Seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Odd Eye vs Jecht Unless Jecht comes to this match drunk, there isn't a good reason why he shouldn't win. If Jecht Beam doesn't work (and it might not since SFII has no Petrify status), he could take a few Odd Eye Beams, while attempting to squash Odd Eye like a tiny puppy. It may take him a while, given his mediocre accuracy and Odd Eye's impeccable senses, but he'll get it sooner or later. He just better hope Odd Eye doesn't chop off his extremeties. Odd-Eye: 151 Jecht: 169 It's been done before, and it'll be done again: Jecht: Die! (Jecht Beam - no effect) Odd... Odd Eye: (Odd Eye Beam - so long, Jecht) Aye. The Jecht Beam is all Jecht has in this match. Odd Eye is protected by the might of Zeon, I really do not think he will be stoned. Odd Eye Beam and his counter sword take care of the rest. Oddeye vs Jecht?Never Thought id see the day.Oddeye will probably Kill off Jecht's Aeon form in....about 3 hits.While jecht would take about 5-10+ hits.Not only will the Jecht beam cause avr. damage, due to Oddeye's Boss factor thingy, he wont be stoned. Odd Eye kicked my ass the first time I fought him. Jecht didn't. Odd Eye wins. Oddeye, the proud veteran, strode into the arena. Jecht walked in, somewhat drunk and complaining about his pansy of a son yet again. He then looked over at Oddeye, seeing his purple hair, and mumbled something about pansies. He proceeded to throw a blitzball in the air, trying to do his long combo known as the Jecht Shot. Oddeye raised his broadsword, a cold, calculating smile on his face. He walked forward slowly, while Jecht was still working on his little trick Oddeye used an eyebeam, then finished the job with his good ol' fashioned broadsword. Jecht maybe tough, but Oddler's Odd Eye Beam really hurts a lot, so I am going with Oddler as the winner. Jecht, the neglective alcoholic dad, wasn't that tough when I fought him. Odd-Eye, though, is a major pain to go up against. Odd-Eye Beams > Jecht Beam. Gee, I'd go with Jecht, but the devils of Zeon don't fight fair, and petrification isn't gonna fly with them. Who knows, next thing that happens may be a whole bunch of lazer flowers kicking his ass. Odd Eye may be pretty young, but his powers are amazing. His Odd Eye Beam will cause some serious damage to Jecht (not to mention his substantial sword capabilities). Odd Eye leaped into the air, running *straight up Jecht's towering torso*! Jecht tried to swat this annoying blind fly, but Odd Eye's sharp hearing allowed him to weave and dodge Jecht's clumsy swings. Finally, he reached Jecht's shoulder. The Final Aeon turned his monstrous head and said, "You can't beat me! I'm still the best!" Odd Eye shrugged, opened his eyes, and fried Jecht's remaining brain cells. "This isn't blitzball," he said. Ganon vs Myria Ganon laughed cockily as he beheld his opponent: a young-looking blonde girl with incandescent glowing wings. She had asked him if they could be friends. His answer was a quick change into the pig-creature version of himself that we all know and loathe. "Can you stand this, girl?" He snorted. There was no way any alternate form of hers could be more imposing than his. Myria just chuckled and began to rise up. "Your form's worse than my sister's taste in men," she chuckled to herself. Then, she began to change. Ganon's heart fell almost as far as his jaw when he came face to face with one of the multitudinous serpents that made up the lower portion of Myria. "Is that all? The Triforce of Power will..." Unfortunately, Ganon never got to say what the Triforce of Power was going to do. The nearest serpent had already bitten off his head at that point. As Ganon's headless corpse fell to the floor, Myria reverted back to her normal form. "I need some mouthwash and an antacid," was all she said as she left the ring. Ganon: 136 Myria: 210 Big Crash after Big Crash obliterated the arena, as Myria took no chances in letting Ganondorf sneak by her. It came as a real shock, then, when she realized that Ganondorf was not only still alive, not only still conscious, but completely unharmed. "But how..." Tyr gasped. "You have power, that's true," said Ganon as a familiar golden triangle formed on the back of his hand. "But though you are a goddess, even you must bow before Power Incarnate." The audience watched in shock as the Goddess Myria was beaten to a bloody pulp by a series of energy bolts. "It grieves me... to harm one of my children..." The Goddess woefully proclaimed as she floated just above Ganon. "Well then," He replied with a chuckle, "I guess this will be easy for me then." Myria then thrust her arms forward, emitting a huge blast of plasma from her trademark Holocaust attack. Ganon fell to his knees, grasping his sides in pain. His opponent's face then lit up and a maniacal smile spread across her lips, "...But it appears you are not one of the children from my world are you?" All is good and well in the BoF camp this week as we see a double victory for the Godess and her strongest guardian. This really isn't much of a match when you think about it. Myria is a goddess incarnate and a global threat while Ganondorf Dragmire is a black mage who got lucky and who needs the Triforce just to be able to take over Hyrule. IMO, Ganon is closer to Heavy than Godlike. Smart money says Myria lays him flat with a single Holocaust. Myria and Ganon, as the match begins, trading magic attacks, but neither one of them is seriously injured, so they go on to transform into their deadly forms. As the match seem to go on forever, Ryu finally turn to Link and says, "Man, I can't be here too much long or Nina will have another fit." Link, "I know the feeling, Princess Zelda is the same way," as he draws a silver arrow. Ryu, "So which one do you want to win?" Link, "Well, Ganon pure evil, while Myria in Bof3 doesn't hurt the innocent." Ryu, “Make sense to me,” as Ryu use bonebreak and Link launch a silver arrow at Ganon to end the match. Myria fights and loses to a blue haired teenager. Ganon fights and loses to a blond elven boy. Only difference is, that blue haired kid could turn into dragons capable of huge damage. The elven boy wears a skirt. 'Nuff said. Unless I'm mistaken, the only way that Ganon can be HURT is through the use of the Light or Silver Arrows, and the Master Sword, which are both known as Evil's Bane. Ganon wins. The goddess of destruction vs. the ugly, big-nosed King of Theives... even if Ganon manages to deal some damage and survive a few Holocausts after being debilitated by Venom, he'll be put down FAST, since Myria starts combining these as her health gets low. Although that won't even happen since she has around 20000 HP in BoFIII terms. I think Ganon will win. I think this because he is twice as fast and he is in Supersmash melle,Ha I never seen Myria or anyother BoF charictar's in the best multi-player game. If Link can beat Ganon, and Link is in Heavy, then why is Ganon in Godlike? Khan Wong vs Garr raised his spear in defiance, proclaiming his readiness to fight for the Goddess Myria. This was a serious mistake, since he was so ponderously slow that his proclamation took several minutes. Khan, meanwhile, was busily boosting his stats with the Gaspar-school Chi arts he had taught Fei. Realizing that Garr's chances of actually hitting him with a physical attack were about equal to those of Chu-Chu beating Opiomorph in a one-on-one, he lowered his defenses to Puny levels... and increased his attack until it outmatched his son's. Garr charged at last, swinging his spear. Khan jumped the spear's shaft with ease, dropped to the ground to avoid a high swing, jumped again when Garr tried to kick him, flipped over in mid-air, and came down with a jump kick to Garr's face. Garr's rather non-aerodynamic body made a very large crater. Khan: 204 Garr: 129 Khan Wong has long-range Chi attacks. Garr moves so slowly that by the time he reaches one side of the arena, Khan will be at the other renewing his assault. I don't think it's too difficult to see where this is going. Garr is great, fantastic even. But Khan dodges everything. Can't beat what you can't hit. Khan attacks. Khan attacks. Khan attacks. Khan attacks. Khan attacks. Khan attacks. Khan attacks. Khan attacks. Garr attacks. Khan dies. Garr use super combo against Khan Wong, which cuts him to shreds. Garr wins. Sure, Garr's quite possibly slower than molasses, but he's got plenty of HP, defense, and attack power to make up for it. Khan... doesn't. With the Beast Spear, not many Heavies, save a few like Zed, Maxim, and Brad, can stand up to Garr's sheer physical strength. Khran would stand no chance againt Garr.. fists dont work well agaisnt scales, and Spears work very well against humans. Garr also has access to a very wide variety of techniques.. and he can compliment speed weakness by choosing the right master in lvl up. So the speed weakness holds no ground. Garr wins. Boomerang Flash vs Mcdohl McDohl: ...... Boomerang: .... McDohl: ..... Bommerang: ..... McDohl: ..... *Boomerang feels insulted by this and runs at McDohl ready to attack, McDohl stuns him with his staff and then casts Judgement upon the poor Metal Demon.* McDohl: .... Bommerang: *dissapears of the face of the earth* Boomerang: 151 McDohl: 172 Do demons possess souls? This question plagued Boomerang from the moment he learned about the special abilities of his opponent. If the answer was yes, he was in trouble, and yet... the possession of a soul would possibly be a sign of humanity, a thought that greatly worried him. If he was to become human, what would his life be like? Could he live as others do? The metaphysics that went through his head stopped at the start of the battle, when he realized that though he really wanted to know, he wouldn't find the answers that day. All he needed was to keep fighting and winning. And although he couldn't get what he wanted, he found that sometimes, he gets what he needs. With Boomerang immune to instand death, the only special attack McDohl has at his disposal is a few castings of Black Shadow and Judgment, neither of which is going to be enough to finish off his opponent. Meanwhile, Boomerang will be pounding on McDohl at at far higher speed. It'll be closer that if Flash was in the fight with his master, but Boomerang will win all the same. The fight was pretty prosaic. Boomerang and McDohl were evenly matched, and had been trading damage on pretty much similar amounts. Boomerang decided to reveal his ace in the hole, and summon Luceid. The Guardian of Desire looked at McDohl, then at Boomerang, then McDohl again. Then, Luceid sat on his haunches, and said to Boomerang, "I'm sorry, but this young man has a much greater Desire than you. As such, I'm bound to follow him instead of you. this shouldn't surprise you, though." Boomerang was too stunned to move as Luceid clawed him. McDohl shrugged, and scratched his new pet behind the ears. McDohl has the soul eater rune... Boomerang doesn't have Lucied. Mcdohl can heal thank to water rune piece attached to his weapon and his soul eater ruin gains more power in Suikoden II. This will an easy victory for Mcdohl. Boomerang is alot faster than McDohl, but due to the Soul Eater's power to instantly kill people, the Metal Demon will learn he can't run from death. Boomerang's too fast for mcdohl. He'll shred him before mcdohl get's a look in. McDohl can beat Boomerang, period. Boomerang was tough, but McDohl has already survied one assassin. I don't inderstand how Boomerang has such a poor record. Boomerang is just incredibly fast and strong. He also had the aid of Lucied. Has anyone faced Flash Boomerang. If you had you would vote for 99.9% in the matches that Boomerang participates in his heavy match-ups. If McDohl wins that would be the biggest joke ever. Noa vs Maria Balthasar With Noa's speed, she'll be able to get into melee range before Maria has a chance to do anything. At that point, it would probably be best if Maria didn't use Seibzehn, or else she might end up getting caught in the blast radius. Meaning it will all come down to fighting skill. The Legend of Legaia characters have better combo attacks than the ones from Xenogears. Noa's Ark is much better than...... oh that's right, Maria doesn't have any deathblows. Noa: 194 Maria: 138 Low attack + pathetic speed + unrelenting opponent = another loss for Maria. This is just funny. Maria's speed is always a disadvantage, but against Noa, she won't even get to blink. Somehow, I doubt she's going to survive a Miracle Art - and possibly even a subsequent round of standard attacks - to get revenge with a Controls move. Noa has no Ra-Seru. She can't take a hit from the Gravitron Gun, relistically. The stats dont add up, but RPGP battles shouldn't go by stats entirely. NOA's ARK thats all I got to say Hahaha... here's the battle. Noa gets first strike due to her high speed does her Miracle Art, Noa's Ark. Maria dies. While Maria has heavy weaponry inculding the hulking Gear Seibzehn, I doubt that a Gear could withstand the Ra-Seru Terra, nor the power of Noa's cyclonic kicks. Let the metal hit the fan. In one corner is Noa, a pink-haired little girl that always complains about being alone. In the other corner, we have Maria, a girl with flashy clothes and hair bigger than Seibzehn itself. Noa hides behind Terra, a tiny Ra-seru that can blow humans away with some of its wind attacks. Mria hides behind Siebzehn, a massive gear that can crush a tiny little Ra-seru with its pinky. ... I think the match goes to Maria. Maria is almost impossible to beat. Noa's speed could give her the edge, but I doubt Noa could stand up against Siebzehn. Maria is a powerful fighter, much underestimated by those who originally ranked her into Light. Certainly she deserved her victories in that class, and her subsequent upgrade. But on a good day, the little lass with the pink hair and the Ra-Seru Terra could probably whup Maria's comrade-in-arms Hyuga Ricdeau, at least if he didn't have his katana. Noa's techniques are spectacular, her speed is almost Godlike, and even her major weakness, her low health and defense, is still a strength compared to Maria's. Noa for Middle Champ (and Heavy upgrade)! Mustadio Bunanza vs Selene Mustadio seemed to have an early advantage as his strategy of "Shoot, Shoot Again, Repeat" proved superior to Selene's "Rant about love and God or whatever in a futile attempt to develop my character in three sentences." In all fairness, however, ranting proved to be one of the few methods available under the effects of Don't Act and Don't Move. After about an hour of chipping away 32 hp at a time, however, the young engineer had reached the breaking point. "Look, why don't you just the gun, kill yourself, and transform into your "piece of god" or whatever. I've taken down whole gods before, of course, but you might actually be worth killing." Selene agreed, and presumably died, a fact that cannot be confirmed due to the camera cutting to black. It is a certainty, however, that Mustadio retreived his gun from a puddle of mysterious black goo, Aimed it, and used Seal Evil for the win. Mustadio then left the arena to wash the Blood of Valmar off his gun. Mustadio: 213 Selene: 115 In Heart form, Selene is a formidable opponent in a one-on-one fight. She has high HP, lots of magic, and gets three turns to her opponent's one. She's also ten feet in diameter, and there's no way Mustadio's Arm Aims are going to miss a target that size. Too bad. Selene stepped into the ring, ready to challenge her opponent. "Where is he?" She thought, looking at the empty arena. BANG! A bullet hit the ground near her. She looked up to see Mustadio lying on top of the highest perch of the arena, far above the crowd. Paralyzed with fear, she did not move as he took his next three shots. The first stopped her from moving. The second stopped her from attacking. The third stopped her from living. Leaping down from his vantage point, the Ref declared Mustadio the winner. Mustadio looked at the Heart of Valmar. He had experience from fighting Lucavi already in the field of horrible alternate forms of villains. He smiled as he prepared his gun for a Leg Aim. That's all he'd need... "Hey... Where's her legs?" He looked at the now-cardiac Selene. "She's got no legs! What kind of a twisted little freak set THIS up?!" Now, he was running from the giant heart. After wringing Mustadio's neck, Selene returned to human form. She returned to cheers for her excellent entertainment. As befitting the High Priestess of Granas, she bowed gracefully. Mustadio after the match begin watch Selene transform immediately, so that arm aim and leg aim won't work. Selene, "Now your mine Engineer." Mustadio, "If that the way you want to play it," as he summons Zodiac which totally annihilates Selene. Mustadio to the gawking referee," What? You didn't think Engineering skills were the only thing I knew how to do, did you?" Mustadio just needs to use Leg Aim. After that, Selene can't even hurt him. OR Mustadio can get a Blaze/Stone/other insanely powered gun and simply decimate her while staying unscathed. By the time mustadio learns teleport, and gets extreme range, he'll just use leg aim, arm aim, and auto potion. I mean really, Without her black knights, Selene's a wimp. Mustadio's got very good aim. I don't know the rules with secondaries and such for job setups (Someone whould make a library of what is allowed/not allow in customizable characters, such as FFX/T), but Leg Aim alone should do the job. if Mustadio uses a stone gun (Equip Change it on) he will be able to deal respectable damage while keeping Selene from closing in. And if she does, Arm Aim or maybe even a new skill, weapon aim...if it is allowed, why not cast zombie on her and use seal evil? He wins the match AND gets a statue he can auction of for some gil. Selene quickly popped into the Heart of Valmar. But the crafty Mustadio was ready to take out her attack power and ability to move by popping of a Arm Aim and a Leg Aim in quick succession....only to find that a heart has no arms or legs. when he put his eye to his sights, all he could see was a hail of magical swords of death rushing at him... I think Selene has a good chance to purify Mustadio. Since Mustadio's Snipe Attacks can only hit one target at a time, and Selene has 3 pieces in Heart form, she'll be able to make a few attacks in the meantime. Also, Don't Act and Don't Move don't last forever, so Selene will likely outlast Mustadio. He'll be dead after a few physical attacks or Black Spews. Not many singe opponents stand a chance versus Mustadio.. for one single reason> snipe> seal act. at which point its a simple matter of beating them down with his choice of rifle. Sneff vs Shiro In one of the greatest misfires in RPGP history, Sneff actually managed to turn HIMSELF into a cat. And though the Worren Clan had proven their skill against their canine counterparts earlier in the season, Sneff was certainly no Worren. Sneff: 124 Shiro: 201 I don't care used to fighting on four legs Shiro is, a tabby cat isn't exactly a fearsome damage-dealer, not to mention that the swords in Sword Trick are big enough to reduce your average kitty to a pulpy mass. The only way Sneff can lose this is if somebody calls the SPCA on him... Sneff Stared Across the Arena, squinting and seeing the figure of his enemy, "For my first trick, I will change you into a cat" This did work, however it didn't affect the fire rune Shiro had equipped. Surprisingly though, the dog turned cat didn't use the rune, but attacked Sneff. A few scratches later, Sneff was dead. I really do hope Shiro kills and devours Sneff so he may never show his toothy grin again. Shiro can beat Sneff. He's too fast to get stuck in a box or turned into a cat. Sneff won't even have time to change Shiro into a cat before he has his guts torn out, or survive long enough to get a Sword Trick off. Shiro's attack power surpasses even that of Viktor, wielding the Star Dragon sword.. something tells me any opponent who is hit by one of his attacks, even if they're godlike, they would feel it.. anyone in light isnt going to stand a chance. Gwynn vs Rhode Rhode simply points out that while his investigation of ancient ruins led to the discovery of awesome artifacts like the Achilles Sword, the Caravan, and even Taros, Gwynn's indirectly led to his grandson getting hooked up with Lucia. Knowing deep in his hear that his fellow archeologist speaks the truth, Gwynn curls up in a corner to die, and Rhode wins by default. Gwynn: 148 Rhode: 161 Not even Rhode could take out Gwynn in one shot, which is what would be needed, given Rhode's poor speed and Calm Litany. That's why the archeologist played smart, using the rules to his advantage. It was a long shot. If the inevitable protest went against him, he would have lost before he had even begun to fight. But as the only person able to drive the Caravan, that gave him explicit permission to use it for whatever means he saw fit. That included as a weapon. After peeling the flattened Gwynn off the floor, Rhode was declared the victor. There's only one thing that can make Rhode's normally crappy attack power even more pathetic, and that's a dose or two of Shattered Sword. Once the Brass Gunner's been reduced in power, Gwynn can alternate between mace whacks, healing, and Fractured Armor with no fear of taking serious damage. Quite possibly the weakest playable character in SFII vs. some old guy with a mace, healing magic, AND the ability to lower his opponents' attack and defense. I don't know what The Lunarian was thinking when he said high attack power, 'cause I sure as hell don't remember it. ROHDE's (correct spelling) only chance at winning would be running over the old man in the tank, but Gwynn'll have already cast Shattered Armor on the tank and ROHDE will have a crack in his skull from a nice hit in the head with Gwynn's mace by then. I like Rhode, and I am betting on him to win. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.