Eight lucky Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Claude Kenni vs Lezard Valeth neoelfboy@hotmail.com: The real question here is whether Claude can survive a single Valeth-strength Prismatic Missile. The answer determines whether Lezard uses that spell to one-hit kill Mr. Kenni, or uses Shield Critical to shut off all of Claude's techniques first. Claude: 146 Lezard: 168 shibakev@earthlink.net Lezard blocks Claude from advancing forward by summoning a Dragon-Tooth Warrior. "This won't stop me long, Valeth!" yells Claude as he mirror-slices the beast. "I'm coming for you!" Lezard shrugs and summons another Warrior. Claude again dispatches it quickly. This cycle repeats for some time before Claude finally breaks through to Lezard. "Ha! Mirror Slice!" Claude lays into Valeth with fury. Imgaine his surprise when Lezard is barely scratched. Lezard just laughs and blows Claude away with a Meteor Swarm. "Silly Claude, each of those Dragon-Tooth Warriors you killed doubled my hitpoints. Your most powerful technique is a mere tickle to me now." Jeff1089@mail.com Lets see, Claude Vs Lezard...Well, if Lezard uses one of those Über ultra-powerful godlike mega spells with one of those magic amplifying staves...he's quite toast. While he's chanting the spell to send Celestial Star or Cosmic Spear or something at Claude...Claude simply Mirror Slices or slashes once with his Eternal Sphere and Lezard is down. If, however, Lezard casts a normal spell, he MAY win, if Claude doesn't use Body Control. If he manages to, Lezard can't cast for quite a bit and that familiar doesn't do much damage. Therefore, Claude wins. Period. Ruskie_Keroppi@hotmail.com While Claude can't make up his mind about saying Claude or Crawd when he wins, Lezard casts Prismatic Missile. "Did you like that Lady Valkyire!? Ahahahahahaha!" DragoonJay@excite.com "I'm not afraid of you," said the plucky ensign. "I've beaten you before and I can do it again." "So, you're not afraid?" Lezard asked. "Not a chance." "That's a real pity, for you should be." Lezard lifted one hand and began casting the first in a long line of Prismatic Missiles. "Or rather,", he amended, "you should have been." loafmcloaf@hotmail.com Claude took a cautious step into the arena knowing full well that if he revealed himself to Lezard that he was as good as dead. The Arena had been set up like a strange ruins of a hedge maze, crumbling stonewalls and twisting passages every where he looked. He knew he could use this to his advantage, as long as he got close enough before Lezard to attack before the necromancer got time to cast a spell he had a chance albeit a small one. Claude unsheathed his sword and crept down the nearest passage ears straining for the slightest sound. He had only gone halfway down the first hall when a huge nightmarish creature smashed through the wall to his right and without slowing swung a massive claw at him. It whistled through the air, cleaving the space where his head had been moments earlier. The Eternal Sphere swung round in a vicious arc smashing the front half of the creature’s rib cage away. This allowed Claude a fleeting glance at the thing. It was huge with a strange body that was made up of what looked to be bones, although it looked strangely draconic in nature. Not a stranger to powerful monsters Claude kept his wits about him as he back stepped under a horizontal slash that would have cut him in two. Lezard had obviously summoned it. This was not good Claude realised. The sound of the fighting was obviously loud enough to hear through out the whole arena and Lezard could easily be preparing an attack that would catch him. He had to deal with the dragon zombie and quick if he had any hopes for survival. Suddenly it sprang towards him its jaws open in a silent scream and its massive claws outstretched ready to spill his insides onto the floor. “Mirror Slice” Claude screamed as he dodged the attack and let loose with his own attack. The dragon zombie went down under Claude’s powerful blows as he hit it again and again. His breath was ragged and he had a huge gash along his ribs where the claws of the thing had opened him up. Claude took no breaks and began looking around, trying to discern where the creature had originated from so he could track down Lezard. He took a look through the hole that the zombie had emerged from just in time to see two more making their way to him. Claude knew at once he could not take two of them on at once. His only chance was to kill Lezard. Claude ran down the path to his right hearing the dragon zombies following him. He sprinted down the hall in his desperate search for Lezard only to hit a dead end. He had been sure this was the direction the creature had come from. A cold feeling of dread washed over him as he turned to face the onslaught if the pair of dragon zombies closing in on him. As Claude backed himself against the wall he heard a faint chant coming through the stones, he could hear Lezard chanting his spell of summoning. He was right behind the wall; all that separated them was 1 foot of stone. Claude knew he only had one chance. He pulled on the energy deep inside of him and launched himself in the air. “Headsplitter” he cried out as he flew down at the astonished Lezard, Eternal Sphere aimed right between the necromancers eyes. The sound of the crowds roar filled the Arena. Claude was only said to comment “That was around 80 points.” Ramirez vs Dario cloudfft78@hotmail.com: Although Dario is a great character....he belongs in heavy, with the rest of the trash.(Kahran Ramsus) This will be the second match in a row where Ramirez sends someone down to heavy where they belong. Silver Nightmare+Silver Eclipse= Dario hurtling back to heavy He doesn't have such a high rating for nothing folks. People need to buy a copy of Skies of Arcadia. Ramirez: 151 Dario: 112 MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org If Galcian were around to give his second in command tactical advice, then Ramirez would have this one in the bag. Unfortunately, Ramirez is likely to attack so formidable an opponent with his best skills, most of which are magical. And Dario really only needs one or two magic counters to tip the fight in his favor. Anastasia Valeria vs Genevieve MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Anastasia sighed. "I wish I wouldn't keep winning," she told Lucied. "Well, that is, it's no so much that I'd like to *lose*. Especially not to a villain. But at the same time, I really don't want to keep fighting." Lucied, having heard it all before, just rolled his eyes. "Some Guardian of Desire *you* are," Anastasia said, feeling a wave of Deja Vu. Meanwhile, Genevieve, who had already taken stock of her opponent, was unconcerned. She was rather more concerned about buttering up Ghaleon - no more reason to bother with a silly silent hero than there was with a modestly-dressed heroine. "So tell me, Magic Emperor," she said, leaning over the table, "is it true that many consider you one of the sexiest men alive?" "Yes," Ghaleon said. "But in all honesty, I've had my fill of evil witches. I am more interested in noble goddesses." "Hmph," muttered Genevieve under her breath. Quickly, she transformed into the spitting imagine of Lenneth Valkyrie. "So tell me, Magic Emperor," she repeated, now in Lenneth's voice, "is it true that many consider you one of the sexiest men alive?" Ghaleon sighed. "Alright, make that one particular noble goddess. Lezard is the one obsessed with Lenneth." Genevieve had already known that, but she was glad for the corroboration. It might prove useful. At the moment, though, she transformed again, this time taking the form of the Goddess Althena. "Ghaleon," she whispered, "I've wanted to tell you this for so long..." Just then, she heard the Arena buzzer ringing. "Oh, *hell*," Genevieve snapped, in a most unladylike manner. She promptly dissapeared. "I wonder if that shameless hussy knew that was the *second* buzzer," Ghaleon wondered aloud, grinning. As if he would fall for such petty tricks, anyway. Although... her impression of Althena was really quite good. Perhaps, since she'd already lost... what would be the harm? Meanwhile, in the Arena proper, Anastasia had won simply by sitting patiently with her hands folded in a demure fashion and not doing anything reprehensible, like trying to seduce her future opponents. "Now that's *my* idea of striking a blow for goodness," she declared. Anastasia: 175 Genevieve: 137 Ghaleon vs Crono QuietCannon@Yahoo.com: Both veteran fighters entered the arena with very determined looks on their faces yet not showing any signs of overconfidence. As the match began, Crono began a quick assault with his sword techs against the magician, although Ghaleon was very skilled with a sword and was able to deflect most of the attacks. Ghaleon then began his assault with a doublecast combo of Inferno and Nitro Dagger. Crono took the full force of the fire and ice attacks, but wasn’t going to go down so easily. He then stepped back and began casting his Luminaire attack. The attack hardly inflicted any damage to Ghaleon, who then saw an opening to finish this match. Before Crono could get back into a defensive position, Ghaleon lifted his hand and fired a Hell Wave beam directly at his opponent, “Time to die”. Ghaleon thought he saw an odd flash of light right before the beam hit him, but that didn’t matter as the beam passed through Crono and reduced him to dust. Satisfied by his victory, Ghaleon turned around and began to leave the arena only to find himself face to face with….. Crono. Crono was able to get Ghaleon off guard and hit him with a Confuse tech that hit Ghaleon repeatedly with critical attacks. This caused an incredible amount of damage to Ghaleon. Though the attack didn’t inflict a status effect, Ghaleon was starting to feel confused as to what was going on. He looked back and saw that the pile of dust where he had incinerated his opponent was still there, yet he still stood here. Crono then began to charge forward ready to hit his stunned opponent with another Confuse tech that would end this match. Realization of what was happening suddenly hit Ghaleon just before Crono could strike “I see”. Crono’s sword came down and found nothing. Ghaleon knew that he wouldn’t be able to deflect or dodge the attack, so instead, he teleported from where he stood to directly behind his opponent. Ghaleon then lifted his sword and pierced it into the back of his opponent. The sword passed through Crono’s back and impaled through his chest. The Silent Death fell to the ground unable to continue. From the stands, Marle watched in horror as she pleaded with Lucca, “Can’t you help him out again?” Lucca couldn’t do anything else to help her friend, “Sorry, but there was only one Crono doll to substitute him with, and Ghaleon already destroyed it.” Ghaleon: 227 Crono: 122 nemoincognito@hotmail.com Hum.... it's matches like this that really show why Crono is outclassed in Godlike. Ghaleon's double attacks and doublecast can equal the damage done by Crono's frequent critical strikes and he has the advantage of being able to use four elements of magic instead of just one. Oh, and boss-level HP. If they stalemate each other in damage dealing Crono goes down first anyway. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Ghaleon: Hey cloudfft78, the last time I faced Crono, you wrote the story right? Cloudfft78: I beleive I did Magic Emperor. Ghaleon: That is good peon, you can tell the great folks what happened this time too. Cloudfft78: Yes, my Lord. Ghaleon: Listen up people, cloudfft78 is my new apprentice. Cloudfft78: Wow!! Thanks my Lord. That means I can finally destroy the world!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Ghaleon: *strikes Cloudfft78 with lightning* Hurry up already! Cloudfft78: Right away Lord. I hate when he does that. Cloudfft78: This is how it went down folks. You know Ghaleon dominates sword wielders. Crono gave it his all, but wasn't even strong enough to break through Ghaleon's barrier. You know Ghaleon is basically magic resistant...so Crono's spells had no effect. Crono charged in to do his Luminaire but Ghaleon stopped him in his tracks with a Fate Storm. He then casted Hell Wave while saying his famous quote "Time to Die." He left the arena dissapointed as usual cause it wasn't even a close match. Thats all folks. Ghaleon: Good job messenger boy. *strikes cloudfft78 with another lightning bolt* Cloudfft78: I hope I learn how to do that cause it sure hurts. tuahan@aol.com Crono isn't allowed to have any of his party members help him out with combo moves and supporting items, which puts him at a disadvantage. But, to balance it off, Ghaleon isn't allowed to channel power from the godess Athena like he did in LSSC. Crono and Ghaleon have equal max hit points, and we all know that a lucky Luminaire or a well-placed Confuse can beat any two of Ghaleon's suprisingly unvaried spells. The_Deadpool2000@hotmail.com Ghaleon and Crono stared at each other for a few seconds then charged. Sword met Sword, Magic met Magic, and when the smoke cleared the two combatants stood panting in a large crater that was once the arena. "Enough of this" snarled Ghaleon, and with a single gesture he yelled "Chaos Shield". As if on cue, Crono counters the Shield with a Confuse, dealing the 1000 dmg in the first two hits and damaging Ghaleon with the rest. From there he proceeded to charge at Ghaleon, trying to keep him off balance but Ghaleon gave it back as good as he got. Yet another round of magic and sword mayhem and the two combatants are still at a stand still. Ghaleon raises his arm "It's over boy, this battle ends here... Fate Sw--" Ghaleon's words were interrupted by the Rainbow Katana sticking out of his stomach. "You..." Ghaleon spoke, gasping for breath "Are faster... Than I thought..." And the mage falls to the ground. Crono walks up to his opponents dead body, face full of guilt at the strategy he was forced to take to save his own life. "..." "..." "I..." he ventured, "I'm sorry" Crono finally said as he turned his back on his sword and fallen opponent and solemnly walked away from the arena. youkairyuu@comcast.net Crono starts the fight with a quick Luminaire spell. Ghaleon shrugs off the massively minor damage, then gives Crono a taste of his own power, Hell Wave and Worm Crush style. Bart Fatima vs Ashley Winchester DragoonJay@excite.com: "How did you lose that eye?" asked Ashley. "It was an accident." said Bart, not wanting to talk about it. "Would you like to keep the other one?" "Yes!" said Bart, puzzled. "Then I suggest you leave." concluded Knightblazer. Bart thought it over, and came to a rational conclusion. He left. Bart: 134 Ashley: 155 wyrmspirit@hotmail.com Unfortunately for Ashley, a broken neck was a broken neck "frag!" came Barts cry at the beggining of the match, and one horrid crunch later, and without hp to save him in the Rpgp, it proved a painful end to his aspirations. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Here is the 5 reasons why Bart should win 1. His deathblows would pound Ashley into the ground. 2. His is more agile and has a great evasion rate 3. He is a freakin sand pirate(coolness factor) 4. He has a sweet ass ride(gear) 5. He is of Royal Blood The one reason why Bart will not win 1. Can anyone say......LORD BLAZER!!! MrBucket2525@hotmail.com Bart walked into the arena, confident he would easily outlast his opponent. Using his ether techniques, he was sure he could keep Ashely from hitting him. Sure enough, Ashely was having trouble striking his opponent. However, when Ashely went into condition green, lost his bad status conditions, and then transformed into the Demon/Holy Night Knightblazer, Bart had a sufficently harder time defending himself. Edgar Roni Figaro vs Rose MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Edgar began the match by complimenting Rose on her unique mismatched boots. "A lovely style, my dear," he said, smiling in a most charming fashion. "You simply *must* give me the name of your tailor." "That," Rose said, "you do not need to know." Edgar raised an eyebrow. "Very well, then. I suppose 'make love, not war' doesn't cut it here?" "Of course." The battle was fierce and swift. Edgar's Tools quickly did their devastating work, statusing Rose into submission. At the same time, the King of Figaro was himself quite put out by the deadly addition attacks she launched. The contest began to wind down as the confused, blinded Rose stumbled to her knees. She was just able to make out Edgar's rapier at her chest. "There is a shortage of perfect breasts in the world," Edgar quoted - rather inaccurately, considering the dearth of imperfect ones, at least among party members - "It would be a shame to damage yours. Now, what will it be? Dinner, tailor, or a rather more painful defeat?" Rose gritted her teeth. Dinner was out of the question - she was already involved with Zeik. But so too was giving the name of her clothier. It just wouldn't do to let the world know the 'Black Monster' did her own makeup, styling and tailoring. At last she settled on "Painful defeat." "Can't oblige, I'm afraid," Edgar said. "Besides, you've already lost." An Esuna later, Rose discovered she'd stumbled outside the Arena boundary for a ring-out. Edgar: 155 Rose: 118 DragoonJay@excite.com "Edgar's screwed, isn't he?" asked Sabin after getting back from the popcorn stand. "I'm not sure." said Locke. "He said he had a secret plan to win this match." Calmly, the King of Figaro entered the ring, and without even looking at his opponent, took out the Flash and turned it on himself. "What's that idiot doing? Now he won't be able to see Rose." said Sabin. "I think that was the point, Sabin." said Locke. "Of course, that means that he can't see where he's going, can he." said Sabin dryly. "Judging by the fact that he just walked out of the ring, swishing his sword, I'd have to agree." replied Locke. "Boy, I'd hate to be in the front row right now. It's a good thing that they save the front row for the really hated characters so that they're the ones that get hit in cases like this." "Sabin?" "Yes, Locke?" "You are sitting in the front row. And Edgar's heading towards the sound of your voice." said Locke who was quickly putting distance between the two of them. All Sabin could say was, "Aw spoon." before... SLICE! Miguel vs Canopus Wolff SinEidolon@Varethco.com: Canopus' mad flying skillz are impressive, and he's got a great spear technique. But Miguel is a bespectacled swordsman! His daughter is learning cooking from Yui (see RPGI). It's hard to believe Miguel hasn't picked up a few pointers from Citan. And that is way more than Canopus can handle. Miguel: 146 Canopus: 105 Celes Chere vs Grahf MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: One, the five hundred year old Seeker of Power, with nearly the full power of the Contact and centuries to hone it to a brutal knife-edge of gear-destroying, bone-breaking force. The other, an eighteen year old girl wearing what appears to be a bathing suit, high-heeled boots and a white cape. "Are you certain you are not an opera floozy?" Grahf demanded, thinking that he'd never imagined a military uniform less practical than that of Solaris. The part of him that was still a moody artist couldn't help but think the colors clashed, too. "How dare you!" cried Celes, raising her sword and calling down a mighty Ice 3 attack. "You'll think differently in the face of my magitech power! Beneath his mask, Grahf blinked. So... this was the power that had bested the doublecasting woman last week, eh? Somehow, he wasn't impressed. "Your power is fake," Grahf said, raising his hand in preparation for his speech. "Do you think you can win?" Celes pondered this. "Actually... no," she said. Grahf shrugged and pointed to the exit. And, proving that tactically if not fashionably she could live up to her military rank, she withdrew from the battlefield. Celes: 129 Grahf: 210 nemoincognito@hotmail.com Celes' fight plan involved keeping her distance and wearing down Grahf with a magical barrage, healing when necessary. Unfortunately, as Celes promptly discovered, it is not possible to make your body cast spells when your head is separated from it and flying across the arena, as was the effect of Grahf's first thunderous uppercut. cloudfft78@hotmail.com Celes walked calmly over to Grahf. "What is this girl thinking?", wondered Grahf. Celes walked up to Grahf and handed him a paper towel. "You have a booger hanging from your nose" said a smiling Celes. "You impudent fool, that will cost you dearly!!" yelled Grahf. It wasn't Celes's fault she didn't know thats how Grahf was supposed to look like. She payed with a couple of well placed deathblows. "I need to get a new mask." thought Grahf as he left the arena. youkairyuu@comcast.net Thank you Celes for clearing out the overrated Lulu. Unfortunatly you are against Grahf.....don't take it personally. loafmcloaf@hotmail.com Celes knew she was outclassed. Grahf the seeker of power stood looking at her with nothing but disgust. Celes accepted the fact that her opponent was stronger but knew it wasn’t always the strongest that won. “Time for you to die, woman.” Grahf announced as he charged straight at Celes. “We shall see.” Celes returned as she in turn advanced at the running figure. Celes brought her sword through a series of dizzying attacks and Grahf met her every step of the way. His armoured gauntlets deflecting every attack she threw at him. How could anyone be that fast? Celes thought to herself. His attacks came from everywhere. It was all she could do to keep his perfectly executed punches and kicks from striking her. She pulled out every trick from her military training and some she’d acquired from other methods. Still she could do nothing as Grahf pushed her back. Suddenly Grahf stopped attacking. Celes edged back wary. Grahf appeared to be oblivious to her and then yelled “Ryujin”. Celes didn’t have time to think. Blows battered her quicker than the eye could see. She felt some of her ribs break. A punch to the head sent her reeling and she blacked out momentarily. She opened her eyes and felt nothing but pain throughout her whole body. What the hell was that? She gazed around in time to see Grahf launch a blazing ball of light at her and scream out “Now Die!” She barely got her sword up in time to receive the blast. The blazing ball of energy seemed to melt into her sword. “What technique is this…?” Grahf spoke calmly. Celes didn’t answer. Instead she used the time to funnel the energy she absorbed to heal herself, praying Grahf would hold back long enough. “Cure!” Celes cried out. She felt her broken ribs nit together and her cuts and bruises heal. “That cant save you. Nothing can” Grahf gloated as he took a step towards her. She smiled to herself. Now he would pay. She knew she couldn’t hope to beat him with her sword but that did not stop her from using magic. “Ultima” Celes whispered as she directed her magic right at the Seeker of Power. Grahf looked right at her and then suddenly he disappeared behind a massive explosion that rocked the arena left a huge smoking crater where Grahf had been standing. Celes stood up to the roar of the crowd and bowed, ever the lady, as she took in her win. As the dust cleared from the arena she looked out on to the crowd amazed that she had survived… that was until she saw the silhouette standing in the centre of the crater. “Nice attack. But like I told you, nothing can save you” Grahf walked from the crater at a leisurely pace and approached the stunned Celes. “This time I won’t go easy on you” ………. Grahf leaves the arena as they are clearing the scorch marks off the arena floor that had been once known as Celes. neoelfboy@hotmail.com This was, for me, the hardest match to call this round. On the one hand, Grahf is capable of massive damage, though Celes' access to some good Shields will allow her to survive for longer than, say, Viktor would in the same situation. On the other hand, Celes possesses Pearl, which will likely do massive damage to Grahf, who always did seem like the dark type. In the end, I'd give it to Celes... with Haste, she is faster, and will just edge the Seeker of Power out. Nina Wyndia vs Fratley SimEidolon@Varethco.com: Nina can fly and cast many spells. Fratley can Jump and do Dragoon-style physical damage (and maybe even use Freya's specials...). Nina can't take the hits. Fratley can. Nina: 158 Fratley: 167 Darkavenger_ix@hotmail.com Nina's got skills from four different games and a wide variety of magic with which to keep flatly at bay so she'll win youkairyuu@comcast.net Fratley begins with a Jump, since thats all he obviously knows. Nina simply casts Typhoon just as he is about to hit her, flinging him well out of the arena. Deciding to add insult to injury, Nina follows up with the massively powerful Fireball spell. The Typhoon combos into a Gigaflare and Fratley is vaporized in seconds. DragoonJay@excite.com Blow after blow came whizzing by Nina's head, as she bobbed and darted in an attempt to wear down the relentless Dragoon. But Fratley just kept coming. Finally, Nina came up with a brainstorm. Taking flight, she rushed far out of the arena, seeming to prepare for a magic flurry. "Nina! You can't do that! He's a Dragoon!" screamed Katt as Fratley began his Jump. "I know." replied Nina softly. Fratley began his descent, spear at the ready. It was then that Nina began flying at Fratley. "That's it. The girl's lost it." exclaimed Bow. The two combatants met briefly in the air. Nina's years of experience at aerial tactics served her well as she dodged the spear thrust, grabbed Fratley by the shirt, and (with a sizable boost from gravity) threw Fratley down to the ground below. Coincidentally, it was ground that wasn't part of the official arena. "Hah! That'll teach you to battle with the master of the air! Gyahaha!" Nina chortled with glee. "..." said Ryu, as he slowly backed away. neoelfboy@hotmail.com Nina possesses a plethora of offensive and defensive spells accumulated from her many Breath of Fire appearances. Fratley possesses one ability: the Dragoon's trademark Jump. You know what they say: variety is the spice of staying alive. MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org Oh, Nina, I really hate to say this, but... Much of a wonderful person as you are... And such a lovely young lady, too, very proper... Not to mention those adorable expressions... Ah, what the heck. Fratley horribly tragically accidentally stabs himself in the brain while picking his teeth. Nina once again goes unharmed. Taya vs Tai-Ho DragoonJay@excite.com: "What's wrong with Taya?" asked Sarah, as she and Chester sat in attendance at the match. "She's had a cold for the past few days. I'm not sure if she's completely over it." "That's not good." said Slade, who had come to join them. "Remember when Kasin had that fever, and he tried to cast Blaze 4?" "Don't remind me. They're still trying to repair the damage done by those hurtling donuts." replied Sarah. "Wait, there she is!" Taya entered the arena with a loud sneeze, her opponent with a smirk. "You don't sound so good. Why don't you just leave now and get some rest?" offered Tai Ho. "Never, you scoundrel! I summon... Neptune!" said Taya. "Duck and cover! We have no idea what'll happen!" screamed Slade, while Sarah cowered behind her chair and Chester kept muttering, "The glaze is coming... the glaze is coming..." Rather than a downpour of destruction, or even a trickle, the arena sound system started up with a pecular music. "They call you Lady Luck, but there is room for doubt..." "I summoned Neptune, not Show Tune!" muttered Taya under her breath, until she saw that Tai Ho was singing and dancing along with the recording of Skye Masterson. As he wound his way through "Luck Be A Lady", he was quickly tiring, to the point where he collapsed at the conclusion. Taya shrugged. "Oh well. A win's a win." Luca Blight said it best. "That was the most distrubing thing I have ever seen." Taya: 147 Tai-Ho: 115 WickeDHugh@Hotmail.com Tai Ho sat, waiting for his bout with Taya. Having seen Taya's brutal destruction of Meredy, he was afraid. He didn't know what to do, to try and take her right away, or to wait for his chance to strike at the ever-powerful sorcerer. He flipped a coin to find out which he would do. Tai Ho and Meredy entered the arena, receiving cheers from the other underdeveloped characters, and boos from FFXs' and Xenogears' overdeveloped characters. Taya prepared to summon Apollo, wondering if Tai Ho would try to defeat her first, or survive/dodge the powerful attack. Either way, it didn't matter, and Tai Ho was left ravaged on the arena floor. Taya walked out with her sweet innocent smile on her face, and the sweet taste of upcoming middle champion on her lips. rurounikenshi@gmx.net A single summoning of Taya will atomize the Hoe. Elhaym van Houten vs Barret Wallace Cmdr_King@hotmail.com: However gruff he may seem, no one could say Barret wasnt a gentleman: "I ain gun'na hurt no purty lady like you wit'out given her a fightin' chance" For all her strengths, hurting someone, no matter her cause, wasnt one of them: "Maybe I could just short out his arm, and then he cant fight..." She cast Anemo Wave.. it failed. "I'll give you one more shot, lady" Its not that big, Elly thought, maybe I can use a weaker spell.. She cast Anemo Bolt, nothing happens. "Im sory, Lady, but i gotta.." He fires off a round, obviously hurting her... "Keep your Hands off Elly!" comes the well known voice of Fei Fong Wong "Hey, that ain legal!".. but he too was worried about Elly, and joined Fei at her side... and soon finds that its Fei whos wounded. "Wha you sho 'im wit my arm fo?" "Fine, i'll explain it to you. I am not, strictly speaking, Elly van Houten now... I am Miang. Since this arena bans Gears, none can stand against me... i mearly took advantage of your match to gain Elhaym's potential. Oh, and needless to say, i certainly have no need for you now." A few seconds later, she being the only one not in the flood of blood filling the arena, it was a bit obvious who had won. Elly: 190 Barret: 158 nemoincognito@hotmail.com Barret: *Fires Mindblow and destroys Elly's MP* Hah! Whaddaya think of THAT mage! Elly: Not much *uses Aqua Frost* QuietCannon@Yahoo.com With Barret’s obvious physical advantage, it seemed Elly would need a miracle in order to win this match. That’s why everyone was surprised when she came into the arena with a furious look of rage in her eyes and proceeded to blast her opponent with an ether attack that could have probably taken down some Godlike fighters. “Impressive” Citan commented. “I didn’t think she was capable of that strong an attack”, replied Billy. Fei just smiled as he looked at a nearly empty syringe of Drive. “And it’s all thanks to mind altering drugs.” (*Note* Don’t try this at home) It seemed like Elly was on her way to the Semi-Finals until the results from the drug test came in. The RPGP then disqualified her and awarded the victory to Barret. (*Note* Winners don’t use drugs) DragoonJay@excite.com "Can't we talk this out in a civilized manner?" asked Elly hopefully. "Sure." said Barret. "Great!" said Elly, before Barret kicked her out of the ring. "Start talking." said Barret, as he celebrated his victory. neoelfboy@hotmail.com As soon as Barret gets a limit, he uses Mindblow. Unfortunately for him, the average-strengthed Xenogears character deals more physical damage with her deathblows than any FF7 character can hope to with regular attacks, and she can use them just as often. Add in the fact that Elly has access to status-infliction with her various weapons, and the fact that Barret's Missing Score would be worthless, forcing him to rely on a weaker weapon, and Elly wins a straight physical slaughter, Mindblow be damned. Cecelia Lyne Adelhyde vs Philia Felice youkairyuu@comcast.net: Philia certainly has the upperhand in raw damage. Cecilia, however, can completely heal all that damage, reduce it with stat-up spells, and return it with her own variety of powerhouse spells. Cecelia: 168 Philia: 145 Doc vs Chu-Chu DragoonJay@excite.com: "Chu!"said Chu-Chu as she entered the ring normal-sized. "Dude!" said Doc, confident of an easy victory. "Chu!" bellowed the now monstrously large Chu-Chu. "...Dude." said Doc sadly before Chu-Chu made him a permanent fixture in the arena... as a floor tile. Doc: 140 Chu-Chu: 186 nemoincognito@hotmail.com What do you mean "uncoordinated attacks"? My Chu-Chu never had a problem hitting regular-sized opponents in her transformed state. Yeah well, her hit% is a BIT below average, but you make it sound like a problem. When transformed she has over 30,000 HP, a heal spell and enough power to crush most lights (and middles) in one attack. In an ideal world these abilities would put her in heavy but people just make fun of her instead and say how much she sucks. People who discriminate against Chu-Chu just because she's the "comic relief" of Xenogears are as bad as any fanboy IMO. (Besides even with her bad rap I'll be extremely surprised if she loses this fight. Doc is easily one of Chrono Cross' worst characters. It's a case of "hate her, hate him more"). chipstick85@aol.com Doc walks into the arena and looks at Chu chu. "My power has been compared to that of your so called Doc, I suggest you leave." Chu chu, being no fool replies "why are you in light?" ::grows big, squashes Doc:: gorgy@yahoo.com Doc may not be very tough, but a little PCP and he's be fighting like a heavy. Sylvina vs Jelanda Artolia MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Jelanda begins the match by calmly doing her nails. Occasionally, she looks up, glad for the wide-brimmed hat she's wearing, which keeps that *awful* sun off her face. But it's the strangest thing. There's no sign of her opponent at all. Finally, she asks (we can imagine, for charity's sake, that she did it nicely) whether or not she has to remain in the arena, and is told that no, actually, Miss Sylvina had been reviewing some of Miss Yumei's matches, and had heard that HRH Princess Jelanda had rather similar abilities. Nose held high, Jelanda departed with a mighty victory - not only had she won the match, she hadn't even had to lower herself to fight another pesky peasant. Now, she thought, if only Edgar Figaro could just be persuaded to see that we're simply *made* for each other... Sylvina: 88 Jelanda: 204 neoelfboy@hotmail.com For her second straight match, Sylvina faced a mage. Too bad that not all mages have a habit of missing their targets. Llewelyn vs Rikku DragoonJay@excite.com: As several experts had theorized, Rikku had managed to convince her father to transform the arena into a large pool. Unlike several experts had theorized, Llewellyn came prepared with a full PWS and an effective PFD. "A what?" *sigh*... Personal Flotation Device. "Oh." Without her one major advantage, Llew had no difficulties in sending Rikku to the loser's bracket. Llewelyn: 165 Rikku: 158 wyrmspirit@hotmail.com unfortunateky for Llewellyn, Rikku stole all of his pants the night before, and he was unable to leave his room, let alone attend the match, Rikku was declared winner by default. youkairyuu@comcast.net Layer Storm > Rikku's 500 damage attack /w Godhand. Only thing going in Rikku's favor is her Potion of 9999, which won't help much when she's dead. QuietCannon@Yahoo.com Before the match even began, Rikku bribed some of the RPGP staff into altering the rules for the match. With the help of Tidus and Wakka, they were able to relocate the match to the Aurochs’ Blitzball arena. Rikku wasn’t much of a player herself, but she was a great swimmer and could fight just as easily underwater as on land. Although, as she expected, her opponent never showed up. Llewellyn obviously wasn’t prepared for this type of a match and backed out upon hearing of the last minute change, giving Rikku the win by default. Noel Chandler vs Bolgan MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: It's pretty obvious, between being a forest service employee and a blind enough follower to go along with a bunch of nutcases like the 10 Wise Men, that Noel is a raving leftist. As such, he'll no doubt support the Supreme Court decision against the execution of the mentally retarted... As for Bolgan, well, he's apolitical, but he knows somebody dumber than he is when he sees one. Result: 1 Noelburger, flame-broiled, medium-rare Noel: 136 Bolgan: 154 WickeDHugh@Hotmail.com Hans and Bo sat outside the arena, too tired and sick of not being contenders to cheer, but rather decided to wait for their friends. Bo's stomach was starting to rumble, so Hans took aim at a bird and fired. But, thanks to Hans low accuracy rate, he missed the bird's heart, clipping it's wing. Meanwhile, inside the arena.. Noel and Bolgan stared at eachother, looking quite fearsome.. well, fearsome for whom they were. And then, an injured bird fell between them. Noel's animal loving instincts made him run to try and heal the bird, and Bolgan's childlike innocent (stupidity) did the same for him. They both ran full speed at the bird... they met each other head on, dust flew everywhere, making it hard to see what was going on. Then, silence... the dust started to clear, and from it flew out the now all better bird. The fleeing dust revealed Noel, standing proudly, it seemed that pure strength could not beat pure love for animals. neoelfboy@hotmail.com Noel's no speedster, but he can easily avoid the sluggish Bolgan. Bolgan can't say he can do the same for Noel's repeated castings of Earthquake, can he? In fact, he can't say much of anything at all... Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! Please refrain from using vulgar or otherwise offensive language in your comments, since Mr. Cranbud will only accept such language if it is used for genuine humorous effect, and only on a good day. General BCp comments, comments about previous comments or multi-match comments should be directed to the BCp Visitor Forum on the main BCp site.