Two lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Lezard Valeth vs Ghaleon The crowd was tense. Both Godlike finalists were masters of the arcane arts, to the point where the battle could go either way.That was the main reason that both Ghaleon and Lezard spent the week before the match searching for ways to distract the other during the match. For Ghaleon, it was rather easy. All it took was a simple request to have the Lady Valkyrie recieve complementary seats in the front row. The theory was that Lezard would not be able to keep his eyes off his love, and that distraction would cost him the match. When the match started, Lezard completely ignored Lenneth. "There will be time to gaze upon your beauty later." he mused. "Would you mind if I added a little musical accompaniment to our battle?" asked Lezard, to which Ghaleon shrugged uncommitingly. Suddenly, the air was filled with the horrifying sound of Nash's "Check this out!" cry on repeated loop throughout the arena sound system. More notably, Lezard's ears were filled with earplugs, and Ghaleon was filled with rage. At last, the two mages settled down into their fight. As expected, both took it upon themselves to prepare their defenses before their offenses. Lezard put up his Reflect Magic, and Ghaleon his Chaos Shield. What followed was an event that no one could have forseen. Lezard actually started running towards Ghaleon, as if surrendering in a blaze of glory. Smirking, Ghaleon took out his sword and waited for the foolish Lezard to impale himself. At the last minute, however, Lezard jumped to the side, and basically thrust a Prismatic Missile straight through the Chaos Shield to inflict pain upon the Magic Emperor. This did not come without it's price, though. Ghaleon's Sword cut a deep strike into the Flenceburg mage, knocking him to the ground. Ghaleon lifted his sword for the final blow, but Lezard knocked him back with a desperate Mystic Cross. Ghaleon was actually surprised. This pathetic young fool had actually managed to greveously wound him! In a rage, Ghaleon furiously began whipping up a double Fate Storm, forgetting that Reflect Sorcery was still in effect. After the smoke cleared, all that could be heard over the repeated annoying crying of Nash was the mad cackling of Godlike Champion Lezard. Lezard: 170 Ghaleon: 152 Ghaleon casts Hell Wave. "Hahahahaha, nice try!" Lezard yells, as he casts a spell...that flutters out in a purple flash. "Time to die." The Magic Emperor bellowed as he sent another Hell Wave Lezard's way. Boy was he suprised when he found out that Lezard had cast Reflect Spell, and while Ghaleon was getting pummeled, Lezard finished him off with an uber powered Mystic Cross. The fans were shocked. The Magic Emporer had lost in a magic duel! They had never EVER thought Lezard would win. "Hahahaha, how was that, Lady Valkyrie?" Wow...after many seasons of waiting, a Godlike championship that truly deserves its name. Two extraordinaryly powerful mages. Ghaleon has the edge in both physical and magical power, while Lezard has summoning, animation, and a reflect spell. Truly too close to call. I vote for Lezard simply because I think anyone with the grapefruits to hit on Valkyrie should get a championship. Lezard, wanting to impress Valkyrie with VP's first Godlike championship belonging to him, promptly uses his Reflect Magic spell in order to remove Ghaleon's spell casting abilities from play. Ghaleon, an accomplished swordsman, merely ignores this as he pulls out his sword and lays into the defensively weak Lezard. Only to have him promptly teleport out of the way and proceed to summon two Dragon-Tooth Warriors. The two Warriors proved to be no match for Ghaleon, but upon trying to engage Lezard again, he found that the impulsive necromancer merely repeated the same technique again. Realising his disadvantage, Ghaleon decided to switch tactics and went on the defensive knowing that Lezard's Reflect Magic wore off sooner or later, and that he was only allowed two minions at a time. So, he promptly cast Chaos Shield and took a defensive posture. At this point, Lezard followed through with a Celestial Star, shattering the Shield in the first blow, and shattering Ghaleon with the rest. And proving once and for all, that two spells are worse than one that hits seven times. Ashley Winchester vs Grahf Even after transforming into Knightblazer, Ashley was having great difficulty containing the Seeker of Power. Grahf's very punches were doing more damage than most sophisticated weapons had done before. Knightblazer was connecting with Mad Luceid after Mad Luceid, but to no avail. Finally, he collapsed in the middle of the ring. "Anastasia... I'm sorry. I just can't win this..." "You have the power within you. Use it." came a small reply from within himself. "Anastasia? Is that you?" "No. That would be silly. I'm your plot contrivance. I'm here to convince you to use an attack that would otherwise nearly kill you in order for you to earn a victory." "Oh. All right then." replied Knightblazer. "Last Burst!" The blast struck right as Grahf was hurtling towards Ashley for the final blow. When it finished, Grahf was still hurtling, only this time, it was three miles from the arena. Laid out on the ground, unconscious, Ashley never heard his name being cried as the victor. Ashley: 173 Grahf: 162 By some chance of fate, Ashley got the first strike. He was only at level 50, so his FP only started out at 50. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough FP to turn into Blazer yet, so he whipped out his Rising Nova ARM. He ran at Grahf and used the Slash-Shoot combo on him. The force of it was enough to send him back about three inches. Grahf, annoyed, grabbed Winchester by the throat and blasted him into the wall of the arena with his dark chi powers. "Dost thou seekth the power?" He mocked, looking over Ashley. Ashley looked up, his face bleeding from the impact. "I don't need your power... Access!" Grahf was thrown back a few feet as large amounts of energy surrounded Ashley. Lord Blazer stood up, cackling. Grahf threw a punch at Lord Blazer's armor, hoping for it to be enough to send him back into the wall. Lord Blazer hardly moved. The force of the punch gave him just enough FP to use Mad Lucied on Grahf. however. Blazer swung the two blades through Grahf, and after a small pause, Grahf fell into the four pieces Blazer had cut him into. "Huh! Some seeker of power you are...." Ashly is very powerful. Knightblazer is obscenly powerful. Grahf is obscenly powerful and smart to boot. Go Grahf. as big a fan of grahf i am i have to admit this match would not be a walk in the park, even for the great Seeker of Power..... Even if Ashley does manage to turn into Knightblazer its still gonna be a eral close match...maybe even too close to call....but i think Grahf's Super Guided Shot and awesome deahtblows should see him through to the heavy championship Ashley walked into the arena, certain that his Knightblazer skillz would overcome The Seeker of Power. That was, until Grahf knocked a little sense into his head, and his head off his shoulders... Grahf is the 'Seeker of Power.' Knightblazer, on the other hand, already has power. Taya vs Cecelia Adelhyde "I've got this match in the bag! You may have stronger magic, but I can heal!" cried Cecelia. "Can you heal without MP?" asked Taya. "No." replied Cecilia, stunned. Taya raised the Indra Staff, capable of sucking up her opponent's MP. "What a pity." "D'oh!" exclaimed Cecelia. "No, no. It's Dao." said Taya, as her Dao summon took care of the powerful princess. Taya: 155 Cecelia: 138 Taya and Cecelia entered the arena to millions of dumb blonde jokes. Taya looked across the arena floor to see Cecelia smiling, and asked, "What's so funny? You know I am far more powerful then you!" Cecelia laughed, "Yes. But, when my force gauge gets high enough, you're in some trouble." Taya smiled her sweet, innocent smile, "But, what if I destroy you before you have the chance to use your Hi-Cast?" Cecelia giggled, "How? You're far too slow, and your summons aren't quite strong enough to finish me in one blow." Taya covered her mouth with her hand while she laughed quietly, "Like this." Taya summoned Apollo, Neptune, and Atlas before Cecelia could react to use Hi-Cast. Cecelia lay stunned and bloody on the arena floor and managed to mutter out a,"But..." Taya smiled, showing her the speed ring equipped on her left hand. Taya entered the arena yawning, because she was tired. In the stands her Shining Force comrades cheered her on shouting "Win this series a championship!" Cecelia entered feeling overconfident, knowing that taya was physically weak. Suddenly Taya did a ninja style flip and cut Cecelia in half. Apparently a ROM glitch had switched Taya with Slade the ninja and her protect staff with the highly godlike gisarme. Taya chuckled and left saying once loud and proud "Cut off!" Jelanda Artolia vs Llewelyn "Why do you bother even trying? Granted, it's an honour to face me, or course, but..." Jelanda droned on. "Shut up! All I've had to hear from your mouth is , 'Oh, I'm so great. You're so pathetic. Fix me a drink, servant boy.', and I'm sick of it!" replied Llewelyn. "We'll see who's the better of us, right now!" "Well I never!" replied a shocked Jelanda, but she wasn't too shocked to launce a Fire Lance right at the little archer. As Llew ran around the arena in pain, Freya turned again to Lenneth. "You mean you still didn't?" "He seemed to be doing well enough on his own." replied Valkyrie. As the flames moved to his quiver, Llewelyn got an idea. Dipping a large amount of his arrows into the fire, he began launching flaming arrows at Jelanda. As the first struck her hair, she began to panic. "Get it out, get it out!" she screamed, as she rushed out to find a bucket of water to dampen her now fiery hair. By ringout, Llewelyn is declared the winner. Jelanda: 161 Llewelyn: 169 Hmm, I can think of reasons why both Llewelyn and Jelanda are capable of winning, but I'll go with Jelanda. Layer Storm is only likely to hit 4 times against the diminutive princess. Jelanda will destroy Lilly. He simply can't match Jelanda's powerful magic. His PWS is his only redeeming factor, and since Jelanda is such a small target, it will be less effective. Given the low defence and HP of mages, even VP mages, Llewelyn will have no problem finishing off Jelanda while she's charging her spell. It's just a shame for him that VP mages charge their spells after they're cast. Battle of the Over-Populated Sequels Luca Blight was outraged at not being included in the Suikoden 2 vs. Crono Cross. He charged into the arena and massacred both sides, leaving only himself standing. The ref stared at him for a moment, and then came to the conclusion that since he was a Suikoden 2 character that Suikoden 2 had won. Suikoden II: 187 Chrono Cross: 153 What a fight. Suikoden 2 vs. Chrono Cross. I personally think that Suikoden's guys are tougher (for the most part). They might not have as many "skills", but taken from an imaginative point of view, without too much emphasis on "ultimate spells" (even though if you considered ultimate spells, Suikoden 2 runes are pretty powerful), most of the characters in Suikoden 2 are much more skilled (as in trained) in their respective fighting art. Chrono Cross is more a ragtag bunch of guys. That being said, the thing that would give the Suikoden 2 team the most trouble would be Time Devourer. But, regardless, when it comes down to it, there's something that the 108 stars (subtracting non fighting characters of course) of Suikoden 2 have that the Chrono Cross team does not...The ability to work as a team. Lesee, Suikoden 2. Number of True Runes: 4 -Hero, Bright shield to heal everyone. -Sierra, Blue Moon to keep every one turning them into vampires.... -Victor, Star Dragon Sword to blast through some poor fluff characters and at least one or two good fighters. -Luc, True Wind Rune to blow the competition out the window. Fantastic Characters: 12 -Luc: Wind Power -Vitor: SDS -Flick: Wicked Lightning, gets all the ladies -Hero: Bright Shield HO! -Pesmerga: Identity? He don’t need no stinking identity! -Rina: Fry ya with her magic she will -Mazus: He MADE an area called the Badlands, ok. -Georg Prime: helluva swordsman -Mondo, Satsuki, Kasumi: Cant beat the ninja. -Clive: A gun that thinks, who wudda thunk it. Advantages: 4 -Expert strategy, I mean come on! What games uses war strategy better than Suikoden? There are only a few leaders with fighting skills though. -Well Equiped, They have a whole country of resources and a castle of smiths and shops to rely on. -Numbers, Mr. Jack Power did a good job evening out raw power, but it is the last one standing yes? -Fate, Fate(not FATE) seems to favor the suikoden characters, not so much the Chrono Cross ones... Disadvantages: 4 -Quality, The average CC character is better than the average suikoden character. From Hai Yo to Meg to Hoi there are a whole lotta worthless characters out there. -Viki, When you add the power of a small army to the intelligence of a 3 year old, bad things can happen.(think summoning angry hell fiends) -Lack of strategists on the battlefield, looks like they're on there own once the battle starts. Shu would do them good. -Techs, Not all the suikoden characters come with good runes or anything good for that matter. -Enemies, Neclord, Yuber, Leon Silverburg just to name a few. Every war has two sides, and the losing side may just be willing to leak a few secrets to Chrono Cross team. Chrono Cross: Uber Weapons: 3 -Serge: Mastermune can rip through just about anything -Glen: Double Elanzer, one was enough -Viper: Viper's Venom, a great sword Fantastic Characters: 9 -Serge: The Hero, and light magic user/fighter extraordinaire. -Lynx; Like Serge, only dark -Glen: See above -Mojo: Luuuuucky Dan! -Guile: Not Magus, sure.... -Dario: White light plus nasty swords. -Miguel: Master light attack Mage -FATE: Nice, powerful boss worth a good 2 strong characters. -Time Devourer: IT EATS TIME! Advantages: 2 -Quality, Every Character comes with 3 decent techs and elements. (Sprig gets to turn into monsters instead) and all the characters are at least 'useable'. -Bosses: Having FATE and Time Devourer there will help things, and the suikoden cast is missing Luca, Joey and Mcdohl. Probably 3 of their strongest. Disadvantages: 4 -Numbers, They do have less... -Disorganized, throws a whole new meaning to the phrase 'rag tag bunch of hooligans'. And at least all the suikoden characters come from the same world. -Kidd, merely hearing her voice can send an opposing army into a berserker rage. -Resources, There is only so much a single adventuring party can buy. Not everyone will have prism weapons and armor and top of the line elements. Things I see happening: -Niki confuses Flick long enough for Grobyc to slice him to pieces with his hair. Nina, who has by now gone off the deep end, then takes a good belt to our friend the cyborg. Simone and Vincent take care of Niki. -Yasunori Mitsuda(CC) and Miki Higashino(Suiko2) throw down over who writes the best game music scores. -Millie's Napoleon eats Pip alive! -Shiro runs off with pieces of Skelly. -COOKING BATTLE! Hai Yo vs. Leena. Hai Yo wins if they actually cook, otherwise Lenna beats him to death with a spoon. -Viki accidentally summons Lavos, to everyone’s relief only Kidd is brutally massacred before the portal closes. -Before the fight Ashton(Star Ocean 2) runs off with Gadget. Poor, poor Gadget. -Doc and Tuta bring medicine to a new low. -Futch tries to tame Razzly. We miss Futch. Who Wins: The CC fighters rush out to what seems like a bunch of second rate stars of destiny. Then come the arrows, Stallion, Lo Wen, Clive, Ellie, Kinnison and Ayla put on a good show and take out a good few. Soon enough the front lines are ripped apart by FATE, Time devourer and the rest. They break the line only to face Luc, Mazus, Rina, Sierra and Viki. That thins things out a bit. Serge Lynx Dario Time Devourer and about 5 others are still standing. The Suikoden forces regroup for healing as the CC magic users see that they're missing the battle and begin to run to the front for support. Ninjas, Archers and Winglies make sure not many make it there. At last it seems the CC band is breaking through, the suikoden mages have run out of spells, the healers are sans mega medicine and the starting fighters have dwindled to a precious few. With her last ounce of strength Viki uses the gate rune. The Hero along with Flick, Victor, Humphrey, Georg and Pesmerga emerge. White shield goes up, all are healed, and Serge finds himself in far over his little blue head. Shu and Leknaat give each other a high five. Coming into the fray with a real plan Serge steps forward and in hero like fashion greets his oponent before the fight is to really begin.with a silent nod Serge walks back as does the unamed Hero. When the battle begins Serge uses turn white on his preplanned target, the mostly dumb baby Bolgan. Expecting the Hero to start things off with a use of the Bright Shield Rune Serge is not disapointed Healing a few of the warriors indured in the begining of the clash. With that Riddel knowing the Plan Recovers All a group of Melee'ers around her and Gives Serge the signal that all is set. Seeing the signal Serge gets the gumption to yell Miguel Dragon Sword now!!! The entire battle field pauses Doc who was fighting near Serge quips "Dude! Miguel in the Hospital after his Playoff match sorry.....Dude" With a current all white Field the Hero use the Foregiver Sign and blasts away the entire opposing army. after waking up in a body cast Serge thinks to himself "and thats why i should keep my mouth shut" Suikoden II characters are just more useful than Chrono Cross characters. Most of the characters in both games are really weak, but I give it to the Suikoden characters because of powerhouses like Flik, Viktor, and Pahn. Chrono Cross has a few powerful characters, but not enough to hold the line. Didn't the Suiko people get an entire ARMY? I don't care if you do have FATE and the Time Devourer, we can have the PCs swarm the two of them and the army will scrag the Chrono Cross PCs. Too bad Team Suikoden doesn't have Luca Blight, he alone could take out most of the Chrono Cross cast. But even without him Team Suikoden can still win this match with little difficulty. After a lengthy Strategy Session with Shu and the rest of the Alliance strategists, Riou led forth his Stars of Destiny to the spot Shu had picked as the best place for them to set up their HP. Once there they promptly set up all the amenities of home including, the Blinking Mirror, Leona's Pub, Tetsu's Baths, the Meeting Room, Templeton's Maps and, of course, the Suggestion Box. The CC group, on the other hand, took possession of the best seaside position as determined by FATE and proceeded to set up their equipment, a small fleet of boats and their flying boat. The Alliance Army then proceeded to complete their set up. Riou quickly took a party of his own to face off against FATE, Luc and Mazus went off to challenge the Time Devourerer. Georg, Humphrey, and General Hauser, being the three strongest remaining strategists, stayed behind in HQ in order to coordinate the battle, while Viki also stayed behind in order to guard the Blinking Mirror and to provide transporation for the Alliance Forces. Sheena and Zamza were promptly gotten out of the way by being told they had the important job of protecting Viki. Zamza, caught on the importance, and Sheena, caught on Viki. Thus, their two weakest points were promptly covered. A transport/healing/messanger team of Tuta (with his Medicine Rune the perfect healer as he can never run out of charges) and Stallion for his speed. Give them the other half of the Blinking Mirror and they'll be able to relay messages, news, and pick up teams which need to be repositioned quickly. An aerial unit of Feather, Sid, and Chaco would also be formed, meant to harrass from above and take out CC's flying ship. Toss in one strike unit consisting, likely, of the Ninja's to attempt to take out Viper and the CC HQ. With that organisation, then all Suikoden will have to do is attempt to keep their plan somewhat intact while harrying the CC forces. If they can do that, and maintain their superior infrastructure, then they can probably win the day even with CC being allowed their elements. "There's no way that we're all going to fit in there." remarked Vincent. "Don't worry. The arena designers are going to put up walls around the arena so that no one falls out accidentally. Besides, team Chrono Cross was nice enough to let us get set up first!" replied Tsai. The reason for that became quite apparant. The arena had not been expanded from the previous matches, and the Suikoden team was packed so tightly into the arena that they couldn't move. "Erk... how are we expected to fight like this?" groaned Gengen. "The answer to that is quite simple: You aren't expected to do a thing." said Lynx from atop one of the platforms jutting out from the top of the arena walls. "May we introduce you to the arena designer for this match." said Glenn, pointing at a beaming Lucca Ashtear. "But this isn't fair!" moaned Nanami as the destruction rained down upon the hapless Team Suikoden II. "Neither is life... or death, in your case." mused Dario. Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.