Four lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Hyuga Ricdeau vs Lloyd Not since Edgar visited the Seventh Heaven in an attempt to use his mad wooing skillz had the RPG community seen so many ineffective attempts to hit. It seemed as though neither Lloyd or Hyuga would ever land a blow. Lloyd had decided that the best course of action was to wear the good Doctor down, and then Bust him down to size, as it were. His course of action was described as "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee". It was quite fitting, then, that in an uncharacteristic fit of rage, Citan threw his katana straight through the stomach of the Wingly, pinning him to the side of the arena stands for all to admire. "Auron, you may have beaten two of the katana masters last season, but until you have faced me, it means nothing..." Hyuga: 204 Luca: 115 I thought that the Godlike Championship would never get better than Auron and Sephiroth last season, but lo and behold, it has. Not only do we have the only eastern-style swordsman even better than Auron, we also have the only silver-haired baddie even better than Sephiroth! Hyuga's blazing speed is even better than Lloyd's, and with a little Senkei, he can get probably about 1.7 turns to Lloyd's one. With that said, Hyuga's chances of actually landing a physical attack on Lloyd, even a Deathblow, are about 100 to 1. On Lloyd's side, he's got the dodge, and he also does more damage than anything buy Hyuga's strongest Elemental Deathblows. Plus he has magic, and can fly. But he's a pretty impulsive guy, too, and that could be bad. Prediction: After hours of brilliant swordplay, magic, healing, dodging and the like, the two flawless warriors step back. Hyuga then confuses Lloyd by making him think that Melbu Frahma/the Virage Embryo is really Deus, Lloyd flies off the fight 'Melbu' and gets pounded by the gear-sized monstrosity, Hyuga pushes his glasses up and wins by a ring-out! If Hyuga had some Ether attacks, he might be able to beat Lloyd. But he doesn't, and noone who relies on purely physical attacks can stop the Wingly Wonder. IMO, Lloyd and Hyu are almost evenly matched in speed (Even with Senkei), strength, maybe magic considering the fact that Lloyd's magic is offense and Hyu's is healing and defence. The only real difference that will decide this match is this: Lloyd can FLY! Yessiree! Winglies can fly. Now, Hyu is fast, but how fast can he go to avoid relentless aerial and ground attacks from an equally fast Wingly with a sword much larger than his? The answer? Not fast enough. My GOD! an LOD person in a CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!THIS IS A FREGGIN MIRACLE!!!!Its a damn shame he has to go up agianst somebody faster by doing Senkei, more damaging by doing deathblows such as Crystal Water,Haze of Fire, Myogetsu, etc..and who can heal by doing the very strong Sazanami.To summeraize: Hyuga: Senkei Crystal water Crystal Water Lloyd: Attack w dragon buster Hyuga: Crystal water Crystal Water Crystal Water Lloyd: Attack w dragon buster Hyuga: Sazanami Attacks with weak attack agian agian Lloyd: D. Buster attack D. Buster attack Hyuga: agian agian agian Lloyd: agian agian dam this is repetitive Hyuga: Sazanami agian Unleashes Deathblow combow's: a mess load of deathblows! Everything was going well for Citan(also known as Hyuga) until Melbu frahma Interfrered and ATTACKED Hyuga!!!Disqualifying Lloyd.But lo and behold.Good ol Citan(also known as Hyuga) gets up, does Sazanami And slices up Frahma 5 ways from sunday. Despite the fact Lloyd was DQ'ed. Citan still argued to continue the match.After 3 minutes, The good Doctor Remained on top of Lloyd's bloody Wingly body.Citan wins.and in the Uzuki Residence, Lloyd thanks Citan for serving him "Frahma Flakes" along with the others whos been Beaten up silly by Citan:Cloud, Fou-lu, and Luca Blight, each of which were we enjoying their morphine. Lloyd and Hyuga waste no time as they begin the match by both attacking each other. However, while Lloyd is taking hits from Hyuga attacks, Hyuga is taking twice as many hits as Lloyd and eventually has to pull back to heal. Hyuga seeing that if he doesn't do something fast he going to lose, launches into a deadly combo. However, for those of you who have played LOTD, Lloyd chance of dodging greatly increase during combo attacks. Therefore, the combo miss and Lloyd step up with his Dragon Buster to end the match. As soon as they started to fight, all the audience saw in the Arena were two bright blurs, one green and one black, constantly hitting each other. Finally, the two stopped battling and looked at each other. While Lloyd only had a few scratches on him, Hyuga was badly hurt. Lloyd began to laugh. "I thought to expect more from a former Champion! You're pathetic!" Hyuga just nodded. "Well, I'm sorry I didn't live up to what you thought I would." Lloyd balanced his sword on his hip and folded his arms. "I want a decent fight, so I'll tell you what-I'll let you cast Senkei so you can have a speed advantage over me. Maybe then you'll hit me." Hyuga sighed. "If that is your wish, then so be it." He starts to glow red for a second, but the glow quickly vanishes. "I'm sorry, but even with this speed, I still don't think I can hit you." Lloyd laughed even more. "If you are honestly that pathetic, then I'll even give you some dignity by allowing you the first attack. That way, I won't have any regrets for destroying you too badly!" With that, Hyuga drew an evil smirk on his face and proceeded to attack Lloyd with a flood of blows with his katana. Lloyd, not expecting this, can't dodge any of them and falls to the Arena floor dead. Hyuga wipes the blood off his katana and glances down at Lloyd's lifeless body. "I guess you've never heard of something called a 'combo' attack, have you?" Lloyd can pulverize Hyugawith magical attacks and his very powerful Dragon Buster. And if Hyuga tries to get a shot in, Lloyd will most likely dodge it. Wait a second. Hyuga can nullify every element, can heal himself beyond fairness, and has a spell that can make himself so fast that Lloyd can't dodge a single attack. Hyuga wins the Godlike Championship! Speed vs. Speed. Dodge vs. Dodge. This is a battle that will be very drawn out, but not because of either participants' speed! I give it to the doc, mainly because of healing. Lloyd can't heal that I remember. That is a HUGE difference in this fight. It will take a while, but the Doc will wittle down the winglie (lots of w) and win the watch...i mean match. Why does everybody think that Hyuga is so fast? Luca Blight should have beat him. Luca has 2-3 attacks per turn which means he's fast too. HYUGA IS NOT THAT FAST! Let me drill that in everyone's mind. Sure, he's quick-witted, and pretty quick, but not the fastest in godlike. With that said, Lloyd and Hyuga is a very good matchup. I will vote for... I don't care how good Lloyd is at dodging! When Hyuga casts Senkei on himself, Lloyd won't have time for dodging to even stand a chance! Godlike is such a ridiculous mismatch it doesn't even deserve a description. It's pretty obvious that Lloyd's win last week came from Breath of Fire fans who were (quite rightly) incensed about Jecht's (incredibly wrong) win over Myria. Oh, well... at least Citan is deserving of another star, unlike previous folks in this situation *coughDekarcough* Maxim vs McDohl Both contestants strolled calmly to their places in the Arena - and burst into action as the buzzer sounded. McDohl charged forward, but before he could cross the intervening ground, he saw shining beams of energy surrounding Maxim, signifying that he had used an IP attack. Seeing Mathiu's frantic gestures in the stands, McDohl decided he had only one chance against Wave Motioned Maxim, and unleashed the power of the Soul Eater... Unfortunately, as it turned out, Mathiu had been trying to warn him against doing just that, as from his vantage point he could see that Maxim had used Brilliance instead of Wave Motion. Mathiu winced in sympathy as the Soul Eater's energy turned around at double strength and devoured McDohl in an instant. Maxim: 167 McDohl: 156 Maxim thought that he was facing his greatest challenge yet. The kid who had beaten near-Godlike supersoldiers of Solaris and Shevat, not to mention a Metal Demon assassin of incredible power, was surely a match even for the Slayer of Sinistrals. Right? Right?! Well, actually, Maxim has survived far worse Dark-typed power than the Soul Eater's, in the form of the four destroyer gods of his world. As such, he won't even need Wave Motion, or the Dual Blade for that matter, to paste McDohl and his cheap instant death attacks. A Dias-esque ten seconds after the match begins, Maxim is celebrating with Selan, Gremio is paying the exhorbitant Raise Dead fees at the RPGP healers', and Boomerang, Kahn and Jesiah are getting drunk on the heady wine of vengeance... and some of Jesiah's booze, of course. Yes, yes, I know Maxim is all powerful in the Heavy Titleship and has been winning non-stop. Wave-Motion heals him and boosts his stats sky-high, blah, blah, blah... But unfortunately for Maxim, he has a soul. Fortunately for Young Master Mcdohl, he has the Soul Eater. Maxim cannot possibly lose with wave motion. His IP meter is full at the start of every battle when he has the Dual Blade equipped. Very few people can actually beat Maxim. The Soul Eater Ruin practical guarantees Mcdohl victory as he can either use a instant death attacks or vaporize Maxim completely with Judgement. You can't heal if you don't have a body to heal. Maxim is already a soul, right? So... that means that he can't be defeated by the Soul Eater. Maxim: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! ...Or not. McDohl vs. Maxim: Maxim can swing a sword Mcdohl can suck a soul from a body I think this ones goes to McDohl... McDohl stands, silent as always. Maxim enters looking very determined. After a long standoff, the two rush toward each other. Maxim takes a strike with his sword, but McDohl blocks it with his staff. However, the staff breaks in half, and McDohl looks to be in trouble. Instead of finishing McDohl off quickly, Maxim tries to physically fight McDohl, not wanting to use a weapon on an unarmed man, and also to build up his IP strength. McDohl, however, is much more talented martial artist, and he's seen the evils of war. McDohl has killed many, so it's no surprise that when Maxim is trying to throw punches and kicks, he's soon swallowed whole by the Soul Eater Rune, which McDohl uses without hesitation. Having been forced to live a life of solitude(except for Gremio) because of the cursed Soul Eater, he saw a possible friend in Maxim. Before the tournament started, he got to know Maxim. They became good friends, long before they knew that they would be forced to fight each other. When he found out that he had to fight Maxim, he swore that he would forfeit the match, for fear of losing a friend. The day of the match finally came. They both stepped into the arena. Mcdohl looked at Maxim, turned around, and began to walk away. After a few steps, the Soul Eater began to glow. Maxim, wondering why Mcdohl wouldn't fight, began to walk towards him. Mcdohl's Soul Eater began to glow brighter. Maxim suddenly stopped. An expression of excrutiating pain came over his face. He fell to his knees, clutched his shirt in the area of his heart, a collapsed. He died a few seconds later from a heart attack. Mcdohl turned around as a black aura formed around Maxim. The aura gathered together into a ball and flew into the glowing Soul Eater. Mcdohl shed a tear, and walked away, knowing that he couldn't have saved him. Another soul was claimed by the Soul Eater. Looking like a repeat for Maxim. Maxim does have the experience, and the scrub can't handle it. Maxim for God-like! Coming into the battle Maxim knew that if McDohl got close it would probably be all over, since he would use judgement. So, right after the start Maxim used thunder, so he could hit him from a distance. He continued to use thunder, run, then use thunder again. This went on for about 5 minutes. McDohl was hurting, but not yet finished. Maxim was completely out of mp. His only hope was to rush at McDohl and hit him before he could get judgement off. Maxim rushed at McDohl, waving the Dual Blade. Just as Maxims attack was about to hit McDohl, McDohl unleashed judgement. Maxim lay crippled on the floor, but still conscious. McDohl came over to finish him off. He decided to give him a nice blow to the head. He stumbled over to Maxim, he attacked, then fell to the floor. Maxim picked himself up, commented on the power of brilliance, then walked out of the arena victorious. I have a strong feeling that everyone'll think Maxim will win, but after looking at the facts, I realized that instant-death attacks in Suiko never miss. And since McDohl is faster than Maxim, he'll only have to lift a Fingertip to beat him. This is probably the first battle since Maxim's true runs at the Heavy Championships that he could really lose. There are few mortals with more powerful souls than the Slayer of Sinistrals. And the darkness of the Soul Eater seeks those who have the furthest to fall... Of course, we all know that this point is moot, since Maxim will simply use Miracle Care, and boom! No damage, no problem. Godlike better watch out... they've got company. Tension filled the arena as the young McDohl stepped into the ring. At the other end, the valiant Maxim entered with a look of determination on his face. Knowing that his opponent has powers which could more than match Daos, Maxim was not going to hold back as he did in earlier fights. He waved to the boy and spoke: "Good luck boy, and may the best fighter win." "..." said McDohl as he nodded in agreement. Within seconds the fight was on. Both warriors charged as the audience watched in awe. The battle began with simple swipes as both heroes displayed their uncanny ability to dodge. McDohl got in the first volley of strikes as maxim hesitated for one-second. Maxim jumped back to recover, since his opponent packed more power than he first imagined. But he took down the Sinstrals, this will be just like a fight with them... Maxim takes the offensive this time and feigns to stumble as McDohl comes in again. He quickly brings his sword up catching the young leader of guard. He then takes the offensive with a series of swings until McDohl manages to dive and roll away. Maxim comes in to finish him but is unable to avoid McDohl's trip attack. He stumbles to the ground as the boy puts breathing room between the two. His rune glows with its dark aura as Maxim is blasted by a dark shadow attack. Maxim is now on one knee, but he summons all his strength to call upon the power of dual blade. A vibrant aura surrounds him as he is now fully charged and again takes the offensive. The first few blows hurt McDohl the most, mainly because he had not seen such power since he fought the emperor. But he is not going to come so far just to lose now. He grits his teeth despite the pain and again charges with a series of attacks. This time, Maxim stands silent and takes every blow with a grin. He then knocks McDohl across the ring with a swipe of his blade after calling upon Dual Blade yet again. The boy tumbles for a ways and stops right before he the boundaries. Realizing that sword had to be the source of Maxims power, he had to do something about it. He again charges at full speed. Before he reaches Maxim, he directs a dark shadow attack behind him in an attempt to distract him. Maxim takes the bait and leaps to safety as McDohl strikes Dual Blade from his hands. The blade flies sky high and lands int he crowd. Yet again, McDohl proves to spectators that one must always be on guard. Maxim was not about to let that discourage him as he pulls out a gold stone. With a gesture of his hand he uses Stardust Blow on the unsuspecting hero. McDohl manages to avoid most of the attack, but a lone star strikes him in the back. Going down on one knee, he realized playtime was over. The arena again darkness as Judgment was cast. The beams came down as always along with the deafening explosions. When the dust clears, a large gasp arises. Maxim has dodged the attack! McDohl had a look of sheer surprise, but was not about to let that stop him. He still had more of that spell to come. As maxim drew another sword and charged, McDohl braced for the worst. Though not as powerful as Dual Blade, the ice sword still packed a punch. As McDohl was down to his last breaths, Mathiu snapped his fingers and pointed at Dual Blade. The boy now knew what do... The arena darkened as spell upon spell flew. Maxim dodged each with amazing easy and was preparing for a final assault. As the dust cleared, Maxim noticed he was standing next to Dual Blade. The realization then occurred to him he was outside the ring and had finally lost the match. This match is basically a quick draw. Maxim, having no chance to withstand the powerful Judgement spell, will have to use Brilliance, reflecting McDohl's attack back on himself and then finish him off with attack spells or the Dual Blade. McDohl on the other hand can only cast Judgement and hope to end it fast as Maxim's healing and Wave Motion will win any prolonged battle. Unfortunatly for Maxim, though, one of McDohl's best stats is his speed. Running Shoes: 20000 Gil Quick: 20000 Gil Meteo: 1 easy plot dungeon Reset: 8000 Gil Putting your opponents through a Groundhog's Day scenario until Meteo's luck-based damage kills them all: Priceless Some things money can't buy, for everything else, there's Mastertwink. Feena vs Noa Speed means nothing when you're frozen in time. Feena: 172 Noa: 134 As powerful as Feena was, she never stood a chance against Noa. The blazingly fast wild child had no trouble interrupting Feena's turn over and over again, rather like Tidus using Haste-Quick Hit-Delay Buster, only with nothing but her regular attacks. Poor Feena... maybe next time. Noa started off with Noa's Ark, hurting Feena quite a bit. Feena responded with Time Stop. Noa then... well, just kinda sat there frozen as Feena spammed End of The World on her repeatedly in vengeance. In the second Heavy match of the week, the time-stopping Feena goes up against the supersonic Noa. If Noa can get the first hit in, there's a good chance she can break up Feena's concentration, forcing her to defend herself physically, a battle she cannot win. Notice I said "if". "Time Gate!" Fenna’s strategy so far has been to use Time Gate or End Of The World to get an easy win. It’s given her the victory in every match before, and she expected this match to be the same. Unfortunately, after celebrating her entry into the finals, she forgot to restore the MP she used up in the previous battle. With only a small amount of MP left, she wouldn’t be able to use her most powerful attacks. Fortunately, she had plenty of SP, which she hadn’t used yet. As the match began, Noa charged forward ready to attack. Before Noa could get to her, Fenna attacked with Knifehurl, although such a weak attack wasn’t enough to stop Noa who then came in with a Hyper Arts combo attack. The attack did a lot of damage to Fenna, but she still had enough MP to heal herself once. Seeing that the knife didn’t do much damage to her opponent, Fenna threw it away and got out her whip. By that time, Noa was already moving in to attack again with a stronger combo. Without any time to react, Fenna just defended. When the combo had finished, Fenna started to attack Noa with her whip driving her back. Right then, Noa looked like she was ready to use her best attack, Noa’s Ark. Fenna knew she wouldn’t be able to take an attack like that and had to stop it. As a desperation attack, Fenna tried a critical attack to interrupt the combo. She hit Noa just before she could begin her Miracle Arts. This knocked Noa to the ground, but she was starting to get up. Fenna didn’t waste any time and attacked with the strongest technique she still had access to, ZAP! WHIP. This proved to be enough to defeat Noa and take the Middle championship. Leena vs Yumei Some RPGP characters fight for the prestige. Some fight as a way of entertaining themselves while waiting for the next edition of their series. Some fight to splatter blood around and get away with it (you know who you are). Leena has fought this whole season for one reason - as a way of proving that Chrono Cross characters can actually compete, considering that prior to this season CC people had a grand total of 10 victories to 49 losses. But as the weeks went by, and she advanced through the rounds, she realized something. If she could pull off the upset... if she could become the first ever champion in CC RPGP history... She would be upgraded to Middle. And now she's here, facing who could be the strongest character ever in Light, hopelessly outmatched. But she has something that even Yumei doesn't - a real reason to win. Yumei also has something that Leena doesn't - a Stone Torch spell with Leena's name on it. Ah well, the dream shall have to wait... Leena: 127 Yumei: 173 Leena's frying pan technique may be straight from Yui Uzuki herself, but she needed more even than that to win here. Something like 'borrowing' her dad's Holy Dragon Sword and Serge's Blue Plate! A "Pleeeease, Daddy" for one and a batted eyelash for the other was all it took for them to let her get away with it. Trouble is, Jelanda, despairing of ever getting a match again, had finally relented and given Yumei the Alicorn Horn she'd been hoarding. And Yumei has Stone Torch as well as Icicle Edge... Frying Pan VS Gigantic Icicles of Doom? Whee....Yumei for Light Champion! Now all she has to do is kill that annoying Fuyuki... AKA Ash Ketchum! Leena knows that going up against the last light champion is no joke and decides she going to need some special equipment to win. She goes over to Serge's house and borrows his Moon Glasses, Dreamer's Sarong, Star Fragment, and the ever so famous Blue Plate. Yumei, the ever so popular champion however, doesn't prepare thinking that she got this match in the bag. As the match starts off, Yumei decides that freezing Leena to death with Icicle Edge is the best way to win. Unfortunately, thanks to the Blue Plate Leena is not only unharmed by the frozen water attack, but it also set up a perfect blue field which allow her to summon the Bluewhale. Leena wins. Leena could be competition for Yumei, but she has to build up before she can use her stronger attacks. Yumei can use her powerful magic at the beginning of the fight, and end it right then and there. I have detested Yumei ever since I first saw her, and have been appalled at her crazy winning streak. However, it so happens that this match she can, should, and will win. I'll console myself with the fact that Yumei'll be going nowhere fast in Middle for a while. Leena better hope for some mercy from Yumei. Well, Leena is a Blue elemental, which means she takes less damage to Ice attacks. This means she actually has a chance at surviving those Icicle Edges which will be thrown her way... What? She can still be frozen? Never mind. RPGP Senior Match! The old guys all stare at each other and being lazy they simply decide to play a game of shuffleboard to see who wins. Melvin, Galuf, and Radius keep getting zero while Strago basically dominates. Little do the other 3 know that Strago was watching a monster with telekinesis fight earlier. Strago: 96 Galuf: 94 Radius: 59 Melvin: 41 Hmmmm.... the bonus match should come down to the battle of the job systems, Final Fantasy V's Galuf versus Dragon Warrior VII's Melvin(although Strago and Radius are by no means weak). While both games have some very powerful classes, Melvin has the advantage here; unlike his opponent who can only have one main class and one secondary class, Melvin retains all the skills from any job he masters. Not to mention the class mastery bonuses that can add up to ridiculously high stats, including the +255 defense mastery bonus of the Platking. Speaking of Platking, if Melvin's smart he'll also go into this match as a Platking... with that type of defense to both physical and magical damage his opponents will be hard pressed to do even minor damage to him. All the old people except Strago are lv. 50. Strago, at level 31, casts Lv. 5 death, and we all finally stop hearing "When I was your age..." The lights around the arena went on, revealing at the center.... 4 old men sitting in rocking chairs. "Hmmph." Said Melvin. "I don't understand what these yungin's are waitin for." "WHAT?" yelled Galuf. "Geez. At least in my village, I'm respected as an elder, and not forced to fight for other's pleasure." Replied Strago, "WHAT?" yelled Galuf. "In my day, we stuck to fighting the bad guy, not other heroes." Radius said. "WHO'S A RAD GUY?" yelled Galuf. In the stands Lynx sat next to Serge. "Booring." Said Lynx. he elbowed Serge. "Check this out." Lynx pulled out the evil Masamune. "Now things will get interesting. HEY RADIUS!" Radius looked up, and Lynx tossed the sword at him. Radius caught it, not knowing what it was. As realization dawned on him, the sword's evil took him over. "Conflabbitall." Was all Strago could say as the sword slaughtered the three of them. All Galuf needs to do is be a Monk. Then he can simply beat the other old men senseless. Strago hobbled in, helped by Relm, to find Melvin and Radius already in the Arena glaring at each other. "Take care, Gramps!" the girl whispered as she left. "Oh, I will..." muttered Strago, preparing to unleash some Grand Train ownage. The three geezers prepared to defend their respective honor... "Hey, wait a minute. Aren't there supposed to be FOUR of us?" snapped Melvin. "Yes, indeed", came a voice from behind, as Galuf strutted in in all his kingly attire. This was one straw too many for Radius, who started screaming "Just what the heck do you think you're doing, walkin in like that in that getup? Boy howdy I tell you what, back in MY day we fought in uniform! Even if we were kings from some snooty parallel universe! I say again, what do you think you're **^%(@&*& doing??!" Galuf blinked. "This," he said, and before any of the others could react, he cast Quick and summoned Bahamut twice. That wrapped up that match nicely enough, and Galuf proudly claimed his much-deserved spot as Best-Loved RPG Geezer. Be sure to tune in for next week's grudge- er, bonus match, pitting a crazed and distraught Relm against her much-maligned counterpart Cara! What? Krile, you say? Whatever. Listen. i danot care whatever the other geezers do, YOU CANNOT DEFEAT THE POWER OF GOD. and melven rulz The ability to customize is godlike. That is why the FFX characters are taking a break, and the FFT generic never went into the RPG Playoffs,, to my knowledge. Since Galuf can get any ability he wants, he will have nor problem pulling things out of thin air for dealing with anything besides a nuclear bomb. If I didn't hate Strago so much, I'd give it to him. But Galuf is badass and can use Dragoon skills to jump out of harm's way. Melvin is the winner. Here's why: Strago is straight out, since Galuf has blue magic too, since he can be a blue mage. Radius, although strong, is beaten by Melvin through overall versatility. Melvin is much more versatile than Galuf. Why? Galuf can only have the abilities from a few job classes at a time, either two for most jobs, or three if you are bare or mime. Oh, wait a sec, Galuf died before he could get mime, so unless he wants to get ground in the dirt, he has to be bare. He also can't cast spells like flare and meteo, or summons like Bahamut (he was dead). Melvin, however, PERMANENTLY learns any skills, and no matter what job he's on, he has every skill he learned. oh, and there's the Esterk monster class that increases all statistics. Bye Galuf. Melvin is the Winner! Galuf only has access to one job. This might be quite the restriction, if Time Mage didn't provide everything he needs to blow away his geriatric competition... the power of Meteor, the support of Haste and Slow 2, the extra turns of Quick, and, in a pinch, the cheapness of Reset. Strago has Grand Train. Melvin and Radius now have hospital beds with their names on them. This leaves the two FF characters to battle it out. Galuf (in suppin) has the agility of a thief, the strength and vigor of a monk, and the magical ability of a summoner. He may be forbidden from any magic, weapons or armor due to RPGP rules, but I don't think you'll hear him complaining. Quick math equation for all of you: Brawl + bare hands + X-Fight + 1st Strike + one target = RPGP battle - Strago. Hail King Galuf! After hours of waiting, the four men, wlakers in hand, arrived outside the arena. A few more hours past and the match was given to Galuf because he was the closest to entering the Arena. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.