7 lucky and/or talented Commenters have their work featured on this week's RPGP Winners page - send in your best Comments at the Arena, cross your fingers, and YOU could join them! Hiro and Lucia vs Serge and Leena MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Serge and Leena were encouraged by their chances in this match. Leena was, anyway. Serge's mood was, as always, rather difficult to judge. But in any case, the Arni couple was sure they had an edge. Lucia was clearly a liability for the opposing team, on account of both her utter lack of intellect and the relative weakness of her spells. All they had to do was eliminate Hiro, and the battle would practically be won! Sadly for Serge and Leena, while all of this was manifestly true, eliminating Hiro was far beyond their abilities. Hiro and Lucia: 219 Serge and Leena: 118 Shale0@msn.com Together, Serge and Leena can easily eliminate either of their foes by the second round of combat. Unfortunately, by that time, one of them will be down as well, the victim of Triple Sword and Plasma Rain, and another one of either will finish the fight. nemoincognito@hotmail.com Hiro can do powerful attacks numerous times. Lucia can do powerful attacks an unlimited number of times and heal Hiro when his HP gets low. Serge can do some fairly powerful attacks once each. Leena.... don't ask. -Infinity Dragon- It doesn't really matter if Serge and Leena have the strength to take out Hiro or Lucia in one or two rounds, since that is a round or two they don't have. Lucia moves faster than just about everything...and Soul Rush kills just about everything. taintedbiade@aol.com Almost even, except for one thing: Serge has to wait to use his best attack, whereas Hiro can devastate Serge with his Tri-Slash, leaving weak Leena, whom Lucia could take out all by herself. Justin and Feena vs Nall and Ruby MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Justin and Feena hesitated at the sight of two adorable winged kittens. As a result, they took no offensive actions (unless one calls cooing 'aww, isn't that *sweet*' offensive) until their opponents seized the chance to become 300-foot-long divine dragons. That was where Nall and Ruby made their biggest mistake. It took approximately 0.3 seconds for Feena, who had of course read *The Hobbit* about a billion times, to toss a knife at the precise spot on Ruby's chest that was undefended by her scaly armour. Nall wasted no time in ressurecting Ruby, but this was too little, too late. Lured by the certain fantastic treasures carried by all dragons, the adventuring couple quickly demolished them. Justin and Feena: 173 Nall and Ruby: 149 Shale0@msn.com Nall and Ruby enter battle as winged kittens - they have to change shape in battle. Feena has Timegate. You do the math. nemoincognito@hotmail.com The only thing that surprises me more than the fact that Nall and Ruby made it out the first round with the ignorant criticism usually leveled against them (not that I'm complaining though) is the fact RPGP let two such obscenely powerful characters into the tournament in the first place. By normal standards Nall and Ruby are double Godlikes. As the Dragons of Althena together they posess half the power of Althena. Half the power of a Goddess who once unleashed an attack so powerful it instantly obliterated Zohar, a high-Godlike by RPGP standards and cast the Earth into an ice age for a million years as a side-effect. Even with half that power we're talking atomic-bomb-on-fleas overkill. And it's not even like they need to use their magic anyway. It's simple logic - if a Dragon the size of a 747 hits you it's going to hurt, no doubt about it. "Ah" you say, "but what about Feena's End of the World?". Peanuts by comparison, and that's IF Ruby even feels it. The traditional home of the Red Dragon is a live volcano so she must have some kind of fire resistance. Feena on the other hand has nothing to stop her from feeling the full force of the Red Dragon Anger. So if you're one of these people who is like "Nall is just a guy with Althena's Sword blah blah blah Ruby can only do five HP damage per attack yadda yadda Ruby and Nall can only transform for a limited time" (the last one is plainly refuted in the text of EB by the way) then you should seriously think about wising up. I don't have anything against Justin and Feena but if they get even one vote then there is clearly something wrong here. sromero@DigiPen.edu For Justin and Feena, the plan was simple. Nothing could withstand Time Gate; not even dragons. Although, what they hadn’t counted on was Nall’s White Dragon Protect magic being able to block the effect. From there, Ruby in her dragon form proceeded to use Red Dragon Anger and burn their opponents under a massive firestorm. -Infinity Dragon- Feena immediately opens the match with Time Stop...and fails..."What is this? I've never had a spell fail on me before" "Simply put, It's my trademark ability" replied Nall who was now in his true form "I may look like a mere cat or kid sometimes, but I'm a lot smarter than you. I can read you like a book". With that he signaled Ruby to nuke them with Red Dragon Anger. Yuri and Alice vs Ryu and Nina TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com: Yuri is far stronger than Ryu. Seraphic Radiance makes Yuri stronger, faster, and gives him some powerful skills. It definitely outpowers Kaiser. Yuri's Amon is also a match for Ryu's lesser dragon forms, as while it's no where as strong as Seraphic Radiance, it is powerful enough to engage Ryu's Myrmidon, Mammoth, and other dragon forms in combat. Character-wise, Yuri is also stronger: Yuri is probably one of the strongest main character in an RPG ever: He's fast, has an excellent attack, easy to perform moves, lots of spells, and he isn't a wuss like Tidus. Alice is also stronger than Nina. While Nina may have more spells, they are not of better utility than Alice's. Nina's natural magic is fairly weak ( BoltX, Typhoon ) compared to Alice's Advent spell. Alice is also a stronger healer: Arc WILL max Yuri and Alice's HP out. All-in-all, Yuri and Alice are much stronger than Ryu and Nina. However, this battle falls under what I like to politely term the "Tinkerbell Syndrome". I'm sure everyone has seen Disney's Peter Pan, correct? Tinkerbell the fairy requires people's belief in her, specifically by clapping, to keep her alive, more or less. Here is where Ryu and Nina pull their major advantage: From a much more well-known series, their support is many times greater than their opponents'. Yuri and Alice are not as well-known, so fewer people will be "Clapping their belief in them", when compared to Ryu and Nina. So, Seraphic Radiance will be weakened from a God among God-like to a mere middle contender, while Kaiser's power will become that of the Infinity Dragon: Invincible. Sorry Yuri and Alice, but the moral of this story is: Disney is right when it comes to fairies and other otherworldly beings life-cycles. Yuri and Alice: 97 Ryu and Nina: 138 r_a_v_e_n13@hotmail.com This is too close of a match to call. Mind you, Ryu is a dragon god, he is still going to have a problem with Yuri. angelicus85@hotmail.com A match for the ages. Nothing else the RPGP has ever done will come close to Yuri vs. Ryu. One side has a healer, the other a potent attack mage. Yuri, as the Seraphic Radiance, quickly tries to dispatch Nina with a powerful For the Children. Ryu then uses Kaiser Breath, hoping to obliterate Alice and make the fight a preview of an upcoming Godlike Championship. Unfortunately, Alice does not die, nor does Nina. However, Alice's subsequent Advent does manage to polish off Nina and weaken Ryu further. Ryu quickly finishes Alice before she can heal Yuri. Yuri then attacks with all the power the Seraphic Radiance can muster, shifting Ryu back to his human form. Ryu quickly begins to transform again, but it is too late. Yuri attacks again, finishing off the powerful Dragon God and establishing himself as one of the true powerhouses of the RPGP. Claude and Rena vs Cecil and Rosa Lackshmana@aol.com: Cecil and Rosa will face Claude and Rena on a wing and a prayer. I guess then its a good thing he's a Paladin, and she's a White Mage. Claude and Rena: 148 Cecil and Rosa: 191 Shale0@msn.com There's no question that Claude's Killer Moves make him a better fighter than Cecil. However, that matters far less when you throw healers into the mix, especially since Rena can boost Claude's stats with spells like Growth, Protection, and Haste, while Rosa has her own Haste and Protect spells to cast. Of course, she also has Wall. Which reflects any spells cast at its target. Including healing and support spells. There goes Claude's advantage. RydiaCaller@aol.com Cecil and Rosa. That's just it. They're perhaps the best couple in Final Fantasy history, and maybe even in RPG history. But that's my opinion. Cecil is indeed a strong opponent, and he'll keep Claude on his toes. Rosa will have to help out, but in the end, the FF4 goodness will prevail...yes! -Infinity Dragon- Rena has truly exceptional healing. Too bad for her Rosa can cast Wall on Claude to prevent him from being healed. Rena also has Star Flare. Too bad for her, Rosa can cast Wall on herself to reflect it back. With Cecil's Cover, Rosa is now completely protected from physical and magical attacks, leaving her plenty of breathing room to continually cast Cure 3 or 4 on Cecil. Claude on the otherhand, he can no longer recieve healing, and all it will take to bring him down is one or two hits from Cecil with an added Holy or two. Rena won't last long at all against a full barrage of Cecil's enormus attack power and Rosa's potent Holy spell. tylorh@hotmail.com Rena quickly became redundant except for her healing as Rosa quickly cast Shell spells. Then, Rosa, who lacked Rena's fast multi-target attack spells, showed the advantage of one behemoth of a single target attack spell as she teamed up with Cecil to stun Claude with a Holy, setting him up for Cecil's finishing blow. Rena, unable to do more than scratch the shelled Paladin, and unable to concentrate long enough to cast Raise Dead with Rosa's constant barrage of arrows, soon joined her beau. itemcrash@msn.com I'd say this one would be in the bag for Cecil and Rosa, if not for one fact- Claude's weapon nulls holy elemental damage. That removes Rosa's attack spell, and seriously weakens Cecil's attack. That forces Cecil to use a weaker sword, or be the party healer. Sorry Cecil, better luck next time. chipstick85@aol.com (in the women's restroom, stall one. ;-) "Cecil, you know Claude can kick your paladin butt." "Yeah, but we have our secret stragey... take out the healer first." (At the diner) "Claude, you may be able to beat Cecil, but Rosa's holy is too powerful for me to match." "That's why I am gonna take our Rosa before Cecil knows what hit him." (Fight actually begins) Claude and Cecil charge straight at the females and with a few quick swipes the women are out of the fight. "Hey that was my strategy Claude!" "Yeah... well ya know I can take you 1 on 1." Claude rushes forward, but instead of meeting him Cecil circles around the arena back to Rosa. "CURE 2!" Cure 2, although being pathetically weak and useless, heals Rosa enough for her to begin casting Holy. Claude tries desperately to get Cecil out of the way so he can finished the weakened Rosa, but he cannot quite take Cecil fast enough. Holy weakens Claude enough that Cecil can easily dispatch him. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Unfortunately for Cecil and Rosa, Claude decided to be cheap this week and wear his Bloody Armor. ModeratorNo1@aol.com Claude, the Hero of Light, the brash teenager who save the Universe from a fate unfortold is now against a match he hasn't wanted so badly since defeating the only other back-to-back champion. The two love birds, king and queen, Cecil and Rosa come out into the arena. Boosted by their talent in magic and the utter cockiness that all Final Fantasies have; they go for the throat immediatly, and attack Rena. Seeing such a cheap tactic in advance, Claude takes out the opposition's healer: Rosa. But it was too late, Cecil had done cover and Claude had forgotten. In a short few moments Cecil had made it to Rena and was laying waste as Rena was desperatly trying to heal herself before another slash of the sword met her body. Claude rushed to the scene and Mirror Sliced Cecil in the back. Three Mirror Slices later Cecil had fallen. But it was too late, Rosa had taken out her bow and pierced Rena to the pool of Cecil's blood. Rena had died. Claude shook his fist at heaven, and in a scream of anger Ripper Blasted Rosa, followed up by Mirror Slice and enough attacks to make the strongest of folk cower. Rosa tried to save herself, and ran. But when the dust cleared off the battlefield, when Cecil looked up with his last breath to see who had won, he saw Claude standing there, sword in hand. Arc and Kukuru vs Cloud and Tifa ChaosD@starband.net: Arc got the first turn, and he used it wisely. The word Tifa and Cloud were dreading in this match was yelled. "Invincible!" The match might as well have ended there. Cloud and Tifa, albeit not the brightest couple, knew attacking Arc would be pointless, now. So, they went after Kukuru. But before they could reach her, Kukuru shouted, "Divine Blast!" The explosion through them back to the other side of the arena. Shortly after the dust cleared, Arc screamed, "Gale Flash!" Cloud was lucky. He had somehow survived the spell. When he got up, and looked for Tifa, all that was next to him was a bloody mess. Cloud was infuriated. He ran at Arc, glowing wildly. "OMNISLASH!!!!!!" he slashed wildly at Arc, with such force that any normal man would have died. Arc just blinked after the flailing sword had stopped. The invincible spell wore off as he whipped out his blade and cut Cloud across the face. Cloud screamed, and fell to the ground, lifeless. Arc and Kukuru: 152 Cloud and Tifa: 119 Shale0@msn.com Arc and Kukuru don't just have powerful healing. They don't just have two of the strongest spells in Arc The Lad, either of which are capable of winning the final battle alone. They have Invincible. Against that, all Omnislash is going to do is look pretty. Ace Gamer Cloud and Tifa could finish off Kukuru in moments. Arc, however, could toast them with just 2 or 3 Gale Flashes. Need healing? Arc has a healing move too, and with the move Slow Enemy, Arc can make them helplessly slow. Arc has a LARGE supply of HP too, so even when confronted with Omnislash, he most likely won't even need to heal. Chaz and Rika vs Alex and Luna lenicj@loras.edu: Chaz started the battle by readying for a megid. Suddenly, a voice started reverberating from Elsydeon. It was Rolf, who with Nei was defeated in the first round. "Don't do that," Rolf said, "he's using White Dragon Protect." Rika cast deban and saneron the two of them at once. Alex and Luna were puzzled by their opponents sudden defensive posture. As they were talking to each other, Rika charged at them, readying for disrupt and Chaz charged readying for airslash. Both attacks hit, but Alex used Blue Dragon Healing to completely heal the party. Chaz began to think that the battle was hopeless. The Elsydeon reverberated again. It was Rune, who told him to use weak magic as the protect only defended against one spell. Chaz then casted a tsu spell which the dragon protect fended off. Alex laughed saying, "What pathetic magic, I don't need to use the power of the white dragon again. Alex proceded to use a sword dance on Rika, killing her. Chaz was outnumbered and unsure of himself "What do I do know?" he thought. Elsydeon reverberated again. This time Rika was speaking to him through the sword. "MEGID", she exclaimed. "They can't defend against it." "Whatever you say." as Chaz wiped the flootr with his Megid spell. Chaz and Rika: 148 Alex and Luna: 135 Shale0@msn.com White Dragon Protect only lasts so long before Alex's MP are exhausted entirely, and Rika and Chaz have enough healing and protection techniques to survive until then. Once it's a fair fight, Deban, Shift, Cross-Slash, and Doubleslash should be enough to see them through. TheOblivionKnight@yahoo.com While White Dragon Protect will guard Alex and Luna from Megid, is won't protect them from Airslash, Rayblade, or Crosscut. And while Red Dragon Anger will hurt Chaz and Rika, Rika's NaSar technique will fully heal them back to full. Luna's Tranquil Song will NOT fully heal Alex and Luna, which makes Alex the primary healer against this powerful Phantasy Star 4 couple. Alex doesn't have the MP to keep both going constantly, so he'll have to second-guess Chaz's actions very carefully: will he use Megid, or Airslash, or what? Chaz and Rika, meanwhile, are both very fast, and both wield legendary weapons ( Elsydeon and Silver Tusk, respectively ) from their game. They can both heal, and Chaz has some deadly sword techniques, including the instant death Explode, not to mention the ever popular Megid. Rika also has Double Slash, Illusion and Eliminate, another instant death attack. Alex and Luna are totally outclassed in the attack department, and we all know that if you get into a healing loop, you're about to lose. Do it for Nei and Rolf, Chaz and Rika! Ramsus and Miang vs Crono and Marle MoogleEmpMog@Laguorok.org: Miang considered using her instant death attack, or at least supporting Ramsus, but decided that doing so would be a waste of her time. Instead, she concentrated on doing her nails, although it was admittedly a futile gesture. Ramsus bravely fought on against Crono and Marle both. His Blaze Pose and Mirror Stance counters, far more effective on foot than in his inevitably poor gears, did fine damage to the Guardia pair, but limited his options so much that, without Miang's help, he at last fell to Luminaire's power. The spell, with it's wide area of effect, had slain Miang long before. Crono turned to offer silent congratulations to Marle... And found her crossbow pointed at his face. He blinked. The last thing he saw was a distinctly evil smile on Marle's face, and the fact that her hair was a shade of blue that *really* didn't suit her, and her pulling the trigger. Miang looked down at her new body and frowned. Still, it would do. Ramsus and Miang: 181 Crono and Marle: 159 Shale0@msn.com No contest. Crono and Marle have cheap healing and powerful magic attacks to penetrate Mirror Stance, and Haste to boost their abilities in general. Add in the fact that either of them can ressurrect the other in the event that Miang gets lucky, and they'll easily be able to deal with Ramsus before their MP run low. After that, physical attacks and an occasional Aura Whirl will send Miang packing. nemoincognito@hotmail.com As overrated as Crono and Marle are in one-on-one tournaments they compliament each other quite nicely as a team. Crono deals great physical damage while Marle hastes and heals them both. Most worryingly of all they both posess a life spell so they can keep each other in the fight as long as their MP lasts. Ramus is a solid fighter but as far as variety goes he's a one-trick monkey, Mirror Stance being that trick. Of course Mirror Stance means very little when a) the other guy's team has a powerful healer who can cast Life 2 to instantly bring Crono back and b) Mirror Stance is not triggered by spells, so if he tries it again he's just asking for a Luminaire. Miang is little help here with her "stand behind Ramus and occasionally cast a weak heal spell" tactic. End result? Crono takes out the -Trash- (Oh no, I voted for Crono and Marle! I must now hand in my title of super l33t hardcore RPGamer and trade it for the badge of Square Fanboyism! Noooooooo!!! j/k) sromero@DigiPen.edu As the match began, Ramsus charged at his enemies with Miang following a few steps behind ready to back him up. Crono and Marle also charged forward in a similar way with Crono taking the lead. Just before Crono and Ramsus could meet in the center, Crono jumped up with his sword held high. Marle then sent some of her Ice magic to the sword, powering it up to take out Ramsus with a double tech attack. That attack never came. Miang hit Crono with her instant death attack before he was able to come down. With Crono having been defeated, Ramsus kept running forward and soon encountered Marle. Without hesitation, he slashed the princess and cut her down before she could do revive Crono. -Infinity Dragon- Miang opens the match by instantly slaying Marle. Crono ressurects her. Ramsus kills her again. Miang instantly kills Crono. Case in point-don't rely on round-robin resurrection, it doesn't work. tylorh@hotmail.com The tension in the arena was thick enough to cut with a blade as the time came for the match of the long-standing crowd favourites, Ramsus and Miang vs. Crono and Marle. On one side of the arena banners proclaiming the forthcoming championship of the silent death and shaggy red wigs prevailed. While on the other, cries of 'show'em who's -trash-!' and 'Mirror Stance 'em to death!' rained down. While below, Crono looked determined as he polished his katana to the appropriate sheen and did a bit of stretching as Marle waved to the crowd, giggling in anticipation. In the other preparation room, things were decidedly different. Miang stood in the middle of the room impatiently tapping her foot and silently fuming. Ramsus had yet to arrived. And so she waited, devising several sadistic and humiliating methods to 'teach' Ramsus the benefits of punctuality as match time came, and then went. Meanwhile, far away from the arena a battered van sped down the highway. Covering it were such slogans as 'Silent Death Forever!' and 'Long Live Guardia!', and flying from its skylight was a banner with Crono's likeness on it. Inside was both the expected, a bunch of CT fanboys, and the unexpected, Ramsus. Though why Ramsus was there was a simple thing really. The fanboys had visited him, dressed instead as XG fanboys. Ramsus, unused to adoring groupies who usually clung to Fei or Id instead, was caught rather offguard, and was easy prey for the large, blunt object that was smashed into the back of his head. The effects of which were only starting to wear off as the fanboys found a suitable dumpster to ditch him in. And so, wondering just what fresh hell Miang had in store for him for causing them to lose the match, Ramsus began trying to get home. luisfe56@hotmail.com Well... Ramsus can dish out large amounts of damge... Crono can too. Ramsus can counter any physical attack. Crono cannot. Crono can use magic. Ramsus Cannot. Crono can heal. Ramsus cannot. Marle sucks at dealing damage. Miang does not (look at Opiomorph for more proof of that :P) Marle can heal, Miang too. Marle uses powerfull magic, Miang does not. Thus: Ramsus loses to Crono after a close fight... But Miang just explodes in anger a la Elly in Jugend... Result: Crono and Marle dead and splatted in the walls and floor of the Arena... MrBucket2525@hotmail.com If Miang and Ramus were able to use there respective Gear abilities (Ramus can lower everyone to 1, and Miang can do large amounts of damage to everyone) it would be an easy win. HOWEVER, all Miang can do out of Gear is heal about 200 HP, and Ramus can only attack one person or go in mirror stance. As a matter of fact, in any gear but Opiomorph, her last one, Miang cannot do damage. This major problem(s) makes this team an easy victory. How they won even one match is beyoned me. Ryudo and Elena vs Alucard and Maria -Infinity Dragon-: Alucard enters this match with a different objective: To prove he doesn't need the Crissaegrim or Maria's invincibility. Instead he has equipped himself with the dreaded Muramasa, a full set of throwing knives, and to top it off, his macabre Blood Cloak. This combo proved just as effective as his Crissaegrim/Ring of Varda combo....everytime Ryodo hit Alucard, more throwing knives appeared at his belt, and everytime Alucard hit Ryodo with a dagger, the blood from the wound would be absorbed into the Muramasa, healing Alucard. This infinite chain continued until Ryodo realized that attacking Alucard only helped his cause...unfortunately for him, it was too late. The Muramasa had been powered up beyond belief, and a simple flurry of strokes made quick work of the young swordsman. Elena fell just as quickly as she found her Apocalypse spell to be negated rather effectively by Alucard's Holy Mail. Ryudo and Elena: 116 Alucard and Maria: 175 Shale0@msn.com What can I say that wasn't said last week? Crissaegrim. Alucard Shield. Invulnerablity. Ludicrously cheap win for Alucard and Maria. RockytheHercules@yahoo.com After single-handedly dispatching Lenneth Valkyrie and Lucian, Alucard is beaming with energy. Ryudo and Elena enter the arena confidently after having defeated Stahn and Rutee just recently. Quickly, Ryudo and Elena's flurries of attacks, like Purple Lightning, Tenseiken Slash, Impact Bomb and Zap! take Maria out almost instantly. But, after doing just that, they can not find Alucard. He had previously turned into a bat and flown into the air. Then, he drops, using the Cross subweapon to rend both Ryudo and Elena. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Are Alucard and Maria REALLY a couple? I think, in total, they've spoke maybe seven sentences to each other. Other than that, all Maria did was go after Alucard after SotN. Oh yea, Alucard: Crissaegrim over and over while Maria: Heals the little damage Alucard will take. The Most Wicked Villain tylorh@hotmail.com: While Luca is more artful with his killing, he really doesn't stand a chance against the efficient and vindictave nature of Kefka's own brutality. Especially once Kefka get's into his tower. After all, there's very little a sword can do that a world spanning magical laser o' doom cannot do better, and Kefka's natural instinct of wiping out the competition combined with the handy phrase, "where there's smoke, there's Luca" will lead to, if not Luca's eventual death, the firy destruction of everything around him. And that's just when Kefka is going for the pidly destruction of the Light of Judgement. The true desolation will begin as soon as Kefka decides to teach himself interior design. Granted, while this subject doesn't seem the sort of thing that wrecks worlds, the phrase "Hmmm, no... that isn't quite right, but maybe if I move this other one here!" takes on a whole new meaning when the objects in question are not stylish new lamps, but rather the Goddess Statues whose very position determines the face of the globe. And, no matter how hard he tries, Luca ain't gonna tear continents into itty bitty pieces with his sword. Luca Blight: 162 Kefka: 185 gorgy@adelphia.net Well, in a straight out fight Luca could crush Kefka. But Kefka should be able to avoid Luca, and when it comes to slaughtering innocents Kefka's methods are just faster. SimPlus@hotmail.com Run, Luca, run. Or you'll be well done. BradPsucks@hotmail.com Kefka is ULTIMATELY evil. cmon. . .He poisoned hundreds of people. He burns towns. He killed hundreds of Espers. Hes the epitomy of evil. RubicantV@aol.com LUCA = SATAN HIMSELF. HE WINS. sromero@DigiPen.edu Both villains were prepared and ready for their week long tour of destruction through the civilian population. Part of that preparation was gathering support troops to help annihilate the towns and cities. Luca had assembled a team of one hundred Highland soldiers to accompany him, while Kefka had a squad of soldiers in Magitek Armor, which was as effective as a small army. With so much power backing up their own incredible strength, each villain was sure they would be able to slaughter an unbelievable amount of civilians; or so they thought. Each town they had set out to destroy had been found abandoned. It seemed that once word got out of this competition, the people had evacuated their towns and sought shelter elsewhere to avoid a massacre. Though Kefka and Luca took the time to raze each of the towns they had each passed through, they still maintained a kill score of zero throughout the week. In their frustration, they spent their last day turning their anger towards their own soldiers. Not even the powerful Magitek Armor was able to stand up against Kefka’s magic. On the other side of the country, an enraged Luca Blight viciously hacked several of his soldiers with a blood stained sword determined to kill someone (ANYONE!) this week. Fortunately for Luca, he had many more pawns available to slaughter making his casualty list much longer than Kefka’s (Though not nearly as long as he would have liked) crystalgatedh@hotmail.com Lets start with the possibility of them killing eash other. Luca is probably the strongest of them and therefore would win the fight. As underrated as Kefka is, many of his strongest attacks doesn't work on fellow bosses. The only problem is that Kefka certainly won't stand and fight. He will just run away without even trying to attack and we all know his response if Luca yells at him to wait. My conclusion is therefore that none of them will get killed and it boiles down to sheer destruction. Whe it comes to destruction, Kefka would easily win if he just put his mind into it, but he won't. Kefka does whatever comes to his mind at the moment. Luca is more the systematical maniac here. He will probably make the best start. The problem for him is that his soldiers lacks his ability to survive Kefka's eathquakes, thunderstorms and whatever Kefka may use. Luca's soldiers will either desert him or be killed to almost last man pretty early. After that, Luca is screwed. As strong as he may be, there is a limit to what he can do if the citicens start to run at eash direction. Burning down towns alone won't be much more effective either. I have to go with Kefka. -Infinity Dragon- Kefka went to the first city, and did his usual job of poisoning it. Luca simply slaughtered everyone. Kefka went to his next town, and tricked everyone into liking him, then he backstabbed them all. Luca simply slaughtered everyone. Kefka went to the next city and slowly killed everyone by stabbing them in the back with his knife. Luca simply slaughtered everyone. Within the week, Kefka had reached his 4th city...and much to his horror, saw that Luca had already slaughtered everyone. "You, pig, are too slow. What good is poison and slippery words to the cold steel of a simple blade? This already the 15th town of knocked off, with me and my blade alone. However, there is still one person left in this town, and he needs to die." Kefka realized then that simple brutality was more effective than intricate plans and tricks...unfortunately his enlightenment was short lived as Luca removed Kefka's head from his neck. kechb_ac@hotmail.com Falle Angel, Fallen Angel, Fallen Angel, Fallen Angel, Falle Angel, Fallen Angel, Fallen Angel, Fallen Angel, Falle Angel, Fallen Angel, Fallen Angel, Fallen Angel and yes I really am not going to say anymore. tuahan@aol.com I hardly know a thing about either of these characters, but Luca looks cooler and apparently has a shirt, whereas Kefka lacks one. Shraifer@hotmail.com Kefka: "Wheeeeeeeeehehehehehe this is going to be so much fun," as he climbs to the top of his famous tower and uses his light of judgement magic to begins sending out giant laser beam all over the world. He also surprising following his orders by destroying a small town in less the a second, then moving on from their. Soon after which, he is already laying waste to countries with his esper magic. However, one his stray LOJ blast, hit the arena during Ryu match killing Yuri right off the bat. Ryu, in sheer anger, launches a counter Kaiser breath back at Kefka temparally knocking the mad clown out. This give Luca Blight some time to recover as he begins to marching his masive army around sacking everything he can get his hands on. Kefka still stunned, but not out, continues his rampage on a slightly weaker scale, but more then enough to still stay a head of Luca Blight. When Kefka enter the arena to collect his prizes for mass destruction, the heroes of several countries surround him with their weapon which look unsuprisingly extra sharp. Kefka, "Wait, I was only doing my Job!!" Saban imitating Kefka voice, "Wait? Do I look like a waiter," as the heroes all attack him at once tearing him to bits for the destruction of their countries. Kefka wins...sort of... Vilmizer@hotmail.com Luca Blight! While Kefka is busy laughing like a maniac Luca Blight will be busy killing and destroying everything in sight. Lord Luca deserves this! (Oops, did I say lord again? Eh, hehehehe) PumpkinSed@aol.com If it were a normal melee battle, Luca would have this one...but it's the "Most Wicked Villain" and you can't get more wicked than Kefka. RIP Cyan's Family, General Leo, Shadow (depends), Emperor Gahstal, and the many Espers. dark_nite2000@yahoo.com Two words: Beast Rune. dooku@singapore.com Right, so these two gentlemen are technically the two most evil bastards known to men. The question is which of the two is the evil of the evil? Luca, although insane as he is, had his reasons for doing what he does. What they are, well, I can't tell you. You should know what happened to Luca's mom if you're even reading this. Kefka on the other hand has no bloody reason whatsoever for destroying city after city. In the most part, he quite frankly looks like he does it for fun. Plus, he killed the chocobos! Anyone who kills chocobos is the sickest, most depraved and evil bastard known to man! Damn j00 Kefka!! Damn you and your annoying clown laugh of insane evilness! wyrmspirit@hotmail.com Unfortunately for Kefka, Luca wasted no time in having him crawling across the ground, begging for mercy impersonating a pig.. "Die pig!" vuduswing@aol.com I dont know much about Luca, but Kefka will sit atop his tower, using the Ray of Judgement to burn down towns left and right, his magitek armored knights supporting. If that doesn't work, then Kefka's devious laugh will cause those who survive to kill themselves so as to spare themselves from that tormenting sound. MrBucket2525@hotmail.com Ya see, even Luca has problems in life (being psychologically screwed up and everything), so he an excuse to be evil. Kefka, however, has no excuse to be evil, but he is anyway, making him technically more evil. Also, Luca is a do-it-yourself kind of guy, and Kefka isn't. So in the end, one of Kefka's random assassination attempts is sure to get through. XvAshtonvX@hotmail.com While Kefka is thinking of gruesome new ways to kill innocent beings... Luca Blight is killing... While Kefka is executing his new plan on an unsuspecting village... Luca Blight is killing some more... While Kefka is laughing maniacally because of his plans success... Luca Blight is killing Kefka... Luca Blight wins easily. GrandmastaBrick@aol.com Kefka:*Fallen Angel* Luca:"Augh...what is...this power?" Kefka:"Destroy, destroy..." Luca:*Attempts an attack* Kefka:*flick to end the match* NinjaPrzEdge@aol.com I remember when Kefka stabbed General Leo right where it counted the most...between his legs. Now, if that ain't just the most evil thing ever, I don't wanna know what is... Do you want YOUR comments seen at the RPG Playoffs Online? Just send them in along with your votes and Mr. Cranbud and the RPGP staff will review them for publication! 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