Ramirez vs Luca Blight ANONYMOUS: Luca and Ramirez, power and skill, hot and cold, sword and sorcery... a study in opposites, and yet, both monstrous slayers in their own rights. Having toppled the past Reigning Champion, Luca saw little to fear from the slight figure before him. Was he to be impressed by Silvite buzzwords - cut through light? "Bah," he snarled, "any fool can cut through light! It doesn't even fight back." Ramirez, for his part, just smirked. At the ring of the Arena bell, the two warriors leapt into combat. Luca laid about him with the full fury of his madness and the Beast Rune's hunger, quick enough to strike a blow on the surprised Ramriez. And Luca pressed his attack, giving his foe no chance to recuperate, no chance for a blow that might turn the tide. Ramirez' uniform was sliced in a dozen places, and Luca's sword was streaked with red. Then Luca landed a particularly vicious uppercut, and Ramirez was sent flying backwards. He stopped in midair. Luca frowned. "Another stupid flying pig?" he wondered. But Ramirez didn't fly, exactly. Rather, he came to ground very, very slowly, as though suspended by invisible strings. Luca came to understand what those strings were when the Silver Nightmare's power overtook him. The effects were not quite what Ramirez expected. Luca, too long starved of battle by his stint as Reigning Champion, did not care who or what he killed. Only that his greatsword spilled blood, and that his hunger for battle was sated. When the silver threads wormed into his will, he welcomed them. After all, they still wanted him to kill something. Just as the Silver Wolf that lurked within him did. Just as he did. What did it matter that the thing he was killing was himself? It was a testament to Luca's phenomenal toughness that he was still alive when he lost the strength to wield his sword. But he was not still alive when Ramirez' blade came down to finish the job. RAMIREZ: 111 LUCA: 103 Sell-Off! ANONYMOUS: You know how almost every cave on almost every world contains these treasure chests, identical and clearly man-made, containing one item of either piddling common or incredibly rare status, just sitting there? Ever wonder why? Every last one of them is Taloon's. TALOON: 43 RAMUS: 40 HAMMER: 29 GUIDO: 22 GOBI: 16