Nine lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Luca Blight vs Dias Flac As the battle start off, Luca Blight walks toward Dias in an unhurried pace. Dias, sensing an advantage, runs up and smashes his sword into Luca Blight's chest, and sees that he has struck first blood. Luca Blight, unbothered by the minor wound, forms a huge grin on his face as he continues to walk forward. Dias seeing that his attack really hasn't done much good, change tactics and let loose a Firebird Shock Wave. When the smoke clears, again Luca Blight turns toward Dias and smiles an evil grin, while advancing forward. Dias starting to lose his confidence charges forward, only to find Luca Blight's sword strikes him in the head three times. Luca Blight wins. Luca: 195 Dias: 133 The two opponents stepped into the ring. While Dias was engaged in the typical competitive glare, Luca was actually SMILING. "Yes!" the insane mass-murderer of Suikoden exclaimed. "I've finally done it! I got into GODLIKE! And this is my VERY FIRST MATCH!!!" A few seconds later, Luca had nothing to laugh about; he was lying in a pool of his own blood. "So you got in to godlike," Dias shrugged. "Who cares?" "He seems tough." Dias Flac muttered as Luca Blight strode into the Arena, sword at the ready and eyes bloodshot. "This is not going to be pretty." No words were necessary for Luca, as he charged at Dias with blinding speed and the two clashed swords. Luca appeared to have the upper hand by way of brute strength, but Dias' technique kept him on balance. Luca appeared to have the battle won by finally knocking Dias' sword away and viciously slicing his leg, knocking Dias down to the ground. "THIS IS WHERE YOU DIE, PIG!" Screamed the monstrous armor-clad man. "Not so," said Dias. "Firebird Shock Wave!" Dias transformed into a firebird and swooped down at the unsuspecting Luca, burning him severely and knocking him off his feet. As Luca writhed on the ground, Dias transformed back into a human and reclaimed his sword. "Now's the time to end this." he exclaimed. "Illusion!!!" Dias rushed towards Luca, who strangely had an evil grin on his twisted face. "YOU PIG! I'LL FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE! YAHHH!" Screamed Luca, and just as Dias was about to stab Luca to death, Luca raised a gloved fist, blasting Dias with a fire dragon, stunning him and giving Luca enough time to hack Dias to pieces with his now-blazing sword. "Remember this, fool!" said Luca through gritted teeth, staring at Dias' remains. "PIGS NEVER WIN!" Dias Flac knows he can't face Luca Blight in a sword trading match. Luca would destroy him in a heartbeat, so Dias counts on his speed to aid him in battle. Dias quickly slashes Luca trying to bring him down quick. Unfortunately for him, Luca parried his attacks just as quick, the stabs Dias in the gut, disabling him. Given time to use his flame up item, Luca imbues his sword and decapitates Dias. Note: Luca never recieved the power of the Beast Rune. He never had time to finish 'summoning' it. All his power comes from his rage against humans because his mother was raped. Dias is the man! C'mon, the hair, the stoicity, and the awesome madd skills! Geez, the fights already over. Dias might have fought against Unlimited Indy, but don't forget, he had THREE other people to back him up. Luca Blight fought 18 people by almost himself (those soldiers don't count for beans), took volley after volley of arrows, fought a duel with Riou after all that AND actually managed to have his last words before biting the dust! How can Dias possibly take someone like THAT down? Dias is so cool he can't lose! Luca may be strong but he's a real berserker so if dias keps on his toes he can out manouver him and cut him to ribbons Just as the description of Luca said, he took bombardments of arrows and still was standing, and beat off 18 highly trained warriors by himself. Dias quite frankly doesn't stand a chance against him. I smell a Godlike Championship for Luca in his first Godlike season. Luca cockily looked at Dias. He began to laugh. "You think that you can defeat me? You have hair like a village girl." Dias looked up, emotion not showing. "What?" Luca laughed some more. "You should add 'Cameron' to your name, girl." He was still laughing when Dias' sword removed his head from his body. "Only a fool taunts a swordsman that his equal or better. And only an idiot does so in a serious duel." Dias muttered this as he turned away from Luca's head, still smiling. "A BLUE pig?!" Luca snarled. "That's a new one." Dias gritted his teeth and charged forward, swinging his sword with deadly precision. After ten seconds, a hundred katana-edged cuts appeared on Luca's armored body, and Dias calmly stepped back, sheathing his sword. This was a serious mistake. Luca laughed. "Is that all you've got?" he demanded, and promptly struck Dias' head from his shoulders. Magus vs Exdeath Tree...Fire 2...Tree...Fire 2...Crispy Tree...Lightining 2...Very Crispy Tree...Dark Matter...Very Very Unhappy Crispy Tree...Magus wins. Magus: 187 Exdeath: 115 Butz and company were only able to defeat Exdeath because the original Four Braves of Dawn blocked his deadly power of Nothingness. Does Magus have any friends like that? Is he strong enough to take down the toughest of the FF Final bosses before being 'void'ed like a bad check? ...Didn't think so. Evil Tree or no Evil Tree, Dark Matter HURTS. ExDeath is an evil tree. Evil trees rule. Magus is old news, his championship days are over. It's time for a change. Both Janus/Magus and Exdeath know strong black/shadow-class elemtnal magic, and can fool around with black holes. Meteo and holy can both be sucked away with Magus' black hole theoretically, and then Magus can go for Exdeath with Dark Matter, Fire2, Ice2, Lightning2, Dark bomb, whatever. And he has a barrier to boot. Magus is barely fit for heavy. He has the second worst techs (Only Frog does less), the second worst attack (Only Marle does less), and is slow. Ex-Death will nuke this Heavy-class wannabe with Meteo and Ultra Gust back where he Middle. The bell sound as the two opponents, have enter the arena and are prepare to fight to the death. Magus, "I will defeat you." Exdeath, "Yeah, sure you will," as he cast holy, which send Magus fly out of the ring like a bat out of hell. Exdeath wins. The two combatants face each other across the ring, locked in a cold stare. Magus, briefly showing a rather twisted sense of humour, slowly lifts a can of weedkiller from beneath his cape, opens it and smears the contents on his scythe. The audience laughs. Exdeath is slightly annoyed. Unfortunately when Exdeath gets annoyed Exdeath triplecasts Flare, Holy and Meteo. Exdeath rubs his boot in the smoking ashen remains of the Prince of Zeal. Exdeath has more variety, has better spells and a cooler outfit. A couple of Meteo's and Holy's will kill Magus. Janus sneered at the tree in front of him. He cast Fire 2, and it was promptly burnt. Exdeath screamed as the flame burned his bark, and quickly doused the flames. However, it was too late. His largest branch was already severed. Janus muttered to himself one word. "Damn." And, while the Prince of Zeal could survive the falling of skyborne islands, a simple large branch upon his cranium was more than enough to seal Exdeath's victory. Instant death doesn't work on Exdeath. In fact, his (its?) weakness is Holy attacks, which Magus can't dish out at all. White Ball, on the other hand, should work just fine. Magus's Amulet might prevent the Petrify effect, but he'll be stone dead after one shot just the same. Magus doesn't stand a chance against a good many Heavies, definitely including Brad, Nathan and Gandar from this very week. As such, he stands even less of a chance against the Evil Tree. Brad Evans vs Nathan Graves Nathan Graves was confident going into this match with Brad Evans, heaving heard much about his opponent. He was supremely confident that his magic defense would be enough to handle any technique Brad could throw at him. As the match began, it became a slugging match for Brad, the larger man still able to hit and fade with his physical attacks while his ability to absorb damage soaked in all the spells and attacks Nathan was able to throw at him. In fact, Nathan was pretty sure he was going to win until two words changed the course of the match, "Condition Green". Nathan could feel himself being locked on for a Fury Shot with Brad's Rail Gun, so he did his best to counter it, erecting his best magical defense barrier. as Brad unleashes the awesome power of his attack however, Nathan remembers that his magic barrier has never been tested against firearms. The test proves a failure, as the shot from Brad's superpowered weapon, even further recieving a boost from the Fury Shot force, leaves Nathan a stain on the arena floor. Brad: 157 Nathan: 126 How do you lose when you have a varied arsenal of powerful swords, whips, and Heart Weapons and a huge collection of stat-boosting, special-ability-imbuing magical cards? You don't. Nathan just summons his entire army of summons to stampede all over Brad's already dead body (Punching doesn't do much against a swordsman, and Nathan is too damn fast to allow Brad to pull out an ARN, let alone aim it). Brad Evans is a grizzled vet. He will win. He must win. He can win. He has won. Nathan is very, very good. He's got a great spell selection, his sacred whip is a real killer for any vampire, and he's quite fast. Unfortunately, Brad can survive about as many hits as Dracula, and is much more likely to get in a lucky shot with his Rail Gun. Gandar vs Aya Brea Aya was confident coming into this match that she would easily be able to dispose of her opponent. After all, her aresenal of weapons was enough to make the likes of Solid Snake take notice, and she had plenty of Parasite Powers to back those high-tech attacks up. Her confidence was shaken, very briefly, when Gandar calmly seated himself on a stray bit of rubble and snapped his fingers. The Aya-obliterating magical explosion defies description, but those who've played Front Mission 3 can imagine it by thinking the MIDAS effect, only much, much more spectacular. The battle-scarred sorceror rolled his eyes. "I've tangled with a lot stronger warrior woman than you, missy," he chuckled. "And SHE had three lackeys." Gandar: 152 Aya: 139 While Gandar is quickly trying to get a spell cast, Aya is aleady getting a Lock-on with he LAWS-80 and firing half a dozen rockets at him. Gander gets splattered all over the walls. With an incredible arsenal of weapons and Parasite Powers, Aya should easily be able to take the Heavy championship and move in to Godlike. Aya, "So you think you a match for me old man?" Gander, "My sorcery makes even gods tremble" Aya, "Well, let see you tremble your way out of this," as she use her parasite energy to inflict several status effect and then blasts Gander with her PPSH41 machine gun. The BCp medical team doesn't bother to wait for Aya to be declared the winner as they rush out to treat the massive amount of bullet wounds Gander has received. Gandar chuckled as Aya dove away from his spells. A Cosmic Spear shook the stadium, nearly running her through. She had dodged though. He laughed at her feeble Parasite Energy. Until that Energy Shot struck him in the stomach. He reeled back from the blast. The sight was not pretty as she unloaded the rest of the clip. Up above, Melissa smiled. It was nice to see some other overbearing person think that they would win, and to see them fail. It was definately better to be a spectator. But it was twice as sweet to bet five grand on Aya. Bow vs Chelsea Torn Bow was confident he would have an easy win over Chelsea, but was a bit reluctant to fighting a little girl. His concerns would soon be put to rest within the first few moments of the match however, as his opponent was far more skilled with a bow than he had first reckoned. Wanting to put her down easy, he intially tried to use his "Shot" technique. Aiming at a vital point, he fired, but Chelsea's aim proved to be his equal when her own arrow struck his dead on; both projectiles fell to the arena floor. Astounded, but never flinching, the plainsrunner used his superior speed to run straight at his foe. He instantly leaped into the air directly above her, performing a forward flip in the process, firing an arrow straight down. She had hit the floor before he did. Being the good natured healer that he is, he revived her after he was claimed the winner. Bow: 148 Chelsea: 139 Errr..Bow is hardly slow witted. More like he has a pretty damn keen mind. Not that it matters. He can easily heal the pathetic damage Chelsea does with Cure 1, while firing in return at the unhealable opponent. Or he can just use Shot, which works pretty well actually. Chelsea won't last long with 1 HP. Since Bow can heal, raise his defense, and has powerful attacks, I'd say he is going to win the match. Especially since Chelsea can only attack with destructive arrows. It begins. Both seemingly evenly matched up. They both notch an arrow, and launch it at each other. Bow's misses, due to that it was an arrow used in the Shot skill sense, and as this was a major battle, it would never cause instant death. Chelsea's arrow, being a normal attack, was not so affected, and simply went between Bow's eyes. Let's see...Chelsea gets no magic and a weak bow. Bow gets lots of magic and a slightly weaker bow. Guess who's going to win this war of attrition. Maribel vs Royce Say goodnight, Maribel. Once a DW7 character is put to sleep (Royce's specialty), they won't wake up without help from an ally or the passage of considerable time. Maribel will have run out of HP long before either of those conditions can be met. Maribel: 117 Royce: 131 This doesn't even need commenting....Royce almost wipes out Alex's entire freaking party...Flame Bird will make this an easy win... Royce walks into the arena and can't help, but laugh at her opponent. It doesn't take that long for Royce to dispose of her opponent, Maribel. Maribel is just about to square off with Royce when her nose crinkles up. She looks up into the stands and sees the Nameless Hero engaged in one of his old nervous habits. "Hero, are you grasping dung? The pungent aroma might distract Royce and I from the ensuing battle." Royce falls over in a fit of deranged laughter from the sheer absurdity of the DW7 characters' dialogue. Maribel pokes her with the end of her whip a few times to no avail, and is declared the winner by TKO. Maribel was cocky up to the point where she entered the arena. Then, she realized why Royce was so pleased that she was there first. It was that "terrible curse" that made two out of five party members fall asleep, the same one which was a mere nuisance in Lunar. However, with only one person, it struck Maribel full force. She fell asleep instantly, snoring to her heart's content. Royce chuckled as she advanced on Maribel, obviously wanting to strangle the upstart. However, that smile went away shen she fell on her face, having tripped on her sheet dress. Swearing like nothing else, Royce just got up and fried the snoring Maribel with a flame spell. Leena vs Nana Leena is going to go au pair on anyone in her way. This time she's got the ever dangerous Martha Stewart killer utensil set at her disposal. Beware the evil spachula of doom! Leena: 168 Nana: 123 Let's think of it this way: who do you think would win in a fight, a girl with an iron frying pan, or a girl with a little yo-yo? Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Nana start off the match with a quick yo yo slap, which is block with Leena frying pan. Leena, "You aren't going to take me out that easy," as she cast deluge, which cover the Yo yo wielder in frozen water. Nanas still determined to win, use her Yo yo again only to have it shatter against Leena frying pan. Leena, "I guess they don't make Yo yo like they use to," as she bashes her frying pan onto Nana head. Versitility is the keyword here. Nana has ranged attacks. Leena can recharge her elements, raise her stats and has her (in)famous auto-revive. With the latter alone she can outlast Nana in the ring. Leena gets her most basic weapon and one use each of her Techniques. Her offensive power is therefore minimal at best, and Nana's staying power is considerable (in my experience, she's able to take a Heaven and Earth Cut, orders of magnitude stronger than anything Leena can dish out). Leena just doesn't have the firepower to win. Millie vs Zorn *Zorn stays in one place expecting Thorn to show up any minute* Millie: ummm...GO Bonaparte! Zorn: !! This is not good!! *Zorn runs around try to stall until Thorn comes* Unfortunately in the end Zorn was eaten by Bonaparte. Millie leaves without making a big effort Millie: 194 Zorn: 112 Millie summons Bonaparte, and Zorn gets eaten...permamently. End of story. Win will Zorn. Good is he. Without brother even. This match would be kind of hard to call since Zorn and Thorn always fight together. However, Millie needs no help, and with the right runes, such as, the Blue Gate rune and Mother Earth rune, she should have no trouble with Zorn. Millie wins. Harry Potter vs Pikachu Pikachu, with his cold, black eyes stares at Harry. Harry chuckles to himself, and says "After all I've been through, the best they can send at me is a rat?" Pikachu responds, "Pika pika, pikachu... Pika! Ka ka! Ka chu!" Luckily, Meowth was there to translate. "He said, 'Video games are far cooler than books, and I have three movies and you have one! Besides, your video game stinks!'" Pikachu was about to pounce, but suddenly, "Hey you, Pikachu!" Ash had come to take Pikachu home for his nap. "... Ash?" Harry asked. "Hey! It's Harry Potter! That kid I beat up in first grade!" Ash proclaimed. "Stay AWAY!" yelled the frightened wizard. Forgetting all his magic and all he's learned, Harry broke down and ran, crying for his mother. "What a nerd!" yelled Ash. "Chu," Pikachu agreed. Harry: 93 Pikachu: 204 If you ask me, it'll all come down to a big riot where the neurotic fans of both Harry Potter and Pokemon swarm the arena, trying to get a piece of the "heroes" which they so mindlessly adore. Whichever one dies first will probably get the disqualification in his favor. Harry is a pretty frail little kid, but I'm pretty sure that Pikachu can be trampled more easily. Thus, Pikachu will take this match. Blech. PIKA gets rady for his thunder attack 'boom' Blight out of nowhere runs up and backhands Pika in the side of the head. Potter asks why did you it, Blight responds "I just f%^$#&&^% hate pokemon." Neither wins the Icon battle. Spider-Man destroys both of them. Shploo2 "So Harry, how are you gonna beat Pikachu?" Ron said curiously. "No idea. My wand is acting up and it's not doing any of the right spells." Meanwhile Pikachu was getting was talking to his new friend, Mu-ku-mu-ku. "Chuuu." "Mu-Mu?" "Pikaaaa." When Harry entered the ring he was going knock Pikachu bac with Flippendo, but accidentally cast, "lumos." Pikachu started to glow and said, "Pikachu. Chu chu. Pika (You loser, you can't stop me from taking over the world.) Then Pikachu zapped him with a lightning bolt and Harry was out cold, his wand smoldering in his hand. .................Er yeah...guess I'll go for Harry since he has an Invisibility Cloak. He can just run over to Pikachu and throw the dumb rodent out of the ring before the retarded animal realizes whats happening. Though it'd be nice if the Infini came in and at them both causing both to lose... The appearance of Harry Potter and Pikachu in the same match brought in a record number of kids into the audience. Among those packed into the seats of the arena was a group of people who weren’t as excited about this match. The match began with a display of lightning and magic and the sounds of children around the arena cheering for their favorite character. Since this match was meant for the kids, Pikachu and Potter were mostly playing nice and held back from using any real destructive attacks. (As if they could even if they wanted to) Id couldn’t watch this anymore. “This is disgusting”. Sephiroth agreed, “They are making a mockery of the RPGP”. “The RPGP was developed to honor great warriors like us”, said Ramirez. “But you’ve only won one match since you’ve been here”, commented Magus. Ramirez retorted, “It’s all just a popularity contest.” “So does that mean that if you end up fighting one of them, they might actually win?” questioned Kuja. There was an obvious look of rage in Ramirez’s eyes sparked by that comment, though he was still able to remain somewhat calm. He looked at the arena once more. “This ends now.” Id agreed, “Right. Get ready everyone. We move on Ramirez’s mark.” Right there, Ramirez held his hand up to his face. “Where There’s Light, There is Darkness” Suddenly, the light in the arena was consumed by darkness. Ramirez walked into the darkness and began his Silver Eclipse. “Sword of the Dark Moon”. Wanting to join in on the fun, Magus rushed in with his scythe. From inside the darkness, the sounds of a little sissy boy screaming like a girl and the squeal of a rat could be heard. When the darkness cleared, Ramirez and Magus had left the arena, and Kuja had gone into trance mode and was flying above. “You don’t belong here”. With that, Kuja cast one of his highly destructive Ultima attacks. Right then, a bright flash came from the sky. Kuja looked up and smiled knowing what was coming. He then retreated into the stands behind the barrier that protected the audience from stray attacks. In the bright sky, a silhouette of a One Winged Angel could be seen right before the force of a Super Nova came into the arena. With the arena left destroyed and the fighters out of action, it looked like it was all over. Apparently not. There was one more object in the sky. Like a meteor, a giant red gear came down from the sky and crashed into the arena. When the dust cleared, all that was left was a giant crater where the children’s icons had been standing. After getting out of his gear, Id rejoined and congratulated the group. “Good job everyone” Magus asked, “So what about the match?” Kuja replied, “Seems to me like it’s over.” “So who’s the winner?” “All of the real fans of the RPGP” Sephiroth answered. Magus couldn’t help but smile at the comment, “You’re probably right, but seriously, won’t Mr. Cranbud and Mr. Power get upset if there is no official winner?” Id thought about that one for a second and looked back at the arena staff cleaning up what was left of the arena, occasionally finding some severed limbs. “I assume the winner would be the one who gets more of his body parts recovered.” “Works for me” responded Magus. “One more thing. What about them?” Ramirez asked pointing out the crying and screaming children in the seats who had just witnessed this horrifying and traumatic event. Id heard the sounds of the cries and offered his thoughts, “Sounds like they might need some therapy, but that’s not our problem.” With a nod of agreement from everyone, Sephiroth said “Sounds good. Come on. I’ll buy you all a beer.” PIKACHU!! Pikachu throws out a word form his somewhat monotonous vocabulary. Following that is, wait... what a shocker... a Thunderbolt, thunder, and then thundershock. Pikachu keeps repeating his one word and his 3, practically identical, moves. Little did he know that Harry's lightning scar can absord lightning. Harry Potter the Nimbus 5000 (or was it a different one?) and an invisibility cloak. While Pikachu wastes his time trying to nail the speedy quidditch player with a thunderbolt Harry can nail him with magic spells. If he wanted to Harry could just toss on the cloak and walk up to Pikachu and beat him up with his wand. Harry has this battle won. Pikachu, only because he was in a GOOD game. Sheesh Pokemon was a GOOD game. Yes its been milked to death, but at its heart its good. Harry Potter on the other hand comes from a book, though its popular ISN'T an RPG!!! The camera closes in on the arena, Pikachu stands their with a rather sadistic grin on his face, meanwhile Harry Potter is checking out his cape, hat, and wand. "Hmm Pikachu ai?? He doesn't lo--.." Harry was cut off due do the little rat grabbing onto his leg electrocuting the british fairy. Before his second fight against someone who isn't a Pokemon, Pikachu prepares for the arena by watching tapes of previous Jack Power Bonus Matches in reverse chronological order. Once he gets to the part where Jogurt eats Melbu Fhrama's lunch, he figures he's twice as good as his fellow rodent, even without an avaitor's helmet, and goes to his desk to compose poetry. Harry Potter would have prepared for the fight against the legendary mouse, but Ron got jealous because Harry was chosen for the arena and sparked a nasty conflict involving flinging bubotuber pus at eachother, thus disabling Harry for some weeks. Once the two atrocities take their positions, the Star Dragon Sword confiscates Harry's broom, since it's neither a weapon, armor, or restorative item. As the fight connences, Pikachu runs around and taunts Harry with "Pikachu Pika Pika"! Harry just grins and throws his wand at Pikachu, effectively poking him in the eye. Without wasting a second, Harry pulls out a big, shiny, suspiciously Pokeball-like ball and throws it at Pikachu. There is a flash of light, and when it fades, Pikachu is no where to be seen, and the ball is quivering. Harry keeps grinning as he walks over pick up his wand. "Wait!" Yells the Star Dragon Sword. "It's illegal to retrieve thrown weapons, in accordance to the rules of over ten Final Fantasy games!" Harry's grin reverses itself, but as he walks over to retrieve the ball, it explodes. Pikachu crawls out from the bleachers, finishes off the other over-marketed crime against humanity with a zap, and yells "Pika Pikachu Pi Pika!" (Translation: "Never throw and Electrode!") Pikachu would destroy Harry Potter. The Attack spells he could learn are forbidden and I don't recall him ever learning even one. Pikachu on the other hand is fully capable of using it's full offensive abilities would would be an important factor in consideration that Harry can't do squat. Besides which takes longer? Harry potter casting a spell or Pikachu zapping him with a electricity. Harry Potter continues to stand up to the strongest dark wizard in the world. Pikachu couldn't even get near Mewtwo... if ol Harry's been studying for this match, an Electricity Ward is all he'd need. Harry Potter come to the match prepared on his flying broomstick. Unfortunately, he forgot flying types are always weak to electricity. Picachu wins. This match is over before it even starts. One serious factor has been overlooked - Harry has no training whatsoever in battle magic. He has defeated all his opponents on pure luck and convenient Deus Ex Machina. Hogwarts trains it's students how to fly broomsticks and turn tortioses into teapots, not fry someone with a fireball. As weak as Pikachu is the worst Harry can do is tickle him from a distance or blind him with a cloud of smoke. The boy with the lightning-bolt scar is about to get an up-close and personal experience with real electricity. Sorry, but all that Harry can REALLY do is fly around on a broomstick and disarm people. Whoops! Pikachu's a walking weapon! Gee, guess who wins? Harry Potter walks into the arena sure he's going to win. "La-de-da-de-da! All I need to do is wave my dinky wodden wand like a moron and that little yellow Freak Show will be toast!" At the other end, Ash preps Pikachu for his match. "All you have to do is shock that glasses-wearing freak back into diapers and you'll get a special treat I got from our trip to Misty's Gym!" Pikachu looks up. "Pi pi pikachu! Pika!" which translates into "You mean the Makeover Kit you stole from her room? Not on your 'messed up so badly I could find my 20 siblings in there' hair!" Ash smiles. "That's my boy! No go in there and show that wussy wand waver how to win over kids hearts!" When the match begins, Harry starts to cast a spell. "Hibbidy Dibbity Do! Hocus Pocus!" When he says this, a lake fills the arena as well as the Coaches Lounge, where Ash, Misty, and Brock watch the monitor. Ash jumps up and down triumphantly. "Ha! Looks like my little Pikachu will win the battle after all." Misty starts to cry. "And to think I bet my life savings on Harry..." Brock puts his arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry-you can still read his newest books!" Anyways, back in the arena, Pikachu laughs at Harry. "Pika pika pi pikachu! Pika!" meaning "You stupid moronic little pipsqueak! Do you have any common sense behind those 2-foot-thick glasses of yours!" With that, Pikachu uses his Thunder attack, turning Harry, Ash, Misty, and Brock into overfried mass-marketing tools. After the arena is cleaned up, Pikachu pulls out his cell phone. "All right, I fried Potter. Now can I get my paycheck anytime soon?" The WB executive laughed. "Are you kidding me? You honestly thought we were going to pay a little ankle-biting mouse like you?" With that, Pikachu used another Thunder attack on the phone, electrocuted the WB executive, and destroyed the entire WB Production Building. Pikachu hung up the phone and hopped into his Jaguar and drove off into the sunset. I'd say Potter whether I thought he could win or not, just because the Electric Demon Rodent needs a quick and painful death, but, with his experience in turning animals into inanimate objects, he's legitimately got this one in the bag. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.