Seven lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Ramirez vs Kahran Ramsus Ramirez came into the arena with a disgusted look upon his face. He had a dismal record of 1-3. "I am a member of the Silvite civilization" he yelled at Ramsus, who was just entering the other side of the arena. "My race supersedes most are trash"!! Ramsus charged in a motion of fury. "I will prove I am not trash" yelled Kahran as his sword met Ramirez's. Ramirez was having trouble keeping up with Kahran's mirage of blows. Ramirez prepared a silver eclipse......but at the last second stopped because he saw Kahran go into counter stance. "Silver Nightmare" yelled out Ramirez. Kahran couldn't control his actions as he was being controlled like a puppet. Kahran stabbed himself with his sword since there was nobody else to attack. This set Ramirez up to do his famous Silver Eclipse. Ramirez dragged his hand down over his bloody face. "Where there is light, there is darkness. Sword of the Dark Moon, SILVER ECLIPSE!!!!!" Ramsus was cut into many pieces, and Ramirez proved that he was not the perfect human after all. "Someone should clean up the trash in the middle of the arena" laughed Id. Ramirez: 133 Ramsus: 129 The Battle of the Self-Pitying Generals comes down to one simple fact: Ramirez hits harder and faster than Ramsus. Even Mirror Stance won't help here, as Ramirez can just wait it out, regenerating HP all the while. For that matter, it's up in the air if Silver Eclips would even set off Ramsus' counterattack; if it doesn't, that's the end of this fight right there. This is sad. Anyone who has played Skies of Arcadia knows that Ramirez has this one in the bag. Not only does he inflict greater physical damage than Ramsus, but he has lethal Silver spells and techniques (which include status and healing magic). What does Ramsus have? Mirror Stance. An attack that only counters physical attacks, and when it does, it gives pitiful damage, especially in comparison to Ramirez. Yes...anyone who has played Skies of Arcadia knows that Ramirez, the greatest of the Silvites, is the OBVIOUS winner here. Ramsis proudly strode into the area where his opponent stood silent. Ramirez was coldly staring at his foe, his hands grasped tightly around his blade. He cracks a slight grin looking upon his opponent, and gestures for Ramsis to come at him. While Ramsis is approaching at full speed, Ramirez calmly casts Lunar Blessing on himself. Ramsis begins hacking away with all he has, finding himself unable to outdo the speed of Ramirez's regeneration spell. Growing tired of Ramsis's feeble attacks, he knocks him back with a well placed swing of his blade. As Ramirez comes in for the kill, Ramsis assumes his mirror stance. Ramirez is totally caught off guard as Ramsis charges furiously with the strength of a beserker. Partially wounded and shocked, Ramirez casts Silver Tundra to put Ramsis down for good. Much to the surprise of the audience, Ramsis in on one knee, still wanting to fight. Ramirez laughs loudly and says "Give up already you failure!" Suddenly Ramsis is bombarded with memory upon memory of Fei.. that accursed boy who had ruined his life completely and made him worthless in the eyes of others... "NOT AGAIN!" Ramsis screamed. "I AM NOT A FAILURE!!!!" With that he charged Ramirez with a fury unseen. Krelian, who was in the audience recovering from last weeks matchup, began to limp towards the door supported by Miang. He knew that if Ramsis won the fight, there would be hell to pay after the match. He was soon followed by Fei, who knew he would be in for it just as badly as Krelian and several others. Fina covered Cupil's eyes because she knew what was coming would be ugly. Ramsis took no time into swinging with everything he had, only after Ramirez manages to cast Drilnos. Ramirez was finally beginning to falter in comparison to this newfound power. Despite his quick speed and parrying ability, the blows were coming in hard and fast. Ramsis stops for a moment, since his opponent was now feeling the effects of his power. "There is still light at the end of my tunnel, friend!" Ramsis says with a wicked laugh. "Light, you say?" Ramirez stands straight and tall as he brushes off his wounds. A wicked grin crosses his face as he stepped into a black portal. Suddenly, everything went dark around Ramsis. "Where there is light, there is darkness!" Ramirez appears out of nowhere with a slash. It all happens so quickly that Ramsis can only turn to where he last saw the attack. Another slash! Again Ramsis is only able to turn in shock. "Sword of the dark moon..." Again this kept up as Ramsis is powerless against it. Ramirez appears again as he steps out of the portal. He grins and makes a gesture with his sword as Silver Eclipse claims another victim. Ramsus backed into his Mirror Stance, hoping that the pint-sized Ramirez would be foolish enough to attack. Ramirez merely chuckled. "For a mirror to work, must there not be light to shine upon it?" Ramsus left his stance confusedly. "But there is light!" "Yes, and there is darkness... Sword of the Dark Moon!" By the time Ramsus realized that he had been tricked, it was too late. Tosh vs Dario Both fighters have strenght that borders on the inhuman. Both are blindingly fast. Both meet the exacting standards that a mortal comnbatant must in order to achieve Godlike status. However, Dario has one thing Tosh sorely lacks: defense. And in a slugfest like this one, that's really all it takes to cinch a win. Tosh: 127 Dario: 161 I couldn't bring myself to vote on this one. Tosh and Dario are perfectly matched, and nearly flawless examples of their particular brands of swordsmanship. The thought that one of these titans will be leaving the Godlike rank means one thing: Nobody wins, and the real losers are the Heavies who will have to contend with one of them in the future. Normally, I vote against CC character, but Dario IS a boss, and therefore has a hard-wired element grid. Thereby, he actually has abilties, and his techs are none too shabby. I know a lot of people don't like Crono Cross. I am one of those people. Dario is actually a good character though and he has the skillz to beat Tosh(overrated). Tosh was confident, and with good reason. His opponent had never won a single match before, and the odds that that streak would be broken seemed minimal at best. Dario, to his credit, was not prepared to go down without a fight. Four complete seasons had been spent training his swordsmanship skills. But to put it simply, the Dragoon was out of his league here. Edgar Roni Figaro vs Cecil Harvey The funny thing about crystal is that it resonates quite effectively. The funny thing about the Noiseblaster is that it creates highly concentrated sound. The funny thing about this match is watching Cecil shake like a bowl full of jelly before he's blasted out of the ring with the Air Anchor. Edgar: 191 Cecil: 130 Cecil is the better fighter, but Edgar can more than compensate that with tools. Cecil can heal, but Edgar will damage him faster so that wont help him. The victory should go to Edgar. Edgar and Cecil... battle of the kings... but Cecil can heal, has higher defense, and is a Paladin. Edgar is good, maybe great - but he just can't beat those mad Holy skillz. Can Cecil fight blind? No. Can he cure his blindness? Yes. Does the flash do damage? Yes. Are we in for a long, boring match? Yes. Cecil Vs Edgar: Cecil Attacks Edgar uses Chainsaw Cecil heals Edgar uses Chainsaw, instant kill. Drill, Auto-Crossbow, Chainsaw against the holy light. Cecil: i wont fight! Edgar:I will. The end One born of a dragon, bearing darkness and light, shall rise to the heavens over the still land. Bathing the moon in eternal light, he brings a can of whoop-ass upon the perverted king. Edgar has a decent chance of killing Cecil instantly with the Chainsaw or Air Anchor, if he can get a lucky hit in. Unfortunately, he'll be shredded by Ragnarok before he gets that lucky. Romeo Guildenstern vs Rose Dark Dragon + Dragon Buster = Where for art thou, Romeo? Guildenstern: 101 Rose: 162 First off, Rose would start out with using her change function to warp Romeo and Rose to the realm of chaos. (oooh). Then she'd adruptly turn into the Black Monster and wreak havok, mistaking Romeo for the Chosen One. Poor Romeo put up an increadable fight, hacking and slashing left and right, pulling off combos untill he eventually does no more damage. Then the Black Monster promptly bites him in half, considering his holy arsenal as "Just a bit of a bad flavor" Rose destroys enemies with the power of the menstrual cycle. Guildenstern will be a small stepping stone on her path to Heavy Champion. It's safe to say that both characters are well-defended against Dark magic, and so, that this battle will be decided by physical prowess. In that category, Rose has the legendary sword Dragon Buster and the Demon's Dance Addition, a combination which makes her the strongest attacker in LoD for the final battle - which still takes upwards of half an hour to finish. Guildenstern has the special attack Blood-Sin, which can kill a well-defended character in one hit. Bye, Rose. To paraphrase a great play, Rose advance,and Guildenstern is dead. Taya vs Meredy Taya and Meredy both walked into the arena, to cheers and a few inappropriate comments. They faced eachother, looking bold, looking daring.. and then Meredy burst into song, dancing and twirling. Taya stood, stunned. Taya didn't even see the blue alien squirrel thing Quickie come flying at her from behind, attacking her. Taya struggled to attack it, but.. for some reason her attack would only let her strike upwards. Taya was baffled that this did not work when it had worked so many times before. Luckily for her, Quickie saw Chat in the audience and decided to go annoy the lil pirate. Taya stared at Meredy, amazed that such a cheerful looking alien girl could be so deceptive. Taya let out a high pitched scream of anger, and summoned Apollo. Meredy's dancing failed to stun Apollo, however, and she was left lying bloody on the arena floor. Taya: 120 Meredy: 115 xXJowyAtreidesXx Taya walked in with a happy grin, and a also happy Meredy walks in. "So, are you ready to fight?", Taya asks Meredy. "You bet", she replies cheerfully. "Heh heh, I love your accent Meredy, where are you from" "You Bet" "Umm... That really didn't make any sense." "You bet" "HEHEHE Thats enough now" "You bet" "Errrr.... Do you want to die" "You bet" "ARGH %$#@ YOU &%^#@ I'll KILL YOU YOU %&$#ing &%@*#, IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY" "You bet", Meredy grins innocently. "MEET YOUR DOOM", Taya yells as she summons all of her summons at once. "You... She never finishes as she is torn apart into thousands of pieces. You know, being slammed from above by rock fists hurts. A lot. Enough, in fact, to give Taya her first victory. Ronfar vs Tai Ho Ronfar and Tai Ho are both master gamblers... or so it seems. Tai Ho has managed to make a good bit of money gambling in a world that contains the likes of Shu, Mathiu Silverburg and Jowy Atriedes. Even the less brainy inhabitants are still no fools - Flik certainly isn't going to get taken, and Tengaar wouldn't let Hix gamble to begin with. Ronfar on the other hand, has been happily living off his pal Leo's salary, with occaisonally supplimentary income from Hiro. Unless he tried for some of Ramus or Lemina's cash, he's been home free his whole life. Tai Ho is clearly the mightier gambler. But this should have been a bonus match, and Setzer should have joined in the fun! Ronfar: 131 Tai Ho: 145 Neither gambler is going to play fair, that's for sure. Tai Ho will load the dice at every opportunity, and can probably eke out a win that way. Ronfar, however, will just "accidentally" throw his dice into Tai Ho's face. His *flaming* dice. Somehow, I doubt that fisherman's going to stay around to finish the match. "All right, high roller wins!" cried Ronfar, as he and Tai Ho began their dice duel. The first roll ended with both rolling a seven. So did the second, and the third. In fact, the first 127 rolls came out a draw each and every time. The crowd was growing restless, and one of them took it upon themselves to remedy the situation... "You call that rolling dice? I've seen better rollers while drunk" cried Setzer, entering the ring. "Let me show you how it's done." It would be wise to note at this point that Setzer also belongs to the "dice damage" family, and unlike Ronfar had not unequipped his weapon of choice. One throw later, Ronfar was out like a light, and won by disqualification. And they say he doesn't have any luck... A battle of the two-dice rolling characters. What does Ronfar have that Tai doesn't have though. Ronfar has lady luck, and lady luck will always pull you through. Malak vs Sylvina Malak runs up to Sylvina. He casts one of his Untruth spells. Strikes to the left of Sylvina, to the right, behind, and finally on Malak. He tries again. The pattern repeats. Malak dies. Malak: 136 Sylvina: 165 Not Malak...OH DEAR GOD NOT MALAK. Malak is like...worse than generic soldiers. I hope he doesn't win. "Stop laughing at me" yelled Malak to the crowd and Slyvina. The laughter just grew louder. Malak was a joke to every combatant in the RPGP. His hell skills were a joke. They had a one percent chance of hitting an opponent. "I'll stand here and let you cast your hell skills once before I beat you" said a laughing Sylvina. Malak had enough of this, he was worth something. Barinten thought so at least. "Heaven BltBack" yelled Malak. The spell was casted with such great intensity that smoke covered the arena. When the smoke cleared, the crowd was in awe as they saw Sylvina on the ground and Malak still standing. Every one of the blasts had hit her. Malak was not so worthless after all. The crowd then got on their feet and gave Malak the standing ovation he deserved. Malak's spells take forever to charge, and when they cast, he still has to be lucky to hit the broad side of a barn. Still, with luck, he can do considerable damage, and that's a damn sight better than Sylvina will ever do. With what was left of Malak’s reputation depending on this match, he didn’t want to take any chances. Seeing that his opponent was an archer, he thought he might be able to win using only physical attacks from his staff. Although, as the match started, Sylvina started firing arrows at long range damaging her opponent as he ran toward her. Having lost most of his HP just trying to get in close range, Malak suddenly realized that he was not going to last much longer in this fight and that he was going to have to rely on his Untruth skills to win. Rather than casting an elemental spell that might not cause any significant damage, Malak thought that it might be better to disable Sylvina with a random status effect. Malak then cast Space Storage Back hoping for the best. While the first two random blasts missed their mark, going behind and to the right of their target, the third one hit. Although it did very little damage, the random status effect reduced Sylvina to a frog. From there on, Malak was easily able to secure the victory. In the back of his mind, he somewhat protested the idea of beating a helpless frog with a stick, but he knew that it was at least more humane than blowing it up. xXJowyAtreidesXx Sylvina enters the ring with a single arrow in her quiver, she knows it is all she will need, but she must be careful, she remembers a issue of inquisitor where there were reports of Malak dealing a single point of damage to a level one goblin or something. Anyways, she looks around too see Malak "I've come to terms with the fact that i could never injure you, so i've rigged these frogs with explosives, they will explode in one minute, better save them." Sylvina starts running around randomly saving frogs, unfortunatly, one runs into the exit and she follows it to save it. The match goes to Malak. Malak = victory for opponent. Jelanda Artolia vs Kachua Powell Following in the footsteps of the lovely and talented Yumei, Jelanda should have no difficulty securing a - Jelanda interrupted that monologue with one of her own. "You listen here, *sir* - and I use the term loosely - I am *not* following in that silly fish-girl's footsteps. I am perfectly capable of achieving a Light Championship without following the dubious example of a *former* friend who just happens to flaunt the fact that she's two years older and has a nicer personality and that attractive older mercenaries say they would much rather be around *her* than snotty princesses who don't know when to shut up, which, I might add, is completely ridiculous, since I'm actually the taciturn, but terribly powerful, type. Only much more attractive than Mr. Chupon." My word, what a run-on sentance. But we'll forgive Jelanda, since let's face it, she's so darn cute when she's angry... and besides, she IS terribly powerful, as Kachua will soon discover. Jelanda: 132 Kachua: 119 Jelanda is only faintly weaker than Yumei. She also has Heal, which restores 80% of health. Two VP light champs in a row? Supernatural Conspiracy Match Indalecio watched the Zodiac Braves assembling before him. A dire chuckle rumbled in his throat. "Pathetic, aren't they?" he said. Cyril nodded. "Utterly. Shall I destroy them, or would you rather do it yourself?" "I haven't had my exercise this morning," Indalecio said. "I'll do it." He floated forward, faster than the eye could see - and too fast to notice the slight smile that had spread across his second-in-command's face. Altima and her Zodiac Braves fought with all their demonic ferocity, not to mention plenty of dirty tricks - they WERE Ivalicians, after all. But it was to no avail. Even with his Limiter on, Indalecio's overwhelming power was enough to destroy one after another. Finally, only Elmdor, Celia and Altima herself remained, Lede and the other Braves having been turning into subatomic goo by Indalecio's energy blasts. "Would you care to beg for mercy, Lady Altima?" Indalecio asked. Altima glared at him. "You'd have to kill me first!" she exclaimed. Elmdor rolled his eyes at this clearly moronic statement. "I'm not with her." Altima turned her glare on him, but only briefly, because she remembered at the last minute that Celia obeyed the Marquis, not her, and she wasn't quite as stupid as her last statement indicated. "Very well," Indalecio said, quite cheerfully. He raised his hand, began to gather his energy - and was stunned by a blast from behind. At a nod from Elmdor, Celia leapt forward and attacked with Use Hand. Fueled by her rage at her sister(?)'s death, the unblockable attack proved too much even for the mighty Wise Man. Altima breathed a sigh of relief, then bowed to Cyril. "My thanks... Leader of the Wise Men. Now, if you'll excuse me -" Cyril cut her off with a Wind of Destruction. Then he directed the remaining Wise Men to attack. Soon, Celia and Elmdor were down, caught by surprise, overpowered and outnumbered. Altima was backed against the Arena wall. She thought about transforming into her lich queen form, but realized that she was still seriously outmatched. Instead, she could only hope that her 'dark angel in tight sweater' form would sway Cyril - from his name, she at least assumed he was male, though she couldn't really tell with his weird-looking sprite and lack of a face pic. "We had a deal," she pleaded. "My Braves killed Indalecio. You were supposed to let us, or at least me, go!" Cyril laughed. "No, my dear - *Celia* killed Indalecio. She isn't a Zodiac Brave, now is she? I'm afraid the deal is off." Altima gasped. "You, you... *lawyer*!" Cyril held up his law degree - and proceeded to vaporize Altima. He then turned back to his minions and smiled... Right up until the moment Indalecio's glowing fist slammed into his jaw. "You... were supposed to be dead..." Cyril groaned, already feeling his strength fading. Indalecio shrugged. "No. I was taking a power nap." "Oh," said Cyril intelligently, right before he ceased to say anything at all. Indalecio and the Wise Men: 152 Altima and the Zodiac Braves: 128 Altima led the Zodiac Braves to the middle of the arena, where Indalecio and his Wise Men awaited them already. The entire stadium was shrouded in shadows, making sure that the Dark would be accentuated in this Dark Conspiracy. "So you came..." said Indalecio. "A brave, but foolish decision. You shall not survive this encounter." "I doubt that." said Altima. As the two superpowers began posturing, their right hand men opened up a discussion. "I find it rather peculiar that the powers that be would allow a battle such as this to take place. After all, the winner is supposed to take over the Playoffs." said Vormav. "True... it's almost as if they wanted us to fight. I'm starting to get the feeling that this is..." started Cyril. "A trap?" finished Claude Kenni from the stands. The lights sunnely arose, and the unfortunate would-be conquerors found themselves face to face with the entire hero contingent of the RPGP. "Altima, I believe it would be a tactical advantage to escape before they begin attacking." understated Elmdor. Before she could reply, the assault was upon them. As Nibelung Valesti after Mirror Slice after Hellcry Punch laid waste to the ground troops, both faction leaders flew up into the sky, to escape for another day... "So who won this battle?" asked Ramza. Jesiah Black smiled. "There's a way to find out. All right, any villains that are still alive, please stand up." There was a slight pause, and then Celia stood up and waved. "We win!" "You certainly do..." mused Jesiah, who took aim and fired at the weakened and weary assassin. Woo! Tough choice. My first thought was "The Wise Men will win this easily." Then I read Elmdor brought Celia and Lede with him. Then I thought... "The Wise Men will still win!" Indalecio or Cyril alone could take on the Zodiac Braves. But they probably won't even need to fight. What the hell.... the zodiacs were jokes in FFT, they are fighting god's ten wise men? Indy might as well pop a cold beer and sit back, as cyril alone can waste the zodiacs in a matter of seconds. Cyril versus all the Zodiac Braves would be a fair fight. With Indalecio and the other Wise Men it's a massacre. Despite my love for the Zodiac Braves there is no way that they could even dream of competing against God's Ten Wise Men evenly. Most of the Braves are powerful warriors in their own rights,and their transformations are powerful, but they would not be able to stand up against the various abilities that makes the Wise Men near invincible. The Wise Men can only be affected by anti-matter weapons, they have incredibly various techniques that makes them so different,from Indalecio and Cyril's omnipotent magic to Berle's Meta Guard, the Braves don't stand a chance..... Winner: God's Ten Wise Men Even with is limiter, Indy can take out most, if not all of the Zodiac Braves. Think about it, Zodiac Braves couldn't even take over Ivalice, Ten Wise Men nearly destroyed the universe. Indy breezed through the area, looking for a fight. And the Wise Men followed close behind. Shigeo: NO ONES HERE! Indelecio: Shut up, and why do you talk in caps.? Shigeo: KEYBOARD FAILURE! Cyril: Then lets raze this place to the ground, FEEL THE WIND OF DESTRUCTION!!! Vespur: No you fool, settle. There's a good Wise Man. Cyril: But everyone's running! Berle grabbed Maxim by the neck and lifted him to meet face to face. Berle: Couldn't even defeat Claude you fool! Maxim: Listen baby, I just lost my- Berle: No excuses pitiful weakling! Berle sliced through Maxim to deal a powerful blow to Maxim. Berle throws off Maxim to a corner of an empty concession stand. Decus: Well this place is left to us! -A voice in the distance-: Stop impudent weakling! Decus: So someone wants to play! -The Voice-: My name is Arch Angel and I am not alone. Out of the shadows comes 11 others. And after a quick exchange of insults and names Berle casted Meta-Cancellation, Lucavi took this as a threat and made a death-sentence, unbeknowest to Lucavi his Meta-Cancellation failed, but after that, it was a blur of Indy and the others ran circles around the 12 Zodiac Braves. In the end, from Gemini and Leo, all of the twelve men of the months had failed. And of the Wise Men, 6 had fallen. Of those was Shigeo who was taken out in the end by his teammates, because everyone hated his cap-lock talk. Cyril looked around at the devastation and agreed with Vespur that it was a perfect day. Indalecio could probably take on the entire Zodiac Brave team by himself. Not only does Indalecio have speed and deadly magic ( including a healing spell ), he also has a trump card: he can move and cast spells at the same time AND while under fire at an extremely fast rate, requiring the Braves to keep a constant barrage of attacks going. Even then, Indalecio only needs a few seconds to cast an Earthquake or Divine Comedy, either of which would destroy the Braves. Cyril has the Wind of Destruction but, barring that, can use instant death spells as well as Daemon's Gate, and is invincible while casting spells. Vesper and Decus are a nasty combo. Vesper attacks with Mind Blast, hitting most of the Lucavi and either paralyzing, stoning, or poinsoning them, while Decus launches into Spicule and destroys the Lucavi's eardrums and sanity with his high-pitched voice. Heck, Indalecio, Cyril, Vesper, and Decus could take those 12 Zodiac Braves on by themselves. The other 6 Wisemen only solidify this victory. Bye bye, Lucavi..."I just hope they don't break down too soon!" The Zodiac Braves/Wise Man battle was just too close to call. The reason I think the wise men should win is because half of the Zodiac Braves rely on status-effect spells, and it shouldn't work on the all powerful Wise Men. However, the Zodiac Braves must be defeated twice- human form and monster form. It's just too close, so I picked the Wise Men, because Cyril has cool music when you fight him. Also, if Indalecio could get his limiter off from his daughter, not even Wiegraf can stop him Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.