Four lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Dark Force vs Anastasia Valeria Anastasia had spent the entire night before what might well be the greatest challenge of her life - well, career, anyway, her mortality status was in some question - trying to get into the proper frame of mind for her match. "Lucied," she whispered, "why is it that everyone wants me to fight this thing? Really, it's just in the Arena like anyone else. I'm rather like Fei, when you come down to it. I don't *like* fighting... and I'm hardly certain about gears." Lucied, in his own inimitable canine way, just shrugged. Anastasia sighed. "Some Guardian of Desire *you* are," she said sadly. But, as usual, she was resigned to her fate. It was all part and parcel of being the Sword Magess, and this time she wouldn't be able to pack Argetlahm off to Ashley and let him do the work. Come morning, she was her usual composed self, calm and in control, ready and able, if not neccessarily willing, to fight. She entered the Arena and confronted the shifting mass of pure concentrated evil before her. Inside, she was filled with turmoil. She could see that Dark Force was a much more powerful demon than even Lord Blazer. Its power was incredible! The wave of sheer foulness that washed over her at the sight of it was enough to make her tremble. Dark Force reached out, touching Anastasia's mind and filling it with despair. She turned away, shutting her eyes tightly to try to block the sight of its terrible visage. But it was no use. No one could stand alone against this unmatched evil. Even Hyuga and Auron, so much stronger than she, would fall before it. Ghaleon and Lezard, masters of magic that they were, had hearts too filled with darkness to oppose it. Fou-Lu and Ryu, Odin and Freya, gods themselves, could not *hope* to face it. Not alone. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, raised Argetlahm to the sky, and faced Dark Force with a faint smile on her face. All those who had ever faced Dark Force, all those who had ever had their lives ruined by its evil, all those who stilled feared its power, poured their hopes and prayers into Argetlahm. It glowed brighter than ever before, with power that stretched across time and space, filling the Arena so brightly that even Dark Force seemed diminished before it. "I may not be strong," she said. "But I am *never* alone." Dark Force: 125 Anastasia Valeria: 149 Dark Force is a god, the incarnation of evil itself. Anastasia has the chance of a snowball in a Super Nova. Dark Force is a very Dark character with Dark-typed attacks, an affinity for Dark magic, and Dark motives, as well. For those who aren't catching my drift, Anastasia Valeria has the Holy Sword of Argetlahm, which is capable of cutting most baddies to shreds (to say nothing of the advantage its element will have against the Darkness of the supremely Dark, Dark-typed Dark Force). My vote goes to Anastasia. The Dark God and the Sword Magess entered the stadium from opposite sides. For the first time ever, it seems that the stadium was filled to capacity. The fight had been hyped, and was one of the most eagerly anticipated matches ever to be held. Dark Force was feeding off the evil in the stands, while Anastasia was being strengthened by all the heros present. Dark Force intimidated many present, but for Anastasia, it was just a trip down memory lane. The match begins and Dark Force immediately lashes out with the multiple attacks that made his PSI incarnation tough, but Anastasia easily absorbed the blows, letting her force bar fill while using one of her non-force abilities to heal herself. She counters with a viscious slash from Argetlahm, which rears the massive Dark Force back in pain. He comments on how that felt too much like a strike from Elsydeon. He begins to decend on Anastasia again, unleashing a wave on her that doesn't even damage her, but everyone can see an evil expression on Anastasia's face now. He had indeed done it, the "Turn You Evil" attack that pissed off so many PSII players. However, it's not very effective, as Anastasia has no party members to attack. To his delight however, she begins attacking herself, doing massive damage. Overconfident, he sits back and watches her kill herself. Theres one thing he realizes he has forgotten as two words appear over her head, "Condition Green". All of Anastasia's status effects, including the evil, disappeared. He also heard a strange noise coming from the "hero" side of the arena. They all had their eyes closed, as if in prayer. They were fueling Anastasia! He started to charge, however, it was too late, as Anastasia unleashed a super-powered Impulse attack, obliterating him. He silently cursed Anastasia, vowing that in 1000 years she would be dead and he would be free to return. 1000 years later, Dark Force materializes to an empty arena. He laughs evilly as he looks around, but something is amiss. "IMPULSE!!!!!!" "Providence." whispered the Sword Saint, blocking the third of Dark Force's attacks. Of course, this was boring the hell of the spectators, who were screaming for more actions. "You, foolish girl." spoke the Dark Force. "Why won't you fight me?" "I, as the Sword Magess, will not hurt for the sake of a popularity contest." she replied. Aha, but this was what the Dark Force was waiting for. During this little oration...well, it basically hit her. "PSYCH!!!!" said Anastasia, jumping up and down. "I need just a few more Force!" she explained, and casted her devastating Impulse. As Dark Force fell onto the ground, it heard Anastasia say one more word. "Salvation." As everything focused for him again, he said, "Guh-huh?" "The Sword Magess hurts no one except Lord Blazer." The Sword Magess Anastasia walked into the arena. The crowd roared with applause. Anastasia was the most respected heroine of all time. What just was it that was so great about her though? Is it because she defeated Lord Blazer....or is it because she defeated the blaze of disaster with the price of being banished.....or is it because she has competed with former god-like champions such as Dekar and defeated them. Dark Force wondered all these thoughts, and came up with an answer. To him, Anastasia was infamous, it was her sword Argetlahm that was famous. Her sword had a will of it's own and often a times had won her a match. The match started off with Anastasia trying to take out one of dark force's dragon heads. "IMPULSE" yelled out Anastasia, a wave of light slammed into Dark Force. It seemed to have no effect. Anastasia repeatedly casted Impulse but it was to no avail. Dark Force flinged a fireball at Anastasia, which hit her dead center in the chest. It seemed to be over for Anastasia as Dark Force came in for the final blow. Argetlahm started to shine with a piercing white light, that even Dark Force could not look straight into without feeling a burning sensation in his eyes. Anastasia knew what to do. She got up and charged towards Dark Force. She threw her sword, which went into Dark Force's body. Moments later, pieces of Dark Force were being picked up all over the arena. Dark Force's body couldn't handle the extreme power of Argetlahm's holy properties. Mark down another win for Argetlahm.....oops, I mean Anastasia. Genevieve vs Ultimecia Ultimecia, her libido sated, finally began to take combat in the arena seriously this week. That is why she was seriously trounced by the superior Genevieve. Genevieve: 143 Ultimecia: 136 As strong as Genevieve is, as much as I would like to see her win... she's not quite as strong as three buffed-up GF-packin' SeeDs. And she lacks the willpower to stick around and see what will inevitably be a *very* long fight through to the finish. Ultimecia wins by sheer overwhelming HP when Gen teleports out of the arena. Ultimecia downed an ice-kold Kool-Aid in kelebration. Let's see, Genevieve can cast Poison Blow four times in a row, and Ultimecia can't even operate a spell-checker. While Ultimecia DOES have quite the HP advantage, her moves are quite inferior to Genevieve...What's with these evil witches and hard to spell names? The only way Ultimecia can lose this one is if she dies laughing at the fact that her opponent plays to all three of her strengths: first, as a final boss, Ultimecia is immune to every status ailment under the sun. Second, she has immense HP totals, which will allow her to survive Genevieve's attacks long enough to counter them. Third, she can remove her enemies' spells from their minds at will. Mages with no magic aren't very formidable... The approaching fight was causing the entire arena to be hushed (or as close as it would ever get). Genevieve and Ultimecia were sizing each other up, and, finally, Genevieve broke the silence. "Who do you think you are, to come traipsing in here like some annoying little Valkyrie, and trying to ruin my fun?" Ultimecia looked at the witch in a combination of shock and disgust. Did this... person actually think that Ultimecia was here to take care of some threat that this pipsqueak could muster? Did this idiot think that a person with silver hair and black wings would really be on the side of justice? Could she really believe that anyone would be here to stop Genevieve, the nearly-forgotten-minor-irritation?! Ultimecia sighed, and let loose with a Holy spell. She thought it would soften Genevieve up for the real things. It actually softened Genevieve right into the floor, though... Miguel vs Lemon Recipe for a smoking pile of ash: Take one vampire, add holy weapon. Mix well, season with garlic if desired. Bake under hot sun or equivilant white elemental spell for ten seconds. Serves one adventuring party. Miguel: 161 Lemon: 105 Into the arena entered the two vastly different warriors: From the east, an average looking man in overalled shorts, a white shirt, a safari hat, and a pair of overly large gloves. From the west, a large muscled warlord, clad in bloodstained red armor with a full visored helmet. The two walked to the center of the arena, shook hands without words, and began their duel. Off the bat, Miguel made a number of jabs at his opponent, the Galam general Lemon. His punches glanced off the armor without his opposition even giving notice, but his job was done. The scrawny-looking man retreated back back into a safe distance before the heavily armored Lemon could retaliate, and sat back casting his spells. First came StrongMinded, shutting off any chance of Lemon trying to use the DeSoul spell embedded in his Sword of Darkness. Next came WeakMinded, lowering Lemon's own magical defenses. In the blink of an eye, Miguel extended his arm and summoned forth his mightiest weapon: The Holy Dragon Sword. He charged into Lemon without a second thought, thinking to defeat his vampiric opponent with a single blow from his overpowered holy weapon. Much to his dismay, his clumsy but powerful blow was parried with ease by the Red Baron and his Sword of Darkness. The Holy Dragon Sword dissappated on contact. Knowing that his Sword of Darkness could only be matched by the Force Sword and that he had just defeated his opponent's trump card, Lemon lifted his heavy visor and only said one thing: "Groovy!" XxJowyAtreidesxX Cloud, Jowy, Gort and some others stood around before the match, watching Lemon endlessly throw himself off the Rpg Playoff arena's walls. Eventally, the match starts and Miguel walks in but doesn't see Lemon anywhere. "The question is, which hole did he throw himself in last?" He then begins to check every hole, one by one and although he does find Yogurt and Delita hiding from Rolf, Lemon is nowhere to be found. Suddenly from above, he hears someone yelling about how he needs to die. Then Lemon lands on him. A few minutes later, Lemon jumps out of the hole uninjured, and advances on to the next match. Lemon > Miguel, simple as that. Miguel has the Holy Dragon Sword. Lemon...doesn't. Let's face it, Miguel's weapon-skill itself was powerful enough to put its owner into Godlike for no virtues other than its own. Next! Lemon will be able to get in a few good whacks with his Dark Sword against the White-innate Miguel, but in the end, two things will be all that matter: TurnBlack and Holy Dragon Sword. Nothing else to say. Kimahri Ronso vs Canopus Wolff Canopus immediately took flight and checked out his opponent. "Cats," he muttered. Recalling his embarassing loss to Lynx, which had dropped him from Godlike, he was overcome with anger. "I *hate* cats." Kimahri was so furious at this, though whether it was at Canopus' hatred or at being called a cat was unknown, that he immediately went into Overdrive and Jumped! Canopus watched him sail through the air, then charged downwards, spear leading the way. *Crunch* "I was looking forward to fighting a Final Fantasy spearman," Canopus mused after not just impaling the unfortunate Ronso, but scraping the Arena wall behind him, too. "Lans said that Kain Highwind guy was pretty tough. Guess that's just a fluke." Kimahri: 106 Canopus: 111 "You filled up your meter thing before the beginning of the match, didn't you." stated Canopus. Kimhari nodded. "And you're going to use an ultra-powerful special technique to defeat me in one hit, aren't you." Another nod. "You'd think I'd be used to this by now..." Canopus muttered to himself as he was vaporized by Nova. Kimahri has a few good things going for him - strength, accuracy, and Ultima. Namely, Ultima. "Canopus look pale. Kimahri think Canopus need more 'sunshine.' Get it? Sunshine name of Kimahri's spell in Japanese version. ...Canopus no think Kimahri funny? Canopus die anyway." Lemina Ausa vs Elhaym van Houten "Money can't buy you happiness. However, in a match against Lemina, it can buy you a victory." -Yet another non-violent solution from Elly. Lemina: 123 Elly: 171 Either way we're looking at a very fast match here - both characters can deal out major damage but are incapable of taking hits or healing. First big attack wins. Lemina undoubtably has better magic (ie. "magic that does not randomly fail") and Elly has slightly superior combat ability. As amazingly close as it is I say Elly scrapes by. Her magic is less important than the cheap martial-arts system of Xenogears that lets her bust out megadeath attacks every turn for no cost. Plus they aren't magic, so Lemina can't seal them. The way I see it Elly gets in first with her superior speed and does enough damage to lay Lemina flat with a quick seven-point deathblow. Not only does Elly have the advantage in raw power, she can use that power at will - her 7 AP deathblows take no EP at all, while Lemina's strongest magics drain her MP at a frightening rate. Factor in Elly's sleep-inducing Dream Rod and this isn't much of a contest. Lemina can definitely beat Elly. Ether attacks in Xenogears were really not very good, and Lemina's magic can blow Elly away in one attack. Lemina rushes into the center of the arena and signals for everyone to listen. "MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?!" The arena falls silent. "We will be accepting applicants for the magic guild of Vane after this match!" Some mutters amongst the crowd. "For a small fee you can be accepted into the finest magic guild in the world!" Lemina is then greeted with a series of boos and groans. She runs over to the section where Lezard is standing. Excuse me, but you would make a- Lezard turns to her and scowls. "Child, can't you see I'm busy with my lady love?" He turns and looks at the empty seat where Valkyrie once was before shaking his head and disappearing with his teleportation spell. Lemina sighs and shakes her head. "I never have it easy!" Meanwhile, Elly is getting last minute advice by Fei. "Don't worry ... you may have lost practically every other match, but..." Fei bows his head and thinks "That did not come out right..." Citan, who is sitting nearby, smacks Fei in the back of the head. "Pay no mind to him, just give it all you got and you should win." As she approaches the center of the ring, Midori says, "I thought it was wrong to lie, Daddy!" As Elly nears the center, an upset Lemina slowly paces forward. "Another slow day for the magic guild!" She looks at Elly. "Let me guess, you don't want to join the magic guild either!" Elly, realizing she may have a chance to take her foe off guard, grins and says "Certainly, I would love to!" Lemina's eyes flash dollar signs as she pulls out several stacks papers and forms. "Don't worry about all that right now!" She says with a smile. "All I need from you before we begin is a demonstration of your abilities." Elly gets an evil grin as she hits Lemina with a thermal cube and charges in with a number of deathblows and attacks. As the dust clears from Elly's fury, Lemina is standing with her hands on hips and a cross look on her face. "That was like so mega LAME! You only singed my hair! I'll show you magic!" With that, Lemina obliterates Elly with Crematorium, Freeze Smash, and then Catastrophe. With her victory, she again motions to get the attention of the audience. "To everyone that wants to be able to cast spells like that, meet me after the match for information on joining the magic guild of Vane!" With that, the magic guild experienced a record jump in members. Lemina jumps in the ring fashionably late. "Sorry. God (Althena), I am going to sue those magic carpet manufacturers so many times, they'll need their lawyers' next of kin." It was just as well, since Elly was, in her words, "very nervous". When the fight began, Elly leapt into her Anemo Zap, afraid to use her magical powers until she had full grasp of the Ausa brat's abilities. Lemina whipped out her Thieves' Staff and...well, simply put, Anemo Zap doesn't fly if the rod goes bye-bye. "Ahh!" Elly quickly started chanting a spell. Lemina, with no interest in her at the moment, took out her copy of "Appraisal: How To Make The Most of Your Antiques" and started leafing through the pages for the price of this new treasure. "Ugh, I saw it here somewhere!" Elly had fired her spell, and it hit Lemina square in the back. Once she saw that Lemina didn't even flinch [via her Magic Shield], she sweated, and said, "U-unbelievable!" Standing up in agreement, Lemina replied, "Exactly! This piece of junk is worth only 200 Silver?" Blinking twice, Lemina spoke. "Ohh...right. You. Mega-damage!" Soon after the match began, Elly offered to do everything she could to ease Lemina's suffering. Although this initial blunder only damaged her credit rating, it seemed almost impossible for Elly to win this match. Now wait a minute. Who's the one person in any RPG with the ability to make ANYTHING happen? Legendary Supplier and Mad Skillzist Hammer, who arranged to have Miang assassinated, along with any other woman who had purple hair. Unfortunately, this strategy led to the demise of Anastasia Valeria, Sue, and the Sorceress Edea, as well as significant damage to the banner at the top of the Arena. However, once the needlessly hyphenated -Mother- was in the right body, all the pieces fell into place for Elly. Pieces of Lemina, to be precise. When two evenly matched attack mages do battle like this, usually it can go either way. Both have spells that could kill the other in just a few hits. The main difference is, sometimes Elly's ether spells fail. This fact alone puts the odds firmly in Lemina's favor. Elly’s magic may not be as strong as Lemina’s, but she has some good physical attack to make up for it. She also at least has average speed, which is much faster than Lemina can go. Barret Wallace vs Gruga Gruga came into the arena with a surprised look upon his face. The arena had been modified for this match. There were railroad tracks leading into and out of the arena. It went through the battle arena. "I wonder where Barret is" pondered Gruga. "Woot, Woot!!" Gruga's jaw dropped when he saw Barret riding in front of the train coming straight for him. Gruga started to run, but stumbled and fell. His foot got stuck in the track and he couldn't pry it free. "There ain't no getting off this train I'm riding" yelled a laughing Barret. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO.......WWAACCKK!!""" Gruga was railroad kill. Barret stopped the train and got off. "I thank you guys for modifying the arean for me" Barret said , as he handed his hometown mining friends 1,000 gil a piece. Barret: 145 Gruga: 79 Gruga decided that it would be best to start off with a Super Nova. Barrett, who had lived through a true Supernova, merely shook his head at the rookie and blasted him away with Ungarmax. At first glance, Barret and Gruga seem well matched. Sure, Gruga could be stupid about this and build up Barret's limit with physical attacks - but he's a rebel leader, by golly, and won't fall for such dirty tricks from one of his fellows. Instead, Gruga will simply use his Gruga Charge to build up to his OWN full power, then pound Barret with a single monster battleaxe strike. Except for one little thing... "Wha... my MP are *gone*!" Gruga gasped. Barret chuckled and patted his gun-arm, satisfied that his MindBlow attack had done the job once again. "Y'all got a hella lot to learn, rookie," he chuckled. Barret's Catastrophe can pulverize almost any opponent in existence in a one-on-one fight, and Gruga's got no choice but to whittle his enemy's HP down with physical attacks, all but guaranteeing that Barret's Limit meter will fill. And once it does, that's the end of that... Llewelyn vs Sue "I'll do my best..." said Llewelyn as he entered the ring, still quite unsure of his strength. Sue did not have that problem. As soon as the battle began, she launched a BurnStrike, causing Llewelyn's clothing to light afire. "Hah! Let's see you put it out... oh, that's right! You can't because there's no water, except for that big tub outside the ring! But you can't swim! Oh, this is delicious!" "Is it just me, or does Sue remind you a little of Kefka today?" muttered Locke. "Didn't we ever teach him to stop, drop and roll?" asked Lenneth. "There were a few more important things to learn at the time..." replied Freya. "Besides, the boy can take care of himself. A little fire won't hurt him that much, watch." "Eat this! In the name of all the gods..." cried the male archer. Sue merely chuckled at the 'little boy' and his attempts to scare her. Why, she thought he didn't even have a... "Finishing Strike..." Sue stopped chuckling, and started running. Not in time to avoid all of Llewelyn's Layer Storm, however. Llewelyn: 157 Sue: 111 XxJowyAtreidesxX "Puffy Puff Puff Puffy",Puffy Exclaims. Llewelyn stares at the odd butterfly thing as it flys around randomly. Sue and him begin to exchange arrow shots, but Llewelyn never comes close as Puffy bright colors distract him. Eventally, Sue manages to finish him off. "PUFFY", Puffy exclaims. A lot of people bash poor Lilly, but put things into perspective. He fights with GODS. He does battle with ancient Demons and monsters capable of mass destruction. Being the 2nd weakest group member of Valkyrie's enherjar(weakest being Badrach) really can't be much of a disadvantage, since a good portion of those members are Gods or near-Gods. That said, Lilly for Light Champ. Think of the Llewelyn-Sue matchup as equivalent to a fight between Robin Hood and Little Orphan Annie. Sure, the girl's cute, but when push comes to shove, which one would you bet on? Exactly. Rikku vs Banon The battle rages on quite boringly for some time. Rikku attacks for moderate damage, and Banon heals most of it. Finally fed up, Rikku makes clever use of her underused "Use" ability and lobs a tonic at Banon. The old Returner leader, thinking it was a mistake by the apparently ditzy blonde, drinks down the tonic hoping to restore a few more HP. Little did he know that it was actually *hair tonic.* Banon's already impressive beard and mane suddenly erupt and nearly fill the arena until he is suffocated to death by his own hair. Rikku: 233 Banon: 78 Banon's worst fears had been realized: Under direct orders from Auron himself, Rikku had entered this battle with a full Overdrive meter. "Now, all you have to do is mix together the two Common Spheres that you have in your hands, and then throw the resulting Frag Grenade at Banon, all right?" coached Auron from the sidelines. "I know! You don't have to treat me like some little kid!" called back Rikku, who was in the process of merging the two objects in her hands. "I'm sorry that I have to do this, but I do intend to win." said Rikku to Banon, who stood with a calm expression on his face. Suddenly, just as Rikku was about to throw the deadly weapon, Banon pointed behind his opponent and cried, "Look! The ice cream man!" "Ooh! Ice cream!" Rikku squealed, turning around to look for said ice cream man, forgetting about the battle. That included the explosive in her hand. As Rikku collapsed from the sheer damage, Banon turned to her coach. "Better luck next time, Auron." he said, leaving the arena with another victory on his record. Banon entered the Arena, equipped with a foolproof plan. Instead of his usual robes, he was wearing a pair of Al Bhed-ish shorts, and a T-shirt which read 'Free *Home*' on one side and 'Al Bhed Power' on the other. He even equipped a pair of goggles. He was sure that he looked like an Al Bhed. In fact, he looked exactly like an overage 'radical' attempting to look like an Al Bhed. "Prosecute Bevelle War Crimes!" Banon shouted as he dashed in, waving a pair of placards. "Mechanics of the worlds, unite! Sending to Maester Mika! Free Cid!" "Free Cid?" Rikku asked. "You mean my dad?" Banon nodded. "Yes. He's a political prisoner, you know?" Rikku was horrified. She hadn't heard anything about that! Quickly, she dashed from the Arena, leaving Banon with a satisfied smirk, a win... and a class action lawsuit to redistribute some more wealth his way in the near future. Well, this unfortunate battle was a misunderstanding. Rikku enters Bannon's Resistance cave seeking refuge from her search for an airship. When she and her fellow soldiers enter, Bannon (in his old age) mistakes them for Terra and her party. Bannon: Will you be our hope, our shining light of hope? Rikku:(insert random Al Bhed) Bannon: Forgive me for I cannot hear you,speak up. Rikku who isn't understanding any of this mistakes Bannon for a hostile target and kicks him in the gut, knocking him out. When Bannon comes to, he finds himself on a ship in the middle of the ocean. Enraged he starts whacking Rikku with his staff. Rikku laughs, pulls out a grenade, shoves it down Bannons throat and laughs as Bannon explodes. Suddenly a strange light appears around Bannon. "AUTO-LIFE is very handy in my line of buissiness" Bannon remarked. "And by the way, meet my friends Bahamut and Oden. They'll be pleased to meet you." A sudden flash of light and Oden appears cuts Rikku into little Al Bhed fillets (by the way, I heard those are delicious) and feeds them to Bahamut. Match Over. Mix! (Rikku mixes two things together that I can't remember but used to use all the time) SUNBURST! 19998 damage to Banon! Yay for Rikku! But she would have to wait for Banon to attack and actually get her Overdrive charged... (Or use whatever Overdrive raising ability thingie you can learn that makes it go up every turn...) ...I need to play FFX again, don't I? Rikku Vs. Bannon... excuse me, but there are quite a few things that would put Rikku at Middle in the very least. 1) Godhand as her Ultimate. Unique to her (And I say this because Tifa's didn't break damage limits, cause a Gillionaire status on its own, Triple AP, or Double Overdrive...) and capable of rending asunder many a foe. Bannon is easily dismembered this way. 2) Ability to customize. Notice how the game pops a tutorial up saying how since she's in your party, you can start customizing? Well... let's see... Customize Deathstrike... Stonestrike... First Strike... eh... should be enough on a three slot weapon of her choice. 3) Speed. Even subjected to just her portion of the Sphere Grid, she has access to the largest speed source of the entire grid. Bannon may not even get a turn in at that. 4) Steal/Mug. Steal Bannon's Staff and really... has anyone checked to see if Bannon can fight without a staff? Well, maybe he can fight without a staff, but can he fight well? 5) If all else fails, she can resort to her Overdrive (Though it'll take a while for her to reach it depending on which system she uses). Now, being as FFX characters are restricted to their portion of the grid, that would make all those items under the use command restricted to just her. Which means that she could easily mix a Trio of 9999 for herself and be hitting Bannon for that much damage per hit. Well... we lose one dominant Light Champion, we gain someone who's relative to her power... *Shrugs* KU RIKKU!!! GESG NEC PIDD!!! Rikku can't do the damage required to invalidate Banon's healing. Rikku can throw everything but the kitchen sink at Banon, but his supremely cheap healing ability will make sure that this tactic is utterly useless. However, the unique FFX aspect of being able to build Limit gauges while attacking instead of taking damage means that Rikku will slowly be building up to an Overdrive, after which she can promptly toast the old man with a good dose of creative Mixing. Rikku and Bannon both enter the arena each confident that they will be the winner. Bannon takes a defensive stance, prepared to wait out his opponent by repetatively healing himself. Rikku wastes no time though, and charges in and nails a blow right across banons chest. Strangely to the old healer his assailent takes a step back and chuckles. "What are you laughing at girl, I will have you weak blow healed in no...WHAT!?!?!" Banon looks down at his chest slowly turning to stone. He hadn't counted on Rikku equipping her weapon with stone touch, and had left all his Softs at home. Rikku gave another girlish chuckle as she dragged her new Bannon statue out of the ring victoriously. Rikku can steal. Bannon can heal. But healing does nothing when your robbed blind and quickly killed, leaving you lying dead on the floor, now does it? Bannon prepares to heal, but Rikku just sits there... after the audience begins to throw food at the two of them Bannon finally attacks and attacks whil Rikku continues using Al Bhed potions...finally Rikku gets Overdrive and combines two dark matters... supernova tears bannon into so many pieces that it would be impossible to "Health" himself back to life. The Agent and The Manipulator Rolf's Journal, Day 1: I have neither seen hide nor hair of Delita, nor do I have any leads as to his whereabouts. I searched every seedy bar that I could find, but to no effect. Scratch that. There was one bar that had quite an effect on me... shouldn't have had all those tequilas... Rolf's Journal, Day 4: After spending the past two days systematically examining every square inch of the surronding countryside with no success, I recieved an anonymous tip. "Evil man seeking is you! Needs must we find him, no? Meet at place of fighting." Obviously, this was someone close to the perp. I took off, and met the informant at the arena stands. Calling himself "Throat of Deepness", he claimed that Delita could be found in the east side. Either that, or he was trying to sell me encyclopedias. With Throat of Deepness' speech, it was hard to tell. Still, it was a lead, and one I intended to follow up. Rolf's Journal, Day 6: He's close. I can sense it. When you're in my line of work, you get a sense of when your quarry is nearby. Still, every time that it seems that he's just around the corner, I turn it to find nothing. Throat of Deepness has stopped by on occasion with the occasional meal or new word from the street. He always keeps to the shadows, though. Of course, in his line of work, it wouldn't do to be seen with someone in my profession. I'm having doubts about whether or not I'm actually going to find him... The Arena, Day 7: "Rolf Landale, you were given the duty to find Delita Hyral and subdue him under any means. Have you done so?" asked the Star Dragon Sword, in front of the entire RPGP. "No." said Rolf. "Then let it be known that all charges that the assembly of the RPG Playoffs have posted against Delita are hearby dropped." "Thank goodness," grumbled Throat of Deepness from beside Rolf. "I thought I'd never get to stop speaking like that." Throat of Deepness walked out from the shadows that constantly surrounded him to reveal... Delita Hyral. "But... you..." stammered Rolf in despair. "It was a pleasure working with you, Agent. We should do it again sometime." called Delita as he laughed his way out of the arena. Delita Hyral is home free: 184 Rolf Landale gets his man: 107 7/12/02 19:00 Today seemed to be a day like any other day. In which case, I really didn’t have anything to do. Since my adventure ended so many years ago, things have been pretty quiet here. That all changed when the phone rang. “Hello” “Rolf, this is Jack Power” I recognized that voice, “Jack Power? The same Jack Power that gave me a Forgotten Warriors interview over a year ago? The same Jack Power that hasn’t gotten me into a match yet?” He hesitated for a second before responding, “Um, yeah. Well I’ve got something for you this time.” “It’s about time! So you’re finally going to get me into the tournament?” “Not just yet” He replied. “I actually have a Bonus Match for you.” Well it was something, “As long as I get to fight in the arena.” “Hold it, this match is a bit different.” “How so?” I asked wondering what kind of catch he was going to throw in there. “I’m sending you an image of your target.” Right then, my fax machine started printing a type of wanted poster. The person on it looked familiar. I think he was recently in a Bonus Match. And what did he mean by ‘target’? “His name is Delita Hyral. To put it bluntly, he is an evil bastard, and just last week, he beat two other villainous manipulators in a Bonus Match to prove that he was the best among them. Your job will be to track him down and either capture or terminate him within the week.” This sounded strange. “And what about Delita? What does he have to do?” “He just has to avoid you for the week and survive in order to win this match.” “So technically, he could win without ever doing anything?” I asked. “I suppose so, but I don’t think it’s going to be so easy for him. I know that you are probably the best Agent in the galaxy and I have no doubt that you will be able to track him down.” “So I not only have to find him, but I have to beat him and whatever guards he’s likely to have with him? Don’t you think this seems a little unbalanced?” Jack replied, “ Well right now, you might have the advantage. The matches for next week aren’t posted until tomorrow, meaning Delita doesn’t know that you are going to be looking for him. If you can find him before then, then this could be an easy win for you.” I thought about that. “Interesting, but still, I’d prefer if you got me into the tournament instead of giving me some insane assignment.” “Maybe we can discuss your entry after this match. That is, of course, if you choose to accept it. If not, I can always give it to some veteran who’s fought in almost every season of the RPGP’s existence.” He knew that would spark my anger. “That was a low blow, but I’ll accept the match.” “I knew you would. You begin now. You have exactly seven days” 7/13/02 16:30 My first stop in this investigation was the RPGP Arena. Looking at the list of events, there were two matches this week that included characters from my opponent’s game, sot there was a strong possibility that he would be here. Although having never been to the arena, I didn’t know how big it was until I actually got there. With fans filling the seats everywhere, it was going to be almost impossible to find one person in the crowd. It was then that I saw someone who might know Delita in the arena competing in a match. Or at least what could be considered a match if it hadn’t ended a few seconds after it started. Rather than continue to search aimlessly through the crowd, I decided to head to the locker rooms and talk to this person to see if he knew where to find Delita. I got to the locker room just before he did. He was staggering barely able to walk on his own, and supported by what appeared to be his sister. “Rafa! They’re going to send me into the Puny rank.” “Maybe now you’ll be able to win a match”, she said. He yelled back, “I was robbed! I should have won that match!” Rafa yelled back at him, “Malak, you hit yourself with your own magic!” I just laughed and had to add in there, “Twice”. Both of them looked at me noticing there was someone else in the room. Rafa was the first to speak, “Who are you?” “My name is Rolf Landale. I’m looking for Delita. I was hoping one of you could tell me where I could find him.” Rafa replied, “I’m not sure about Delita, but most our group is sitting in Section F near the front.” So, now I had a location and enough time beat him before the days matches end and next week’s events are displayed, “Section F. Thank you”. “You don’t think I can beat anyone in light?” Malak yelled back at Rafa. She simply replied, “I think your record speaks for itself. The look in his eyes showed that he was mad. “Then I’ll prove to you I can beat someone.” He then grabbed his staff and tried to attack his sister. She just backed away before the staff came close to hitting her, “Forget it. Your Untruth Skills are no match for my Truth Skills”. She then sent some her magic attacks toward him, Malak soon followed with his own. This was an amazing thing to watch. Brother and sister were furiously trying to attack each other with their skills only to have them go around their intended targets and destroy everything in the area. Right then, one of the attacks actually ended up hitting me. It was hardly anything to worry about since it felt more like a sting than an actual attack, but it reminded me that I had a job to do and I couldn’t stand around watching this. I started to exit the room when I noticed that something was definitely wrong. I couldn’t move as fast as I normally do. I suddenly realized that the attack that hit me had inflicted a ‘Slow’ status effect on me. This was going to complicate things. As much as I wanted to go back and pay the two back for this obvious setback, time was now a major factor, so I just ran in a rather slow pace, back outside hoping to find Delita before the last match was over. 7/13/02 18:45 The slow status on me wore off just before I reached the arena seats. Now I just had to find section F. After looking around I saw that section F had been on the other side of the arena from where I had been. I tried to focus on the first few rows and though I had some trouble making out the face from a long distance, sure enough, sitting in the first row was the one I was looking for. I looked down into the arena and saw that the last match was about to begin. Since there were several fighters in this match with the Wise Men going against the Zodiac Braves, I figured this match could take a long time giving me enough time to go around the perimeter to get to the other side. I was badly mistaken. As the match began, Indalecio wasted no time and began annihilating several members of the Zodiac Braves. Seeing this turn for the worse, I ignored what was going on in the arena and started running as fast as I could. It wasn’t long before I saw a reaction from the crowd with many of them standing up to cheer and some filling the aisles ready to leave the arena. I looked back and saw that the match was over. I also looked back at my destination and saw that Delita was ready to leave. With too many people blocking the way, it was impossible to keep running. I then decided to take a last chance effort when I told myself that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. I jumped over the railing onto the arena and started running to the other end. Since all of the matches were over, no one really noticed I was in the arena. Everyone was watching as Indalecio just incinerated his second in command Cyril. I eventually did get the attention of one person. Moving very quickly, Indalecio flew in front of me standing in my way. “You’ve got a lot of nerve kid. Coming into the arena after MY victory.” Before I could say or do anything, Indalecio waved his hand and sent a wave of magic in all directions. The impact of the wave hit me with an incredible force repeatedly as it drove me back. I blacked out before I even hit the floor. 7/13/02 21:10 I woke up in what appeared to be the infirmary at the arena. This was probably where they took the fighters who were too injured to walk out on their own at the end of their matches. This was proving to be a bad start to my career in the RPGP to end up here before the end of my first match. I knew that by now, the matches for next week had been posted, as well as the Bonus Match, so it was likely that Delita knew I was looking for him. Not wasting any more time, I left the infirmary and started looking around to find any clues or anyone who might know something. I came across a locker room where I heard a lot of yelling. I looked in and was surprised to see Rafa and Malak still fighting. Everything around them had been completely destroyed, yet the two didn’t show any signs of injuries or damage. There was also someone else in the room trying to calm them down. I recognized him as the lead character from the same game as my opponent. I believe his name was Ramza. I thought that maybe he would know where to find Delita. “Excuse me”. He looked at me, “Yes?” “I’m looking for Delita. Do you have any idea where he might be at the moment?” “You must be Rolf.” He replied. “I saw that you have a Bonus Match with Delita this week.” He started laughing to himself trying to hold it in, “I also saw what happened to you in the arena.” “Shut up! Do you know where he is or don’t you?” He started taking me a bit more serious now, “Actually, no. He just comes and goes at random times. I’m never really sure where he is. He can be a hard person to find at times.” “So I’ve been told.” Ramza added, “I know he’s been working on a project with professor Daravon. You might want to ask him. He’ll be in his office tomorrow morning.” Seeing as how this guy didn’t seem to know anything, I just had to go with the only clue I could get from him. Unfortunately that meant that I had to wait until tomorrow. I figured I could at least start looking through data networks to try to get some useful information. I looked back at Rafa and Malak before I left and just to show them a real attack, I fired off a Gigra tech attack that took both of them down at the same time. Ramza just looked at me confused as to what I had just done. I simply told him “I figured I owned them that for the setback they cost me.” 7/14/02 08:00 After a long night of research, it seemed like I wasn’t able to find any useful information. This being because all of my security codes to access most of the classified information I was looking for had been deleted (Most likely the work of some evil bastard). Seeing as I wasn’t going to get anywhere by just relying on public information, I decided to follow Ramza’s lead and talk to Professor Daravon. At first I wasn’t sure what Daravon’s connection with Delita was, but the most recent issue of the RPG Inquisitor had an article stating that Daravon would be doing the translation for Breath of Fire V, or as he would call it, “Bracelet of Fire”. Right away, I knew that there had to be some evil manipulation involved in order for someone like him to get this kind of job. “How helping you may I?” Wow! This guy was worse than I thought. But if he knew something, it might be worth it to tolerate him. “I’m looking for Delita”. He looked at me confused. “Understanding my is not you’re words. Again say?” It seemed I might have to go down to his level to find out what he knew. “Delita looking for are I.” “Delita here not. Finding Cid to training Sword of Holy skills his.” So now I have to find Cid. This was beginning to feel like some pointless fetch quest. But either way, Delita is with Cid. If I find Cid, I find Delita. “My very thank much you”. “Mine is pleasure.” He smiled as he went back to the work on his desk. “Now getting back I must to translating Bracelet of Fire IIIII” I left his office with a newfound hatred for Delita for making me go through all of this. Now to find Cid. 7/19/02 18:20 Something I have to keep in mind next time someone tells me to find Cid is to get a last name. There were several people in the RPG directory named Cid, and since I no longer had access to more reliable information sources, there was no way to tell them apart other than meeting them in person. This search had been very time consuming, but for the most part uneventful. Except there was one Cid that yelled a lot and said he didn’t have any #@&*!%^ idea where that $@#%^@ !*^#$@/% Delita was. On the plus side, he asked me why the !$*^@#&$% I was asking him when T.G. Cid was the one who knows him. Now I had a name, but looking back at the directory, I didn’t see the name T.G. Cid. I little questioning and a lot of swearing later I got the name Cidolfas Orlandu. I was finally able to track him down earlier today. He told me that Delita had been training with him to improve his Holy Sword skills, but that he left two days ago. He also had a message for me from Delita saying that he would be waiting for me at Limberry Castle. So it seems like Delita wanted to fight, or maybe run me into an ambush. But seeing as I didn’t have much time I had to take the chance. I finally made it to Limberry Castle with less than an hour left to capture or kill Delita. There were two knights standing in front of the door. I really didn’t think that they would open the door if I just walked up and knocked. Fortunately, I had some experience in dealing with locked doors and brought some dynamite with me for just this occasion. Now I just needed to get in. I just started walking toward the doors clam and casual. The guards noticed me but hadn’t gone into a defensive position yet. When I was about 20 feet away, I tossed a stick of dynamite to one of the knights. He caught it somewhat confused as to what it was. Fortunately he didn’t figure it out in time. The blast took out both knights and the door standing in my way. I came from the wall I had hid behind and ran to the entrance hidden in a cloud of smoke and debris. I then pulled out a pair of Sonic Guns and opened fire on anything that moved. Though I usually preferred to use my Neisword in combat, I knew that if I were going to go against several guards at a time, I would need to keep my distance. I was proficient with these weapons, but really didn’t like them since they do nearly as much damage as my Neisword. Either way, it was proving to be effective against these standard soldiers who mostly relied on short-range weapons. I ran while shooting everything I saw. I then started to come under fire from some long-range attacks, which included magic and arrows. I also heard some other gunshots and notices that there were some enemies using old-style one shot pistols. I eliminated three guards before I reached cover behind a pillar. Gunfire and magic kept me pinned down as more heavily armored soldiers started moving in to try to finish me off. Before that could happen, I took out another stick of dynamite and threw it behind the pillar. I’m not sure if the explosion hit anyone, but the pulse must have stunned some of them. I then dove out of cover and shot at the ones closest to me. Two more enemies were now down. I got up and star! ted running to the first flight of stairs knowing that Delita might be waiting at the top floor. Throughout all of the chaos, I started thinking about this match and realized that it wasn’t so bad. As good as one on one competition might be, it couldn’t compare to the feeling of single handedly taking down an army of nameless generic soldiers. That excitement quickly faded as a bullet hit me and passed through my shoulder pushing be back against the wall. At the top of the stairs I saw a chemist starting to reload it pistol. I proved the inferiority of his weapon by lifting both of my guns and putting four shots into him before he even came close to getting his second shot ready. I then used one of my techs to heal my wound, and ran up the stairs. A few nameless guards later, I ran into something that might prove to be a problem. A pair of heavily armored and shielded lancers were between me and the next flight of stairs, and they were running toward me. The few shots I fired at them proved to be ineffective against their armor. I put my guns away, but before I could draw out my Neisword, I heard a loud explosion just behind me and saw one of the lancers taken off of his feet. I looked back and saw something I didn’t expect to see. “Rudo?” Rudolf Steiner didn’t say anything and just continued to fire another shotgun blast to the other lancer. When the threat had been eliminated, I asked my old comrade, “What are you doing here?” “Well they haven’t let us into the RPGP, and we didn’t have anything else to do, so we followed you here.” “We?” I asked. As if on cue, an enemy monk came flying from around and crashed in front of me. I then saw Anna come in to thrust her sword down on him before he could get back up. I then looked around and saw the rest of my old comrades everywhere. Anna then told me, “Go find Delita. We’ll cover your back.” Rather than get all emotional, I just ran the last few flights of stairs not encountering any resistance as I made my way to the throne room. When I got there, rather than checking to see if the door was locked, or not even caring, I threw my last stick of dynamite to it. The door had been blown away and I made my entrance. Standing in front of me, I saw the man I had been looking for in the past week waiting for me. “You’re late.” He said. “I still have twenty minutes.” With that, I drew out my Neisword. “I bet you’ve been waiting all week for this moment” “I’ve been waiting thirteen years for this.” “Very well”, Delita drew his sword. As I charged toward him, he swung his sword from a distance. Right then, a line of energy came right at me. I quickly sidestepped and managed to avoid his Holy Explosion attack. I was soon in range and began attacking him. He proved to be an excellent swordsman effectively blocking my attacks and countering with some of his own. When our swords separated, he stepped back and attacked with another Holy Sword skill. I dropped to my knee when his Stasis Sword attack hit me at full force. Not stopping there, Delita began to attack with another one of his skills. I saw a red circle starting to form under me. I managed to quickly roll forward just before a large spike emerged from the place I had just been. Having gone forward, I found myself right in front of Delita who still had his sword pointing to where he placed his special attack. Before he could react, I lifted my sword and slashed through his armor. Delita pulled back. He took a lot of damage, but he wasn’t down yet. Rather than charge forward, I also pulled back in order to heal myself. Delita looked down at his wound and then at me. “You’re better than I thought. But you seem to be forgetting one thing.” He snapped his fingers and right away two female assassins teleported in and stood in front of him. “I don’t have to actually beat you to win. All I need is for my assistants to keep you busy for the next few minutes.” This was starting to look bad. I had to get to him, but these assassins didn’t look like they would be as easy as the guards downstairs. I suddenly realized that I might be able to get some help from my friends, even if they were downstairs. I focused on a technique that would surely work. I concentrated on where my friends were as I felt half of their life force being drained as it fueled this attack. I then released my most powerful attack Megid. The explosion took out everything in sight. I then started to look for Delita where I last saw him standing. After clearing out some debris, I found him, or at least most of him. There were a few part missing, but there was still enough to identify the body. Right then I pulled out my cell phone and dialed a few numbers. “Hello” “Mission Complete”, I reported. “The subject has been terminated.” Jack Power congratulated me. “Good work. I knew you could do it.” Right then I remembered something he said in our previous conversation. “Now that I’ve proven myself, how about getting me into the actual tournament?” “Well, I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t guarantee anything.” He replied. “What!” That got me more than just a little upset. I had just overcome some extreme odds and all he could say was ‘I’ll see what I can do’. In my frustration, I let out a few choice words I had picked up from one of the Cids. Maybe I should make Jack my next target. For a whole week, Rolf had been on Delita's trail. He'd won deadly battles with Ivalician troops, and even survived an ambush by Lede, Celia still being in recovery from the Zodiac/Wise Man match the week before. At last, in the upper stories of a crumbling, ruined castle in a city in a land neighboring Ivalice, Rolf had only a single door between he and his quarry. He threw it open. Delita was seated on a throne at the opposite end, his queen, Ovelia, beside him. *I thought she was dead...* Rolf reflected. But he seemed to recall something in the RPGI about her being alive. Maybe it was true. In any case, it didn't matter. "Delita Hyral," he said, "I have come to bring you before the proper authorities... dead or alive." Ovelia gasped. Delita lay his hand on her arm. "Don't worry, my dear. Remember that I chose this battlefield, not our friend here. And in any case -" "Enough talk, Hyral," Rolf snapped. "I've checked the records you left in the desk downstairs. You don't have any more reinforcements." From behind Rolf, someone said, "I *am* the reinforcements." Rolf turned to the trenchcoat-wearing man who stepped through the door. "Agent Landale," Delita said, "meet Agent Riot. Agent Riot disputes your claim to being the finest agent in the worlds. He would very much like a chance to prove you wrong." Rolf drew his Nei Sword and prepared for battle. "You're next, Hyral," he said. But this seemed to be a dangerous opponent indeed. "One last thing, Agent Landale," Delita called. "Agent Riot's combo chains, even if they don't defeat you, will run far past your deadline. I believe the saying is... tough luck?" And with that, Delita took Ovelia's hand and dashed out the back door of the room. * * * * Delita shut the door behind him and smiled. "That was a rather tense vacation, eh, my dear?" he asked. Ovelia frowned. "Delita," she said, "what charges was Agent Landale going to bring you up on?" He shrugged. "Murder, arson, conspiracy, treason, sedition, grand theft airship, the usual stuff." "What!" She pulled free of his grasp. "You *promised* me after that dagger incident that you would never do things like that again! You swore it!" Delita sighed. "Darling, I hardly think this is the time -" "Don't darling me, Delita!" she snapped. "Goodness, the nerve of you! How do I know you aren't having an affair, too?" "I did it all for you," Delita protested. "It was neccessary to protect Ivalice!" Just then, the door behind them burst open. "Landale," Delita gasped. "How did you..." His voice trailed off when he saw Ashley and Rolf enter the hallway. "I want to prove my superior agent skills," Ashley said. "But that can wait for a regular match. As for you..." Ashley and Rolf lowered their blades at Delita. "Now would be a very good time to run," the King of Ivalice told his Queen. "I'm not going anywhere," Ovelia said, "and unless you want to sleep alone for the rest of your life, *darling*, you're going with these nice gentlemen." Delita groaned. After 6 days of chasing dead end leads and "reliable information from a friend of a friend," Rolf suddenly realizes his folly. Thinking Delita would be on the move, he has searched everywhere but Ivalice! Sure enough, Delita is merely sitting on his throne, polishing his sword. A quick Megid destroys the upstart monarch...or does it? Rolf, thinking his job complete, leaves with the sword as proof of Delita's demise. "I have killed Delita!" exclaims Rolf as he returns home. "Not quite." Rolf turns to see Delita sitting in his favorite recliner. "How did you survive my Megid!?!?!" "Easy, did you play Tactics?" "Yes, I even got the Zodiac summon!" "Well then you remember when I killed a fake Orlandu to cover him, correct?" "Yes, don't mean?" "Indeed I do, although he was a handsome devil." "I will kill you now then, swine!" "Well bub, you're a day late and a dollar short." With that, Delita fires off a Stasis Sword, stopping Rolf and surviving to scheme another day! On the first day of the chase, Rolf finds a small black card in the middle of the Arena. "'s in Delita's handwriting. If he's gonna keep leaving clues like this, he might as well wear a flashing target on his rear and walk into a completely dark room! Now, let's see what our little villain has to say..." As he looks at the card, it reads 'How do you keep and idiot busy for hours? Turn this keyring over...' Rolf starts to laugh. "What stupid prank does he think he's pulling? All you have to do is turn the card over and the answer will be found! He at least could've made it a little difficult." When he turns it over , it reads...the same thing. Needless to say, Rolf spends the entire week trying to solve this clue while Delita sits in the stands, laughing his head off. Rolf can fight all he wants, but when it comes right down to it, Delita can manipulate the whole world against him, causing legions of armies to take up arms at his side. Sure, Rolf's good, but he's not THAT good. Come on, if Delita can survive the whole Lion War without being caught... if he can do that, he can go one freakin' week without being caught. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.