Seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Luca Blight vs Hyuga Ricdeau Luca growled. "You can't win, pig! The championship shall be mine!" "We shall see...", Hyuga casually replied. *SHWICK!* With a single swing of the blade, Citan lopped off Luca's left arm. "Ouch... you'll pay for that!" roared Luca, causing Citan to stop. "'Ouch'? I would think that you'd be in a bit more pain. I sliced your arm off!" "Merely a flesh wound." replied Luca. To make a long story short, Hyuga wins after it is found that Luca doesn't have a leg to stand on. Luca: 122 Hyuga: 197 Hyuga began the match not by conversing with his opponent, as he often did, but by taking a can of Yui's 'special sauce' from the same pocket of his robe in which he carried any healing items, tents, gear parts and extra weapons that he happened to have on him during the game. He opened the can, took a deep breath of the tasty smelling substance, frowned, and began to smear it on his robe, lightning fast! He quickly replaced the can, took another out, this one of Yui's extra chunky spaghetti mix, which he promptly placed on the end of his sword. Then, placing the rather icky blade under his armpit, he slumped to the ground with an "Urrgh." Luca, standing at the other end of the arena, had not noticed any of this, as he was too busy laughing maniacally, and anyway, Hyuga had moved faster than the eye could see. The Prince of Highland took one look at Huyga's fallen form and said, "Hah! The pig decided to kill himself rather than fight me. Not as stupid as he looked." As soon as Luca left the arena, Hyuga got to his feet. "No need to expend any more energy than neccessary," he said. I'm not exactly sure why everybody thinks Citan is so fast, seeing as how he gets his turn just before Fei does. Anyway Luca Blight has the best defense you can probably get in an rpg, he has good speed, and he has insane attack power, about the only thing that phases Luca is magic, which Citan has no attack magic to speak of. Citan can speed himself and heal but the fact will be that even though he can do this, Luca will take Citan's HP down ever 2 or 3 strikes so he'll have to heal. It will be a waiting game for Luca waiting for Citan's EP to hit 0, then he will go in for the kill. Easy victory for Luca. Luca Blight versus Hyuga? Well, this is tough. Luca used physical attacks to kill someone almost invincible against physical attacks. But he has to actually hit Hyuga, which is very unlikely. It'll be slow, but in the end you can't kill someone you can't hit. Hyuga fights much like Drizzt Do'Urden, famed drow ranger. He may only have one blade, but healing himself makes him one of the most feared fighters there are, even spanning to the Forgotten Realms in my book. Ok, first things first. Luca should never have beaten Magus. I cannot WAIT to see what happens after the good doctor hastes himself and puts enough holes in Luca to make Jesiah jealous. XxJowyAtreidesxX Luca and Hyuga face off in the arena, in a fight that could possibly be one of the most exciting fights ever. Hyuga is the first to attack, as he nimbly charges toward Luca and deals a flurry of deadly blows. As the dust settles, Luca stands, bloody and grinning and begins to walk towards Hyuga. This happens several more times before Hyuga is nearly fainting from exuastion. Before that can happen though, Luca's broadsword finishes him off. BCp Spectators watch amazed as Luca Blight simply walk through Hyuga's several katana attacks with out any problem. Then Blight pulls out his Broadsword and reminds everyone why he so nasty. Hyuga's ability to heal himself from Luca's attack as well as his amazing speed will be way too much for Luca to handle. I think Luca has finally met his match in this one. If it wasn't for Luca's Beast Rune, I'd say Hyuga could win this fight without using Senkei. But since Luca does have the Beast Rune, I'm going to say that Hyuga will win this one right when he casts Senkei and uses any of his 7-point Deathblows. Hyuga: Casts Senkei Luca: Goes into Beserker Mode Hyuga: Sits down for tea Hyuga: Finishes his tea and goes to talk to Fei in the audience Hyuga: Plays the Xenosaga demo with Fei Luca: Slices Hyuga to near-death Hyuga: Casts Sazanami Hyuga: Proceeds to build up his Combo Hyuga: Kills Luca before he knew what hit him Hyuga wins! I'm sorry Luca, even though I'm a big fan of yours, even coming close to worshipping the ground you walk on... Wild, one direction attacks, and mad swinging at your opponent's neck isn't going to win this particular match. What with Hyu dancing circles around you after casting Senkei, he'd use the hit and run tactics whilst charging up his AP meter for that deadly Deathblow combo. You MIGHT win if by some blind luck you smack him just as he tries to dart in for a jab... But then again, Hyuga shares his bed, shower and closet with Lady Luck. =P *runs from an enraged Luca who is swinging his sword wildly and screaming "Treacherous pig!", whilst Hyuga runs from an equally enraged Yui, crying, "It was only an analogy!!"* As Luca storms into the ring, Hyuga slowly adjusts his glasses. "Oh dear," he thought, "I'm up against quite a savage." Luca gives a wicked smirk as he looks over his opponent. "Another day, another pig to slaughter!" With that, he charges upon Hyuga. His hit connects in the docs side, sending him backwards. Hyuga dashes back to safety and casts heal on himself. Luca again charges, this time with his blade ignited. The doc quickly counters with suiseii, protecting him from the heat of the attack. Luca, seeing his attack fail, begins to swell with anger. "I'll show you PIG!" he shouts as he attacks with a fury of swings. Hyuga takes each hit and counters with a light hit as he retreats and heals himself. Just as Luca has hammered the doc to his last healing spell, he stops and gives an evil grin. "Is that all you've got?!" Meanwhile, Hyuga laughs as he draws his sword. He then charges releasing a combo of deathblows upon the unsuspecting prince. Luca is nearly decimated by the attacks and flies several feet before landing with a thud. Seeing Luca on one knee, he attacks with Hellfire bringing a pillar of fire on Luca. He turns his back with a smile, only to hear maniacal laughter within the fire. As Luca charges a final time, the poor doc learns the hard way that the savage before him is also immune to fire. Even the Hyuga is fast, he would have to deal insane amounts of damage to Luca to beat him alone. Luca would just have to make sure he hit Hyuga a few times and the match would be over. And I don't recall Citan's dodging abilities to be too great. Good but not great. DING!! the match began. luca began his lurching madman walk toward Hyuga. Hyuga just sat there punching the air. The crowd was puzzled? why didnt he just take advantage of his raw speed advantage, cut him to pieces, and give him to Yui to cook for dinner? *one hour later* Luca neared Hyuga. *one millionth of a second later* Hyuga unleashes the biggest freakin combo ever seen by man or beast. Even Noa was impressed. BUT WAIT!!! The Beast that is Luca! still stood. Giggling maniaclly he rushed straight at the dumbfounded good doctor. Luca's broadsword went straight through his chest and flung him halfway across the arena. Before he could hit the ground, the full, raw, and quite devastating power of the Beast Rune was unleashed on the pitiful lump that was Hyuga. Citan looks across the battlefield, and sees his opponent. As Luca ever steadily approaches, Hyuga studies him. Finally Hyuga decids to strike, but even though his katana slices deep into Luca, he has no time to escape as Luca has grabbed him by the arm. Luca: DIE PIG! Seconds later, Luca is announced the winner, and the good doctor is lying in a pool of his own blood. I may have voted against Luca last time, but I can still smell that Godlike championship calling out his name. I'll give Luca two steps into the Arena before Hyuga will dive in and slash him to death. Hmm, now would be a good time to remember that Luca has only two types of attacks: fire slashes and evadeable physical attacks. Citan has a spell to block Fire attacks. Citan has an unspeakably high evade rate. Citan has Haste and healing. This will not be a quick fight by any standards, but Luca hasn't got a chance. Hrmm lets see here now, a character who can take out half an army by his lonesome (And without the Beast Rune I might add...he never activated it, and since the rules allow him to have the Beast Rune....*shudder*), which is equivalent to Omnigear power...or a swordsman who doesn't have Omnigear power.....I think I'll go with the character that can take out armies and heroes by his lonesome. Hyuga began the match by casting Kaseii on himself to protect against Luca’s fire slash attack. Although Luca didn’t have that attack in mind as he charged with a series of triple slashes and thrust attacks causing immense damage to his opponent. Though Hyuga was faster, he found himself healing his wounds every chance he could get under Luca’s onslaught. Luca eventually made the mistake of attacking with his fire slash, which did little damage to the doctor. No longer forced to heal himself, Hyuga wasted no time and began his assault with a series small attacks followed by a devastating wind elemental deathblow. This attack dropped Luca the same as any other of Hyuga’s opponents. With this match seemingly over, Hyuga held his hand over his chest to cover the bleeding from an injury and started to leave the arena. “You Pig!!!!! You dare wound me!!!!!” Hyuga looked back to his opponent and saw Luca charging with his sword drawn. Luca made a high slash trying to decapitate the doctor, but he was able to duck underneath it, move behind him, and push Luca away with the handle of his katana using Luca’s own forward momentum. Hyuga wasn’t sure how Luca was still standing after taking a powerful deathblow at full force, but if this fight was going to go on, he needed to heal himself. Standing at a distance, the two stared each other down with their weapons ready to strike at any moment. When the look on Luca’s eyes became more focused and aggressive, Hyuga knew he was ready to attack. Both of them ran toward each other. When they met, they each took one swing at their opponent as they ran past each other. After that, both fighters just stood there staring forward away from their opponent. The audience wasn’t sure who was hit. All they could see was blood on the floor where the two met. Their questions were answered as Luca suddenly dropped to both knees then fell face down on the floor. Although Hyuga didn’t get past this incident without getting hurt either. He fell to one knee and was bleeding bad. He then used the last of his EP to heal himself to at least half strength. Able to stand up now, he took one last look at his opponent. All he saw was a pool of blood on the floor where Luca had fallen and not the fallen warrior himself. He didn’t have time to think as he suddenly heard someone coming from the side. He lifted his sword just in time to block Luca’s. Hyuga started to feel a little scared as he looked at the fire in Luca’s eyes and saw the insanity and the determination of someone still ready to fight after they had been beaten twice. Hyuga knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer in this fight and had to finish it quickly. As a last resort effort, he used up all of the AP he had built up during the match into a massive combo attack that linked three powerful deathblows. Luca had been taken down with an attack that no normal person would be able ! to survive. However, Luca is far from normal. “DOOOOOCCCCC!!!!!” After taking a few steps toward the exit, Hyuga was stopped by the sound of someone calling for him. He turned around and saw Luca still lying on the floor starting to move. Hyuga had the natural reaction anyone in his position would feel and was very annoyed at the fact that he had beaten this man three times and he had to do it once more. But he couldn’t back away from this match. Luca slowly staggered to his feet. His face completely covered in his own blood and showing signs of injuries everywhere, he managed to lift his sword up ready for one final duel. “Idiot!!!! Is that the best you can do!!!!” With that, Luca charged forward and attacked Hyuga. Hyuga was able to defend, but did take some damage. “Hah...hah hah hah... Fighting is my life.....” Hyuga wasn’t going to wait for him to attack again and went on the offensive. This time, Luca had been defending. “Pathetic!!!! That's what you call power!!!!” Hyuga was starting to get frustrated and had to finish this match. He put all of his strength into one final deathblow he was sure would defeat his opponent. Although Luca was ready to defend against such a wild attack and was able to evade it unharmed. This, unfortunately, left Hyuga open for an attack. Barely able to hold up his sword, much less his own weight, Luca managed to get in one last thrust attack that impaled the doctor through the chest. Lacking the strength to pull it out, the sword fell to the ground along with Hyuga. Luca just stood there for a while staring at the strongest opponent he had ever faced before leaving. He took only two steps before he collapsed from all of the injuries he had sustained in this battle, but not before being awarded the victory. Lloyd vs Jecht Lloyd came into the arena taking this match more serious than his other matches. Lloyd with dragon buster in hand waited for the monstrosity known as Jecht to enter the arena. The crowd was confused when they saw Jecht enter the arena. He wasn't in final aeon form. He was in his human form with blitzball in hand. Jecht stumbled towards Lloyd. Jecht was more drunk than he usually was. "Hic!" burped a stumbling Jecht. "Haha, I just beat a dragon expect to beat me?" Lloyd stood there being very silent. He didn't want to take a chance that Jecht was faking. "Whats up with those wings, you look like a fairy" laughed Jecht. "I'm a wingly you drunken monkey" yelled Lloyd. Jecht took the blitzball and threw the ball in the air and hit his famous Jecht Shot towards Lloyd. Lloyd deflected it with his dragon buster and it hit Jecht in the face. The match was over. "I guess he really was drunk" exclaimed Lloyd. Lloyd was on his way to his first championship. "I told you my father was washed out" exclaimed Tidus to Wakka as they left the arena. Lloyd: 151 Jecht: 132 Lloyd looked up at the towering Jecht and laughed. How was he, the worlds' greatest evader, defeater of the Divine Dragon, supposed to even break a sweat against a tower of power type opponent like Jecht. "You fool," he sneered. "You'll never hit me, especially if I were to take flight, like this!" Jecht glared at him and tried to swat him out of the air. Lloyd plunged under his arm and buried the Dragon Buster deep in his massively muscled chest. "Like I told Brahms..." Lloyd began. But to his surprise, Jecht wasn't quite dead. He was just reduced to his human form, badly injured. His sword lay on the ground yards out of reach. He was bent over *something* on the ground. Lloyd hovered in the air. He looked to Reigning Champion Auron. "Consider this vengeance for my good friend Sephiroth, and consider that I'll be looking forward to facing you when you have the guts to reenter the arena like the other Champions." Auron pointed down into the arena. "What?" Lloyd said. "Even if he gets up, it isn't like he'll hit me." Jecht's blitzball, which, like Wakka's, was a shoo-in to hit fliers, smashed him in the side of the head, bounced off, and returned. Lloyd was only dazed... be he crashed into the stands for a ring-out. "I'm always gonna be the best," Jecht said, rubbing his neck. Jecht should never have made it this far either. He was a mediocre boss at best. Look how fast Lloyd is. Do you really think that broadsword will hit? Drop him down to Heavy where he belongs, Lloyd. When it comes down to it, Jecht and Lloyd are beasically the same strength.Too bad Lloyd doesnt have break damage limit, He would be able to beatjecht in about 3 hits.Itll take him about errrr...more than 20. and Jecht could just do Super Jecht shot by the 10th hit... Jecht comes to the match slightly dunk, as usual, and laughs as Lloyd enters the ring. Jecht, "Your pathetic dragoon toys won't hurt me," as starts his blitz combo. However, as Jecht combo miss again and again, Lloyd's smile grows larger. Then Lyold pulls out a standard wingly fireball and blasts Jecht. Jecht surprise by the fact that his opponent has suddenly sprouted wings, has no time to stop Lyold from sending his Dragon Buster sword direct through Jecht chest. Lyold, "You forgot that I am also a wingly." You can't dodge Jecht Beam Ok seriously now, Jecht is walking through godlike easily, and yet Yuna, whome I beat jecht with in 1 shot, loses to a wimp in Heavy?!? MAN!! Jecht charged, expecting to make quick work of Lloyd. What he wasn't expecting was for Lloyd to quickly dodge that charge. And what he really wasn't expecting was a premature change in the arena for the week's Bonus Match. To quote the announcer from NBA Jam, "He's on fire!" And Lloyd's in the final. I just can't believe that Lloyd is gonna be fast enough to topple the massive Jecht. Chalk another victory up for Jecht here. How utterly retarded is this...Jecht was horribly pathetic in every aspect and the easiest boss in FFX aside from Yu Yevon. In the other corner we have the weaker then hell Lloyd who relies heavily on his stolen Divine Dragoon powers....and even with them he's a pushover. Meh, I'll go with Lloyd, he can just sit on the big retard's head and stab the drunkard in the brain. Brad Evans vs Maxim Maxim starts out with brilliance. Brad cannot do anything until it wears off unless he wants to be badly injured. Maxim beats him down with the Dual Blade during this time. Brad: 131 Maxim: 165 Brad's rail gun is very powerful indeed. Unfortunately, it is so heavy and slow, it often hits only when the target is just plain too dumb/slow to get out of the way. And Maxim is neither dumb nor slow, especially when he uses Wave Motion. Even better, Maxim would defend and let himself get hit, which would entirely fill up his IP meter, then all he'd need would be to use Wave Motion to restore himself to full strength, then he'd just pound on Brad like there's no tomorrow, with Brad unable to do anything, being so damn heavy and slow, exactly like the ARMs he uses. Brad knew he wouldn't last too long against Maxim, so he pushed himself training before the match to the legendary level 100. He felt supremely confident in his abilities as the match started, as he was able to lock on for a Fury Shot with his Rail Gun right off the bat. Brad and Maxim exchange blows for a few minutes till Maxim gets his IP gauge filled. HE does wave motion like he does every other time. Brad pulls out his rail gun. Maxim taunts " Do you really think that thing will kill me?" Brad just pulls the triger and aims right below Maxims feet. The portion of the arena Maxim was standing on is blown to pieces sending Maxim flying out of the ring. This looks a lot like a mismatch. Brad could walk all over Maxim without breaking a sweat. Except for two things: 1. As hard as it is to believe, Maxim is faster by far than Brad, even without Wave Motion. 2. Maxim has another ultrapowerful IP attack, this one with the Pearl Shield. Miracle Care grants temporary invincibility. Let's see the Hero of Slayheim deal with that. Maxim uses Wave Motion. Brad punches for ridiculously low damage. Maxim splatters Brad all over the arena with a simple 999 ATP attack. Match goes to Maxim. Jesiah Black vs McDohl Silence falls upon the arena as Jesiah and McDohl calmly step into the arena. Knowing of the boys devastating rune, he quickly draws shooting McDohl in the hand. The boy looks down at the rune as a smirk crosses his opponents face. The rune is not destroyed, but he is unable to use it for the remainder of the fight. Jesiah, seeing his opportunity, fires another round at the young hero. The bullet grazes his arm as he springs to dodge the blow. Not wanting to play any longer, Jesiah lets loose with two guns blazing. McDohl tries to get in close, but the stream of bullets continually push him back. A stroke of misfortune befalls McDohl as a bullet hits him in the leg, stunning him for a moment. Jesiah, seeing his opponents plight, decides to switch to more powerful guns as the boy clutches in pain. He casually strolls over to his gun collection as he decides on which will deliver the finishing blow. It is then a memory comes to McDohl as his life begins to flash before his eyes. He is in a field training with his master like he always used to do. His teacher calls him forward and begins to speak. "You may be good at fighting, but there is still something I must teach you." With that, he stoops down, picks up a rock, and throws it at McDohl. The stone grazes the boys arm as he tries a dodge. "No! You do not dodge them, you defect them!" With that McDohl's mind comes back to reality. Realizing the pain in his leg is reduced, he now attempts to fight again. Looking up, he sees Jesiah has finally made up his mind on which weapon to draw. The silence of the arena is broken first by the sound of a gunshot and then by the sound of a bullet being stricken in midair. The bullet flies back at Jesiah and buries itself at his feet. "That's it boy!" Jesiah shouts as McDohl charges. Spectators duck and cover as McDohl deflects bullets in every direction. Finally, Jesiah fires two shots at McDohl. Unable to deflect them both, he sends a bullet meant for his head flying and takes a shot in his right thigh. The pain is so intense that he drops to the ground with staff rolling out of reach. Jesiah, wanting to finish the fight once and for all, grabs an old west six shooter and aims at the boys skull. "Any last words boy?" Jesiah asks as he ensures he will not miss. "..." He is just about to fire when he hears the ricochet of one of the bullets that had earlier been deflected. It flies back at Jesiah and hits him in the arm as his gun slips from his hand. It falls to the ground and discharges, putting Jesiah down for good. Jesiah: 149 McDohl: 159 Mcdohl watches Black before the match begins, seeing that he has pulls out a large gun and point it in his direction. As the match starts off, Mcdohl immediately drops to his knees. Black, puzzled by this, decides to move in closer for a better shot. This proves to be a grievous error as Mathiu Silverberg gives Mcdohl a sign to use soul eater, which vaporizes the gunman on the spot. ...*sigh* how many times must I think, Bullets beat everything(except katanas)? I don't care if he has death Fingers,A gun beats a Stick in my book anyday. Jesiah Black can hold almost everyone in middle class at a distance, but McDohl is a different story. Not, only does he have blazing speed, but the brains to put it to good use. Jesiah won't have anyone to talk trash to, because McDohl rarely talks. Plus, that staff will make a handy piece of equipment when defending against bullets. Once, he gets close, blow to the stomach, swing to the head followed by Soul Eater should finish the Mr. Black. You know, one of these days we're actually going to have to find the dimensions of the arena. It makes all the difference in this match. Like whether Jesiah uses a bazooka to blow McDohl out of the ring, or a few well aimed bullets. All McDohl needs in this battle, is to avoid Jesiah's gunfire, get in close and cast Judgment. End of story. Let's see. McDohl not only has some of the best stats around, (almost certainly the best in Heavy) he has one of the most powerful singletarget spells around. Plus instant death. And a mere NPC thinks to challenge him? Jesiah pulls out his guns while McDohl pulls out his 'Deadly Fingers'. Jesiah is nothing but a pile of greasy ash. McDohl, having defeated two opponents who were masters of martial arts, incredibly strong and agile, indeed, superior to him in every physical way AND immune to the Soul Eater's soul-stealing capacity, figured he'd have no trouble with a mere gunner. Jesiah, having hoped for a Shevat vs Solaris match against Khan, figured what the hell, he might as well just blow this McDohl kid's head off with a sniper rifle and be done with it, which he promptly did. Royce vs Feena You know, it's really hard to see Royce doing anything in this match. Sure, she wants to go all-out offensive. However, she'll find that freezing time is as effective a defense as anything. Feena for Middle Champ! Royce: 125 Feena: 164 A very nice match - two skimpily-dressed supermages. Now just throw in a mudpit and we'll all be happy. ..... Joking, joking. The unbalanced aspects of each character - Rocye's boss-level HP and Feena's powerful healing magic - do nicely to balance each other out. Unfortunately Royce happens to be a fire-element enemy, which somewhat lessens the effectiveness of Feena's infamous fire-based End of the World. Plus I think it would be very hard for Feena to heal or cast EotW when tied up in a Fire Bird. Royce has it too easy in middle. Just like Bow couldn't fight while asleep, neither can Feena. As soon as the match starts, Royce hits Feena with her Sleep Curse, and since it can't be blocked and Feena is the only character present of her party, the curse hits her. Royce simply casts Fire Bird over and over.......Royce wins. Gau vs Noa Gau gets ready to rage, but gets blown to Jupiter from the faster Noa dealing her namesake Miracle Art, Noa's Ark. Gau: 140 Noa: 156 Gau is a solid Middle who, one of these Seasons, could easily take home a Championship. Noa is Heavy Champ material, not Middle, and hopefully she'll have her shot pretty soon. Guess who wins? Noa can't beat the original wild child! Gau will just rage as some sort of wolf and tell Noa to go outside the ring. Gau! "Gau like pretty girl." Gau then jumps Noa, Noa taking this the wrong way slaps the little boy across the face. This just makes Gau mad so he decides to finally use his very rare IO rage. Noa's Ark. Gau gets washed away. Any questions? Bah, I just wanna see Gau loose! I don't care whom it's to. Leena vs Sheena Lepant Leena after seeing Relm, a girl who looks like a 10 year old, charm Sheena decides to go all out as she wear a sexy dress to her match. Sheena takes one look at Leena dress and decides he really doesn't care all that much about fighting. Leena wins. Leena: 161 Sheena: 137 Here's a simple equation: Sheena in fight + female opponent = Sheena losing. Easy enough to understand? Leena already has a boyfriend. Sheena loses his only advantage.(if flirting IS an advantage) Leena batted her eyes seductively. "So, how would you like to go out to eat?" Sheena nearly fainted right there. "Really? Come on, let's go!", he said, running for the exit. Suddenly, he stopped. "But I'm forgetting my manners! Ladies first." "Why thank you. You're such a gentleman." said Leena, stepping out of the ring and escorting the victorious (in more than one way) Sheena out of the arena, as the audience stood stunned. If RPGP matches were judged by stats and abilities alone, and never character, Sheena would find himself as a respectable member of Heavy class. As it is, given his complete inability in fights involving anybody who satisfies the description of adult humanoid female, he can't even win Light. Yumei vs Shiro Fish < Cat. Cat < Dog. Therefore, Fish < Dog, right? "Icicle Edge!" Er, maybe not. Yumei: 153 Shiro: 128 Shiro should almost be a challenge for Yumei... But almost isn't going to cut it. While three of the four VP characters lost, Yumei should be around until the end. Since spell casters in VP are usually on the same level, Yumei should have no problem against any light opponents if Mystina and Gandar are both ranked higher. Frigid Damsel+Shadow Servant=dead wolf How many times does Yumei have to wipe the arena floor with her opponent's before they get the point and forfeit. A Frigid Damsel or so will see Shiro end up just like roadkill. Or perhaps a Stone Torch could give Yumei a nice new "sculpture" she could sell at the flea market. Bowser vs Link Link calmly walked into the arena and threw a bomb in the lava surrounding the platform. Bowser stood looking puzzled as Link proceeded to Hookshot to a safe distance. The bomb's detonation set of a chain of explosions. There was a bit of the platform left, but no Bowser. Bowser: 129 Link: 195 Link vs. Bowser? Gee, Mario can beat Bowser using a fireball and jumping on his head. Link has a sword, magic, bombs, hookshots, arrows, healing, invulnerability...the list goes on. GO LINK!!! Link vs Bowser.....2 words: Nayru's love.Not to meantion the sword skills link's got in SSB and SSMB.poor bowser, if he cant even beat up a plumber, hows he gonna weild up agianst a sword dude with a cheap move that makes him invincible for about 2 min? XxJowyAtreidesxX Bowser stands, growling and stomping in the center of the tilting ring arena. Link falls from the sky, but what is he wearing? A red shirt and Blue pants. "Its-A-ME-LINK" He exclaims. Link charges at Bowser and starts running circles around him, using a stratagy that by now, is painfully obvious to all of us. He quickly grabs Bowsers tail and begins spinning him, and soon chucks him at a conviniently placed mine farther in the distance. This is repeated three times, and bowser is dead. Oddly, Toad falls from the sky. As Link watches, confused, Toad stands up and says a phrase that anyone who played the first mario heard many times, " I'm sorry, but the princess is in another Arena." Bowser will win this one. Link might be able to kill Gannon, but it takes more then silver arrows to hurt Bowser. Lessee.... arrows, bombs, various tools, a magic sword... but can any of them pierce the concrete-hard shell of the turtle king? Magic eight-ball says "don't count on it". I envision Bowser picking up tights-boy and dunking him in the lava with the effort a person would use to lift a tiny puppy. Or just stepping on him, whatever works. (There, that's my two gil. Now I'm going to sit back and laugh at all the stupidly funny responses from people who are using Smash Bros. Melee as basis for the powers of both characters). Link takes one look at Bowser and sees King Dodongo. With that being said, he proceeds to chuck several bombs in Bowser's mouth as he prepares to blow fire. I don't care HOW thick your hide is, if you swallow a bomb that's about to explode, you WILL die! Link can survive the platform's instability and surroundings by grabbing onto the edge and using his hookshot in a jam. On top of that, he can stay out of the range of Bowser's fire breath and run around him in circles, hitting him with a barrage of projectiles over and over again. Bowser is slow and predictable, giving Link the ultimate advantage. Bowser steps on Link. Link doesn't pop back up like Super Mario, remember.X Let's see, when was the last time Link could jump like Mario? Firebreath takes out Link with one try. Go Bowser. Bowser laughs as link storms into the arena, ready to rescue Zelda yet again. "Ooh! The elf boy wants to save his girl! This will be too easy!" With that, he sends a blast of fire in Links direction. He is unable to dodge and suffers a painful burn on his upper body. Wanting to finish the deal, Bowser unleashes another breath. This time Link is ready with his red tunic and easily shrugs off the pain. Now on the counter offensive, Link draws his bow and fires an Ice arrow into Bowser's mouth. The king Koopa has a look of terror as he is suddenly encased in ice. Wanting to finish the fight quickly and get home to Hyrule, he draws his hammer and smashes Bowser's frozen body into a million pieces. If anything, Link wins on the basis that Bowser has some somewhat ridiculous attacks, and the fact that few people remember Super Mario RPG. Hmm, lava surrounded arena.. All Link would have to do is hold his shield out and push Bowser into the lava to win. Or just run around and grab his tail, whip him around a few times and throw him out of the arena. :) Bowswer walks into the arena and gives a earshattering roar as link comes and wields his sword around tuanting.Link uses his bow and arrow and tries to cheap shot bowswer but as it hits bowser it falls to his feet.Bowser starts to rush at link as Link started slashing away but no shots affected Bowser as Link gave one more try with his bomb but right when he threw it Bowser uses his flame breath and makes the bomb explode on Link and Link woke up backstage with medical attention as Bowser celebrated in the arena. Bowser walk's around Link a couple time then find's himself sinking in a pit of molten lava after Link threw a bomb at him. I think that link should win because he is a lot more crismatic and alot more skillful in all way's!!! Link can take Bowser out in no time. All he has to do is lay a few bombs and bombuchus and Bowser will walk right on them. I think you get the idea. Then if you want to go another way, Link could take unreal punishment from Bowser. He could wear his red tunic, to protect from the heat, and with his bottles filled with Fairies he could come back multiple times. And while Bowser is trying to bash his brains out, link would be smashing him down with the megaton hammer. Link entered the arena and saw Bowser standing with Zelda, tied and gagged. "What kind of loser are you?" Link yelled. "You tried to capture Peach and even Mario and you still didn't win!" Bowser looked at him very nastily, laughed, and shot a jet of fire out of his mouth. Link dodged it, but barely. Bowser continued his "shoot fire out of his mouth" strategy, until Link threw a bomb in the fire, right next to Bowser! Bowser was knocked over by the explosion and almost fell of the platform into the lava. "Bloody Elf!" he yelled. Bowser stumbled to his feet, but not in time to dodge the boomerang that took out his tooth. Link was sure he had this won. "You are no more, Bowser. Now I shall do to you what I did to Ganon!" Link put an arrow to the string, but Bowser knew what to do. When Link shot, Bowser twirled around and the arrow ricocheted of his spikes. Unfortunately for Link, the arrow flew back, went straight through his heart and out his back, bounced off the arena wall and lodged itself firmly in the back of Links' skull. Link stood for a moment and then fell back into the lava. Only one person in the crowd was cheering, who could only have been Ganon. Thanks to Link's experience in the Fire Temple, not to mention Super Smash Brothers, he was quite used to working in a variable battleground. In fact, if he did happen to fall in the lava, he had the unique ability to reappear with little or no damage taken. Bowser couldn't. That's strike one, Bowser. Due to RPGP rules, Link could wear the Goron Tunic, granting him near immunity to fire. That negates Bowser's fire breath. Strike two, King of the Koopas. Although the Master Sword would have little effect on Bowser's tough hide, the Megaton Hammer is another story. A windup, the swing... oh, what a hit! Sorry, Bowser, you're out. Lesse Bowzer is a huge-ass spiked turtle, that's strong as hell. Link is an elf in a mini-skirt, yeah some contest there. Remember how Mario always has to come up with some clever way to defeat Bowser? Ya know, trick him into beating himself by getting him to crash through things or supply Mario with Ammo? Link doesn't need any of that. A sword through the stomach wins the fight no matter how hard your shell is(And the lava pit allows for quick and easy clean up). Zelda will be back with Link by the end of the day. Link and Bowser are face to face in the middle of the arena. Princess Zelda shrieks from above, hanging from the stadium tied up. Silence from the crowd, waiting for the moment the titan beast clashes with the hyrulian master of melee. With a roar, Bowser charges at the Hyrulian. Before he gets to Link, he leaps into the air and drives a spiked forearm towards Link. The Hyrulian is suprised by the agility of this big beast. The spikes from his forearm graze Link and slice open his cheek. Link turns around, suprised and bleeding. Now angry, Link takes the offensive and charges towards the giant turtle, and throws a bomb at him. Bowser catches the bomb, slaps Link away, and throws the bomb right back at him. The bomb hits the ground right where Link was 2 seconds ago. Link already up, places an arrow in his bow and lets it fly. It hots Boswer...but the arrow can't penetrate his armor and falls to the ground. Link is stunned. Bowser charges and uses flame breath, but Link anticipated the move and had his mirror shield out, reflecting the fire. Bowser is knocked back to the ground. He tries to get back up to his feet and is hit in the head with a boomerang, knocking him back down. Link leaps into the air and stabs downward....dropping his powerful mastersword through the midsection of Bowser. Boswer roars and flails, knocking Link away, the sword still stuck in him. He rises to his feet, still roaring. He charges towards the swordless hero, Link charges toward Boswer as well. They fly through the air. They leap and Link kicks the sword in deeper, penetrating the big beasts small heart. Bowser falls off the platform and into the molten lava. A few moments later, Link rises to his feet and dusts himself off as the victor, ready to go untie his princess. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.