Two lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Auron entered the arena, confident of victory, in full possession of his mad Guardian skillz and all-around coolness. He adjusted his sunglasses in so overpoweringly cool a way as to cause Chu-Chu and several Ninas in the crowd to faint in girlish awe. Slowly, deliberately, he turned to his opponent. Hyuga stood, hand on his chin, tapping his foot. "I have looked forward to facing you," Auron said. The remaining Ninas were out at the sound of his voice, along with Leena and Tengaar. "Your record is very impressive. Sephiroth spoke highly of you. Crono signed highly of you." "Thank you," Hyuga said. He bowed to Auron, then to the two rival katana masters seated in the front row. Sephiroth glared. Crono blinked. Hyuga turned back to his present opponent. "Now then. Let us get down, as they say, to business." Auron just smiled a little bit, and shrugged his coat from his shoulder. "So be it," he said, striking a perfect balance between ferocity and calm. Needless to say, the rest of the females in the audience were KOed by his coolness. The males (except Sephiroth, who was still glaring at both contestants, and Nash, who was combing his hair) covered their heads in shame. And except for Hyuga, of course, who was busy stepping out of the way of Auron's First Strike. And, just to give the Legendary Guardian a chance, his second, third and fourth, as well. "You have the mad skillz, Sir Auron," Hyuga said. "But your young friend Tidus informed both Lloyd and I before our match that you cannot hit the side of a proverbial barn. I am most certainly more agile than a barn." "I'm sick and tired of HIM being everybody's favorite FFX character," whined Tidus from the stands. Jecht slapped him upside the head. "I'M the best, remember?" Hyuga paused, pushed his glasses up - and was hit by Auron! "That's how it's done," Auron said, perhaps more to himself than Hyuga. The first wave of Ninas, who had just been coming to, swooned again. Hyuga was still standing, however. "Unfortunately, I was taking my dozens of turns to employ the Koga Arcane," he explained. "And as you can see, it has rendered me funtionally invulnerable to physcial attacks." "Oh," said Auron. He sighed. It seemed that all his attacks were for naught. Even Armor Break would be only a temporary solution... if it hit. No fool, he decided to forfeit the match. "So be it." Hyuga waved farewell as Auron left the Arena, distinctly pleased that no one had chosen to tell the Legendary Guardian that Koga had also reduced Hyuga's own attack to about the level of Margie's. He was even more pleased to discover that Yui had managed to remain conscious in the face of Auron's coolness. "All in all," he told them, "it has been a successful day." Auron: 148 Hyuga: 165 The two behemoths of duelling stood silently, each warily eying the other. The championship was on the line, and neither could afford a mental lapse at this critical moment. "Are you ready to begin?" asked Hyuga, mentally choosing any of a dozen attack points to incapacitate his opponent. "I have a proposition first..." Auron replied, giving Masamune a few practice swipes. "If you think that I shall be bribed into throwing the match..." "Nothing so crude, sir. What I had in mind was a true duel. No spells, none of my Breaks, no combo moves. Just a straight contest of prowess." Citan considered for a moment. "Very well. I accept. Now, shall we get this over with?" In response, Auron rushed forward, with a horizontal slice... nothing. Quickly, the Legendary Guardian turned, readying his blade just in time to deflect Citan's thrust, to the great surprise of the Doctor. Hyuga shrugged off his amaement, and prepared for Auron's next strike. The next few minutes were legendary, as the two greatest swordsmen in the RPGP traded slices, thrusts and quick deflections. Somehow, Auron was keeping up with Citan. "How are you... doing that?" asked Hyuga, between a pair of quick slashes. "Know thyself, and know thy opponent. I knew that you were exceptionally fast, so I've spent the past few weeks improving my reaction time. And since you are being forced to concentrate on not using your combination attacks, I would say that it's worked quite well." "So you know about me, do you? Well then, I doubt you'll be surprised by this then." said Citan, who proceeded to follow through with a Crystal Water, catching Auron completely unaware. "But you said you wouldn't..." muttered Auron, before collapsing. "That's another thing you should have known about me." said Citan. "As a spy, I lie very well." ANONYMOUS Auron vs Citan is definitely one of the most difficult fights to objectively judge that I have ever seen in the RPGP. Still I have to give the match to Auron. With a full Overdrive and Masamune, Citan would be blasted by a first round Banishing Blade, almost certainly crushing the good Doctor's abilities a great deal. Combined with a lovely Auto-Haste Armlet and Quick Hit, the legendary guardian becomes nearly, if not as fast as Citan. And then ther'e the nasty ability of the Masamune to counterattack every physical hit, and to deal more damage as Auron's hp is lowered. That said, I think FFX characters should be retired from the RPGP; their custimizable ability renders them very nearly undefeatable. In this match, however, the reigning champ keeps his undefeated title. Auron stood calmly watching Hyuga as the bell rung, signifying the beggining of the match, faster than even citan could react, thanks to the first strike ability given by his blade, Auron uded his overdrive, Shooting Star, catapulting Citan from the arena! the crowd fell silent.. never had a godlike champion been defeated so easily.. so fast! and Citan himself, of all champions! "thats how its done.." said Auron, with a slight smirk. It began peacefully, with a nod of appreciation of the other's skill from each of the competitors. The air was still, with only the muted sounds of Sheena and Edgar trying to pick up Sorceress Adel (the last woman yet known that they might actually have a chance with) flowing over the bated breaths of the awed spectators. Then, it began. Auron parried and Hyuga dodged. Their blades whistled through the air with the keen edge of victory seemingly coming from both swords. It was almost too fast for the human eye to follow, the blows raining down faster and faster. It looked like nothing more than a pre-taped match of two master fencers fighting each other on enhancing drugs while the fast forward button was being pushed to it's limit. Hyuga finally had reached the maximum limit of using his combo. He launched into flurry of blows after blows. Then, with the final move of a Myogetsu, he came down hard onto the blade of the defending Auron. The force of the upwards holding of the Masamune shattered under that blast. Auron could parry no more. But then, neither could Hyuga thrust with his katana. The katana lay in shards, mingled with those of the Masamune. A quick flurry of blows destroyed Auron. Hyuga bowed gracefully for the cheering crowd, suppressing the emotions of the sight of Lulu falling fully out of her dress in shock. He bowed to each side of the arena, and gathered the shards of the katana. He held them hard as he walked out of the arena, and into the arms of the waiting Yui. "I can honestly say that I will never use this sword again," was all that could be heard. It should be noted, though, that 'this sword' were in italics... Auron was below average in both the speed and accuracy departments. Hyuga was the fastest character in the game by far and also has a high evade/blocking rate. Hmm... Oh joy, a finals match that features not one but TWO fighters who have no right to be here. Sadly, the odds of them killing each other off are low, so I'll go with Citan. At least he'll hit more than once a year. Sonava bitch!Id never thought id see the day this would sum it up. Auron:power break Citan:Senkei Citan:heals Citan:Heals Auron:misses Citan:Hits for crappy damage via Power break. Citan:ditto Citan:ditto Auron:Hits Citan: Heals Citan: attacks w/ crappy damage And it just goes on like that, till about 1 hour of repetitive fighting,Fei and Tidus going to the john 5 times, and Jechts drunken praise for Both competitors, Citan and Auron both collapse.Luckily, Citan was still holding his hand up and was declared winner and then passed out, right after Auron did. "I warn you," Auron says, "that I've broken the HP barrier. And all those other barriers." Hyuga scoffs. "That's impossible. You can't break the 999 HP barrier! It violates the laws of physics!" Auron is stunned. "I had more than that at the beginning of the game, sonny boy." He says. Hyuga is heavily daunted. Only Gears can get more than 3 digits of HP. Or so he thought... But still, he presses onward, raining blows upon Auron with a speed unseen in RPGP history. Auron yawns, and brings his butter-knife-the-size-of-Montana down on Hyuga, crushing him instantly. Auron uses first strike linked with his Banishing Blade combo, Hyuga stats become puny and then he is slowly crushed to death. Unless, of course the doc manages to dodge Auron first strike, then Hyuga will win. It's true that Auron has First Strike, but after that, he's got absolutely NO SPEED WHATSOEVER! I'm sorry, but Hyuga will take Auron down with a mad series of sword attacks. Auron starts off by using his previously-charged Overdrive, Banishing Blade. You'd think the match was over, wouldn't you? Well, it's not...the Overdrive missed. A few minutes later, the match goes to Hyuga as he is wiping the blood off of his katana. For the first few seconds, Auron will slice Hyuga to near-death with First Strike. However, for the next hour or so, Hyuga will defeat Auron with constant 7-point deathblows before Auron can get another turn off. ~Let's see...Auron has First Strike, lots of attack strength, a severe lack of speed, and no healing abilities. ~Hyuga has defenses against all elements, very strong Deathblows, unfairly-high speed ratings, and an uncanny ability to heal. ...... I think Hyuga will be the new Reigning Champ. Although First Strike is damaging to the good doctor, Auron found that Ricdeau's superior speed meant a katana buried in his abdomen. BordamDaravon!- ...I feel so mean to say this, but the Masamune that Auron carries has first Strike, and Break Damage Limit. The Armlet he SHOULD be wearing out' to have Auto haste and AIr/Water/Fire Eater, to counter 3/4 of his elemental Deathblows...But that shouldn't be neccessary, because he would do apx.99999 Damage against the Very, VERY low-armored Doc..*goes off to cry in the corner* Auron, I love you to death, but you're First Strike isn't going to help you as soon as Hyuga has his turn to attack, over and over and over and over... Hyuga boasted about his incredible speed advantage shortly before the match. He figured that even though Auron would have the first strike, he would have plenty of chances to attack afterwards. This turned out to be his undoing, as Auron used Banishing Blade, mashing his attack, defense, and magical powers all in one swift strike. Hyuga was glad to see his speed was still intact, as he flew at Auron. He was shocked when he struck, realizing the only thing left of his sword was the hilt. "Wha...what?" the Good Doctor stuttered. "This is the end, goodbye." was the last thing Hyuga heard before tasting the might of Auron's disastrously powerful Masamune. Poor speed + low accuracy = Instant Death. 'Nuff said. Lessee, now. Auron has what, First Strike and stat breaks. Citan has great stats, high damage, high speed, good evasion (though not nearly as good as everyone makes it out to be), good Deathblows and all-around skill. Auron's weaknesses are lack of speed (after First Strike, of course), and horrible lack of accuracy, both of which are HUGE disadvantages against this particular opponent. Citan's weaknesses are.... um... er... heh... uh... well... he doesn't really have any, come to think. The choice seems pretty clear. Sorry Auron too slow. Holy Crap. Auron is a tank. He may be slow, but he always gets the job done. He's the big guy when it comes to staying alive, and his abilities are amazing. And Hyuga. A swift and lethal blademaster (well, katanamaster, at least) who will surely get in many hits before Auron does. Auron can fell Hyuga in one hit... hit power is off the charts. The real question is if Doc will deal enough damage quickly enough to take out Auron. Of course, with first strike, it doesn't really matter, does it? The legendary Guardian Sir Auron and the Guardian Angel Hyuga Ricdeau (aka Citan Uzuki) entered the arena from opposite sides of the stadium. It was a windy day and Auron pushed his sunglasses higher to protect his gouged eye from the flying sand of the arena. His slightly graying hair rustled in the wind as he studied his opponent. Auron regarded the much younger man with curiosity. Citan peered back at the older man, ever the studious doctor. He knew he could not match Auron blow for blow just as Auron knew he could not match Citan in a protracted game of catch-as-catch-can. Across the arena Auron appeared to be focusing intently on something. He snapped back to reality and grunted. "Feeling all right, Sir Auron?" the young doctor asked with amusement dancing behind his gold spectacles. Auron chuckled and said, "We have no time for banter, now do we?" The bell rung, starting the match. Auron shrugged off the left sleeve of his coat, revealing a well muscled arm. He dropped into his stance and made use of the First Strike ability lent to him by Lord Mi'hen's former weapon, the Masamune. He used his Power Break skill to diminish Citan's ability to inflict damage. Citan stagged back, unprepared for such a blow. But it was his time now. Citan was able to get 3 turns for every one of Auron's. Auron stayed in a mostly defensive stance, counterattacking when the opportunity presented itself- which was not often, as Citan's speed took him in and out of harm's way so quickly. Dr. Ricdeau grew overconfident. In a moment of carelessness Auron hit him with Armor Break. This did not greatly distress the doctor- the old man was nearly unable to hit him anyway! In an act that he thought would end the fight, he unleashed a powerful combo of deathblows which sent the graying Guardian flying onto his back. Citan was about to walk out when Auron propped himself up on his sword, breathing heavily. "Remember right before the fight, son, when you asked if I required your assistance?" Citan could only nod as Auron replied in his characteristically calm tone, "That was me switching to Stoic." Auron stood up and screamed, "This is for the fallen!" He spun in small, looping circles, producing a powerful but localized tornado. Citan was helpless to dodge it as he was lifted off his feet and used for a rag doll. Auron ritualistically took his jar of sake from his belt and threw it into the tornado, creating a wildly whirling mass of fire. Soon, the tornado dissipated and the brightly burning Citan fell from above the arena roof and hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. Auron smirked above his high collar as assistants ran out to smother the flames threatening to burn Hyuga Ricdeau alive. Allowing himself a rare moment of indulgence and pride he produced another, much smaller bottle of sake from underneath his robe. He uncapped it and raised it in salute to the fallen Citan, who was being attended to by the arena medical staff. "You have much to learn, young man. Guarding two Sin-defeating summoners throughout Spira has taught me a thing or two about conservation and focus." Auron put his left arm back under his robe, slung his massive sword across his back and left the Arena, victorious once again. Auron gets a First Strike...big freaking deal. Break Attacks have a certain percent of working...and the more powerful the opponent the less that percent. Of course this is considering Auron even hits the target, and although Citan's dodging abilities have been grossly exaggerated (Any random battle in Xenogears should show that Citan gets hit most of the time), he should have the agility of a wolf type creature in FFX...and Auron will never hit one of them even if he tried a million a First Strike Break is worthless....and Hyuga will get a continuous string of attacks off on Auron, and unleash a deathblow long before Auron's next attack comes around. Hyuga should not of come so far, but his quick moves (but NOT THAT QUICK) combined with his keen intellect should prove a good match for Auron. And, while many may say that "you can't beat someone you can't hit", Auron is experienced enough with fast fighters that he might be able a powerful blow to the Doc's brain once in a while which should be enough to finish him. As, it stands now, it is a tossup, but since it seems that Hyuga has more luck with "dumb" or "eager" opponents, Auron should prove a little too much for him. Auron is the man. Despite everything Hyuga has done, and everything is, Auron is too much for Hyuga. If all else fails, he'll probably pull some of that unsent junk Seymour did and just come back again. Citan knew that he could win this battle easily. After all, everyone was always talking about how fast he is (specifically, one point higher than Fei, who himself is just above average). And besides, he was up against the slow heavy-hitter of FFX. It would be just like fighting a gear on foot. He would simply attack with deathblow after deathblow until Auron finally fell, without having to pit his mediocre evasion ability against Auron's deadly attacks. However, Citan did not even have the time to realize his miscalculation. The moment the doctor adjusted his spectacles and drew his sword, Auron dashed forward, propelled by the Masamune's initiative ability, and cleaved him completely in half. Attempts to revive Citan failed several times because the excess damage had carried over and killed him again. When Citan finally came to, he found Auron standing at his bedside. "You're finally awake," Auron said wth a grin, marking the ten-millionth time that phrase had been uttered to a Xenogears character. Slightly frustrated, the recuperated Hyuga jumped out of his hospital bed and challenged Auron to a rematch. Auron accepted, cut him down where he stood, and walked out. The good doctor was pieced back together once again, but he would still not accept his loss to the legendary guardian. "This simply won't do," he complained, facing Auron again in the arena. "You've got to give me a chance to attack. It's rather unsportsmanlike for you to strike first every time." "Do as you like," Auron said lazily. Citan nodded, drew his katana, and began a deathblow. As soon as the first hit landed, however, Auron immediately counterattacked. While the janitors were cleaning up the mess, Auron looked down with disdain at the small scratch in his Overlord bracer. It is expected that Citan will demand another rematch, but the staff are running low on Phoenix Downs and he won't be heard from for a short while. Ratings Comments Why would you put solid snake in the rpgp? I feel, while his meter gets bigger after boss fights, this game is not even semi closs to an RPG...and its going to spoil a big part of the RPGP. Most everyone loves the metal gear series and is going to vote for him based on how good the game is. He'll be godlike champ a lot im sure. But he'll also beat people that could destroy him at the drop of a hat. Just because his game is good. a game that isnt even close to an RPG. Why? Oh loookey here, Chaz and Alis in the RPGP, what an age to be in.Snake for godlike!He's got the guns that blows them Metal GEARS down.I cant decide on melbu, as he had to MERGE with the virage embryo to fight you, and thats agianst the ruels.' "Snaaaaake!!!!" I imagine Otacon will be saying that a lot if Snake makes Godlike. As awesome as Snake is, he's no match for the stronger Godlike characters. Certainly Hyuga, Ghaleon or Auron wouldn't be fooled by the box trick, about his only chance there. On the other hand, Snake is a perfect Heavy. He's well balanced (unless Jackie-boy gets into the RPGP, only Snake can use Rations, so he gets a full set, right?), heavily armed (ala Brad and Jesiah) and cool under pressure (um... again ala Brad and Jesiah). Plus, there's TONS of Heavies he could out-BOX. As for the other MGS characters, well, I'd love to see Grey Fox eviscerate Shadow (GF *is* Godlike material, IMO), but other than that, Snake should go it alone. The horror of him possibly losing to Jack/Raiden (or anyone in Heavy losing to Jack/Raiden) is too much to bear. And anyway, MGS is at best QUESTIONABLY an RPG. Very much at best. Very much. Still, it'll good to see Snake actually doing something again. As for the rest... VP has WAY too many Godlikes. Odin being beaten by Loki was a fluke, IMO, and Loki should be in Godlike anyway (emergency upgrade, like Luca, please?), so he should be able to handle even the best. Odin vs Fou-Lu, Ryu or Auron next season! Hrist, eh, she's OK. Like Lenneth, a high-Heavy/low-Godlike. Surt was pretty tough. Suo I didn't use, same with Lyseria, but if she's second only to Gandar and Lezard... Godlike it is. And Genevieve... Gen is even stronger than Lezard. She's maybe even stronger than Ghaleon. She is the best and brightest mage of them all, behind only to Hyuga, Auron and Anastasia in overall power. GodLIKE? She could paste any of VP's gods without breaking a sweat. This is a gal who could actually make INDALECIO notice he's being attacked. Plus, you've got to love that name. Deis rocks. Any male opponent is at a serious disadvantage (except maybe Auron, I mean, think about those Jecht Spheres...) against her, and she can capitalize. She's not all that strong of a goddess, compared to her sis or Freya. More in the Lenneth/Hrist range. Even so, Godlike material for sure. Melbu... Lloyd should have beaten him down in-game. I'd love to see him get the chance to do it in the Arena. Even without the Virage Embryo, Melbu should be able to make it to Godlike, at least long enough for one loss. :) And WHY WEREN'T ZEROMUS AND NECRON RATED? If Evil Tree boy can get in (and lose to MAGUS, oh the horror) I'd say these baddies deserve a shot. Well, Zeromus at least. ANONYMOUS Snake,Raiden,Ocelot,Liquid,Vamp,etc. I smell godlikes all over the place. I don't think ALL MGS characters should be included. Raiden, Ocelot, Liquid, Mantis, Vamp and maybe Olga. (Or less) Too many of them would make it feel less like an RPG Playoff. If you're going to include snake, please...PLEASE include Dante from Devil May Cry umm.. shouldn't the gods be in godlike? Oh God, this is absolutely the dumbest thing I've ever seen the RPGP do. Solid Snake? Please, no! It'll be like the Shadow fanboys, only ten times worse. And why not just rename the site the Fanboy Playoffs while you're at it? On the other characters - Randi is a solid heavy fiighter (providing he gets his choice of the Mana weapons) - those charge attacks can dish out some major hurt. Purim is also a heavy (probably the first "rebellious princess" to make the class) because she can heal AND has decent attack power. Popoie, on the other hand, is just sick. He has the most overpowered selection of magic in any RPG. Stats hardly matter when you can blow all your opponent's MP, lower their stats and give them status effects all in the space of a few spells. He's even got a heal spell somewhere in there. He makes godlike or the morons are at work. Finally the long-awaited (for me anyway) debut of the sexy serpentine sorceress Deis. BoF1 Deis is a middle with heavy-class magic but the overpowered BoF2 version (with a free HP-recharge move, if my memory serves me correctly) is a nice heavy, so that's where I'm putting her. Genevieve can be a pain to fight when she's stoning your team to death. God-like for her. Lenneth=God-like. So therefore, Hrist=God-like, as well. Lyseria is quite the powerful mage indeed. Heavy. Odin, being uhm, THE LEADER OF THE GODS, should suit well to Godlike. I can't wait for the likes of Sephiroth and Id to taste the power of Gungnir. Suo is strong and quick. Heavy. Surt is definitely a God-like, even though he IS a God. The only other really cool character in MGS is the Ninja guy. As for the rankings, I've played very few of those games. We could put in all sorts of game characters, movie characters, book characters, etc etc ad nauseum if Mr. Cranbud so desired. But that's not what this particular site is about. This is the RPG Playoffs. And MGS is not an RPG. There are no stats, no levels, and although the gameplay revolves around the story, players have no meaningful choice. And it's far too short for its own genre, let alone an RPG! Thus I oppose the addition of Solid Snake and all other MGS characters. The only other ones I can speak about are the Secret of Mana cast and Deis. To both of those I say, IT'S ABOUT FRIGGIN TIME. Although in all honesty I see Deis and Sprite owning in Godlike, I really can't see Boy or Girl winning any matches higher than Middle... and where the heck is Thanatos?? Massive HP, an extremely deadly Wingly Army summon, and devastating magic.....Frahma is Godlike material. Lesse here.....Deis maxes every stat in BoFII. Learns every offensive spell in BoFI, a great deal of powerful status effect spells in II. Has Shed, which negates all status effects on her and fully heals her, for free. Extremely high HP and AP........her power just doesn't stop. Nothing stands a chance against her, nothing. Yeah, some guy who can punch (But not kill...unless he sneaks up on a retarded guard) is going to get real far against magic users with nuclear strength spells and fighters that can take out gods....sorry Snake, but low class punching will only get you so far in even Puny. But wait, Snake has guns which take years to kill the I guess he may stand a chance in Light. ANONYMOUS Just a kind of reminder, I' NOT voting again, but adding the commentary I forgot to give the last time I voted. For ratings, I have to say, if Genevieve, Hrist, Surt, and Odin are anything less than Godlike I'll simply throw my hands up in the air in defeat. How anyone who has played these games rate these characters anything lower than Godlike is beyond me. Let's start with the ancient witch Genevieve, who was confined to her castle when she last faced the Valkyrie. Genevieve's magical powers, are, as said in the commentary, extreme. There's not other word to describe it. First of all, thanks to her Indiscriminate ability, she can quadra cast spells, spelling instant demise for ANY of the current Godlikes in the RPGP (yes, that even means you Fou-Lu and Sephiroth). Next, her special attack, Contaminate Energy, hits about 6 times for MAJOR damage. Next we have her great magic, Cosmic Spear. Although it's nowhere close to as powerful a let's say, Meteor Swarm or Celestial Star, it's more than enough to even make the Magic Emperor himself blush. Next we have Hrist. Now some may have considered Hrist to be a push over, but don't underestimate her. In the Seraphic Gate, you fight her true form, the Dark Valkyrie, and she can easily take out one character per turn with her high attack power, and ultimate form of Nibelung Valesti. Hrist and Lenneth's Nibelung Valestis are more powerful than any Omnislash or Lion Heart. Next we have Surt, and super powerful attacker and magic user. Ifrit Caress may seem timid in VP, but in the RPGP, that's more than enough to deal with most of the characters passed as Godlike. And did I mention his uber high attack power? My god. And Odin, I'm surprised someone as powerful as him was allowed to BE in the RPGP. Odin weilds the Divine weapon, the Gungnir. A weapon so powerful it is capable of destroying worlds. Odin actually didn't use it simply because he didn't want to harm Freya, and some of his other fellow gods. And since the game states that Odin is more powerful than Freya (and we all SHOULD know how powerful Freya is) then he SHOULD be able to slice through Godlike like a buzzsaw through Crayola crayons. But we all know that won't happen. Watch Shadow appear next season in Godlike and beat Odin. What was the reasoning behind it? "Intrepetor would block the attack and Odin will have shurikens in his back!" Oh pititful FFVI fanboys. Arc and Zalbad make Godlike easy. And if Shadow can make it to Godlike, than I can see Shu and Tosh also making it with ease. Just a few words from a friendly contributor on some of the Forgotten Warriors: -All right, so Melbu's not as bad as all that. I still don't see him doing well, since LoD characters seem to have two strikes against them from the beginning... -Very few people have played the Phantasy Star series, so just let me tell you that Alis is the real deal. Don't be fooled by imitations. Chaz is good. Alis is better. -It really hurts, doesn't it? We finally get characters with their own armor, and only one of them is allowed to use a weapon. Of the three Seiken Densetsu characters, the Boy should have the best luck, picking up a couple of matches in Middle. Girl just gets the short end of the stick, seeing as she has no weapon and her magic is defense oriented. Sprite may find itself a little overwhelmed, but I see good things in the future... -Snake, you're like a weaker Aya. You may be rethinking your decision to come to the RPGP sooner than you think... oh, wait, I forgot. Fanboys. Never mind... Cecil vs Ganon "So you've arrived..." Ganon stood in his pig form, with his back to the entrance to his inner sanctum. "Was there any doubt?" replied the battle-weary Cecil, casting a quick Cure spell to perk himself up. "I shall cut to the chase, dear Paladin. I don't want your dear Rosa. She means nothing." "Then you're giving her back?" asked Cecil. "You're naive, kid. I like that. No, you won't be getting her back, unless..." "Unless?" Ganon turned around. "Unless you can bring me the princess I'm really after." Cecil sighed. "Not this again... I've been through this routine before, King of Thieves. I don't like it now any more than I did then. I won't do it. Now, if you'll just hand over Rosa..." "IMPUDENT WORM!" Ganon thundered. "YOU DARE TO CHALLENGE ME?" "Well, yes. That was the general idea of me going through your dungeon in order to challenge you." "Look, Paladin. You cannot hope to harm me. I am in my element, upon my own territory. You have never seen me fight in my true form, and so you have no idea what to expect. You cannot win. By the Goddesses, you don't even have the weapons necessary to hurt me!" Cecil calmly took out an Elven Bow. "Are you sure about that?" Ganon chuckled. "You cannot bluff me, Cecil. Even if you could use that, which you cannot, it would be forbidden. You are limited to the weapons that you alone can use." "And why would that be?" said Cecil, nocking a Holy Arrow. "Because that camera in the roof there? It's from the RPGP. You are honor bound to obey it's rules." said Ganondorf, a little more desperately. "Like you said, Ganon, we are upon your own territory. I do not see an arena around here, do you?" And with that, Cecil fired straight into the King of Thieves' chest - doing nothing. Ganon blinked for a second. "Well then, it looks like your Holy has no effect. What are you going to do now?" Cecil gulped. "Could I have another shot?" "Be my guest. It'll be the last one you ever take." was the reply. Cecil nocked another arrow, this one of a different kind. "Say, what kind of arrow is that?" asked Ganon before Cecil fired. "This? Oh, it's a Lit arrow." "Did you say Light arr..." The attack hit, and Ganon slumped to the ground. Quickly, the King of Baron ran to the other end of the room, to release his beloved Rosa. "You're awfully short for a soldier..." "What?" Rosa blushed. "Sorry, just had an out-of-game experience." "All right, my love, we should leave quickly." And they did. Halfway back to Baron, Rosa asked, "Why were you in such a hurry, Cecil?" The reply was simple. "I just wanted to get as far away as possible before Ganon realizes that Lit is short for Lightning, not Light." A thundering screech came from Death Mountain. "HARVEY!! I SHALL HAVE MY VENGEANCE!!!" Cecil: 210 Ganon: 114 I tells ya, Ganondorf's immunity against all of Link's weapons except the one that were just right for the situtation was just a fluke. No one can stand undamaged by Cecil, no matter how dark their armor is or how tie-dyed their tail is. And Cecil has too many "hearts" for Ganondorf to completely take down. After ganon threw and attack at Cecil, and him deflecting it back, Link shouted to Cecil:"hit him with your sword now! his ass gets paralyzed and he comes down, and then pummel his ass". Cecil did exactly that."Sucks to be ganon right now" said A bandaged and 3rd degree burned Bowser."Rules to be Cecil right about now" said link, as Cecil was carrying his wife Rosa away victorius. Please... Cecil should totally crush Ganon with his attacks plus, he got a much stronger shield then Link's. Ganon is as good as dead. Link > Ganon. Cecil > Link. Cecil > Ganon. *pika* Paladin's can't steal anything, much less legendary weapons. Guess who wins? Being a proponent of the theory that Ganondorf is NOT allowed the Triforce of Power, I don't think he stands a realistic chance against any decent Heavy or Godlike (which Cecil should be!), and certainly not against one with holy power, healing, and Ganon's eternal downfall - a big friggin sword. Gannon is a creatre of evil...Cecil is a Paladin, their purpose is to destroy evil, so his Ragnarok sword will be doing more damage, and Cecil can heal any wounds Gannon gives him. Poor Ganon will never win a match at this rate.........Ragnarok+Light Healing Spells+Excellent all round stats=dead King of Thieves. Cecil stares down Ganondorf as he suspends Rosa in a pink crystal shell. Cecil clenches his fist, holding his blade tight. Ganandorf gives a speech about Cecil making it this far. Cecil charges while Ganondorf is giving the speech. Ganondorf looks over atthe charging Cecil and decides to skip the speech. He jumps back and charges one of his aura balls. Cecil dodged it knowing only the Legendary Master Sword could reflect it. Cecil tried and tried to get closer but everytime he had to jump back from Ganon's attack. Cecil thought hard and finally decided to use Peep to find out his weakness. Light powers... Cecil Jumped into action using his new found knowledge and used the Light Crystal on him.Ganondorf covered his eyes and cowered to the ground at the blinding and overwhelming light."The Master Sword!" exclaimed Ganon as Cecil dealt the blow. RydiaCaller What a great idea! Final Fantasy 2/4 characters verses the Zelda series characters! Brilliant. Go Cecil! Kick Gananon's arse. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day.