Eight lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Sephiroth vs Ultimecia JackPower@aol.com: I could blab on for a few paragraphs and analyze Ultimecia's higher HP versus Sephiroth's superior speed and damage potential, but there's no need for that. This fight will never get that far. Take it from the man who interviewed her: Ultimecia is lonely. She's been sitting in her castle alone for who knows how long. She's been 29 for the past 5 years at least. She's hot to trot, and would do anything to get a half hour alone with a hot stud in the arena broom closet... including throwing her debut match to him. Sephiroth: 205 Ultimecia: 97 SEPHIROTH vs ULTIMECIA shezster86@aol.com Sephiroth and Ultimecia enter the battle arena, the crowd shouts for the veteran "Sephiroth, Sephiroth." Ultimecia becomming very frustarated with the crowd turns to them and starts to turn them into frogs. Just as she is satisfied with her work she turn to begin the fight but it is to late, Sephiroth with one quick motion cuts of her head. And the shouts continue "Sephiroth, Sephiroth" as he exits th battle area. Summoner_Klarth@yahoo.com I desided not to cast a vote for Sephroth VS Ultimecia because they will both realize they are underdeveloped characters with silver/white hair, and are both "evil". Thus they will be too busy making out with each other to fight. XLockeX888X@aol.com Two of the worst villains of all time going at it. Sephiroth somehow gets my vote for this... Shraifer@Hotmail.com Sephiroth has MSbarrior, Supernova, Shadow Flare and many other deadly attacks, but Ultimecia has gigantic, huge, colossal, amount of HP. Plus, Ultimecia has spells such as Hell's Judgement, Apocolypse, as well as her summon Greiver, who casts Shockwave Pulsar whenever he is defeated and that only begins to describe her power. Also, she can blow away magic drawed spells, so why not materia? Ultimecia wins. starsickle@yahoo.com In the interest of fairness...I'll vote for Ultimecia. I think this match is juts about even in terms of power...let's make it fair...She was just the victim of cheap attacks. nemoincognito@hotmail.com You're kidding me, right? Ultimecia? Godlike? First a dumb jock and an overhyped cool guy defeat far superior opponents on fanboy voting, and now the most overhyped black mage in existance takes on one of the defining RPG villains? Damn, this season is screwed up. Ultimecia is a devoted mage who only posesses a handful of unique spells. Sephiroth can fight physically or magically, and almost every one of his spells is either unique or extremely damaging. So while Ultimecia is timidly casting weak element spells (which will, at worst, ruffle his hair a bit) good ol' Sephy can crush her a supernova or handicap her with Pale Horse or just forgoe magic altogether and disembowel her from nine feet away with that sword of his (is Ultimecia wearing any sort of Armour? No). This was never a match. Drachenfels@tm1.net Sephiroth will simply spank Ultimecia over his knee. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Ultimecia, much as I hate her game, will stomp a very massive mudhole through Sephiroth. It comes down to sheer destructive power, and without materia, Sephiroth is all physical. Say goodnight, prettyboy. Magna_zeroX@Yahoo.com You know sephiroth's gonna win cause of his mobs and mobs of fanboys throwing thier beercans at ultimecia. shale0@msn.com "Sephiroth's Supernova was blown away!" Goodbye, thanks for coming. Sephiroth doesn't have a prayer against someone who can nullify his abilities in an instant. As far as his swordplay goes, it's strong, but Hell's Judgment and Apocalypse are stronger, and Ultimecia has him beat on staying power, by far. angelicus85@hotmail.com An excellent week indeed! I vote for Sephiroth over Ultemecia. I killed Ultimecia with a single Lion Heart, Sephiroth was much more difficult. drumbkb@aol.com Sephy vs. anyone = Sephy. DragoonJay@excite.com Ultimecia destroyed the arena with Apocalypse. Sephiroth destroyed the entire continental plate with Super Nova. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Even amongst the elite SeeD soldiers that Ultimecia had to face, she never had faced a "perfect" soldier. The "Perfect Soldier" known as Sephiroth stepped into the arena and the match then began. Sephiroth wasted no time and transformed into Safer Sephiroth, and then the epic song "One Winged Angel" began to play. "Now we can fight" stated Sephiroth. He immediately cast wall to lessen the damage of Ultimecia's numerous spells. Ultimecia kept on casting spells such as holy, bio, and maelstrom......but Sephiroth's magic barrier was just too strong. "That was a pathetic display of magic" said a smirking Sephiroth. "Now it is my turn!" He hit Ultimecia with a Shadow Flare that nearly destroyed her. "Now it is time for Supernova!" "I'm going to get some popcorn, this spell takes about an hour to complete" sighed Cloud who was sitting in the third row with the rest of the ff7 characters. Cloud returned in time to see Ultimecia's body being dragged off by 2 men who worked at the arena and Sephiroth killing the other 2 for the sheer pleasure of it. "That Sephiroth never changes" stated Cloud. Sephiroth was on a mission, not to destroy the world, but to win his first RPGP championship......and nobody would stand in his way. NinjaFire2@aol.com Sure, Sephiroth is fast. Sure, Sephiroth is powerful. Sure, Sephiroth is a master at several arts of combat, and wields the awesome power of a legendary blade. But Ultimecia is...well, Ultimecia is none of these things, which is why Sephiroth will probably have her dead within a scant few seconds. deusmax@hotmail.com The Perfect SOLDIER stood at the edge of the arena, eyes closed, waiting for his opponent. He had heard of the Sorceress before. She supposedly had a spell up her sleeve that actually drained almost all of your health. Was it called "Hell's Verdict"? "Hell's Judgement"? He couldn't remember, and didn't care, because he also heard that once you see the spell's crest below your feet, you had only seconds to leave it's vicinity before you were reduced to a mere vegatable. Sephiroth laughed to himself. "All the time I need," Sephiroth thought aloud. Then he saw her. A tall, attractive woman with black wings, silver hair, and eyes the color of amber. So this was the legendary Sorceress, Ultimecia, the descendent of the Great Hyne (the first Sorceress). Sephiroth was midly surprised. This beauty queen, although slightly demonic in appearance, looked in no way imposing. But if there was anything he'd learnt in the RPG Playoffs, it was that looks were all too decieving. "READY...FIGHT!!" The referee shouted at the side of the ring, and Sephiroth instantly unseathed his Masamune, and took stance. "It's time, Sorceress! Prepare to lose your first match!" Sephiroth declared. "I know all too well about time, SOLDIER," Ultimecia retorted, her voice enveloped in a snake-like hiss. "And I must say, it looks like the Godlike championship is, once again, out of your reach." Sephiroth boiled with rage, almost taken aback by the beautiful rookie's insult. "Enough of this mindless banter! Fight!" Sephiroth charged at the Sorceress, his sword aimed at her torso. SLASH! It was over in an instant. Sephiroth had carved a nice gash through Ultimecia's midsection. With one swoop, Sephiroth shook his Masamune, blood splatting against the ring floor. "You were wrong, Sorceress. The championship WILL be mine," Sephiroth to the wounded Ultimecia, who was now on her knees. With that, Sephiroth began to walk away victorious. "Haha..." Sephiroth heard a laugh behind him, and quickly spun around. It was Ultimecia. She continued to laugh, louder...and louder. Sephiroth felt his rage returning. "Hahahahahaaa!! What a fool!" Ultimecia stood to her feet and faced Sephiroth, her wound oozing with blood. "You really didn't know who you were messing with, did you?" The Sorceress crossed her arms, and began to levitate off the ground. "Well I think it's time I educate you. Greiver! Make him BLEED!!" Sephiroth suddenly heard a roar from somewhere outside the arena. Or...was it below... CRASH!!!!!! An explosion ripped through the arena floor, the force nearly knocking Sephiroth back. And past the dust and gravel, Sephiroth saw it. A beast the likes of which he'd never seen. This must have been...the Griever! The monster roared, making it's presence known, as it flapped its massive wings. The creatured glared at Sephiroth, and charged, Ultimecia laughing all the while. Sephiroth suddenly found himself doing something he'd never done before. Running. But it was useless, the creature was within a hair of slicing him to peices with one of its gargantuan claws. He had to think quick. Sephiroth lept backwards, performed a cart wheel, and sliced the beast straight down it's face. The Griever roared in pain. Things are beginning to look up, Sephiroth thought. Then the ground began to shake. Everything else was a blur of light, pain, and inevitable defeat. While in the recovery room with his fellow patient Seymour Guado (who continued to tell Sephiroth how he was robbed), Sephiroth learned that the beast had performed some type of powerful attack called "Shockwave Pulsar". Eve (who also felt she was robbed, thanks to FFVI fandom), told Sephiroth that Ultimecia could have easily used an assortment of powerful attacks to reduce the Perfect SOLDIER to dust. She could have even joined with the Greiver. "With a mere sword, no matter how powerful, you really didn't stand a chance," Eve said very matter-of-factly. "She was really just toying with you from the beginning." Sephiroth looked down at burned body covered in bandage, and swore to himself that he would someday make the Sorceress pay. Lenneth Valkyrie vs Id Wong shibakev@earthlink.net: Lenneth parleyed with Id before their match. "So, I hear you share a body with another personality." Id smiled and boasted, "That's correct. I'm twice the man of anyone else." Lenneth stood thoughtfully as she removed her Glance Reviver from Id's rapidly cooling corpse. "I guess they didn't tell you I'm three times the woman." Lenneth: 140 Id: 136 angelicus85@hotmail.com Id, being the Slayer of God, thinks he has it in the bag. The two combatents deal devestating blows to each other, and finally, Lenneth lands a devestating blow to Id's head. This causes Fei to become the dominant personality! Fei, smiling, says "Guess what I can do?" and heals himself. Lenneth, laughing, says "What good will it do you, you are not as strong as you alter-ego!" and slams him in the head again. Id resurfaces and knocks out a surprised Lenneth. "For once that little puke came in handy!" MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org While Lenneth and Id are both highly overrated and on the low end of Godlike, Lenneth is at least more effective than her alternate self, Platina. Id, on the other hand, was rightly had for breakfast by Fei in their last meeting. If this were Brahms and Id, it would be different - then Id could maybe learn how a REAL powerhouse Godlike martial artist fights. Vilmizer@hotmail.com As much as I love Id, I know Lenneth's powers. One or Two Nibelung Valestis would slay the Slayer of God and send him to Nifleheim.. shale0@msn.com Lenneth seems a strong competitor, but she runs into the same problem that all Valkryie Profile fighters have to face - it's impossible for any of them to use their special attacks while fighting alone; their standard attacks won't generate the necessary energy to launch "Purify Weird Soul." Without Neibelung Valesti (which carries a ridiculous charge time anyway), Lenneth will fall to Id's quick barrages of special attacks. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Id and Valkyrie walk out into the arena. Valkyrie obviously the fan favourite, being from VP and all. She is quite aware of Id's reputation. Id just smiles, eyes shadowed from Valkyrie. "Are you strong?" Valkyrie nods in the affirmative. "Heh. Very well then." Valkyrie opens up the match with a terrifyingly powerful combo, useing her speed and power to smash Id skyward. "DIVINE ASSAULT! NIBELUNG VALESTI!" Id catches the spear. "Throwing Odin's weapon at me is cheating. Take it back!" Valkyrie survives getting speared through her torso by her own attack. But she's out of the ring. And Id is glowing ominously in the sky high above her... There's a REASON why they hold Id's matches WELL AWAY from civilized planets. starsickle@yahoo.com I think Lenneth will win because the only reason you can't beat Id is beacuse his fights are a plot device. Godesses will triumph. Grandmasta Brick@aol.com Lenneth could easily take down Id. Wanna know why? A Goddess with arrows can kill anything that relies on basic fists. Even if Id got close enough to Lenneth to hit her, he'd be tasting the blade of her Angel Slayer. And let me tell you folks, that is something you DON'T want to taste! Although my voting won't matter, since fanboys of Xenogears haven't even played Valkyrie Profile, I will do the just thing, and vote for Lenneth. cloudfft78@hotmail.com "Your sins lay heavy upon you,defiler of souls." "By the holy laws, you shall be obliterated!" cried out Valkyrie while charging towards Id. Id stood there waiting for the attack to hit him. Lenneth hit Id with her three-hit combo sword which charged up her meter. "Divine Assault.....Nibelung Vilasti!" Id lay lifeless on the ground. Valkyrie started to walk away thinking the match was over. "Leaving already, my dear battle maiden." "I'm just starting to warm up" replied a grinning Id. "It...it cannot be!" "You still breathe?" replied a confused and shocked Lenneth. Lenneth turned around to see a floating Id, aura glowing and charged at full strength, and rage in the eyes of the "Slayer of Elru". Id with lighting speed layed three well placed deathblows that sent Lenneth to the ground. "Surely you realize,resistance is worthless!" gasped a battered and bruised battle maiden. "Resist this!!!" said Id, as he connected with a string of chi shots that obliterated the battle maiden. "You may be the servant of God....but I am the Slayer of God!" replied a victorious Id. "At least she had some cool battle quotes." replied Id as he walked out of the arena. Tidus vs Justin deusmax@hotmail.com: "Alright! I'm pumped!" Justin said to himself in the waiting area of the arena. Justin was filled to the brim with excitement. Finally, after his long, long, hiatus, he was coming back to the RPG Playoffs. He would have competed more, but he was busy adventuring, traveling through the primitive Texas suburbs. Socializing with the natives, tasting their strange foods, and learning their language (instead of "See you again," they say "Ya'll come back now, ya' hear?", and instead of "President George W. Bush" they say "God"). And Feena had sent him a letter about her participation in the Playoffs. She said she was cheated in her fight against some princess. But Justin wasn't facing royalty. He was going up against a guy he heard was pretty much like himself. Young, enthusiatic, and adventurous. Only difference was that he excelled in Time magic, something Justin was lacking. Justin had never seen Time magic before, but he wasn't too worried. In terms of sword abilities, he was the obvious superior. A V-Slash here, a Shockwave there, and that Tidus guy would be toast. One of the RPGP staff walked into the room and told Justin it was time to go. "All right!" Justin shouted, taking out his Spirit Sword and running toward the arena. And there stood his opponent. He had a swimmer's build, and skin that gave the impression that he either spent a lot of time at his local beach or a tanning salon. And his clothes...Justin laughed inside as he looked at his opponent's odd attire. But he stopped when he glanced at Tidus' sword. It was a beautiful sea blue. Justin had heard of it before. It was the legendary Celestial weapon, Caladbolg. Justin was dazed by the almost omnipotent presence the sword had, and found himself having to catch a single drop of drool from cascading off his bottom lip. "READY! FIGHT!" the referee announced, and Justin instantly left his trance ready for battle. But his opponent didn't seem to be ready, in fact, he looked like he was casting a...OH NO!! "Shockwave!" Justin shouted, and a stream of blue energy left his sword and hit Tidus dead center, preventing him from finishing the Time spell. That's right, Justin thought to himself, don't give that jerk a chance to cast his fancy Time magic and he won't stand a chance. Justin charged, ready to tear his surfer-boy opponent a new one. CLANG!! Sword met sword. Spirit Sword met Caladbolg. The fighters put all their strength behind their weapons, attempting the throw the other back. "You're good," Tidus complement, his somewhat squeaky voice stained with force. "Thanks, I wish I could say the same!" Justin replied. An obvious joke on Justin's part, the two sword fighters giving small chuckles. "Argh!' With an extra bit of force, Tidus knocked Justin back. And Justin saw the beach boy cast his spell. Crap, Justin thought to himself. "Haste!" Tidus announced, a red field of energy engulfing him. "V-Slash!" Justin lept toward Tidus, sliced air, and recieved sword. Justin fell back and grabbed his bleeding arm. "Evade and counter!" Justin heard Tidus say very quickly, as though he had drank too much coffee. "A little technique I picked up with the Caladbolg!" Man, Justin thought, that sword IS good. Justin rose to his feet, and went into a defensive stance, ignoring the throbbing pain in his arm. "Quick Hit!" Tidus' java inflicted voice shouted. Before Justin could blink, Tidus' Caladbolg clashed against the Spirit Sword, the force of the impact causing Justin to fly backwards. Justin felt as though he was falling in slow motion. He felt his entire body shutting down, his senses dulling. Suddenly the whole world seemed to be moving at a maddening rate. The audience, the referee, the sky, EVERYTHING was moving SO FAST! What was going on? What sorcery was this?!? Justin looked toward Tidus, and saw a field of energy surrounding him. Then he charged. It all happened so quickly...far...too...quickly.... SLASH! SWISH! CLANG! CRACK! SLICE! SWANG! SHRIEK! CRASH! Eight hits, the one that missed it's target instead knocked the Spirit Sword out of his hand. Justin felt his body slowly, so slowly, hitting the pavement below. And he saw Tidus quickly, so quickly, jump into the air, and bicycle kick a ball toward him. KABOOM!!! Justin woke up in the Protaganist recovery room, Feena by his bed. Feena told him how sometime after Tidus performed his speedy Quick Hit attack, he'd also casted a Slow spell on him. At that point, he performed an Overdrive called Blitz Ace. Justin shook his head in disbelief. No wonder why everyone seemed to be moving so fast. "Well...looks I was robbed too, eh?" Justin asked his wife. Feena laughed and caressed Justin's bandaged forehead. "No honey. I was robbed. You were whooped." Tidus: 144 Justin: 132 XLockeX888X@aol.com Justin doesn't need to go into Overdrive to do insane damage. One overpowering technique from Justin's sword should be enough to finish Tidus. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Tidus was estatic about fighting his first match in the RPGP playoffs. He had the whole cast of ff10 characters in the crowd rooting for him. On the other side, Justin was warming up by practicing various sword techniques with his Spirit Sword. The match commenced. "Do you know what the difference between me and you is?" asked Justin to Tidus. "Ummmm.....I can play blitzball and you can't" replied a confused Tidus. "Wrong!" Justin ran up to Tidus and wasted him with repeated Heaven and Earth cuts. "I can use my moves whenever I want and you can't" grinned Justin. "Well at least we still have Auron" sighed Wakka, as the cast of ff10 characters left the arena without their blitzball star. ACE GAMER Justin would OBLITERATE Tidus. I love both games dearly, I played through each twice. Justin would mop the floor with Tidus's head! Tidus has exceptional agility, so he would attack first. On the other hand, Justin has moves that deal lots of damage, and even one that prevents damage to himself for an entire turn. Tidus is limited to a few time spells, where as Justin knows a plethora of powerful offensive/currative/defensive/stattinkering magic. I really like both, but Justin would cap him. NinjaFire2@aol.com Tidus' Time Magic is mindlessly cheap. With a cast of Haste immediately followed by a cast of Slow, Tidus can allow himself the luxury of going over and over and over again without his opponent getting a single turn in. Although Tidus' attack isn't anything to write home about, it is decent, and using it over and over again will net him a quick (no pun intended) win. Shraifer@Hotmail.com Tidus + Blitz Ace = win. Grandmasta Brick@aol.com Tidus sets his overdrive mode to warrior, casts haste, slashes away at Justin, then uses Ace of The Blitz, and wins the match. Magna_zeroX@Yahoo.com If tidus wanted to, he could just cast haste and do nothing but quick hits until hes able to do blitz ace. Vilmizer@hotmail.com Heaven Earth Cut! Haste Heaven Earth Cut! ... Justin Wins! angelicus85@hotmail.com I vote for Tidus over Justin because of the haste/quick hit combo he can do. This will allow Tidus to attack 4 times to Justin's 1. Jowy Atriedes vs Cray MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Cray and Jowy will be busy lamenting their inability to live happily ever after with their respective lovely princesses and will forget to fight. But when Cray finds out that Jowy not only managed to actually get married to Jillia, but that he voluntairly walked away out a sense of destiny, he'll be so in awe that he will flee the Arena without a blow being struck! Jowy: 156 Cray: 124 Darkavenger_ix@hotmail.com Gwok, Black sword rune! hungry fiend! Bye bye cray. Nuff said kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Jowy wins because Cray can't hit anybody with half decent agility. Jowy ducks under one swing and Black Sword Rune's Cray's furry ass. SuperPunkHero@Punkhardcore.com There isn't a whole lot to argue over here. Crey has a big tree trunk, and Jowy has the Black Sword Rune. I think after a few Hungry Friend spells, Crey will be waving the white flag. Or he'll be knocked out. Shraifer@Hotmail.com Jowy starts off the match by casting the best spell from Black Sword Rune. Huge swords appear out of thin air and come slicing toward Cray. Cray then, without breaking a sweat as the swords come flying towards him, uses his Earthbreaker weapon to create a shock wave that knocks all the swords down. Cray then switches his weapon to the Nunchaku and use Super Combo. Jowy wonder again, as flies out of the ring, why he was set up to go against Cray. Dark_Postle@hotmail.com Cray's pathetic attacks and just about everything else will be destroyed my one use of the Black Sword Rune. Roan Cyrum vs John Hardin MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Hardin, hurt a little kid? Not on his life! Especially since the little kid in question just so happens to be the junior representative of the mighty BEBHM Coalition, and able to hold his own in a fight with such Coalition luminairies as Albert Serdio and Edgar Roni Figaro. A low-level Golden Hammer crashing into Hardin's unarmored rear is all that Roan needs to win this match. Roan: 144 Hardin: 116 kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Hardin didn't want to hurt the child. He looked too much like Joshua... He won using his intelligience as a tactician, and his power of the dark. Switching himself to look like Mareg, he escorted the naive Roan to the edge of the arena, and with a small shove, gets the ring out and the win. Hardin makes up for 'compelling' the child by buying him an ice cream cone so he would shut the bloody hell up, wondering if it might have been better just to slay the child by splitting him from the 'nave to the chops'. Yuffie Kinsaragi vs Kid DragoonJay@excite.com: Yuffie was preparing to head into the arena when an ominous shadow fell upon her. Literally. Sephiroth repeated his assault on Aeris, only this time he chose a target that people wanted to remove. Kid would have rejoiced, but was confronted by Dark Serge, who also reenacted his scene. Yuffie wins by DQ, in a match that never happeded. The fans seemed happy, though... Yuffie: 169 Kid: 131 Vilmizer@hotmail.com Yuffie and Kid both are incredibly annoying but at least Yuffie has powerful limit breaks to back her mouth up. Kid was pretty weak physically and wouldn't stand long against Yuffie. shale0@msn.com Kid has Steal and HotShot for her trump attacks. Yuffie can steal too (remember, she comes equipped with Steal materia), and has All Creation. The difference? Yuffie can use her attacks more than once. Kid can say goodbye to all her equipment, and then her life when All Creations blow her away. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Eh, Yuffie is a better thief. She doesn't that and she's got a huge range advantage, and All Creation. Kid is worthless in Chrono Cross for anything but Stealing. Unless Kid 'swings that way' and steals Yuffie's clothes, Yuffie wins. nemoincognito@hotmail.com The match begins with a trade of physical blows which, unbeknowest to Yuffie, are what power up her opponent's attacks. Eventually Kid pulls out Hot Shot, sending Yuffie into the critical. "Well now" says a confident Kid, "you ain't much of a challenge." "Really?" retorts the wounded Yuffie, "I thought you knew I had to charge up my attacks as well". Kid's last thought before she was reduced to composite atoms was spent wondering how on Earth a fellow thief-class could use a magic attack as powerful as All Creation. Shraifer@Hotmail.com Yuffie confidently walks into the ring and thinking to herself that this match will be easy, "Even without materia I'll win." The match then starts off with Kid charging forward. Yuffie prepares to block the blow with her Conformer and does, but is stunned as her weapon is swiped out of her hands. Without her weapon, Yuffie just stands their helplessly as Kid sliced and dices her for the win. XLockeX888X@aol.com Although Yuffie's main advantage, her magic, is gone, she still has her Conformer weapon and Doom of the Living limit break to deal with Kid appropriately. tabriis@aol.com Yuffie is the true teenage no-breasted beauty who wields the world famed.. origami. Kid speaks in an Australian accent, confusing herself and those around her. This prompts the crowd to throw tomatoes and other notorious vegetables at her. Yuffie wins by default. NinjaFire2@aol.com Yuffie can do basically everything that Kid can do, plus she has a decent attacking ability. Ouch. JackPower@aol.com Let's look at the situation for a moment. Kid has a short range low damage weapon and three mediocre skills. Yuffie has a powerful long range weapon and multi-hit limit breaks. I'm going with the annoying ninja girl. drumbkb@aol.com Yuffie has the long range weapon, and you do NOT want to be hit by that thing. Yumei vs Tengaar kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com: Tengaar was feeling pretty lucky. She was up against a WATER type opponent, who was partially a FISH even. And since she watched the Pokemon cartoon in the waiting room, she knew that and Water type Pokemon can't fight on land. Heck, Smash Brothers Melee was BLATANT proof right? Obviously Yumei had to be an offshoot of a Magikarp or something like that. Well, after Frigid Damsel turned her to a block of Ice, she never EVER refered to Yumei as a Magikarp ever again. Besides, WATER types are superior to ROCK or EARTH types. Yumei: 132 Tengaar: 106 Grandmasta Brick@aol.com Yumei can destroy ANY light. None of them can survive frigid damsel, or icicle edge. And sweet CRAP if she pulls off Absolute Zero, there won't be much of an arena left. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Wow... someone in Light that Yumei actually could, if she behaved in a really, really stupid manner, actually lose to! Yumei racks up enough hits to launch an Absolute Zero spell against the firey-haired girl from Warrior's Village. But wait - Tengaar has used her Earth Rune to protect herself, even from this beyond-Godlike attack! And now, Yumei, having foolishly tried to Purify Weird Soul, has no choice but to wait a good five turns before she can cast another spell! naildagreat@hotmail.com Tengaar's Earth Magic can make her impervious to all attacks, where she can subsequently destroy Yumei. Dan vs Wedge ganonfro@hotmail.com: When Dan walked into the arena, he noticed the hulking mass of a Vector magitech filled battlemech. He soon sweat dropped and heard the crowd boo Wedge and saw a few bottles being thrown at it. Wedge, who was pulishing the ankle actuator, looked up after he was hit in the head with one of the bottles and noticed who he was fighting. "Great! Biggs will take me back once he see's that I can beat this little kid! It's a shame that Biggs left me for that Piette guy we met when we were fired from Vector and had to work at a two bit carnaval..." He said as he scrambled into the cockpit of the mech and started it up. "Ha ha! You'll never survive!" Dan just blinked and got angry." If I don't beat this guy, I'll never be able to beat Fei!!" He cried out as he shot an rather large ether blast. Wedge scrambled around trying to remember which button shot the firetech blast. He randomly hit buttons and the El Gato theme song began to play in the cockpit as he kept hitting buttons. The mech reared a bit and shot a large bolttech blast at the ceiling and knocked an I beam down above Dan. When the blast and I beam hit each opponent, the arena filled up with smoke and dust. Slowly it cleared up to show Dan with swirly eyes under the I beam. Wedge, on the other hand, was unharmed in the mech. Wedge jumped out of the seat and onto the mech's arm."WAHOO!!" He cheared out and started to do a rather strange victory dance that vaguely resembled the "macarena". While doing this an enraged Biggs in the stands threw a bottle and hit Wedge in the head. "You dolt!" He screamed and the audience cheared as Wedge fell off the mech... though at the same time, the disturbance of the mech's unstable balance from being almost blasted apart from the ether made it crumble into a pile of mechanical junk. "And the winner is Wedge!" Finally said the anouncer. Dan: 134 Wedge: 171 Vilmizer@hotmail.com Dan vs Wedge is kinda funny. My first time playing Xenogears I underestimated Dan and he beat me. Wedge will probably do the same and be beaten into a bloody pulp or killed, like usual. shale0@msn.com Dan's Super Guided Shot is actually extremely effective, and his other attacks are no slouch for a Light fighter. Wedge is just there for humor value before the Elvoret fight. He might take a while to go down, but go down he will. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Dan runs up to Wedge. "This is for my sister!" BOK BOK BOK BOK BOK Wedge loads a magazine into an M4 Carbine that he'd been issued before the battle. "This is for Lahan!" BOK BOK BOK BOK BOK Wedge sets himself into a proper rifleman's standing position, making sure to get proper sight alignement and sight picture as all Marines in the Galbadian army are taught in Basic Training, and pulls the trigger with the phrase his drill instructors ingrained into his head so he would conserve ammunition. "Die little people die!" RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT This short, succinct phrase was punctuated by a short, succinct burst from his M4 carbine, and the short, succinct Dan found that the dirt of the arena floor contrasted his blood very nicely. nemoincognito@hotmail.com I dunno, they both suck. Oh well, let's just say that Wedge pulls out a suit of MagiTek Armour and pounds Dan into oblivion with the element beams before forehead boy can get his own beam into operation. Either that or Dan goes for a running tackle and knocks himself out on the armoured hull of the suit. Either way this will be funny to watch. naildagreat@hotmail.com Dan can take Wedge with a single ether shot. Shraifer@Hotmail.com Wedge knows that no matter who he fights, when he enters a battle, that he is going to get beat up. But wait! He has seen those kids from FF8 do some sort of special attack before when they were low on HP. What was it? as Wedge tries to remember. "Ah, I remember now a limit break," he says out loud. Wedge then says to himself, "Well, it can't hurt to try it." As match starts out, Dan begins to beat the crap out of Wedge, while Wedge desperately consentrates on doing a limit break. Soon Dan is ready and moves in close to finish Wedge off, then suddenly the BCp arena gasps in wonder as the arena floor transforms into a field of flowers. Dan wonders what going on as he suddenly drops to the ground unconscious. XLockeX888X@aol.com What separates Dan from Wedge is that Dan actually has some kind of strength in his magic. Wedge has absolutely nothing going for him. RChicken98@hotmail.com As Wedge sits down for his coffee break, he is rudely interrupted. A scream of "I'll never forgive you!" rings in his ears, and he turns, looking at... a disgruntled kid (well, young man, to be fair). Wedge can only stare before turning back to his sandwich. "Um, yeah... you do that...". This would be his mistake. For the one thing you shouldn't do to a moody kid is give him a reason to be moody. In a temper tantrum of rage (as well as a few well-placed Flaming Rays), Wedge is thrown around like a rag doll. JackPower@aol.com Wedge, thinking he has the skills of his Star Wars namesake, runs forward shooting, expecting to dash right through the explosion that was Dan. Unfortunately, he misses. Even more unfortunately, Dan doesn't. DragoonJay@excite.com I mean come on, it's Wedge! You know, leader of Rogue Squadron, bane of the Empire... you mean it's not Wedge Antilles? Darn. Guess that means Dan wins, huh? drumbkb@aol.com Wedge gets pushed around by Biggs, so DAn should have no problem with him. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Uh oh... Yumei and Jelanda suddenly have some competition for the most underrated character in Light, in the form of the mighty Dan! This is the kid who, at only ten years of age, brilliantly plotted a well-intentioned kidnapping of his own sister, making a mistake only in that he tried to recruit Fei to do it. Who escaped Shevite swordmistress Yui Ricdeau AND her psychic daughter. Who advanced to the semi-finals of Aveh's national fighting tournament. Whose Ether abilities greatly exceed those of an unawakened Contact. Who apparently mastered the Balthasar School Martial Arts in only a few brief weeks in Shevat, and employs them far better than Shevat's Guardian Angel, Maria. Wedge won't last Dias' proverbial 10 seconds against the might of Dan. Jenova vs Eve nemoincognito@hotmail.com: Very closely matched. Both fighters are impressed by the power of their opponents, and decide that under other circumstances they might have become allies or even friends. However in the arena Jenova proves that a) Eve's power is limited to life forms from this planet, which Jenova is not, b) long tentacles are good at grabbing flying opponents and c) not even something as small as mitochondria can escape Ultima. Jenova: Eve: XLockeX888X@aol.com It takes a lot to beat Eve. Jenova isn't capable of accomplishing 'a lot.' Shraifer@Hotmail.com Jenova should win this match fairly easily, but if Eva infect Jenova with status effects, Jenova could be the one who get defeated. I say Jenova barely wins this one. starsickle@yahoo.com You have to think...which gmae was harder.....Parasite Eve, or Final Fantasy 7? I still haven't beat P.E....stupid mitochondria. kagatoisnotdead@yahoo.com Now, look here Jenova. Everytime you show up in a boss fight, you are about as competent as... say... oh... well... I can't really say you're as competent as anything, as you're in a class of weakness that very few people could ever lower themselves to. Eve burns your ass with straight skill. alblouin@globetrotter.net I believe Eve may have a better chance than Jenova in this fight. Jenova never seemed like a very powerful creature in battle, even as Jenova Synthesis. However, Eve has the ability to evolve in any form that may fit her, and if she changes in her "angel-like" form, she will be able to avoid Jenova's spells with her superior speed while hitting her with energy arrows and other status effects. Cmdr_King@hotmail.com the spectators take thier seats as the entrance of Eve is announced. Surprisingly, it is instead the lovely Melissa Peirce who comes out, and promptly strikes up an operatic national anthem. She is suddenly picked up by the monsterous tentacle of Jenova.. for a second before she assumes the more familiar form of Eve, and blast her in the face. Although the blow staggers Jenova, she recovers practically before Eve hits the ground, and strikes back with a quick Ultima. This mearly triggers Eve to assume her final, angelic form. She kicks Jenova and teleports away before Jenova knows she's hit. Again, Jenova recovers instantly. Then, inspired, Eve uses her Mitochrondia control on the crowd, turning them into a monsterous gelatinous creature, which, not unexpectedly, crushes Jenova. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.