Six lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Ghaleon vs Seymour Guado Rules learned from RPGs: 1. Never capture the main hero's love interest. 2. No matter how powerful the Ultimate Evil is, there will always be at least one creature stronger than it. 3. You never get into a magic duel with Ghaleon. Ghaleon: 212 Seymour: 139 The battle starts off even enough. Ghaleon double casts Hell Wave, followed by Seymour quadra-casting Firaga. After a few turns of this, both competitors are low on health. Seymour summons the dreaded Anima. Ghaleon, seeing this, hopes to drain Anima's HP before it can use Pain or worse yet, Oblivion. In the end, Ghaleon succeeded in one thing...filling Anima's overdrive. Celes and Ghaleon enter together (oh yes they still talk after Convergence)preparing to fight Seymour and Lulu in a winner takes all match. Ghaleon casts protective spells as Celes runics what spells she can from Lulu and Seymour. Finally Seymour gets a thundaga through, but being in his first form, it does crap damage. Seymour gets a tricky idea and has Lulu blow him to pieces with a Flare, and then he does the same to her (after teaching her to not die) They are both now many times stronger (wow dying kicks arse in FFX). Ultimas and Hell Waves keep clashing for hours on end until finally Lulu and Seymour both get their overdrive. Swymour's OD (for those of you that wasted your time getting it) makes lots of pretty lights and then does about 2k to Celes and Ghaleon. Lulu casts Flare after flare and still cannot do crap damage because she is weak. Finally, getting sick of the fight, the msot underrated person in the RPG playoffs comes out, Yuna. She summons Valefor, followed by Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh (she killed that gay horse Ixion and got the real lightning guy), then Yojimbo whose evade did not help him against magic users. Finally she got bored and used Bahamut (not even her strongest) and had her do 10,000+ to enemies without that much life. Yuna laughs at Ghaleon's so called godlike strength as he is barely alive limping on the ground... Yuna remembers her real mission though. She turns to Seymour whom she hates for obvious reasons and to Lulu for being a gothic bitch and uses the magus sistes to utterly finish them off. Thus 2 godlikes and 2 heavys are annihalated by Yuna. Unforunatly for Seymour, Unsent means he's Undead. The Undead have a certain problem dealing with Fire. Ghaleon then Burns away any doubt of falling to the Blue Wonder. Seymour:*Summon Anima* Ghaleon:The hell? Anima:*Oblivion* Ghaleon:"Augh I am dead." "The fate of this match does not look favorable for you", laughed Seymour. "We will see if your feeble magical powers can surpass my divine magic", boasted Ghaleon. "Have a taste of this!!" yelled Seymour. Blizzara, Thundara, Fira, Thundara. A cloud of smoke filled the arena. "My magical prowess is unmatched", glared Seymour. "Is that so?" laughed a disapointed Magic Emperor as the smoke cleared. "Your week attempt of using magic was not even strong enough to take out my Chaos Shield" said Ghaleon. Seymour had no choice but to unleash Anima. Bursting through the arena came Seymour's favorite Aeon. Ghaleon raised an eyebrow, and was amazed at the magnificent creature's size. Ghaleon doublecasted Hellwave, which left only a sirge upon the creature. "Oblivion!!" The omnipotent power of this move dispersed both the Chaos Shield and Ghaleon. Seymour called Anima back. Something still was not right. Seymour could still feel the presence of Ghaleon's aura. "Time to die", muttered Ghaleon as he dropped down from the rafters and plunged his sword through Seymour's back. Ghaleon took a glance over at a grinning Sephiroth. Sephiroth had just gotten a page stolen from his book. "I should have my shadow fight for me more often", thought an annoyed Ghaleon as he left the arena. Seymour rules! Seymour starts by summoning Anima. Ghaleon merely shrugs, hits Anima with Fate Storm killing her, then casts Chaos Shield on himself. Unable to use any other Aeon to absorb damage for him, Seymour quickly loses most of his health to a couple of Worm Crush and Hell Wave attacks. Even with a Quadracast (Which shouldn't be allowed anyways, Mortiphasms clearly are a separate entity from Seymour), Seymour finds he can't break through the Chaos Shield easily, and whenever he does, Ghaleon merely recasts it. Ghaleon performs his own 'Sending' after a short fight by evaporating Seymour with Hell Wave. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Seymour sounds like Winnie the Pooh. A twisted, evil Winnie the Pooh. That point aside, he's going to get annihilated by Ghaleon's superior selection of spells. While Ghaleon's magic is probally a bit stronger then Seymour's, Seymour should easily be able to win the match. His summons alone SHOULD tilt the advantage to him but then when you figure he has the abilty to multi cast at once he should easily be outdamaging Lunars great mage. Saturos vs Crono Saturos is unused to dealing with a truly silent protagonist. Isaac, although without much to say on his own volition, is always getting yes/no questions to answer. Crono, a true Silent Death who has less than a half-dozen such occaisons in his entire game, should be able to unnerve his Adept opponent long enough to break out his Luminaire and Confuse techs. And as fast as Crono is, that should be all the time he needs. Saturos: 126 Crono: 171 Crono is NOT Godlike. Although he does have Luminaire, the likes of Maxim and Claude(former Heavies) would dominate him. That being said, I pick Saturos. Saturos entered the arena and stared down Chrono. "Silent protagonist you may be, but without teammates you're meat" "..." "God this is boring" *summons Meteor and leaves* Take off Golden Sun's ridiculous AI (Its mentally retarded), and Saturos would be impossible....that said, Crono is a lot worse at magic, and just about equal with physical attacks. Saturos wins. wow, i'd hate to be much as i liked golden sun, i doubt anyone will vote for him.... its the villian of the most popular rpg of last year, versus the hero of one of the most popular rpg's of all time sucks for him As Chrono walks into the Arena he realizes that he has no one by his side as he is used to and looks only to see his allies are cheering him on.Saturos comes with a smirk on his face and gets ready for a good fight.The match is a basic sword fight at the start but gets more intense with each shot.Until finally Saturos uses what he has over Chrono....magic.Saturos releases some spells and practically burns Chrono to his hospital trip. Celes Chere vs Lulu Celes and Lulu walked into the Arena, each ready to win. Lulu had a full arsenal of magic spells, while Celes had a sword, and some Ice and healing spells. Lulu started out by casting Firaga, which seemed to be absorbed by Celes. Celes just stood there. Lulu fired a Thundaga spell at Celes, which again was absorbed. "What the?" she yelled. "Why isn't this working?!" Her voice rang through the arena, making all the text-talking characters, and old school gamers cringe. Anyway, Celes simply smirked, and didn't move. Lulu began throwing all of her spells at Celes, none of them working. Lulu was finally out of MP. Before she could say anything else, Celes was wildly attacking her with her blade, eventually leading to Lulu lying on the ground, dead. She turned from the corpse, and exited the arena, saying, "You gotta love that Runic Blade." Celes: 189 Lulu: 168 Lulu's opening gambit of a Doublecast Flare was halted by a brilliant tactical move: Celes simply cast Berserk. Sadly, Celes forgot the second half of her plan (Vanish, in case you were wondering) when smacked heavily with a Berserked Onion Kid attack. Lulu does not have Ultima! Of course... she'd be crazy to use it even if she did, since Flare is cheaper and causes the same damage to a single target. Either way, Celes is only going to be able to withstand so many Flares before she has to drop her defenses and heal, resulting in Lulu getting both her spells to land - and Celes getting fried. Celes immmediatly uses Runic blade, as would be expected. Lulu attacks with the Onion Knight. Celes, very confused, continues using Runic blade, knowing Lulu must eventually cast a spell. After about 45 hours of weak as hell attacks from Lulu, Celes finally drops her Runic blade and tries to end the match in one fell swoop. Lulu doublecasts Flare. Waking up later in the emergency ward, Celes thinks "Dang, I didn't even survive the first one!" Were it not for Runic, Celes would be in serious trouble against Lulu. But, Lulu's heavy weight towards magic makes Runic a life-saver. All Celes would have to do is wait for Lulu to run out of MP or maybe get another turn in before her (Lulu is rather slow, unfortunately). After Lulu runs out of MP, Celes could simply capitalize with a swing of the Runic Blade. Though I do like Lulu, Celes would win, but only after possible hours of spellcasting and reabsorbtion of MP. Lulu just doublecasts Flare over and over, Celes won't be able to deal enough damage to keep up. Lulu, who is obviously faster than Celes, starts by casting Double Ultima. This miraculously brings Celes down to a prithy total of 1 life. Celes casts an Imp spell on Lulu. Now judging on the size of Lulu's OnionKid doll, and the average size of a Final Fantasy 6 imp, the weight of the doll knocks Lulu out. Celes then starts glowing and starts doing what looks like a demented sword dance around the imp. Suddenly there is a cry from the audience, Tidus stands up and starts whining, "What is that, I've never seen that before. Celes is cheating." Locke stands up in the audience and yells," You crybaby, thats a desperation attack, they're perfectly legal, just really rare. Now sit down and shut up!" Tidus yells,"Make me you, you, THIEF!!!" "Call me a treasure hunter or I'll rip your lungs out..." Locke yelled! Mean while IN the arena, Celes had just finished her Spin Cut. Lulu the Imp now looks like something fit for a BBQ grill not a fight. When asked about the unuasal treatment of the already KO'd imp, she replied, "I don't know what came over me, I just kinda lost it I guess. My therapist says I have some anger problems from the Kefka days." Celes enters the ring with a calm look on her face, despite the huge jibs coming from the FFX section of the arena. Lulu, on the other side of the ring smiles, and then wait for the match to start. Three minutes later, a large gong goes off signaling that the match has begun. Lulu, "Your days of being in the spotlight have ended Celes," as she casts a double ultima. Celes watches the giant wave of energy come closer and closer to her, then without breaking a sweat, she raises her sword into the air and absorbs it. Then Celes gives an outrageous hand motion for Lulu to try it again. Lulu, in disbelief that her best spell failed, casts another double ultima only to see it be absorbed as well. This cycle continues to happen over and over again till Lulu run out of MP. Celes then allows herself a small smile and says, "Unfortunately for you, I invented the double ultima," as a double dose of bright purple light fills the arena to end the match. Lulu has horrible, horrible speed. Celes has good speed and a rather heavy attack. Lulu has no defense whatsoever (A confused party member often kills her in one hit). Celes dispatches Lulu in one strike without need of Runic. Doublecast, Doublecast, Doublecast. It's not all that creative, but it's very, very painful. In the beginning Lulu would do some major damage with her Double cast Ultima but in the end she wouldn't be able to withstand Celes perfect combination of effective cure spells and sword abilities. Sure Lulu would dodge a few swings from Celes but just one hit from Celes' sword would knock her into submission due to Lulu's lack of any serious defensive capablities. Viktor vs Grahf Grahf is a level-headed version of Id. Viktor talks to his sword. Grahf is fully capable of defeating Gears on foot. Viktor has trouble hitting a barn the size of a Gear. Grahf has terrifyingly high strength and endurance. Viktor has the sense to know when to run away. Viktor: 116 Grahf: 199 Viktor entered the ring completely drunk. "Woo! I feel no pain!" Grahf soon proved to Viktor that that was a lie. Under the floorboards of the sand-covered arena, the two warriors stood on opposite ends of the stadium. Viktor was warming up and taking a few practice swings with his legendary Star Dragon Sword. In his slighty drunken state, he professed loudly to the other competitors, "What is this goofy mask-wearing fool going to be able to do when he's up against the greatest sword ever forged, the Star Dragon Sword?" "I was not forged, you foul mouthed drunkard. I am a living, intelligent (far more than you, I might add) incarnation of the Night Rune." the SDS replied to Viktor's boasting. "Are you sure you don't need a drink?" Viktor laughed at the SDS's characteristically serious and detatched manner. The Star Dragon Sword simply sighed and thought to himself "Viktor has no idea what he's up against, does he?" At the other end of the arena, Grahf was dressed for battle. He had been standing stock-still for the past 12 hours, ever since the competitors had been allowed into the locker rooms to prepare. Even the Godlike fighters gave the meditating Seeker of Power a wide berth as they walked by. Both men stepped on their elevators to be taken to the arena floor. The cheers for Viktor were almost deafening as the easygoing crowd favorite stepped near to the middle of the arena. When Grahf was announced, a sick-sounding quiet fell over the arena. The bell sounded and the match begun. Viktor wasted no time in bull rushing the stoic Grahf. The mercenary who had deafeated an immortal vampire had learned a few things about handling his True Rune sword against powerful foes. Grahf appeared to simply not care about where he was or who he was with, because he was allowing Viktor to slash and stab him repeatedly. Viktor's fury had floated a cloud of dust that surrounded the two. A few seconds after they seemed to disappear within the dust, the sickening crack of fractured bones echoed throughout the silent arena and Viktor was hurled bodily across 30 feet of open ground. Grahf floated out of the now-settling cloud of dust, a few inches above the ground. Grahf looked sadly at his bloody hand and said, "My fist... is the divine breath." The mysterious caped figure left the arena with the whole of the crowd staring at him in disbelief. As Viktor was loaded onto the stretcher by the Arena's EMT's he noticed his sword had been left on the ground. Never one to leave anyone behind, he croaked "My... sword." The Star Dragon Sword was placed next to Viktor on the stretcher and the SDS said, in a nearly sympathetic tone, "Did Viktor really think he had a chance against someone who singlehandedly fought off three gigantic Gears at Kislev's Goliath Factory?" ANONYMOUS LOL, Grahf, The Seeker Of Power vs. Viktor the mercenary? this just might be the biggest mismatch i have seen in the arena for several seasons Grahf has unmatched martial arts skills which he has honed even further throughout his 500+ year existence, as well as an incredible ether power, possibly surpassed only by Id's.He is strong enough to defeat massive armoured gears with his fists, and nearly succeeded in destroying the world....... Then there is Viktor....An average swordsman at best and can barely cast a spell strong enough to singe your eyebrows..... All it will take for this match is one super-guided shot from grahf, and viktor will be down and for a VERY long time...even if his ranged attack does not kill his opponent immediately, he can rely on his unimaginably strong combos and deathblows...the result-Viktor and his little Star Dragon Sword are finished Hopefully this match and those to come for grahf will lead to his victory in the heavy division and he can make his way back into godlike,where he deserves to be...nobody in heavy should be able to come close to challenging his omnipotent powers. ANONYMOUS Viktor's cool, and I would be on his side most times, but Grahf is just way too strong. ANONYMOUS "So, star dragon sword... You ready for another fight?" Viktor asks as he pats the pommel of his rune/weapon. "MUST you touch me like that?" Came the reply from his sccabard. "Heh.. sorry... Well, from what I've heard, our opponet's a Ghost type thing... That within your range?" "Hmm... a spirit, eh? I can take any undead. Remember Neclord?" ~Later~ Viktor and the Zodiac sword are cheared as the winners! I guess Grahf didn't have a ghost of a chance agenst the Incarnation of the Night Rune and it's human servent. .........This isn't even funny. Grahf would just punch Victor through the arena stadium for a Ringout. Gabo vs Cecelia Lyne Adelhyde Cecilia casts Randomizer. Doesn't matter what spells come up, since even 3 low level spells will deal lethal damage to anything. Gabo: 109 Cecelia: 151 Oh Cecelia, you're breaking my heart, you're shaking my confidence daily. Of course, it's not my body that's getting broken by Gabo... "Hey... pretty lady," Gabo said. He immediately went into a fighting stance, his experience with pretty ladies being mostly limited to Maribel. "What an adorable boy," Cecelia said. She smiled. "I shouldn't like to fight him." Unfortunately for her, Gabo had plenty of reasons to feel differently. "Hero," Maribel said while Cecelia's body was carted off, "why haven't YOU had a match yet? Are you going to let that wolf boy embarass us by being the only one who can win? I expect you to be out there next season. Or else!" Philia Felice vs Lucca Ashtear The two combatants entered the arena, each clutching onto their weapon of choice. Lucca quickly fired at Philia's feet, missing by a long shot. "What are you aiming at?" Philia asked, confused at why the genius of the team that defeated Lavos was unable to aim properly. She didn't notice, until then, that she was drunk. Lucca was drunk, having just come from a party they were holding in the past. This wasn't uncommon, as while they were fighting against Lavos, she had gotten drunk at every party in the prehistoric world. This would ensure Philia's victory. At least, it would, if Lucca hadn't placed land mines, pitfalls, along with any other traps imaginable within the arena. Philia stepped toward Lucca, unknowingly activating a landmine right under her. The explosion threw her into the drunken genius. Philia staggered up, burned, bleeding, and nearly dead. She looked down at Lucca, who was babbling on drunkenly. Philia picked her up, and threw her out of the ring, allowing her to win by default. Philia: 144 Lucca: 140 "You cannot win." stated Philia matter-of-factly. "You are outmatched in every possible way. Why don't you come to the obvious conclusion?" "I already have." muttered Lucca, pushing the button she held in her hand. The effects of that action were soon felt and seen as a flurry of Mega Bombs from under the arena suddenly exploded simultaneously, levelling half the stadium, including Philia. "Brains and preparation beats just brains any day." Philia went over to see her long-time friend Lucca before the match. Having recently converted to the non-celibate Nisan sect, she was actively seeking a boyfriend or possible fiance, and though she might as well as the older, smarter Lucca about it. Lucca, who had just hours before been once again obsessively reviewing Crono and Marle's wedding, took one look at pretty, green-haired, full-figured, sweet-looking Philia, then stalked out. When the match began, she immediately pulled out not one but two Wonder Shots, having used a temporal loop to duplicate it ala Glenn's Einlanzers. "*Don't* ask me for relationship advice," she growled, and opened fire in a most Matrix-like fashion. And so, Lucca won... but in her heart of hearts, she knew that didn't make her a winner... Phillis can't hope to compete with Flare-flinging Lucca. As the match begins, Lucca is already forming a plan inside her brainy mind. "Hey, Philia, I'll let you know a little secret if you come over here for a sec!" Philia, interested in expanding her knowledge, dashes over there. "You know," Lucca said once she was within whispering distance, while patting her Wondershot, "This little baby gives me enough power to be in Godlike!" Philia raised an eyebrow and queried "But then why are you in Middle?" "Glad you asked! You see, there's a conspiracy against Chrono Trigger characters in the RPGP! See how Magus and Crono, who are obviously the best in the Godlike class keep losing match after match? It's because the employees are rigging the votes!" Philia, enraged that people would unfairly treat Chrono Trigger characters in such a waay, immediately leaves the Arena, collects every participant in the RPGP, and starts a strike while Lucca claims a victory. One week later... Lucca sighs and looks outside the massive crowd and wonders why she bothered decieving Philia. Unfortunately, it's the last thing she thought as every character in the RPGP starts launching their most powerful attacks at the Arena... and a well-placed missile from Cid's airship goes straight through Lucca's window. Lucca can cast Flare....Philia can cast Maelstrom, Black Hole, Meteor Swarm, Holy Wrath, Divine Power, and Big Bang just to name a few...all of which make Flare look like a wimpy Fireball spell. Noel Chandler vs Lieza "Bwa Ha Ha little Lieza, you can Never beat me ", Yelled Noel as he walked into the arena. "Really? ",Lieza replied,"You don't look tough and I havn't heard good things about your spells either." "But you are mistaken, look at my ears, they are long and pointy, WITH POWER! " Noel said, adding a few random arm movements for affect. "You don't scare me, now you die" shouted Lieza. In the Seats of the Arena Cluade Sighed and turned to Rena, "We better get out of here, we told Noel never to use his Pointy ear attack, the fool isn't even thinking of all the fans that could be injured in the afterblast....and thats if it's a direct hit on Lieza. " Claude and the other Star Ocean Characters clear out of the Arena. "DIE FOOL ", Noel Screamed, as his ears started glowing with energy. "Pointy ear attack!" An small beam of light is shot from Noel's ears to Lieza's body, before Lieza can start laughing, beams of light start shooting out of her body, leaving scarred flesh. Although Lieza was quite dead, the attack wasn't over, the beams continued on into the stands. "OH SHI...." Yogurts cry was cut short by a beam to the head. Bowie and Max looked at each other and nodded, as they both cast egress and saved the rest of the characters. Noel wins ........ Noel: 140 Lieza: 124 Noel, although being one of the worst SO2 characters, is more than capable of becoming Light Champ. Look at it like this-He fought alongside GODLIKES, that's why he looks so pathetic. Greetings and salutations to all my forced crowd, and welcome to the worst of the worst: the Light competitions. Todays matchup begins with the wimpy Lieza and the crybaby Noel. I'm your host: StarOceanMaster. Lieza enters, and nothing is happening, no feedback, no chants or cheers. Wait, I hear clapping from the 94th row, wait, he was swatting a flie. Noel enters surronded by animals and boos. Noel lets the precious bunny rabbits stray away as he enters. I think we all know that the follower and sideshow freak of the Wind of Destruction is no match for anyone. Even Lieza can takedown Noel like a hot knife through butter. After filing his nails he makes his move: Foehn. Looks like it was critical, Lieza seems to be screaming. Oh, never mind, she was yawning. Wait, what's this, Noel broke a nail, that's going to be severe. Lieza is warming up to cast her spell. But wait, Noel fainted! Laughter is pouring out of the audience, and the animals go out to defend him. Now Lieza is grabbing a dog and is roasting it Chinese style. Well, that's that. And I'm your host: StarOceanMaster telling you to tune in next time for the showdown of Solid Snake and Ryo. Ciao! Not that I can vote for Noel, but his description is really unfair. He's an excellent character, that gets the shaft. He's quite strong, for a mage, and has an excellent defense. His Magic is pretty good, particularly Foehn and Earthquake. (The latter of which should SCREW many opponents in single combat, like the RPGP) He is quite fast. Fast enough to run from enemies on the field of power at his _starting_ level, and fast enough to hit them with a Sonic Sabre before they can hit him. He can take out groups this way, with little effort. He has a Silence spell, essential in a mage fight, like the one he's currently in. I don't think most mages can beat Noel in physical combat. He has Bloodsucker and Mind Absorber, the first of which is almost useless, but Mind Absorber is QUITE nice, particularly against mages. His healing is QUITE good, although admittedly weak compared to Rena. This says more about Rena than it does of Noel. His attack, though short of reach, comes out pretty damn quick. In an RPGP setting, it should be more than enough for light competition, but, hey, if he wants to show off, and use Earthquake, more power to him. The fact that he's in LIGHT says a lot about the people that haven't sat down and used him, and it seems like the description writer never did that, himself. Although I don't really like Noel, I must say that if he just casts earthquake repeatedly and heals himself when necessary...Lieza will be annihiliated. Bolgan vs Van Racking his brains, Van comes up with the perfect strategy: turn the field Green with Wet Paint, then finish Bolgan with a single super-powered Jump Throw. It would have worked perfectly, had Wet Paint not instead turned the field RED. At the direction of his older, brighter sisters, Bolgan promptly uses his Fire Breath Rune. Grilled artist, anybody? Bolgan: 169 Van: 155 Bolgan and Van face off. The stupid, strong, and referring to one's self in third person vs the Weak, Smart and has a pun for a name. Bolgan walks up to Van with a dopey grin, and punches him in the face. Van is knocked down and out. "Bolgan Happy" ANONYMOUS Bolgan was wonder why he was in the arena... Then it hit him... not, not the reason, but a rather shiney boomarage. "Hey! Millie would like this!" Bolgan cried as he picks the item. "HEY!!" Cried a smallish boy with large looking pouches. "Huh?" "That's MY boomarage!! Give it back!" The small boy cried once again. "Oh?! Really? Bolgan sorry..." And with a mighty heave, Bolgan sent the silver projectile flying. KA-THUNK!! "Urrg!!" the kid hit the floor, the boomarage lodged right into his head "Oops!! Rina!! Eilie!!" Bolgan cried as he ran off the arena floor, and out the door, loking for his siters to help. Van has something that Bolgan doesn't: a decent head on his shoulders. Case in point, he'll probably win. Street Fight "What's the matter, old man? Can't you hit me at least once?" taunted Ryo, throwing another right to the weary Snake's face. He collapsed on the floor, beaten. "Um, Ryo?" piped up Tifa from behind the bar. "Yes?" "That was Liquid Snake. Solid Snake's been waiting for you outside for half an hour." "Oh. Sorry." said Ryo, as he rushed out, leaving the drunken Liquid behind. Solid was leaning against the side of the building, smoking another of his trademark "No-Nick" cigarettes. Upon seeing Ryo exit, he dropped into a fighting stance. "Shouldn't you put that out first?" asked Ryo. "Why? It gives me a fighting advantage." replied Snake. "Really? Can I try one?" "Sure, kid." Upon lighting the cigarette (don't ask how, as it seems that neither of them had a match or a lighter), Ryo went into shock and collapsed. "Oops." said Solid Snake half-heartedly. "Guess he took the poisoned one I put in here for safekeeping. Oh well." Ryo: 105 Snake: 209 Solid snake came in close to Ryo.. too close, one hideous crunch later, Ryo's body fell to the ground, neck twisted at an un'natural angle, snake simply walked away, uneffected by his kill. Ryo doesn't have what it takes to kill a man, Snake does. Snake would capitilize on this weakness and take Ryo out in the end. Through the course of the match, Ryos speed and agility would overcome Snake, but the momenet Ryo leaves himself open, he's all Snakes.Winner-Solid Snake Ryo walked out of the Bar and onto the street, ready to face Snake. "Come out here, coward!" Snake gave a dubious smile. He had fought one of the best and lived after Grey Fox, but he wasn't in the mood for a fair fight. As he walked out, Ryo charged and threw a strong punch. Snake just grabbed Ryo's hand and squeezed. "Arrgghhh..." Ryo gasped as he heard a couple fingers break. Laughing, Snake let go of Ryo's hand. Reeling back, Ryo gave a grimace to his opponent and charged. Snake reached to his belt and turned on the stealth. Surprised, Ryo stopped, right as Snake appeared next to him and punched him. Turning invisible as Ryo looked around, Snake again slipped next to his opponent, reapearing only for a second to punch him in the stomach. Finally, Snake decided to finish it. COming up behind Ryo, he grabbed him around the neck. Spectators to the match saw only invisible hands strangling the kid. "errgghh...." SNAP! As Ryo collapsed to the ground, Snake lit up a smoke and walked back into the bar to finish his drink. Ryo awaits Solid Snake. And waits... And waits... And waits... Eventually, he walks around looking for the Ex FOX-Hound spy. Just when he's about ready to go back, he hears a tap on the wall behind him. He investigates the noise. Unfortunatly for him, Snake breaks his neck with little problem. This is a tough decision. Ryo took on 70 men in a row, but Snake has completed numerous insanely difficult missions. Ryo has a ton of martial arts training, but Snake has tons of military training. I will pick Snake, though. Simply because he has much more experience. Ryo has sonic figurines. Snake has cigarettes. Snake shoves lit cigarettes into Ryo's eyes, and beats him into a bloody pulp. The problem is Snake has no code of honor, but a expert fighter like Ryo has plenty. Simon Ryo finished his powerade crushed the bddly and waited for the bell to ring. It just wasn't fair. All he was doing was busting some heads at a bar. Why did this punk have to get all pissy? He wasnt even really a RPG character. As Ryo sat there fuming. A figure crept out of the shadows. closer Closer CLOSER! Mister Ryo, sir. THe match is begining. Oh. Ryo walked into the arena a stuffed sonic doll in his hand. Snake stood in the shadows on the other side of the arena smoking. "DAMN HIM! STUPID SMOKING NON-ROLE PLAYING SOB." thought ryo I'll show that sneaky two bit little covert operative a thing or two about hand to hand-" Ryo's bitching was interrupted by a piercing wistle. As snake ducked into a small bomb shelter. What the fu- Ryo never got to finish that sentence because at that moment a small nuclear missile came crashing into his torso. Snake came striding out of his shelter took a long drag on his cigarette. He waltzed over to the smoldering pile of ash that was Ryo and put out his cigarette on what was his torso. Snake walked of and dissapeared into the shadows. At the start of the matchup, Ryo immediately turns and flees. Furious, Snake follows... only to scream in pain. After Ryo has walked over to survey the writhing spy, he remarks, "Those spikey hedgehog action figurines serve as excellent makeshift caltrops, you know?" Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.