Fourteen lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Luca Blight vs Janus Zeal Janus started the match with fire 2, it had no effect. Then he tried lightning 2, but Luca just kept walking forward staring his creepy stare. The Janus focused all his energy into dark matter...... nothing. "What devilry is thi..." Janus never finished his sentenced because he was to occupied with the huge blade emerging from his stomach. Janus realized what happened and fell limp on Luca's sword. Luca walked away calmly and left the bloody mass that was once Janus on the stage. But before leaving he raised one finger and Janus' corpse exploded in fire. He had to make it good for the audience, duh. Luca: 168 Magus: 143 Black clouds loom overhead as Magus stares off into the distance. Behind him comes the clatter of an approaching armor. He turns around to see the demonic face of Luca Blight smiling at him. "So you are the pig I will slaughter today!" Luca says with a gleam in his eye. Magus stands as silent as he makes a gesture with his hands. A black hole opens around him and darkness floods the area. When it is clear, Luca stands with a smirk on his face. "Did you think that is all it would take to stop me?!" He says as he charges with his sword ablaze. Magus sidesteps the charge only to have part of his cape singed off. he draws his scythe as Luca charges with another swing. Magus easily dodges and manages to hit Luca in the back of the head with the flat of his blade. Luca stumbles and drops on one knee, but he quickly rolls as Magus lunges to end the fight. Luca jumps to a distance and laughs. "You are pretty good, pig! But I have beaten far worse! You will have to do better than that!" Using the time Luca spent boasting, Magus sends a dark wave which slams Luca into the arena wall. Luca struggles to get up as another wave is flung upon him. Magus is about to send another wave when he hears inhuman laughter. Luca springs to his feet with fury in his eyes and charges as another wave is cast. He charges straight through it and sends a surprised Magus flying with a hard hit from his sword. Magus flies several feet before gracefully landing on his feet. Noticing that Luca is leaving himself prone with his charge, he prepares his scythe as the madman rushes again. The fury in Luca's eyes turn to shock as Magus's scythe buries itself in his chest. He staggers back in agony before falling to the ground. Magus turns around and stares off into the sky again. "You talk to much ... weakling." He is about to leave when a blade bursts through the front of his chest. Luca is again on his feet, the scythe still in his chest. "Remember PIG, make sure your opponent is dead before you turn your back!" Those were the last words Magus ever heard. Janus has a scythe and powerful magic. Luca has the ability to deal out Larvos type damage, by attacking three times, and has the beast rune. Blight will crush Janus to a pulp. Sure Janus can throw just about any kind of magic you can fathom at Luca, but the real question is: Will it be enough to stop Luca? Anyone who's played Suikoden 2 knows that Luca's about as easy to stop as a tank. While Janus will probably lay down and die after a few mortal blows, Luca will just shrug it off and keep attacking. Luca also happens to be one of the evilest villians in Godlike. It stands to reason that Janus's powerful shadow magic spells won't be all that strong against someone who likes to kill at least 50 people before lunch. Beast Rune=Janus Salad Janus, having gone back in time and reviewed Luca's last stand against the Jowston army, was surprisingly confident going into the match. "Are you certain this is going to be simple?" a concerned Schala asked him. "Of course," Janus said. "This fool was bested by a few arrows and a Nameless Hero! He will prove no challenge." Schala frowned, but said nothing. Still, she couldn't help but think that her brother's data was innacurate. Janus entered the arena, threw back his cloak, and sneered, "Come, you pathetic weakling! The dark wind howls for thee!" A dozen spells, all of Janus' MP, and ten minutes of Luca's manical laughter later, the Prince of Highland buried his blade in the Prince of Zeal's chest. When Janus awoke, hours later, in the RPGP healing station, he found Schala standing beside his bed. Schala began, "I asked Miss Ashtear-" "You call her Dr. Ashtear!" called Slash, ever the perfect sidekick. "- Miss Ashtear," Schala insisted, "to check your historical research. It seems Prince Luca had fought a major battle, been ambushed by eighteen elite mercenaries and been shot with several hundred arrows prior to what you witnessed." "Oh," said Janus Luca charged forward, expecting to cleave the Godlike veteran with a single strike. He wasn't expecting that his opponent could float a fair distance out of range. "Come on, fight, pig!", screamed Luca. "As you wish.", Janus coldly sneered. A series of elemental blasts enveloped the ground of the arena, sending Prince Luca to his knees. It was only a mere moment of weakness, however, as Luca grabbed a stray stone and hurled it with deadly accuracy. Not even the Gloom Helm could completely shield the blow, and Magus collapsed to the ground, his concentration broken. "Are you ready to die? You can't win!" said Luca, raising his sword that had slain so many. Suddenly, he noticed that Magus' scythe, normally impeccably clean (some would say obsessively), was tinged with blood. "What, go off on a killing spree without me?" Luca joked. "You might say I did it for you..." said Magus with no joy in his voice. He quickly glanced over at the bodies of Marle and Lucca, that he had slain before the match to get the Doom Sickle up to full strength. "I work best with a slaughter as well." Soon, another's blood was added to Magus' weapon. Luca, with his customary intelligence, charges towards Magus. And Magus falls back. Luca takes this as a sign of fear and charges again. Magus once again falls back. Luca, now very angry, charges for all he is worth. Magus sidesteps Luca's clumsy swing and trips him. Luca lands outside the ring as Magus wins through his superior intellect. Magus is almost invincible against physical attacks when his opponent is not wielding the masamune, and has more damage capability than almost anyone in rpgp. Luca may take a while to take down, but he basically can't do anything to Magus. Therefore, Magus wins. Ah, yes. The age-old match up. Out-of-control, over-the-brink insanity (represented here by Luca Blight) meets cool, collective, and deadly strategy (represented here by Janus Zeal). And, if history is any sort of evidence, Janus's calmer, more strategic demeanor (plus an unhealthy dosage of Dark Matter) will likely yield him an easy win. A real tough choice here. Luca is insanely powerful, and that Beast Rune just adds to his ferocity. But I'm going to go with Magus on this one. Luca's metal armor + Lightning 2 = A burned Blight. Hyuga Ricdeau vs Fou-Lu I don't care what Dragon form Fou-Lu chooses, Hyuga will have already cast Senkei on himself and be slicing him to peices beofre his Transformation is complete! Hyuga: 170 Fou-Lu: 132 Tough choice between Fou-Lu and the Doc. I give it to the Doc only because I think he could run Fou-Lu's dragon forms out of HP quickly enough to avoid getting hit with a breath weapon. If that doesn't happen, well, Fou-Lu wins. Citan is ridiculously fast..has Arcane, and his katana just skyrockets his Attack power. not even FOu-lu can stand up against the best. The only thing faster than Hyuga is his katana. Fou-Lu will be hard-pressed to dogde Hyuga's attacks and then get a few of his own off. Sure Fou-Lu could just change to his dragon form right away, but Hyuga would get off a few attacks before he could do so. Fou-Lu also has a certain weakness towards fire and one of Hyuga's deathblows just happens to have a fire affinity to it. I think Fou-Lu's toast (No pun intended. Alright, maybe just a little.) Fou-Lu lacks attacks that can kill in a single blow, and that's going to cost him dearly. Even if he hits the good Doctor with Soul Rend, Hyuga can just heal for his next two or three rounds - which will, of course, come before Fou-Lu gets another turn. That makes this fight a simple slugfest, except one of the combatants has a ludicrous speed advantage and healing magic. Hardly seems fair, does it? This is a well balanced match, one that could easily go either way. In fact, probability mechanics indicate that Hyuga and Fou-Lu, like the proverbial unfortunate feline, are both in a state of neither life nor death until the box is opened... or something to that effect, anyway. And since Fou-Lu won last time, it's probable that Hyuga will this time. Citan: *deathblow* Fou-Lu: *Turn into dragon, eat Citan* Fou-Lu: *Win* Unfortunately for Hyuga.. non magical blades cannot KILL a god.. and his attacks merely annoyed the Dragon Emporor.. the last words he heard in that match "FOOLISH MORTAL!" would haunt him for years to come.. Citan bowed politely to his opponent and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Shall we begin?" "No," Fou-Lu replied stoicly. The good doctor was puzzled, and adjusted his glasses as per a nervous habit. Fou-Lu was making no effort to prepare for battle. "Why, praytell, is that?" "Because," Fou-Lu answered with a hint of a smile. "Thou art already dead." With that, the Tyrant dragon rose up behind Hyuga and instantly tore him in half. Hyuga can be the fastest human of all time, but he still won't do a scratch to a dragon god. Fou lu is slightly floating off the ground as he enter the ring. Hyuga, "So do you think float boots will save you," as Hyuga charges forward. Fou lu dodges the blow and wasting no words transforms into Tyrant. Hyuga, "You tried this last time," however Hyuga attacks are far from perfect and Fou lu manages to get off enough breath attacks to make Hyuga see stars. Fou lu, "Ah, these Winged Boots are excellent, as the first emperor claims the win. Dr. Citan Uzuki was no one's fool. Armed with powerful elemental deathblows and trained to adapt an insane agility, he was not arrogant nor smug when he knew he was one of the more formidable warriors of the land. But that still didn't rid him of the nagging suspicion that this adversary was to be quite a challenge... His hand gripped on his katana, ready to unsheath it at any moment as his opponent arrived. Fou-Lu, first Emperor of the Fou-lu Empire, the God Emperor, the dragon god, stepped into the arena from the other side, his hands already shimmering with energy. Both studied each other for a while. Fou-Lu called out, "You hath undertaken a serious mistake, mortal. You seekth to fight a god... tis as if you wert to fight the very earth itself. Thy skills are no match for the Endless. Stop this foolishness." Citan, his eyes shielded from the blazing sun in the arena with his glasses, shook his head. "I, myself, have defeated a 'god' before among my companions. The term is used far too loosely." Fou-Lu looked amused, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "Thou art but a mortal. You shalt discover soon enough." The bell for the arena rang, and the two fighters were out. Citan's constant fury of Haze of Fires did little to stop the dragon god from transforming. Though Fou-Lu certainly had taken hits, noticeable ones, from the good doctor's katana, it was not enough to stop him. Fou-Lu reared his head back, letting loose a horrific roar as the Astral Dragon's energy wings flapped up. Citan fell back, observing his opponent. "Most interesting," he said. One particularly painful Soul Rend and Power Flux later (with a desperate Sazanami thrown in for good measure), Citan was lying quite dead on the ground. "You learn more about your opponent from your losses rather than from your victories." - a wise man "CRUNCH!" Ciatn, under the foot of the Tyrant dragon, showing that he hadn't quite learned enough yet. Brahms vs Lloyd Brahms lunged for Lloyd, trying to land a few bloows and launch into a Bloody Curse. Imagine his surprise when his first dozen superhuman punches passed through thin air as Lloyd dodged, all without noticable effort! "I've bested the gods themselves," Brahms snarled. He would *not* be denied this victory! He began pounding a stray bit of rubble into pieces, building up an unblockable Bloody Curse. "Dodge this!" he shouted. Lloyd held out the Dragon Buster and impaled the charging Brahms on its flaming length, rather like he had Lavitz. "You know," he said casually, "getting this six foot saber through the heart is instant death even if you *aren't* a dragoon." Brahms: 142 Lloyd: 149 Brahms basically dukes it out with Gods in his lifetime, so Lloyd should be no problem. It does not matter how long it takes Brahms to hit Lloyd, as Lloyd is too weak to severely hurt Brahms. As soon as Brahms gets in a chain of attacks, it is over. I see Brahms and Lloyd as a mismatch. I found Lloyd to be fairly easy each time I fought him. On the other hand, it took me forever to defeat Brahms (about 20 tries). You can't dodge a PWS technique. Brahms can use his, Bloody Curse, at will - and it just happens to be one of the strongest single-target techniques in Valkyrie Profile. Even so, Lloyd could still win this in one hit...if the undead weren't immune to instant death. Pity. "You expect to defeat me with a sabre? Me, greatest of the vampyres? No undead could possibly fear a puny saber, no matter how powerful the wielder! This is almost as pathetic as being killed by a whip!" Brahms really did fear the Dragon Buster, despite his bravado. However, he was wise enough to push enough of the right buttons to cause Dracula to swoop down and give him the match by disqualification. All is fair in war. Jecht vs Myria Myria was quite confident going into this match. Being a goddess, she had a definite advantage over Jecht with her magic and experience. The one thing she didn't account for, however, was Jecht's theme music. As soon as the battle begun, she found her thoughts and her very magic drowned out in a torrent of old-school death metal, the likes of which her game series could never begin to compare to in either originality or amplitude. Before she knew it, Myria found herself cleaved in twain and exploding into pyreflies. Jecht: 151 Myria: 146 Myria: "Hey I'm some really ugly snake thingy!" Jecht: *gets drunk, busts some heads* Jecht and Myria had already taken their somewhat larger forms. And, somewhat being defined as attracting people who mistakenly think that they're at a Godzilla convention. In any case, they lunge at each other in a total frontal assualt. Jecht fires a Jecht Beam straight at Myria. It singed a few of her tentacles. Myria growled softly. "Hey, who's that making out with your wife in the stands?" The Holocaust ripped Jecht apart as he turned. "Not even Ryu falls for that one anymore," she grumbled as she trudged out of the ring in human form. Myria can inflict multi stats effects with Holocaust. Jecht however is extremely powerful Blitz ball player. Flips a coin. Heads, The snake goddess wins. Goddess... athlete. I don't care if he is 60 feet tall, Jecht is no match for any of Myria's forms. If built up correctly, any character in FFX can kill Jecht in one hit. Myria can't be. End of story. Jecht may be a skilled swordsman but he was always a sucker for the ladies. Myria doesn't even need to transform. All she has to do is sleep with him and he'll forfeit the match. Or she can just seduce him and then...BAM!...fork in the eye. ("you think it would work without the fork in the eye?/"well, there's a first time for everything") Brad Evans vs Gandar Brad + RailGun + Boost= Charred Flying Gandar Brad: 154 Gandar: 128 Gandar immediately blasted Brad with a barrage of spells that managed to vaporize the better part of the Arena, including the four Godlike losers, who happened to be sitting in the front row. "You 'Heroes' are all the same," Gandar sneered. "You mean how we always win in the end?" Brad asked. Gandar's mouth dropped open. How could anything survive that?! Brad's rail gun was soon inserted in his mouth. "It's my obligation as a 'Hero' to waste arrogant villains like you," he said, pulling the trigger. Gandar casts Shadow Servant, and ends the match THAT QUICK. Not only is Gandar one of the better mages in VP, but he has the confidence to pull him through any match. Maxim vs Cyan Garamonde Maxim uses Wave Motion. Cyan charges. Maxim strikes. Cyan charges. Maxim teaches himself how to tap dance. Cyan charges. Maxim hits himself in order to refill his IP. Cyan charges. Maxim realizes that Cyan's going to go for Cleave. Cyan charges. Maxim kills Cyan just before he's ready to attack. Cyan dies. Whew, what excitement. Maxim: 175 Cyan: 139 Do I REALLY have to say it again? Maxim can't lose...Wave Motion. Even though we can claim Cyan Garamonde has a good amount of experience and powerful katana techniques, Maxim has the advantage, as he wields the legendary Dual Blade, which multiplies his already greater vitality. Even though Cyan is skilled and may seem overwhelming at first with his great skills, he will hardly stand a chance against a foe as powerful as Maxim, who was able to go from a simple monster hunter to the legendary hero who destroyed four super beings and whose power is so great, it is transmitted to his descendants to carry on his struggle. nobody that is slow will ever beat maxim. Cyan is slow, he doesnt stand a chance. Maxim will open up with a wave motion (his ip is always full at the start of a battle with the dual blade equipped). He will get max stats and then attack Cyan many times with max attack before Cyan can even think of doing one of his powerful attacks. Cyan's slow charge time means that Maxim will get an opportunity for at least two attacks before his opponent gets a Quadra Slice going. That said, I doubt that Cyan could possibly withstand not one, but two full strikes with the Dual Blade. Maxim attacks with Dual Blade. Cyan sits there charging. Maxim attacks with Dual Blade. Cyan sits there charging. Maxim attacks with Dual Blade. Cyan sits there charging. Maxim attacks with Dual Blade. Cyan sits there charging. Maxim attacks with Dual Blade. Cyan sits there charging. Maxim attacks with Dual Blade. Cyan sits there charging. Maxim attacks with Dual Blade. Cyan uses Quadra Slice, sending Maxim to critical health. Maxim uses Wave Motion, not only healing himself fully but also increasing all his attributes, including speed and attack. Need I say more? Cyan could win this match with a level 7 Quadra slice. That is if Maxim doesn't cleave Cyan in half first. Good Luck Cyan. Cyan and Maxim get into a conversation pre-match and decide fighting really isn't worth it. They decide, instead, to see who's technique is more potent. Maxim, being a gentleman, allows Cyan the first shot. Cyan charges...and charges...and charges...and finally Cleaves poor Maxim. Maxim stepped into the Arena, ready and confident in his ability to best CYan and prove himself to the crowd, Cyan however, seemed to be standing on the edge of the arena, watching Maxim closely.. seemed to be studying him.. he seemed tense.. Maxim shouldered his blade to wait.. it seemed that Cyan must be nervous.. What he never expected was that in the blink of an eye, Cyan flew at him, having had all the time he needed to charge up his most deadly sword tech, after the cleared up Maxims remains from the arena floor, the judge ruled that this charge was within the rules, as he had attacked his opponent while in the arena. Cyan entered the arena with no clear plan in mind. He'd never be able to charge a Cleave before Maxim, made nigh-invincible by Wave Motion, would pound him into the ground. Nevertheless, as the battle began, that was still his only hope. He began charging a swordstech, and waited. Maxim quickly used Wave Motion, and rushed his foe. Panicked, Cyan executed his swordtech - not caring what it was, just hoping to due some damage. Maxim froze in his tracks, completely unprotected from Stunner. With renewed, if somewhat confused confidence, Cyan was able to take his time before slicing his opponent in half. Yeah, Maxim's IP attacks are all well and good, but techically speaking, he's a knight up against a samurai. The art of Japanese swordsmanship has remained and will likely remain umatched throughout all of history. As soon as Maxim gets within striking distance, Cyan will cut him to ribbons, and won't even need to charge up his guage to do it. Gort vs Jesiah Black Gort's in trouble here, since it's difficult to unleash a devastating string of melee blows when you're lying in a pool of blood and bullets. Gort: 106 Jesiah: 160 Gort goes in swinging...and gets about five feet before Jessiah puts more holes in him that swiss cheese covered in mice. When they warned Gort about not bringing a sword to a gunfight, they never said anything about bringing axes. Until now. Gorts faced gunners before and they never really did all that much damage to him. I say betting on Black is a mistake. Gort wins. Unfortunetely for Jesiah, Gort came into the arena on that day, bearing an Atlas axe, and used it upon his first turn.. many laughed as his long dusty coat caught fire, Jesiah, not to be beaten by mere fire, pointed his gun at gort, aiming to shoot.. that is until his amunition within his coat exploded, kiling him outwright. Khan Wong vs McDohl A breeze sweeps the arena as Kahn and McDohl stare each other down. Within seconds, the two charge one another at full fury. Kahn gets the first attacks in with his lighting fists, but they are deflected by McDohl's uncanny speed. Kahn attempts a to kick McDohl but gets tripped with a twirl of MCDohl's staff. He quickly rolls to the side and trips the boy with a quick sweep. Kahn attempts to rush the downed MCDohl, but he rolls out of the way and springs to his feet. McDohl takes the offensive with a barrage of swings from his staff. Kahn easily dodges as the young leader throws everything he has. When he is sure he is exhausted, Kahn throws a punch straight at him. The hit connects allowing for Kahn to gain the upper hand. He goes all out with his fury of swipes and kicks until he has moved McDohl against the arena wall. He leaps back, taking a moment to catch his breath. McDohl is now one knee, slowly and painfully raising his hand. "Giving up already?!" Kahn laughed. "Well,... I guess I will take it easy on..." Suddenly The boys hand was glowing as a symbol appeared. Darkness surrounded Kahn as he saw angels the descending. The last thing he saw were the blue rays of light which rained down, incinerating him on the spot. Khan: 151 McDohl: 164 McDohl merely pointed at Kahn that day, and cast fingers of death.. the arena, unlike the game didnt protect 'boss' style characters from the doom that would and should have befallen them when faced with such a powerful attack. "..." commented McDohl as he nodded to Chrono and walked out of the arena, Chrono looked to Ryu and spoke.. "...", Ryu looked to Chrono "...", he said, agreeing that McDohl should join them in the ranks of Godlike. The idea of McDohl beating Khan is about as absurd as... well, as the idea of McDohl beating Boomerang, actually. Khan has the speed, the willpower, the dodging ability, the experience, the damage potential, and the variety of abilities he needs to win. He fought Grahf to a standstill, submerged Id's will, and was Shevat's greatest agent in a high-stakes world that included Hyuga and Miang on the oppposite side. He's all but physically incapable of losing to a silent hero whose best bet is a medium-strength True Rune with soul stealing attacks that are no match for his steely resolve. Bow vs Royce Looking at her opponent, Royce figured that she could probably win this match in her sleep, but she knew it would be even easier to win if her opponent was asleep. Bow wasn't sure what hit him, but when he woke up, he had burns everywhere and the match had been over for four hours. Bow: 139 Royce: 165 Unfortunately for Bow, you can't shoot an arrow or heal yourself while asleep. You have GOT to be kidding me. Royce in middle? At her worst she's at least top-tier heavy. Once transformed she has the power and the HP to equal most of the fighters in heavy on top of her Vile-Tribe magic. Bow, on the other hand, has an attack power worthy of light and nothing in the way of offensive magic. His only trump card - healing - is negated when Royce ties him up with a replica firebird and beats him black and blue with her staff. In fact Rocye could win this one without transforming. Or using her magic. Or trying. Move her up to heavy already! All I can do when seeing the Bow versus Royce matchup is laugh. Such a crappy character against such a great magic user. Bow steps onto the battlefield. Royce casts her weakest spell. No more Bow. "Okay, doggy, time to put you to sleep!" Royce yelled while unleashing her prized attack. She was expecting yet another easy win against a character that wouldn't even be awake to fight her. "Wait a sec..." She questioned as her opponent simply shrugged off the assault. "Why aren't you...?” Bow lifted his arm to display a shiny-looking bracelet which turned out to indeed be a Shiny Bracelet! "Like it?" He asked. "Yeah... I got this thing from a Chorking. Man, those things are tough, but not when you have a "shot" technique like I do." "Shot?" She inquired. "What's that?" "This." He replied while providing a demonstration of said technique. Royce was sorry she had asked. Bow shot attack and healing magic should be more then enough for him to win. Robo vs Feena "End of the World!" Feena screamed, as she set out to quickly eliminate Robo. However, Robo had gotten used to apocalyptic attacks, and was largely unaffected. However, it did jar Robo's internal clock to 11:59, December 31, 1999. And since Lucca had never heard of the Y2K Bug, needless to say Robo was not programmed to deal with it. One forced shutdown later, Feena advanced to the next round. Robo: 125 Feena: 164 Feena is fast, but not only that, has Powerful spells. End of world, end of world, ETC. and she has skills. Robo..well, Never really used in him chrono trigger that much. Let's face it; even if Robo did have what it takes to kill Feena in one good shot, his unbelievably terrible speed ensures that the young mage's potent spells will have blasted him into the stratosphere before then. An interesting match from certain perspectives. Feena plotted sweet revenge over her humiliating and inexpicable loss two seasons ago to a certain cheap slut with the IQ of a paper towel who can't do damage to save her life by thrashing a teammate of the aforementioned slut who has much less in the way of unconditional fanboyist support. Robo thought very little of the match, silently confident that the same idiots who believe an ordinary robot is more powerful than a 500-foot divine dragon with one quarter the power of a goddess would see him through this. As the match begins, Feena- - Runs rings around Robo with her mobility advantage. - Heals just to show that her healing power is more than the combined cast of Crono Trigger. - Eventually gets bored and reduces Robo to ash with a single End of the World. - Goes back to sticking pins in a voodoo doll of Robo's useless teammate. Feena is fast. Robo is not. Feena has End of the World. Robo has the worst magic defense in CT. Not a difficult match to predict. Wow. Talk about the speed disadvantage from Hell. Robo is _screwed_ this match, and I'm not just saying that. Feena really won't even need her more powerful techniques in order to beat up Robo, her speed is so much greater than his that she can Critical him out of any attack he throws at her. I like Robo, I really do, but fast opponents like Feena here are just NOT what he's cut out for. I feel sorry for Robo, who's really quite underrated. I'd love to think of some strange way he could win... But the fact is, there isn't one. Sorry, Robo. Gau vs Mystina Gau, "Gau? Gau?" as the match begin Mystina cast a spell only to have it reflected off of Gau Paladin Shield. After being hit by her own spell Mystina gets up and says, "Oh I get it. You want some more?" as she charges up an other spell. Gau, "You silly, me send you on a trip." as he use the monster Osteosaur Rage to cast X-zone, which pulls Mystina into another dimension. Gau: 141 Mystina: 134 "Cute kid," Mysty muttered, feeling a rare pang of guilt about blasting him into a million pieces. But the possibility of getting a better record than Lezard, albeit two ranks lower, soon overcame her rather underactive conscience. Not soon enough, though, as Gau had already activated the Retainer Rage and Shocked her into next week. Normally Gau would win, but Mystina gets him to leap on her wait reaction. While he's distracted, a nicely placed Mystic Cross advances Mystina to the next round. Gau could probably put Mystina in her place with one of the stronger Rages, if he didn't have to take a full turn to activiate it first. That'll be all the time she needs to turn the beast-boy into a pelt. Gau can be a strong character, but he is too random. Mystina should have no problem beating him (for the same reasons as Gandar). "Hah. Gau no have trouble with witch. Last words?" Gau would immediately regret saying that, as Mystina took them up. "If ye trust that thy eternal bond may be broken, then let my words be as a vengeful blade upon thee! Cosmic Spear!" Mystina shrugged as she grabbed Gau's remains. Maybe Lezard would buy them. He always needed parts. Gau's unique Rage ability means that he can effectively weild some of the most powerful techniques from his world's toughest monsters. Unfortunately, this ability does not extend into the monsters' great stats. As such, Gau's poor defense will ensure that he'll be pasted by Mystina's spells before he gets a chance to retaliate. Noa vs Mustadio Bunanza Mustadio cocked his rifle, waiting for his opponent to emerge. He had heard from somebody in the audience that it was a martial arts expert, that he (or she) was particularly quick, and he had prepared his handy Leg Aim technique to simply prevent him from moving at all. He wasn't prepared for a short, red-haired girl flapping her arms wildly while looking with large wide eyes at him. He blinked. Noa smiled, then charged. Mustadio then remembered what he was in here for, and used Leg Aim, firing. Unfortunately, he missed. Horribly. It might have had to do with something about Noa's incredible agility and the bugging low hit rate of Engineer skills. Noa's Ark gave him a timer over his battered body one second later. Noa: 137 Mustadio: 126 Even assuming that Mustadio could survive the initial Noa's Ark barrage, Noa's speed assures that, no matter how many Arm Aims she's hit with, she'll get a few turns between snipes when she's free to act. Given that all of her best equipment is RPGP-legal, she's definitely going to survive to see those few turns, and make quick work of Mustadio once she does. And if Musty decides to try a Leg Aim and run from his opponent's melee attacks, he'd do well to remember that the uber-powerful summoning spell Terra is also unique to Noa. Mustadio knew that he wouldn't be able to beat Noa in close range combat, therefore his plan was to snipe her leg to keep her from moving, then finish her off from a distance. The problem was that he didn't expect it to be so hard to hit a fast moving target. Having missed his first shot, and with Noa running torward him, Mustadio didn't have any choice but to run away to keep some distance while he got his next shot ready. When he got his gun reloaded, he turned around ready to fire only to find that Noa had stopped chashing him and was just standing in place looking at him. He wasn't sure why until he looked around and saw that he had actually run out of the arena and had been disqualified. Mustadio got in a lucky Leg Aim at the beginning of the match, which took the pressure off of him. Casually, he took aim for right between the eyes... Only to have Noa catch the bullet. And throw it right back at him. Mustadio caught the bullet as well. Unfortunately, it was in his chest. Mustadio's typical Aim skill accuracy is about 35-45%. Considering Noa's incredible speed and agility, that can easily be considered reduced to 25-35%. And at least at first, a geeky engineer like Mustadio is likely to be hesitant to shoot such a cute young lady. What that means is that there's a good chance that three out of four shots he takes will miss. And since Noa will only need three turns for *either* Arm or Leg Aim to wear off, and will easily get two turns for every *one* of Mustadio's... Suffice to say that Noa's Ark will be coming down on the Ivalician's head. Noa struts into the Arena already thinking that she's won. Mustadio, on the other hand, is trying to come up with some way he can get a shot off beofre Noa attackes him. When the match starts, Noa is about ready to start a combo until she see's Vahn and Gala in the audience. "Hey you guys! Did you come to see me win?" At that moment, a shot rings throughout the Arena. Noa is stunned, but not hurt badly. "Is that all you got! You're really gonna pay for that!" She starts up her combo again...only to find out she can't move at all. "Sorry about that," Mustadio calls to Noa. "I hope you don't mind the Leg Aim attack I just used on you." A couple of shots later, the match is given to Mustadio. Afterwards, Gala hands $50 to Vahn. "That's the last time I bet on her to win anything." Mustadio does leg aim, pinning Noa to one position. Only thing that could stop him is running out of bullets. What's that? Oh yea, in FFT you have unlimited ammo. My bad. All Mustadio needs to do here is run far away and hit a good, clean Leg Snipe, then take the mostly hand-to-hand Noa out at his leisure. Once again, a single aim will do the job. SOmebody should really specify what gun Mustadio uses, or if he can switch at will. In this case, he should start with a blast gun, snipe her, switch to stone, and blow her head off. Messy, yet effective. Leena vs Millie Leena brought her own portable kitchen to the arena, in an attampt to find some weapon that would serve her well against the mysterious Bonaparte. But whatever Bonaparte is, he certainly liked the soup bone Leena took out and threw to the other side of the ring. With Millie's one advantage taken away, she wisely conceded defeat. Leena: 165 Millie: 143 If a frying pan VS a Yo-yo didn't work, what chance would a boomerang have against a frying pan? Leena wins. I feel that I need to comment on the Millie / Leena fight. When I was playing Suikoden 2 and got Millie and then Bonaparte, I used Bonaparte in battle. When I saw the animation I thought Bonaparte was going to take the enemy a part. Ironically, I could have done more damage to that enemy if I would've coughed on it. A grid full of elements and frying pan in hand, Leena shouldn't have any problems. Sheena Lepant vs Relm Arrowny Sheena, being his love-desperate self, sees Relm and in his imagination, an analysis screen pops up, which reads as such: Female. 10 years old. Artist. Marital status: Single. Result: FLIRT!!!!! In the real world, Sheena immediately walks over and puts a shoulder around Relm and whispers "So, would you like to go out to dinner? I know a really good cafè where we can eat in peace." Strago, whose overpowered hearing aid picks up on the flirting, begins to quake with rage. Just as Relm is about to accept, Strago jumps into the arena, and casts a GrandTrain to end all GrandTrains... and follows it up with a CleanSweep, Stone, Pearl Wind, Aero, etc... The end result is that Relm is disqualified due to outside interference, and is also grounded for several months for dating at age 10. Sheena: 164 Relm: 149 Sheena, being an avid browser of fanart, was under the mistaken impression that Relm was an attractive teenager, about 14-17, who routinely dated Edgar, Sabin, Setzer and, occaisonally, Celes and Terra. Imagine Sheena's surprise when he discovered that in fact, Relm was only ten years old and wore a gigantic silly hat. "Bummer," he said... ... and proceeded to turn his dissapointment into an uncharacteristically Luca-like victory. Relm sketches Luca Blight. End of match. Last week Sheena won only because his opponent was a flying cat, and surprisingly Sheena doesn't swing that way. Relm may only be a little girl but she fits Sheena's description: Female, two legs, pulse optional. Relm was finished her sketch before Sheena could finish a defensive ward. The sound of every single pair of eyes in the stadium enunciated the gasps. "Hey, baby. My name's Tifa. Wanna come back to my room?" Sheena was drooling as Relm's Sketch walked to the exit of the ring. His thoughts were devoid of Relm, focused only on Tifa's... attributes. "Now, give me a BIG hug." He lunged at her, put his arms together.... And fell face flat onto the ground. "Ring out. Relm wins." Sheena didn't even hear the announcer. He didn't even notice that he was outside the ring. Instead, little dancing Tifas were circling his head from the force that he had lunged at the ground. 'Funny,' he thought, 'they kinda sound like a young girl.' Relm will do what she always does, bat her little girl eyelashes and paint Sheena portrait. Relm wins. Relm will obviously go for her best option first, and make a living Sketch of her opponent. Sheena will then proceed hit on by himself! Emotionally devastated by the sheer horror of it all, he'll run out of the Arena screaming, leaving Relm with the victory. Guessing that Sheena wouldn't stoop low enough to hit on a ten year old, Relm whips up a version of her scantily clad goddess painting before the match. Sheena spends most of the amtch staring at it, realizing too late that it came complete with the demon Chardanook, who makes short work of the mediocre warrior. Relm continued her unbelievable winning streak not through Sketching Sheena himself, but by sketching as many beautiful women as she could see in the stands. The sight of twenty ladies heading right for him caused Sheena to faint instantly. Yumei vs Elric Wow... our reigning Light Champion is faced with the unspeakable challenge of fighting a fairly average elven archer. Not average by the standards of a party member, mind you, average by the standards of a regular unit High Elf Citizen Levy, ie the sort of guy whose high BS is totally wasted because of his worthless S of 3! Elric's only hope is that Yumei will take pity on him and let him retreat with a little dignity. Yumei: 147 Elric: 104 Yumei is definitely on her way to another title. Elric is on ok character in Shining Force, but Yumei's high HP (like all the other VP characters) and magic skills are more than enough to win her this match. This is a joke, right? Because I know I'm laughing. Yumei is fast, she can stand up to a few attacks from a bow, and she can use Stone Torch to end the match very quickly. Range doesn't really matter when you can hit a fly from 500 feet and do no damage to it. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to actually do damage to win a match? Shiro vs Rhode Rhode, in his promoted thing-that-looks-like-a-golf-cart form, rode into the arena. Shiro bounded in, but was immediately dumbfounded by his enemy. How could a wolf defeat a machine? Luckily for Shiro, Rhode forgot to fill up his gas tank that morning. Shiro: 141 Rhode: 110 Rhode can bring all the hulking, mechanical weaponry that he wants, but it's likely that he'll be eviscerated while waiting for his ever-so-slow turn to pop up. Leave it to those crazy canine instincts. Tank > Wolf, no matter how slow that tank is. Rhode wins. Crys vs Sean vs Adan vs Aron Gotta go with Aron. He is both fast and strong with some healing. Can't go wrong with that. Aron: 65 Adan: 57 Sean: 29 Crys: 23 A match between the 4 PSIII heroes? Ha ha ha...I'm on the ground laughing. I highly doubt many of the people who vote in the RPG Playoffs have even heard of the Phantasy Star series, much less played #3 all the way to the end with all 3 branches. Regardless, Crys has this one sealed. Techs were severely underpowered in the 3rd installation of the series, and brute force is all that's needed.. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.