Six lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Songi vs Brahms This was more than just a qualifier for Brahms and Songi. Indeed, their very status as Godlikes was on the line. The loser would face the ignomity of being cast down along with their fallen comrades Peter, Jenova and Serge, to name a few. Needless to say, the tension was mounting. "It is a shame that it has come to this. I would have liked to face such a worthy opponent over less stressful conditions." said Brahms, as he dropped into an offensive fighting stance. "True, but if we did not battle now, undoubtedly others would take up the fight against us. Perhaps it's best that we face each other at this point. May the victory go to the stronger of us." replied Songi in turn. The two rushed at each other, trading blow for blow, both moving too quickly to see clearly what was happening. "You... fight... well..." puffed Brahms in between strikes. "Not... so... bad... yourself." wheezed Songi from a hard punch to the abdomen. The two backed off, preparing for the final volley. "I should warn you that I haven't been using my full power." said Songi, prepping up a Genocidal Cannon. "That's funny." said Brahms, thundering over and crushing Songi into the arena floor. "Neither have I." Songi: 143 Brahms: 162 I'm sorry, Songi was a PANSY every time I fought him. Brahms was not. Brahms and Songi faced each other down. Brahms was expecting a long, drawn-out karate match. But after a few punches and uppercuts, Brahms managed to pull off his PWS. "Finishing Strike! Bloody Curse!" Was the lost thing Songi heard because he was sent flying out of the arena. Brahms can withstand attaks from three demigods and one full goddess long enough to put up quite a good contest. Even mutated, I can't imagine Songi surviving even one Bloody Curse - and even if he could, his attack power is proportional to his HP, which means he won't be hitting back very hard. Brahms and Songi wasted no time getting down to the nitty-gritty of their battle. Their blows grew progressively faster and more deadly, eventually taking on a rather Matrix-like quality. The only question was, with two such mighty martial artist baddies... which one was in the Neo role? Indeed, the analogy became even more apt when a punch from Brahms sent Songi crashing THROUGH the Arena floor, down into the transdimensional subway system below. Songi climbed to his feet and prepared to block another blow from Brahms, but the vampire lord just gave him a toothy grin. "What's so funny?" Songi demanded. "I joined the heroes, you fool," Brahms said, chuckled under his non-breath. "That means *I* must be in the -" His words were cut off when he was rather rudely hit by a passing subway car. Songi leapt out of the way at the last moment, shaking his head. "You forgot one thing. In Blade, it's VAMPIRES that get hit by the subway," he sneered. Lloyd vs Melfice Turns out that the Horn of Valmar is actually from its dragon head. This in turn causes Melfice to be obliterated after one slash from Lloyd. Lloyd: 159 Melfice: 156 Yes, Lloyd has incredible speed and evasion capabilities, causing most opponent's attacks to hit nothing but air. But...what's that? Melfice has speed lowering spells, and of course, Demon Horde Slash, a move that can't be dodged. Sorry Lloyd, but it's time to go back to the loser's bracket with the rest of your Legend of Dragoon brethren. And tell Dart I said hello. Not only does Melfice have Demon Horde Slash, which deals rather a lot of unevadable damage, he has Speedy, which can, given time, raise his agility to be on a par with Lloyd's. What seals it, though, is that he can cast them both on the same turn, using the sword to Slash and his Regenerator to boost his status. And if the sword dies...well, then Lloyd can try to deal with Evil Horn Attack, which is worse than anything the sword can dish out. Lloyd knew he had to move the second that the insane laughter began. The second that the bell rings, he wastes no time in leaping to the air, literally fractions of a second before Melfice crosses the ring and jabs Maken Valborg where the Wingly's heart was. "ha ha!" Lloyd taunts out of habit, before gathering the power to send a blast of fire at the Blue-haired maniac below him. "So, you think you have won?" Melfice asks, before casting Shhh! on Lloyd, ruining the luckless Wingly's spell. >Dammit!< Lloyd swears mentally, as the Dragon Buster flares to life around his arm, >Now I have to fight this psycho the hard way!< Lacking the power to use his Dragoon Armor, Lloyd swoops down at Melfice blade first. The euthusiatic madman meets the attack, laughing, and deflects it off his own blade. "So, how does it feel to be deprived of your voice?" Melfice inquires, as Lloyd pulls up from his dive and hovers over the ground. BEfore he can recover and dodge completely, Melfice is on him; crossing the ring in the blink of an eye and laying open his side. Lloyd grits his teeth, taking the pain, as she flies around Melfice and stabs the Dragon Buster down toward Melfice's back. The Blade sinks through the Madman's back, destroying his regenerator. "Not bad," Melfice admits as he darts back, "Now Witness my strongest attack!" Lloyd's lasts thoughts wer simple impulses of confusion, fear, and pain as Melfice split in four, and the Wailing Soul Slash earned it's name yet again. Melfice is really strong. Seriously. Against many of the Godlikes, he would have a serious advantage. But this is Lloyd we're talking about. First, Melfice's physical attacks and regular techniques are going to miss left and right against Lloyd's godly evade. Second, Lloyd seems to be able to get out of the way (using a vertical dodge) of even normally unblockable attacks, such as Demon Horde Slash. Third, Melfice's speed isn't going to be any greater than Lloyd's. And fourth, the Divine Dragon was a heck of a lot stronger than anything Melfice can bring to the field. Lloyd will be left to ponder the burning question: "Why have the powers that be never given me a chance to face Sephiroth?" Tim Rhymeless vs Gort Ah yes, the true ways of the warrior. Get tanked and pound on a pansy summoner. Go GORT! Tim: 149 Gort: 155 Gort will simply cleave little Timmy in half. No summons, no nothing. Just a bloody fountain. Gort's a dwarf! dwarfs rock! He's got high deffense and attack plus he's focused on one think which means he'll beat anyone up close! It's a simple equation: Gort + Target = Bad As much as it hurts to vote against a Shining character, especially one who's on the bubble, Gort is simply not fast enough or strong enough to take out Tim before he gets blown away by an Apocalypse. Rassius Luine vs Jesiah Black Remember that funny scene in "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark," where a sword-weilding baddie proudly swings his blade around before getting shot dead by Indy's revolver? Well, replace the baddie with Rassius, and Indy with Jesiah, and you've pretty much summed up this match. Rassius: 137 Jesiah: 175 "Come on!" Jesiah snorted as he walked his way to the arena. "I'm the best gunner there is! Do you think some punk with a wall's gonna stop me? I'd like to see anyone stop me now!" If there's one thing that is to be learned from RPGP matches, it is that tempting fate is a BAD thing. A few notes of a peppy tune began playing. "What the... it couldn't be..." As the music became more recognizable, the crowd began roaring. From the shadows, a figure spoke. "Get over yourself, Black! There's only room enough for one Heavy gun-wielder, and I'm aiming for it to be me!" Jesiah ran towards the arena in fear. "If I can just reach it in time, I can win by disqualifica..." He had no time to finish that thought, as Laguna Loire showed why it was a bad idea to turn your back on a Man with A (overpowered) Machine Gun. Ras' paladin-like qualities, Aurora Arte and sword skills would seem to give him a certain edge. On the other hand: Good, bad... Jesiah's the man with the gun. Gau vs Ivan Ivan isn't stronger than Gau. He won't dare read Gau's mind, unless he wishes one monster headache. If he looks into the future, all he's going to see is him being whacked around. Gau: 175 Ivan: 151 Gau rages a Pearl Dragon. End of match. Instead of wasting his time during the essential pre-match staredown, Ivan instead puts it to good use by scanning Gau's mind for potential weaknesses. What he sees scares him: Gau can use the abilities of any number of terrifying monsters, whose attacks could easily splatter his body in one fell strike. But then, he sees something more hopeful...Gau's favorite food. Ivan quickly tosses some Dried Meat out of the stadium, and a hunger-crazed (as always) Gau quickly runs out after it, giving the match to the Mercury Adept by default. "Me Gau!" the little boy said as he lept into his opponent. Ivan chilled in the arena for the length of a few battles until Gau was done. "Wow, you no power." Gau exlcamed as he decided to use the IO rage. Ivan being the little genius devil that he is puts all of his Djinn on standby (all 28). as the battle starts gau immediatly turns into a monster. Ivan, summons judgement ad blows the wild boy into nesxt week and follows up with a meteor. Due to Ivan's ability to read minds, he will be able to predict, dodge, and counter Gau's every move. His spells are decent, and Gau's low health will quickly fall. Mystina vs Celine Jules As much as I liked Celine, she had nothing that made her worthy of keeping in my party. On the other hand, Mystina is one of the best mages in VP, only behind the God-like Lezard Valeth, and the Heavy Class Gandar. Celine's only hope is Meteor Swarm, which simply cannot compare to a Mystic Cross/Celestial Star combo. Mystina wins the sexy starlet attack mage battle. Mystina: 164 Celine: 161 Mystina's magic is far stronger than Celine's. Really, even at maximum levels, Celine wouldn't be able to take more than three hits, even with her high magic defense. If she didn't have Forget, she'd almost certainly lose. But she does, and Valkyrie Profile mages can't use physical attacks, so Mystina is going to be reduced to sitting there and watching the Meteor Swarms hit. Million staff + Meteor Swarm = Dead Mystina X (lots of blood + big holes in the ground) Celine has Forget, which deletes a spell from being used during an encounter. Motormouth will help that out as well. And since Mystina is weak to Light attacks, a good placed Lunar Light should do the trick. Chu-Chu vs Yumei The only question here is whether Chu-Chu will remain in small form and take only some of the Frigid Damsel hits, which will easily kill her, or transform into large form and take all of them, which, you guessed it, will easily kill her. After what she went through last season, Yumei could practically win this one in her sleep... Chu-Chu: 146 Yumei: 177 Chu-Chu is simply pathetic. Yumei's spells can bring a lot of pain to GODS. At level 99 with an Adventia Staff, she can do A LOT of damage. A LOT. Frigid Damsel will be more than enough to win her this match. Time for a little question-and-answer session, folks. Now, what USUALLY happens when you light a small, furry animal on fire? Ohh, right, that's it...they burn. Case in point, Yumei will win. On one hand, we have Yumei, a mermaid sorceress that has really powerful magic attacks. On the other hane, we have a puny ball of pink and white fluff that does nothing but say "chu-chu" and get in the way. You do the math. ChuChu being extremely weak can really on a uch mightier force the win, the force of gravity I can't vote on this one, but I'd at least like to object to Chu-Chu being ranked in the light. I don't think a character with 30,000 HP and her boosted stats should be ranked as light, no matter how clumsy or thick she is (or how much people hate her). Oh, and move this Yumei chick up to middle already. She's taking all the fun out of light. Let's see... defending champion capable of damage far beyond her division... or a pitifully weak healer. Palom vs Elric Elric has a speed advantage, and his default bow gives him good range. That means he can keep his distance and pepper Palom with arrows until he goes down - not that that's going to take long, given Palom's pathetic defense. Palom: 152 Elric: 156 Even without his sister, Palom can win this one. ANYONE can beat Elric. Palom should easily be in middle. After all, he learns METEO if you level him up enough! I have absolutely no clue who will win between Elric and Palom. But since I dislike Elfs and Archers, I'll assume that Elric causes insane hatred in my heart. So I'll go with Palom. Elric is pathetic. Other than range, he has absolutely no benefits. However, I think that even he could beat the low-ability brat that is Palom. Elric would probably pump about 300 arrows in Palom before he could do a thing. Without his sister he can't do a damn thing except for die quickly. The hench-battle of the century was about to begin, with the Turks stolling out to meet the Disciplanary committee on the arena field of combat. "Now remember team," Reno was heard telling his team, "Cowardice is the better part of valor. If it looks like we'll lose, RUN!" "We shall destroy them." That was all Seifer had to say about his opponents. The battle started strong and fast, with Seifer and Reno going up against each other. Soon, though, Seifer had Reno down, with a well placed slash of the gunblade. Elena and Rude were faced with similar situations, as Raijin and Fujin beat them down. Seeing the match was lost, The Turks fled the scene. "You haven't seen the last of us!" Yelled Reno as the got away, leaving a puzzled looking Ref to declare the committee as the winners until the situation had been reolved. Later, the committee went to the public cafeteria for a victory lunch. "So Fujin, what's for lunch today?" Asked Seifer to his friend. "HOTDOGS." Soon Raijin chimed in. "I really like Hotdogs, ya know?" As they sat down to eat, a huge crash was heard as the Turks busted in! "HA! I told you we'd be back!" The Turks jumped on the committee table, each using a devastating attack to defeat the committee. A few amulets and light rays later, the committee lost round two. "I guess it's out turn to run." yelled Seifer as the committee fled. "Don't worry, we'll get you next time, ya know?" "DESTROY." The Turks sat down to the untouched meal, helping themselves to a victory lunch. That night, the turks went off to their room for a night of sleep after their long day. Each relaxed in their spot on the triple bunk bed. "Goodnight Turks." Reno said, as they drifted off to sleep. The happy goodnight music began playing. BANG! The committee knocked down the door, running into the room at the Turks. "Time to say goodnight, permanently!" Said Seifer, sneering. "But you can't attack us! We were about to sleep. It's an RPG rule that villains can't attack during sleep time!" "Ha! As if I have to follow rules! I'm the sorceres's..." "Knight, Knight, yes, yes, we know, we know." The Turks lept out of bed, smashing pillows at their opponents, feathers flying everywhere. Soon everyone was covered, and they were all stumbling blindly, hoping to hit an opponent, but more often than not hitting an ally. Squall and Cloud, walking by and chatting, laughed as they passed the open door, seeing their annoyances dealing with each other. Finally, when the feathers settled, the only one left standing was Seifer. A bewildered ref that was dragged to the match by the committee saw the result, and raised Seifer's hand in victory, giving the win to the Disciplinary Committee. Turks: 181 Disciplinary Comittee: 185 The turks stand tall, cool, slick and deadly. The disciplinary comittee stands tall, cool, slick and deadly. Reno casts pyramid on Seifer. Seifer decides to try his gumblade at long range but the bullet just ricochets off the wall, bounces about a bit and then buries itself in his fore head. 1 down 2 to go. Fujin is in turn put in a pyramid. Raijin trys to break her out of it by attacking. unfortunately he does not realize that its hurting Fujin as well. And since fujin can is only capable of speaking in one word sentences very very loudly she can't manage to get the idea across to the dull witted henchmen before he pounds her to a pulp. Now it's just a stupid thug against a team of deadly, incredibly powerful, crafty thugs. oh well. Seifer Almasy would more than likely wipe out all 3 of the Turks by his lonesome. Since he has Fujin and Raijin behind him, this battle will be a fairly short one. (off-stage note: Damn, this is one hell of a close fight! And note that I haven't even voted yet as of now -- I'm merely writing out the fight and playing it in my mind.) The battle started off ominously enough, whatnot with Fujin yelling out "RAGE!" and Elena putting the lasts of her make-up on. Reno, packed with his trusty electrorod, met a glance with the ever-confident Seifer, gunblade already out in hand and looking quite arrogant as usual. Raijin and Rude stared at each other for a few moments, their conversation going along of the lines of "...." and broken fragments and phrases ending with "ya know?". This whole ordeal continued for a few seconds, neither of the teams really taking the first move, when one of Elena's grenades accidentally slipped out of her pocket. Everybody warily eyed the object as it hit the floor with a *clang*, slowly rolling over to the center. Then exploded. It was hard to say what happened next, because everybody did everything at once. Reno shot at Seifer with a Turk Light, who retaliated with a Fire Cross, while Rude sent a Grand Spark flying at Raijin who ran right through it and proceeded to attack the Turk. Elena and Fujin were having a fairly intense slapping duel until the two of them started casting their more deadly techniques on each other, with grenade explosions and sais and tornadoes being thrown at each other. Eventually, Reno managed to gain a momentary upper hand and encased Seifer with one well-placed Pyramid, effectively freezing the would-be SeeD in his tracks. Fujin saw this and attempted to toss a sai in his direction to break the barrier, but she kept getting rudely interuptted by random explosions around her from the ever-persistent Elena. Raijin, on the other hand, had managed to stun Rude with a good Raijin Special and ran over to Seifer. One poke and the pyramid shattered, but Raijin would regret it later as he was instantly paralyzed from Reno's crackling electrorod. Seifer whipped out from his prison with a Bloodlust, sending Reno to his knees and finally KOed the Turk with a critical gunblade strike. He turned around and saw Fujin deliver one ear-splitting slap to Elena, also decking her because of a previous Sai attack. But Fujin quickly fell victim to a vicious Grand Spark, and Seifer found himself face-to-face with a fully revitalized Rude, thanks to Cure2. The two of them traded blows, and frankly, Seifer was doing only moderate damage with his gunblade while Rude dished out the hurt in large amounts from continuous Grand Sparks. They were just too much for the leader of Balamb's Disciplinary Committee to deal with, and he found himself collapsing to the ground before his low HP triggered his limit break. Consumed (per usual) with the constant thought that the world is deliberately trying to screw his life, Seifer will get fall-down drunk right before the match. Thus intoxicated, he'll summarily kill both of his comrades and then himself in an angsty, drunken rage. The Turks win by default. With Reno's Pyramid and Neo Turk Light, Elena's Grenades, Rude's Grand Spark, the Disciplinary Committee don't stand a chance. Actually, Reno should be able wipe the floor with all three on his own. Confusion and immobilization 0wnz j00. Lakidaa~ ..I nearly got my booty kicked whilst fighting the Turks. Rude Grand Sparked cold to death, Reno had Vinnie (the one with the only revive Materia) Pyramided, and Cid was too busy healing and cover-coutntering to actually DO anything. then he Limited. Wnen I fought the DC, I had mis-junctioned Squall, and I had to use my weakest characters, ands I found something vital out. Raijin won't hit girls. he sat there. Even though there is only One Lady turk, that still means Elena only has to deal with Seifer and Fujin. Plus! Reno absorbs Fire,and Rude Absorbs Lightning. I had to find that out the hard way -_-. Seifers Limit Won't hurt Reno, and Raijin just won't hurt Rude. Besides, the Turks are much cooler. ...usually *looks at Reno, who is as the saying goes, drunk as a Skunk* The turks are more powerful than people give them credit for. If it wasn't for the overly-powerful materia combinations you could have in FFVII they would've been very tough. I say they wipe the floor with the Balamb Garder Disciplinary Committee. This should have been Turks vs someone with skill. The Discipline Commitee is a bunch of kids that can barely fight. The Turks are kinda like the Elite SOLDIER in FFVII. The "Posse" doesn't have a chance. Turks < Commitee Reno, Rude and Elena vs. Seifer, Fujin and Raijan??? This is the best battle ever -- I mean EVER. But as cool as the Turks look, they can't handle Seifer's gun-blade skills. C'mon, Siefer could take on the turks by himself ya' know? Both teams enter the arena with no strategy to back them up. As the battle starts both teams charge forward except for fujin and reno. Fujin readies and attack the send into the fray while reno cuts her off with a pyramid spell. The large brawl in the centr of the arena is starting to go towards the disciplinary comitte, until reno gets raijun with a pyramid also. Seifer, not caring about his teammates leaves them and loses badly to rude and elena. The turks now go into the process of torturng raijus and fujin until the die. I_AM_SEPHIROTH@HOTMAIL.COM Hmm...bad ass turks in suits or a crappy gunblade wielder and his two sidekicks, a girl who yells with a limited vocabulary and a big guy with not much in the ways of attacking, ya know? Turks out-cool them by a long shot. It was a unanimous decision of the diciplinary committe to take out Reno and his dangerous Pyramid attack. So, as the fight began, Rajin immediately rushed forward and smashed the crap out of poor Reno with a Rajin Special. Elena screamed, as she believed the Turks were invincible, this early casualty came as quite a shock. The air was soon thick with Firebombs, for Elena was lighting them as fast as she could throw them. One particular Firebomb exploded on contact as it hit Rude's shotgun. With nothing but a flaming shotgun and some weak offensive magic, Rude departed from the arena. This left the unfortunate Elena the target of a Sai attack. "Now that was easy," Sefier chuckled, despite the fact that he had absolutely nothing to do with the win. Oh come now.. the turks are very experienced assasins.. amongst their other skills. Its highly likely that the Disciplinary committe wont even turn up for the match, likely still lying in bed, encased in a Pyramid. The Turk's Forefit! Reno: I can't stand there constant use of the same word's! Fujin: NEGATIVE. Raijin: What word's, ya know? Seifer: The sorceress' knight does not repeat the same word! I am the sorceress' knight! Fujin: NEGATIVE. Raijin: Seifer, you gave up that job 4 year's ago, ya know? ------There conversation goes on. Well now, this is a good match. It almost makes me happy enough to forget poor Nall being robbed by all the morons who have obviously never played Lunar (deep breaths, deep breaths). Ahem. Anyway, let's have a look at our competitors: The Turks RENO - Good fighter. Absorbs lightning, lightning based attacks. The strategic element of Pyramid should not be overlooked, but it's not that much of a hinderance since it will have to be broken when they want to do more damage to the trapped character. RUDE - The fighter of the group. Powerful physical attacks. Absorbs fire. Has fire, bolt and cure magics and the Grand Spark attack. Probably the biggest threat to the DC. ELENA - Absorbs ice. Has some spread magic and a fireball attack. I don't really see her doing much here. The Disciplinary Comittee SEFIER - Sure he sucks as a character, but he's all right as a fighter. Has a gunblade and fire magic to back him up. I remember that he can do his limit break on 2/3 health as well, and that's mad cheap. Expect him to abuse that RAIJIN - Heavy hitter. Absorbs lightning. Has bolt magic and powerful physical attacks. Solid character. FUJIN - Absorbs wind. Longe range attack and wind magic. Sai is probably the most dangerous attack in this fight. I say the DC wins this one by a head. Neither team can exploit the weaknesses of the other so it comes down to straight combat ability. Fujin's Sai will cripple one of the Turks and Sefier or Raijin will finish them off before Rude can heal. I don't think the DC can heal, but I don't think they'll need to with their more powerful attacks. Fujin: VICTORY. The though the status may have not as large a significance in battles as actual strength, speed, and so on, it has the capacity to be the turning point in any fight, and the Turks have that abililty The ever underrated Reno is almost single-handedly capable of winning this match. The fastest character of the bunch, Reno waits until Fujin is about to use Sai... then lashes out with Neo Turk Light, confusing her and redirecting the Sai onto Seifer, whom Rude immediately finishes off. Raijin gets off a respectable physical attack, but it's Reno's turn again, and he whips out Pyramid before the younger 'jin can say "ya know". Needless to say, the confused Fujin follows shortly after. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.