Eight lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Hyuga Ricdeau vs Cloud Strife JackPower@aol.com: "Shall we begin?" Citan asks as he walks calmly up to Cloud. Cloud nods and draws his huge sword, but not before the doctor stabs him neatly through the stomach. Cloud, in considerable pain, plays his plot device card. He grabs Citan's Mumyo sword by the blade and amazingly lifts it and Uzuki off the ground. With his last ounce of strength, he hurls Citan into the Mako pit... forgetting that there is no Mako pit this time. Citan, quite puzzled, dusts himself off and finishes off Cloud. Hyuga: 213 Cloud: 138 shale0@msn.com Cloud came into battle ready to deal with the powerful attacks that one would expect from a warrior who's defeated Deus itself. So he was justifiable surprised when Hyuga used only his weakest attacks - never even removing his sword from its scabbard - and his healing spells after every few slashes from the Ultima Weapon. The ex-SOLDIER settled in for a battle of attrition - after all, no matter how weak his oppenent's strikes were, they'd fill up his Limit meter eventually all the same. Then Solaris' Guardian Angel chuckled. "Do you know why I've been going easy on you?" Cloud didn't respond. "I haven't. I've just been saving strength. Tell me, have you ever heard of the skill called 'Combo'?" Four Myogetsus and an Amaoto were more than enough to lay Cloud flat. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Cloud, on foot, can take down Proud Clod one-on-one at the end of the Duel Battle. Hyuga, on foot, can take down any type of Seraph enemy one-on-one all the time. Seraphs are equivalent to Omnigears in power. Proud Clod... isn't. DragoonJay@excite.com After realizing that he really, REALLY didn't want to see yet another Doctor, Cloud never entered the arena. DQ to Citan. pixie0569@aol.com Luckily for Cloud, he filled his Limit Break meter before the match, thanks to Cid throwing a fit after Cloud broke an instrument on the Highwind. Luckily for Hyuga, he expected this and had already used Senkei on himself and was slicing Cloud into very small Mako bits with Crystal Water. angelicus85@hotmail.com Gee, a limit reliant person with a sword that gets weaker as he does, or a man who breaks the sound barrier when he jogs. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com While Cloud does have a god-like, impossible to avoid limit break, there's one thing Hyuga has that Cloud doesn't, intelligence, and that will be what clinches this match. neoelfboy@hotmail.com Citan has his match easy thanks to the Xenogears mechanics. He can simply repeatedly use light attacks and healing, mocking Cloud's pitiful efforts with his truly godlike stats. Long before Cloud hits his Limit Break, Citan will have saved up all the AP he needs for a devastating deathblow combination attack which will send Cloud hurling back to Heavy. ramza_01@sdf-1.com Cloud stands there, his baslard sword held at the redy as Hyuga prepare aswell. "Well, you may go first lad..." Hyuga says with a flick of his ponytail. No sooner had the fight started then it ended. Hyuga resheithing his sword after his FESTIVE WIND elemtal deathblow. Cloud lands out of the ring ten feet away. drn864@aol.com As the battle began, the two swordsmen dashed at each other and began to use their strongest swordskills for the next 24 hours. Bart, who was getting annoyed in the stands, calls over to Billy. "Come on Billy! Can't you do something to make this match go a little quicker? I've got to see the new Simpsons episode today!" Billy looked at his watch. "Oh my god - we're gonna miss the Couch Gag!" He then proceded to pull our his Godfather and aim it at Cloud. Moments later, the match was quickly given to Hyuga. NinjaFire2@aol.com Cloud's Omnislash Limit is mindlessly strong. Unfortunately, Hyuga Ricdeau's attack power is also mindlessly strong, and he doesn't have to get hurt to use it. apuffe42@cs.com The thing about Limit Breaks is that although they execute instantly, you still need to get a turn to use them. Cloud won't get a turn. youkairyuu@comcast.net Hyuga slashes Cloud three times. Cloud thinking he had 9999 life from HP+ materia tried to use his Limit Break and promptly died. "Guess he forgot Materia's disallowed" muttered Hyuga as he extied "That wasn't even fun" Magna_ZeroX@yahoo.com Whoa!Cloud agianst Citan?!?!??!Thats suicide for poor cloud!Bam!Citan speed up by casting that spell that makes him as fast like the roadrunner.Sure Cloud has Omnislash, but Citan probably be able to surive that, and lo and Behold!He's a doctor!He could heal!Not to mention he could do his most powerful deathblows at will. nemoincognito@hotmail.com Citan dominates this match in almost every way. First off he moves like Sonic on E, so he'll be getting in three attacks for every one of Cloud's. Second, like all Xenogears characters, he has access to free megadeath attacks every round at no cost whatsoever. Finally he can heal. Sure, if Omnislash occurs there won't be enough left of him to heal, but Cloud will be down and out long before that eventuality occurs. XLockeX888X@aol.com Citan has equal attack power to Cloud, can attack more than once per turn, and gets turns MUCH faster. Cloud is no challenge for him. Griffin21836@aol.com As the battle begins, Hyuga and Cloud stare each other down. Hyuga smirks and charges, his katana making contact with the translucent Ultimate Weapon. Strike after strike is blocked by the oversized sword, until a stab is parried by the Ultimate Weapon, Hyuga, acting on instinct, immediately whirls around and slashes Cloud in the side, and the Ultimate Weapon grows darker. Cloud snarls and charges again, ignoring the pain of his wound. Hyuga is forced on the defensive as slash after slash is launched, at a blazing fast pace. Hyuga sees his chance and slashes Cloud across his torso, slicing muscle and grazing his ribs. Cloud again screams out in pain, and the Ultimate Weapon becomes almost black. Cloud falls down onto his knees, using the Ultimate weapon like a cane, his head bowed. As Hyuga walks foward to finish off the defenseless Cloud, he is startled by Cloud's head snapping up, his Mako-enfused eyes glowing with a fire that signified a Limit Break. Hyuga steps back, praying that it isn't what he thinks it is. Alas, though, it is... "Omnislash..." is the only word that Cloud can whisper before the injured and bleeding Cloud dashes foward, his sword over his shoulder to make the first of countless strikes. Hyuga slips into a hurried defensive stance, but it is not enough, as even Hyuga's speed cannot match the pace which Cloud sets with the Omnislash. Cut after cut slips past Hyuga's defenses, each deeper than the last. Finally, Cloud pulls back for a half a second. Hyuga, gravely injured and bleeding, sees Cloud with his Ultimate Weapon prepared for the final front-hand slash. Hyuga, hoping to somehow block it and salvage the match, places his katana in position to block it. Cloud smirks and charges foward, his sword suddenly rotating 90 degrees from a horizontal to a vertical slash and places his sword between his legs, then dashes up Hyuga's body, the Ultimate Weapon slashing in a Climhazzard, and finally Cloud slashes up his sword, and opens Hyuga from his navel to his jaw, the opaque and blood-staied weapon slicing through Hyuga's skull effortlessly. Cloud lands down and after cleaning his sword, simply sheathes it and walks away to claim his victory. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Cloud slashed away furiously at Citan. Citan, though with his vastly superior speed, dodged Clouds savage onslaught easily. By this time, Citan was getting tired of giving Cloud a chance to hit him, so he unleashed a couple of deathblows that normally would of taken most opponents out. Cloud grinned, as a drop of blood fell from his lip. "Id hit me much harder than that, and that didn't affect me all too much at all". "Do you have enough power to take me down, my good doctor" exclaimed Cloud. "I'll show you why they call me the Guardian Angel" exclaimed Citan as he unsheathed his katana. With blazing speed, Citan charged Cloud. Cloud could not defend against the vicious assault that Citan was bringing his way. A Crystal Water, Haze of Fire, Rumble Earth, and a Festive Wind were just too much for the ex-soldier to handle. Cloud crumpled to his knees as he felt the pain of the 28-AP combo. Cloud struggled to his feet. Citan stared in awe as Cloud stood up."It is time to end this," yelled Citan, and he thrust his katana straight through Cloud. The katana started to tremble as Cloud grabbed it with his hands. "This can't be" said a very worried and astonished Citan. Cloud looked up at Citan with blood ans sweat running down his face. Cloud's mako eyes were burning with a rage never experienced before. He yanked out the katana and knocked Citan to the ground. He then unleashed his divine limit break Omnislash. Citan tried to dodge as best he could, but after 7 0r 8 hits he just couldn't keep up anymore. Cloud beat Citan with his own katana. "Just maybe, you can win the Godlike championship that I failed to win" exclaimed Sephiroth as he carried off his sword enemy out of the arena. drumbkb@aol.com The featured bout this week is especially important, as Nuprin has been considering the bedside demeanor and expertise of "Dr. Citan Uzuki" over the more recognizable Cloud Strife, who many see as yet another attempt by a greedy corporation to tap into the elusive youth market. The winner of the match would gain a huge popularity boost in the boardroom as well as the Arena. Hyuga would seem to have the upper hand as Guardian Angel of Solaris, but Cloud once again demonstrated his ability to inexplicably best any opponent, no matter how great their difference in ability may be. (Think a newly- crazed Sephiroth in the Nibelheim Reactor losing to an MP.) sirblaze@hotmail.com Cloud and Hyuga met each other valiantly, parry and thrusting. Slash for slash, attack for attack, they fought with no quarter. As the match wore on, Cloud suddenly fell down. "What am I doing? Who am I?" He said this as he drew himself up on his knees, his eyes questioning. Hyuga, the doctor that he is, felt morally obligated to obey the Hippocratic oath, and help Cloud. As he began to lead the dazed Cloud towards the edge of the ring, Cloud blinked. "Oh, right," he said. Hyuga never even saw the point-blank Omnislash coming. Shraifer@hotmail.com Cloud after his last losses has been working at the turtle paradice in his spare time and it has payed off as his strength, defense, and speed have increased. As the match starts, Hyuga wastes no time amd attacks first, however, Cloud after being hit shrugges. Cloud, "Now it my turn," as Hyuga is hit by Cloud giant sword. Hyuga rocks back and forth from the blow and tries to shake off his dizzyness, but it is too late as Cloud smash him again with his sword for the win. Fou-Lu vs Kuja ultima287@yahoo.com: Kuja, bristling with arrogance as ever, looked over at Fou-Lu, hardly impressed. "This fool is to be my opponent? He doubtless will die of a heart attack when he sees my first spell at him." He hovered back, gathering the first beginnings of a spell as Fou-Lu merely chuckled. "Thou art but a mortal," the dragon god stated matter-of-factly as his Royal Sword extended across his hand, shimmering with light. "Tis your own folly to fight a god..." "A god," Kuja sneered. "A god would be more intelligent than to fight the most powerful mage in existence!" He thrust his hands forth, casting Holy, sending a colassal amount of radiating blue energy at Fou-Lu. But Fou-Lu, after the attack dissipated, seemed hardly impressed by its effects. "Very well, mortal," he said, "your own foolishness will be your undoing." With that, Fou-Lu stepped forth and executed a perfect Shadow Walk, slamming the hapless mage with a fierce melee of critical attacks. Kuja's rather lacking defense left him badly hurt, but the mage didn't show it. He followed up with Curaga just as Fou-Lu came up to attack again, and then blasted the dragon god with a point-blank Flare spell, hitting Fou-Lu's weakness point. The First Emperor reeled back, a bit stunned from the incredibly powerful Fire spell, and Kuja smirked. This was to be an easy win after all. "Let me end your suffering quickly, old man," the thong-equipped mage said with a mix of amusement and malice. "Few have seen my true power. You shall see it now!" And Kuja reeled back, magic crackling and dancing over him, circulating around his body as he prepared for his most powerful spell yet. He did not notice Fou-Lu, who had undergone a blinding transformation into his Astral Dragon form. And albeit, it was too late. As Kuja thrust his hands up and the stream of energy soared into the sky, preparing to unleash the full power of Ultima on Fou-Lu, he was utterly erased from existence as the flash and energy of the Eraser beam cut right through him, disintegrating the mage to nothing. Shimmering and transforming back into his human form, Fou-Lu gravely shook his head. "The mortals... they will never comprehend." Fou-Lu: 191 Kuja: 162 DragoonJay@excite.com How many Flares, must a God stare down, before you can call him a God? The answer, my friend, comes when Kuja gets blown out of the arena with relative ease. TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com Transvestite monkey goes up against a dragon god? Not a hard choice... JackPower@aol.com Ah, the silver-haired baddie matchup: Normally a showstopping spectacle, but in this case it's a no contest. Kuja is terrified of death and is willing to do anything to escape it. Fou-lu has faced and conquered death, even predicting his own revival. 'Nuff said. valkyrie@counsellor.com Fou-lu: Hunky Dragon God of Ultimate Manliness Kuja: Effeminate Monkey Boy Hmmm..... Shraifer@hotmail.com Fou lu transforms into his tyrant form as the match starts off and use soul render. This causes Kuja to trance, and to greatly increase his speed. Furthermore, this allows Kuja a chance to heal as well as cast flare, which burn off some of Fou lu scales. Fou lu weakened, but not defeated, then flies into space and and uses Dark Wave. As Kuja is about to be engulf by the dark energy, he counters it with Ultima. After the smoke from the giant explosion created by the two powerful force disappear, Fou lu is the only one still standing. Fou lu, "Ah, it's so nice to be an immortal Endless." apuffe42@cs.com Flare deals non-elemental damage, not fire. Kuja's going down. angelicus85@hotmail.com Kuja: I throw a Fire 3 spell at you! Fou-Lu: I turn into a Tyrant dragon and eat you. Kuja: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Fou-Lu: Blech, that's gonna cause indigestion. youkairyuu@comcast.net Fou Lu dedided to be nice and give Kuja one free attack. Kuja let loose with a Flare spell...which did absolutely nothing to Fou Lu. "Did thou forget that Flare is a non-elemental spell? Let alone Fire based?" asked the Dragon Emperor. Kuja had just enough time to acknowledge his mistake before Fou Lu turned into the Tyrant and obliterated him with a single Dark Wave. "Thats the problem with mages these days. They may have good magic, but hit them once and they die. What happened to the good olden mages that had it all? Like Ghaleon?" he questioned as he exited the arena. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org As strong as Fou-Lu is, Kuja didn't just THREATEN to destroy a world, he actually did it. Not only that, he set it on fire, Fou-Lu's particular weakness. Thong or no thong, Kuja's got what it takes. shale0@msn.com Kuja has access to some very powerful techniques, including Firaga, which can help him deal with the pyrophobic God-Emperor (for the record, Flare and Flare Star, while powerful, are non-elemental) He's also got a ridiculous amount of staying power. His obscene speed will come in handy too, as he'll be able to whittle down Fou-Lou's HP before he can use the Reflect-proof Dragon Breath techniques, whose strength is linked to their wielder's health. Assuming he uses Curaga and Reflect intelligently, Kuja should be able to outlast even the multiple forms of Fou-Lou. Pesmerga vs Maxim DragoonJay@excite.com: Instructions for the first match of a Heavy Title defense: 1. Trade blows. 2. Wave Motion. 3. Repeat. Pesmerga: 121 Maxim: 207 stefandf@aol.com Even though Pesmerga may have incredible attack and defense, that does not stop wave motion. With the dual blade, your ip is full at the start of every battle. All Maxim has to do to win this battle is to use wave motion at the start of the battle, get max stats, and attack once. If Pesmerga manages to survive Maxims attack and is able to strike him back, it will not do much damage since Maxims defense is at max. After that Maxim will just give him beatings again and he will be victorious dunefar@tendodojo.com If Maxim didn't have healing magic, Wave Motion and Brillance, Pesmerga might stand a chance. Seeing how he does, it's just a matter of keeping well healed and outlasting the healing deprived Pesmerga. apuffe42@cs.com Let's see, now - Maxim has his Dual Blade and Pearl equipment, and all their various IP attacks, and spells, and base stats on the level of Pesmerga's. Pesmerga has... nothing. Hmm. Maxim for Godlike! Shraifer@hotmail.com Watches Maxim take damage from Pesmerga attacks, then use Wave motion. See the event repeat over and over again. Maxim comes out on top. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Pesmerga may be strong and honorable and whatnot, but Maxim has IP attacks, and Dual Blade. Those alone are enough to win almost any match. destindiorune@yahoo.com Pesmerga has amazing attack power, plus a rage rune on his weapon. Maxim has Wave motion and healing. Maxim wins. angelicus85@hotmail.com Maxim can heal and power up simultaneosly after taking a lot of damage. Too much for most heavys to handle. youkairyuu@comcast.net Maxim uses Wave Motion before Pesmerga can even lift an arm. With his now 999 Agility, Maxim cuts Pesmerga to pieces with his 999 Power before Pesmerga lifts his arm an inch higher. I sense another Heavy victory for Maxim...put him in Godlike already. akuratani@students.wisc.edu Two highly skilled swordsmen. Both are about even in terms of fighting ability. Maxim seems to have the edge in terms of skills, and the fact that he can take down God-like beings (Sinistrals). Pesmerga however is immortal and has seen many more battles than Maxim. It is also interesting to note that Pesmerga seems to be Yuber's alter-ego and therefore may carry a true rune (Yuber carries a rune which gives him immortality like Pesmerga as well as teleportation skills, affinity with monsters, and various other unknown powers) that he can unleash on Maxim to catch him off guard. It is also destined that Yuber and Pesmerga must fight in the final chapter of the Suikoden saga, so if Pesmerga were to be in trouble, I wouldn't doubt that he may recieve a little help from Yuber. We know the extent of Maxim's awesome powers, but we don't know what to expect from his challenger, so I give edge to Pesmerga. ramza_01@sdf-1.com Maxim looks over to his opponet, a young looking man in what appears to be very heavy armor. Pesmerga looks back and smirks at him in return, King Crimson already drawn and hanging loosely in his gauntleted hand. Maxim and Pesmerga charge at one another and the sound of metal hitting metal is heard. They stop a ways from one another and turna around. "That wasn't much of a hit..." Maxim starts before he is ingulfed by a blast of fire which springs from his slash wound. Pesmerga chuckles softy as he raises his sword and Salutes the smoldering corpse of his opponet, the Rage rune shining brightly. Katt vs Cyan Garamonde ramza_01@sdf-1.com: "I cans't battle thee, thou art a lady..." Cyan says as he ducks a swing of Katt's stalf. "I said shut up and fight!" She cries as she manages to get him in the gut with the end of her stalf. "I was hoping this wouldn't happen..." Cyan mutters as he grips the saya of his katana. This time Katt tries an over head attack, but Cyan's blade was too fast for her as he unsheiths his blade and with a lighting draw slices her stalf in half, the hilt of his blade clicking softly as it is re-sheithed a second later. "There. Thou cans't do battle without thine weapon." And Cyan wins on acount of being a gentleman and not harming a lady. Katt: 153 Cyan: 199 angelicus85@hotmail.com Cyan charges his Swordtech. Katt, confused that her opponent is standing still, womps him. Cyan continues charging. Katt, now very confused, leaves the ring thinking she has knocked Cyan out. Victory for Cyan! GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Katt and Cyan look each other over right before their battle was to take place. Katt dashed at Cyan, staff in hand. What Katt didn't know was that Cyan was charging his Sword Tech bar the entire time. Cyan unleashes Quadra Slam, effectively ending the match. shale0@msn.com It's such a pity that playable characters are so vulnerable to instant death techniques - what might be a good match...well, isn't. One Cleave from Cyan and it's over. veryslightlymad@hotmail.com Cyan has this one. Katt is fast, and capable of dishing out the damage, but I think she'll still need a few hits to take out Cyan, who has pretty good Defense and HP for his game. Katt, however, does NOT have the HP to stand up to a few of her attacks, so Cyan can just use Empowerer on her and it's over. nemoincognito@hotmail.com Cyan has this one easy. Katt has the speed and Katt has the strength, but Cyan has the cheap. Katt will get in first, but Cyan can take a few hits. On the other hand a single Dispatch will play havoc with Katt's low DEF and HP. He'll need two turns at most to finish her off. DragoonJay@excite.com Does speed help you when you're hit by a Stunner and can't move? Didn't think so. apuffe42@cs.com Katt's strong, but not strong enough to take out Cyan before he busts a Quadra Slice. JackPower@aol.com Cyan, using his tactical prowess, decides to do some research about his opponent before the match. He notes in the contestant profiles that Katt apparently has no magic, and thus has his armor and accessories customized against only physical attacks. Entering the match, he finds that Katt *does* have magic, as he is greeted with a massive Bolt X spell. Although the noble retainer was fortunate enough that his opponent only has enough MP to cast one or two such top level spells, one is more than enough for the speedy feline to dominate the rest of the match. NinjaFire2@aol.com Cyan Garamonde's Sword Techs, while good, require approximately five thousand years to charge. Katt's high attack power, however, can be used immediately. Put two and two together, and Katt wins. Simple, huh? dragon_blaze@hotmail.com Cyan starts to use his sword tech. While he is charging Katt insults him the whole time. Cyan unleashes a quadra slice. Katt gets hit for 1,1,1 and 1. Cyan checks his attack power which is a single digit number. Katt then smashs Cyan into the air and then calls Bolt X down upon him. Metal is a good conductor. Katt wins joylock@hotmail.com Cyan's got wicked cool specials (quadra slice being the grandaddy of omnislash) but they take forever to charge up. He's also only got average speed at best. Katt's special (daring enemies to attack her) is pointless beyond description, but her regular attacks are easily the strongest and fastest out of all her fellow BOFII alumni. Verdict: Katt quickly clobbers Cyan into an early retirement while the old swordsman is waiting for his attack bar to fill up. youkairyuu@comcast.net Katt started the fight by bashing Cyan's armor to pieces with her MeowMeow Staff. Cyan decided to end the fight with a simple Quadra Slam. Unfortunatly for him, while he charged the fairly simple attacks, Katt bashed him to pieces just as easily as his armor. TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com Cyan is slow, and has subpar attack power. While he may overpower Katt in the HP department, his problem will be hitting the agile feline. Katt is fast and strong, and as such, can easily run rings around Cyan. sirblaze@hotmail.com Katt laughed as she taunted Cyan over and over again. "I dare you to use Cleave. I dare you!" He finally gave in, and began to concentrate. "Batter up." Those were the last words that the Knight of Doma heard as Katt took a baseball stance, and levelled her staff at his head. Nall vs Robo shale0@msn.com: Nall can't maintain his dragon form forever, and Robo's got some potent healing techniques to carry him while he's physically outmatched. Once Nall shrinks back down to size, though...well, I won't be sorry to hear the end of those damn wisecracks. Nall: 144 Robo: 210 apuffe42@cs.com Robo uses Area Bomb. Nall does... nothing, cause he's dead. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Robo and Nall prepared for battle. Nall prepared some ice magic, while Robo just stood there. After being hit squarely by the ice magic, Nall wonders why he didn't try to block or dodge it. This gave Robo just the chance he needed. Suddenly, Crono and Frog appeared from out of nowhere, and they performed the famed Delta Attack. After a Tackle and an X-slash, there wasn't much of Nall left. Magna_ZeroX@yahoo.com WTF?Robo in middle?i sense years of analysis ahead of this horrible mistake.He should be up in heavy with the rest of his robotic buddies. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Nall comes into the arena in full draconic splendor, hundreds of feet of scale and muscle. Robo analyzes his opponent, raises a custom-built arrow launcher attachment, and sends a lucky plot-device lucky arrow straight into Nall's heart. Lucca scribbles the results into her latest project notebook, which now reads: "Day 1 Archery suggested by Odine at conference; Day 3 Robo agrees to test module; Day 17 match scheduled with Nall - hooray! - so that will be a good chance for a test; Day 24 test successful; Day 25 begin mass production discussion w/ Rufus, Ramus" youkairyuu@comcast.net Robo enters the arena looking to use Shock for an easy win. He quickly found his target as a huge cone of ice froze the robot solid. A large beam containing a quarter of Althena's power shattered the frozen trashcan a second later. drumbkb@aol.com Would Nall's powerful magic be enough to dismantle Robo? Would Robo's variety of beam weapons devastate the mighty dragon of Althena? No. Nall uses White Dragon protect and squishes Robo. NinjaFire2@aol.com Lucca will be spending a long time trying to fix her mechanical buddy this time, since Nall's dragon form alone could paste Robo in a matter of minutes. DragoonJay@excite.com Come on, someone upgrade Robo to an operating system that isn't 10 years old! He moves like molasses travelling uphill! Granted, he is tough, but with that kind of speed... Ah, wait, it's the new Atropos' Ribbon version 2.0! Thank goodness for overclocking accessories, eh? Wait a minute...it looks like Robo's overheating from the increase in speed. Don't worry, I'm sure that Nall can help you cool down... Er, just a bit too much, Nall. nemoincognito@hotmail.com Total and utter mismatch. If a divine dragon big enough to use an eighteen-wheeler as a chew toy qualifies as a middleweight character here I'd hate to see the Godlikes. Point 1 - White Dragon Protect. Magic barrier which cancels all magic attacks. Laser Spin and Shock are nullified. Point 2 - Althena's Sword. I don't care how badly he can use it, it's still overpowered with it's big ATT score and +1 attacks. Point 3 - size modifier. If you had the choice of going into the ring as a human, a flying cat or a dragon over 500 feet from nose to tail what would you choose? My point exactly. Nall ends the match with one attack by transforming and sitting on the tin man. Nall is Godlike and you know it as well as I do. Feena vs Rena Lanford DragoonJay@excite.com: Let's see here... Rena is a very capable healer, fully capable of waiting out our plucky little Feena. Whatever could Feena do to win? Oh, that's right... Rena can't heal if she's frozen in time, can she? And she certainly can't survive a full-throttle End of The World, could she? In a word... no. Feena: 161 Rena: 154 sirblaze@hotmail.com Rena wasn't worried. She had mastered her Nedian heraldry. However, two words changed her life forever. Time Gate. In one second, there was Feena, wings glowing. In the next, to the surprise of everyone else around, there was Rena, her body pretty much nothing but used charcoal now. angelicus85@hotmail.com Sure, Rena can heal all the damage done to her, but she has to SURVIVE that first magic attack of Feena's. World End should be more than enough to end Rena. NinjaFire2@aol.com Feena's spells, while powerful, aren't quite strong enough to kill Rena in one shot. Rena, on the other hand, will be stuck healing every turn. Basically it'll come down to both of them completely depleting their MP reserves. From then on, the answer is simple: Feena can fight, and Rena can't. Ouch. Alpha_Knight95@hotmail.com Feena's physical and magical abilities are far stronger than Rena's magical abilities. All Rena can do is heal and attack with low damaging spells, while Feena can use End of the World to burn Rena to a crisp. Go Feena!!! youkairyuu@comcast.net *Sigh* Time Stop + as many World's Ends as Feena wants gives this match to Feena...quite easily. apuffe42@cs.com Feena has high-power attack magic, MP restoration, and mid-power healing. Rena has high-power healing, and low-level attack. Match to Feena. dunefar@tendodojo.com Feena should fry Rena with a simple combo of Time Stop and End of the world. Rena's healing won't do her much good if she's frozen in time. odin_leon@yahoo.com Rena will always be able to act first. Silence before Time Gate, which means Feena will have to fight Delayed as well due to Rena using Motormouth to speed up her spell casting. Plus a few hard hits with her Fallen Hope is sure to bruise the Icarian Beauty. Guess she will have to be tended by Justin now. shale0@msn.com Rena and Feena are even matches in a fistfight, so his battle is all about the magic. Rena can't stand up to a shot of End of the World, and we all know what Timegate will do to any opponent. Which is why it's a good thing that, as a capable physical fighter armed with Fallen Hope, she'll be able to cancel either of Feena's heavy-hitting spells before they can be cast. And that's before she casts Haste and Growth on herself. If Feena gets lucky with a physical technique, well, that's what Fairy Heal is for. XLockeX888X@aol.com This would be a good match, Rena against Feena. Except that Rena is the best healer in the entire RPGP. Rena can run from Feena while using her healing magic nonstop. If Rena can stay away from Feena's whips and daggers and exhaust her MP, she has this one in the bag. darkavenger_ix@hotmail.com Rena can heal herself so she'll come off better 'cause she can out last feena's magic and then finish her off with star flare or close combat XvAshtonvX@hotmail.com Rena walks into the ring confidant in her abilities after training with Claude for weeks to prepare for this match. As the match got underway Rena cast Star Flare for moderate damage before rushing in to go on the attack. Feena totally caught off guard by this tactic could only dodge as Rena swung at her with her fists. Finally Feena regained her compsure and knocked Rena away with a quick KnifeHurl before casting her first spell of the match, BurnFlame. Unfortunately for Feena, Rena came prepared and after getting hit by Feena's spell she looked stronger than before. Taking the momentary lapse in Feena's defense Rena charged in again and connected with a few good swings that not only blurred to appear as three swings at once, but also launched projectiles at Feena to do even more damage. After the punishment Feena had took she had one last hope. Summoning her power she started to cast Time Gate, but Rena saw that coming and cast Silence causing Feena to fail in her casting and left her extremely weak and down to only her attack skills, which half she couldn't use because Rena would heal from them. With a final Star Flare Rena ended the match in brilliant form. After being declared the winner Rena, being the nice girl she is, cast Raise Dead on Feena to revive her. Sheena Lepant vs Ruby NinjaFire2@aol.com: It all comes down to a single question: is Sheena crazy enough to hit on a cat/dragon thing? My guess would have to be "no", especially because Ruby, unlike Nall, has no ability to take human form. Without this glaring weakness, Sheena can easily take the match. Sheena: 189 Ruby: 128 ramza_01@sdf-1.com Sheena yawns as he looks around, wondering when his dueling partner's appearing, his famly sword Kirinji, gripped loosly in his hand. "Jeez, this Ruby chick sure does make a person wait..." He mutters as he kicks a pebble. "Ahem! I'm right here! Behind you!" A smallish voice cries. "Huh?" Sheena turns slightly but doesn't see anyone. KICK! Sheena looks around confused as he is then called the light winner after accidently kicking the baby dragon ruby out of the ring. apuffe42@cs.com Sheena is immediately distracted by a cute pink kitten, and leans down to pet it. Two seconds later, his charred hand hits the ground in front of Ruby. youkairyuu@comcast.net Ruby turns into her Red Dragon form and carpets the arena with her Red Dragon Anger attack....Sheena is left as nothing more than a puddle of goo. DragoonJay@excite.com Dragon... wussy Suikoden extra. Dragon... wussy Suikoden extra. I don't know about you, but I'll take the dragon. Rowd vs Relm Arrowny sirblaze@hotmail.com: Rowd laughed. His powers were beyond those off any little girl. Especially one with a paintbrush. "Why don't you do something useful, brat, and paint my portrait, maybe." He boasted. "OK," was her only reply as she began to sketch. The entire arena's collective jaws had dropped to the floor. Not only was he the victim of a Sketch, but he had volunteered! And was posing! She was quickly done, and Rowd began to inspect the facsimile. "Perfect." That was all he said as he gazed into it's eyes. He was stunned. He had finally found something to love more than his mirror. He never saw the Sketch's sword slash his hand. Crippled, he fell to the ground, and pondered his hand. Relm took the opportunity to smack him over the head with her brush. He said ouch at the first hit. He said ouch at the second. It was the twelvth, however, that finally made him fall over in defeat. Rowd: 130 Relm: 186 GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Relm sketches a picture of that sensational blond teen idol, Cloud Strife. After it comes to life, screaming/crying girl fans rush the arena. Amongst the chaos, Rowd is trampled to death. The national guard is called in to disperse the crowds. NinjaFire2@aol.com Relm obviously starts off by Controlling her opponent; unfortunately, the only thing Rowd is good at is betraying people. This turns out to be a good thing, though: faced with the inescapable psycological paradox of trying to betray oneself, Rowd's head explodes. A stupid victory, but a victory nonetheless. apuffe42@cs.com Relm sketches Rowd and causes a glitch that deletes the captain from the save file. Shraifer@hotmail.com Rowd, before the match thinks to himself, "Ah, this little girl going to be a piece of cake." As the match start off, Rowd pulls out his sword, but then see Relm signaling for him to stop. Relm then gives him puppy dog eyes and ask permission to paint his portrait. Rowd agrees and you know the rest. Relm wins. DragoonJay@excite.com "Hey, want me to draw your portrait?" Rowd wasn't as stupid as Relm took him for. "Sure!" he said, pulling out a mirror. That was his fatal error. Since Relm sketched what she saw, and she saw her own reflection... The sight of two Relms was enough to drive Rowd to knock himself out. youkairyuu@comcast.net Rowd being the treacherous character he is aims his sword attack at Relm's only hope at winning; her paintbrush. After he slices that tool in half, he slices her in half...being the treacherous character he is. destindiorune@yahoo.com Rowd CAN, acutally, do more than just attack. If you choose to fight him, and survive long enough to see it, you'll notice he has a water rune. And therefore healing. Relm can hit him with a paintbrush all she wants, she won't win. ramza_01@sdf-1.com Rowd looks over at Realm and starts laughing. Very hard. "HEY!! Don't make me paint your portrat!" the small girl yells as she brandishes her paint brush, only to blink several times as both it and her rather large hat are cut neatly in two as Rowd re-seiths his sword. He laughs somemore as she runs off crying to her grandpa. shale0@msn.com Rowd's strength is hardly overwhelming, but Relm is hardly difficult to overwhelm. Her defense and HP are pathetic and her attack is even worse. What's more, since Rowd has no special attacks, all a Sketch of him will do, if it even succeeds, is attack with the same strength with which he's hitting Relm, who has far less staying power. Looks like the coward of the Unicorns gets to win one for a change... wyrmspirit@hotmail.com: Though i'm a dog person myself.. it all comes down to the fact that Rei can transform to a weretiger.. so i have to go with the cats on this one :) though due to her slow wit, it'll likely be Katt that goes out first.. when she tries taunting her opponents while Rei is a weretiger... Worren: 202 Forest: 114 alblouin@globetrotter.net Hmm...I think the Worens will win. Even though the three members of the forest clan have healing abilities, Rei, Katt and Cray surpass them in raw attack power. And Bo, Bow and Scias have rather low defense power. Bo is very average in both attack and magic, Bow only has his healing magic to rely on, and Scias is good at using swords, but his magic isn't too hot. On the other side, only Katt has low defense power, and Cray is a real wall. All of them are heavy hitters (especially Rei as a weretiger), and if they all concentrate their attacks on one character, the fight is theirs. edawg67@hotmail.com Rei + Weretiger form = 3 dead dogs Shraifer@hotmail.com Personally, I think Rei and Katt could win this match alone. The worens win. Tmagic77@aol.com Scias is a badass. apuffe42@cs.com The Bonus Match this week is where things get interesting. Rei, Katt, and Cray are all strong warriors, whereas Bo and Bow are mostly useless - but Scias's Render, powerful magic and gonzo stats make up for both of them! I beleive the Forest Clan has this one in the bag with a little strategy - Scias can start with a Blizzard to take out Katt, then Shiningblade Cray while Bo and Bow heal him. Rei will go Weretiger then, but that simply won't be enough to take out all three of his madly healing opponents. DragoonJay@excite.com The Warren warriors came out with their fists/claws flying. The Forest folk simply took out their water pistols and fired, sending the felines scurring out of the arena. "Is that fair?" asked Nina. "..." shrugged Ryu. TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com It's raining cats and dogs? The Warren Clan is missing something extremely vital: magic. Yeah, they have some, but not enough, especially healing spells. The Forest clan members, meanwhile, have lots of magic, with both Scias, Bo, and Bow having the ability to heal. Scias is just as fast as Katt is, and hits just as hard, but he can hit twice as often thanks to his Render weapon. Bow can cast defense increasing spells, eliminating the main strength of the Warren Clan: their physical attacks. Bo can use attacks spells or help Bow with healing, or just shoot stuff with his bow. And while Rei has a lot of power in his transfomation, it makes him uncontrollable, which can be a hit or miss. Katt, while fast and strong, has low HP and defense, making her vulnerable to the magic strong Forest Clan ( magic doesn't miss, and neither does Scias' Shining Blade attack ). Cray, though he has high HP and defense and attack, is slow, and not exactly an adept with magic either. It's pretty much a dog eat cat world out there. PumpkinSed@aol.com At first glance, one could easily see Worren being the victors. That is...until I saw the name "Scias" on the Forest team youkairyuu@comcast.net Scias can win this one alone.....he quickly takes out Rei with a Shining Blade while Bow and Bo defend to absorb the others attacks. Katt and Cray both attack Scias, putting him in Rakshasha mode. Where he quickly Shining Blades Katt while Bow heals him with his curative magic. Scias simply casts Death on the low Magic Defense Cray, giving the Grass Runner Clan a nice victory. Vilmizer@hotmail.com I vote for the forest clan just because there ain't nothing as cool as a samurai dog. Seriously though. Scias can cause some heavy damage and Bo is pretty strong + has some curative and damaging magic. Bow can just heal while the other two pound away! rokon37@hotmail.com The Worrens and Forest Clansmen had entered the arena both teams merely waiting for the other to strike. Katt, having already fought Cyan earlier, was not in her best form. "Come on, this is no time for a cat-nap!" Rei yelled at the feline femme, "These guys are so easy!" Katt simply looked up angrily at him glaring her fangs, "Hey fella, if you’re so tough, why don't YOU fight them first, huh?" Luckily Cray stepped in before any kind of cat fight could ensue. "Come on, we're a team here! Let's show these guys what we can do!" And with that, he cast a mighty "quake" spell in the vicinity of the canine combatants. "W-whoa!" Was all Scias could say before the ground below him split open. "Jump!" Bo instructed, and the three forest clansmen leaped upward above the fissure. Bo fired an arrow at the weaker-looking Katt, who still managed to deflect it with a quick twirling of her staff. Meanwhile, Bow had landed beside Cray, who took a swing at him with his humongous club-like weapon. Not having the best reflexes, he was knocked backwards near Scias's feet. "C-chill out..." Scias muttered as he cast a blizzard spell, taking advantage of the Worren's lack of heavy clothing, and incasing his opponents in a block of ice. However, the frozen enclosure was shattered from within, and an angry Were tiger emerged from the remains. Rei immediately went for Scias, and ruthlessly charged at him, slamming him into the opposite wall of the arena. Bow managed to heal himself before Cray could approach, but was still in danger of being flattened by his cudgel. He fired an arrow, but the Worren chief just tilted his head to the side and let the projectile pass. Unfortunately, before he could even launch an attack, Bo cast a "fry" spell which struck Cray's weapon, reducing it to splinters. Just then, Rei swooped in and tackled Bo before he could even turn around, and relentlessly slashed him as they hit the ground. "Two down, nice going Rei!" Cray commented his friend, but his look soon turned to horror as Rei now stared at Cray with murderous eyes. "Rei...what are you doing!?" He soon realized that no one had bothered to learn the "influence" skill before the match, and without it, Rei was just a loose cannon. A primal yell could be heard as Rei pounced on his teammate, and not even Cray's respectable defense could stand up to such an assault. Bow quickly loaded his crossbow and nervously aimed it at the enraged tiger. If he missed, he knew he was a goner. Using his "shot" technique, he fired hopefully at the creature's back. Rei looked over his shoulder just long enough to see the arrow strike him between his vertebrae. He let out his last roar before collapsing. Katt stood up and faced the remaining competitor. "You think you can win, Bow? Ha!" She stuck out her tongue and mocked the dog-man, which, true to her "taunt" technique, greatly lowered his attack. Knowing a direct attack would be very ineffective, Bow fired his arrow near Katt's feat, striking her tail and leaving it stuck in the floor. Katt yelled out in surprise, and Bow used this opportunity to run forward and give her a sturdy kick across the face. She landed a good hit on him, but he just backed away and healed. He then used what little fighting knowledge he had to keep up the pressure on her. Katt's low defense soon got the better of her, and before she knew it, she was looking up from the ground at Bow, who smiled as his hands were raised in victory. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.