the clash, and begins to dash up the stairs, toward Luna herself. Luna smiles, and raises her hand, invoking beams of destructive magic and raining them down upon the Einherjar. It takes every ounce of skill that the half-mermaid possesses to avoid them, as she rapidly closes the gap between Luna and herself. Finally, near the pinnacle of the staircase, Yumei gathers her energy, raises her wand, and invokes: "If ye shall accept the benedictions of beauty, then, yea, let -WAH!" Sadly, her spell was interrupted as she resumed her mermaid form, and and found that fins were not the best appendages for standing on a staircase. As Yumei tumbles down the stairs, a blast of Luna's destructive magic tears her apart. "I recall that the Aesir were fated to lose Ragnarok," Luna says, as Yumei's forces begin to vanish; no longer supported by their summoner's energies. (Note: This is what happens when Characters are ranked too low. Luna and Yumei for Heavy, if not Godlike class!) Yumei should be in middle at LEAST. It all comes down to this: A battle between the Goddess of Lunar (in her unawakened village girl form) and Yumei, recently promoted to 9th Rank Goddess in Asgard and in full possession of her mad skillz, as evidenced by her defeat of Hammer in the previous round. Well, it WOULD come down to this, except for the fact that Luna is smart enough to know when it's time to pack it in and go home with Alex, where she would probably rather be, anyway. Yumei, though pleased by her victory, cannot help but wonder why it is that cool guys like Alex always seem have a problem with the whole fish tail thing. Gunblade Grunge Match Squall leveled his gunblade towards Aya and smirked, Aya never expected what came next.. having studied video archive from all Squalls previous matches.. she never expected him to pull the trigger at long range! Thats why the call it a 'gun' blade explained Seifer, from the stands. Squall: 193 Aya: 161 Aya - Range advantage, power advantage, master of augmentation/healing magic. Squall - has one useful attack which comes off randomly. Seriously people, it's not too hard. True a single Lionheart would lay most of the Godlike flat, but what's Squall's chances of actually getting one off? Plus he can only start up Renzokuken in the critical, where one more hit from Aya would kill him. Aya dominates this match in every way. She can:- 1) Keep Squall at a distance with her ranged attacks while casting haste and regenerate on herself and slow on Squall before cutting loose with a cyanide-augmented gun (damn, cyanide is powerful). 2) Bring in a rocket launcher and send bits of extra-crispy Squall flying all over the arena. 3) Go Parasite Liberation on his ass and brag afterwards about how she can actually do her ultimate attack when she wants to. Get 'yo ass down to middle Squall. I look forward to next week's slightly less lopsided bonus match, Ramus of Burg versus Id Wong. No question, Aya will decimate Squall. Squall must close the distance of the arena before using Lionheart. If this were Momo with a rocket launcher, maybe, but Aya doesn't miss that often. Or Aya could just pop Squall's mitochondria. Who cares? Aya wins. Because Squall can only use his Limit Breaks when at low HP, and Aya can do a ton of damage with Liberate, Aya can trade blows - and hold Squall at bay due to her range advantage - until Squall's remaining HP is mediocre, then use the powerful Liberate, not giving Squall a chance to use his limit. To quote Squall: ... Squall's not one to get distracted by good looks, so he should have no trouble with Aya. Lionheart is much stronger than any weapon Aya has at her disposal. With this being a Gunblade Infringement Match, Aya felt that it was appropriate to step into the arena with her gunblade. Squall entered in the other side of the arena with his far superior Lion Heart gunblade. The two combatants met in the center staring each other down in a fighting stance until Squall eventually broke the silence. “Since this is your first fight here, I thought I might go easy on you rookie, but I’ve got no respect for anyone who tries to steal another person’s trademark.” “You should talk.” Aya responded. “You stole Omni-Slash from Cloud.” “Hey! I made some enhancements to that technique to make it unique to my style. It is not a total rip-off like yours” Squall obviously angered. Aya smiled. “Actually, like you, I also made a few enhancements to the original design.” With that, Aya pulled the trigger firing a shotgun blast to take advantage of the long-range capabilities of her gunblade. The blast was enough to knock the SeeD off his feet, but he was not out of the competition yet. As he staggered to get up, Aya approached him and dropped her gunblade in front of him. “The gunblade was a bonus I received for a job well done. It comes in handy at times, but when I get into a tough situation, I like to rely on these.” Right then, she pulled out a pair of handguns from her jacket. The match was over a few seconds later. Liberate > Renzoku Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.